Помогите пожалуйста... При нажатии на сообщение в папке Входящие после прочтения изчезает из папки... Перерыл все настройки, ничего не нашел... Что можно сделать? Может сталкивался кто?
при запуске иконки сервера домино под виндоус системой выходит сообщение Lotus Notes: error 0x143. в диспетчере задач, задачи домино сервера отсутствуют. антивирусная система касперского на сервер отключена. в файле нотес ини разобраться что к чему не смог. Прошу Вас помочь в решении данной проблемы.
Добрый день всем! возникла такая надобность: сделать бы просмотр PDF-документов в Lotus Notes без запуска сторонних программ, таких как Adobe, например. обсуждений конкретных не нашла, подскажите кто что знает, пожалуйста.
в лотусе, например, есть стандартный шаблон для баз, позоволяющий работать с вордовскими документами, например, там есть форма для документа Microsoft Office word document, при открытии документа ворд в базе его содержимое можно просмотреть через эту форму без вызова самой программы Microsoft word, средствами лотуса получается. можно ли то же самое реализовать для pdf файлов? чтобы при открытии (например через аналогичную форму для pdf файлов) можно было бы просмотреть содержимое, без вызова сторонней программы?
После смены пароля на винде, лотус меняет пароль у себя (при установленном модуле синхронизации пароля винды и лотуса) только после второй перещагрузки - это норма? И есть одно НО - если клиент 8.0.1 basic, то при смене пароля не винде он видит, что пароль винды сменился, предлагает их синхронизировать и после перезагрузки не подходит ни новый ни старый пароли - это только у меня так или это баг 8.0.1?
Проблема в том что $ почему то не воспринимается и подключение не проходит, если его убрать то все ок. Вопрос в том как задать пароль в котором есть $ ?
Извиняюсь что не коректно поставил вопрос, и спасибо что вы ответили на него..вот сам скрин той ошибки..буду рад любому ответу, который даст правильное направление.
Замечен такой глюк есть две базы сервера (8.5) стоят как Editor в ACL, при обновление дизайна через convert. Элементы дизайна все равно реплицируються. Галки в свойствах репликации стоят,если их снять то дизайн все равно реплицируется но уже не весь. Что за глюк кто нить с этим сталкивался? Это меня уже клинит?
Вопрос почему разный дизайн? Потому что есть измененный Нотусовый шаблон и убогий веб.Потому и хотелось бы держать для веба 8.5 и для клиента 7.Х Ограничить сервера типом Reader низя так как юзается еще Traveler
Господа, кто-нить делал миграцию с Exchange 2003 на Lotus? Проблема состоит в следующем, делаю миграцию как указано в статье на IBM? у меня возникает проблема переноса контактов, переносится только 5 определенных контактов, почему остальные не переносятся понять не могу...вот лог:
Miscellaneous Events: 09.11.2009 13:06:41 Lotus Notes client started 09.11.2009 13:06:47 Client Execution Security is enabled. 09.11.2009 13:06:47 Dynamic Client Configuration started 09.11.2009 13:06:47 Initializing Dynamic Client Configuration 09.11.2009 13:06:47 Dynamic Client Configuration updating location information 09.11.2009 13:06:47 Dynamic Client Configuration shutdown 09.11.2009 13:07:11 Dynamic Client Configuration started 09.11.2009 13:07:11 Initializing Dynamic Client Configuration 09.11.2009 13:07:11 Dynamic Client Configuration updating policy information 09.11.2009 13:07:11 Dynamic Client Configuration updating location information 09.11.2009 13:07:11 Dynamic Client Configuration shutdown 09.11.2009 13:07:16 PAB Migration: Number of entries migrated: 5
При отправке письма через Lotus у получателя меняется кодировка. Из-за чего это может происходить??? Вопрос может и не по теме форму. Не знаю просто, где корректней будет его задать.
Извиняюсь что не коректно поставил вопрос, и спасибо что вы ответили на него..вот сам скрин той ошибки..буду рад любому ответу, который даст правильное направление.
I know some people really missed having plain red text for their unread mail (instead of bold black text), when Notes switched in 8.0. So now in 8.5.1, you can set a preference and change that unrea
PISTOLSTAR: LOTUS NOTES AUTHENTICATION THAT BREAKS THE STATUS QUO Password Power's complete integration with the Microsoft Active Directory password enables Notes client access, ends time-consuming Notes ID password recovery and addresses known issues with Notes 8.5:
Passwords are encrypted in volatile memory - not stored on user's hard drive
Notes roaming capabilities are fully functional - not limited
Password checking is honored - no decreased security or failed compliance
All Notes ID file copies are synched automatically with Active Directory password - no remembering old passwords or restoring ID files
Halloween was a scary date for me as it spelt one thing -- company year end. It was Halloween 2003 when I setup Rockall Design ltd and so is also the day my company accounts for the year gone are due.
As with any birthday it's always a good time to take stock and look both forward and backward. With that in mind, here's a chart of company turnover for the last 6 years.
Somehow it has kept on heading in the right direction and during the last year I seem to have been unaffected by the "credit crunch". Although I'm not confident that the same will be true this year, but, like every year gone I have little idea what the one ahead holds. Therein lies the joy of "going it alone".
Things I've Learnt
Every now and then (although not for a long time) I get asked for advice on setting up and running your own company. To which my answer is normally that I can't advise as my case isn't exactly normal and so I'm not the best person to ask. By this I mean that my business model is based on people wanting me to work them having gotten to know me through this site first of all.
Unless you also have a blog with lots of readers then I can't advise on the initial start-up of a business. I have no idea how you'd go about getting new customers. All I did was make it public what I was doing and slowly but surely work came my way.
But what have I learnt in the last six years? Hmmm. Still don't know if I can offer any meaningful advice or business tuition, but I am definitely still learning as I go. I just think it has to be a personal thing. How you run your business is down to you and depends on your ideals and philosophy.
What I would say is that you often need to swallow your pride, but you should always keep your dignity. Oftentimes I've had to bite my tongue and I have a Drafts folder full of emails I never sent. Never ever write a reply to a customer that's made you angry without first walking away from it, calming down and re-appraising. That's normally when I decide not to send it and there are some emails in my drafts that I'm sooo glad I never did.
Above all just keep the customer happy! Without customers your business is nothing. Although they're not always right it's good to let them think they are. Do whatever it takes to keep them.
Knowing What Not To Do
My new company year resolution is to start turning work away when I know it's more hassle than it's worth. Often it's the little jobs that take the longest! The less people seem to want to pay the more they seem to want in return. Probably the same of all trades I'd guess?
In the first year or so of Rockall I'd do literally anything to earn money. As they say: "No job too small". From now on I will still do the small jobs but will have to charge a premium to cover the admin aspect. While a customer (who may well be a developer) may suspect the work to take "a few hours" I have to factor in the initial emails about the work, the work itself, raising the invoice, chasing the invoice etc etc.
The smallest job I will do from now on is a day's work at my daily rate. No matter how small the job is. If it takes 10 minutes to code it will still cost a day. Otherwise it's just not worth it.
Not that I don't want small jobs. To a degree I like the little jobs - thinking of them as "pocket money", sometimes I'll do a job and think "Right, that's paid for the broadband for a year...".
While doing the little jobs I try to think of them as a potential foot in the proverbial door. Provide good service and they might come back for more (and hopefully bigger) jobs doing.
Looking Back
While I have no regrets I do wonder if the money and time spent on "marketing" have been worth it. By this I mean the company logo and website. While they might give the right impression I'm never sure if they've helped secure any work.
Although I know for sure that the money I spent on a set of 500 letter-headed A4, business cards and compliment slips definitely was a waste. Especially as the company I bought the 0845 phone number listed on them all has since cancelled my service. I still have about 490 of each left.
Looking Forward
As with the last six years I have no idea what the one ahead holds in store for me. This fills me with as much a sense of fear as it does excitement. Especially when Karen is going on another maternity leave in five weeks' time.
Luckily, over the years I've managed to keep a handful of key customers without whom I'd be back on the job market. By keeping these customers happy I've kept myself at home, able to help Karen out, spend quality time with the kids and free of a daily commute. My dream is to never have to return to office-based employment.
Over the last year or so my most significant customer has been making more and more noise about dropping Domino. To counter the potential loss of business I've been trying to make it clear to them that I'm not just about Domino and that, whatever they choose, I can learn/do that too. Even if it meant learning as I went and taking a hit financially to do so, such is my desire to hold on to the customers I've had over the years.
Some proportion of what I did over the last year was non-Domino based and I'd imagine this trend will continue. I'm expecting SQL Server, ASP and .Net to play a part in the years to come.
One thing is for sure - I can't just rest on my morals and think that being a well-known Domino expert will keep a roof over our heads indefinitely...
Mary Beth Raven is looking for some help from you. The terms "connector" and "plug-in" have been used in different IBM applications for a very similar software item. Is this confusing to you? Should both items be referenced by the same term?
For the 6 years I've run Rockall Design I've banked with the Co-Op. This decision was made on the fact that they're an "ethical bank" and it made be feel all green and eco-fuzzy choosing them. That turned out to be a mistake and I am now in the process of switching banks.
It's not that there's anything wrong with the Co-op as a bank. They've never done anything to upset me there. It's just that their online banking for business accounts is an absolute joke. What might just have washed 6 years ago as an acceptable solution is now laughable in how bad it is. So bad that I won't even try to do it justice by listing all the issues.
It always makes me laugh when I remember being offered the solution - "visit out of business hours". But, errr, hello, it's a business account. I don't want to be doing my business admin on the weekend thank you very much.
As the online interface is the only interface to my bank it has to be up to scratch. As the co-op causes me severe irritation at least once a month I've just had to take action (they've been promising a new interface for way too long) and I'm in the process of opening a new bank account.
What prompted me to do with was a junk mail from Alliance & Leicester asking me to open an account with them. Ok I thought, now's as good a time as any. So I applied online and waited. Two weeks later I rang them to find out they'd sent a letter to tell me I'd been declined, which never arrived. Apparently my credit rating isn't bad enough. Although if I wrote them a letter asking them to re-consider the likelihood is that it they'd accept. Yeah, right.
What is it with banks acting like credit card companies and only accepting accounts for businesses with debt. It's like being punished for doing well. No debt = no account!
In the end I opened a new account with HSBC, which has been "accepted in principle" and I await a call to finalise it.
Either way the co-op have lost another customer and judging by other online commentary I'm not the only one. Ironically I blogged about how bad co-op was 6 years ago, before opening the account, saying I wouldn't, but then did. Doh!
New Invoice
To celebrate the fresh start and inspired by the Invoice Like a Pro article on Smashing Magazine I have re-vamped my invoice to look like this:
Some weeks ago we asked what features
people would like to see in the next
generation of the discussion template.
The two most requested features are user profiles from other NSFs and configurable
email notifications: Configurable
email ...
Top innovator board should restrict admins - or atleast provide an option in the backend to restrict people from the top innovator board based on their access rights.
Do you ever find yourself asking how long it takes to review or even implement an idea? It would be interesting to include a graph that shows the average days ideas are sitting in the different status buckets, particularly open, in progress.
In addition to aging, it would be nice to show how many ideas sit in each of the statuses in a graph. The graph could be very simple just listing the 5 statuses and the total amount.
Ryan Baxter has contributed a sample
showing how to use the notes.jar to access Notes data in the background
thread without blocking the user interface. From Ryan:
<< This plugin is an example of
how one could obtain document information from a ...
Jl Li has contributed a new reusable
XPage control to perform advanced/parametric searches. You can find the control in the Apache
catalog or download it from here
directly. Here
is the ...
This article describes how to build and deploy a custom IBM® Lotus® Symphony™ package using Microsoft® System Center Configuration Manager, formally Systems Management Server. The article describes in detail how to prepare your custom package with custom plug-ins, add custom branding, and update the Lotus Symphony package home page.
Restoring IBM Lotus Domino data from a decommissioned Domino server Shankar Venkatachalam Lotus Domino Administrator IBM India Private Ltd. Bangalore, KA India November 2009 Summary: This article explains how to restore IBMî Lotusî Dominoî data (for example, a mail file) from a ...