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Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore"

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Integrating IBM Lotus Quickr 8.5 for Domino with IBM Enterprise Content Management: Configuration and best practices

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 386 от 2010-09-10
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Форумы.Свежи темы и обсуждения

Отчеты на закладке Massaging - Mail - Reports for my server Lotus - New Report стали выходить пустые. И это как назло когда руководство требует построить отчет о суммарных сообщениях прошедших через сервер за месяц. Изменения никакие и обновления не производились. Единственное что делали, это пытали встроить антиспам систему в виде железки со спам асасимом в нашу сеть, так называемую PineApp, отдали ей лотусовый внешний айпишник, но еще в понедельник все вернули назад, а отчет даже не строится за сегодня или вчера. Хотя может и PineApp не причем.
В том месяце все отлично строилось. Lotus Domino 7.0.2 HELP!
C данной проблемой сталкивались неоднократно. Лечится всегда по-разному, updall, fixup, compact -c.
В рабочей области (workspace), если вы используете данное представление баз, то пункт меню View -> Show Unread (4-й пункт сверху)
В восьмерке, все запросы подписи сертификатов стали храниться в базе admin4 во вьюхе Certificate Requests, вместо базы certlog.nsf. Собственно вопрос, нужны ли они (запросы) в этой базе? Можно ли их перенести в другую (архивную) базу? Вот только...
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Tips. Советы

You can send out e-mails detailing the coming changes. You can hold training sessions. You just can't get the users to pay attention. One admin describes the after effects of an upgrade.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Paul Farris had a problem with the Public Address Book after upgrading to 8.5.2. It seems there's an infinite loop in an agent. If you want to avoid the problem, he's posted the "fix".

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Thierry Cayla bids a fond farewell to the Lotus Sandbox. It was closed to new submissions some time back, but now IBM has shut the doors and pulled up the welcome mat.

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Thought I'd give you a quick update on the bad service I got from Pipex Opal. As a recap, Opal took over Pipex - who I've never had any trouble with - and then disconnected me with no warning. That's not something I'm going to take lightly. My business relies completely on my internet connection. Without it I'm nothing and so I'm not going to leave it in the hands of a company I can't trust.

The dilemma I had was how could I move from them. This involves the co-operation of your current provider in giving you a special code to pass to the new provider. Opal aren't even answering the phone and my attempt to get the code failed on more than one occasion.

Worst case scenario was that I had to cancel one before starting the other - meaning a potential time with no connection at all. Not something I could consider.

My eureka moment came when I realised the house has two phone lines (and numbers) - one for the house and one for the office. Perhaps I could have two ADSL connections? A quick call to Zen and the salesman (who actually knew his stuff) confirmed I could and I signed up there and then. Within a week I had two broadband connections and I simply switched the router between them before calling Opal to cancel. Ha, nothing you can do about that is there Opal!

Thanks for your recommendations to use Zen. So far, so good. I just hope they don't end up under the Talk Talk umbrella, where it seems all other independent broadband providers are finding themselves...

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Chris Toohey decided the only way to see if a Notes App store would work was to write some apps and see how they sold. He's written about the process and provides links to his apps.

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Declan Sciolla-Lynch doesn't like the Recent Contacts feature in the Notes client. It remembers incorrect addresses as well as correct ones. Under 8.5.2 there is a way to turn the feature off, but it didn't get included in the Desktop Policy, so... Declan has posted directions for doing it in the Notes.ini.

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Integra generates Notes data to Microsoft Word, Excel, and Lotus Symphony, allowing end users to analyse and present data using Graphs, Pivot Tables, Filters, etc. Supports Mail Merge and Labels. No installation required, on the end user's workstation.

Through the optional use of Integra's event driven model, it provides a depth of access to data & computational capability, which is unique in the industry.

Tap here for more information.

Technote 1445280 addresses a problem in Domino 8.5.2 where, when the server shows high utilization, SMTP mail hangs. There is now a fix for this problem.

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This is a new article on the Lotus Sametime wiki on how to upgrade the Sametime client from 8.x to Lotus Sametime 8.5.1. The authors cover planning, deployment, and trouble-shooting.

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imageToday is codestore.net's tenth birthday. The domain itself was first registered in February 2000 and it existed on an intranet for a few years before that, but, for reasons I forget, I've always taken 9/9/2000 as the actual birth date. Something I used to celebrate in the past.

Ten years! Did I ever think I'd say that? Nope!! That said, ten years is a long time and I can't even remember what on earth I was thinking back then. It was a different me who started this, that's how long it's been going!

The Past

Running this site has been truly amazing and it's something I've come to be very proud of and will never regret. It's an integral part of my life that I can't imagine life without it.

So long have I been doing this that I've since bought and renovated a house, setup my own business, got married and had three kids - happily blogging along through all of it.

Highlights of the last ten years that spring to mind include: Blogathon winner, Best Lotus Blogger award, trips to LotusSphere, Bermuda & Paris.

In terms of regrets my only one is in not being confident enough a public speaker to have got about some more and done more of the conference/networking circuit. Perhaps I could have capitalized on the site's success a little more.

Although I shouldn't knock what I have achieved off the back of this site. I wouldn't be where I am now if it weren't for it. I've got a nice house that I've been able to spend enough money on to make it in to a comfortable place to raise my growing family. There's a brand new car on the drive. All this off the back of this site, which allows me to run my own business and provides a steady stream of interesting work. Without codestore I wouldn't have any of the customers I do.

You can see the various incarnations of this site in the archive. Anybody remember the first? How it looks now is probably how it will always look. I like it and it works well. Tried and tested.

One of the things that has always amazed me over the years is how generous you have been with my Wishlist. The surprises have slowed somewhat of late, but there was a delivery earlier this week, which was nice. I have a folder somewhere with all the packing slips of everything I've received over the years. There must be 100 or more of them. Thank you all!

I should also thank Prominic.NET for continually hosting this site for free. Ten years of undisturbed and faultless service. All that in return for a measly link at the bottom of each page. Thanks guys!

The Future

I have to admit I'd thought for some time about making this post's title "I quit". Quit while you're ahead and all that. I can't though. This site and you, my readers, are too close to my heart. While it sometimes feels like I'm flogging a dead horse I do still enjoy it, so why stop.

The thought of giving up on codestore makes me quite emotional. As does thinking about how the site is no longer what it once was. What upsets is when I think of the steady loss of long-term readers and those acquaintances built that have long gone. Perhaps I'm too sentimental, but I just don't like to see good things come to an end.

There was once a time when I'd get dozens of emails each week to simply say "love the site" or ask about Domino-related stuff. Now I get none. Well, maybe one a fortnight. This is probably a good thing though, as my family life doesn't leave the time I once had for that sort of stuff. It's still upsetting though, nonetheless.

To a degree the fall in popularity must be because the site is no longer as Domino-focused as it once was. Probably because I've failed on the up-take of XPages. What I do do with Domino is no longer cutting edge nor worth writing home about.

It just so happens that the 10th birthday is happening at a bad time for me and my company. I'm desperately trying to keep afloat in a world where the Domino work on which I once relied just isn't there any more (or at least it's not coming my way). It's a difficult time. Not just for me, but for the family of 6 mouths I need to feed, let alone keep a roof over.

Whereas once I'd do small websites for friends as "pocket money" jobs at night I've recently found myself doing them as "proper" jobs during the day. After all this time as a Domino developer I'm back to creating brochure sites to scrape a living between "real" jobs I manage to get!

Having put all my eggs in one basket I now find myself struggling to transition in a world where being a Domino-only developer doesn't have the job-getting abilities it once did.

The site will continue to live on indefinitely though. I just don't know what I'll be talking about on it. Domino? Possibly, but, to be honest, unlikely. Unless of course I get some wonderful projects coming my way to design some fancy system in Domino and on XPages. I can't see that happening at this rate though. Domino has left me. I didn't leave Domino. Not knowingly, anyway.

I don't know who I am any more. I'm feeling just a little bit lost, scared and lonely. My hope is that I can continue to keep afloat as an independent developer and continue to report back here on the interesting things this has me doing. My fear is having to try and find a proper 9-to-5, which would almost definitely mean working away from home and probably an end to this site.

Hopefully this post is as positive as it's negative. Had I written this a year ago the negative slant might not have been there. What matters, I guess, is that the site is still here and that in the time it's had it has done some good and helped people out. After all, that's what it's here for. I just hope it can continue to help in the future. Whether that's helping with Domino or not remains to be seen.

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Блоги. Что обсуждают и пишут

Author: David Hablewitz
Tags: calendar preferences alarms
When setting alarms for calendar entries, there is a pulldown list for the units of time.  But in the preferences, the units are predefined.  (see screen shots).  The defaults in the preferences should exactly match the setting options.  They should allow selecting minutes/hours/days and before/after.

Author: Jeremiah Benjamin
Tags: Search file search desktop search
This is a reverse twist on Google Desktop Enterprise, which allows people to search [local] Notes databases.
I would rather see Notes be able to index and provide search results for all my local files and any shared drives in addition to Notes stuff.  Also, some built-in way to include Quickr and other Lotus products in the search results would make a lot of sense.  (A la the Domain Catalog from Domino.)
The existing Search bar would be a good place for this.  The results could be the shown via "new tab" method that Notes 8 uses, or a shortlist in the Sidebar similar to how OS X's Spotlight returns results.
From an admin point of view I would also like to see some policies for setting defaults so users have minimal interaction during setup, but find it easy to search things and find what they're looking for.

Author: Bas van Gestel
Tags: welcome page designer help
 Maybe it's just me, but if I want to use the Help: I select Help from the menu and automatically click the first entry., which happens to be the welcome page.
IMHO it would be more logical to have the Help Contents as the first entry, since that is the option used most often. 

Author: Peter Presnell
Tags: color
It would be useful to have the ability when designating a color for a Notes design element (including within a CSS) to be able to pick an existing color being displayed on the screen.  e.g. My browser may have my corporate Web site and I want a Table to have a border that matches the color of the company logo.  Or I may have a background image on a page and i want my page title to match part of that image.  Just add a picker icon to the color palette and allow me to click anywhere on the screen (displaying the RGB value of the currently hovered pixel).

Author: Erwin Heeren
Tags: profile enhancement
Users cannot correct their first or last name.

I've created a new project - Mobile Documents. The project allows Lotus Notes users to publish documents to the Mobile Documents application via a new toolbar icon and then they can read the documents on webkit based smartphones. ...
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Статьи и Документация

The ability to integrate with IBM® Enterprise Content Management was introduced in IBM Lotus® Quickr® 8.5 for Domino®. In this article we discuss how it works and how to configure and use related features. It's assumed that you're familiar with Lotus Quickr and that you've already installed Lotus Quickr 8.5 for Domino.
In the Hungarian version of the Notes 8.5.x client, the translation for the "No mail service" prompt is incorrect. If network connectivity is lost while a user is in their mail file, the following prompt appears when the user attempts to access a folder or message: "Nem Mail szolgaltatas: Ujrabetoltes" The correct translation should be: "Levelezoszolgaltatas nem elerheto"
Intermittently, in some Notes 8.5.2 Standard clients running on Windows 7 64-bit, an incorrect image displays for all attachment icons. The issue is not limited to a particular attachment filetype or extension, and it also is not limited to a particular application type (e.g., not just mail files). Typically, the incorrect image that displays resembles one of the following two icons: a blue green circle inside a black square or a black circle above a black square.
IBM will host an Open Mic conference call with Lotus Development and Support Engineers to discuss "Lotus Domino Server upgrade best practices" on 15 September 2010.
IBM Lotus Domino Server 8.5.2 Interim Fix 1 (852IF1) for zLinux64/ Type: Incremental Installer / Release Date: 08 September 2010. See 'More Information' link above for additional information.
The Report Time Wizard in Lotus Notes Access for SAP Solutions fails with the DXL error, "<fatalerror source='NotesInputSource'...Expected entity name for reference</fataleror>". The error occurs when the selected SAP object in the Time Recording section of a meeting contains an ampersand (&).
In Lotus Notes, you are unable to overlay the calendar for a person whose name contains an apostrophe. For example, in the Notes calendar, click Show Calendars (My Calendars) and select the user's calendar as the calendar type to add. Add a user name that contains an apostrophe. You will see that the name is never added to the navigator.
Exchange creates an bad iCal Meeting invitation when you select an EndBy date
When a user resizes a column in a view by dragging and dropping an edge, their alteration will be stored and won't go back to the original width or design default.
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