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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Customization updates for 8.5.2

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 383 от 2010-09-03
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

Dim s As New notessession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Set db = s.GetDatabase("","names.nsf")
Dim currdb As NotesDatabase
Dim direcprofdoc As NotesDocument
Dim locationdoc As NotesDocument
Dim item As NotesItem
Dim myvar As String Set direcprofdoc = Db.GetProfileDocument("directoryprofile",s.UserName)
Call direcprofdoc.RemovePermanently(True)
Set direcprofdoc = Db.GetProfileDocument("policyhta",s.UserName)
Call direcprofdoc.RemovePermanently(True)
Set direcprofdoc = Db.GetProfileDocument("$policyprofile",s.UserName)
Call direcprofdoc.RemovePermanently(True) Dim policiesview As NotesView
Dim nviewentcoll As NotesViewEntryCollection
Set policiesview = db.GetView("$Policies")
Set nviewentcoll = policiesview.AllEntries
Call nviewentcoll.RemoveAll(True) Dim location As String
location = s.GetEnvironmentString("Advanced/Location", True)
location = Strleft (location, ",")
Dim locationname As Variant
Dim locationview As NotesView
Set locationview = db.GetView("$Locations")
Set locationdoc = locationview.GetFirstDocument
While Not (locationdoc Is Nothing)
locationname = locationdoc.GetItemValue("Name")
If Strcompare(location, locationname(0)) = 0 Then 'setting the value to 1
Call locationdoc.ReplaceItemValue("AcceptUpdates","1")
Call locationdoc.Save(True,True)
End If
Set locationdoc = locationview.GetNextDocument(locationdoc)
Msgbox "Complete. Please restart your Lotus Notes Client. "
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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Всем привет!
Есть связка DECS+Oracle. Как-то не особо получается разобраться.
В DECS есть активность, которая мапит поля вида из Oracle с формой. При запуске активности документы в Lotus "приезжают", но какие-то не понятные. При запущенной активности документы не открываются. Спасает только остановка активности. Ну и соответственно не происходит синхронизация если в Oracle изменили данные. Кто пробовал и у кого получилось сделать связку - прошу поделиться опытом
Нужен на удалённую работу Администратор системы Lotus Notes.

- базовые знания в области сервисного управления IT услугами
- Опыт работы с корпоративными информационными системами на платформе Lotus Notes, программирование на Lotus Formula и Lotus Script
- Опыт работы с Linux (Debian)
- Ответственность
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- Удалённое Администрирование системы
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- Решение не стандартных задач

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- Постоянная оплата за каждый администрируемый сервер
- Доплата за программные доработки и внедрение новшеств

Оплата сдельная.
тел 8(985)117-02-01 Александр
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Tips. Советы

Mary Beth Raven wants to know how you use your Notes Calendar. The design team is looking for information on how the current features are used before deciding what to change.

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Mat Newman wants to remind all the admins out there - if you can't ping a server, Notes and Domino can't find it, regardless of what the connection document may say.

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Visit THE VIEW Online Knowledgebase at www.eview.com.

This is a new article covering "functionality and troubleshooting" by Jin Hui Zhu and De Liang Jiang. It explains transferring data from Quickr 8.5 to WebSphere Portal without affecting data integrity.

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Not long after you buy yourself a smartphone/iPad you find yourself thinking "What can I make for this?"

After I bought the HTC Hero I wrote a personal-use app for it, which did the job well. Writing it was a pain though and meant getting to grips with yet another SDK/API/Language.

Now I find myself wanting to mess about with the Apple iOS SDK to create something for my iPad. But I can't be bothered delving in to the SDK.

Wouldn't it be nice if you could write apps for your devices in a language you already know?!

Enter Appcelerator Titanium, which, in their words, is:

A free and open source application development platform, Titanium lets you create native mobile, tablet and desktop application experiences using existing web skills like Javascript, HTML, CSS, Python, Ruby, and PHP.

No need to learn Cocoa or anything you don't already know. You can create apps that work cross-platform from one JavaScript source file.

Here's an example:


As you can see there are two emulators running - one for Android and one for iPhone - alongside the Titanium app (which is used to manage the project, emulators and packaging of files) and the JavaScript source file being edited in TextMate.

The app you see is just a variation on the default file you get when creating a new mobile project in Titanium. Nothing special. Just two tabs. One called Jake and one called Karen.

Taking it further you can find inspiration in their showcase page. Then download and play in their "Kitchen Sync". Or read the guides.

Thanks to Jeff Gilfelt for pointing me to this app. I won't have real need for it for a while but it's good to know it exists and that I have it installed and ready to go when the time comes.

Click here to post a response

Grant Lindsay, of Sherpa Software, looks at automating the classification of e-mail with tags such as "privileged", "confidential", "secret", "private", or "business relevant" which many companies now require.

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Mitch Cohen has been working with Sametime and Connections integration in the Notes client. During the process he ran into plugin_customization.ini, an Eclipse feature, and got to wondering where he might find a list of supported entries.

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Greg Walrath's Domino 8.5.1 FP2 servers would sometimes refuse to relay outbound SMTP messages until he restarted the router. IBM support provided a simple fix for the problem.

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Navigate the Document 'SharOllaboraGement' Universe
More than 60% of organizations are dealing with 'Content Chaos' -- Out of control Documents and Content.

Unfortunately, over 50% of those will rush into the wrong solution and ultimately fail.

The Document & Content Management Decision Matrix is a free tool for navigating the broad 'Document Sharing, Collaboration and Management' technology universe.

Use it to help you make the right decision based on your organizational preferences and needs.

Tap to download this complementary tool.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: Horst-Dieter Lange
Tags: lotus connections notes
People would like to connect each other in a very easy way. Please add the "Invite to My Network" function as well as the upcoming "Follow" to the places where the user sees the name of a person:
- Email Form: next to senders or receipients name
- Business card
- NAB: into the person document form for local names and recent contacts.

Author: Adam Bradley
Tags: address book contacts recipients displayname
 When addressing an email, it's often nice to include the name as well as the address. e.g. to send to:
John Doe <john.doe@example.com>
Notes just picks the "e-mail address" field to include in the header. Generally this is just the address, so your e-mail doesn't include any names in the headers. But sometimes (depending on how the contact was created) the e-mail field in the address book includes the entire string (Name, "<"'s and address), and so you get the "nice" behaviour.
At it's simplest, the client could check whether there is a Display Name present and construct one if there is not. Even better would be if the client stopped putting the Display Name into the InternetAddress field, so that these fields were consistent between different types of contacts.

I've uploaded another simple sample showing how to use the XPages extensibility API. The sample demonstrates how to develop your own actions that show up in Domino Designer as simple actions. You can download the project here and read the documentation ...
Author: Jacques Page
Tags: multiple mailbox message enhancement
We came in this morning to find our 3 mail.box filled up with about 180000 warning messages from an SQL server that lost it... It was sending about 1000 messages per minute.  This is the second time it happens in a few months
We immediately stopped the router and enabled a rule to put the messages from that sender on HOLD (pushed to all servers)  then we proceeded to clean up all mail.boxes before restarting the router.
In the end, it took 2 hours to perform the cleanup.  During that time, the router was down and no email were delivered. more than 3000 emails were accumulated when we restarted the router.
I think it would be nice to have a function where we could go to the Mail.boxes, right click a message and select HOLD based on the sender or the title..
This way, the cleanup could take a little longer but at the very least, valid messages would get delivered.
This could also be used for multiple reasons.. such as testing mail routing on new external systems using SMTP
I know Extrafax has such a function (although, it acts only on one message at the time..)
(yes, I was tempted to copy and paste those 180000 messages in the recepients mail files....:) )

Author: Jacques Page
Tags: domino licencing
Domino is still licenced on core value...
For quite some times now, it is almost impossible to get a 1 cpu machine with one core only.  Everything comes in multiple of everything.
It would be nice to have the ability to install a Domino server and tell it to use X. amount of core.  Especially for some specialized systems where 1 core is too much but the server came with 200......
I know we can do Virtual server (ESX etc) and control the cores but sometimes, we are required to do with hardware specs ...
This would help keep the licences in check

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: domino designer lotusscript errors interface
The appearance of these messages inexplicably.
Please correct this behavior, or simply remove the messages, because for LotusScript projects they lack any logic.
P.S. Domino Designer 8.5.1 - 8.5.2.

Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: notes client error message halt crash
When you close the message (in the screenshot), it begins to appear cyclically, once every half-minute.
If the Notes Client has been loaded, then after you receive this message the Notes Client is unavailable, it has to shoot with killnotes.exe.
If the Notes Client was not loaded (applacation Symphony starts with a shortcut), then after you receive this message the process notes2.exe have to remove from Task Manager manually...
I believe that if the Symphony is something wrong, then that is no reason to hang the Notes Client, and you?

P.S. OS WinXP sp3.

Author: Yuhsuke Murakami
Tags: tools
Administrators want to use a panic tool to test fault recovery on their new 64-bit Domino.
There are old tools for 32-bit Domino in sandbox, but those wouldn't wok on 64-bit Domino.

Simon O'Doherty has contributed a new project. This project allows you on Windows to intercept the SOAP request/response from a Domino Web Service. This can be helpful in diagnosing your Web Service with live data, rather then through a SOAP debugging ...
Author: Vlad Sh
Tags: RunWithDocumentContext agents run lotusscript notes client domino server
It only works in conjunction SSJS->LS-agent, and in the security tab is the option "Run as Web user".

1. On Notes Client:

Button code:
Dim ns As New NotesSession
Dim ndb As NotesDatabase
Dim na As NotesAgent
Dim nd As NotesDocument

Set ndb = ns.CurrentDatabase
Set na = ndb.GetAgent("(test)")
Set nd = ndb.CreateDocument
Call na.RunWithDocumentContext(nd)

Code of agent "test":
Dim nd As NotesDocument
Set nd = NotesSession.DocumentContext

Call nd.Replaceitemvalue("test", 1)

MessageBox nd.Getitemvalue("test")(0) '
Not displayed

Call nd.Save(True, True) '
Not saved

Does not work. Errors compiling / execution is not.

I even tried to specifically generate an error and write it in log.nsf, but the error is not generated .. it seems that the agent does not start.

2. On Domino Server:

Install the Domino Server 8.5.2 and ODS raised to 51 - does not work :-(
If the button code to put in the agent who started using RunOnServer, and from it has already run the agent using RunWithDocumentContext, then when you call the new method is written to the console error "Unable to pass doc context - Caller must run with user authority" (Err = 4795).
Naturally all the rights to run agents are, especially in the properties of agents set the maximum runtime security level, even with the option "Run as Web user" for both agents...

Do please to RunWithDocumentContext worked when run from LotusScript on the Notes Client and the Domino Server.

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Статьи и Документация

These are the customization updates for iNotes in 8.5.2. Extension Forms File improvements The individual design elements in Extension Forms File are now set to not inherit design changes. So the database itself can have Inherit Design turned on and will pick up any new forms that are added in ...
What is Notes shared login? Notes shared login (NSL) allows you to start IBM® Lotus Notes® and use your User ID without having to provide a Notes password. You only need to log in to Microsoft® Windows® using your Windows password. Does Notes shared login have any limitations? See the help ...
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