Над бывшим юристом Трампа сгущаются тучи
Над бывшим юристом Трампа сгущаются тучи 2018-08-25 07:24 Прокуратура штата Нью-Йорк намерена обвинить бывшего юриста Дональда Трампа в нарушении налогового законодательства, и уже готова начать отдельное уголовное расследование в отношении Майкла Коэна. Argentina: Civil society rises up against proposed US 'military base' 2018-08-25 07:34 Over 60 social organisations protested against a proposed US 'military base' in Patagonia's largest city Neuquen on Friday. Provincial officials deny the base will serve a military purpose, claiming it purpose is to provide help during natural disasters. СБУ разрешила наблюдателям ОБСЕ пообщаться с экипажем захваченного российского судна 2018-08-25 07:40 Миссия ОБСЕ наконец-то смогла пообщаться с моряками российского танкера «Механик Погодин», который заблокирован в Херсоне. Ранее Служба Безопасности Украины не пустила делегацию в порт. Сегодня исполняется 50 лет со дня «Демонстрации семерых» 2018-08-25 08:00 Павел Литвинов, известный советский правозащитник и диссидент, вспоминает протест на Красной площади 1968 года против ввода советских войск в Чехословакию. Агитпроп. Эфир от 25.08.2018 2018-08-25 08:38 Как защитить свою валюту? Каждая страна находит свой рецепт. И сегодня, на фоне агрессивного протекционизма в исполнении американского президента искать приходится многим. Турция — не самый удачный, но очень показательный пример. Как именно борется Анкара с санкциями — и есть ли шанс справиться? USA: Bugatti unveils $5 million Divo supercar at Quail motor show 2018-08-25 09:25 The Divo, Bugatti's new supercar, was unveiled at the Quail Motorsports gathering in Monterey, California on Friday. The car which boasts 1,478 horsepower will sell at a whopping price of $5 million (€4.3 million) and is named after Grand Prix motor racing driver Albert Divo. The Quail, a Motorsports Gathering, is highly exclusive and showcases just 200 vehicles to some 3,000 visitors at the Lodge and Golf Club. The Monterey Car Week 2018 runs from August 18 to August 26. Минобороны: боевики готовят очередную «химическую» провокацию в Сирии 2018-08-25 09:28 В Сирии боевики готовят очередную провокацию «применения химоружия» якобы сирийскими правительственными силами против мирного населения провинции Идлиб, сообщили в Минобороны России. Для этого в город Джиср Эш-Шугур провинции Идлиб доставлены восемь емкостей с хлором. USA: 'Sexiest' Aventador aiming for fastest production car on Nurburgring 2018-08-25 10:17 Lamborghini unveiled its latest Aventador, the SVJ V12, at the Quail exhibition as part of the Monterey car week on Friday. The car will go into production for a price of over $450,000 (€390,000). This new generation of Lamborghini Aventadors features V12 engines, much like its more classic predecessors the Countach, the Diablo, and the Murcielago and will become the 'fastest production car on the Nurburgring' according to Mitja Borkert, Head of Design at Lamborghini. The Quail, a Motorsports Gathering, is highly exclusive and showcases just 200 vehicles to some 3,000 visitors at the Lodge and Golf Club. USA: Hennessey showcases ultra-exclusive $1.6m Venom F5 in Monterey 2018-08-25 10:27 The new Hennessey Venom F5 was presented at the Quail motorsports gathering on Friday as part of the 2018 Monterey Car Week. The Venom F5 features a motor boasting 1,600 horsepower and double turbo with a V8 attached. The price tag for the Venom will be at least $1.6 million (€1.37m) and currently only 24 are being built for the US and the international market. The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering, is highly exclusive and showcases just 200 vehicles to some 3,000 visitors at the Lodge and Golf Club. Встреча семьи Ярошенко: впечатления и надежды на будущее 2018-08-25 10:29 Защита Константина Ярошенко намерена через ООН добиваться его перевода из американской тюрьмы — в российскую. Об этом рассказал нам его адвокат Алексей Тарасов. А накануне российского летчика навестили жена и дочь. Впервые за семь лет. СМИ: российские осведомители спецслужб США затаились 2018-08-25 10:38 Издание The New York Times пишет со ссылкой на знакомые с работой американских спецслужб источники, что разведывательные службы США стали получать все меньше данных от своих осведомителей и информаторов в России. USA: Infiniti shows electrifying glimpse into future at Monterey auto week 2018-08-25 10:45 Infiniti presented its Prototype 10 concept (P10) car at The Quail motor gathering on Friday as part of the 2018 Monterey car week. The car features a single seat, is completely electrified and resembles race cars from the 1940s. It is a follow up to last year's P9 concept car. The P10 would allow a «glimpse into the future of what Infinitis could look like as we get closer to 2021, when we start turning to an electrified brand,» said Infiniti Global Communications Manager John Walsh. The Quail, A Motorsports Gathering, is an event which showcases 200 vehicles to some 3,000 visitors at the Quail Lodge and Golf Club in Monterey. Russia: No casualties as Moscow Central Bank fire extinguished 2018-08-25 10:59 Operations were still ongoing as firefighters combatted flames which engulfed the Russian Central bank in Moscow, footage from Friday night shows. Footage shows emergency vehicles and personnel close to bank building. The building is located on Neglinnaya Street in the city centre and was cordoned off by emergency services. The fire area was around 30 square metres in size with 92 firefighters attending the scene. The blaze was extinguished and no injuries reported. Вести. Эфир от 25.08.2018 (11:00) 2018-08-25 13:01 Инсценировка для нанесения ракетного удара. Россия заявляет о провокации с химоружием в провинции Идлиб. Кто поставляет отраву в регион? Встреча, которую ждали 7 долгих лет. В Дансбери Ярошенко увидел семью. Осужденный в США летчик просит рассмотреть его дело в Совбезе ООН. Триумфальное возвращение в Москву. Победитель Иван Бессонов привез в столицу главный приз классического «Евровидения». О чем мечтает теперь талантливый пианист? Вести-Москва. Эфир от 25 августа 2018 года (11:20) 2018-08-25 13:09 Участок желтой линии метро от «Шелепихи» до «Раменок» закрыт. Как организовано движение для пассажиров? Дорога, по которой не проехать: почему поссорились два СНТ? Испанцы на Красной площади — чем удивляет «Спасская башня» в этом году? «Вспоминали, хохотали»: жена Ярошенко рассказала о долгожданной встрече с ним 2018-08-25 13:12 Защита Константина Ярошенко намерена через ООН добиваться его перевода из американской тюрьмы в российскую. Сквер имени Бориса Немцова открылся у посольства России в Вильнюсе 2018-08-25 13:13 В Вильнюсе в пятницу перед посольством России состоялось торжественное открытие сквера имени Бориса Немцова – российского оппозиционного политика, убитого три года назад. На церемонии, собравшей несколько сотен человек, выступили представители властей Литвы, а также местные и российские политические деятели. Italy: Sicily's Mount Etna reawakens with torrents of ash and lava 2018-08-25 13:14 Mount Etna in Sicily sprung into action on Saturday, spitting out lava and sending columns of ash into the sky, after the volcano initially reawoke in late July. The eruption has not prompted any evacuations on the island although lava and rocks were being sent as high as 150m (492ft) into the air. An eruption in March 2017 injured 10 people after a magma explosion. Etna, which is the largest of Italy's three active volcanoes, sits at 3,330m high (11,000ft). Ireland: Pope Francis touches down in Dublin ahead of two-day trip 2018-08-25 13:34 Pope Francis arrived in Dublin where he was welcomed by the Irish Church dignitaries and Ireland's deputy Prime Minister Simon Coveney on Saturday. The papal motorcade then departed the airport for the presidential residence, Aras an Uachtarain, in Dublin's Phoenix Park where the Pope is scheduled to meet Irish President Michael D. Higgins in the first stop of his two-day visit. Francis is set to attend this year’s World Meeting of Families which is taking place in Dublin and is expected to see the highest attendance ever recorded. Established 24 years ago by Pope John Paul II, the congress takes place once every three years. The Dublin event is the second that Pope Francis has attended during his papacy and marks the first papal visit to Ireland in nearly 40 years. *RESTRICTIONS*: Live World Feed and News Access for 48 hours to all broadcasters across all platforms. After 48 hours, no more than 7 mins in any one broadcast for 28 days across all platforms. No archive rights further to those outlined above. No resale. «Погода 24»: Небывалое бывает 2018-08-25 13:56 Сразу два тайфуна у границ Приморья — такого не бывало еще никогда. Уральские каменщики поедут заново отстраивать Пальмиру, все больше российских экспертов привлекается к реставрационным работам в древнем городе. По мнению украинских климатологов, к концу XXI века в стране не останется лесов. Неужели все настолько страшно? Peru: Venezuelans reach border just before new passport rules kick in 2018-08-25 14:07 Around a dozen buses carrying hundreds of Venezuelan migrants poured into Tumbes in Peru late on Friday, the main crossing with northern neighbours Ecuador, minutes before stricter rules were enforced on entering the country. Migrants received a ticket in order of arrival that would guarantee entry into Peru for those without a passport even after midnight. Migrants without a ticket will only be able to enter Peru in cases of a humanitarian nature such as children accompanied by parents, pregnant women or elderly citizens. Ecuador and Peru have started the process of tightening their entry requirements as the streams of refugees continue to flow. Both countries will now require passports upon entry, something which is difficult for Venezuelans to obtain. Some 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled their homeland since 2014 in search of a better life as the economic crisis grips the oil-rich nation. Ireland: Pope welcomed by Irish President Higgins at Aras an Uachtarain 2018-08-25 14:13 Pope Francis was welcomed by Irish President Michael D. Higgins as he arrived at the presidential residence, Aras an Uachtarain, in Dublin in the first stop of his two-day visit on Saturday. Francis is set to attend this year’s World Meeting of Families which is taking place in Dublin and is expected to see the highest attendance ever recorded. Established 24 years ago by Pope John Paul II, the congress takes place once every three years. The Dublin event is the second that Pope Francis has attended during his papacy and marks the first papal visit to Ireland in nearly 40 years. *RESTRICTIONS*: Live World Feed and News Access for 48 hours to all broadcasters across all platforms. After 48 hours, no more than 7 mins in any one broadcast for 28 days across all platforms. No archive rights further to those outlined above. No resale. Iran: At least 10 killed in Mashhad boiler room gas explosion 2018-08-25 14:24 A gas explosion killed at least 10 people and injured many more in the Iranian city of Mashhad on Saturday, Iranian state TV reported. Three buildings reportedly collapsed and 15 more buildings were damaged due to the explosion. The explosion reportedly occurred in one of the buildings' boiler rooms. «Специальный репортаж»: Московская память 2018-08-25 14:39 В этом году в Москве отреставрируют почти 400 памятников архитектуры, примерно половина из них будет приведена в порядок за счет частных инвестиций. Специальный корреспондент Наталия Смоленская решила выяснить, зачем горожане тратят свои деньги на ремонт зданий прошлых веков и с удивлением узнала, что столичная трамвайная остановка тоже стала памятником архитектуры. В Бельгии задержаны 2 тонны кокаина с логотипом «Единой России» 2018-08-25 14:44 В порту бельгийского города Гент полиция перехватила три контейнера с 2 тоннами кокаина, упакованного в 1903 брикета весом около 1 килограмма каждый. Брикеты с наркотиком были маркированы логотипом российской политической партии «Единая Россия». Как сообщили еще 23 августа со ссылкой на представителя полиции Восточной Фландрии нидерландские и бельгийские СМИ, в частности, De Telegraaf и RTL, стоимость кокаина оценивается в 100 миллионов евро. Контейнеры с ним прибыли в Гент из Бразилии. Задержанная партия стала крупнейшей в истории Гента. Сегодня в Москве пройдет «Ночь кино» 2018-08-25 15:23 Сегодня в Москве пройдет «Ночь кино». После заката солнца на 168 площадках покажут 330 фильмов. Зрителям представят не только российские, но и зарубежные премьеры. Центральной площадкой кинопритяжения станет парк «Зарядье». Также после ремонта распахнет двери старейший кинотеатр Москвы «Иллюзион». Сеансы пройдут в Музее современного искусства «Гараж», в саду «Эрмитаж», парке Горького и Сокольниках. Подробнее — в сюжете телеканала Москва 24. «Кинофакты»: «Республика ШКИД» 2018-08-25 15:27 Роль физрука в фильме «Республика ШКИД» изначально была чуть ли не главной. Павел Луспекаев должен был появляться на экране не реже, чем Сергей Юрский. Но обострение болезни заставило режиссера сократить съемочные дни артиста. К работе над ролью физрука «Косталмеда» Луспекаев отнесся очень серьезно. Он придумал крепыша-борца, поклонника великого Ивана Поддубного, сочинил себе его фирменные нафабренные усы и прямой пробор на тщательно уложенных волосах. Свитер под горло. Этот образ заслуживал, чтоб в картине его заметили. К тому же, у Косталмеда была любовная линия! Он был безнадежно и безответно влюблен в преподавательницу Эланлюм, любовь эту прятал и от нее, и от окружающих. И оттого становился по-детски беззащитным. Кроме возвышенной любви к прекрасной даме, физрук испытывал трогательную любовь к самым маленьким из ШКИД-овцев. Afghanistan: At least two killed in Jalalabad suicide blast *GRAPHIC* 2018-08-25 15:46 A suicide blast in the north-eastern city of Jalalabad has left at least two dead and four injured on Saturday. Footage shows remains of victim and the explosion aftermath with the area heavily patrolled by military forces. While injured are being treated in hospital, the number of fatalities may rise according to Attahullah Khogyani, a spokesman for the governor of Nangarhar Province. The explosion came amidst protesters rallying outside Afghanistan’s election commission office in support of candidate disqualified due to suspected links to militant groups. No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attack. «Кинофакты»: «Россия молодая» 2018-08-25 15:54 У кормщика Ивана Рябова в сериале «Россия молодая» было 17 разных бород и 8 париков. Актер Борис Невзоров и сам в них путался. Он вообще плохо понимал, что происходит на съемочной площадке. Артист был уверен, что ничего толкового из этой суеты не выйдет. Но страху он натерпелся совсем не из-за этого… По воспоминаниям Невзорова, случалось, что в один съемочный день приходилось снимать куски, скажем, из 1-й, 7-й, 9-й, а потом из 3-й серии. Шла абсолютная чехарда со сменой костюмов, с перегримировкой. Иногда артист просто не мог понять, к чему относится крупный план, который доснимают. Режиссер Илья Гурин просто говорил: «Поверни голову слева направо... Улыбнись... Все». Если его кто-то спрашивал: «А это к чему? К какой сцене?», тот только устало отмахивался. Говорил: «Когда-нибудь потом расскажу». Меркель высмеяли за подглядывание за российскими военными 2018-08-25 16:03 Пользователи «Твиттера» активно комментируют сообщения о турне канцлера Германии Ангелы Меркель по странам Закавказья, передает телеканал «Россия 24». Бундесканцлер, в частности, побывала в грузинском селе Одзиси на границе с Южной Осетией, оглядев в бинокль российскую военную базу на территории соседней республики. В Москве задержали оппозиционера Алексея Навального 2018-08-25 16:20 В Москве сотрудники полиции задержали оппозиционного политика Алексея Навального. Его пресс-секретарь Кира Ярмыш сообщила у себя в твиттере, что это произошло два часа назад. Навального остановили возле подъезда. У оппозиционера отобрали телефон. Причины задержания полицейские не назвали, пишет Ярмыш. Ранее в субботу стало известно, что власти Москвы решили рассмотреть заявку сторонников Навального на проведение 9 сентября акции против изменений пенсионного законодательства. Ireland: Pope ‘shamed’ by Church failure to respond to abuse 2018-08-25 16:34 Pope Francis was greeted by Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar at Dublin Castle as part of his two-day visit on Saturday. Addressing political leaders and diplomats at Dublin Castle, Varadkar said the failures of the Church and State created “a bitter and broken heritage for so many people, leaving a legacy of pain and suffering.” “In place of Christian charity, forgiveness and compassion, far too often there was judgment, severity and cruelty. In particular towards women and children and those on the margins,” Varadkar said. After saying there could only be zero tolerance for those who abuse children, Varadkar called on the Pope to “listen to the victims and survivors.” Pope Francis said he was ashamed of the Church’s failure to properly respond to the “repellent crimes” of sex abuse by clergy. «I cannot fail to acknowledge the grave scandal caused in Ireland by the abuse of young people by members of the Church charged with responsibility for their protection and education.» Francis is set to attend this year’s World Meeting of Families which is taking place in Dublin and is expected to see the highest attendance ever recorded. Established 24 years ago by Pope John Paul II, the congress takes place once every three years. The Dublin event is the second that Pope Francis has attended during his papacy and marks the first papal visit to Ireland in nearly 40 years. На Красной площади задержали троих активистов 2018-08-25 17:06 На Красной площади задержали троих активистов во время акции памяти 50-летия демонстрации против введения советских войск в Чехословакию. Восемь человек против СССР 2018-08-25 17:07 На Красной площади прошла экскурсия в память 50-летия одного из самых значимых протестов советской эпохи. Экскурсия организована «Мемориалом» в рамках проекта «Это прямо здесь», посвященного подавлению свободы в СССР. Екатерина Павленко, сотрудница «Мемориала», рассказала о значении этой экскурсии Azerbaijan: Merkel welcomed by Aliyev in Baku 2018-08-25 17:23 German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrived in Azerbaijan President`s state residence in Baku whereby he was officially welcomed by Azerbaijani President Ihram Aliyev on Saturday. A long shadow has been cast on Merkel’s visit as CDU member Albert Weiler was refused entry as he had visited disputed enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh twice without Aliyev’s permission. «Россия, покайся!» 2018-08-25 17:52 Вечером 24 августа в Петербурге гражданские активисты вышли с одиночными пикетами в честь Дня независимости Украины. Они собирали на Невском проспекте подписи под поздравительными открытками, чтобы затем передать их в консульство Украины. Говорили и о голодовке Олега Сенцова. Полицейские задержали одного участника акции и двух провокаторов. В Москве задержаны участники акции в память о «Демонстрации семерых» 2018-08-25 17:58 В Москве на Красной площади задержаны политик Леонид Гозман и правозащитник Сергей Шаров-Делоне, которые пытались развернуть плакат «За нашу и вашу свободу» в память о «Демонстрации семерых» 1968 года. Об этом сообщает корреспондент Радио Свобода с места событий. Шаров-Делоне – двоюродный брат Вадима Делоне, участвовавшего в состоявшейся 50 лет назад акции. Обоих задержанных увезли в ОВД «Китай-город». Полицейские также забрали внучку участницы «Демонстрации семерых» Натальи Горбаневской. Анна Красовицкая стояла с плакатом в поддержку украинского режиссера Олега Сенцова, который держит голодовку в российской колонии. Плакаты полицейские отобрали. События недели: схватка в Домодедово и взятки за освобождение 2018-08-25 18:27 20 августа Мосгорсуд рассмотрел апелляцию по поводу ареста сестер Хачатурян, которых обвиняют в спланированном убийстве отца-садиста. 21 августа следователи возбудили уголовное дело по факту схватки между полицейскими и пьяным мужчиной в аэропорту Домодедово. 22 августа бывшего директора ФСИН обязали вернуть в казну больше 2 миллиардов рублей. UK: Thousands march on London protesting animal abuse 2018-08-25 18:46 M/S protester holds a flare C/U Protester speaking into a megaphone W/S Thousands gather behind banner M/S Protesters shout at Fortnum and Mason W/S Protester takes another protester for a walk on a leash W/S Protesters march by Westminster Tube Thousands of animal rights activists took to the streets of London on Saturday to protest against animal rights abuses. Protesters held colourful banners and flares as they marched through Whitehall demanding am to end to animal suffering. One protester Justin said, “Here to raise awareness for the animals, the innocent animals, billions are killed every year, billions are killed every week and highlight the damage that is doing us and our planet.” Turkey: Clashes erupt as Saturday Mothers protest for missing 2018-08-25 19:05 Istanbul police clashed with Saturday Mothers, a group of activists and families of missing people, as demonstrators held the 700th weekly sit-in protest at Istanbul's Galatasaray Square on Saturday. Police used tear gas to disperse protesters. At least ten activists were reported detained and several injured. Saturday Mothers and a group of activists gathered at the same place every Saturday for two decades to demand the whereabouts for those political activists who went missing during Turkey's political instability period of the 1980-1990s. Программа «Дежурная часть» от 25 августа 2018 года 2018-08-25 19:15 По факту исчезновения денег, изъятых у полковника Захарченко, возбуждено уголовное дело. В Тамбове бывший сотрудник уголовного розыска за несколько минут уложил на танцпол семерых посетителей ночного клуба. Кто изготовил поддельное свидетельство о смерти на имя жительницы Ростовской области и начал перепродавать ее квартиру? Ireland: Pope Francis greets faithful during Ireland's visit 2018-08-25 19:58 Ireland: Pope Francis meets faithfuls during Ireland's visit Pope Francis attended events for couples and visited a mission for homeless people in Dublin on Saturday, during his two days visit to Ireland. In St Mary's Pro-Cathedral Francis met with couples from different Irish parishes and blessed their unions and the significance of their marriage. He even joked about mother-in-laws: «The old ones, the olds, have wisdom, [they] have wisdom. Even mothers-in-law have wisdom.» Afterwards, Francis was driven around Dublin where he greeted the faithfuls en route to a visit to a mission of Capuchin friars dedicated to help homeless people. Francis is set to attend this year’s World Meeting of Families which is taking place in Dublin and is expected to see the highest attendance ever recorded. Established 24 years ago by Pope John Paul II, the congress takes place once every three years. The Dublin event is the second that Pope Francis has attended during his papacy and marks the first papal visit to Ireland in nearly 40 years. Germany: Seehofer slams EU's failure to reach agreement on migrant crisis 2018-08-25 20:03 Germany: Seehofer slams EU's failure to reach agreement on migrant crisis It's a tragedy for the European Union to not be able to reach a solution in the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean, German Interior minister Horst Seehofer said in Berlin on Saturday. Speaking at a press conference open to citizens, Seehofer stated «we cannot have ships spread all over the place or even drowning people every other week. A European Union needs to be capable of solving that problem.» Seehofer continued to announce that he is soon going to set up a twitter account to comment on issues that he thinks have been reported wrong by the media. «I don't want to handle it like the American President,» he added. Sweden: Police curtail far-right march on Stockholm 15 days before election 2018-08-25 20:42 Hundreds of followers of the neo-Nazi party Nordic Resistance Movement (NMR) gathered in Stockholm on Saturday, fifteen days ahead of the country’s general election. At the last minute police cancelled the original six-hour rally and march, allowing only a smaller gathering in Kungsholmstorg Square. A massive police presence surrounded the group separating around 200 people who had gathered in a counter protest. Switzerland: Fire engulfs building near Zurich main station 2018-08-25 21:55 A fire ripped through a building near Zurich’s main train station early Saturday sending flames into the sky and disrupting traffic in the city. Residents reported hearing two explosions after the fire engulfed the building opposite the station where construction had been carried out in recent weeks. No one was injured in blaze which is under investigation. Ireland: Baby shoes protest to highlight abuse during Pope visit 2018-08-25 22:14 A group held a silent protest in Dublin on Saturday during Pope Francis' visit to Ireland. Holding a banner and with shoes scattered on the ground, Baby Shoes Remember was held to make the Catholic Church accountable for abuse. The group encouraged members of the public to join them by bringing baby shoes. Italy: Migrant boat standoff continues as prosecutors probe detention 2018-08-25 22:38 Thousands of demonstrators rallied in front of the Diciotti ship in Catania on Saturday to support the disembarkation of the migrants aboard. The Diciotti crisis raged on in the latest hours, as Italian Interior Minister claimed it won't authorise the disembarkation of migrants until an agreement between EU countries is reached. It's the fifth day the ship is blocked at the port. Last week, Italy rescued some 190 migrants after being picking them up from an overcrowded boat off the Lampedusa coast. Thirteen of them were evacuated to Italy to receive medical treatment. Following the rescue of the migrants, Italy insisted that Malta should take the remaining, arguing that the boat first passed through its search-and-rescue area. However, Malta refused, saying that the migrants declined their assistance as they preferred to reach Italy. Following the standoff with Malta, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has threatened to send the migrants to Libya if other EU countries fail to take them in. On Wednesday, 27 minors managed to disembark from the ship. На ВДНХ прошла церемония открытия фестиваля «Спасская башня» 2018-08-25 22:45 По главной улице с оркестром — более тысячи участников фестиваля «Спасская башня» прошли маршем по центральной аллее ВДНХ. В первых рядах шли волынщики и барабанщики, а замыкали строй мексиканские кабальеро. Иностранные оркестры сыграли даже Калинку и Катюшу. Продолжался парад больше часа. Germany: New right wing beer for conservative thirst 2018-08-25 23:04 Pils Identitar, Identity Beer, was distributed during the right-wing Europa Nostra Festival in the German city of Dresden on Saturday. The creators say the revenues from beer, which is brewed in the North German state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, will promote patriotic projects and action in Germany under the motto ‘spirit in a bottle’. According to its creators, Pils Identitar has a more intense taste in comparison with the conventional German beer and can be purchased online. Several hundred of right-wing Identitaere Bewegung (English: Identitarian movement), AFD and Pegida activists have gathered on Saturday at Cockerwiese in the German city of Dresden for the so-called patriotic youth culture Europa Nostra Festival. Боевики готовят атаку на Хаму и Алеппо в Сирии 2018-08-25 23:50 Вооруженная группировка боевиков сконцентрировалась в сирийской провинции Идлиб. Боевики вооружен крупнокалиберными винтовками, пулеметами и гранатометами, а также бронетехникой. Мигранты блокированы на судне: на итальянский берег пустили лишь заболевших 2018-08-25 23:54 Власти Италии разрешили сойти на берег 16 мигрантам, которым требуется медицинская помощь. В Харбине задержан владелец гостиницы, в которой погибли 19 постояльцев 2018-08-26 00:10 В китайском Харбине задержали владельца гостиницы, где 25 августа произошел крупный пожар. Возгорание началось ранним утром, когда большинство постояльцев еще спали. «Формула власти»: Эфир от 26.08.2018 2018-08-26 00:34 «Формула власти» в Улан-Баторе: мы беседуем с президентом Монголии Халтмаагийн Баттулга. Прошел год с тех пор, как молодой и амбициозный кандидат от оппозиционной Демократической партии одержал победу на выборах президента страны. Путь на этот высокий пост был непрост: художник, спортсмен, чемпион мира по дзюдо, предприниматель и лишь потом политик. Italy: Migrant boat stand-off provokes protesters' ire 2018-08-26 01:07 Thousands of demonstrators protested in front of the Diciotti ship in Catania on Saturday to support the disembarkation of the migrants aboard. Some even dived into the water. Brief scuffles also broke out between police and protesters. A total of 16 migrants were eventually allowed on shore due to health reasons. The Diciotti crisis gained momentum in the last few hours, as Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini said his government won't authorise the disembarkation of migrants until an agreement between EU countries is reached. It's the fifth day the ship has been blocked at port. Last week, Italy rescued some 190 migrants after being picking them up from an overcrowded boat off the Lampedusa coast. Following the rescue, Italy insisted that Malta should take the remaining migrants, arguing that the boat first passed through its search-and-rescue area. However, Malta refused, saying that the migrants declined their assistance as they preferred to reach Italy. Following the stand-off with Malta, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has threatened to send the migrants to Libya if other EU countries fail to take them in. On Wednesday, 27 minors managed to disembark from the ship. Андрей Воробьев поздравил жителей Домодедова с Днем города 2018-08-26 01:13 В Домодедове отметили День города. На центральной площади прошел концерт, на котором выступили звезды российской поп-музыки. Были организованы ярмарки, выставки и конкурсы. Городские предприятия провели презентацию своей продукции. Жителей города поздравил губернатор Московской области. Peru: Passport-less Venezuelans stranded at border 2018-08-26 01:28 Peru brought into force new entry requirements, leaving thousands of Venezuelan migrants stranded at Tumbes the main crossing with northern neighbours Ecuador, on Saturday. Venezuelans will no longer be permitted to enter the country with just an identity card. They now need a passport. Pregnant women and the elderly are exempted. Ecuador and Peru have started the process of tightening their entry requirements as the numbers of refugees continue to increase. Some 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled their homeland since 2014 in search of a better life as the economic crisis grips the oil-rich nation. Syria: US will stay in Syria 'to ensure the defeat of IS' — US diplomat 2018-08-26 02:18 A top State Department official promised that US forces would remain in Syria until the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) is defeated, as a US delegation visited the Kurdish/SDF-controlled area of Shadadi on Saturday. «We are prepared to stay here, as the president has made clear, to ensure the enduring defeat of ISIS. We remain focused on ensuring the withdrawal of Iranian forces and their proxies as well,» said former US ambassador to Bahrain William Roebuck, after meeting with the Shadadi Civil Council. Earlier this month Roebuck and other US envoys visited the Syrian towns of Kobani and Manbij. Their next stop is thought to be Deir ez-Zor. France: Tribute march for young man killed in police chase 2018-08-26 03:02 Mourners marched through a southern suburb of Paris on Saturday in rememberance of 26-year-old Roman, who was shot dead by a police officer in the capital on August 14. The march started in the town of Essone, Vigneux-sur-Seine, where the victim had lived for many years. Family and friends carried a large banner reading «in memory of Romain.» Many also wore white T-shirts with the slogan «Justice for Romain.» The group stopped outside the cemetery in the neighboring town of Draveil. Romain was killed after a police chase through Paris on the night of August 14. French media reported that he had been driving a car on a suspended license. When police spotted his defective lights he was stopped for a routine. Romain refused to comply and tried to flee. A 23-year-old unnamed policeman commandeered a passerby's motorbike and started a 2km (1.25 mile) chase. When the officer caught up with the fleeing car, Romain allegedly tried to reverse into the officer. The policeman then fired his a shot from his weapon, which entered Romain's chest. The policeman has since been indicted for «willful act resulting in unintentional death» and placed under judicial supervision with a ban on his duties as law enforcement officer. His actions sparked waves of criticism, with Romain's family and many others demanding «justice» for the victim. Bangladesh: Rohingya refugees mark Myanmar crackdown anniversary 2018-08-26 03:15 W/S Rohingya refugees, Cox's Bazar Tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees held a protest at the world's largest refugee camp, Kutupalong, found in the city of Cox's Bazar, on Saturday, commemorating one year since Myanmar began its crackdown on the predominantly Muslim minority. Protesters demanded justice and called for international protection in their homeland. Last year, Rohingya militants carried out a series of attacks against Myanmar security forces, leaving 12 police officers dead. It triggered a crackdown by the Myanmar military, with widespread reports of indiscriminate killings, arson, looting and rape. According the UN, more than 700,000 Rohingya have fled Myanmar as a result of the conflict. Italy: Tensions flare between protesters and riot police over migrant ship 2018-08-26 03:23 Clashes erupted between demonstrators and riot police, as thousands protested in front of the Diciotti ship in Catania on Saturday to support the disembarkation of the migrants aboard. Last week, Italy rescued some 190 migrants after picking them up from an overcrowded boat off the Lampedusa coast. The Diciotti coastguard ship then docked in the Sicilian port of Catania on Monday. Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini is refusing to give an authorisation for most of the migrants to disembark until Italy receives guarantees from other EU countries that they would offer asylum. A total of 16 migrants were eventually allowed on shore due to health reasons. Another 27 minors managed to disembark on from the ship on Wednesday. Nearly 140 migrants still remain on board the vessel. Умер Джон Маккейн 2018-08-26 03:32 Сенатор Джон Маккейн скончался на 82-м году жизни после продолжительной болезни. Italy: Migrants allowed to disembark from Dicotti 2018-08-26 04:22 All remaining migrants were allowed to disembark from the Diciotti rescue ship in Catania on Sunday, ending the five-day dispute. Rescued from an overcrowded boat off the Lampedusa coast, the migrants were then blockaded at Sicilian port. The fate of around 190 migrants on board has been dominated the news agenda in Italy for the past week. Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini was refusing to accept to most of them until Italy received guarantees from other EU countries that migrants would be distributed across the continent. Repeated protests tried to pressure the authorities into letting the migrants ashore. Some children and others with health problems were already allowed ashore, before today's decision. It has been reported that the majority of migrants will be taken in by the Catholic Church in the alpine town of Pinzolo. Albania, a non-EU member, and Ireland are also expected to share the burden. |
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