Фестиваль Индонезии. О культуре восточноазиатской страны можно узнать в Москве
Фестиваль Индонезии. О культуре восточноазиатской страны можно узнать в Москве 2018-08-03 23:27 В Москве открылся третий Фестиваль Индонезии. В этом году мероприятие сменило адрес — переехало из сада «Эрмитаж» в парк «Красная Пресня». В программе — кукольный театр теней, выступления музыкантов и танцоров, национальная кухня, свадебные обряды. О первом дне работы фестиваля расскажет Валерия Кудрявцева. К юбилею Вячеслава Гордеева 2018-08-03 23:49 3 августа поздравления с 70-летием принимает Вячеслав Гордеев — танцовщик, хореограф, педагог, руководитель театра «Русский балет». За более чем полвека работы в балете он познал и магию танца, и его жестокую изнанку. Накануне юбилея с Вячеславом Гордеевым встретилась Елена Ворошилова. Новости культуры. Эфир от 03.08.2018 (23:20) 2018-08-04 00:09 Александра Солженицына вспоминают его родные, друзья и коллеги. К юбилею Вячеслава Гордеева. В Санкт-Петербурге рассказывают о географии выставок Михаила Шемякина. Фестиваль Индонезии. О культуре восточноазиатской страны можно узнать в Москве. Интервью с режиссером Натальей Меркуловой. На фестивале в Зальцбурге ‒ «Волшебная флейта» с цирковыми трюками. В Эдинбурге открывается Королевский парад военных оркестров. Итоги: Твит Трампа и убийство в ЦАРСКОМ 2018-08-04 00:29 Суд над Манафортом остался без «олигархов», твит Трампа «Сговор — не преступление» и реакция в Вашингтоне, 100 дней до выборов в Конгресс: чего ждать республиканцам и демократам. Убийство в ЦАР — журналисты из России расследовали деятельность ЧВК Вагнера. «Возбуждение вражды или ненависти» 2018-08-04 03:57 Студенту из Барнаула Даниилу Маркину 19 лет. Вот уже больше года он живет под прессом: ему предъявили обвинение по статье 282 УК — «Возбуждение вражды или ненависти». Уголовное дело завели из-за картинок, которые он увидел во «ВКонтакте» и просто скопировал себе в альбом. Как победить российских хакеров с помощью лампы 2018-08-04 07:52 Как победить российских хакеров с помощью лампы. Singapore: Pompeo increases pressure on North Korea to denuclearise 2018-08-04 08:33 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo asked countries to maintain diplomatic and economic pressure on North Korea in order to achieve denuclearisation, at an ASEAN summit meeting on Saturday. «It's worth remembering this isn't just an American security goal. It is clear our partners and allies within ASEAN know how important the denuclearisation of North Korea is for their own security,» he said. Pompeo also cited a UN report which accused Russia of circumventing sanctions placed on North Korea. This included joint ventures with North Korean companies and issuing permits to North Korean workers. The Secretary of State said Washington would take seriously any action that reduces pressure on the Pyongyang to abandon its nuclear arsenal. Сирия готовится к массовому возвращению своих беженцев 2018-08-04 10:04 Почти 900 тысяч беженцев вернутся в Сирию из других стран в ближайшие месяцы. Как заявили в российском Министерстве обороны, основной поток ждут из соседних стран — Иордании, Ирака, Ливана и Турции, а также из Европы. В Сирии уже открыли 10 пунктов приема беженцев, из них восемь наземных, один морской и один воздушный. Бывшему вице-премьеру Армении Геворкяну грозит 6 лет тюрьмы 2018-08-04 10:07 Помехи правосудию — такое обвинение специальная следственная служба Армении предъявила бывшему вице-премьеру Армену Геворкяну. Сообщается, что в 2008 году политик пытался давить на конституционный суд, который тогда рассматривал жалобу оппозиции на результаты президентских выборов. Как менялась информация об убийстве российских журналистов в ЦАР 2018-08-04 10:17 Новые подробности об убитых в Африке российских журналистах появляются каждый день. Зачастую факты противоречат друг другу, а число версий убийства, несмотря на официальные заявления, только множится. В саду «Эрмитаж» пройдет самый уютный фестиваль лета «Soлoma» 2018-08-04 10:54 Какую программу подготовили на фестивале? Russia: Helicopter crashes in Siberia kills killing 18 2018-08-04 11:17 A helicopter crashed in Siberia's Krasnoyarsk region on Saturday, with reports indicating that at least 18 people were killed. A video sent to local station Igarka TV shows the immediate aftermath. Russia's Emergencies Ministry Emercom said Mi-8 helicopter crashed shortly after take-off at 10am local time (03:00 GMT) about 180 kilometres (112 miles) from the town of Igarka. It is thought the chopper collided with a larger cargo helicopter. None of the 15 passengers and 3 crew members on board the Utair airlines flight survived. Rosneft, who chartered the flight heading towards the Vankor oil- and gas-field, believe human error was responsible. Russia: EMERCOM provides update after deadly Siberian helicopter crash 2018-08-04 11:54 An official from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) gave further details about Saturday morning's helicopter crash in Siberia's Krasnoyarsk region. Deputy Head of the Chief Directorate Oleg Matylenko said the Mi-8 helicopter crashed when it touched the cargo of a larger Mi-26 helicopter. None of the 15 passengers and 3 crew members on board the Utair airlines flight survived. The helicopter crashed shortly after take-off at 10am local time (03:00 GMT) about 180 kilometres (112 miles) from the town of Igarka. Rosneft, who chartered the flight heading towards the Vankor oil- and gas-field, believe human error was responsible. Интервью с режиссером Натальей Меркуловой 2018-08-04 12:12 Фильм российских режиссеров Натальи Меркуловой и Алексея Чупова «Человек, который удивил всех» вошел в программу «Горизонты» 75-го Венецианского международного кинофестиваля. В основе фильма - история сильного деревенского мужчины, сибиряка. Узнав, что он неизлечимо болен раком, герой принимает решение бороться с болезнью необычным способом. Чтобы обмануть смерть, представляет себя женщиной, тем самым меняет свою личность. В Санкт-Петербурге рассказывают о географии выставок Михаила Шемякина 2018-08-04 12:20 В Центре Михаила Шемякина в Санкт-Петербурге открылась экспозиция «География выставок». Генеральный спонсор — банк ВТБ. Произведения художника на протяжении его жизни совершили, наверное, целое кругосветное путешествие. Ольга Енина продолжит. В Тверской области открылся рок-фестиваль «Нашествие» 2018-08-04 12:55 Ожидается, что в этом году его посетят около 200 тысяч человек. Afghanistan: Funerals held for victims of Paktia mosque suicide attack 2018-08-04 13:46 A mass funeral was held for the 30 victims of a suicide bomb attack on a Shia mosque in Gardez, Paktia Province, on Saturday. Family members laid to rest their loved ones in a common grave. «The people of Paktia should stay united,» said one attendee. He went on to ask «Why a suicide bomber detonates himself among our worshipers? Why we don't have security in our country?» Thirty people were killed and at least 80 injured in the attack, which followed Friday prayers. Two burka-clad men opened fire on worshippers, before one was shot dead by security forces. The other reportedly blew himself up. No group has claimed responsibility for the attack. Евгений Спицын. История СССР № 141. Пражская весна, Вьетнамская война и Советско-китайский конфликт 2018-08-04 13:49 Сто сорок первая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная событиям Пражской весны, Вьетнамской войне и Советско-китайском конфликту. В Москве потушили пожар в музее Тургенева 2018-08-04 13:59 Горел фасад деревянного здания. Russia: Criminal case opened after deadly Siberian helicopter crash 2018-08-04 14:49 Russian Investigative Committee spokesperson Svetlana Petrenko announced that a criminal case would be opened following the deadly helicopter crash in Siberia's Krasnoyarsk region, in a statement recorded in Moscow on Saturday. Petrenko added that the investigation examines «all the possible versions of the incident, including the pilot's error.» Investigators seized flight documentation and samples of fuel. The committee has also interviewed staff who serviced the helicopter, airline employees and eyewitnesses. Training and the awarding of pilot licences will be examined. The Mi-8 helicopter crashed shortly after take-off at 10am local time (03:00 GMT) about 180 kilometres (112 miles) from the town of Igarka. None of the 15 passengers and 3 crew members on board the Utair airlines flight survived. Rosneft, who chartered the helicopter heading towards the Vankor oil- and gas-field, believe human error was responsible. «Специальный репортаж»: Родина России 2018-08-04 14:50 Репортаж о потенциале Новгородской области и его актуальной реализации. «Вести-Калуга». Выставка «Навстречу звездам» открылась в Музее космонавтики 2018-08-04 15:01 История отечественной космонавтики в тиражируемых и авторских плакатах — яркое отражение событий XX века. В государственном музее истории космонавтики им. К.Э. Циолковского открылась очередная выставка «Навстречу звездам». «До самой далекой планеты, не так уж, друзья, далеко» гласит один из экспонатов выставки. На нем изображен советский космонавт, причем не в летательном аппарате, а уверенно стоящий на поверхности Луны. Этот плакат, как и все остальные, создавались в честь определенных событий, объясняет Ирина Селюнина, сотрудник музея. Данное творение посвящается покорению окололунной орбиты. «Второе мнение» помогает спасать человеческие жизни 2018-08-04 15:05 Около 1,5 тысячи заявок обработано с начала запуска программы «Второе мнение». Это проект, благодаря которому врачи подмосковных больниц в любой момент могут посоветоваться с коллегами из столицы. Теперь в спорных случаях пациентов не приходится направлять на дополнительные обследования за десятки километров. «Специальный репортаж»: КиноМосква 2018-08-04 15:19 Как и где снимают кино в Москве? Уникальные скульптуры из Архангельского отправили на реставрацию 2018-08-04 15:22 Компресс для льва и косметические процедуры для Венеры. Более сотни уникальных скульптур усадьбы Архангельское отправлены на реставрацию. В последний раз коллекция графа Юсупова попадала в руки специалистов 65 лет назад. Turkey: Erdogan to impose tit-for-tat sanctions on two US officials 2018-08-04 16:05 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that he will freeze the assets of two American officials in response to the US Treasury imposing sanctions on Turkey, while speaking in Ankara on Saturday. Erdogan said Turkey has shown 'patience', but 'cannot be disciplined with this understanding and approach.' «The whole thing is the manifestation of the Evangelist, Zionist understanding. This is the truth. Trump has been deceived big time,» he added. On Wednesday, the US Treasury announced sanctions on Turkish justice and interior ministers over the continued detention of American pastor Andrew Craig Brunson. The pastor was arrested two years ago over alleged links to the outlawed Kurdish PKK party and to the Fetullah Gulen movement which Erdogan claims was behind the 2016 attempted coup. Turkey will impose tit-for-tat measures on the US justice and interior ministers should they have assets in the country. На Пушкинской площади проходит фестиваль «Многонациональная Россия» 2018-08-04 16:35 Там сегодня звучат песни на русском, татарском, бурятском и даже якутском языках. «Дороги к свободе»: Равенство и Парад равенства 2018-08-04 16:40 Что происходит с ЛГБТ-движением в Украине в интервалах между маршами равенства? Собеседник Виталия Портникова — эксперт Центра «Наш світ» Андрей Кравчук. Федор Лисицын. Тонкая грань цивилизации может рухнуть 2018-08-04 16:44 Прошедшая эпидемия кори, подозрение на холеру, вспышки острых кишечных инфекций, перебои с поставками воды и незаконные сливы канализаций в море — такие тревожные новости приходят все последние месяцы. К чему может привести страну и общество стремительно деградирующая промышленная инфраструктура и система здравоохранения, как это может сказаться на людях. Комментирует кандидат биологических наук, автор цикла передач «Эпидемии, изменившие ход истории» Федор Лисицын. Reuters: США «очень холодно» встретили предложения России по Сирии 2018-08-04 16:57 Глава Генштаба России Валерий Герасимов направил командующему армией США Джозефу Данфорду «тайное письмо», в котором перечислил предложения российских властей по восстановлению Сирии. Об этом сообщает Reuters, ссылаясь на имеющийся в распоряжении агентства правительственный документ, в котором излагается суть письма. Герасимов отправил письмо 19 июля, спустя три дня после встречи Владимира Путина и Дональда Трампа в Хельсинки. В нем глава Генштаба предложил Вашингтону сотрудничество в восстановлении разрушенной инфраструктуры тех районов Сирии, которые уже контролируются войсками Башара Асада. В Вашингтоне, как утверждает Reuters, предложение было встречено «очень холодно». В служебной записке, также имеющейся в распоряжении агентства, отмечается, что поддерживать подобные действия Вашингтону стоит только в том случае, если для Сирии будет найдено «политическое решение кризиса, подразумевающее проведение независимых выборов под контролем ООН». Итоги недели: собеседования кандидатов на пост мэра Екатеринбурга 2018-08-04 17:54 Политический кастинг начался в Екатеринбурге. Выбирают кандидата в мэры города. Должность ответственная, поэтому и отбор соответствующий. На этой неделе собеседования с членами специальной комиссии прошли 18 человек из ранее заявившихся 22-х. Причем один из претендентов просто не явился. Окончательный же вердикт вынесут депутаты гордумы, которых уже придется выбирать жителям Екатеринбурга 9 сентября. Итоги недели: 10 лет свердловской приемной «Единой России» 2018-08-04 17:56 Просьбы о помощи, жалобы и консультации — больше 35 тысяч обращений от свердловчан поступило в региональную общественную приемную «Единой России» за десять лет. Круглую дату партийцы отметили ударным трудом. Итоги недели: концерт группы «Чайф» в деревне Малый Турыш 2018-08-04 17:58 Звездный час настал для поселка Малый Турыш: впервые в свердловской глубинке выступили легенды российского рока — группа «Чайф». Многотысячный концертный зал, естественно, собрать не удалось, зато организаторы заработали хорошие деньги. Russia: First footage emerges of deadly Siberian helicopter crash site 2018-08-04 18:23 Russian authorities released footage from the helicopter crash site around 180km (112mi) from the town of Igarka, Krasnoyarsk Region, where a total of 18 people were killed on Saturday. The Mi-8 helicopter crashed shortly after take-off at 10am local time (3am GMT), claiming the lives of 15 passengers and 3 crew members. Petroleum refining company Rosneft, who chartered the helicopter heading towards the Vankor oil and gas field, believe that human error was the cause of the accident. Meanwhile, Russian Investigative Committee spokesperson Svetlana Petrenko announced that a criminal case would be opened. События недели: чудесное спасение и смерть Zombie Boy 2018-08-04 18:53 30 июля в Сочи начались масштабные обыски в местной администрации, БТИ и управлении МЧС. 31 июля солист группы «Би-2» стал жертвой домушников. 1 августа стало известно о чудесном спасении пассажиров упавшего лайнера в Мексике. 2 августа в Басманном суде Москвы стартовал процесс по делу полковника Дмитрия Захарченко. Программа «Дежурная часть» от 04 августа 2018 года 2018-08-04 19:30 Правда ли, что убийство Михаила Хачатуряна можно было предотвратить? Силовой перевес: что за спецоперацию провели бойцы сургутского ОМОН на штрафстоянке бывшего прокурора? Почему не каждый пломбир одинаково полезен? Как полицейский-миллионер из Уфы превратил службу в доходный бизнес? Spain: Madrilenos suffer as sweltering Spanish summer claims three lives 2018-08-04 19:57 SOT, Madrid resident (Spanish): «One must avoid the strong hours of the sun as much as possible.» On Saturday people in Madrid commented on the high temperatures that have killed three people in Spain, amid a heatwave that is gripping large parts of Europe. Two people died in Murcia and Barcelona on Friday, following the death of a person in Murcia on Tuesday. Footage shot in Madrid on Saturday shows temperatures hitting 40C (104F) as residents take to water fountains, parks and terraces for some respite. «When you leave home and there is air and all that, you get on the street and it burns you alive,» one Madrid resident said. Temperatures in Spain and Portugal are expected to come close to and possibly break Europe’s record of 48C (188F) set in Athens in July 1977. Temperatures in areas of Portugal’s southern Alentejo region reached 45C (113F) on Friday. The Alentejo town of Beja expected to see a peak of 47C (116F) on Saturday. The recent summer, according to reports, might end up to be the hottest ever on the European continent. Romania: One dead, one injured after planes collide mid-air in Suceava 2018-08-04 20:09 Two light acrobatic aircraft collided in mid-air near Suceava on Saturday, killing one pilot and seriously injuring another. The accident happened during the preparation for an upcoming airshow at Suceava's international airport. Russia: LGBT activists detained after unauthorised rally in St Petersburg 2018-08-04 21:12 Twenty-nine LGBT activists were detained by the Russian police in Saint Petersburg on Saturday. Around 60 protesters gathered at the Palace Square in Russia’s Northern Capital for ‘Saint-Petersburg Pride’, waving rainbow flags and holding placards. Several activists were charged with 'violation of the order of the event', since it was unauthorised, while some were released shortly after. Yemen: Women's march against Saudi-led airstrikes held in Sana'a 2018-08-04 21:19 Hundreds of women marched through Sana'a on Saturday, condemning Saudi-led coalition airstrikes on Yemen. The protesters marched along the capital city's main roads with banners and placards, as well as national symbols and flags. The Saudi-led war in Yemen started in 2015 as an attempt to crush Houthi rebels in the region and reinstall former president Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi. With 8.4 million Yemeni people forced to the brink of starvation according to UN figures, the country has been plunged into a severe humanitarian crisis amid its ongoing conflict. Russia: Large-scale search operation underway for missing girl in Sochi 2018-08-04 21:58 More than 400 people were deployed in the search operation for a little girl along river banks in the Hostinsky district of Sochi on Friday, after she was carried away by a the river's flow the day before. The accident occurred when the girl, along with her mother, brother and uncle, tried to cross the river by entering in it, reportedly avoiding a nearby bridge, which led to them being washed downstream. «It started raining. We had waited for 10-15 minutes, but it didn't stop. We decided to go back. We weren’t going to cross the river. There’s a path to the bridge on the left side. We had to walk along the river for about 50 metres,» said the girl’s uncle. The girl's mother and uncle survived, while her brother was found dead, lying in a pool of mud along the riverbank. Recently, heavy rains have hit Sochi, claiming the lives of other two children. USA: 'It will get people riled up' — Portlanders speak out on Patriot Prayer 2018-08-04 22:30 Portland residents commented on the 'freedom march' being made by the right-wing Patriot Prayer group and anti-fascist counter-protests in Portland, Oregon on Saturday. «There's an aspect of wanting to mess with people to an extent, knowing that it's a very left town and that it will get some people riled up,» resident Alex Ehbert said. Portland police set up barricades and metal detectors downtown ahead of the Patriot Prayer march, which comes ahead of the one-year anniversary of clashes between far-right and anti-fascist protesters which killed one in Charlottesville, Virginia. Italy: Dozens mobilise against US military installation in Sicily 2018-08-04 22:47 Dozens of people protested against a US-backed Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) installation in the Sicilian town of Niscemi on Saturday. During the march along the path that runs around the base, a group of activists covered by masks tried to cut the fence with shears. Italian police responded with tear gas. The march ended at the top of the hill overlooking the MUOS satellite transmission platform. 'No MUOS' activists are expected to camp in the area until Sunday. South Africa: Hearings kick off in Cape Town on proposed land expropriation 2018-08-04 23:18 Scuffles erupted at a public hearing in Cape Town on Saturday, over South African President Cyril Ramaphosa's proposed amendment regarding the expropriation of land without compensation. If the amendment is passes, the state will reportedly have a constitutional right to expropriate land without compensation, reports say, prompting mixed reactions. «The wrongs of the past must be corrected. If it is not addressed, no remedy can be found for historical disadvantage. Apartheid continues via the market,» said Brenda Skelenge, member of South African Homeless People's Federation. The large turnout at the hall saw many remain outside, where speakers also took turns to have their say. «That government is compiling this new legislation in counter of the agreement that they've signed at the United Nations, which is very discriminatory at this point in time,» said the Chief of the Griqua tribe. Russia: Flowers and toys pay tribute to drowned boy in Sochi 2018-08-04 23:24 An improvised memorial emerged in the Lazarevskoe district in the Russian city of Sochi on Saturday, at the site where a boy fell into a water drainage system ditch the previous day before being found dead at sea. The story shocked many people not only with the tragic developments but also with an act of self-sacrifice. The boy's grandmother jumped into the hatch of the water drainage system to rescue him but he had already been carried away by the stream. «It rained heavily. I walked out of the store when she screamed. Apparently, he fell into there [water drainage system] and was swept away in an instant. She ran right here, started screaming,” recalled one of the eyewitnesses. Recounting the deadly incident, another witness said the grandmother deserved the Hero of Russia award. “The grandmother had already been caught in the sea meanwhile the boy had not [been caught] yet. Many people went in the sea. Even more than there are people on the beach during the heatwave,” said another eyewitness. Sochi and the adjacent area have been recently hit by heavy rain which in turn turned roads and streets into rivers. USA: Drone footage captures flooding in Lynchburg, Virginia 2018-08-05 00:39 Drone footage captured the extent of flooding in Lynchburg, in the US state of Virginia on Saturday. Hundreds of people have been evacuated from Lynchburg after its 1930s-built dam is under risk of collapsing and sending a 'monster wave' towards the city. USA: Tensions flare as counter-protest hits Patriot Prayer rally in Portland 2018-08-05 00:43 The conflict between 'freedom march' being made by the right-wing Patriot Prayer group and anti-fascist counter-protests was intensified in Portland, Oregon on Saturday. Portland police used tear gas and rubber bullets to disperse the crowds. Earlier, they set up barricades and metal detectors downtown. The Patriot Prayer march comes ahead of the one-year anniversary of clashes between far-right and anti-fascist protesters which killed one in Charlottesville, Virginia. UK: FIFA eWorld Cup 2018 wraps up in London 2018-08-05 01:07 Mosaad 'Msdossary' Aldossary was crowned the FIFA eWorld Cup 2018 champion after beating runner-up Stefano Pinna at the London O2 stadium on Saturday. «I can't really describe how I feel, I'm really happy,» the champion said, «but I'm happier that I made my friends and family happy.» The finals are organised by FIFA video gamemaker Electronic Arts. Over 20 million have competed in the EA SPORTS FIFA 18 Global Series until today. In 2017, the eFIFA winner received a $200,000 (€172,401) cash prize. Russia: Thousands bid farewell to killer of Lieutenant-Colonel Yuri Budanov 2018-08-05 01:27 Thousands of people were seen in the Gheldagan village, in the Russian Republic of Chechnya on Saturday, to join a farewell ceremony for Yousup Temerhanov, known as the killer of former Lieutenant-Colonel Yuri Budanov. Yousup Temerhanov died in prison on Friday, August 3. He was convicted of killing Budanov in 2011 and sentenced to 15 years in jail. The Temerhanov case was considered a high-profile one as in 2000, the victim Budanov himself was charged with raping and killing Chechen girl Elsa Kungaeva during the second Chechen war. The former Lieutenant-Colonel received a ten year prison term but was conditionally released in 2009. Huge crowds of people came to the Temerhanovs’ house in the Gheldagan village, to express their condolences. The mourners consider him a real hero and thanked the parents for bringing him up. The Head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov arrived at the farewell ceremony to pay tribute to Temerhanov. The Father of killed Chechen girl Elsa Kungaeva, Isa Kungaev, was also spotted at Temerhanov’s funeral. USA: Hundreds rally against gun violence outside NRA heaquarters 2018-08-05 02:06 Hundreds of protesters gathered at the National Rifle Association (NRA) headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, to protest against gun violence on Saturday. Activists and protesters called on the NRA to stop interfering on common sense legislation that ninety percent of Americans support. They asked lawmakers to ban assault rifles and bump stocks. Separated by plastic barricades and several police officers, there was a small counter protest group, which claimed to defend the second amendment and their right to bear arms. Venezuela: Nicolas Maduro survives assassination attempt 2018-08-05 02:56 Seven National Guard soldiers were injured after explosions interrupted Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro mid-speech during a military event in Caracas, Saturday. The Venezuelan government has confirmed that the explosions were an assassination attempt on Maduro. Maduro was speaking to mark the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela, when the explosions occurred, which are reported to be drone attacks. Footage shows Maduro interrupted mid-speech as officials look up, while Maduro's bodyguards shield and escort him to safety. Maduro and other government members were unharmed in the attack. Russia: Alpinist touches down in Moscow after Pakistani rescue operation 2018-08-05 03:12 Russian Alpinist Alexander Gukov landed in Moscow Region on Saturday, via a special plane after having been miraculously rescued from the Pakistani Karakoram Mountain Range. The unprecedented story started in July as Gukov, along with his friend Sergei Glazunov, decided to conquer Latok 1, one of the World's most challenging mountain peaks. But the ambitious plan turned into tragedy when Glazunov fell over the cliff and died with all the products falling into the abyss. As a result, Gukov was stranded over 6,000 metres (20,000 feet) above sea level for six days. He survived bad weather conditions and repeated avalanches by building a cocoon in the snow. On the seventh day, better weather conditions meant a Pakistani army helicopter was able to mount a rescue. Gukov was quickly rushed to a military hospital, suffering from severe frostbite and hallucinations. The 7,145 metre-high Latok I in Pakistan's northern Karakoram range is widely regarded to contain some of the world's most difficult high-altitude mountain climbing. The north ridge has never been scaled, although Gukov and Glazunov came close. Now the Russian climber is set to undergo a full check-up at the hospital and sustain a rehabilitation course. Israel: Druze community protests against new Jewish nation-state law 2018-08-05 03:23 Around 90,000 people, mainly from the Druze minority, gathered in Tel Aviv's Rabin Square on Saturday, to demonstrate against the new Jewish nation-state law. This law states that Israel is the national home of the Jewish people and that Jewish people have a right to exercise national self-determination in Israel. The bill prompted particular outrage from the Druze community, who serve in the Israeli military. «We feel we've been betrayed by the government led by Benjamin Netanyahu,» one protester said. «We will not be second-class citizen in the Jewish republic. We will make sure that democracy will remain in this country,» he added. Serbia: Vucic among thousands honouring victims of Croatian 'Operation Storm' 2018-08-05 04:04 Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and the leader of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik attended a remembrance memorial in Backa Palanka, Saturday, to honour the victims during the Croatian Army (HV) action 'Operation Storm' in 1995. Thousands participated in the commemoration, with Dodik and Vucic making speeches honouring the estimated 1,192 Serbian civilians killed during the Croatian military operation, and the 200,000 refugees pushed out of territory seized by the HV. Jelena Knezevic, «the girl from the column», who in 1995 fled from Krajina, also made remarks. During the four day battle during the Bosnian War, the Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina lost 10,400 square kilometres (4,000 square miles) to the HV, with reports of a variety of crimes committed against Serbs that remained in the area seized. The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) later attempted to try three Croatian generals involved in the action on charges of war crimes and ethnic cleansing. All three military officials were acquitted. However, Serbia has continued to sue Croatia for the operation, stating that the action and the numbers killed constitutes a genocide. Argentina: Thousands rally against legalisation of abortion in Buenos Aires 2018-08-05 04:57 Thousands of protesters from the 'Save The Two Lives' movement gathered near the Obelisk in Buenos Aires on Saturday, to protest against a proposal to legalise abortion, that will be voted on in the Senate next Wednesday. In the midst of blue kerchiefs and religious songs, protesters raised their hands to pray for unborn children, the family and the senators who, they said, should be enlightened when making a decision. «We want a country of life, not a country of death. Abortion is always the death of an innocent,» one protester said, holding her disabled daughter. Russia: Bodies of Russian journalists killed in CAR arrive in Moscow 2018-08-05 05:53 The bodies of three Russian journalists who were killed in the Central African Republic (CAR) were brought back to Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow, earlier on Sunday. On July 31, three Russian journalists were found dead in CAR. The Russian Foreign Ministry later identified the journalists as Kirill Radchenko, Alexander Rastorguev and Orkhan Dzhemal. They had been registered as tourists to work on a documentary in CAR. Orkhan Dzhemal will reportedly be buried in Moscow Cathedral Mosque on August 8. Venezuela: Maduro blames US, Colombia after failed 'assassination attempt' 2018-08-05 06:29 «There was a second explosion behind some stands where there were families and officials on my right side. Which is what you see in the images of people running because they feel the explosive, the explosive blow and the rest of the people there also protecting themselves, running and walking, protecting themselves from the explosion which you can hear.» «Without a doubt we have revealed the situation in record time. This was an attempt to kill me. Today they attempted to assassinate me and I have no doubt that everything points to the Right [Venezuelan opposition], the Venezuelan Far-Right in alliance with the Colombian Far-Right and that the name of [Colombian President] Juan Manuel Santos is behind this attempt. I have no doubt.» Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro spoke at the Miraflores Palace in Caracas, Saturday, after surviving an apparent assassination attempt just hours earlier, while giving a speech at a military event in the capital. Seven National Guard soldiers were injured after explosions interrupted Maduro during a speech to mark the 81st anniversary of the Bolivarian National Guard of Venezuela. Maduro and other government members were unharmed in the attack. The explosions were reportedly from explosives-laden drones. USA: Clashes erupt as counter-protest hits Patriot Prayer rally in Portland 2018-08-05 06:58 Hundreds of counter protesters gathered in Portland, on Saturday, to demonstrate against the 'freedom march' by the far-right wing Patriot Prayer group. Counter protesters, including Antifa members, faced off with police and were driven away with flash bang grenades and pepper spray. The Patriot Prayer march comes ahead of the one-year anniversary of clashes between far-right and anti-fascist protesters, which killed one in Charlottesville, Virginia. |
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