Как Эстония отстояла свою независимость в августе 1991 года
Как Эстония отстояла свою независимость в августе 1991 года 2018-08-19 06:42 В 1990-1991 году Эстония отделилась от распадающегося СССР и провозгласила независимость. Чтобы «вернуть» страну в СССР, в августе 1991 года организаторы переворота из ГКЧП ввели в Эстонию войска и попробовали прервать трансляцию местного ТВ, захватив Таллинскую телебашню. Но сделать это не удалось. Эстонские чтения на Царьграде 2018-08-19 09:00 Лайма Вайкуле дала пресс-конференцию в Одессе, где сказала, что никогда, ни за какие деньги не поедет в Крым. USA: Police intervene as right-wing face-off with Seattle counter-protesters 2018-08-19 09:18 Hundreds of counter-protesters gathered in front of Seattle's City Hall, Saturday, to face off against right-wing participants of a rally called 'Liberty or Death.' The rally and counter protest were both relatively peaceful, except for a few minor confrontations. One man was injured from the far-right rally. Three people were arrested, according to local media reports. Gun rights groups Washington 3 Percenters and Patriot Prayer were among those at the Seattle protest, where they rallied against a state initiative to raise the age for the purchase of semi-automatic rifles. The Seattle march was part of a nationwide protest organised by different right-wing groups that declare themselves to be against all political violence, but say they believe it predominantly comes from the left today. Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 19.08.2018 2018-08-19 10:01 Без вины виноватый: калужские судебные приставы едва не лишили средств жителя Новосибирска. Почему его заставляли платить по чужим долгам? Опасность под румяной корочкой: ФСБ и Роспотребнадзор нагрянули в пекарю. «Злой город» радушно встречает гостей: для этого жители Козельска облачились в доспехи русских витязей. Старинная монета может оказаться мусором: какие секреты таят в себе недра земли калужской и что находят археологи? С глаз долой, из сердца вон: уличные спортивные тренажеры - для одних воспитание, для других наказание. Вернется ли в Калугу любительский спорт? Iraq: Yazidi woman flees Germany after meeting former IS captor 2018-08-19 10:32 SOT, Interviewer (Kurdish): «How did they capture you?» SOT, Ashwaq Haji Hamid, Yazidi girl (Kurdish): «We were 77 members of my family, we all got arrested. We were 77 then ISIS fighters surrounded our house and put us 77 people with them and took all of us to Syria.» SOT, Interviewer (Kurdish): «What about the way they treated you?» SOT, Ashwaq Haji Hamid, Yazidi girl (Kurdish): “When they took me away from my family, I knew they would not do anything good to us. They tortured us, raped us, sold us, I knew that all of these [things] are waiting for me. When they took me away from my family, away from mum, dad and brothers, I knew that all of these things are waiting for me”. SOT, Ashwaq Haji Hamid, Yazidi girl (Kurdish): «When we were raped and under their control already then we needed to pray their prayers and hang out with them and they made us their human shields and when they moved anywhere they used to take us with them in their cars. Our Yezidi girls and women were used as shields for them, and they would take us into their cars at any time of the day even at midnight, at 2am just so that airplanes would not carry out airstrikes against them.» SOT, Ashwaq Haji Hamid, Yazidi girl (Kurdish): «When we found out they [would] sell us to each other we were six girls controlled by 18 ISIS fighters, we were 6 Yezidi girls. After all 18 IS men had fallen asleep then we escaped from the house. « SOT, Interviewer (Kurdish): “From where?” SOT, Ashwaq Haji Hamid, Yazidi girl (Kurdish): “From Rambusi, it was midnight when we escaped. We came to Cha, then there were some of our Yezidis who helped us. I mean whoever was helping he has done an amazing job; I mean we would have ended up following their rules and orders and would never be able to save our lives from those Daesh [ISIS militants]. Those who were with us were all ISIS commanders, that’s why we would not dare to move our lips towards them [not speak to them].“ SOT, Ashwaq Haji Hamid, Yazidi girl (Kurdish): «He said 'I’m Abo Homam Al Sharee and I’m the one who had you when you were arrested. How can you forget me like that?,' I knew him but I did not want to let him know that I remember him. Germany did not neglect or misbehave with all of us girls and women when they took us there.“ SOT, Ashwaq Haji Hamid, Yazidi girl (Kurdish) «No matter what happens I would not lose my dignity to be in Germany, I've put my life on the edge to escape from ISIS here to keep my dignity, I have risked a lot just to run away from ISIS. When we escaped we left our families, brothers and sisters behind just for our own dignity and I have escaped just for my dignity. I go to back to Germany and someone kidnaps me again and it’s the ISIS guy?! No, I would never stay in Germany, I’m not looking for a nice life I’m looking for some security and I would go wherever it is safe. And I did not benefit from the Germans and if I’m there and see this ISIS guy every day and he curses me or harasses me?! And he could kidnap me some day and no one would find out about me.» Nineteen-year-old Yazidi woman Ashwaq Haji Hamid spoke at a refugee camp in the Sheikhan district, Friday, about why she had left Germany, after encountering her former captor of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) outside a Netto supermarket in Schwaebisch Gmuend. Hamid had been abducted, abused and sold into slavery by members of IS in the Sinjar region of Iraq in 2014. «The worst time in my life was the moment when they [IS] separated me from my family. This is the worst thing that happened to me in my whole life, we were girls when we were arrested and 77 persons were arrested in our house, from sisters, brothers, cousins, brother in laws, I mean there was not one person left that was not kidnapped,» recounted Вести. Эфир от 19.08.2018 2018-08-19 11:00 Владимир Путин и Ангела Меркель три часа обсуждали международные проблемы. А до прибытия в Германию президент России заехал на свадьбу в Австрию. Изолирована в одиночной камере: Марию Бутину отправили в новую тюрьму в кандалах. Лед и сильный ветер: 700 человек приняли участие в восхождении в День вулкана на Камчатке. USA: Right-wing rally for 'free speech' met by antifa protesters in Boston 2018-08-19 11:10 Right-wing activists held a 'Free Speech Anniversary March' in Boston on Saturday, to protest against 'far-left violence' and to celebrate the first amendment of the US constitution. The event was organised by the groups 'Boston Free Speech' and 'Resist Marxism.' «Patriotic Americans have had enough. Ever since the election of Trump, Antifa and its associates have demonised patriots as belonging to hate groups simply for demonstrating in support of freedom, America, Trump, etc.», said the organisers on their Facebook page. The demonstration was met by counter-protesters who gathered nearby, holding banners reading «Nazis out» and chanting antifa slogans. Police kept the two groups separate. After the rally at City Hall Square, right-wing activists, reportedly followed by counter-demonstrators, marched toward the Bunker Hill Monument where they continued their demonstration. Как программа «Мой район» изменит Москву 2018-08-19 11:23 Москвичи сами решают, как изменится их район. В рамках программы по благоустройству построят новые детские сады, школы и спортивные площадки; переоснастят городские поликлиники, облагородят места для отдыха. Работы уже вовсю идут как в центральных районах, так и за Московской кольцевой. В России могут ужесточить наказание за вандализм 2018-08-19 12:03 В России может измениться наказание за вандализм. Новую волну бурных обсуждений о жесткости наказаний спровоцировали недавние громкие случаи — поджог уникальной церкви в Карелии и неудавшийся шашлык на Медном всаднике. Пианист Иван Бессонов рассказал о подготовке к «классическому Евровидению» 2018-08-19 12:04 Даже на репетиции Иван Бессонов весь без остатка отдает себя музыке. Он и рояль — единое целое. За пару дней в Эдинбурге он уже обратил на себя внимание местных критиков. «Москва и мир»: Встреча Путина и Меркель и допзащита АЭС «Фукусима-1» 2018-08-19 12:24 Украину, Сирию и иранское ядерное досье обсудили за рабочим обедом Владимир Путин и Ангела Меркель. Встреча состоялась под Берлином в правительственной резиденции. Японскую АЭС «Фукусима-1», закрытую после серьезной аварии, оградят от цунами дополнительной защитой. Более десятка фанатов американской поп-группы Backstreet Boys получили ранения в городе Такервилль, штат Оклахома. На зрителей, которые дожидались начала концерта, упала входная арка. Александр Овечкин дал имя своему первенцу. Сына капитана сборной России по хоккею назвали Сергеем. Ангела Меркель и Владимир Путин провели двусторонние переговоры 2018-08-19 12:28 Переговоры президента России Владимира Путина и канцлера ФРГ Ангелы Меркель длились почти три часа и завершились в субботу около полуночи. Путин и Меркель провели 18 августа вечером рабочий обед, за которым обсудили «актуальные двусторонние и региональные вопросы». Солдат встречает политзека: 50 лет после вторжения 2018-08-19 12:39 Один вошел в ЧССР с войсками Варшавского договора. Другой отсидел в СССР 14 лет за протест. Теперь они встретились в Праге. («Весна-1968», Украинская служба РС) «Добродел» объединил жителей Подмосковья 2018-08-19 13:11 Новая развязка в Красногорске, путепровод в Балашихе, мост в Серпухове и Дубне. Это далеко не полный список масштабного проекта строительства дорог в Подмосковье. При этом продолжается и сезонный ремонт. Кроме намеченного плана, работают и по жалобам жителей. На портал «Добродел» их поступило более 180 тысяч. Российские военные раздали гумпомощь в сирийской провинции Эль-Кунейтра 2018-08-19 13:21 Российские военные привезли жителям населенного пункта в сирийской провинции Эль-Кунейтра почти 3 тонны гуманитарной помощи. Людям раздали продукты и питьевую воду в бутылках. Об этом сообщили в Центре примирения враждующих сторон. А всего за последние годы наши военные провели на территории Сирии почти 1900 гуманитарных акций. Собянин рассказал, как построить город в городе 2018-08-19 13:22 На этой неделе в Москве еще 13 семей переехали в новое жилье по программе реновации. Всего их уже больше 370. Далеко переезжать, как и обещали, не пришлось — квартиры на той же улице, а значит не надо менять привычный уклад жизни. О том, как построить город в городе, а также о поликлиниках и школах по новому московскому стандарту рассказал Сергей Собянин. В Италии продолжается расследование причин обрушения моста 2018-08-19 13:31 Глава компании, которая обслуживала мост в Генуе, отказался извиняться за обрушение эстакады. По его словам, нужно сперва дождаться итогов официального расследования. Afghanistan: Afghan president attends Independence Day ceremony in Kabul 2018-08-19 13:31 The President of Afghanistan Ashraf Ghani attended a ceremony in Kabul on Sunday, held to mark the country's 99th anniversary of independence. Alongside an honour guard of the Afghan Armed Forces, Ghani laid a wreath at the Minaret of Independence in commemoration of the signing of the Anglo-Afghan Treaty in 1919 during the Third Anglo-Afghan War. Although Afghanistan was never a fully integrated colony of the British Empire, it was a British 'protectorate' for several decades starting from the 1880s, until the treaty was signed, and relations between the two countries became neutral. Germany: Prost! Putin and Merkel enjoy a tipple in the sun *STILLS* 2018-08-19 14:14 Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel took advantage of a warm summer's day in Germany, Saturday, to enjoy a drink in the picturesque grounds of Schloss Meseberg. The two leaders met at the Federal Government's summer residence for a working meeting, where conflicts in Syria and eastern Ukraine, and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline were on the agenda. It is the first time that Putin and Merkel have met since an informal summit that took place in Sochi in May this year. Марию Бутину перевели в другую тюрьму в США 2018-08-19 14:25 Обвиняемая в шпионаже россиянка Мария Бутина вечером 17 августа без объяснения причин была переведена в тюрьму Александрии штата Вирджиния, под Вашингтоном. Задержан замгендиректора «Энергии» 2018-08-19 14:27 Заместитель генерального директора ПАО РКК «Энергия» Алексей Белобородов и двое его подчиненных задержаны, им предъявлено обвинение в покушении на мошенничество. Edinburgh Festival Theatre Reviews: Pussy Riot: Riot Days/First Snow 2018-08-19 15:11 The band’s show, Pussy Riot: Riot Days, which ends a 10-day residency at Summerhall tonight, is a remarkable piece of event theatre. Part performance art, part punk gig, part documentary theatre, it is a high-octane, no compromise account of the band’s astonishing, frenetic history. Следствие выясняет обстоятельства громкого убийства на севере Москвы 2018-08-19 15:22 Следствие устанавливает обстоятельства убийства на севере Москвы. Там мужчина расстрелял свою бывшую жену, а потом покончил жизнь самоубийством. Все произошло на Башиловской улице, вблизи продуктового магазина. Там сейчас работают криминалисты. Заведено уголовное дело. Обвиняемый по делу «Нового величия» просит помощи в СИЗО 2018-08-19 16:03 Один из обвиняемых по делу организации «Новое величие» 30-летний Дмитрий Полетаев через свою мать передал изданию "ОВД-инфо" письмо, в котором попросил общественность о «моральной» и «финансовой» поддержке. В записке, написанной 4 августа 2018 года, Полетаев сообщил, что «стал жертвой провокатора и подстрекателя, который ловко и цинично внедрился в группу», чтобы сформировать у ее членов «идеалистические мировоззрения» и затем манипулировать ими. Обвиняемый попросил помочь освободить его, отметив, что «стал понимать, каково это быть в месте, где тебя везде на 80 процентов ограничивают». Up, up and away! World's first flying scooter floats over Dongguan 2018-08-19 16:13 Chinese inventor Deli Zhao took to the skies above Dongguan aboard his latest creation — a flying scooter. After two years in the works and countless unmanned flights, Zhao finally managed to get airborne on the scooter, fulfilling a lifelong dream. Zhao said he dreamed of «[flying] into the sky riding a motorbike» as a child, which served as his inspiration and motivation for the project. The inventor tested the scooter more than 1500 times since he began the project in 2016. After its first successful manned flight, Zhao hopes he can bring the scooter into the world market. Russia: Normandie-Niemen fighter discovered after 75 years 2018-08-19 16:36 Reporter (Russian): «How many hours have you been working for?» Ivan Gunkov, diver (Russian): «Each diver has been working for two hours.» Reporter (Russian): «A day?» Ivan Gunkov, diver (Russian): «A day.» A joint Russian-French expedition recovered parts of a wartime Yakovlev Yak-1 aircraft from the bottom of a swamp in Smolensk, as seen in footage released on Sunday. Divers managed to take out the engine of Yakovlev-1 as well as dozens of other parts of the plane. After verifying the engine number, historians confirmed that the plane belonged to the French-Russian fighter unit Normandie-Niemen, the only Western Allied unit that fought alongside the Soviet Air Force during World War II. The plan's tail unit had been discovered here in 1987. Divers came back to the swamp in 1998 to search for the engine — the most important part of the plane, as it contains a number which helps to identify the whole aircraft. However, they failed in their attempt. 20 years later, during the third expedition, which started on August 10, 2018, the engine and munition were finally found and raised from bottom of the swamp. «The plane was involved in a battle as we can see only a small part of ammunition remained unused here. We also found some spent ammunition and shells,» said Alexandr Lugurtsev, head of the demining group. One of the divers Ivan Gunkov mentioned that the recovery operation was conducted in «zero visibility» and extremely cold water reaching a depth of 7 metres (23 feet) where the plane was found. As no bones have been discovered, the identity of the pilot remains unknown. Syria: Int'l coalition to stay active after IS defeat — SDF spokesperson 2018-08-19 17:09 The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) are willing to continue cooperating with US-led international coalition after defeating fighters of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS; formerly ISIL/ISIS) in SDF controlled areas, confirmed the SDF spokesperson Kinu Gabriel during an interview filmed in Derek and aired on Sunday. «The works and programs we perform with the international coalition are not related to the military operations that will soon end with the final IS stronghold in the basin of the Euphrates River,» he said. Gabriel also noted: «We will continue implementing these programs, whether with local security forces, local councils, or even with the Syrian democratic sources, so as to continue the support and training programs to develop the capabilities of the forces to defend these areas and permanently prevent the appearance of IS elements again.» Mandatory courtesy: RT Yemen: Saudi-led coalition-backed forces seize public offices south of Hodeidah — reports 2018-08-19 17:16 Yemeni forces backed by the Saudi-led coalition seized control of public offices and facilities in Ad Durayhimi, a town located south of the port city of Hodeidah, Saturday, according to the Yemeni National Army, as cited by the Saudi Press Agency. The fighters reportedly seized control of public administration offices and facilities including a health centre following heavy battles with Houthi fighters. Footage from Ad Durayhimi shows vehicles and fighters of the Saudi-backed Yemeni forces operating in the countryside near Ad Durayhimi, as fires blaze in the distance. The port of Hodeidah is Yemen's main point of entry for food aid. With 8.4 million Yemeni people forced to the brink of starvation, according to UN figures, the country has been plunged into a severe humanitarian crisis amid its ongoing conflict. Путин: «Северный поток-2» не закрывает поставки российского газа через Украину 2018-08-19 17:29 Об этом российский президент заявил на встрече с канцлером Германии Ангелой Меркель. «Главное, чтобы этот украинский транзит был экономическим» — добавил он. State of Palestine: 10 tons of mail withheld by Israel for 8 years swamp West Bank post office 2018-08-19 17:30 A post office in the West Bank city of Jericho was flooded with ten tons of parcels, some of them waiting to be delivered for as long as eight years after Israeli authorities released the withheld mail as seen in footage filmed on Sunday. The mailed items in limbo included letters, packages, as well as parcels with medicaments, wheelchairs and TVs, which were prevented from entering Palestinian territories since 2010. Despite a postal agreement signed by Israel and Palestine in 2016 dictating that Palestine can receive mail directly from Jordan, the post was still sent to Israel first as the country controls most of the West Bank borders. Some of the packages appeared to be severely damaged, and according to Hussein Sawafta, director general of the Palestinian Post Service, the post office will have to get rid of such parcels. The delivery of all the mail might take up to two weeks, according to reports. Germany: Tensions at anti-AfD demonstration in Wiesbaden 2018-08-19 17:51 Tensions flared and minor scuffles broke out at a demonstration against the Alternative for Germany Party (AfD) in Wiesbaden on Sunday, after two AfD politicians exchanged harsh words with demonstrators. Robert Lambrou, leader of the AfD in Hessen, and Klaus Herrman, Faction Chairman for Wetteraukreis, jostled with the crowds before being jeered out of the demonstration to chants of «Nazis out». Around 1500 people marched through the streets of Wiesbaden to demonstrate against the party's decision to run in Hessen's state election. Michael Rudolph, Chairman of the Hessen-Thruingen branch of German Trade Union Confederation, spoke at the demonstration, where he called for «no AfD in the state election». The Hessen state election is due to take place on 28 October. Ukraine: Buk missile system crashes into Kiev business centre *STILLS* 2018-08-19 17:57 C/U Damaged column W/S Buk W/S Buk W/S Buk A Buk missile system ran into the front facade of the business centre in Kiev during the rehearsal of an Independence Day parade, as photos released on Sunday show. The military convoy was going through the centre of the city when one of the Buks missed a curve and crashed into the building in front of dozens of spectators. It damaged the wall but no one was injured, according to reports. Ukraine's Independence Day is celebrated on August 24. Mandatory courtesy: Oleg Artemiuk Germany: Anti-migrant protest hits Cottbus as academic year begins 2018-08-19 19:15 Scores of anti-migrant protesters gathered in the eastern city of Cottbus, Brandenburg, on Sunday afternoon, where they held a demonstration marking the start of the German school year. Many protesters chanted slogans such as «Deportation» and «Merkel has to go», as they marched through the Brandenburg city. The focus of the demonstration, organised by the group 'Heimat Liebe' (Homeland Love), was to decry the inclusion of migrant children into the German school system. На свадьбе в Австрии Путина встретили Черчилль и Кеннеди 2018-08-19 20:57 По пути в Германию на переговоры с Ангелой Меркель Владимир Путин сделал остановку в Австрии, где побывал на свадьбе министра иностранных дел Карин Кнайсль. Он приехал с подарками, произнес тост и даже станцевал с невестой. Каспийское море вошло в дипломатические берега 2018-08-19 21:04 Президенты России, Ирана, Казахстана, Азербайджана и Туркмении подписали «Конвенцию о правовом статусе Каспийского моря», которую уже успели назвать конституцией Каспия. И это название, наверное, лучше других отражает суть и значимость документа. «Вести в 20:00»: Новый военный бюджет США 2018-08-19 21:18 Переговоры Путина и Меркель: Иран и Украина, Сирия и беженцы. Чем казачий хор удивил главу австрийского МИДа и ее супруга? И что Владимир Путин им пожелал? Трамп грозит из-за океана новым военным бюджетом: как Анкара ответит Штатам? Катастрофа в Генуе: кто ошибся? Как Каспийская конвенция помешала планам НАТО и США? Полвека назад кончилась «Пражская весна»: была ли возможна другая развязка? Эдуард Успенский ушел, так и не успев состариться 2018-08-19 21:23 В Москве простились с Эдуардом Успенским — писателем, без сказок которого невозможно представить детство нескольких поколений россиян. Ему было 80, и почти до конца он продолжал писать книги, пьесы, сценарии. Герои Успенского порой имели сложную судьбу: советская цензура жаловала не всех. Но их всегда спасали дети, которые сразу влюблялись — и в Чебурашку, и в крокодила Гену, и в кота Матроскина. Путин и Меркель: разговор получился обстоятельный и полезный 2018-08-19 21:25 Самое заметное политическое событие этого уикэнда — переговоры Владимира Путина и Ангелы Меркель. Разговор получился обстоятельный и полезный. Так его охарактеризовал пресс-секретарь российского президента Дмитрий Песков. Он также отметил, что лидеры не ставили перед собой цели достинуть каких-либо договоренностей. Это была своевременная беседа по целому ряду актуальных вопросов. «Москва и мир»: Землетрясение в Индонезии и ЧП на концерте Backstreet Boys 2018-08-19 21:45 На Индонезийском острове Ломбок произошло второе землетрясение за две недели. Японскую АЭС «Фукусима-1», закрытую после серьезной аварии, оградят от цунами дополнительной защитой. Более десятка фанатов американской поп-группы Backstreet Boys получили ранения в городе Такервилль, штат Оклахома. На зрителей, которые дожидались начала концерта, упала входная арка. Полвека назад кончилась «Пражская весна»: была ли возможна другая развязка? 2018-08-19 21:51 В понедельник 20 августа исполнится ровно 50 лет с того дня, когда армии стран Варшавского договора получили приказ о начале операции «Дунай» и вступили на территорию Чехословакии. Всего сутки ушли на то, чтобы практически без боя занять все ключевые объекты и арестовать руководство компартии республики. А вот споры о последствиях этой операции не прекращаются до сих пор. Iraq: Bridge connecting Erbil and Kirkuk reopens after 10-month halt 2018-08-19 22:20 A bridge connecting provinces Erbil and Kirkuk in Iraqi Kurdistan was reopened on Sunday after being closed for 10 months. The bridge was closed following clashes with Iraqi forces and Kurdish Peshmerga fighters. The two checkpoints on the bridge are reportedly controlled by both Iraqi and Peshmerga forces, each side in charge of its own one. Iraqi Commander of Federal Police headquarters Shaker Quinn said that the timing for cargo vehicles to use the road will be set separately from other vehicles. Tensions between Peshmerga fighters and Iraqi forces rose since Iraqi Kurds overwhelmingly voted for secession in a September 25 referendum that Baghdad rejected as illegal. Kurdish Peshmerga forces took control of oil-rich Kirkuk after the Iraqi army fled a major offensive by the Islamic State in 2014. India: Rescuers save stranded animals from deadly Kerala flooding 2018-08-19 23:04 Rescuers from animal protection organisation Humane Society International (HSI) along with the Indian government joined efforts to save stranded and abandoned animals amid what is dubbed «the worst flooding in a century» in Malappuram, in the southern Indian state of Kerala, as seen in footage from Sunday. People were seen saving survived animals and pets, which were later brought to shelters with food and care and veterinary hospitals. The flooding in Kerala state has been described as the worst in 100 years by the state's Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. The death toll has exceeded 320 with more than 200,000 people reportedly left homeless and placed in temporary camps. На грани пыток: Бутину лишили сна и пищи 2018-08-20 01:07 Российские дипломаты направят американским властям протест в связи с переводом Марии Бутиной. Сирийцам переданы 8,4 тонны гуманитарной помощи 2018-08-20 01:07 Российский Центр по примирению враждующих сторон в Сирии за сутки передал мирным жителям более 8,4 тонны продовольствия. Кроме того, семьям погибших сирийских военных были переданы продовольственные наборы общим весом более 75 кг. Экс-директор ЦРУ провалил свою задачу: мнение советника президента США 2018-08-20 01:16 Советник президента США по национальной безопасности Джон Болтон в интервью телеканалу ABC News раскритиковал бывшего директора ЦРУ Джона Бреннана. India: Rescue efforts ramp up as rain abates in Kerala 2018-08-20 01:34 The death toll has climbed to more than 350 people, as the flooding claimed more lives on Sunday. Incessant downpours battering the region since August 8 have caused floods and landslides, resulting in collapsed bridges and damaged houses. Rescue efforts have been ramped up, after monsoon rains began to abate. Around 800,000 people have been forced into relief camps, following what has been described as the worst flood in 100 years. USA: 'Charlotte Pride bans gay Republicans' — LGBTQ Trump supporters condemn exclusion for 2nd year in a row 2018-08-20 02:31 A number of LGBTQ supporters of US President Donald Trump staged the so-called 'Deplorable Pride' in Charlotte, North Carolina, Sunday, after they were reportedly denied a place at the annual 'Charlotte Pride' for the second year in a row because of their support for Trump. During the rally, the Charlotte-based Republican group 'Deplorable Pride' waved rainbow flags and held placards condemning the exclusion from the pride parade. LGBT Trump supporter Brian Talbert said, «Still 100 percent definitely supporting our President, and I do believe that the president's policies that he has put in place are going to benefit the LGBT community. But today we are basically standing up and demanding our right to exist. And these are the people that we have to deal with — you see like people covering their faces, holding communist flags, but they call us the enemy. But those are the types of people that Charlotte Pride will allow into their parade, but they will not let us.» Algeria: Mauritania, Algeria open first border crossing 2018-08-20 03:55 Algeria and Mauritania opened a first border crossing between the two countries, Sunday. Algerian Interior Minister Noureddine Bedoui and his Mauritanian counterpart Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah attended the inauguration ceremony near Algerian town of Tindouf. Ould-Abdallah expressed hope that the border crossing would boost trade between the two countries. He assured that «there will be an important increase in the movement of goods between two countries.» Bedoui called the opening of the border crossing a «historical achievement,» which he said «reflects our close fraternal ties, unity of history and common destiny.» Indonesia: Another earthquake jolts Lombok island 2018-08-20 05:07 A series of earthquakes, including a 6.9 magnitude earthquake, rocked the Indonesian island of Lombok on Saturday, triggering landslides, causing power blackouts and sending people fleeing for cover in panic. According to the US Geological Survey, the first earthquake was measured at magnitude 6.3 and was followed by a 6.9 magnitude earthquake and at least five more aftershocks. At least two people were reportedly killed by the earthquake. |
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