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News of the Federal Legislation

News of the Federal Legislation за 21.03.07

21.03.2007 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION There is certain the list of trees and bushes preparation of wood from which is not supposed By the decree of the RF Government from March, 15th, 2007 N 162 (document is in Russian) in conformity with article 29 of the Wood code of the Russian Federation (document is in Russian) there is approved the list of trees and bushes preparation of wood from which is not supposed. There are approved the Methodical recommendations explaining the order of filling of forms of...

2007-03-22 19:05:48 + Комментировать

News of the Federal Legislation

There is certain the list of trees and bushes preparation of wood from which is not supposed 2007-03-21 06:00 NEWS OF THE FEDERAL LEGISLATION There is certain the list of trees and bushes preparation of wood from which is not supposed By the decree of the RF Government from March, 15th, 2007 N 162 (document is in Russian) in conformity with article 29 of the Wood code of the Russian Federation (document is in Russian) there is approved the list of trees and bushes preparation of wood from which is not supp...

2007-03-22 13:07:25 + Комментировать