Hello, Comoderator!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009, 8:09:39 PM, вы писали:
C> Уважаемая евгения, здесь не обсуждаются ни какие вопросы, кроме
C> компьютерных. Насколько я знаю, симбиан не предназначена для установки
C> на компьютер, поэтому обсуждение этой системы в листе запрещено.
Не верная информация.
google.com -> symbian on pc
There's some talk of using Google Android for platforms other than smartphones.
Some people are saying that Google
Android would be suitable for MIDs and netbooks, largely because its lightweight
installation. What about that other
smartphone OS that occupies a large part of the world?
I'm not exactly sure where they can take this, but a couple of "capable guys"
were able to get Symbian S60 to run on a
standard Intel Atom-based motherboard. The motherboard has not been modified,
as far as I can tell, and it is of the
usual off-the-shelf variety. An Atom-powered Symbian smartPC?
This is quite the feat, considering that Atom was never meant to power the Symbian
operating system, but where do we go
from here? The guys at SOSCO (S60 on Symbian Customer Operations) are at a loss
as to what to do with their
Symbian-based PC, looking to the community for feedback or what the next step
may be.
For now, Lee Williams says that the user interface is very responsive and the
upper application layers are impressive.
That's all well and good, but I still think that Symbian needs an extreme makeover,
in terms of outward appearance,
before it could be suitably used for a tablet or netbook.
Via intomobile.com