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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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IBM Lotus Domino 8.5.2 System Requirements - Linux

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 392 от 2010-09-24
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

А зачем ид админу присылать? Через АК ресертифицировать проблемы?
Корпоративная ОС - Windows, корпоративный клиент 6.5
но есть избранные на Mac OS

соответственно поддержка таких "умников" отсутствует как класс, а проблемы возникают и иногда решаются

текущая версия клиентов у умников 8.5.1 FP 3,4


Проблема 1 (решено)

Клиент набирает сообщение на Кирилице (не только русском) (для инглиша проблема отсутствует)
копи-паст в рамках текущего Notes Application = нет проблем
копи-паст (как обычно через буфер обмена) в любое другое приложение - пробелы исчезают
все лепится в одно слово

Лечение: оказалось, что при выставленым языком был поставлен родной для мака Unicode UTF-8
меняем на Cyrillic Windows - проблема исчезает

Lotus Notes - Preferences - Regional Settings // import/export characters


Проблема 2 (не решено)

Наблюдается несколько дней
Notes пишет
Network Operation did not complete in a reasonable amount of time; please retry Server_xxxx/xxx
сообщения не отправляются не доставляются получателю
или иногда доставляются получателю, хотя со стороны клиента выглядит как неотправленное

при этом клиенты на Win Notes 6.5 проблемы не имеют при точно той же сетевой среде (соседние столы)

дома (вне офиса) проблема отсутствует. В обоих случаях Static IP direct routing, no any FWall

как провести диагностику? Системный сог компа - без новостей, лог лотуса - без новостей
возможно на серверах (в китае) что-то проапгрэйдили
Спасибо за ответ!!! Роздуплилися через АК. Просто в литературе везде ресертификация указывается через пересылку безопасной копии ид-файла админу
Доброго времени суток, уважаемые господа-эксперты!
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Tips. Советы

The Learning Continuum Company (TLCC) is having a Fall Sale. Save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on TLCC's Notes and Domino 8.5 developer and administrator courses. Even TLCC's highly acclaimed XPages course is on sale.

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Dennis van Remortel is having problems with his 8.5.2 Sametime client. He has to re-size it every time he opens it. If you know the fix, he'd like to hear from you.

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Jacques Pavlenyi explains what a new tool can do for Sametime administrators. Jacques provides a link to download Watchit and get more information.

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Learn how to develop XPages with TLCC's new course, Developing XPages using Domino Designer 8.5. Learn XPages at your own pace and at your place. An expert instructor is a click away if you need help. Not just a collection of sample exercises, Developing XPages Using Domino Designer 8.5 is a complete and comprehensive course that will give you a thorough understanding of this exciting new technology in Domino.

Click here for more information and to try a complimentary demo course!

Peter Woodford knows admins get tasked with impossible jobs, like restoring deleted or corrupted NSF files. He provides instructions on how to re-animate dead files using Ytria's scanEZ tool.

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Urs Meli's customer was complaining about a very, very busy Domino server. There were some 130,000 messages pending delivery, all to the same person! A short investigation found several "issues".

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Sean Cull explains how XPage resource files are set up and used when creating applications. He's also posted the code used in this article.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Jason Levine
Tags: calendar meeting invitation delegate
When declining a meeting invitation, there is a checkbox option to indicate that you would like to remain informed of updates.
When updates are received, it is not possible to Accept the meeting invitation at that point. I think this is essential if a user declines a meeting due to a calendar conflict but would like to attend the meeting if the timing conflict is resolved.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: alarms calendar reminder pop-up calendar
i've enabled for every calendar entry in my preferences the alarm options. every time i create a new calendar entry and will disable alarm option (only for this event), a pop-up will ask me "how & when to notify" - but why? i will disable!

Author: Vincent Pihouee
Tags: sametime meeting calendar entry
In lotus notes 8.5.1 mail template there is no way to modify an existing meeting entry (With Participants) to add a Online sametime meeting. Works only for ressource and Room.
We have to recreate the meeting and resend meeting to all users....
Would be good to allow it in future mail template.

Author: Vincent Pihouee
Tags: Recall message recall
The recall function on 8.5 is a usefull internal option, but the server config or the policy doesn't give the possibility to enable this feature only for a group of users. (can be done by OU or using Explicit policy)
Be able to give this option to a users group will give more flexibility.
All users can recall a unread email but read email can be recall only by VIPGroup...

Author: Eric Larson
Tags: sametime lotuslive instant eMeeting meeting
For customers leveraging a rich client (Sametime Connect or Sametime embedded) with the LotusLive environment, provide a way to quickly/easily "upgrade" a chat to an application share using LotusLive Meetings. It would be invoked in a similar manner the on-premise options for: Sametime Advanced - Instant Share or Sametime Standard - Invite to Instant Meeting Room. 

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: folders filing messages send and file
Messages can be filed in multiple folders, but it must be done one folder at a time.  File the msg, find it again, then add it to the next folder.  The Move to Folder dialog should allow selecting multiple folders.  This applies to both filing msgs received and using Send and File.

Various people have provided positive feedback to the XPages Extension Library as you can read below. Also Jim Quill from the XPages development team has created another video about the extension library. This one explains in detail the usage of the new ...
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Статьи и Документация

This document provides minimum system requirements for the 8.5.2 release of IBM Lotus® Domino. Higher maintenance levels, such as fix packs and service packs, may be supported as they become available. However, new release versions are not supported at this time.
This document provides minimum system requirements for the 8.5.2 release of IBM Lotus® Domino. Higher maintenance levels, such as fix packs and service packs, may be supported as they become available. However, new release versions are not supported at this time.
This document provides minimum system requirements for the 8.5.2 release of IBM Lotus® Domino. Higher maintenance levels, such as fix packs and service packs, may be supported as they become available. However, new release versions are not supported at this time.
This document provides minimum system requirements for the 8.5.2 release of IBM Lotus® Domino. Higher maintenance levels, such as fix packs and service packs, may be supported as they become available. However, new release versions are not supported at this time.
IBM Lotus Notes Keyview Security Issues. Fixes for potential security vulnerabilities in Lotus Notes file viewers. New *.exe Release Date: September 21 2010. See 'More info' link above for additional information.
Notes 8.5.2 installation on RHEL 5.5 fails dependency check during install: Missing dependency libXp.so.6 and gdb. Dependency packages must be installed from the RedHat installation media.
The lightweight ISA LIte tool collects logs and other configuration files related to the issue you are experiencing, zips them up, and (optionally) transfers them to IBM Support.
Companies today are faced with a number of challenges in operational efficiency. In particular there are many business processes within a given organization that are unnecessarily cumbersome due to the lack of a coordinated effort. These processes are often manual in nature and prone to error. Developing a series of well orchestrated business processes that include a combination of human tasks and automated services will differentiate a company from its competitors by streamlining operations and reducing waste.
This white paper discusses performance tuning recommendations that are specific to running IBM WebSphere Portal on the IBM i platform, focusing on the WebSphere Portal Express 6.1.0.x / 6.1.5.x and IBM i i5/OS VR61/V6R1M1 profile and platform versions. Our emphasis is on platform-level recommendations unique to the IBM i that are minimally discussed in the existing WebSphere Portal performance tuning guides.
You are interested in implementing DAOS. This document will help the administrator plan to deploy DAOS.
A Lotus Notes user sends a broadcast notice to an external recipient and the recipient is able to accept or decline the invitation. This is not reproducible sending from Lotus Notes to another external Lotus Notes account.
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