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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 394 от 2010-09-29
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Можно ли в server mail rules использовать группу, а то для каждого пользователя писать правила очень долго получается. Lotus Domino используется для почты.

трeбуется Lotus-программист для работы в крупной международной компании. В обязанности входит развитие и поддержка корпоративного интранет-портала (Lotus под веб), администрирование сервера Lotus Domino, консультация пользователей.

  • опыт разработки web-приложений на Lotus Domino
  • знание @-формул, LotusScript, HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • жалание разбираться в чужом коде
  • приветствуется опыт администрирования Lotus Domino

Дружный коллектив, оформление по ТК РФ, после испытательного срока - ДМС.
Рабочий день с 9.30 до 18.30 (но возможен гибкий график), офис в бизнес-центре в 5 минутах ходьбы от ст.м. "Парк культуры".

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В свойствах Embedded outline (встроенной в Page или Form) на первой закладке раздел Special, опция Maintain folder unread information.

Напоминаю: только для папок (не для представлений). Убедитесь также, что БД поддерживает Unread marks
Может быть сформулируете бизнес-задачу?
TCP порт для LDAP по SSL точно открыт?
Можно ли в server mail rules использовать группу

Нельзя. :(
Можно это дело автоматизировать (заполнение Server mail rules), но для этого придётся поработать скриптом. Lotus-скриптом.
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Tips. Советы

Lotus Notes 8.5.2 has been released, with many improvements and new features (which we will highlight in later posts, naturally :)!! But one thing that you may have noticed is that the in-product help
Mary Beth Raven will be speaking at the TriStateLUG on October 11th, 2010 in New York City. Registration is free and she's posted the address so you can register.

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Mark Barton has posted some instructions on how to incorporate TapDragon into a Domino application to provide type ahead functionality. He's provided some HTML code to help you out.

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Learn how to develop XPages with TLCC's new course, Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5. Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Not just a collection of sample exercises, Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course that will give you a thorough understanding of this exciting new technology in Domino.

Click here for more information and to try a complimentary demo course!

Companies are looking at moving more and more of their computing operations into the cloud to cut costs and increase flexibility. When the messaging platforms start moving to the cloud, there may be a few more things to consider.

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Julian Buss is wondering if anyone else has run into this problem and found a fix. The policies won't let him set the default profile and dictionary as his client wants and he hasn't found any Notes.ini settings that will help.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Chris Toohey has posted some tips for using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in "Traditional IBM Lotus Domino App UI Development", or, as he phrases it, "before Dojo".

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You can't get far in any web language without needing to send emails from your scripts. If you're like me then you create and send emails from scripts all the time.

That's why I find it easier to always have an "email class" in whatever language I'm working in. In the past I've shared a LotusScript email class and a Java email class.

Both of these classes were aimed at Domino, which has its own in-built SMTP server, so all you had to do was call document.Send() and let Domino do the rest. Life is easy with Domino!

With ASP.NET you don't have an in-built SMTP server. You have to rely on an SMTP server elsewhere to send your emails. This could be Microsoft's SMTP service running on the same server or it could be a third-party server running elsewhere. Either way you need to connect a port to it and know the username/password of a user allowed to route email through it.

It took me a while to get my head round the extra complication in sending mails from ASP.NET apps, but as soon as I did I then set about writing a class for C#.

Using the class looks is as simple as this:

Email mail = new Email(); mail.to = "foo@bar.com"; mail.subject = "Your Ticket Has Been Received"; mail.body = "<p>We have received your ticket.</p>" + "<p>Your reference number is " + someString + ".</p>" + "<p>We'll be in touch shortly...</p>"; mail.send();

Pretty much exactly the same as the Java version. Makes sending email a breeze.

The C# code that allows us to send emails this way looks like this:

using System;
using System.Net.Mail;
using System.Configuration; namespace ACME.Messaging
{ public class Email { private MailMessage m; public Email() { m = new MailMessage(); m.Sender = m.From = new MailAddress( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings"SendMailMessagesFromAddress".ToString() ); m.IsBodyHtml = true; } public bool isHTML { set { m.IsBodyHtml = value; } } public string to { set { m.To.Add(value); } } public string from { set { m.Sender = m.From = new MailAddress(value); } } public string subject { set { m.Subject = value; } } public string body { get { return body; } set { m.Body = value; } } public void send() { try { SmtpClient sc = new SmtpClient(); sc.Host = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings"SendMailSTMPHostAddress".ToString(); sc.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; sc.UseDefaultCredentials = false; sc.Port = 25; sc.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings"SendMailSMTPUserName".ToString(), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings"SendMailSMTPUserPassword".ToString() ); sc.Send(m); } catch (Exception e) { //Log error somehow } } }

It's fairly basic and only caters for plain text or HTML emails (not both) as is. It functions just fine for now though.

There are lots of reference to configuration settings in the code. I keep these values in the Web.config file, which looks a bit like this:

<configuration> <appSettings> <add key="SendMailMessagesFromAddress" value="Jake &lt;jake@foo.com&gt;"/> <add key="SendMailSTMPHostAddress" value="smtp.googlemail.com"/> <add key="SendMailSMTPUserName" value="jake"/> <add key="SendMailSMTPUserPassword" value="foofoolarue"/> </appSettings>

As you can see you can use a Google Mail account to send email. Or you could put "localhost" in the SMTP host address setting and set up a local SMPT server on the same box if you like.  YMMV.

Click here to post a response

By David Gewirtz

This week, we've got an excellent answer to a reader question. We weren't sure of the answer here at DominoPower, so we turned to Lotus' own Art Fontaine, Program Director, Domino Applications/Protector Security Platform, who is The Man when it comes to Lotus' email offerings. Let's first check out the reader's question, and then you can read Art's in-depth answer.

Reader Paora Tamati wrote:

If a Notes user sends an encrypted message, can that message be read outside of Notes or Outlook? Can a Notes user send an encrypted message to, say, a Thunderbird, Gmail, or Hotmail user and can the message be read?

Response by Art Fontain
Protector for Mail Encryption is generating tremendous interest from our customers around the world and is outperforming sales projections by a healthy amount.

Protector for Mail Encryption uses a PGP key server that's been specially modified to complement Notes encryption, rather than replace it. If an internal (or cross-certified external) recipient has Notes, it uses Notes->Notes encryption. If not, the key server starts stepping through a (configurable) sequence that goes:

Tap here to read the rest of Art's reply.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Nikolay Yushmanov
Tags: lotusscript debug
If you call GetThreadInfo from the first procedure in the stack with parameters LSI_THREAD_CALLPROC and LSI_THREAD_PROC you'll get the same results.
I suggest, that GetThreadInfo(LSI_THREAD_CALLPROC) in that case return an empty string. It would be a symptom of the first called procedure.
It is good to use error tracing like described in this article (http://www.ferdychristant.com/blog//articles/DOMM-6BPT8R), but for the first procedure one must use other error handler. My suggestion can solve this problem.

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: notes symphony saving
From the Save dialog, Save a file directly into a Notes database.  (similar behavior to using the Quickr Connectors).

Author: Mark Demicoli
Tags: ?
More conventional web servers and server software including services such as PayPal which use HTTP to interact with third parties almost always prefix query parameters with question mark (?), which Domino doesn't allow even if  the optional exclamation (!) for action prefix (eg !OpenForm) is used.
...is not allowed but should be
Domino needs to either allow the use of ! and ? in the same URL or allow alternative configuration.

Author: Mark Demicoli
Tags: design elements design
.. extends NotesDocument (I suppose).  Would allow access to 'prohibit design/refresh' flag, Template inheritence and other options.
I know some of this stuff can be done using tricks, but I think it's worth formalising the class.

Author: Albert Buendia
Tags: icons enhancement usability
When you press F11 In Lotus Shymphony Documents you get a float panel with paragraph styles. I love it. The same model for the icons toobar will be a plus. IMHO icon toolbar is not exactly a good experience. Users get confused with the "hidden" drop down menu on to the right. Same approach to the Notes/Sametime client would be consistent and a plus.

Author: Jens Reimann
Tags: Linux ubuntu 64bit
There should be full support for the current Ubutnu LTS (10.04) and also for 64 bit versions of Linux. Everybody in our office is running Lotus Notes in virtual machines since everybody has 64 bit. So running Windows VMs for working around that lack of 64 bit support sucks. Symphony should not make the same mistake since OpenOffice IS available for 64 bit platforms.

Wildfire 1.4.1 provided by ISW has been released on OpenNTF and cleared for the Apache catalog. As Adam Brown writes Wildfire now supports Lotus Notes 8.5.1 Fix Packs (FP1, FP2, FP3 & FP4) and Facebook feed updates. You can install Wildfire via ...
Author: Nikolay Yushmanov
Tags: lotusscript notesview
Sometimes one needs to get a collection of all documents in a view. There is property NotesView.AllEntries, but there is not property NotesView.AllDocuments. It is possible to create the first sorted column with value of  1 and get all documents by Set docs = view.GetAllDocumentsByKey(1), but more convenient to use suggested property.

Paul Withers has contributed his first code to OpenNTF. It's a XPages audit comments custom control that he describes in his blog (here is the project). In this blog he also describes the process to contribute the code to OpenNTF: << One ...
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Статьи и Документация

Beginning in 8.5.2, the nonce checking feature was introduced to block
HistoryListEntry forms are no longer deleted automatically since 85FP1 was
Domino server crash with child_died() or appear to disappear without a nsd being generated.
This Knowledge Collection provides information on the new "Managed Mail Replica" feature in Notes/Domino 8.5.2. ** Check back soon. More content will be added as it becomes available **
This document describes the supported configurations of Lotus Notes/Domino 8.0.x and 8.5.x when interoperating with servers, templates, and/or clients from other releases. The entire document applies to Notes/Domino 8.x releases; however, it does not represent iNotes (Domino Web Access). For information on iNotes supported configurations, see technote #1155931.
This technote covers collecting data for NRPC mail routing issues for Lotus Domino server. Gathering data before contacting IBM Support will help to understand the problem and save time analyzing the data.
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