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Peru: Women of Lima march against judicial corruption

Peru: Women of Lima march against judicial corruption
2018-08-12 06:38
Thousands of women marched through the streets of the Peruvian capital Lima on Saturday, denouncing what they call corruption in the judicial system, calling for reforms and the resignation of State Prosecutor Gonzalo Chavarry. The protest comes in wake of audio recordings leaked last month, suggesting some judges on inter-gender violence cases favoured the alleged perpetrators of the violence. The protesters exhibited numerous banners and placards throughout the march which ended in front of the National Council of the Magistracy (CNM). A wave of protests had hit the country after a group of investigative journalists, published audio recordings of phone conversations which are said to implicate senior members of the judiciary in a series of corruption cases. The judges are now subject to a state investigation opened on July 9 by Peruvian President Martin Vizcarra.

Ученые: соглашения по климату не помогут
2018-08-12 07:00
Ученые утверждают, что климатических соглашений будет недостаточно для того, чтобы остановить изменение климата. Виной тому — лесные пожары.

Румынию сотрясают антиправительственные митинги
2018-08-12 07:02
Румынию сотрясают антиправительственные митинги. Требуют отставки кабинета министров и роспуска парламента. Накануне в стычках с полицией пострадали несколько сотен человек. У многих серьезные травмы. Политики меж тем обвиняют друг друга.

В Черном море обнаружили останки античного римского судна
2018-08-12 08:12
В Черном море недалеко от Севастополя обнаружили останки парусника древних римлян. Судно лежало в море у берега в районе Балаклавы. Специалисты предварительно относят его к II-III веку нашей эры. Вероятно, оно использовалось для торговли или доставки грузов.

Около 70 тыс. японцев устроили акцию протеста против военной базы США
2018-08-12 08:14
В Японии около 70 тысяч человек устроили акцию протеста против военной базы США. Жители острова Окинава требуют, чтобы с их территории вывели американские войска. Ранее правительство Японии объявило, что перенесет базу из одной части острова в другую, но для местного населения это не выход. На Окинаве регулярно происходят ЧП из-за неисправной американской техники.

Стивен Сигал и другие: чем в России занимаются «новые русские» иностранцы
2018-08-12 08:17
У российской дипломатии новое лицо. Спецпосланником МИДа по российско-американским гуманитарным связям назначен голливудский актер, мастер боевых искусств Стивен Сигал. Таких «новых русских» в последние годы появилось немало.

«Оно вам надо?»: Цена покушения на Скрипаля и СМЕРШ-2018
2018-08-12 08:19
США определились с ценой покушения на Скрипаля. Сколько стоит проект СМЕРШ-2018 для России? «Инсульт» президента и аресты белорусских журналистов. Как Лукашенко строит новую медиа-вертикаль. Кремлевские вампиры и «братский народ Грузии». 10 лет с начала первой российской оккупации.

Каспийский саммит: соглашение готовили более 20 лет
2018-08-12 11:24
Владимир Путин и лидеры стран «каспийской пятерки» в воскресенье соберутся в Казахстане.

В американском Шарлотсвилле сотни студентов вышли на демонстрацию
2018-08-12 11:26
Сотни студентов вышли на митинг в американском Шарлотсвилле. Там сегодня годовщина ожесточенных столкновений праворадикалов и их противников.

В Манчестере после окончания карибского карнавала неизвестные устроили перестрелку
2018-08-12 11:27
В Манчестере через несколько часов после окончания карибского карнавала неизвестные устроили перестрелку.

Путин прибыл в Актау
2018-08-12 12:18
Президент России Владимир Путин в воскресенье прибыл в Казахстан для участия в пятом Каспийском саммите.

ФСИН: Сенцов не покидал колонию в Лабытнанги
2018-08-12 12:21
В ночь на воскресенье, 11 августа, в прессе появились сообщения, что Сенцов покинул колонию. СМИ ссылались на пост журналистки Виктории Ивлевой в фейсбуке. Ивлева участвует в кампании в поддержку Сенцова. Именно она сообщила, что самолёт с режиссёром вылетел из Салехарда. Но позднее она отметила, что больше у неё нет никакой информации. «Начинаю подозревать, что над нами, возможно, посмеялись», – написала Ивлева.

10 человек ранены в перестрелке в британском Манчестере
2018-08-12 12:26
За пару часов до перестрелки в городе проходил карнавал, на улицах оставалось много людей.

USA: NASA mission to 'touch' the Sun blasts off
2018-08-12 12:27
NASA's Parker Solar Probe launched successfully from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida on Sunday, as it embarks on its mission to 'touch the Sun'. The launch was initially planned for Saturday, but was delayed by a day due to last-minute technical issues. The car-sized spacecraft, which cost $1.5 billion (1.313 billion euro) to build, is set to orbit the Sun 24 times to gather valuable data through monitoring the surface of the Sun, also known as the solar corona. The Parker Solar Probe has a seven-year-mission ahead of it, and if successful, will be the first human-made object to come so close to the star. The project, which has taken six decades to come to fruition, marks a milestone in NASA's space mission trajectory. Scientists believe that a closer look at the solar corona will provide crucial information on what Eugene Parker called 'solar wind' as well as improving the understanding of stellar mechanics.

Kazakhstan: Putin lands in Aktau for Caspian Summit
2018-08-12 12:31
Russian President Vladimir Putin landed in the north-western Kazakh city of Aktau on Sunday, ahead of the 5th Caspian Summit between the five Caspian states: Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. A convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea is to be signed at the summit. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov will take part in the summit as well. According to the Kremlin, the five countries have been working on an agreement since 1996. The convention is to mark the legal status of the contested Caspian Sea.

USA: Hundreds rally in Charlottesville on anniversary of far-right rally
2018-08-12 12:48
Hundreds of students and left-wing protesters took to the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday one year on from the far-right 'Unite the Right' rally, in which a counter protester was killed. Protesters can be heard chanting 'we remember Heather Heyer,' the name of the counter protester who died in last year's rally. Heyer was killed after one of the Unite the Right attendees rammed his car into a group of counter protesters. The driver, James Fields Jr., has been charged with second degree murder for Heyer's death along with 30 charges of hate crime. His trial is set to begin in November. A sequel to the 'Unite the Right' rally is planned to be held in Washington DC on Sunday.

Город — продолжение дома: Сергей Собянин о ларьках, тратах и зависти
2018-08-12 12:59
Как Москва научилась экономить 120 миллиардов в год? Для кого и для чего все эти масштабные преобразования? Что вызывает жгучую зависть Запада и каково быть мэром мегаполиса? Об этом Сергей Собянин рассказал в большом интервью ведущему программы «Вести недели» Дмитрию Киселеву. На его странице ВКонтакте можно посмотреть первую часть трилогии, работа над которой шла несколько месяцев.

Проблемный отдых: российские туристы заваливают суды исками в адрес страховщиков
2018-08-12 13:08
Туристы экономят на медицинской страховке, а затем тратят тысячи рублей на адвокатов. Число судебных споров, когда страховая отказалась оплачивать счета зарубежных клиник, уже дошло до нескольких сотен в год. Речь идет об экстренных случаях, когда, например, на заграничном курорте резко заболело сердце или начались преждевременные роды. Что нужно сделать, чтобы отдых не закончился серьезными проблемами со здоровьем и многочисленными судами?

Андрей Воробьев рассказал о мосте в Дубне, обманутых дольщиках и соцсетях
2018-08-12 13:15
В Дубне в финальную стадию вошло строительство моста через Волгу, который, наконец, свяжет две части города. Левый и правый берега уже соединились, на этой неделе произошла долгожданная стыковка пролетов моста. О том, когда по нему поедут первые автомобили, о развитии транспорта, проблемах обманутых дольщиков и пользе общения в соцсетях рассказал губернатор Подмосковья Андрей Воробьев.

Дмитрий Таран. Книги, делающие нас сильнее
2018-08-12 13:27
Кинематографист, аналитик Дмитрий Таран представляет книги Интернет-магазина День.

Kazakhstan: Kazakh President Nazarbayev welcomes Caspian counterparts ahead of Summit
2018-08-12 13:30
President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev received his Iranian, Russian, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijani counterparts in Aktau on Sunday, ahead of the 5th Caspian Summit. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev was seen shaking hands with the respective presidents, Hassan Rouhani, Vladimir Putin, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and Ilham Aliyev, in the Kazhan city of Aktau. A convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea is to be signed at the summit. According to the Kremlin, the five countries have been working on an agreement since 1996. The convention is to mark the legal status of the contested Caspian Sea.

В Румынии продолжаются протесты против коррупции
2018-08-12 13:31
На улицы Бухареста 10 августа вышли десятки тысяч граждан, которые протестовали против коррупции. Несколько сотен пострадали после того, как полиция применила слезоточивый газ и водометы против активистов. Медицинская помощь понадобилась более 400 участникам акции, в том числе – 10 сотрудникам полиции. Госпитализировали 65 человек.

Kazakhstan: Caspian Summit kickes off in Aktau
2018-08-12 13:55
The 5th Caspian Summit held between the five states surrounding the Caspian Sea: Russia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan kicked off in Aktau on Sunday. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Iran Hassan Rouhani and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov will take part in the talks. A convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea is to be signed at the summit. According to the Kremlin, the five countries have been working on an agreement since 1996. The convention is to mark the legal status of the contested Caspian Sea.

Kazakhstan: Rouhani arrives to Aktau for Caspian Summit
2018-08-12 14:18
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani landed in the north-western Kazakh city of Aktau on Sunday, ahead of the 5th Caspian Summit between the five Caspian states: Russia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov are to take part as well. A convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea is to be signed at the summit. According to the Kremlin, the five countries have been working on an agreement since 1996. The convention is to mark the legal status of the contested Caspian Sea.

На саммите в Казахстане подписана конвенция о правовом статусе Каспия
2018-08-12 15:12
Документ пытались согласовать более 20 лет. Его подписали лидеры России, Казахстана, Азербайджана, Туркменистана и Иран. Согласно конвенции, основная площадь водной поверхности моря останется в общем пользовании. Дно и недра делят соседние государства по договоренности между собой и на основе международного права. Кроме того, конвенция запрещает присутствие на Каспии вооруженных сил государств, которые не являются прибрежными. Лидеры стран также обещали учитывать экологический фактор при реализации крупных проектов.

Kazakhstan: Five states sign Caspian Legal Status Agreement
2018-08-12 15:39
The presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan signed a convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea during a summit in the north-western Kazakh city of Aktau on Sunday. The agreement regulates the legal status of the body of water and the rights of the five Caspian Sea countries. The convention clarifies that surface water will be for common use for each of the countries, while the seabed and subsoil will be divided up in accordance to the international legal framework. According to the Kremlin, the five countries have been working on an agreement since 1996.

Москвичей приглашают на фестиваль «Времена и эпохи»
2018-08-12 15:59
Погрузиться в атмосферу 19 века и побывать в походных лагерях русской и французской армий можно на Тверском бульваре.

ФСО требует с Леонида Ярмольника компенсации за разбитый «Мерседес»
2018-08-12 16:01
Машина Федеральной службы охраны была разбита почти два года назад на Кутузовском проспекте

Обвиняемая в экстремизме рассказала, что «Вконтакте» передает в ФСБ
2018-08-12 16:46
Жительница Барнаула Мария Мотузная, которую судят за публикацию изображений в социальной сети «ВКонтакте», рассказала, какую информацию соцсеть передала следователям. Мотузная опубликовала в твиттере материалы дела, из которых видно, что социальная сеть сообщила данные об IP-адресах, с которых заходили на страницу, изменения паролей, изменения прикрепленного номера телефона, имени и фамилии пользователя. Кроме того, в материалах есть сведения об обращении в службу поддержки соцсети и блокировки страницы за спам.

Фестиваль «Времена и эпохи» проходит в Москве
2018-08-12 17:07
Русско-турецкая война на Рождественском бульваре, на Тверском − наполеоновские сражения. А кому военные дела не интересны, стоит заглянуть на Петровский бульвар: там стоит мамонт в натуральную величину в экспозиции «Заря человечества». Фестиваль «Времена и эпохи» работает на московских площадях и улицах третий день. Продлится праздник истории до 22 августа.

В Москве проходит фестиваль «Времена и эпохи»
2018-08-12 17:13
Работают тридцать тематических площадок. Праздник истории продлится до 22 августа.

В Москве на фестивале «Времена и эпохи» выставили огромного мамонта
2018-08-12 17:19
На фестивале можно побывать даже в каменном веке. Тех, кому интересны древние времена, ждут на площадке «Заря человечества» на Петровском бульваре. Именно там можно увидеть огромного мамонта.

UK: Two children among 10 injured in Manchester shooting
2018-08-12 17:21
Ten people were left injured, including two children, after a shooting took place at a party in Manchester's Moss Side in the early hours of Sunday. Footage shows the aftermath at the scene of the incident, where police can be seen inspecting the ground, which was still covered in rubbish and bottles, in the hunt for evidence. According to reports, the shooting took place at a party that was held after a Caribbean festival's first day. Local police reported that the victims' wounds appear to be from a pellet gun, and the wounds of nine people are not believed to be serious, while the tenth person has a serious leg injury.

Лавров ответил на вопрос о встрече Путина и Трампа
2018-08-12 17:23
Глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров заявил о готовности России встречаться с представителями даже тех стран, которые проводят недружественную политику, в том числе США.

Путин: каспийская пятерка показала, что сообща можно решать самые сложные вопросы
2018-08-12 17:29
Президент России Владимир Путин считает подписание в казахстанском городе Актау конвенции по правовому статусу Каспийского моря историческим событием для региона.

Kazakhstan: Lavrov says another Putin-Trump meeting is possible
2018-08-12 18:03
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said another meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin could took place if the two parties felt it necessary, while speaking on the sidelines of the 5th Caspian Summit held in the Kazakh city of Aktau on Sunday. “In case the leaders [Putin and Trump] feel it is necessary to meet and return to those issues which we believed should unite Russia and the United States, but which trigger rejection by some circles inside the US, I think such a meeting will take place,” Lavrov said. The last summit between the two leaders took place in Helsinki, Finland, on June 16, 2018.

Kazakhstan: Putin meets with Rouhani on Caspian summit sidelines
2018-08-12 18:07
Russian President Vladimir Putin met with his Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani on the sidelines of a summit in the north-western Kazakh city of Aktau on Sunday. The Russian leader stressed that «although our colleagues are always in touch, a personal meeting is extremely important.» During the meeting, Rouhani noted two major achievements reached in the past years, including he cooperation between Iran, Russia and another five countries in achieving agreements within the framework of the Iranian nuclear deal» and «the cooperation between Iran, Russia and Turkey in establishing peace and security in Syria.» During the summit, the presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkmenistan signed a convention on the legal status of the Caspian Sea. The agreement regulates the legal status of the body of water and the rights of the five Caspian Sea countries. The convention clarifies that surface water will be for common use for each of the countries, while the seabed and subsoil will be divided up in accordance to the international legal framework.

Yemen: Sanaa children's protest decries Saudi-led coalition airstrikes
2018-08-12 18:44
Scores of Yemeni children took to the streets of Sanaa on Sunday, to protest against Saudi-led coalition air strikes in the country. The demonstration took place after an airstrike in northern Yemen's Dahyan on Thursday, which claimed the lives of at least 51 people, including 40 children, according to local Houthi authorities. Children with signs and banners chanted slogans against the Saudi-led coalition, which has been targeting Houthi militant-held areas of Yemen. «We, the children of Yemen, demonstrate in pain and compassion, in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, mothers, fathers in the hurt region of Saada, who suffered the worst harm at the hands of the attacker,» said one young protester while addressing the demonstration. According to local officials, the latest Saudi-led coalition airstrike hit a school bus full of children returning from a summer camp in northern Yemen. Houthi Health Minister Taha al-Mutawakil announced the latest casualty figures, saying 79 people were also injured in the attack. Saudi Arabian authorities say they are investigating claims their airstrike hit the bus. The UN has called for an independent investigation into the incident.

Kazakhstan: Armed forces of non-Caspian states not permitted on the Sea — Putin
2018-08-12 19:25
*MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Russian President Vladimir Putin said an agreement concerning the legal status of the Caspian Sea prohibits the armed forces of non-Caspian countries from accessing the body of water, after signing the convention in the Kazakh city of Aktau on Sunday. “It [the convention] guarantees the settlement of all topical issues of the agenda on the basis of consensus and mutual consideration of interests, and ensures peace on the Caspian Sea, as the presence of armed forces of non-participants is prohibited,” he said. His Iranian counterpart Hassan Rouhani for his part emphasised that “that Caspian states’ lands could not be used against another Caspian state.» The agreement regulates the legal status of the body of water and the rights of the five Caspian Sea countries. The convention clarifies that the surface water will be for common use for each of the countries, while the seabed and subsoil will be divided up in accordance with an international legal framework. According to the Kremlin, the five countries have been working on an agreement since 1996.

France: Police launch manhunt after car driven into Mosque close to Lille
2018-08-12 19:37
A man deliberately drove his car into the main entrance of Al Wefaq mosque in Mons-en-Baroeul in northern France on Saturday, according to reports citing local officials. The entrance was cordoned off on Sunday, with a bollard having been uprooted in the immediate vicinity; while prayers took place as usual at the place of worship. According to president of the mosque, Said Haddouchi, the car had been rammed into the main entrance just minutes after 11 PM prayers had finished. «Ten minutes earlier and it would have been dramatic,» he stated. «Yesterday we had the impression that the vehicle had deliberately rammed [into the mosque's entrance],» vice president of the mosque, Mohamed Bouladhar, stated. The incident caused no casualties, and the driver is being actively sought by French police.

USA: Bride makes dramatic escape from New Jersey floodwaters
2018-08-12 19:58
A bride was rescued from floodwaters in Bogota, New Jersey, Sunday, on the day of her wedding. The couple and their wedding party became trapped by the rising waters following heavy rain a day earlier. Police managed to transfer the bride into a police vehicle while she was wearing her all-white wedding dress.

Netherlands: Attempted Molotov attack targets Turkish consulate in Amsterdam
2018-08-12 21:02
Dutch police are reported as saying they have apprehended an attacker who targeted the Turkish consulate building in Amsterdam with Molotov cocktails on Saturday. Security forces were present at the premises on Sunday, where they conducted a search, and documented evidence of the attempted attack in the cordoned off area. According to reports citing authorities, the Molotov cocktails did not detonate. Nobody was reported injured in the incident.

Russia: 'Ask your grandfathers' — Shoigu warns Germany against 'strength' strategy
2018-08-12 21:59
Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu reacted to his German counterpart Ursula von der Leyen's comment earlier this year about approaching Russia «from a position of unity and strength,» during an interview in Moscow on Sunday. Shoigu said, «after everything Germany has done to our country, I think they should not say anything on the issue for another 200 years,» referring to the Soviet Union's role in defeating Nazi Germany. He then advised Berlin to «revisit history,» adding «ask your grandfathers what it means to talk to Russia from a position of strength. They will probably be able to tell you.» The Russian defence minister also described current Russian military hardware as «impeccable.»

UK: Sikh separatists rally in Trafalgar Square for independence referendum
2018-08-12 23:43
Hundreds of Sikh separatists descended on London's Trafalgar Square on Sunday, to demand a referendum for an independent state in India's Punjab region. The Sikh demonstration drew thousands of supporters, who chanted «Khalistan» and held placards reading «Punjab Referendum 2020 for Khalistan» and «we will re-establish Punjab as an independent country.» Sikh separatist Luvpreet Singh said, «we want basically to reclaim our old kingdom, which we had in the 19th century.» Scores of pro-India supporters staged a counter-protest. One counter-protester said, «I don't see the extremism there, in India. It's all propagated here in Britain. They are also forgetting the Jallianwala Bagh massacre [Amritsar massacre], which was done by the British 70 years ago. They've forgotten that and they are asking justice from these people.» «Would the British support the Scottish referendum in India, by Indians? I don't think so, so I don't see the sense of this whole movement,» he added.

USA: BLM march in DC one year after Charlottesville
2018-08-13 00:19
Black Lives Matter activists held a march in Washington D.C. on Sunday, one year on from the far-right 'Unite the Right' rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a counter protester was killed. The Alt-Right 'Unite the Right 2' rally also took place in the US capital, with several counter-protests opposing the rally. The 2017 Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' rally was marred after a Nazism sympathiser, James Alex Fields Jr, drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring more than a dozen others. Fields was charged with second degree murder for Heyer's death along with 30 charges of hate crime. His trial is set to begin in November.

Jordan: Four officers, three militants killed in Salt raid
2018-08-13 00:26
Seven people, among whom four Jordanian security forces and three militants, were killed in an operation attempting to neutralise a terrorist cell in an apartment building in Salt, near Fuheis on Saturday, footage from Sunday showed. Security forces were seen trying to storm the building after a police officer was killed in a bomb attack outside a music festival in the Christian town west of Amman on Friday. Suspects unleashed heavy fire on security forces and brought down the building block which was rigged with explosives. The bodies of the three militants were salvaged from the rubbles with Jordanian forces taking five more militants into custody.

USA: 'Unite the Right 2' goes head to head with counter-protest in DC
2018-08-13 00:39
SOT, Protester: «They did this, we didn't do this, this scar on my face, this isn't from being radical, this is from being honest. You did this, you did this.» The far-right 'Unite the Right 2' rally was held in Washington DC on Sunday, where it was met with counter-protests under the heavy gaze of police and security forces. This comes one year on from the far-right 'Unite the Right' rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a counter protester was killed. The alt-right protest was spearheaded by organiser Jason Kessler who was met by boos, heckles, and middle fingers of counter-protesters on its route. The 2017 Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' rally was marred after a Nazi Germany sympathizer, James Alex Fields Jr, drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring more than a dozen others. Fields was charged with second degree murder for Heyer's death along with 30 charges of hate crime. His trial is set to begin in November.

USA: Far-right rally organiser Kessler warns against 'making white people an oppressed minority'
2018-08-13 01:58
SOT, journalist (English): «Isn't it because those groups have been marginalised by the white majority?» SOT, Jason Kessler, Organiser of 'Unite the Right' rally (English): «2018 is not the Jim Crowe era. We're in a very different place and the conversation has got to start evolving to include white people as part of the conversation, because otherwise we're in danger of making white people an oppressed minority.» Jason Kessler, organiser of 'Unite the Right 2' rally, confronted journalists in a Washington DC metro on Sunday, saying white people should have their say in race-related debates. «2018 is not the Jim Crowe era. We're in a very different place and the conversation has got to start evolving to include white people as part of the conversation, because otherwise we're in danger of making white people an oppressed minority,» said Kessler. «We have civil rights advocates standing up for black people, or Muslims, or LGBT, whatever, you know. But there's nobody who could stand up for white people, because if you do that, they accuse you of being a racist or a white supremacist,» he added. The 'Unite the Right 2' protest, on Sunday, comes one year on from the far-right 'Unite the Right' rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a counter protester was killed. The 2017 Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' rally was marred after a Nazi Germany sympathizer, James Alex Fields Jr, drove a car into a crowd of counter-protesters killing 32-year-old Heather Heyer and injuring more than a dozen others. Fields was charged with second degree murder for Heyer's death along with 30 charges of hate crime. His trial is set to begin in November.

Turkey: Turkey won't be 'bossed around,' says Erdogan on US relations
2018-08-13 03:05
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said his country will not be 'bossed around' by US President Donald Trump, while commenting on the ongoing diplomatic row between his country and the United States over the arrest of Pastor Andrew Brunson, in Trabzon on Sunday. «You are attempting to sacrifice your relations with 81 million people for a pastor with ties to terror organisations. So, we will do as law dictates, you cannot simply make Turkey bow down by bossing it around,» said Erdogan. «We will respond to the one declaring a war of trade to the whole world by aiming at new markets, finding new corporations and allies,» added Erdogan. A financial shockwave shook Turkey on Friday when its currency, the Turkish Lira, tumbled more than 16 percent amid concerns over Ankara's deteriorating relations with Washington. On the same day, Trump announced the doubling of tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from Turkey, in protest over the detention of Brunson. The pastor was arrested two years ago over alleged links to the outlawed Kurdish PKK party and to the Fetullah Gulen movement which Erdogan claims was behind the 2016 attempted coup.

Canada: Saudi Arabia state airline to suspend line with Toronto
2018-08-13 05:48
Saudi Arabia's state airline said it would be suspending flights from and to Toronto Pearson International Airport starting Sunday, as a diplomatic row between both countries continues to mount. Saudia had published on Twitter that «all Saudia flights from/to Toronto, Canada will be suspended starting from 13 Aug 2018.» The strained relations were triggered by Canada's criticism of Saudi Arabia over detentions of human rights activists. Saudi Arabia recalled its ambassador from Ottawa and expelled the Canadian one, in a series of measures which also include cutting trade ties.

China: Massive landslide caught on film near Beijing
2018-08-13 07:12
A massive landslide was filmed falling over a mountain road in Fangshan District, near Beijing on Sunday, temporarily interrupting traffic flow. The landslide reportedly occurred due to continuos rain in the past days, which loosened rocks and mud. An estimated 30,000 cubic meters fell on the mountain road. No injures were reported, as a local managed to stop a dozen of cars from passing from the spot where the land fell, just minutes before it happened.

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