The eagle-eyed among you noticed there was no way of adding/removing attachments in the Contact Manager demo. That's no longer the case. I present to you my brand spanking new "Flex Attachment Manager" component for Domino:
Think that looks good? Wait till you see it in action! Forgive me for saying so, but I think it's quite slick.
Open the database and then open an existing document from the view (it could work on a new document, in theory, but doesn't yet). Scroll a bit down the document and you should see the Attachments area. Browse your PC and upload files (size limit of 100kb).
Notice that when you click upload (after a brief pause) the list of file icons should update to include your new one. this isn't trickery - it's actually POSTed the file to the server and then received an updated list of attachments in return. If you see an icon for it on the document then it exists on the backend document. Click to open it if you don't believe me.
In a similar fashion, when you click remove it will update the remove the file from the backend document and receives an updated list of files, which re-renders on the right-hand-side. Not sure I like how final the remove button is. Press it and the file's gone! In the real world I think an "Are you sure?" prompt might be in order.
Note that with both uploading and removing you don't actually need to save the document in order to commit the changes.
With it being a component, adding all this functionality to your form is as easy as this:
Here we're adding a new object derived from the FileManager component and passing in to it an array of file types it will allow the user to upload, as well as telling it what files exist now and what the maximum allowed file size is. All the code itself lives inside the component, making it easy to add the same functionality to more than one form.
The code for uploading the files is something I've talked about before and relies on the DominoDisableFileUploadChecks=1 Notes.ini parameter. The code for removing files uses the %%Detach trick, which I first wrote about exactly 9 years ago to the day (now there's a spooky coincidence!).
In Notes 8.5.1, it's easier to add links and change text color in e-mails, with new toolbar icons! To add a link, you can use the hyperlink button in the toolbar. Then just type or paste the url
On Friday I added a "file management" area to the contact form in the app I'm working. Not long after, as I expected, a couple of you asked for the "killer feature" of being able to upload more than one file at a time.
Ask and thou shalt receive!
The vertical lists of files on the left is the "queue". Files shown there have been selected and are waiting to be uploaded.
Notice that, if you press the Select Files button, the file dialog that appears allow you to select more than one file at a time - unlike with the counterpart HTML file upload control.
Pressing the Upload button sends them, one-by-one, to the backend document. As each file is uploaded it gets removed from the queue and added to the list on the right.
Notice also, that the tiles for existing attachments on the right now include a "Save As" link. Whereas clicking the icon for the file lets the browser decide what to do, the Save As button lets you simply save it to your disk.
It needs a little more refinement, but I think it's ready for you guys to test it.
Replacement For ActiveX?
On Friday Curt Carlson said:
Now if you could choose to upload multiple files in one shot, that would be something Domino has refused to do without active x or some other non-native functionality.
This got me thinking. While this FileManager Flex component is a part of its containing Flex app, there's no reason it can't be used standalone in a normal HTML page.
Rather than needing to install/sign/embed a 3rd party ActiveX component and restrict your users to IE you could just add this component as a Flash SWF file and let it interact with your backend Domino document in the same way you can see it doing in the Flex demo.
A similar document to about and using database documents but visible only in Domino Designer. Into this document the designer could document all the important issues and “special cases” related to the specific database. That way the information would stay in the database (not for example in a separate document) and it would be available when ever you do changes to the code. When you start to modify code done by someone else this would be a good information to read before diving into the code.
You can of course put this kind of information into a dummy form or page but one common location, familiar to all developers, would be a lot better solution.
Author: Lasse Jarvinen Tags:designerdocumentation Idea: A similar document to about and using database documents but visible only in Domino Designer. Into this document the designer could document all the important issues and “special cases” related to the specific database. That way the information would stay in the database (not for example in a separate document) and it would be available when ever you do changes to the code. When you start to modify code done by someone else this would be a good information to read before diving into the code.
You can of course put this kind of information into a dummy form or page but one common location, familiar to all developers, would be a lot better solution.
I see that I can edit my original question, but I don't see an edit button for the answer. I think I should be able to edit my answer, so long as it doesn't have any votes.
I've noticed that 2 main methods of tagging things seem to exist on the web these days - flickr style, where you just use space, and have to put quotes around multi-word tags, or, strictly comma seperated. Since these two, and others may exist, I think it would be useful to the user to display what seperator format is being used. It is present in the ideajam tagging field label.
If a question has a response, the original author should not be permitted to go and edit the question/move the goal posts. If editing the answer was allowed, then the same rule should apply if the answer has votes against it.
“1” if user has right to edit the currently open document
“0” if user has only rights to read the document
This would be a very useful function when writing hide-when formulas or formulas to insert subforms especially when user has Author-level access to the database.
I would like a notes.ini parameter (so pushable by desktop policy) to not include internal adresses in recent contacts.
Currently recent contacts also collects internal NotesNames and this entries are outside of the AdminP renaming process. So you get strange errors/messages when a name is renamed and now twice in the adress lookup. This is the same problem as in another ideajam entry, but the fix is different.
Because project "Vulcan" spans across almost all Lotus products I would like to see an IdeaSpace created specifically for this project so members of the lotus community can contribute ideas specifically targetd at this initiative.
I would like to see the ability to customize the way my Notes (and other) clients operates soly through my user preferences. Adding a tab that accesses the contents of my Notes.ini file and allows me to set/add values would mean I would have one spot where all these setings can be views/maintained and most people would not even need to know that the INI file is there.
Make it easy to group postings based on forms in folders via custom columns. In 8.2, I can create a "Contract" form, have a folder with columns based on that form. If I have 1000s of contracts, there is no simple way to group by "Company"
In the Location document you can select if you want to use the build-in browser or the OS browser (e.g. IE). This selection is very static, but a more dynamic approach could be useful. The build-in browser is ok in most cases, but sometimes it doesn't work as well as the OS browser.
My suggestion is the following: The build-in browser should contain an action button which opens the actual web page in the OS browser.
In the latest iNotes client, when you send an email, there is a green bar displayed that tells you that 1 message was sent. It stays there for a while.
I wish we had a similar very visual notice in the rich client. I know that there is one at the bottom on the status bar but it goes by very quickly, often being replaced by the next message.
Check boxes do not appear in the "Enabled" and "High Priority" columns on the Notes "Replication and Sync" page. Note: This issue happens only with Notes 8.5.x installed on Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6).
If you search your IBM® Lotus® Domino® server's Operating System for "*.mtc" files while message tracking is running, you'll find documents that have names similar to "20100122AS.MTC" and "20100122DF.MTC." What is the naming convention for the MTC files?
Windows 7, Snow Leopard (on Mac OS X 10.6.2), and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Desktop certification testing has been completed for Notes 8.5.1 Fix Pack 1, available now. As part of this release, Notes 32-bit will be supported on Windows 7 64-bit.