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Еженедельные путешествия в мир, который говорит по-английски Humor on the Run (#7)

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Еженедельные путешествия в мир,
который говорит по-английски
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Слово - Dело: www.slovo-delo.ru

Humor on the Run (#7)

Добрый день, уважаемые подписчики. Специально для тех, кто недавно подписался на нашу рассылку сообщаю, что в четверг-пятницу мы делаем выпуск, посвящённый исключительно юмору (анекдоты, шутки и т.д.) на английском языке. Не спешите отписываться! По понедельникам выходит настоящий выпуск, посвящённый каким-нибудь проблемам, трудностям и интересностям английского языка. Так что даже если трудно понимать юмор (всё-таки надеюсь, что вы разберётесь), ждите понедельника. А в середине недели мы отдыхаем, наслаждаясь английским юмором или шуткам на английском языке. Сегодня вашему вниманию предлагаю шутки про блондинок (это отдельная категория юмора, которую ну никак нельзя обойти, так как над глупостью блондинок смеются во всём мире). Блондинок прошу не обижаться, мы вас всё равно очень любим!

Blonde Jokes

Q: how does a blond kill a bird?

A: she throws it off a cliff

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Q: Why did the blonde have to drink a hot pepsi?

A: Because she couldn't fit any ice into the bottle.

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Q. How do you know a blonde has been using a dishwasher?

A. It's cloged up with paperplates.

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Q.How many blondes does it take to change a light bulb?

A. 3.1 to find bulb 1 to find a ladder &1 to find a man.

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There were three women at an American college eating lunch. There was a Russian, American, and a Blonde. They were all bragging about their countries. The Russian said," We were the first in space." The American said," We were the first on the moon." The Blonde said," Well, we will be the first on the sun." The Russian said," You cannot do that or you will burn up!" "Duh! We'll go at night." the Blonde replied.

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One day, a blonde, brunette, and redhead were walking along a beach. Suddenly, a bird flies over and craps on the redhead. The blonde tells the brunette, "Quick, go get some toilet paper!" The brunette replies, "By the time I get back, the bird will be gone!"

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Why don't blondes know how to write the number "11"?

They don't know which "1" comes first!

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Q: How does a blond kill a fish?

A: She drowns it

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Q: Why did the blonde tip toe past the medicine cabinet?

A: Because she didn't want to wake up the sleeping pills.

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Q. What does a U.F.O and an intellegent blonde have in common?

A. You always hear about them... but you never see them!

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Q: How do blonde brain cells die?

A: Alone!

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Q: Have you heard about the new shirts made just for blondes?

A: They come with an instruction manual. LEFT ARM, RIGHT ARM, HEAD, FRONT, BACK.

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Two blondes are observed in a parking lot trying to unlock the door of their BMW.

Blonde #1: I cant seem to get this door unlocked.

Blonde #2: Well, you better hurry up. It's starting to rain and the top is down!

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There is a blonde and a brunette that want to commit suicide, so they climb up the Eiffel tower. The brunette jumps off, and the blonde goes to somebody and asks how do you get down.

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Q: What do you call a blonde with half a brain?

A: Gifted!

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Q. How do you know when a blonde is making chocolate cookies?

A. There are M&M shells all over the place.

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