[еКнига] English literature

Здесь недавно спрашивали литературу на английском языке:
Хочу сразу предупредить, что приведенные ниже ссылки я настоящий момент
проверить не мог, поскольку не имею нормального выхода в интернет.
Не так давно была русскоязычная библиотека greylib, содержавшая книги
современных иностранных авторов, в большинстве англоязычных, на языке
оригинала. Попробуйте поискать greylib при помощи какого-либо поискового
Масса текстов. Тематика вполне соответствует названию ресурса.
Следующий сайт, если мне не изменяет память, является поисковым интерфейсом
к текстам, содержащимся на множестве серверов:
The Online Books Page.
Provides links to over 11,000 full-text books and journals in English.
Maintained by John Ockerbloom of the University of Pennsylvania, the site is
updated daily and offers searches by author, title, and subject as well as
special exhibits on women writers, banned books, and prize winners.
И еще несколько:
American and English Literature Internet Resources.
This site, maintained by librarians at Southern Connecticut State
University, is organized three main ways: by links to and about e-texts; by
links to general literature resources; and by categories that become
progressively more specific, moving from genre (poetry, fiction, science
fiction, Native American literature) to authors.
A site previously known as The English Server, maintained by graduate
students and faculty at the University of Washington. Eserver provides many
links to literature-related sites and publishes works such as essays and
reviews. Its 42 collections offer diverse topics including criticism;
cultural theory; gender, race, and Internet studies; and rhetoric. Most
writings are shared publicly, but some are available to members only.
Mailing lists and discussion groups are accessible, and users can submit
their own work for possible inclusion on the site.
Internet Public Library Online Literary Criticism Collection.
A collection of more than 4,000 links, selected for quality and organized by
author, title, nationality, and period. Some links are to subscription
databases that may not be available in your library, but most are freely
accessible. The Internet Public Library (IPL) is a public service
organization of the School of Information at the University of Michigan.
A Literary Index: Internet Resources in Literature.
A selective index geared toward students and scholars that includes sections
on conducting literary research, archives of e-texts, and information on
books and presses, composition rhetoric and writing, and teaching
literature. The site is well organized and provides background information
on the resources it provides. Maintained by Chris Flack for the Department
of English at Vanderbilt University.
Literary Resources on the Net.
A large, well-organized index to academic sites in English and American
literature. It is organized topically, including sections on women's
literature and feminism, ethnicity and nationality, and theory. Most links
have brief annotations. The site is maintained by Jack Lynch, assistant
professor in the English Department at Rutgers University.
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Ищу книги:
1. Дмитричев И.И. Статискика уровня жизни населения. Методология
оценки и анализа стоимости жизни населения. М., 1995.
2. Методологические положения по статистике. Вып. 1. М., 1996.
Или любые другие издания по статистике доходов, уровня жизни,
занятости и т.д.