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Рассылку ведет: Программист на Lotus NotesLotus CoderВыпуск No 287 от 2010-01-22
рассылка о программировании на Lotus Notes/Domino
Обсуждения на форумах, блогах. Примеры программного кода на LotusScript,@formula, Java


Бюллетень "Lotus Notes CodeStore" Выпуск 13 от 21.04.2008


CodeStore. Примеры кодов

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Mainsoft Corporation announced a preview of Mainsoft SharePoint Integrator for Lotus Notes version 2.5. The new version is expected to be available in the first half of 2010 to deliver the same document collaboration experience for Lotus Notes and Outlook users.

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Try IntelliPRINT, The world's leading Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis solution for Notes & Domino

  • Don't spend unproductive time maintaining different versions of the same spreadsheet
  • Preserve data integrity and security in multi-user environments
  • Create reports in minutes INSIDE Notes
  • Get freedom from iterative report requests, deliver self-serve capabilities

Experience Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis INSIDE Notes!

Try IntelliPRINT NOW!

Ross Hawkins saw Andre Guirard's post about exporting code so a code-checker could read it. Then he got to thinking. He's posted some more information on the problem and a way to use Powershell to help search.

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Chris Harris is having some problems with timezones in Notes. The documents need to reflect the correct time at the home office, regardless of who, or where, in the world opens them.

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Lotus Notes Traveler has already been ported to the iPhone and BlackBerry and will soon be available for Android-based phones. Even the server software for Notes Traveler will soon be available for Linux.

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Try a free course at www.tlcc.com/dompower8

They say RSS is dead. Whether that's true or not I don't know, but I have noticed that I personally have been launching my RSS reader a lot less frequently since I made Twitter my primary tool of distraction.

It seems only right that new posts on codestore are announced not only via RSS but also on my Twitter account.

Using Twitter's API and the jTwitter Java library I managed to make this automated by adding 3 lines of code to the MetaWeblog-handling agent in the template. Now, when I press publish from within Windows Live Writer, it not only publishes to the site and RSS but also to Twitter. No need to login or open a browser or the Notes client. Magic.

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Jake Howlett is building a Contact Manager database to use for demonstrations. He's set it up so you can enter yourself, your favorite cartoon character, or your pets, but he'd like you to report any bugs you find in the process.

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This hour-long conference call is designed as an open question & answer session covering deployment of Sametime 8.5. Questions can be submitted before the call begins.

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IBM is providing $4 million to Virtual Bridges to build and market a Linux-based desktop as an alternative to Windows 7. The virtual desktop software would work with IBM's applications such as Lotus Symphony, Sametime, and Notes.

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Try IntelliPRINT, The world's leading Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis solution for Notes & Domino

  • Don't spend unproductive time maintaining different versions of the same spreadsheet
  • Preserve data integrity and security in multi-user environments
  • Create reports in minutes INSIDE Notes
  • Get freedom from iterative report requests, deliver self-serve capabilities

Experience Reporting, Dashboards, and Analysis INSIDE Notes!

Try IntelliPRINT NOW!

InBoxer Anti-Risk Appliance is an integrated system for email archiving, electronic discovery, compliance, and real-time content monitoring for email policy management that works with Lotus Notes and Microsoft Exchange. Your mail archives are held on servers in your own private, hosted cloud.

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By David Gewirtz

We'll have a lot to talk about in the coming weeks about all the Lotusphere announcements. This week, let's take a look at five trends you'll be talking about all year.

#1 LotusLive
Lotus has come out with a full-barrel cloud strategy and it's a good one. Making hardware someone else's problem is compelling for many companies and LotusLive may be far more compelling that Workplace ever was.

#2 Making a living as an IT pro in a cloud-centric world
With a lot of the configuration and server responsibility going back to IBM, how do IT professionals make a living? Those with the ability to cross disciplines, create mash-ups, and deal with heterogeneous environments will win.

#3 Being an ISP in a cloud-centric world
This, too, will change for many IBM business partners. Look more at plug-ins and add-ons to the LotusLive environment, plus some added hassle as you have to wind your way through possible approval and distribution contract challenges.

#4 Eliminating the hardware
With Lotus' announcement that Domino will be available as an image in the Amazon EC2 cloud, even more opportunities open up. Now, it'll be possible to scale without investing in more and more hardware.

#5 The logic of Vulcan
IBM announced Project Vulcan and "opened the kimono" to show us their vision of Notes and the future of enterprise collaboration. Nothing will change in 2010, but as time moves on, the interconnection between services in a loosely-coupled environment could allow for greater flexibility and on-the-fly responsiveness.

So, there you go. A short dispatch. Stay tuned for in-depth analysis over the coming weeks.

For more than 20 years, David Gewirtz, the author of Where Have All The Emails Gone? and The Flexible Enterprise, has analyzed current, historical, and emerging issues relating to technology, competitiveness, and policy. David is the Editor-in-Chief of the ZATZ magazines, is the Cyberterrorism Advisor for the International Association for Counterterrorism and Security Professionals, and is a member of the instructional faculty at the University of California, Berkeley extension. He can be reached at david@zatz.com and you can follow him at http://www.twitter.com/DavidGewirtz.

Until now all the Flex demos I've produced have tied the data in the forms to a DataGrid. Take the Accounts demo for example. If you double click a row in the grid it will open up a form below it. Using this form you can alter the values and post them back to the server. 

That demo works by binding the value from the selected row in the grid to the fields on the form. If - with the form open - you select a different row the form's fields magically update. This is all very well, but, it assumes that all the data you want to manipulate is held in the XML that the grid uses for display. In most cases this won't be true.

Documents are made up of more fields than a view ever has columns.

What we need to do is create a new container for each document we want to open and have it fetch all the data from the server when it's opened.

What I've been tinkering away on is just such a solution. Cast your eyes of the screenshot below:


What you're looking at is a two-pane application, where both the upper and lower panes contain tabbed navigators. The upper pane has a fixed number of tabs - one for each of the view. The lower pane has a new tab added each time you open a document by double-clicking it in a view. Notice of the three tabs already open that they have a different icon on the tabs, depending on document type and a close icon to remove the tab.

Notice in the lower pane that the Form has a fixed-position action bar where, as Notes devs, we'd expect it to be. And that files attached to the document are listed with an associated icon. Clicking the file will download/open it.

It needs further polishing before I can update the online demo or make the source downloadable, but I just couldn't resist teasing you with a screenshot and wanted to assure you the code is forthcoming. Honest. In the mean time I'll cover the principle of opening documents.

How To Open a Document

Remember we already covered how I define the design of the views from the server by using views used purely to render the XML for Flex? Well, taking this one step further we can also add a Form that is used purely for delivering the XML for Flex.

Let's take the Contacts view. We already have an XML counterpart called "vwContactsAsXML". Imagine if we add a Form Formula to that view, like below:


Whereas the View Selection for this view show documents based on the "frmContact" we're going to use a different Form to open them. The Form used looks something like this:


The Form is told to treat its contents as content-type "text/xml". In Flex, when the user double-clicks a document in a view it opens a new tab and the "on load" event then gets the document's XML data through a URL like:


The returned XML is then bound to the fields on the form. How simple is that?

At the bottom of the "XML form" is a Computed Text area which returns information about the @Attachments on the document, which looks like:

<files count="5"> <file name="a brochure.pdf" type="PDF" size="472283" />  <file name="bathroom.vsd" type="VSD" size="316416" />  <file name="relief.png" type="PNG" size="1827794" />  <file name="document.docx" type="DOCX" size="9941" />

This is what Flex uses in a Repeater control to display the files as links to download. The attachments area of the form is based on a custom control I created, which can be added to any form and which you'll be able to take out of the download and use in your own apps.

Now, I know what you might be thinking -- "You mean you have to create a new XML-based form and view for each traditional form and view in the backend?" Well, yes. I know this means making changes in two places. But, unless you can think of a better way of doing this it's an approach I'm settled on for now.

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Anybody with a bit of time to kill could help out and add some new documents to the Contact Manager demo.

Bug reports welcome. As are suggestions for enhancements. It's got some way to got but I think it's stable enough for use.

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Author: Doctor API
Tags: NSD kill
When a third party server task is running, if the server task makes an access violation or any other memory bad operation, the NSD should be shown as usual but the Domino server should not be stopped. I know that this is not really doable in the existing Domino versions because Domino uses shared memory and a crash in a domino process could leave domino resources in a weird state.
But in the next major release of Domino engineers should rework it. It's easy for Domino to know that a server task is not part of domino. In this case suppose a given task makes an access violation. Domino should kill it as usual, free the Domino resources owned by this process and keep runing the server as usual.
The same for non-critical tasks (at this point the only critical task I know is nserver), suppose amgr crashes... they should stop this task and collect the crashing information and restart the task.
I know it's not easy to do, but with a rework I think it should be doable.
Exchange for example uses COM+ to hold event-sinks. So if an event sink crashes then only the dllhost.exe process is crashes but Exchange keeps running fine.
Also if an extension manager is implied in the crash (it can be detected since it appears in the stack trace) then Domino can disable it after the third crash.

Author: Bruce Lill
Tags: Domino community development
The designer client is now free, but to build web apps you still need a server and notes license. I would propose a 10 user server (maybe use the Lotus Foundation)  for little or no money if they build a web site. They would get a 6 mnth trial license and if they built a site, then it would be a permenant license.
It would allow small design/development firms to get into Domino development.
It could be a web only server.
It would allow individual developers to build Domino apps and have a server to host their work on.

Author: Mick Moignard
Tags: inbox federate
We've seen Calendar Federation in 8.5 be very popular. Now, how about Inbox federation.  Allow me to federate other people's inboxes with mine (subject to the usual access restrictions), so that I can see and action mail items in the other mailbox right from mine.   I can see that being useful for
- team mail-in databases; so that I can watch them from my inbox
- personal and admin assistants can keep track of the boss or other team members that they act for
- covering absent colleagues
And you probably have more suggestions.

Author: Mark Demicoli
Tags: PHP
My idea springs from the eternal problem of being forced to use anything BUT the Domino upload control on the web.  PHP has for ages been the best way to create progress bars for uploads, as there seems to be some kind of support for flow control.
Apart from that, there are a gazillion open source scripts (quoting Steve Wissel www.wissel.net/blog/d6plinks/SHWL-6XPP9E) that do everything under the sun, ready to be used.  PHP is by far the most widely used server-side scripting language as far as I know.
While Domino has provision for running a PHP server over the Domino HTTP stack, show me one person who has got it working properely.  Last time it crashed http reliably.  Alternately you could set up a separate LAMP server and access Domino via COM on windows, or XML etc
However ,how nice would it be if we had a PHP Script design element and/or full support of PHP script within the Designer IDE (so PHP could be used in Agents), which ran within the Domino security model and had access to Domino classes?

Author: David Greenstein
Tags: sametime_connect RTCGW gateway integration sms txt
create an option to have an SMS relay service (as part of the STGW?) that enables someone to send from their listed (directory or location set) number a SMS msg to the intended/selected buddy's mobile number defined in directory or location awareness settings.

Author: David Greenstein
Tags: skype sametime_connect integration voip telephony sametime
Create a connector to enable one to call buddy via skype.  User can update their skype info if/as needed and expose it via location info.  Consider as an option below the phone icon (Sametime call, Skype call) when info is available. 

Author: Mark Demicoli
Tags: search engine logs
... it currently records referals from sites.google.com as search engine hits.  These are not search queries.

Author: Phil Warner
Tags: DDE Java lotusscript Tasks comments
In Designer 8.5.1 I've added the Tasks window to the Domino perspective (Window>Show Eclipse Views>Other>General>Tasks), which will list the stuff I've still got left to do when writing Java, if I add "// TODO...etc" comment lines in my code, which is great. It would be lovely to have this feature extended to track tasks remaining when I write code in other languages.

Author: Pavel S
Tags: html attachments <img>
Access to image files, located in database documents from computed html, by IMG tag.
like this:  [<img src=notes://server/db.nsf/0/2345345345/image.gif?openattachment>]

Author: Mike Rosenbaum
Tags: Domino Directory Signature
I would like to have it so the user information is taken from the Domino Directory.  This way your mail file would look up your user name in the Domino Directory and pull all the information about the user.  I would then like to be able to lock down the user's ability to changes this with a policy.  This way everyone's signature is consistent but custimized using the specific user's information.  Ideally it would be nice to have it so you can choose which fields are put into the header.

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Lotus Support Technical Exchange is a series of webcasts and Open Mic conference calls where technical experts share their knowledge and answer your questions on specific technical topics.
The send copy to mail rule does not work if the document it is trying to send is encrypted.
After enabling SwiftFile in the preferences for the Notes Client, it will work for a few days and then become unchecked.
For cost, operational efficiency, and regulatory requirements, enterprises are required to archive transactional data. But that data might still be useful for reporting purposes. This article shows how easily you can use IBM Mashup Center to modify a reporting mashup to combine data from a DB2(R) relational database with data that was archived using the Optim(TM) Data Growth Solution.
After entering a command to convert a number of Lotus Domino mail files in a text file to a different template, you receive a "Mail Convert Failed" error message.
The calendar footer preference in Notes is not saved after a restart of the client. The calendar footer display keeps changing from months to days.
When working in the My Widgets sidebar panel, switching the display style can cause an unselected widget to be acted upon.
Domino 8.5.1 server crashes on HTTP task when accessing iNotes ultra-light if Domino Web Engine setting to "Store Web user preferences in cookies" is set to disabled.
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