[еКнига] Komp knigi

Hello lit,
kto to tam nuzhdals'a v knigax po komputernimu programirrovaniu
saitov ya ne znau no u menya est' nesko'ko:
-yroki programirrovaniya MS VC 6.0
-OpenGL red book
-A Programmers Introduction to PHP 4.0
-PHP Developer's Cookbook, Second Edition
-Wiley & Sons - Secure PHP Development - Building 50 Practical Applications.pdf
-Web application design with php4.pdf
-Teach Yourself SQL in 21 Days (1).pdf
-Teach Yourself Visual C++ In 21 Days
O'reilly Reference Library:
The Networking CD Bookshelf
* TCP/IP Network Administration
* sendmail
* sendmail Desktop Reference
* Building Internet Firewalls
* Practical UNIX & Internet Security
The UNIX CD Bookshelf
* UNIX Power Tools
* UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition
* Learning the vi Editor
* sed & awk
* Learning the Korn Shell
* Learning the UNIX Operating System
Web Reference Library (Web Developer's Library)
* HTML: The Definitive Guide
* CGI Programming on the World Wide Web
* JavaScript: The Definitive Guide
* Programming Perl
* Webmaster in a Nutshell
The Perl CD Bookshelf
* Perl in a nutshell
* Learning Perl
* Learning Perl on Win32
* Programming Perl
* Advanced Perl programming
* Perl cookbook
Java Reference Library
* Java in a Nutshell
* Java Language Reference
* Java AWT Reference
* Java Fundamental Classes Reference
* Exploring Java
* Using Samba
-Learning Linux -Collection of 12 Ebooks-
eslichto nuzhno pishite i ya poprobyu otpravit'