Сияет жаркое летнее солнце, на ветках расположились с песнями и плясками птицы,
а наша рассылка размашистыми шагами выходит из вынужденного подполья :0)
Как говорится, страда завершилась в пользу крестьян...
В прошлой рассылке я уделил немного внимания статистике и тенденциям
аудитории рассылки. Результат - в тот же день отписались 47 человек...
Что ж, намек понят, больше никаких внутренних деталей, только скупое и косноязычное
изложение тематического материала :0)
Далее - победителем сегодня стал Дмитрий
Богатырев :
Отец был на береге с его детьми когда четыре года-старый сын
поднимался он, захватывавший его руку, и проведенную его на берег, где
чайка клала мертвый в песке. "Папа, что случился с ему?" попрошенный
сын. "Он умер и шел в Небо," отвеченный папа. Мальчик думал в течение
момента и затем попрошенное, "Папа, Бог бросал его вниз?"
Ну, а сейчас перед вами, дорогие листатели, очередной номер, посвященный взрослой
тематике в мировой культуре. Просьба детям до 16 лет, свободно владеющим английским
а также личностям с неуравновешенной психикой, немедленно выкинуть, а лучше сжечь,
данный выпуск...
This little boy wakes up 3 nights in a row when he hears a thumping sound
coming from his parents bedroom. Finally one morning he goes to his mom and
says: "Mommy, every night I hear you and daddy making noise and when I look
in you're bouncing up and down on him." His mom is taken by surprise and says:
"Oh... well I'm bouncing on his stomach because he's fat and that makes him
thin again." And the boy says: "That won't work." His mom says: "Why not?" The
boy replies: "Because the lady next door comes by after you leave each day and
blows him back up!"
A man and his wife go to their honeymoon hotel for their 25th anniversary. As
the couple reflects on that magical evening 25 years ago, the wife asks her
husband: "When you first saw my naked body in front of you, what was going
through your mind?" The husband replies, "All I wanted to do was to fuck your
brains out, and suck your tits dry." Then, as the wife undresses, she asks:
"What are you thinking now?" He replies: "It looks like I did a pretty good job."
Little Johnny sees that his friend at school has a new watch so he asks him how
he got it. "I waited until I heard the bedsprings squeaking in my folk's
bedroom and then I ran in. My father gave me a watch to get rid of me," replied
the little friend. Little Johnny, thinking that this was a cool idea goes home
and waits until he hears the bedsprings squeaking rhythmically and then runs
into his folk's bedroom. "What do YOU want?!" asks the father gruffly. "I want
a watch!" says Johnny. "Well then, sit down and shut up!" Dad replies.
Harry and his wife were driving in the country when he saw a sign that said,
"Cow For Sale...$5000" He pulled in and said to the farmer, "There's no cow in
the world worth five thousand dollars." The farmer said, "Oh, yeah? Take a look
at this!" He lifted the cow's tail, and Harry saw that the cow had a snatch
just like a woman. Harry got back in the car, turned to his wife, and began
to cry, "It's just not fair. Here's this farmer with a cow that has a snatch
like a woman and it's worth $5000. And here I am, with you, with a snatch like
a cow, and you ain't worth shit!"
A farmer and his wife are lying in bed one night when the farmer starts to rub
her breasts. He says "If these would only give milk, then we could get rid of
our cows." After a few minutes he starts rubbing her bottom. He says "If this
would only lay eggs, then we could get rid of our chickens." After a while his
wife starts rubbing his penis. She says "If this would only get hard more
often, then we could get rid of the farmhand!