Попробуйте посмотреть вот эти 2 документа (на английском):
iNotes форма используется для изменения стандартного вида iNotes интерфейса, т.е. того, через который Вы можете работать со своей почтовой коробкой через Web. ...
очень часто разработчики, по незнанию, или передавая из уст-в-уста "подходы" к программированию для LDN (Lotus Domino Notes) упорно ходят по граблям таковыми являются - использование форматов от МС (альтернатива ODF, PDF, RTF)
Использование COM интерфейсов... - самая распространенная (на мой взгляд) "ошибка" несмотря на кажущуюся простоту (на самом деле это не так), эти интерфейсы плохо документированы (искать, порой по крупицам), "не совпадают" типы LS и VB, способ передачи параметров - отдельные исследования... И в довершении бед - неконтролируемые утечки памяти... неуправляемость поведения (черный ящик): -локировки файлов -остающиеся процессы -открываемые окна ...
и если на клиенте - это терпимо, то на сервере - недопустимо
COM, как правило, поставляется с приложением (хотя бывает как отдельный набор) и часто - это платно (и имеет лицензионные ограничение по кол-ву юзеров)
теперь про java - она встроена в платформу LDN, возможно использование нативных DLL (в LDN тоже можно)... Самое главное (для разработчиков) - для неё написано огромное кол-во кода (в том числе бесплатного), качественные библиотеки Apache разумеется - есть недостатки: - невозможность использования UI Notes (по крайней мере до 8.х версий, но и там не всё "гладко") - обмен с LS через бридж LS2J, и как следствие - ограничение передаваемых типов данных ...
но: - возможно использование UI swing, кот. работает в отдельном потоке LDN и объекты обладают временем жизни LDN - возможность создания долгожвущих объектов - глобальные объекты ...
нужно для отдельной базы NSF, созданной по стандартному шаблону doclbm7.ntf (MS Office Library) сделать доступ через Web и с красивым интерфейсом, и без использования ява апплетов. Версия Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.1 ...
нужно для отдельной базы NSF, созданной по стандартному шаблону doclbm7.ntf (MS Office Library) сделать доступ через Web и с красивым интерфейсом, и без использования ява апплетов. Версия Lotus Notes/Domino 8.5.1 ...
Обычно в дизайне баз часто используются по две формы - одна для представления внутри обычного десктоп клиента, другая - под Web. Иногда такие формы имеют совмещенный код. ...
My boss has decided to do the IT equivalent of crossing the beams. He wants to make Domino work with IIS. Worse, he wants ME to make Domino work with IIS.
Is this even possible?
Will it cause permanent damage to the fabric of the universe (or my career)?
As it turns out, you can use IIS as a front-end to WebSphere Application Server and Domino. You basically need to install the WebSphere plug-in into IIS. This is neither all that hard, nor unsupported. In fact, Lotus has documented the steps you're going to need to follow.
Tanith, it's always good to know how to do more things, and if you've got experience bridging two worlds, that's always a valuable career point. All life as we know it will not stop instantaneously and every molecule in your body will not explode at the speed of light. So, you're safe for now.
Joe is a ZATZ associate editor. Prior to this job, he was customer support manager for the FileFlex database engine.
Lotus market Quickr as a great solution that run's under different browser types like IE, Mozilla and Safari.
However the user experience running under the different browser is completely different. The user experience is great with IE because it uses ActiveX. The User experience expectations in Mozilla and Safari are the same however there are a lot of differences.
My suggestion would be that Quickr recognises automatically the browser technology that is used and provides based on the browser being used a very intuitive user experience for the vanilla templates that come out to the box with Quickr.
The user is being guided intuitively through all the options that are provided for that specific browser. Currently, in my experience, it's not intuitive.
The user experiences are managed in the documentation of Quickr.
I would like to see that it is allowed to go to a field that is not editable. This may be useful when you need to jump to a part of a form that does not contain editable fields and still you want to place the cursor there.
At the moment in Quickr it is not possible to get an overview of all personal subscriptions inside of Quickr.
Even not with the Feedreader-Komponent. Feed Reader only can adress ONE source.
So, for users it is very difficult to recognize in which place changes were made or content is updated.
If the starting page of quickr ("My-Places"-Portlet) would be more customizable, it would be beneficial if also my subscriptions could be configured.
This would allow a central overview on your subscriptions, without having to leave Quickr.
I know that you can a centralized overview on subscriptions via Notes 8.5 sidebar. But what if your company doesn't use 8.5? Or she uses 8.5 Basic-mode?
Second opportunity would be a third party feed reader. But it is third party, why should i use third party, when quickr has a feed-reader? Third party would mean to teach users to use third party eg.
At the moment in Quickr it is not possible to get an overview of all personal subscriptions inside of Quickr.
Even not with the Feedreader-Komponent. Feed Reader only can adress ONE source.
So, for users it is very difficult to recognize in which place changes were made or content is updated.
If the starting page of quickr ("My-Places"-Portlet) would be more customizable, it would be beneficial if also my subscriptions could be configured.
This would allow a central overview on your subscriptions, without having to leave Quickr.
I know that you can a centralized overview on subscriptions via Notes 8.5 sidebar. But what if your company doesn't use 8.5? Or she uses 8.5 Basic-mode?
Second opportunity would be a third party feed reader. But it is third party, why should i use third party, when quickr has a feed-reader? Third party would mean to teach users to use third party eg.
RAM and network are big dependencies, but application speed is the single most important feature of any software application. If IBM could make Lotus Notes the fastest email client on the planet they would surely grab back a huge chunk of market share. This is as basic as it gets.... we want speed... speed... and more speed. Enough with the bells and whistles... let's get back to basics!
As we all know SAP has proved a lot, so we need to have lotus notes integration with SAP.
Already there are so many requirements for SAP integration in lotus notes. I could not find any code to integrate. IBM has to publish the code that integrates lotus notes with SAP.
Sometimes it would be nice, we could show documents from 2 ore more databases in one view.
An example is the display of appointments from a CRM database and the appointments from the
calender inside the users mail database in one (calender)view.
So IBM should enhance the SELECT Formula of a view.
I really badly feel the need to be able to drag'n'drop items upwards/downwards in the Domino Designer 8.5 working set, in order to keep related items close together.
In the illustration, I get frustrated when I can't move the currently-highlighted app "iText PDF text stamping prototype #3" downwards a couple of rows (indicated by the green arriow) so as to better associate this app with two others (where I've also been testing iText for PDF generation and stamping).
You always could shift things around in the old Domino Designer, and not being able to do it in DDE 8.5 is quite an annoyance.
I really badly feel the need to be able to drag'n'drop items upwards/downwards in the Domino Designer 8.5 working set, in order to keep related items close together.
In the illustration, I get frustrated when I can't move the currently-highlighted app "iText PDF text stamping prototype #3" downwards a couple of rows (indicated by the green arriow) so as to better associate this app with two others (where I've also been testing iText for PDF generation and stamping).
You always could shift things around in the old Domino Designer, and not being able to do it in DDE 8.5 is quite an annoyance.
Detlev Poettgen and Onur Guengoeren
have released a nice end user tool on OpenNTF
under the Apache license - called Snippets. Lotus Notes users can drag and drop
snippets of texts and attachments from a sidebar panel into Notes documents.
Users can ...
Notes 8.5.1 can be installed or upgraded on Windows and Citrix platforms in conjunction with a customized data directory specification. This new functionality is documented ...
Windows 7, Snow Leopard (on Mac OS X 10.6.2), and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.4 Desktop certification testing is currently underway targeting support for Notes 8.5.1 Fix Pack 1 in January 2010. As part of this release, Notes 32-bit will be supported on Windows 7 64-bit. This technote will be updated as more information becomes available.