Есть Web-приложение, запускаемое на Apache Tomcat 5.5.23 и используемое для работы с удаленной базой Лотуса. Для этого я использую библиотеку тегов domtags. Код такой: ...
Есть Web-приложение, запускаемое на Apache Tomcat 5.5.23 и используемое для работы с удаленной базой Лотуса. Для этого я использую библиотеку тегов domtags. Код такой: ...
Работаю в Lotus Notes (темой не ошибся!!!) Задача: получить данные из GPS-навигатора, а именно широту и долготу. Мне посоветовали написать библиотечку на С\С++ (поэтому и пишу в этой ветке форума). Вот собственно и прошу помощи в этом направлении. Посоветуйте хоть с чего начать или по каким ссылочкам хоть что-то похожее найти. (на самом С знания почти нулевые).
Братцы! Можно ли ставить ограничение на количество используемой памяти отдельно для каждого приложения в WAS 6.1? И есть ли там вообще какие-либо настройки использования памяти? з.ы. мануалы и гугль перелопатил, никак не могу найти этой информации ткните носом.
Думаю проблему надо искать в формуле, которая описывает конкретный View, в котором отображаются письма. В некоторых таких формулах есть сравнение на момент пустого поля PostedDate, в зависимости от которого письмо отображается или нет. ...
IT'S TIME FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL TEAMSTUDIO SPOTLIGHT AWARDS! Have you developed a truly remarkable Notes application? Something innovative, creative or efficient (or all of the above)? We want to hear from you!
You could win the accolades of the Notes community -- and more.
Dave Hay has been arguing with his software. So far... Well. He got errors WSWS7007E and WSVR0501E from his WAS installation after a seemingly successful update so he's documented the "fix" if you run into the same issue.
It's been a while since I posted one of my tenuous analogies. Such an analogy came to me this morning in the shower. Computers are like cars. Stick with me.
Here's a picture of the first car I ever owned. It was when I was about to turn 18 and go off to uni to "study" Mechanical Engineering. Not that the degree had much to do with cars, but I spent the summer before I started tinkering with my little Mini. I did all kinds of things to it. Draining the brakes and changing the head gasket for example. The engine was easily accessible and I felt comfortable tinkering with it.
The fact it was a death-trap that my then girlfriend's mother refused to let her travel in (quite rightly so) was besides the point. It was fun. I just hope my kids (or their partners) never turn up in anything like it.
Because I happened to find them while looking for the photo above, here are shots of the two cars I owned subsequent to the Mini.
I remember owning a Haynes manual for the 306 but not for the Golf. I bought the Golf brand new (will I never learn!) and so it was covered by a warranty, so I never needed to touch it.
Where is this going? Well, my first computer was like the Mini. It was accessible and I often tinkered with it. Sometimes I'd completely strip it down, clean all the bits of dust and rebuild it. With the OS (Win 95) I used to know all the nuts and bolts of it. I knew exactly what each line of config.sys and auto(?).bat meant and how to change them.
Forward fifteen years and I've just bought another new car. I can't imagine for a second that I will ever even lift the bonnet. I have no interest in how it works, just as long as it does. Same goes for my latest computer. The fact it's a laptop makes it unlikely I'll ever lift the lid on its inner workings. The fact it Windows 7 means (AFAIK) there's no longer a config.sys file and I have no idea how it boots or how I'd tinker should I want to. Fact is I don't want to.
So, what's changed? Maybe it's just me and I have less time and interest in tinkering with either cars or PCs. More likely I suspect is that it's the manufacturers making a conscious effort to stop us from being able to?
Our Notes/Domino administration expert answers our users' queries on upgrading to Domino 8.5 with clustered servers, using the Domino Internet Cluster manager and more.
Swyx will be releasing a new Option Pack for its software-based Unified Communications solution SwyxWare to enable seamless integration with IBM Lotus Notes. SwyxWare 7 Option Pack for Lotus Notes gives Lotus Notes users access to telephony functions from within the client.
Marc Champoux provides a step-by-step guide to help you use Smart Upgrade, Install Shield Tuner, the SURunAsWizard, and Policies to upgrade Notes clients to 8.5.1. The presentation is included in a 5MB PDF you can download from his page.
Use Case: Administrator opens group documents and does not know where this group is being used explicitly. Getting this information is pretty painful, especially in less-well-structured directories.
Action: Add an embedded view to the group document with document links or db links which show where a certain group is being used in this Domino environment
When building Objects in SSJS it would be a big help if there was a list somewhere online (in alphabetical order) of all the reserverd words I cannot use to assign to variables/functions. It would be even better if the SSJS Editor could actually detect and warn me if I were to assign one of these.
It seems like the competition to get a speaker spot at Lotusphere goes up each year. As a devoted non-Lotuspehere attendee for the past 16 years I find that gaining access to the Presentations acts as a useful substitute. Not as good as being there but I learn heaps. My suggestion is to offer all those that were not accepted the chance to submit presentations and/or PDF, assign fictitous Session IDs and publish these with all the official Lotusphere presentations. That way the community can still find out more from the great many brilliant submissions that don't make the cut. As an added incentive pethaps we could even conduct a poll on those presentations that missed the cut and offered to publish anyway and award a 2nd chance price to one of these to attend a LUG or even lotsuphere the following year.
Author: Mike Richter Tags:notes clientnew mail notificationpopuppop-upnotification Idea: I am not using this feature only due to its limited functionality. Please upgrade the way new mail notifies users, especially the way the pop-ups work. I hate to say it, but Outlook came up with this design back in 2003's (maybe earlier) but something similar to that would be nice. Something that Notes clients already have (in R8+), like the Sametime Announcements, that come up from the bottom right with some info, and go away without taking any focus away from the user’s desktop. Any takers?This maybe already listed as an idea, but I can't find it anywhere.
I've been asked where you can find samples
how to add logic into Notes mails like buttons to send back certain replies,
add calendar entries etc. Since I couldn't find anything I created a new
project 'Mail
Utilities for Power Users'. I know many ...
Make the width the Members area of a group document wider?
There doesn't appear to be any reason for the narrow width. The right column (half of screen) gets bigger on wider windows/resolution but the Left side remains fixed and is far too narrow
The problem with the narrow width is that hierarchical names end up wrapping frequently making the members list hard to read and much longer than necessary.
The following is a checklist that a user may follow in order to debug issues that might be witnessing 1) Using a desktop web browser, navigate to https://hostname/servlet/traveler Where hostname is the name of the traveler server you are configured to use. Be sure to use the specifics of ...
After installing an upgrade to McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8, several Lotus Notes Scanner error messages occur when launching the Notes client. These eventually cause a crash. Why does this happen?
This technote covers a new feature being made available in Notes/Domino 8.5.1 which takes further advantage of the Domino Attachment and Object Service (DAOS), first introduced in Domino 8.5.