сегодня от одного из клиентов lotus notes поступила жалоба. при запуске лотуса пользователь вводит свой логин. лотус подключается к серверу и подгружает рабочую область. далее при любом обращении к серверу пишет что нет ответа с сервера и предлагает обратиться к администратору (например при открытии почты). майндер тоже заходит, но не может подключиться.
сразу после переустановки лотуса всё опять начинает работать и через некоторое время опять ложится.
Navigate the Document 'SharOllaboraGement' Universe More than 60% of organizations are dealing with 'Content Chaos' -- Out of control Documents and Content.
Unfortunately, over 50% of those will rush into the wrong solution and ultimately fail.
The Document & Content Management Decision Matrix is a free tool for navigating the broad 'Document Sharing, Collaboration and Management' technology universe.
Use it to help you make the right decision based on your organizational preferences and needs.
The RSS feeds to follow activities in
specific OpenNTF projects have been improved. This work had been requested
in the IdeaJam
(number four). You can subscribe to projects by navigating
to the project home page and then click the feed icon in the ...
Use Case 1 1. Customer accesses his/her email via Blackberry and the Notes client - there are server replica(s) of the mail file - - and he/she has a local replica on either a desktop or laptop. 2. While traveling the customer reads email via his/her Blackberry (the laptop or desktop is shut down). The email that was read on the Blackberry was deleted. (Note that Notes client with the local replica was shut down the entire time.) 3. Later when in the office, the customer accessing email from the lapt
Domino server running as a Sametime server does not start completely. Only the server and event processes are running. and server process does not accept connections nor does it respond to console commands
A request for a database, for example a replication request, that does not exist on a server can cause the server to look for the database in the Domino data directory. This search can be CPU intensive and if enough of these searches occur, it can overwhelm the CPU.
Lotus Notes works to preserve fidelity of text styles when you send or receive Internet mail, but if you discover that styles are lost, you can optimize certain settings for messages from both Notes mail and Internet mail users. Notes attempts to deliver your outgoing messages in the format ...
The IBM® Lotus® Connections administration UI application is an easy-to-install and easy-to-use IBM WebSphere® Application Server portlet. Lotus Connections administrators can perform the majority of the functionality offered by the WSAdmin console without needing to know complex WSAdmin scripting languages.
The IBM® Lotus® Connections administration UI application is an easy-to-install and easy-to-use IBM WebSphere® Application Server portlet. Lotus Connections administrators can perform the majority of the functionality offered by the WSAdmin console without needing to know complex WSAdmin scripting languages.
In certain circustances, editing the title or description of an activity from the Activities sidebar results in an 'Unable to Add Members' error message being displayed after you attempt to save the changes. However, the changes are saved.
There has been a change in Lotus Notes Traveler 8.5.2 in the way the Traveler servlet URL is set in Apple profiles generated from the Traveler servlet page. In Traveler 8.5.2, the URL for Apple profiles should be specified using the External Server URL field, which can be found in the Server ...