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How to recertify a local Notes ID file for POP3 users

Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 281 от 2010-01-08
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


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Carl Tyler was trouble shooting Sametime 8.5 when he noticed a problem. It seems the information on the Sametime 8.5 Infocenter hasn't been updated to reflect the released version. So Carl has posted a list of log-file locations to help you out.

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Jake Howlett has heard from a number of people who wanted a copy of his Accounts database, so he's posted two versions of it so you can try it out.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower85.

Mike Sobczak's users like the Standard client, they just don't like how long it takes for some applications to load. He's looking for suggestions on how to get the best of both worlds.

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If you're going to Lotusphere 2010, especially if this is your first time, Rocky Oliver provides some tips to help make your trip more enjoyable.

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Enough of you have asked for a copy of the Accounts database now that it's easier for me just to upload it here. The only reason I didn't do that in the first place is that I don't think the code is of sufficient quality for posting to the wider public. Please keep that in mind before casting your critical eyes over it.

Note that both version were designed to be used on home networks and are not in any way secured.

Domino Version

Here's the Domino version. Extract the NSF from this Zip to your Domino server and then import the rest of the Zip as a Flex Project Archive in to Flex Builder (assuming you want to fiddle with the Flex part of it).

LAMP Version

Here's the LAMP verison. To get it running you'll need to put all the files on your LAMP server and then import the .SQL file, as well as setting up a CRON job to run the processScheduleds.php file each night. You might need your hacking skills at the ready. Sorry, I can't be bothered to document any of it in any more depth than that.

The LAMP version is the better of the two if you're actually wanting to use the system for real. Notes just doesn't handle lost of numbers very well. If you use the Domino version and want to switch then it's easy enough to create an importable .SQL file from your Notes data, which is what I did.

The LAMP version is also the only one that's likely to get any better in the future, if you want to keep up with any improvements I might make to it.

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We present our most popular Notes/Domino developer tips of 2009. From opening Notes documents in Microsoft Word without coding to rebuilding corrupted busytime.nsf files, these tips piqued your interest last year.

Andre Guirard needed to be able to export all the code from an NSF to disk so a code-check could be run. Since this isn't a usual request, he's posted the directions just in case you need to do the same thing.

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IBM Development and Support will host a webcast on Wednesday January 13th from 9:00 am - 10:30 am eastern US time (2:00 pm GMT) on migrating to Lotus Connections 2.5. Pre-registration is not required.

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While it isn't a method normally approved, for security reasons, Andy Porter knows how set in their ways users can get. So. Andy provides a link to something from OpenNTF to help make this possible in Notes.

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Register for a no-charge, Full Conference pass to Lotusphere 2010.

The best part? It's transferable within your organization if you need to send someone else.

Full details at www.docova.com/lotusphere2010

Laserfiche and FileTek have teamed to create the Trusted Edge Intelligent Email Archive for Laserfiche, a policy-driven solution enabling secure, enterprise-wide email management, for both Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange, while reducing the burden of eDiscovery and compliance.

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By David Gewirtz

Welcome to a new and exciting aspect of the DominoPower experience: DominoPower TV. Every month or so, we'll have a new episode, featuring interviews with some of the most interesting and well-informed members of the Lotus community.

Special thanks go out to Teamstudio for helping us put together Episode 1. They welcomed us into their offices and let us watch and film a confidential strategy session where they explore issues facing staying with Notes or migrating to another platform. Here's the full video:

In this video, Teamstudio Product Manager Mike Wetherbee hosts a discussion between Notes superstar Paul Mooney and a Megan Taylor, Teamstudio's HR Director, who plays the role of a CEO facing a tough decision.

Megan is grappling with the decision to stay with Notes or migrate to MS Exchange, and Paul walks her through the pros and cons on both sides of the fence. Is the grass really greener on the other side? Does Megan stay or does she go?

Product availability and resources
Visit Teamstudio.

For more than 20 years, David Gewirtz, the author of Where Have All The Emails Gone? and The Flexible Enterprise, has analyzed current, historical, and emerging issues relating to technology, competitiveness, and policy. David is the Editor-in-Chief of the ZATZ magazines, is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, and is a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. He can be reached at david@zatz.com and you can follow him at http://www.twitter.com/DavidGewirtz.

PistolStar's Password Power provides browser-based single sign-on to Lotus Domino, Sametime and Quickr with the enhanced security of the Kerberos or NTLM authentication protocol.

  • Full support available for NTLM authentication protocol in non-Active Directory environments
  • Seamlessly integrate Microsoft Active Directory and the Kerberos authentication protocol
  • Leverage Active Directory password policies to unify Lotus applications

Download white paper to learn more: "Leverage Active Directory with Kerberos to Eliminate HTTP Password"

Remember the LotusScript Email class from last October? I've been using it ever since, as it makes sending emails so much easier. You should consider using it - or something similar - if you send lots of emails.

Yesterday I had need to send an email from a Java agent and found myself wishing I had a similar Java class, so I spent half an hour porting the LotusScript to Java. Here's the resulting code, which you can import it to your own agents.

Use it like this:

Email mail = new Email();
mail.setSubject("Test Email");
mail.setHTMLPart("<p>this is <b>html</b>!</p>");
mail.setTextPart("this is just text!"); mail.send("jake howlett");

As with the LotusScript class you can choose to omit the text part if you wish (bad practice to though!), add styles to the HTML etc.

Thought I'd post it here in case anybody else might like it. Or maybe you can offer advice on how to improve it. One thing I need to do today is add an addFileAttachment() method.

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Author: Tommy Valand
Tags: xpages
I've found it really useful to do stuff on partial refresh. Some of the code that I run when the page is loaded also needs to run on partial refresh.
You can hijack the partial refresh function, and publish the event yourself, but it would be nice if this event was published out of the box.
Update: I rewrote the above code slightly to make it possible to have multiple listeners for the complete-event.

Author: Marzel Laning
Tags: Domino Directory Directory Catalog
In the Extended and Compact Directory Catalog you can enter multiple Directories to aggregate, but the Selection Formula can only be entered for the total aggregation of all directories. It would add flexibility and reduce the amount of catalogs if this could be changed to Configuration per Directory to be aggregated into the Directory Catalog. Possible it is best to have multiple configuration documents per Directory like in the Directory Assistance.

Author: Tinus Riyanto
Tags: directory indepence external directory
Basically all (or some) of the information previously stored on Domino Directory via Person document form would be instead stored on an external directory (preferably LDAP). I am aware that there are informations that is exclusive to Domino like mail server and mail file. For these information if possible additional field should be created on the external directories to store them but this is technically not possible they can still be stored on Domino Directory.
Another critical function would be the ability for Domino to authenticate it's user against that external directory thus eliminating the need to synchronize your password over multiple directories. I don't really like password synchronization since they took time to "replicate". I am not saying that Notes should discard the usage of user ID. With ID Vault I think it is still possible for ID to be downloaded to local terminal whenever a user login and deleted if they log out or close the client.
I am well aware that what I suggested sounded very much like Directory Independence but said feature is yet to be published and thus is feasible to change in implementation or even being canceled all together.

Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: sametime chat logging
 We've come a little way, as in ST 8.5 the chat logging that ships with ST seems to be actually supported. See Link
That's good, but chat logging to a server-based NSF or remote relational DB should be a default part of the product.
Plus it'd be really nice if you didn't have to edit text config files to work with chat logging. 

Author: Craig Wiseman
Tags: sametime gateway chat im
Obviously the impressive growth in functionality of the meeting server part of sametime in 8.5 is very cool. However, there's a concomitant huge increase in configuration & hardware requirements.
I'd like to see the chat & IM gateway portions split off and simplified so they could be deployed on a single (2CPU?) server using Domino HTTP and NSF as the backend datastore.
This would HUGELY decrease the hardware & config requirements.

Author: Doctor API
Tags: x64 64 bits
There are customers that have many third party products installed in their windows server and they move to x64 but then they see that some of the third party products are not x64.
There should be a central place where ISV can inform which software support x64

Author: Doctor API
Tags: daos notes api
Internally talking from the Notes C API, DAOS should be transparent. But in practice apps need to know for example if a given attachment is already in the .nlo repository and the # of tickets it has. For example a typical DAOS statistics program needs to know it.
IBM knows this in their internal DAOS catalog.
It will benefit all possible apps, Notes C API is supposed to be a low level API and not a wrapper.

Author: Bruce Lill
Tags: Prohibit Design
With the DXL support, we should be able to mark individual things  like columns in a view/folder and action buttons with prohibit design refresh.
I modify my inbox as I hate new mail at the bottom. I have it categorized by Month-year / week end date. Everytime I upgrade the mail template, my choice is to not upgrade the inbox or lose my changes.
We should be able to merge the new design with the columns I don't want changed. This would work for action buttons and the outline also. The other design elements may be too dificult to merge successfully.
The main reason I get from companies that don't change their mail template is the hassle of having to make the changes when they upgrade Domino version.

We've published a new project called OpenNTF Widget (documentation here). This project contains five widgets that can be installed in Notes to see updates from OpenNTF in the sidebar. Latest Entries in OpenNTF Apache Catalog Latest Entries in ...
Author: Bruce Lill
Tags: Sidebar
Why can't I just right-click on a sidebar widget and select remove? You have to find the entry in the My Widgets list or under Maintain applications.
I had 3 sidebar widgets that didn't show in the My Widgets list, to get rid of them I had to install them again (re reboots) then I could un-install them. I still have 2 I can get rid of..
If they are installed via the policies, it should have something indicate that instead of just hiding the remove button. I have some with no remove that are no longer covered under a policy.
Also I get the workspace to jump to the tab with the widget catalog on it every so often.
I don't look forward to supporting salepersons with this.

Rene Winkelmeyer has uploaded a new release of the project File Navigator which has been cleared for the Apache catalog. This release and his last two releases contain a lot of new functionality and bug fixes as requested by the community. New user ...
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Статьи и Документация

When users configure Lotus Notes as a POP3 client, a local user ID file is automatically created. How can users recertify their ID when it expires, which by default is two years after its creation date?
Notes 8.5 client crashed while user is working in their mail database
Lotus Notes crashes when opening attachments with two or more consecutive dots at the beginning of the filename.
Notes Client crashes when forwarding a mail document
Your attempts to set up Lotus Notes on a new machine fail with the error "User or server name not found in Domino Directory".
Locations do not Show in Group Calendar Print Preview
In Lotus Notes 8.0.1, you press CTRL+A to select all documents in a view. When you click the down arrow to scroll down the list, you notice that some of the documents are no longer highlighted. When you start reselecting the non-highlighted documents, the search results decrease. Why does this happen?
You have several users who share a Notes Client, single user install, by switching IDs. Each user has a different Explicit policy assigned. Some settings that apply to User 1 get applied to User 2 and vice versa. Some settings removed for User 1 get removed for User 2 as well.
This technote contains instructions on how to restore documents to the mini view once they've been removed.
You get the error, "Error accessing product object method" when reserving a room when trying to create a reservation for a room or resource either from a calendar, or from within the reservation database itself. The room/resource in question has a name which contains parentheses. The reservation gets created, but never gets approved and everything following the first parentheses including the parentheses itself gets truncated.
Only one line is printed when printing or previewing a Monthly calendar.
Explanation: Lotus Domino purges log.nsf everyday at 4:00 AM. The Notes.ini settings LOG_PURGE_HOUR changes the log purge hour. Applies to: Lotus Domino Server Default: 4 UI Equivalent: None Recommendation: If your Lotus Domino server workload is not so high at 4:00 AM, do not change the default ...
In a recent twitter scan I stumbled onto a great primer for anyone seeking to answer the question, "What is Domino and why do I care?" This rich two-part series written by Martin Leon serves as both an introduction to the platform, and some of its applications, and a valuable resource for folks ...
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