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Сайт рассылки: http://www.kodeks.ru Открыта: 20-12-2006
There are approved changes in the order of Federal service of air transport of the Russian Federation from May, 6th, 2000 N 121 2007-10-16 08:00
By the order of Ministry of Transport of Russia from September, 7th, 2007 N 133 (document is in Russian) there are made changes to the order of Federal service of air transport of the Russian Federation from May, 6th, 2000 N 121 "About the statement and introduction in action of Federal aviation rules "Certified requirements to the legal persons who are carrying out aeroport activity on air field maintenance of flights of air courts" (document is in Russian). According to the changes, certification now is spent when due hereunder by the authorized body in the field of civil aircraft and its territorial bodies. Also there are made changes to the requirements shown to applicants - to the organizations, wishing to carry out or carrying out activity on air field maintenance of flights of civil air courts on internal and international air-lines of the Russian Federation, irrespective of a pattern of ownership and a departmental accessory.
There are made changes to the order of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation from June, 23rd, 2003 N 150 2007-10-16 08:00
By the order of Ministry of Transport of Russia from September, 7th, 2007 N 132 (document is in Russian) there are made changes to the order of the Ministry of transport of the Russian Federation from June, 23rd, 2003 N 150 "About the statement of Federal aviation rules "Certified requirements to the legal persons who are carrying out aeroport activity on maintenance of service of passengers, luggage, cargoes and mails"(document is in Russian), according to which at the international airport besides the boundary and customs control, over the cases established by the international contracts of the Russian Federation and federal acts other kinds of the control are carried out too.
There are made changes to the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia "About fulfilment of separate customs operations at use of a customs mode of time export" 2007-10-16 08:00
By the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia from September, 11th, 2007 N 1109 (document is in Russian) there are made changes to item 1 of the order of the State Customs Committee of Russia from December, 4th, 2003 N 1389 "About fulfilment of separate customs operations at use of a customs mode of time export" (document is in Russian) according to which powers on prolongation of term of time export the customs post which is carrying out the customs control over temporarily taken out goods possesses.
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