Bulgaria: At least 16 dead after tourist bus crashes
Bulgaria: At least 16 dead after tourist bus crashes 2018-08-26 05:07 At least 16 people were killed and five seriously injured when a tourist bus overturned after a crash and plunged down a side road 20 meters (66ft) below the main route. The accident happened near the city of Svoge, north of the capital Sofia, at around 17:00 local time (14:00 GMT) on Saturday. According to police, the bus was carrying a total of 34 tourists, reportedly members of a pensioner club, on a weekend trip to a nearby resort. Officials believe that bad weather conditions may have caused the crash. «We were on our way home after fishing nearby. We heard a lot of sirens — police, ambulances, firefighters. At that moment we realised that something serious happened,» recalled Svoge resident Yavor Klinchev. «Tragedy. Real tragedy. There are two damaged cars on the other side of the road. I suggest that during the rain the bus driver tried to avoid a frontal collision with them,» he added. The Bulgarian government has declared Monday a national day of mourning. Смерть американского «ястреба»: чем запомнится карьера Маккейна 2018-08-26 06:06 Американский сенатор Джон Маккейн скончался в возрасте 81 года. Как сообщила его супруга, он ушел из жизни в окружении своих родных и близких. В прошлом году Маккейну поставили диагноз опухоль мозга. Накануне семья сенатора заявила, что он решил прекратить лечение. Ярошенко снова смог встретиться с семьей 2018-08-26 06:07 Вторая встреча летчика Константина Ярошенко с семьей прошла в тюрьме США. Супруга и дочь провели с ним на этот раз шесть часов. Они обеспокоены состоянием здоровья летчика. В ближайшие часы блокированных на судне мигрантов могут пустить на берег 2018-08-26 06:07 Мигранты с суда Diciotto в ближайшие часы смогут сойти на берег. Уже 5 дней корабль береговой охраны с мигрантами находится в порту Катания, остров Сицилия. День Признания: Южная Осетия отмечает 10 лет независимости 2018-08-26 06:07 Южная Осетия отмечает 10 лет независимости. 26 августа 2008 года Москва признала суверенитет республики. В Цхинвале по случаю праздника запланированы массовые мероприятия. Грузино-азербайджанская граница более 20 лет остается заминированной 2018-08-26 06:08 Больше 20 лет несколько грузинских сел у границы с Азербайджаном соседствуют с минными полями. Мины были заложены в начале 90-х азербайджанской стороной. Официальная причина неизвестна. Также неясно, почему грузинская сторона до сих пор не разминировала собственную территорию. Джон Маккейн говорил о России чаще других политиков. Его убила экология 2018-08-26 06:50 Джон Маккейн говорил о России чаще других политиков. Иногда складывалось мнение, что этот сенатор США искренне переживает за проблемы нашей страны. На видео выступление сенатора от 2011 года. Джон Маккейн скончался в возрасте 81 года. Об этом сообщает NBC News. По данным телеканала, Маккейн умер в окружении своей семьи в своем доме. Ранее сообщалось, что Маккейн, который уже более года борется с раком мозга, отказался от лечения. Как отмечалось, прошлым летом у Маккейна была диагностирована глиобластома — агрессивная форма опухоли мозга. Современный всплеск распространения глиобластомы медики связывают с резким ухудшением состояния экологической среды. В том числе отмечается ущерб от вредных промышленных выбросов, загрязнения окружающей среды, ГМО. Президент Трамп посвятил Маккейну две строки в твиттер, написал: «Наши сердца и молитвы с вами!». Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: «My deepest sympathies and respect go out to the family of Senator John McCain. Our hearts and prayers are with you!». «Оно вам надо?»: Сместить нельзя оставить 2018-08-26 06:51 В Соединенных Штатах обсуждается возможность импичмента президента Трампа. Зависимость от независимости. Парад в Киеве — как напоминание украинцам о войне в их стране. Московский путч и публичный мат. Траектория превращения русского языка в лексику эпохи страха. Syria: Army deploys troops to frontline with Idlib 2018-08-26 07:07 The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) sent reinforcements to the frontline with militant-held areas in Idlib province in north-western Syria on Friday. Footage shows troops belonging to the 4th division of the SAA climbing aboard pick-up trucks and moving tanks and artillery through Al-Jayyid, Hama, on Saturday. According to reports, the Syrian army is sending soldiers to three frontline areas which share borders with the last major militant stronghold of Idlib, namely the central province of Hama, the coastal province of Latakia and the southern part of Idlib itself. Talk of an assault on Idlib was the source of a growing diplomatic spat this week. On Tuesday, the United States, France and Britain issued a joint statement stressing their «concern at the potential for further, and illegal, use of chemical weapons.» The Syrian Foreign Ministry hit back the following day, condemning the remarks as a «threat» against Damascus. While the Russian Ministry of Defence released its own statement accusing militants of planning a fresh chemical attack, which could be used by Western powers as a pretext to launch airstrikes on Syria. «Крымская волна» накрыла Севастополь 2018-08-26 07:56 Более двух тысяч участников фестиваля в Крыму накрыло волной. Волной музыки. В Севастополе собрались любители рэпа и хип-хопа. «Крымская волна» вошла в тройку лидеров в рейтинге самых популярных событий для туристов этого уик-энда. Чем удивили зрителя исполнители и организаторы? Джон Маккейн скончался в Аризоне 2018-08-26 07:56 Прямое включение из Финикса корреспондента Русской службы «Голоса Америки» Рафаэля Саакова. «Вести-Калуга. События недели». Эфир от 26.08.2018 2018-08-26 08:45 Это не сон, а «Цифровая эволюция»: технологии будущего уже сейчас помогают созидать и экономить. Что дальше? Форум для тех, кто знает и делает. От Екатерины Великой до наших дней: уникальный и неповторимый. О чём калужанам мог бы рассказать один из самых удивительных мостов России? Был и видел: Курская дуга глазами фронтовика Александра Унтилова. В России отметили 75-годовщину одного из масштабных сражений Великой отечественной. Не скосил вовремя - заплати штраф: новые методы в борьбе с борщевиком больно ударят по кошельку нерадивых землевладельцев. Он пережил Великую Отечественную, но разрушается в мирное время: дом в военном городке. Куда бежать его жителям и почему за строение никто не отвечает, а квартплату собирают регулярно? Жизнь преподобного: за что верующие чтут святого Лаврентия и с какими просьбами обращаются к хранителю земли Калужской? Памяти Джона Маккейна 2018-08-26 08:49 В на 82 году жизни скончался легендарный политик Джон Маккейн. Страны Запада продолжают подготовку к удару по Сирии 2018-08-26 10:45 Западная коалиция наращивает свою группировку на Ближнем Востоке, сообщает Центр по примирению сторон. По его данным, в Персидский залив уже переброшен американский эсминец, на его борту — полсотни крылатых ракет. А на авиабазу в Катаре прибыл стратегический бомбардировщик. US Senator John McCain dies of brain cancer aged 81 *ARCHIVE* 2018-08-26 11:51 W/S Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic greets US Senator John McCain M/S President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaite shaking hands with McCain W/S McCain at Values Voter Summit W/S McCain at conference W/S McCain arriving at press conference W/S McCain at building opening M/S McCain arriving at press conference W/S Protesters gathering outside McCain's headquarters, demanding his arrest W/S McCain arriving at NATO-Georgian Joint Training and Evaluation Centre (JTEC) in Krtsanisi John McCain, United States senator, Vietnam war hero and presidential candidate, died on Saturday aged 81 after suffering from brain cancer. He was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour in July 2017. His family announced that McCain had chosen to stop treatment on Friday. The six-term Arizona senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee died surrounded by his family. During the Vietnam War, McCain was shot down and remained a prisoner of war for five years. He suffered lifelong injuries resulting from torture at the hands of his captors. After resigning as captain, he ran for Congress in 1982 before switching to the Senate in 1987. His first presidential bid in 2000 ended in defeat at the primary stage, losing out to eventual winner George W. Bush. Eight years later, McCain beat the first hurdle, but ultimately faced a formidable opponent in Democratic nominee and future president Barack Obama. In later years, McCain clashed strongly with current US President Donald Trump. The latter went as far to question the former’s war record. The feud continued, with McCain killing Trump’s efforts to repeal Obamacare. Since his absence from Washington in December, McCain remained politically active until the last, criticising the President on a range of issues. In a tweet, Trump expressed his sympathies and respect for Mr. McCain’s loved ones. McCain made it clear to friends and family that he wanted eulogies from former presidents Bush and Obama, but did not want Trump to attend his funeral. Умер американский сенатор Джон Маккейн 2018-08-26 12:02 Ему был 81 год. На протяжении года он боролся с агрессивной формой рака мозга. В пятницу родственники сенатора объявили, что он отказался от лечения из-за необратимого развития болезни, таким образом потеряв шансы на выздоровление. Опубликован манифест второго Климатического форума городов России 2018-08-26 12:04 В манифесте провозглашено: «Глобальные тренды в развитии городов диктуются не только экономикой, но и стремительным изменением климата. Тарификация углеродных загрязнений становится основой экологической политики все большего числа стран, а спрос на благоприятную для жизни среду и осознанное потребление среди горожан возрастает. Меры по контролю климата уже отразились на жизни многих прогрессивных мегаполисов, на которые приходится две трети мировой электроэнергии и вредных выбросов в атмосферу. Города с высокой плотностью населения, развитой промышленностью и загруженными автострадами, обладают огромным потенциалом для снижения воздействия на экосистему, поэтому именно там требуются своевременные изменения для строительства низкоуглеродного будущего». Второй Климатический Форум пройдет 6-7 сентября на ВДНХ и будет посвящен вопросу климатических изменений, городского развития в эпоху глобального потепления, научным и технологическим достижениям в области экологии, альтернативной энергетики и проблемам здоровья жителей городов. Перед форумов также ставится задача по обсуждению и реализации тезисов озвученных мэром Москвы Сергеем Собяниным на Урбанистическом форуме в Москве, а так же представителями экологического сообщества Москвы на ПЭМФ в Санкт-Петербурге. На видео выступление зам.главного эколога Москвы Евгении Семутниковой на ПЭМФ 2018 http://mail.ekogradmoscow.ru/dpioos/anonsy/manifest-vtorogo-klimaticheskogo-foruma-gorodov-rossii Russia: 'I couldn't speak, I couldn't walk' — Child abuse victim with 50% burns becomes model 2018-08-26 12:04 SOT, Svetlana Alekseeva, model (Russian): «I got different reactions. Some said offensive things — of course, it's not to everyone's taste. Some write to me in admiration things like keep going, continue doing what you're doing.» SOT, reporter (Russian): «How did you meet him?» SOT, Svetlana Alekseeva, model (Russian): «I met him online. We started to see each other and now we live together.» Russian teenager Sveta Ugolyok's burns cover some 50 percent of her body and are a constant reminder of childhood trauma and abuse. Now she’s turned 18, she’s ready to take on the modelling industry — footage filmed in Moscow on Thursday 5 July reveals. «I've wanted to be a model, I thought that it [my appearance] can be in demand. Yes, I have non-standard parameters, but this doesn't mean I cannot be a model. Conversely, it catches attention, when it comes to being a body-positive model,» said Sveta, whose real name is Svetlana Alekseeva. Reaction to her modelling venture has largely been positive. «Some said offensive things — of course, it's not to everyone's taste. Some write to me in admiration, things like 'keep going', 'continue doing what you're doing',» she acknowledged. The future didn't always look so bright for Svetlana. When she was four years, a simple accident left her with 50 percent burns to her body, scars she carries to this day. «My mother went to a supermarket to buy pelmeni. Meanwhile it got dark and I decided to light a candle, as I was scared of the darkness.» «I remembered how my mum used to get rid of loose threads on her clothes by burning them. I decided to do the same with my nightgown — it was synthetic fabric. So I wanted to take off a loose thread, but instead of burning it off, it continued to burn.» By the time her mother returned, the clothing was already fused to her skin. Svetlana was rushed to hospital, where she remained in a coma for two months. «I couldn't speak, I couldn't walk. I had big scars that looked like sort of webbing that some animals have. And I couldn't feel my hands or straighten out them and my legs either,» she recalled. Throughout the entire ordeal, Svetlana’s mother did not visit her daughter in hospital once and was unable become a skin transplant donor due to alcoholism. The young girl continued to suffer years of neglect at the hands of her mother, before being sent to an orphanage. It was not the end of her problems as Svetlana was singled out for her appearance. She has since come to terms with her body, believing: «If society puts pressure on you and is bullying you just because you have some individuality, this doesn't mean they're right.» Svetlana now lives in Moscow with her boyfriend, whom she met online. Герой войны и друг Украины: сенатор США Джон Маккейн умер в возрасте 81 года 2018-08-26 12:26 Он прожил яркую и мужественную жизнь и был военным героем, проведя 5 лет в плену во Вьетнаме. Несмотря на две сломанные руки и колено и постоянные пытки, он отказался от досрочного освобождения. Он 5 раз избирался сенатором и прямо называл Путина преступником, а его называли «большим другом Украины». Ангела Меркель встретилась с президентом Азербайджана 2018-08-26 12:41 Она обсудила с Ильхамом Алиевым увеличение поставок газа в Европу, урегулирование в Нагорном Карабахе и вопросы прав человека. Russia: Firefighters combat blaze consuming Moscow Region apartments 2018-08-26 12:42 Firefighters battled against a blaze which engulfed the top floor of an apartment building in Korolyov, Moscow Region on Sunday. According to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia (EMERCOM) for Moscow Region, the fire broke out in the seven-story apartment building in Leninskaya, consuming a surface area of 300 square metres (3230 square foot). Ten people were reportedly evacuated and the remaining tenants left on their own. One-hundred-and-twenty-two firefighting personnel and 33 units were dispatched, containing the fire by approximately 11 o'clock (8am GMT) in the morning. There are no reports regarding any casualties or the cause. Забота по стандарту: в России регламентируют работу сиделок 2018-08-26 13:01 Жуткие истории об издевательствах над пожилыми и беспомощными людьми должны уйти в прошлое. В России вступил в силу профессиональный стандарт для помощников по уходу или же сиделок. С его помощью пытаются навести порядок на пока еще диком рынке услуг и защитить инвалидов и стариков от мошенников, а также жестоких и некомпетентных работников. Собянин рассказал о философии города и гиперответственности 2018-08-26 13:22 Что скажут о нынешнем мэре Москвы через сто лет и какие задачи он считает главными сегодня? На эти вопросы Сергей Собянин ответил в большом интервью ведущему программы «Вести недели» Дмитрию Киселеву. Серия интервью вошла в фильм о Москве «Мегаполис». Премьера документальной ленты о том, как изменилась российская столица за последние годы, на «России 1» 26 августа в 00:30. Александр Лукашенко рассказал о своих отношениях с Владимиром Путиным 2018-08-26 13:27 По словам президента Белоруссии, у них обоих «советское прошлое и славянское нутро». Обновленное Калужское шоссе стало центральной магистралью Новой Москвы 2018-08-26 13:29 Событие, которого годами ждали не меньше полумиллиона жителей столицы. На этой неделе была завершена реконструкция главной магистрали Новой Москвы — Калужского шоссе. От МКАД до ЦКАД теперь можно домчать без пробок и светофоров. О строительстве новых дорог и формировании транспортного каркаса столицы рассказал Сергей Собянин. Руза восстанавливает экологическую репутацию 2018-08-26 13:32 В Рузе решают проблему, которая в буквальном смысле не давала вздохнуть всему городу. В октябре там запустят новые очистные сооружения — современные и экологичные. Их построили в рамках программы модернизации ЖКХ Подмосковья. Охватывает она самые важные для миллионов людей вопросы: от чистоты в подъездах и капремонта домов до благоустройства целых городов. Pina coke-lada! 67kg of cocaine found in PINEAPPLES by Madrid police 2018-08-26 13:36 Police uncovered some 67kg (147lbs) of cocaine hidden in hollowed-out pineapples at a Madrid market on Sunday. Up to a kilo (2.2lbs) of cocaine was packed into individual cylinders, coated in wax and an encased in pineapple husks, reportedly in Costa Rica, before arriving for distribution in the Spanish capital. Seven people, three in Madrid and four in Barcelona, have been arrested on suspicion of narcotrafficking. Ireland: Pope begs for forgiveness for child abuse on pilgrimage to Knock 2018-08-26 13:56 Pope Francis begged for forgiveness for clerical child abuse and said he wished to see justice served, while addressing thousands at the Marian shrine in Knock, County Mayo on Sunday. «I beg for the Lord's forgiveness for these sins. For the scandal and betrayal that have been felt by many in God's family,» he said. «I ask our Blessed Mother to intercede for all the survivors of abuse of any kind, and to confirm every member of the Christian family in the resolute purpose to never allow these situations to happen again.» «This open wound is combated by being firm and decisive in searching for truth and justice,» the pontiff continued. Pope Francis also touched on Northern Ireland, calling on 'all the members of the Irish family to persevere, as brothers and sisters, in the work of reconciliation.' Thousands greeted the Pope when he landed at the Ireland West Airport ahead of his visit to the Knock Marian shrine in County Mayo. Francis is set to attend this year's World Meeting of Families which is taking place in Dublin and is expected to see the highest attendance ever recorded. On Saturday, Pope Francis said he was ashamed of the Church's failure to properly respond to the 'repellent crimes' of sex abuse by clergy. Around 500,000 people are expected to gather in Dublin's Phoenix Park on Sunday afternoon for the Pope's closing mass of the World Meeting of Families. Established 24 years ago by Pope John Paul II, the congress takes place once every three years. The Dublin event is the second that Pope Francis has attended during his papacy and marks the first papal visit to Ireland in nearly 40 years. Japan: Def Min watches on as Self Defence Forces display military might 2018-08-26 14:19 The Japanese Self Defence Forces (SDF) began their four-day military drill in Higashi-Fuji firing range in Gotemba, some 100km (60mi) from Tokyo, on Sunday. Japanese Defence Minister Itsunori Onodera attended the annual drill where 2,400 soldiers, tanks, field guns and helicopters partook in various military exercises. The year's drill reportedly came a day after North Korea tested a ballistic missile launched from a submarine. Russia: EMERCOM dispatches choppers to fight Moscow Region fire 2018-08-26 14:25 The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation (EMERCOM) dispatched an emergency helicopter to contain a fire which had broken out in a residential apartment building in Korolyov, Moscow Region on Sunday. Footage shows the helicopter emptying its load on flames as fire and smoke poured out of the seven-storey building located in Leninskaya. The fire which started at around 6 o'clock (3am GMT) consumed a surface area of 300 square metres (3230 square foot). One-hundred-and-twenty-two firefighting personnel and 33 units were dispatched, containing the fire by approximately 11 o'clock (8am GMT) in the morning. There are no reports regarding any casualties or the cause. В США и за рубежом почтили память Джона Маккейна 2018-08-26 14:35 Вечером в субботу в американском штате Аризона на 82-м году жизни скончался сенатор Джон Маккейн – один из самых известных и влиятельных американских политиков последнего времени. Чиновники и общественные деятели в США и за рубежом почтили память парламентария, который посвятил последние годы жизни в том числе идее евроинтеграции Украины и Грузии, а также поддержке российской демократической оппозиции. Британские истребители устроили опасную провокацию с российским самолетом 2018-08-26 14:37 Британские истребители Eurofighter Typhoon перехватили в воздухе над Черным морем российский противолодочный самолет-амфибию Бе-12, который направлялся на юго-запад Крыма. Italy: Mount Etna spits out fire and lava after thunderous revival 2018-08-26 14:48 Mount Etna in Sicily was spitting out lava and columns of ash on Saturday, after the volcano initially reawoke in late July. The eruption has not prompted any evacuations on the island although lava and rocks were being sent as high as 150m (492ft) into the air. An eruption in March 2017 injured 10 people after a magma explosion. Etna, which is the largest of Italy's three active volcanoes, sits at 3,330m high (11,000ft). Iran: 5.9 magnitude quake kills two in western province of Kermanshah 2018-08-26 15:28 At least two people died and a further 255 were injured in 5.9 magnitude earthquake which struck the western province of Kermanshah on the early hours of Sunday morning. The epicentre of the quake was located in Tazehabad and was measured at the depth of about eight kilometres (4.9 miles) underground. Roads were initially blocked, buildings were left in ruins, water sources were muddied and hospitals swarmed with people injured in their panic-driven escape. One of the victims was an eight-month pregnant woman who died from a heart attack. В Кишиневе проходят митинги оппозиции 2018-08-26 15:34 К активистам присоединились автомобилисты. Все вместе они выступают против повышения цен на бензин. Все по 50: Жириновский устроил распродажу 2018-08-26 15:53 Лидер ЛДПР Владимир Жириновский устроил распродажу своих вещей. Политик приехал на один из крупнейших блошиных рынков Москвы, привез статуэтки, книги, старинную посуду. Многие вещи имеют действительно историческую ценность. Но несмотря на это, каждый предмет выставлен по цене 50 рублей. Сергея Удальцова вновь отправили в больницу из спецприемника 2018-08-26 16:25 В Москве вновь госпитализирован оппозиционер Сергей Удальцов, отбывающий 30 суток административного ареста. Удальцов оказался под арестом 14 августа - его обвинили в повторном нарушении правил проведения митинга. В тот же день он объявил голодовку в знак протеста против повышения пенсионного возраста. 19 августа Удальцова госпитализировали с симптомами обезвоживания, а на следующий день вернули в спецприемник, где он продолжил голодовку. О новой госпитализации сообщила жена Удальцова Анастасия. Syria: Iranian defence minister arrives in Damascus 2018-08-26 17:14 Iranian Minister of Defense Brigadier General Amir Hatami arrived in Damascus on Sunday for a two-day visit and was welcomed by his Syrian counterpart Brigadier General Ali Abdullah Ayyoub. Hatami detailed the trip’s objectives saying, «We will try to pave the way for further cooperation within the framework of an agreement.» «The Islamic Republic of Iran’s presence in Syria is according to the will of Syrian officials,» added Hatami who went on to point that «no third party» could influence Iran’s activities in Syria. According to the Iranian state TV, the Iranian Brigadier General is scheduled to meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Syrian Minister Imad Khamis in following days. Lithuania: Netanyahu hails McCain 'great American patriot' 2018-08-26 17:54 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu paid tribute Senator John McCain on Sunday in Vilnius during an official visit. Netanyahu remembered McCain saying that «"I wish to extend my condolences to the family of Senator John McCain, a great American patriot, a great friend of Israel. I've known John McCain for many many years. I visited him in the US Congress many times and he visited me in Jerusalem many many times, including in recent years. Israel never had a greater champion and a greater defender. The state of Israel salutes Senator John McCain.» Netanyahu met with the leaders of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia during his visit to Vilnius. John McCain, United States senator, Vietnam war hero and presidential candidate, died on Saturday aged 81 after suffering from brain cancer. Credit: GPO Russia: Army 2018 expo ends with 'polite people' show 2018-08-26 18:50 The Army 2018 expo closed with a military show called 'polite people' in Alabino of Moscow Region on Sunday. The show featured 288 latest military equipment including tanks, weapons and aircrafts. T-90 tank and ZSU-23-4 Shilka anti-aircraft weapon were the highlights of the showcase. In total, over one million people are reported to visit the Army 2018, which is record-breaking in comparison to the past forums. The expo hosted 118 countries. Thirty eight new models of weapons and military equipment made debut. Germany: Merkel welcomes visitors to Chancellery open day 2018-08-26 19:26 German Chancellor Angela Merkel welcomed visitors to the annual open day of Bundeskanzleramt, German Chancellery, in Berlin on Sunday. More than a thousand Berliners and tourists had a chance to meet high-profile politicians during the event. Visitors toured the courtyard, conference room, a utility helicopter and heard a speech from Merkel «We have set up a totally new department, because we noticed that every branch will be changed via digitalization,» Merkel told visitors. Moldova: Thousands of opposition protesters occupy central Chisinau 2018-08-26 20:05 Thousands of people took to the streets of the Moldovan capital of Chisinau on Sunday in a wave of protests organised by opposition parties against the government. The protest was organised by leaders of the Dignity and Truth Platform Party, Action and Solidarity Party and the Liberal Democratic Party The National Resistance Movement marched through the city centre and arrived at the Square of the Great National Assembly where it met two other protests, one by taxi drivers and another from the Republican Socio-Political Movement for Equality. Several hundred protesters tried unsuccessfully to break through the police cordons to confront political opponents in the square. The Committee of the National Resistance Movement was created as a result of non-recognition of the results of the new elections of the mayor of Chisinau municipality, the leaders of the VCP, PDPDP, PLDM and active representatives of civil society are among the leaders. Some reports suggested protesters had begun erecting tents at key government sites. Police estimated 5,000 people took part in the protest. Yemen: Cancer patients struggle with basic treatment due to conflict 2018-08-26 20:56 Cancer patients in the Yemen capital of Sanaa are suffering the most from war and the lack of resources to support their treatment, footage filmed Sunday shows. The National Oncology Centre in Sanaa admits around 600 new cancer patients each month, but three years of war and the funding has dwindled with patients are struggling to receive proper care. Doctor Anwar Al-Rajawi, Head of Oncology Department, said: «Here in the oncology unit, we suffer from the severe lack of chemotherapy [drugs]. If a child is diagnosed with a malignant tumour, we cannot provide the treatment in a timely manner. We cannot do anything due to the lack of drugs in the protocol.» One of the patients in the centre described the dire situation cancer patients in Yemen have to deal with: “I suffer from the lack of medicine and the difficult living situation these days. Everything is very expensive. We need the provision of necessary medicines immediately.» Another patient mentioned the lack of basic medical supplies are missing. He called on “foreign organisations to help us and help this centre.» Around 35,000 people have cancer in Yemen with 11,000 cases diagnosed each year, according to The World Health Organization. Yemen is in the grip of a humanitarian disaster with millions facing starvation and disease after years of war between a Saudi-led coalition and the Houthi group. Ireland: Pope Francis asks for ‘forgiveness’ for clergy abuse 2018-08-26 20:58 Pope Francis begged for forgiveness for clerical child abuse and said he wished to see justice served during the final mass of the World Meeting of Families in Dublin’s Phoenix Park on Sunday. He said «We ask forgiveness for the abuses in Ireland, abuses of power, conscience and sexual abuses perpetrated by members with roles of responsibility for the Church. In a special way, we ask pardon for all the abuses committed in various types of institutions run by male or female religious [orders] and by other members of the Church.» «We ask forgiveness for some members of the churches hierarchy who did not take charge of these painful situations and kept quiet,» the pontiff continued. On Saturday, Pope Francis said he was ashamed of the Church's failure to properly respond to the 'repellent crimes' of sex abuse by clergy. Unofficial reports said that around 200,000 people gathered in Dublin's Phoenix Park for the Pope's closing mass of the World Meeting of Families. Established 24 years ago by Pope John Paul II, the congress takes place once every three years. The Dublin event is the second that Pope Francis has attended during his papacy and marks the first papal visit to Ireland in nearly 40 years. «Мегаполис»: летопись трансформации Москвы 2018-08-26 21:37 В Москве завершилась четырехлетняя реконструкция одной из важнейших столичных магистралей — Калужского шоссе. Это улучшит транспортную доступность для более чем полумиллиона человек. Переселение из города в деревню как ответ на санкции 2018-08-26 21:39 Сельское хозяйство в России после введения четыре года назад продовольственных контрсанкций превратилось в одну из самых быстрорастущих отраслей экономики. Дмитрий Киселев: Koktebel Jazz Party питает людей энергией 2018-08-26 22:04 В Крыму вновь играет джаз. На Черноморском берегу гремит заключительный концерт Koktebel Jazz Party. Ставший традиционным джазовый фестиваль проводится при поддержке ВГТРК уже в 16-й раз. Syria: Assad meets Iranian Defence Minister in Damascus 2018-08-26 22:30 Iranian Defence Minister, Brigadier General Amir Hatami visited Damascus on Sunday and met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. After meeting with Assad, Hatami met Syrian military authorities to strengthen their military cooperation. Lebanon: Nasrallah slams US interference in Syria's ‘liberation’ 2018-08-26 22:57 Secretary-General of Hezbollah Hassan Nasrallah attacked the US on Sunday during a televised address in Hermel of Beqaa Governorate, repeating claims of a supposed chemical plot being used as a pretext for US military action in Syria. Nasrallah claimed US' action is «to prevent the regime and state of Syria from completing the liberation of its territory in the face of what has been considered in the Security Council of the United Nations as the most terrorist organisation in the world,» referring to the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). The speech marked the anniversary of the separate victories of the Lebanese Army and Hezbollah over militants in the country's northeastern outskirts last summer. USA: Women protest NYC over Trump’s Supreme Court nominee 2018-08-26 23:04 A National day of action opposing Trump’s Supreme Court nominee was held in New York on Sunday. Around one hundred people turned out in New York to try to stop the nomination at the Supreme Court of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, the appointed nominee of Donald Trump for the position left vacant by Judge Anthony Kennedy who retired on July 31. The New York City protest was the flagship event of a larger nationwide with over 153 events in 50 states. «Маккейн войдет в историю» 2018-08-26 23:47 Жители штата Аризона, который представлял сенатор Маккейн, приносят цветы к моргу в Финиксе, куда привезли тело политика. USA: Police lockdown after mass shooting at gaming tournament 2018-08-27 01:05 Five people, including the suspected gunman, were killed in a shooting at an entertainment complex in Jacksonville, Florida on Sunday afternoon. An unknown number of people were also wounded in the incident. The shooting happened during a video game tournament at Jacksonville Landing, a shopping and entertainment complex. Police cars blocked off approaches to the area, on the corner of Bay Street and Laura Street. MANDATORY CREDIT: Action News Jax Молдавские оппозиционеры разбили палаточный городок в центре Кишинева 2018-08-27 01:29 Оппозиционная молдавская «Платформа DA» разбила палаточный городок в центре Кишинева. Утром протестующие намерены выдвинуть требования правительству. Ireland: Thousands turn out for rally against clerical abuse during Papal visit 2018-08-27 01:36 Survivors and their families were among thousands of people in central Dublin on Sunday who attended a rally in solidarity with victims of abuse perpetrated and covered up by the Catholic Church, as Pope Francis' visit to Ireland came to an end. 'Stand for Truth' was organised by Colm O'Gorman, Executive Director of Amnesty International and himself a survivor of clerical sex abuse. The demonstration was called to highlight crimes committed in Church run state-institutions including industrial schools, Magdalene laundries, mother and baby homes, and asylums; and to highlight church complicity in covering up those crimes. The demonstration was timed to coincide with a Papal mass in Dublin's Phoenix Park. USA: Eyewitnesses recall 'horrible' shooting at Florida gaming tournament 2018-08-27 02:11 SOT, Rico Martinez, eyewitness: «She got shot in the leg.» SOT, Javaris Long, eyewitness: «Other people laying down injured on ground. It was horrible. It was a horrible sight, but the police won't let me go all the way in there, but I got enough on my Facebook. You can see if you go on there, I got enough to see, you know, enough.» Two young men gave an interview after witnessing a mass shooting at an entertainment complex in Jacksonville, Florida, on Sunday afternoon. Javaris Long, 23, and Rico Martinez, 22, recalled the moment they heard shots in the gaming section of Jacksonville Landing, a shopping and entertainment complex. «[The gunman] lost the game, he came back in and shot everybody. They say he got a laser on the gun so he was just, like, uncontrolled,» said Long. «I seen a grown man like cry like, terrified like, because of the shooting,» he added. Describing the incident as ‘horrible’, Long despaired at the loss of young life. «When kids start dying, that's a problem like.» Five people, including the suspected gunman, were killed in a shooting. An unknown number of people were also wounded. Briana Garcia, the wife of a bartender in Jacksonville Landing confirmed that her husband had escaped unharmed. «I did receive word about a half hour ago that he is OK. So, I'm very grateful and very relieved,» she said. USA: Mourners pay respect to US senator John McCain 2018-08-27 03:02 The morning after Senator John McCain's body was transported from his Northern Arizona ranch to Downtown Phoenix a steady stream of people began paying their respects with flowers, cards and photos this Sunday. The Arizona Veterans Guard stood watch outside the funeral home in central Phoenix and promised not to leave his body unattended until his burial. John McCain, United States senator, Vietnam war hero and presidential candidate, died on Saturday aged 81 after suffering from brain cancer. He was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour in July 2017. His family announced that McCain had chosen to stop treatment on Friday. The six-term Arizona senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee was surrounded by family members in his final moments. USA: Flags fly at half-mast for US senator John McCain 2018-08-27 03:51 The flag of the United States of America — the stars and stripes — flew at half-mast across Washington D.C. on Sunday, to honour the passing of senator John McCain. McCain, US senator, Vietnam war hero and presidential candidate, died on Saturday aged 81 after suffering from brain cancer. He was diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumour in July 2017. His family announced that McCain had chosen to stop treatment on Friday. The six-term Arizona senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee was surrounded by family in his final moments. USA: Sheriff names gunman in Jacksonville shooting 2018-08-27 04:33 Jacksonville Sheriff Mike Williams named 24-year-old David Katz from Baltimore as the suspect behind a mass shooting which killed two people at a Florida entertainment complex. The Sheriff also confirmed that Katz killed himself at the scene. No other suspects are being sought. Nine people received gunshot wounds in the incident at Jacksonville Landing, a shopping and entertainment complex. All are in a stable condition. Police believe one handgun was used, based on preliminary investigations. Sheriff Williams also sent «thoughts and prayers» to victim's families. «I ask that you please pray for these families as they deal with this tragedy,» he added. USA: Jacksonville tense after mass shooting 2018-08-27 05:23 Police swarmed Jacksonville on Sunday after a mass shooting in which two people were killed. The killer has been identified as David Katz, 24, from Baltimore, who then shot himself dead at the scene. No other suspects are being sought. Nine people received gunshot wounds in the incident. All are in a stable condition. The shooting happened during a video game tournament at Jacksonville Landing, a shopping and entertainment complex. |
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