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How is Lotus Notes Traveler for Apple devices unique?: LNT852

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 384 от 2010-09-06
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Есть следующая задача. Имеется: Сервер домино на хп сп3. версии 7.0.3. Требуется: Сервер домино на вин 2003 R2 версии 8.5.1 с переносом всех баз, групп пользователей, почт. ящиков, прав доступа и т.п. Возможно ли это осуществить путем копирования всех файлов из lotus703\domino\data в lotus851\domino\data ? или требуются еще какието действия или чтото другое? Заранее спасибо.
Дано Lotus Domino 8.0.2 отправляет внешнюю почту
Необходимо ввести пред модерацию писем отправленных определенными пользователями
т.е пользователь отправляет письмо в интернет письмо ложиться в базу (зависает в mailbox и ждет команды отправить) и ждет специального чело который его прочтет и либо отправит дальше либо настучит кому то по голове.
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Tips. Советы

Paul Mooney say that on September 9, 2010 The Bluewave Group will be offering a free, 90-minute webinar on using Lotus Traveler. You need to register to attend.

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Salvador Jose has posted a humorous (unless you're pregnant) look at using Domino Predictor to determine if your server needs additional memory, storage, or pickles.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

Bob Balfe is referring to Dojo and CSS as "steroids" for his attachment viewer application, which makes you wonder... He provides some code and screen shots to back up his view.

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Dave Hay has provided some tips, and lots of links, if you suddenly find yourself named the Quickr Admin for your firm.

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Once upon a time SearchDomino.com bestowed upon me the honour of being in what they considered the top ten Domino websites.

Until today there was a link to the Search Domino page in the "news" section of my Rockall site. The thing is they've now removed me (and 3 others) from the list, as you can see.


So, there you go, I'm no longer up there with the big guns. Oh well...

Click here to post a response

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Jacques Page
Tags: multiple mailbox message enhancement


We came in this morning to find our 3 mail.box filled up with about 180000 warning messages from an SQL server that lost it... It was sending about 1000 messages per minute.  This is the second time it happens in a few months


We immediately stopped the router and enabled a rule to put the messages from that sender on HOLD (pushed to all servers)  then we proceeded to clean up all mail.boxes before restarting the router.


In the end, it took 2 hours to perform the cleanup.  During that time, the router was down and no email were delivered. more than 3000 emails were accumulated when we restarted the router.


I think it would be nice to have a function where we could go to the Mail.boxes, right click a message and select HOLD based on the sender or the title..


This way, the cleanup could take a little longer but at the very least, valid messages would get delivered.

This could also be used for multiple reasons.. such as testing mail routing on new external systems using SMTP


I know Extrafax has such a function (although, it acts only on one message at the time..)


Additionally, would it be possible to add "Occurence" on the rule list (Along Sender, Subject etc) to which we could add a number? (ie: If occurence>60 per minute ) then we could deny or hold..


We could also have an additional action which could be "Warn someone"...

(yes, I was tempted to copy and paste those 180000 messages in the recipients mail files....:) )

Author: Jacques Page
Tags: multiple mailbox message enhancement
We came in this morning to find our 3 mail.box filled up with about 180000 warning messages from an SQL server that lost it... It was sending about 1000 messages per minute.  This is the second time it happens in a few months
We immediately stopped the router and enabled a rule to put the messages from that sender on HOLD (pushed to all servers)  then we proceeded to clean up all mail.boxes before restarting the router.
In the end, it took 2 hours to perform the cleanup.  During that time, the router was down and no email were delivered. more than 3000 emails were accumulated when we restarted the router.
I think it would be nice to have a function where we could go to the Mail.boxes, right click a message and select HOLD based on the sender or the title..
This way, the cleanup could take a little longer but at the very least, valid messages would get delivered.
This could also be used for multiple reasons.. such as testing mail routing on new external systems using SMTP
I know Extrafax has such a function (although, it acts only on one message at the time..)
Additionally, would it be possible to add "Occurence" on the rule list (Along Sender, Subject etc) to which we could add a number? (ie: If occurence>60 per minute ) then we could deny or hold..
We could also have an additional action which could be "Warn someone"...
(yes, I was tempted to copy and paste those 180000 messages in the recipients mail files....:) )

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: notes client error message halt crash
When you close the message (in the screenshot), it begins to appear cyclically, once every half-minute.
If the Notes Client has been loaded, then after you receive this message the Notes Client is unavailable, it has to shoot with killnotes.exe. If the Notes Client was not loaded (applacation Symphony starts with a shortcut), then after you receive this message the process notes2.exe have to remove from Task Manager manually... I believe that if the Symphony is something wrong, then that is no reason to hang the Notes Client, and you? P.S. OS WinXP sp3.  

Author: Niel Revelle
Tags: installation
Everytime we upgrade to a new version the favicon.ico is overwritten with the default Domino icon.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: marketing ibm strategy
"lotus knows" failed. maybe not everywhere, but i'm sure in EMEA countries. ibm gave money and ideas to this managers, but they didn't do their best. One picture every 5 weeks in press is not marketing!!!

In Austria, i've never seen any promotion - and i asked IBMers for promotion and events. Lotus Team Leader Austria gone away (RIO) and IBM will not find a new one.

In my opinion, managers took marketing money and spend it for dinner with some customers - that's not marketing for new customers or for many people. There is no press with information about new versions, features or products.

Why does IBM not find a better marketing way?

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: fan merchandising marketing community
We are customers and business partners, some of us are fans of Lotus Software. When we use articles of the store, we make marketing for IBM and Lotus Software - why do we have to pay for that?
I'm speaker at LCTY for 5 years and we buy some presents for your customers (like the backpacker of lotusphere). For our LCTY we do not have a fee - we are happy if customers are interested for Lotus Software, because IBM brought all customer interests down last years.

Help all Lotus Software fans to stay a fan.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: files notes plan
Publish a replica of an official Lotusphere Session database. Some time bevor Lotusphere starts for planing, until all presentations are attached to the sessions.

Author: Michael Tassati
Tags: domino crawler
Enabling search crawler configuration in Domino servers changes the url command sign from "?" to "!". If this is enabled Lotus Quickr does not work.
if you have public sites on extranet servers or internal web search engines Quickr Places will not be indexed.

The new release of the project Simple Samples for XPages Extensibility contains a sample showing how to customize page requests globally. This functionality can be used for example to embed a certain stylesheet resource for a certain user agent. You ...
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Статьи и Документация

IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler provides support for the Apple iPod Touch, iPhone, and iPad family of devices. There is no client software to install. Supported applications connect to Lotus Notes Traveler using the ActiveSync protocol. Apple devices support secure connections to the Lotus Notes ...
You must create an account on your Apple device for mail, calendars, and contacts before you can connect to the IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler server. This topic describes how to create the account manually. An Exchange ActiveSync account is required. If you are using a device running Apple OS 3 and ...
There are several items to consider when planning the IBM® Lotus Notes® Traveler server installation. h2 Important: Recommended to set new parameter for Lotus Notes Traveler 852h2 Set the External Server URL on the LotusTraveler Tab of the server document. If not using an 852 template for ...
In Lotus Notes 8.5 client when you press CTRL F5 this locks the
Users can not by selecting document by margin when "show check marks in margin for selected documents" is selected.
Config: Domino 8.5.1
When a Domino mail file has become corrupted due to an invalid disk structure, messages on the Domino server are similar to:
When renaming folder with a subfolder, the parent folder is renamed correctly,. but the subfolder keeps the name of previous
Long held lock w/no owner due to countNonIntentLocks being less than 0 in the lock manager dump.
This document provides minimum system requirements for the 8.5.2 release of IBM Lotus® Domino. Higher maintenance levels, such as fix packs and service packs, may be supported as they become available. However, new release versions are not supported at this time.
Welcome Page's webpage frameset and layout do not follow the "Web Browser" settings available under the Preferences
1 Create an Xpage, Test, that has a link to a 2nd Xpage Test2.
User's are currently unable to move folders within Domino Web Access. They
Steps to reproduce: 1. Launch Domino server and Domino Administrator.
Using iNotes to access a note with an attachment if the attachment is clicked
There have been many improvements made to DAOS in Domino 8.5.2. Here is a summary of what is new.
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