Спешу вас обрадовать очередным выпуском рассылочки. Держите, еще горяченький, несмотря
прекрасную погоду (это означает, что льет как из ведра и немного зябко :0))
Сегодня в лидеры вышел еще один активный и почетный машпереводчик Дмитрий
Богатырев (наверняка вы еще не видели его рук и головы творение - www.anie-troll.newmail.ru,
- замечательный сайт, посвященный авторской поэзии!)
Честь и хвала вам, о ударники переводного дела!
Команда фильма находилась в позиции глубокой в пустыне. Один день
старый Индийский возрастал до директора и сказал, "завтра дождь."
Следующий день, который он лил. Неделя позже, Индийский возрастал до
директора и сказал, "завтра шторм." Следующий день была гроза с
градом. "Этот Индийский - невероятное," сообщал директор. Он сообщил
своему секретарю наняться Индийский, чтобы предсказать погоду. Тем не
менее, после несколько успешных прогнозов, старый Индийский не
появлялся в течение двух недель.
Наконец директор послался для него. "Я должен стрелять большую сцену
завтра," сообщал директор, "и Я в зависимости от Вас. Что если погода
будет похожей?" Индийские пожимающие плечами его плеча. "Не знать," он
сказал. "Радио разбито."
А это - ну очень дружественный сайт, так как он есть рук моих творение :0). Там все
интересующиеся могут ознакомиться
со способами заработка на просторах сети. Жду в гости!
Two attorneys went into a diner and ordered two drinks. Then they produced sandwiches
from their briefcases and started to eat. The waiter became quite concerned and marched
over and told them, "You can't eat your own sandwiches in here!" The attorneys looked
at each other, shrugged their
shoulders and then exchanged sandwiches.
A circus owner walked into a bar to see everyone crowded about a table watching a
little show. On the table was an upside-down pot and a duck tap dancing on it. The
circus owner was so impressed that he offered to buy the duck from its owner. After
some wheeling and dealing they settled for $10,000 for the duck and the pot. Three
days later the circus owner runs back to the bar in anger, "Your duck is a rip-off!
I put him on the pot before a whole audience and he didn't dance a single step!"
"So?" asked the ducks former owner, "did you remember to light the candle under the
A large two engine train was crossing America. After they had gone some distance
one of the engines broke down. "No problem," the engineer thought, and carried on
at half-power. Further on down the line, the other engine broke down, and the train
came to a standstill. The engineer decided he should inform the passengers about
why the train had stopped, and made the following announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen,
I have some good news and some bad news. The bad news is that both engines have failed,
and we will be stuck here for some time. The good news is that this is a train and
not a plane."
A fellow came into a bar and ordered a martini. Before drinking it, he removed the
olive and carefully put it into a glass jar. Then he ordered another martini and
did the same thing. After an hour, when he was full of martinis and the jar was full
of olives, he staggered out. "Well," said a customer, "I never saw anything as peculiar
as that!" "What's so peculiar about it?" the bartender said. "His wife sent him out
for a jar of olives."
Little Johnny returns from school and says he got an F in arithmetic. "Why?" asks
the father.
"The teacher asked 'How much is 2x3?' and I said '6'" "But that's right!" said the
father. "Then she asked me 'How much is 3x2?'" "What's the f?@#%! difference?" the
father said. "That's exactly what I said!" said little Johnny.