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Знакомьтесь, новые лица: российское правительство обновилось на треть

Знакомьтесь, новые лица: российское правительство обновилось на треть
2018-05-18 22:08
Российский кабмин обновился более, чем на треть. У премьера теперь четыре новых зама, а в девяти министерствах — новые руководители. Структура кабинета также претерпела изменения.

«Королевский свадебный паб»: в Вашингтоне по случаю бракосочетания принца Гарри и Меган Маркл открыли специальный бар
2018-05-19 01:25
19 мая состоится событие, которого миллионы людей по всему миру ждут с таким нетерпением — это свадьба британского принца Гарри и американской актрисы Меган Маркл. В Вашингтоне по такому случаю даже решили открыть тематический бар.

Пощечина, которой «не было»: депутат показал, как работает с молодежью
2018-05-19 01:54
В Московской области депутат местного совета дал пощечину подростку, который, по его мнению, слишком шумно вел себя на спортивной площадке. А потом сказал, что ничего не было.

USA: 'All of Texas is grieving' — Sen. Cruz on high school shooting
2018-05-19 05:14
Residents of Santa Fe gathered on Friday to commemorate the victims of a local high school shooting which claimed 10 lives. Amongst the mourners was Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who spoke a few solemn words to crowds of listeners: «None of us knows why there is evil in the world but this community has seen it, has seen the face of unmitigated evil.» «This community tragically has seen the valley of the shadow of death. But this community will come through», he continued. Pastor Dominion Church and Santa Fe High School graduate Clint DeGroot Pastor then turned to the crowd to say, «I see coaches and I see classmates in the crowd tonight, and I see a community that I grew up in, that I know is strong and courageous. I saw three baseball players and so we got out and we are going to be strong and we are going to make it through.» Texas authorities confirmed that 10 people were killed and a further 10 were wounded in Friday's shooting. The victims reportedly include both students and staff.

USA: Hundreds mourn victims of school shooting in Santa Fe
2018-05-19 06:33
Hundreds gathered in Santa Fe on Friday for a vigil to honour the victims of the high school shooting that killed ten people. Texas Senator Ted Cruz spoke to press at the event, stating that greater precautions should be taken at schools to make them “safer”. He said that students had told him that they wished their school had more metal detectors and police officers. “I’ve had several students tonight saying they wished that that former marine [a teacher at the school] had been armed and had been able to defend himself”, said Cruz. The Senator stated that more should be done to target criminals. “I have been leading the fight in the senate to ensure that criminal convictions are reported to the data bases, and that any felon fugitive who tries to illegally buy a gun, is prosecuted”, he said. Texas authorities confirmed that 10 people were killed and a further 10 were wounded in Friday's shooting at Santa Fe High School. The victims reportedly include both students and staff.

Spain: FC Barcelona waves goodbye to football legend Iniesta
2018-05-19 06:39
FC Barcelona hosted on Friday a tribute to say goodbye to legendary football player Andres Iniesta, who will leave the team after this season. Under the slogan 'Infinit Iniesta' (Infinite Iniesta), coaches, colleagues and relatives gathered in Barcelona stadium Camp Nou to celebrate the end of the player's career with Barca. «He always defended his club, but above this his behavior has always been exquisite, and I think that for football, it is always important to have players like him», said Real Madrid Institutional Relations Director Emilio Butragueno. «He has chosen the [right] moment. I think that he has been really smart in his decision and he deserves it. He leaves being respected, admired , loved... he is an example», said former FC Barcelona player Xavi Hernandez. Spanish legend Andres Iniesta is set to leave FC Barcelona after 22 years at the club, where he enjoyed a trophy-filled career for his club and country.

«Настоящее время. Итоги» с Юлией Савченко
2018-05-19 07:22
Год «российского» расследования Мюллера // Мосты недоверия — в Крыму открылось сообщение через Керченский мост // Cанкционное «зазеркалье» в новый срок Путина. Гости — профессор Майкл Макфол, зампреды Меджлиса крымско-татарского народа Ахтем Чийгоз и Ильми Умеров и экономист Владимир Милов.

Turkey: Erdogan calls on Muslim world to support Palestine
2018-05-19 08:16
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Muslim countries to support the State of Palestine, after dozens of protesters were killed by Israeli forces on the Gaza border this week, speaking at an extraordinary summit of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul on Friday. «Men and women, young and old, the entire Muslim world is by your side. The al-Quds cause for which you laid your life, do not forget is all of our cause. We will never abandon you in your sacred struggle until the occupation is finished, until an independent and sovereign Palestinian State with al-Quds as its capital is established; we will continue to support you», Erdogan said. «Isn't one of the Ten Commandments 'thou shalt not kill'? Remember, as long as you stay quiet against your prison of Goliath, you will not be able to save yourselves from resembling him. And those of conscious among yourselves should tear down the roles of fear and should say stop to this order of oppression and massacres», he stated. On Monday, a total of 62 Palestinians were killed and more than 2,700 were wounded by Israeli forces during protests condemning the opening of the new US embassy in Jerusalem.

Свадьба принца Гарри и Меган Маркл: как это будет
2018-05-19 10:16
Принц Гарри, младший внук королевы Великобритании II и шестой в линии наследования на британский трон, в субботу женится на канадско-американской актрисе Меган Маркл, звезде телесериала Suits. Невесту к алтарю поведет отец Гарри принц Уэльский, а актриса ради свадьбы перешла в протестантизм.

«Я здесь ради Иерусалима»: под пули израильтян встают старики, женщины и дети
2018-05-19 10:31
Израиль и США раскритиковали решение Совета по правам человека ООН расследовать гибель десятков палестинцев в столкновениях в Секторе Газа. В регионе продолжаются беспорядки.

USA: Protesters hold Nakba rally in New York City
2018-05-19 10:50
Pro-Palestine demonstrators held a Nakba Day rally in New York City, Friday, where they carried flags of the State of Palestine and placards in support of the Palestinian people. Addressing the crowd at Times Square, 42nd St. 7th Avenue, one protest speaker said: «our children are American born, they have American citizenship and they know their rights. Their hearts and minds are with Palestine.» 'Nakba' — meaning 'Catastrophe' in Arabic — refers to the 1948 Palestinian exodus, where an estimated 700,000 Palestinians were expelled to make way for the newly created State of Israel.

YouTube Music вместо Google Play Music
2018-05-19 10:52
На следующей неделе жители США, Мексики, Австралии, Новой Зеландии и Южной Кореи смогут познакомиться с новым музыкальным сервисом.

UK: Huge crowd awaits royal wedding in Windsor
2018-05-19 11:16
Hundreds of people gathered outside Windsor Castle on Saturday, to get a glimpse of the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. *SCRIPT TO FOLLOW*

Russia: ISS Expedition crews bid farewell to relatives ahead of launch
2018-05-19 11:26
The main and backup crews of Expedition 56/57 to the International Space Station (ISS) said goodbye to their families in Star City, Moscow Region, on Saturday, before heading to Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. The crews are set to prepare for a launch to the ISS which is planned for June 6. The main crew of the expedition is made up of Roscosmos cosmonaut Sergei Prokopiev, NASA astronaut Serena Maria Aunon-Chancellor and ESA (European Space Agency) astronaut Alexander Gerst. The backup crew comprises Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Kononenko, CSA (Canadian Astronaut Corps) astronaut David Saint-Jacques and NASA astronaut Anne McClain. The Soyuz MS-09 Mission is expected to run for 187 days. Earlier, Russian cosmonaut Sergei Prokopiev shared with journalists the information that the mission crew would arrange an improvised football match on the ISS to mark the 2018 World cup.

Выступление Валентины Матвиенко покорило сердца волгоградских журналистов и напугало чиновников
2018-05-19 11:53
С яркой, динамичной и весьма содержательной речью в Волгограде выступила председатель Совета Федерации ФС РФ Валентина Матвиенко, сообщает издание «volgograd.bezformata.ru». Валентина Ивановна указала «яйцеголовым» чиновникам на низкую рождаемость, уродскую рекламу и падение в промышленности. Поднимался и вопрос подготовки к Чемпионату мира по футболу 2018. К визиту, отмечают журналисты, Валентина Ивановна основательно подготовилась — это было видно, поскольку она смело оперировала цифрами и фактами о происходящих в жизни региона процессах. И, конечно же, следуя своему фирменному стилю, Матвиенко запомнилась участникам встречи зажигательными фразами, которые смело можно растащить на цитаты. Ее выступление, пишет издание v102.ru, для многих местных политиков, которые до сих пор изъясняются канцеляризмами и боятся живого слова, можно считать образцом того, как нужно доносить до общественности свои мысли.

Новости культуры. Эфир от 18.05.2018 (23:10). Интервью с куратором Игорем Волковым
2018-05-19 12:28
Мультимедиа Арт Музей представляет выставку «Старинная японская фотография и гравюра». Эта коллекция, собранная музеем за 20 лет, — одна из крупнейших в Европе. Фотоискусство в Стране восходящего солнца стало активно развиваться в эпоху Мэйдзи, когда Япония перестала быть изолированной от основного мира. Но даже перенимая опыт иностранных мастеров, фотографы хранили верность традициям. В итоге, возникло явление, которое стоит на пересечении традиций европейской фотографии и японских национальных видов искусства. У нас в студии — куратор выставки «Старинная японская фотография и гравюра» Игорь Волков.

В «Новом Иерусалиме» расскажут об «Эпохе Дюрера»
2018-05-19 12:30
«Эпоха Дюрера». В музейно-выставочном комплексе «Новый Иерусалим» открывается выставка, на которой покажут графические работы великого мастера XV века. Эта экспозиция - второй совместный проект Музея изобразительных искусств имени Пушкина и «Нового Иерусалима».

Объявлена программа Фестиваля искусств в городе Клин
2018-05-19 12:34
С 5 по 11 июня в Клину пройдет Международный фестиваль искусств Чайковского. Сегодня журналистам представили его программу. В город, где композитор провел последние годы жизни, приедут Денис Мацуев, Чулпан Хаматова, Олег Меньшиков, Юрий Башмет, Дмитрий Бертман.

На Каннском фестивале показали «Айку»
2018-05-19 12:37
Уже сегодня 71-й Каннский кинофестиваль назовет обладателя заветной «Золотой пальмовой ветви». В последний день работы смотра в основном конкурсе показали ленту Сергея Дворцевого «Айка».

Вести. Эфир от 19.05.2018 (11:00)
2018-05-19 12:47
Три женщины выжили после крушения самолета на Кубе. Что за странный маневр случился в небе перед падением? Авиационное ЧП во Внукове: «Боинг 737», летевший в Астрахань, вернулся на одном двигателе. В США за сутки произошли сразу две драмы со стрельбой. 11 человек погибли. Экспедиция медиков на Курильские острова. Детские врачи из Москвы и Петербурга прилетели на Итуруп.

В Центре современного искусства «Марс» открылась необычная выставка
2018-05-19 12:48
ЭКСКЛЮЗИВ Общество Изобразительное искусство Литература Пресс-релизы телеканала Конкурс "Щелкунчик" Музыка Кино История Театр Приглашаем на съемки Наука 19.05.2018 | 10:23 В Центре современного искусства "Марс" открылась необычная выставка Галлюцинации Сары Кейн, которые она описала в своей пьесе «4:48 Психоз», теперь можно увидеть, благодаря виртуальной реальности. В Центре современного искусства «Марс» посетителям предлагают побывать в мире пациента психиатрической клиники. «Кто-то боится сесть в кресло инвалидное - это психологический барьер. Тут много барьеров нужно преодолеть, чтобы погрузиться и начать жить. Но когда заканчиваешь просмотр и встаешь, встаешь другим человеком, это безусловно», - объяснил руководитель Центра современного искусства «Марс» Игорь Грязнов.

Врачи из Москвы и Петербурга прилетели на помощь детям Курил
2018-05-19 12:52
Десант врачей из Санкт-Петербурга и Москвы высадился на курильский остров Итуруп. Специалисты в течение недели будут помогать с диагностикой и корректировать лечение местных жителей. Экспедиция «Рубежи России» приезжает сюда уже 10 лет.

Евгений Спицын. «История СССР № 130. Очередные хрущевские «загогулины» и трагедия в Новочеркасске»
2018-05-19 13:07
Сто тридцатая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная политике Н. С. Хрущева на посту генсека СССР и трагедии в Новочеркасске. Приобрести книги Е. Ю. Спицына без торговой наценки http://bit.ly/2wRwaaw Уважаемые друзья! На сайте день-магазин.рф можно приобрести пятитомник «История России» Е.Ю. Спицына без торговой наценки: http://xn----8sbalcgsi5aih6o.xn--p1ai/16568-istoriya-rossii-komplekt-iz-5-tomov-izd-ispravlennoe Поддержать передачи Е. Ю. Спицына можно по ссылке http://bit.ly/podderzhat-kanal #ДеньТВ #Хрущев #Новочеркасск #Спицын #историяРоссии #СССР #денежнаяреформа #рабочие #Сталин #хрущевки #строительство #девальвация #банковскаясистема #дефицит #экспортнефти

В Новом Иерусалиме предлагают разгадать тайну Альбрехта Дюрера
2018-05-19 13:10
Разгадать тайну Альбрехта Дюрера — такая возможность есть у посетителей выставки, которая открылась в Новом Иерусалиме. Экспозиция объединила более сотни шедевров графики — это работы самого великого живописца и произведения его современников, учителей и последователей. Некоторые картины публика увидит впервые.

Парки, игры и экстрим: выходные в Москве
2018-05-19 13:11
19 мая отмечается День парков, можно и поиграть в дворовые игры разных стран, попробовать себя в экстремальных видах спорта или поучаствовать в зажигательном бразильском карнавале. А еще — отведать рыбных деликатесов.

В Москвариуме вырастили светящиеся водоросли
2018-05-19 13:12
На ВДНХ появился уголок Мальдивских островов. Знаменитыми светящимися водорослями теперь можно любоваться в Москвариуме. Незабываемое зрелище — заслуга столичных ученых. Несколько месяцев они экспериментировали, создавали нужную для свечения среду, и вот, наконец, капризные микроорганизмы впервые в России продемонстрировали свои краски.

Офорт Валентина Серова представил Калужский музей изобразительных искусств
2018-05-19 13:14
В рамках проекта «100 шедевров в 100-летие музея» в Калужском музее изобразительных искусств представлен офорт Валентина Серова. Художник, признанный живописец и рисовальщик, именно Серов создал целую галерею портретов своих современников. Калужане могут увидеть портрет друга и учителя великого художника - Василия Матэ.

USA: Hospitals receive injured in wake of deadly shooting at Santa Fe High School
2018-05-19 13:53
Hospitals received the injured following a shooting at Santa Fe High School that left at least 10 dead and a further 10 wounded, Friday. The victims reportedly include both students and staff. The shooter, according to reports, was identified as Santa Fe High School junior Dimitrios Pagourtzis who is now reportedly in custody.

«Агитпроп»: Миссис директор
2018-05-19 14:06
Американский сенат на этой неделе одобрил на пост директора ЦРУ кандидатуру Джины Хаспел. Теперь руководить ведомством будет женщина, которую критикуют за жесткие допросы подозреваемых в терроризме. Сменив Майка Помпео, Хаспел поспешила заверить членов сенатского комитета по разведке, что практику подобного ведения допросов ЦРУ не возобновит.

USA: Hawaii volcano spits fire following eruption
2018-05-19 14:34
Kilauea volcano in Hawaii has erupted, as seen on Friday, raising fears that lava could encroach on residential areas affected by previous eruptions. There is no definite information on when the volcano might settle down, and officials have warned residents to be ready for possible evacuations.

Воздушные шары над Клином: как попасть в небо
2018-05-19 14:37
Завораживающее зрелище можно увидеть в подмосковном Клину — в небо взмыли десятки воздушных шаров. Впервые там проходит чемпионат Московской области по воздухоплавательному спорту. На соревнования приехали экипажи со всей России. Но главное — оказаться на высоте может любой желающий.

В Виндзоре проходит церемония бракосочетания принца Гарри и Меган Маркл
2018-05-19 14:54
В полдень по Гринвичу в Виндзорском замке, летней королевской резиденции, началась церемония бракосочетания принца Гарри и Меган Маркл. Тысячи подданных королевы прибыли в Виндзор для наблюдения за свадебными мероприятиями. Официально приглашенных для участия в церемонии бракосочетания в церкви святого Георгия Виндзорского замка — шестьсот. Меган Маркл 36 лет, она старше всех королевских невест в королевской истории. Она выходит замуж второй раз, ее первым мужем был кинорежиссер Тревор Энгельсон. Согласно закону о престолонаследии, Гарри попросил согласия королевы на брак с Меган Маркл. Будущая герцогиня Сассекская — первая американка, первая мулатка, первая актриса, выходящая замуж за британского принца. Она была крещена в католическую веру, но перейдёт в англиканскую.

Chile: Bishops return home after mass resignation over sexual abuse cover-up
2018-05-19 14:55
*JUMP CUT AT SOURCE* Chile: Bishops back in Santiago after emergency Vatican meeting over sexual abuse cover-up Chilean bishops returned to Santiago on Saturday, following meetings with the Pope in the Vatican that resulted in 34 of the country's top churchmen resigning over a sexual abuse cover-up scandal. Bishop Carlos Pellegrini of Chillan, expressed his wish «to serve the church» and added that «the Pope must decide if he wants to continue in this milestone process and I am happy to make myself available.» Commenting on the mass resignation, Jose Andres Murillo, a victim of sexual abuse by priest Fernando Karadima, accused the bishops of covering up to protect their reputation. «They take care of themselves, they talk, they talked and they continue to talk today with euphemisms, with strange language, they are not able to speak in a clear, honest and direct manner,» Murillo said. In the town of Osorno, several hundred gathered at San Mateo Cathedral to take part in a vigil held for sexual abuse victims and denounce the cover-up of Bishop Juan Barros. On Friday, thirty-one serving bishops and three retired bishops signed a letter of resignation. It is not clear whether the Pope had accepted their resignations.

Калужский ансамбль «Лирическое концертино» отметил 25-летие концертом
2018-05-19 14:57
Калужский областной центр народного творчества в содружестве с Калужским Домом музыки приглашает на концерт женского вокального ансамбля «Лирическое концертино» под руководством Ольги Мамаевой. В этом году коллектив отмечает 25-летний юбилей. За это время менялись руководители, участники ансамбля, репертуар, костюмы… Но чистое звучание, проникновенное исполнение и любовь к музыке остались неизменными.

Пономарев: это атмосфера безнаказанности
2018-05-19 15:12
Бывший депутат Госдумы, российский оппозиционер Илья Пономарев о «деле Скрипалей» и активизации борьбы Кремля с «врагами государства» в интервью «Голосу Америки» в Вашингтоне.

Рома Зверь награжден в Каннах за музыку к фильму Серебренникова
2018-05-19 15:27
Музыканты российской рок-группы «Звери» Рома Зверь и Герман Осипов получили приз Каннского кинофестиваля за саундтрек к фильму Кирилла Серебренникова «Лето». Сам Рома Зверь (Роман Билык) сыграл в фильме лидера группы «Зоопарк» Майка Науменко, который наряду с молодым Виктором Цоем является одним из центральных персонажей «Лета».

Afghanistan: At least 8 killed, 45 wounded in bomb attack at cricket match
2018-05-19 15:40
At least eight people were killed and a further 45 injured in a bomb attack at a sports stadium in Jalalabad, Friday night. Hundreds of people gathered at the Spinghar stadium to watch a night-time cricket match, when several devices were detonated. «Last night at 11:20 pm in the first district of Jalalabad city multiple remote controlled explosions at a cricket stadium killed at least eight people including Hedayatullah Zaheer, an organiser of the cricket tournament, a child and several others,» said Attaullah Khogyani, a spokesperson for the governor of Nangarhar Province. «Forty-five others were wounded in the incident including children, social activists and cricket players,» he added. No one has yet claimed responsibility for the attack.

Iran: First EU official visit since US nuclear deal exit
2018-05-19 15:44
Head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi and European Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete met to discuss ways of salvaging the Iranian nuclear deal, in Tehran on Saturday. Salehi called the US withdrawal from the 2015 deal — known formally as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) — an unwise action which demonstrated that «the US cannot be trusted.» The European Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete expressed the EU's «regret» over the US withdrawal from the international agreement and said he had a «very constructive» meeting with the Iranian official. The remaining participants in the deal — Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China — are exploring ways of keeping the deal alive, after the US took unilateral action.

Сегодня исполняется 150 лет со дня рождения Николая Второго
2018-05-19 15:51
На ролике есть запись голоса царя Николая II (1910 год!). Единственная запись. Николай Второй — последний российский император. В современной истории российский император упоминается эпитетами «Николай Кровавый» и «Николай Мученик», так как оценки деятельности и характера царя неоднозначны и противоречивы. Историки сообщают, что семья для последнего русского императора была самым главным смыслом жизни. Большую часть времени он всегда проводил в семейном кругу, дорожил своим покоем, привычками, здоровьем и благосостоянием родных, с удовольствием ездил на охоту, участвовал в соревнованиях по верховой езде, с азартом катался на коньках и играл в хоккей.

Макфол: я не очень оптимистичен по поводу того, что Запад может изменить Россию
2018-05-19 15:53
Экс-посол США в России Майкл Макфол — о холодной войне, горячем мире и о развитии отношений двух стран.

День детского сердца может стать международным
2018-05-19 16:05
«День детского сердца» отмечают в медицинском центре имени Бакулева. Это ежегодное событие, цель которого — привлечь внимание к проблеме врожденного порока сердца. В России каждый год с таким диагнозом появляются на свет тысячи детей.

«Дороги к свободе»: Что ООН может на Донбассе
2018-05-19 16:36
Какую роль ООН играет на Донбассе сегодня и что может сделать для стабилизации ситуации в регионе? Собеседник Виталия Портникова — советник главы Луганской военно-гражданской администрации политолог Андрей Левусь.

Spain: Basque independence supporters create human mosaic
2018-05-19 17:22
Supporters of Basque independence created a human mosaic to symbolise their struggle for self-determination, at a protest in Pamplona on Saturday. Demonstrators formed the shape of Navarre's coat of arms, to reclaim sovereignty of the autonomous Basque region. Protest organisers Gure Esku Dago, meaning 'It's in our hands', are campaigning for a independence referendum under the slogan «The future is ours». Today's event was a trial run before a 200-kilometre (124-mile) human chain on June 10, which will run between San Sebastian, Bilbao and Vitora.

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Леонид Броневой
2018-05-19 17:26
Леонид Броневой был обласкан и властью, и любовью публики. Но это под конец жизни. А вначале артисту выпало столько испытаний, что не каждый способен выдержать. Изгой, отец-одиночка и нищий актер, которого не берут ни в один московский театр. Почему Леониду Броневому пришлось сменить не одну труппу, прежде чем он попал в легендарный Ленком? Почему он воспитывал дочь один? И как он сделал из своей первой главной роли в кино настоящий шедевр? История падений и взлетов Леонида Броневого сегодня.

Порошенко распорядился отозвать представителей Украины из уставных органов СНГ
2018-05-19 17:26
Президент Петр Порошенко заявил, что подписал указ об отзыве всех представителей Украины из всех уставных органов Содружества независимых государств. «Сегодня я подписал соответствующий указ об отзыве всех представителей Украины из всех уставных органов СНГ. Нам там нечего больше делать — мы двигаемся вместе в Европу», — сказал он в субботу в Виннице в ходе праздничных мероприятий по случаю Дня Европы. Порошенко подчеркнул, что будущее Украины — в Европе. Как сообщалось, 2 мая Совет национальной безопасности и обороны Украины (СНБО) поддержал предложение о прекращении участия украинских представителей в деятельности органов Содружества независимых государств (СНГ).

France: Marseille station evacuated due to a suspicious bag
2018-05-19 17:42
Marseille's Saint-Charles station was evacuated on Saturday and a man arrested after a suspicious bag full of batteries and wires was discovered by police. Police and soldiers can be seen patrolling the station after the evacuation. An Investigation is underway.

Moldova: Police arrest Christians for disrupting LGBTQ march in Chisinau
2018-05-19 17:56
Dozens of Orthodox Christians were arrested as they attempted to disrupt a LGBTQ march in Chisinau on Saturday. The arrests took place when the protesters refused to retreat from the marching route of the LGBTQ activists in the city centre, and sat down in the middle of the street. Footage from the scene shows riot police dragging women and men of all age, attempting to clear the route for the march. The protest was orgnanised by members of the Moldavian Orthodox Church, who are strong opponents of the LGBTQ movement.

События недели: авария на высоте 10 тысяч метров и химические овощи
2018-05-19 18:30
14 мая в столичную полицию обратилась певица и обладательница титула «Мисс грудь Белоруссии» Ольга Жукова. Она заявила, что ее едва не изнасиловал таксист. 15 мая пилот китайской авиакомпании предотвратил катастрофу и сумел посадить пассажирский самолет после разгерметизации салона. 16 мая в Волгоградской области прошла масштабная спецоперация.

Italy: M5S leader says 'Italians come first' in Lega draft contract
2018-05-19 19:13
SOT, Luigi Di Maio, Five Star Movement (M5S) leader (Italian): «Look, we want to do what's in the program and what's in the contract. It is clear that some of those points must be obtained in Europe, on European tables, and we must go there, not only with an important political weight which this government has, because it is not based on turncoats but on two political forces voted by the people, who get together [to work together], but also with a staff of excellence that is able to mediate to achieve those results. Results in Europe are not attained just by politicians themselves, they are attained by the political will and the fact that you go there in all seriousness. We want to go there to work seriously, not to achieve goals for Russia, for the United States or for Germany... With all due respect. The objectives that are in the contract are for Italy and the Italians. And we've told this to everyone, even on European level, that from now on, the Italians come first. And then the deficit and the parameters.» The Leader of the 5 Star Movement (M5S) Luigi Di Maio said in Casaleggio on Saturday that the contract between Italy's two populist parties is «for Italy and the Italians». Luigi stated that «results in Europe are not attained just by politicians themselves, they are attained by the political will and the fact that you go there in all seriousness. We want to go there to work seriously, not to achieve goals for Russia, for the United States or for Germany.” The agreement between the left-wing MS5 and the far-right Lega Nord, which was revealed on Friday, demanded an end to EU sanctions on Russia. Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, the EU has applied restrictions against Russian companies.

Программа «Дежурная часть» от 19 мая 2018 года
2018-05-19 19:20
Кто совершил разбойное нападение на дом бывшего вице-губернатора Кубани? За что поставили «двойку» главе Миасса? Кто истребляет оленей в сибирской тайге: итоги масштабной спецоперации силовиков в Красноярском крае. Таинственная смерть звезды Playboy и ее семилетнего сына. Кто и как следит за безопасностью экстремальных аттракционов?

Russia: Three dead in attack on Orthodox church in Grozny
2018-05-19 19:47
Two police officers and one churchgoer were killed after militants stormed the Church of Archangel Michael in the centre of Grozny on Saturday. Two more policemen were injured during the special-forces operation. Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, who reportedly lead the operation, said all four of the militants were «eliminated». It is thought they entered the church searching for hostages. Russia's Investigative Committee will examine the incident.

Italy: Pro-life protesters rally against abortion in Rome
2018-05-19 20:57
Thousands of Pro-life demonstrators took to the streets in Rome on Saturday to protest against abortion. Protesters rallied holding banners and placards reading «Abortion is the first cause of femicide in the world» and «Mom, I want to live!» The demonstration was joined by medical staff and nuns who presented a cart with statue of St. Joseph and the Baby Jesus condemning abortion. Abortion was legalised in Italy in 1978, with laws allowing women to request a termination of pregnancy within the first trimester.

Germany: Hundreds say no to Bayer and Monsanto in Hamburg
2018-05-19 21:02
against Monsanto and Bayer Hundreds took to streets in Hamburg on Saturday to protest against the Bayer and Monsanto merger which would create one of the world's largest seeds and pesticides company. «When these two giants merge, the government will have fewer possibilities to act, because big economic enterprises have big political power,» said one of the protesters. Bayer AG and Monsanto agreed to a $66 billion (€59 billion) takeover deal in 2016. It sparked criticism among environmentalists and farmers all over in Europe. After conducting an in-depth investigation, the European Commission approved the controversial acquisition. The tie-up process, which is set to finish by the middle of June, will fundamentally reshape the global agrochemicals industry.

UK: Football Lads Alliance commemorate Manchester bomb attack
2018-05-19 21:38
The Football Lads Alliance (FLA), a self-proclaimed 'anti-extremist' movement, gathered in Manchester on Saturday to commemorate last year's terror attack. A counter-protest was organised by Stand Up To Racism Manchester. The planned march through the city centre was cancelled at the last minute by protest organisers. Instead, the event stayed at the Castlefield Bowl, with several speakers. A heavy police presence, some mounted, separated FLA supporters from the anti-fascist counter-protest. Apart from some tense verbal exchanges, the protest passed off peacefully.

USA: Mariachi band protest outside ‘racist’ NY lawyer's home
2018-05-19 21:48
A mariachi band led a demonstration of over 100 protesters on Friday outside the home of Aaron Schlossberg, a New York lawyer who was filmed threatening to call immigration officials on Spanish-speaking restaurant employees. The five-man mariachi band in black outfits received huge cheers as they performed the chorus of «La Cucaracha (The Cockroach)». In the video that went viral earlier this week, Schlossberg said «my guess is they're not documented. So my next call is to ICE to have each one of them kicked out of my country.»

Ukraine: Nationalists gather in Kiev to demand release of war prisoners
2018-05-19 22:17
Hundreds of Ukrainian nationalists held a protest in Kiev on Saturday demanding «freedom for defenders of Ukraine» held in captivity in the east of the country. Protesters were carrying national flags, pictures of war prisoners, and banners like «Freedom to Ukrainian military» or «Europe, show red card to Putin.” After marching through central Kiev, they reportedly held rallies in front of German and French embassies to call the European countries to put more pressure on Russia. According to some reports, about 70 Ukrainian soldiers are still imprisoned on the territory of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR/LPR). The latest largest prisoner swap between Kiev and Donbass took place in December 2017. It involved 73 Ukrainians held captive by the self-proclaimed Republics, and more than 200 fighters captured by Ukrainian military.

Poland: NATO jets roar over Poznan for Tiger Meet 2018
2018-05-19 22:21
Poland: Over 70 jets displayed in NATO Tiger Meet 2018 The two-week international exercise NATO Tiger Meet (NTM) 2018 is underway in the Polish city of Pozan. Seventy fighter aircraft, 10 helicopters, 24 squadrons and 1,500 military personnel from 16 countries took part in the simulated scenarios. The NTM 2018 runs till May 25.

USA: Police seal Santa Fe High School after deadly shooting
2018-05-19 22:42
Police officers taped off the area around Santa Fe High School in Texas on Saturday as part of the investigation into the shooting attack that claimed 10 lives. Lonnie Phillips, whose daughter Jessie was killed in a movie theatre shooting, was present at the scene along his wife Sandy, and called for a regulation of the Second Amendment. «We have guns, we've always had guns, we own a gun, we're not giving it up, we're not trying to take your guns — we want them better regulated,» said Phillips. «We don't want a 17 year old to be able to go into a gun shop, lay his money down and legally buy a weapon of war and go kill 17 people in Parkland. Voted the safest city in the country, only weeks before it happened. That proves it can happen anywhere. We want to stop it,» he added. On Friday, a shooter opened fire in Santa Fe High School, killing 10 people and wounding further 10. The victims reportedly include both students and staff.

USA: Twenty injured in Texas chemical plant explosion
2018-05-19 22:43
One person is missing and 20 people have been injured after an explosion at a chemical plant near Houston in Texas on Saturday. The incident took place at the Kuraray America Eval factory in Pasadena, which produces chemicals. It is believed that the blast was caused by a malfunctioning valve. Some 250 people were reportedly at the plant at the time of the explosion. According to officials, the fire has been extinguished and there is no threat to the public. Mandatory credit: Robert Downen, Houston Chronicle

France: Parisians march to says no to Monsanto-Bayer
2018-05-19 22:45
Hundreds of Parisians marched against agrochemical corporate giant Monsanto-Bayer-Syngenta on Saturday. Demonstrators demanded an immediate ban on all dangerous chemical molecules, pesticides in public places and the promotion of an organic diet. France is the leading consumer of pesticides in Europe and the third largest in the world. Ecological group Idle No More France organised the protest. Bayer AG and Monsanto agreed to a $66 billion (€59 billion) takeover deal in 2016. It sparked criticism among environmentalists and farmers all over in Europe. After conducting an in-depth investigation, the European Commission approved the controversial acquisition. The tie-up process, which is set to finish by the middle of June, will fundamentally reshape the global agrochemicals industry.

Cuba: Relatives weep at Havana morgue for plane crash victims
2018-05-19 22:59
Relatives weep outside a morgue in Havana on Saturday after identifying the bodies of loved-ones who lost their lives in a plane crash. One, Ana Maria Rodriguez, said, «I feel really bad. I want to say to my Dad wherever he may be that he will always be in my heart. He will always be with us. I love him a lot, I adore him.» Cuba’s state media confirmed that over 100 people were killed when a Boeing 737 plane crashed near Jose Marti International Airport in Havana on Friday.

Pakistan: Father of US school shooting victim speaks of loss
2018-05-19 23:14
SOT, Journalist (Urdu): «How many do daughters you have, apart from Sabika, where did she study in Karachi?» SOT, Abdul Aziz, Sabika's father (Urdu): «Sabika was eldest one in my daughters, 17 years old, she was studying in Karachi Public School.» The father of 17-year-old Sabika Aziz from Karachi who was killed in the Santa Fe school shooting in the US spoke of his loss on Saturday. Abdul Aziz from Karachi said, «even today I don't believe that my daughter has gone.» «She had an aim to do something for Pakistan and for women; she wanted to do something big,» the father added. Sabika went to the US under a student exchange program since August 21, 2017. She is expected to go home on June 9. At least ten people were killed in a high school shooting in Santa Fe, south of Houston on Friday. The victims reportedly included both students and staff.

Serbia: Hundreds protest same-sex marriage and adopters in Belgrade
2018-05-19 23:20
Traditional families with children marched in Belgrade on Saturday to protest what they perceive as government propaganda of same-sex marriages. The march came after it was revealed that some school books feature the idea of same-sex marriages adopting children, prompting a public outrage. The protesters marched from the Republic's Square to the National Assembly, waving Serbian and Russian flags, pictures of Saints and a large banner in Serbian, reading «We will not give you our children.» The protest was supported by various groups including patriotic organisations and religious groups. Earlier in May, Serbian MPs argued whether they should ban school books which promote gay marriages and children adoption by homosexual couples. Reportedly, one of the conditions on Serbia's path to the EU is adoption of laws which allow homosexual marriages and their adoption of children.

Italy: Salvini casts his vote on M5S coalition draft in Milan
2018-05-20 02:07
Lega Nord leader Matteo Salvini cast his vote on a joint manifesto put forward by his far-right party and the left-wing Five Star Movement (M5S), in Milan on Saturday. After a series of negotiations, the two parties drafted a coalition agreement, which they are set to present to Italian President Sergio Mattarella before Monday. However before delivering the policy programme, they decided to give Italians a say on the draft deal. «We did something new in the history of the Italian Republic. We defined the programme, point by point, and we have to respect it month by month,» Salvini said after voting. The improvised referendum will continue on Sunday. According to reports, both Salvini and M5S leader Luigi Di Maio voiced confidence that the ballot would back the coalition deal. The populist duo's report, which was revealed on Friday, calls for a strict deportation policy, transparency over the financing of religious institutions and for Islamic prayers to be conducted in Italian as well as billions of euro in tax cuts and getting rid of a pension reform that raised the age of retirement. The agreement also demands an end to EU sanctions on Russia. Since the annexation of Crimea in 2014, the EU has applied restrictions against Russian companies.

Cuba: 110 confirmed dead in Havana plane crash, blackbox found
2018-05-20 02:07
Cuban authorities confirmed on Saturday that a total of 110 people were killed in the Boeing 737 plane crash near Jose Marti International Airport in Havana on Friday, making it the country’s deadliest plane accident in nearly 30 years. “The total number of people was 113, which includes passengers and crew members. There are 110 dead people, that is the figure”, said Minister of transportation of Cuba Adel Yzquierdo, speaking from a press briefing in Havana. “In the case of the investigation, we already found the black box of the plane and it's in good state and we are searching for the second one. But it has been very complex to find it, but we’ll find it in the next few hours”, he explained. The three survivors remain in critical condition, local media reports.

Greece: Nationalist mob beats Thessaloniki mayor
2018-05-20 04:15
Mayor of Thessaloniki Yiannis Boutaris was beaten by an angry mob after he attended a 'Pontic Genocide' commemoration event in the Grecian city on Saturday. According to reports, Boutaris was attending a flag-lowering ceremony commemorating the massacre of Pontic Greeks by Turks during WWI and the Greek-Turkish war, when a dozen people thought to be nationalist extremists told him to leave the event before lashing out at him. The 75-year-old, who is known for his anti-nationalist position, fell to the floor where he was kicked. Boutaris was reportedly taken to hospital following the incident with head, back and leg injuries.

Italy: Russia sanctions are 'useless' — Lega secretary
2018-05-20 05:05
Regional secretary for the Lega Nord party Paolo Grimoldi criticised EU sanctions imposed on Russia, during a video interview from Milan on Saturday. The politician claimed that Italy has received «nothing» in return for the sanctions that were implemented on Russia in 2014. «I think that we are not the only ones in Europe that consider the sanctions to Russia useless», he said. Grimoldi stated that European economies including that of Italy have suffered because of the referendum in Crimea. «The sanctions are useless and even worse because our economy gets troubles with sanctions to Russia and for which reason, because in Crimea they had a referendum and they decided to be Russian», he stated. “I do not understand why it is ok for some countries to have a democratic vote and decide, what they are, but the people in Crimea or Russia cannot do the same,” he said, drawing a comparison to the unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo from Serbia, which was not followed by sanctions. The Lega Nord secretary also commented on Italy's relationship to Brussels, stating that Rome is a net contributor to the EU budget. «If we have to loose eight billion euro ($9.4 billion) every single year [to the EU], we would like to not get troubles from the European Union considering that we pay them for free», he said.

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