Nicaragua: Thousands hold open air mass as anti-gov. protests persist
Nicaragua: Thousands hold open air mass as anti-gov. protests persist 2018-04-29 06:44 Thousands marched through the streets of the Nicaraguan capital Managua on Saturday, to protest against violence following a week of protests against President Daniel Ortega. Thousands of Nicaraguans marched with flags and banners and held an open air mass in protest against the government's new social reforms and against the violent response of authorities during recent protests. For protester Alvaro Melendez, the change will come because «this situation can't continue in Nicaragua,» adding that «we want a different Nicaragua.» Anti-government protests had left at least 42 people killed since the beginning of the unrest last Wednesday. The protests were in response to a set of welfare reforms, in which employees will have to contribute a larger amount of their pay checks to the pension scheme, while simultaneously taking a five percent cut to be used for medical expenses. КНДР закроет испытательный ядерный полигон Пунгери 2018-04-29 07:53 Корейская Народно-Демократическая Республика обязалась закрыть свой крупнейший ядерный полигон Пунгери в мае текущего года и продемонстрировать этот процесс Южной Корее. «Оно вам надо?»: Война с Telegram, розыск перебежчиков и санкции против РФ 2018-04-29 07:57 Всем станет страшно. Кремль, не справившись с Telegram, угрожает его владельцу и пользователям. Не забудут, не простят. Киев объявил в розыск 5800 жителей Крыма, перешедших в 2014 году на сторону России. Госсекретарь США предлагает Путину одуматься и вернуть страну в компанию приличных государств. Эрдоган неофициально запустил предвыборную кампанию 2018-04-29 10:08 Президент Турции Реджеп Тайип Эрдоган неофициально запустил предвыборную кампанию. На выступлении в городе Измир он пообещал нанести сокрушительное поражение оппозиции. Провести досрочные президентские и парламентские выборы турецкий лидер решил 24 июня 2017 года. Эрдоган связал это с необходимостью скорейшего перехода на президентскую систему правления. Северная Корея готова к диалогу с Японией в любое время 2018-04-29 10:09 Лидер Корейской Народно-Демократической Республики Ким Чен Ын заявил о готовности Пхеньяна к диалогу с Японией в любое время в ходе саммита с президентом Южной Кореи, состоявшегося 27 апреля. Об этом Мун Чжэ Ин рассказал японскому премьер-министру Синдзо Абэ во время их телефонного разговора. Трамп не пришел на ежегодный ужин Ассоциации корреспондентов Белого дома 2018-04-29 10:11 В Вашингтоне проходит ежегодный ужин Ассоциации корреспондентов Белого дома, Дональд Трамп первый за последние 36 лет президент США, который не присутствует на нем. Он участвовал в политическом мероприятии в Мичигане, где он рассказал своим сторонникам почему он отказался от приглашения на ужин. Амурская область получит 80 млн рублей на борьбу с лесными пожарами 2018-04-29 10:14 Дополнительные средства на борьбу с природными пожарами получит Амурская область. 80 миллионов рублей выделяет из резервного фонда «Рослесхоз». В регионе по-прежнему сложная ситуация. USA: MAGA rally demands Nobel Prize as Trump goes nuclear on Korea 2018-04-29 10:24 US President Donald Trump claimed that Friday’s joint denuclearisation announcement by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in was down to his own personal involvement during a Make America Great Again rally in Washington, Michigan on Saturday. “We’re doing the world a big favour, let’s see how it goes,” said Trump to a raucous reception. “And one of the fake news groups, they were saying ‘what did President Trump have to do with it?’ I’ll tell you what. How about ‘everything’?” He added that he intends to hold meetings with Korean representatives in the next ‘three or four weeks’ but did not disclose any further details. The 6,000-strong crowd also chanted ‘Nobel, Nobel’ in reference to Trump’s efforts on the Peninsula, for which the President expressed his gratitude. On other topics, Trump also said that the Californian city of San Diego was being ‘overrun’ by people ‘pouring in’ and a Mexican border wall was under construction. Michigan has been largely Democratic in recent years, with former president George H.W. Bush the last Republican to take a majority in 1988, but Trump overturned the deficit to win the state in the 2016 elections against Hillary Clinton. Российская «устрашающая» подводная лодка напугала США 2018-04-29 11:29 Американский научно-популярный журнал Popular Mechanics рассказал об «устрашающей» подводной лодке Б-90 «Саров», являющейся испытательной платформой для новой ядерной торпеды «Статус-6». Прилепин: фильм о войне на востоке Украины получился хорошим 2018-04-29 11:34 Заместитель командира батальона Вооруженных сил Донецкой народной республики Захар Прилепин рассказал о своем участии в короткометражном фильме «Дежурство». Netherlands: Power cut causes chaos at Amsterdam Schiphol 2018-04-29 12:00 Amsterdam Schiphol was reopened on Sunday, following a widescale power outage which effected all operations in the Dutch capital's airport earlier in the day. Footage shows an overcrowded main foyer and travellers forming lengthy queues at the gates. Trains were reportedly halted and roads to the airport were closed at around 5:00am local time (3:00 GMT). After power was restored, roads were reopened at around 6:30am local time (4:30 GMT). According to airport's spokesperson Jacco Bartels, the power outage at Europe's third busiest airport may severely affect air traffic throughout the day. Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 29.04.2018 2018-04-29 12:18 Первый весенний нелёгкий ветерок: ураганные последствия минувших выходных. В Калуге они оказались менее печальными, чем в столице. Его подняли из заполярных болот: спустя 70 лет, легендарный штурмовик Ил-2 вновь встал на крыло. Дом, в котором страшно жить: невыдуманные истории обитателей калужского общежития. Испытания добром не прошли: почему покупатели не поддержали акцию милосердия? Он защищал Москву от фашистов и воевал с милитаристской Японией: почётному гражданину Калуги Александру Унтилову - 99. 2 мирных жителя Дамаска погибли в ходе минометного обстрела 2018-04-29 12:33 Боевики вновь нарушили режим прекращения огня в Сирии. В результате минометного обстрела жилых кварталов Дамаска погибли 2 человека и еще 16 получили ранения. Об этом сообщили в Центре по примирению враждующих сторон. Тем не менее российские военные совместно с сирийскими коллегами продолжают работу по нормализации обстановки в Дамаске, Восточной Гуте и Восточном Каламуне. «История СССР»: Разгром «антипартийной группы» и новая антисталинская истерия. Выпуск № 127 2018-04-29 13:08 Сто двадцать седьмая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная разгрому «антипартийной группировки», опале Г.К.Жукова и новой антисталинской истерии. Вести. Эфир от 29.04.2018 2018-04-29 13:23 Высший пилотаж. Самолет Ил-38 получил минимальные повреждения при аварийной посадке в аэропорту Жуковский. В Амурской области по-прежнему самая сложная ситуация с лесными пожарами. Ким Чен Ын закрывает ядерный полигон, приводит время к единому стандарту с соседом. КНДР и Южная Корея стремятся к мирному соглашению. Аварии в энергосети: в аэропорту Амстердама отменяют рейсы 2018-04-29 13:27 В аэропорту Амстердама десятки рейсов отменили или задержали из-за отключения электричества. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Павел Кадочников 2018-04-29 13:48 Актерский подвиг и человеческая драма Павла Кадочникова. Как он пережил смерть двух сыновей? На что готов был ради семьи? И почему целый год своей жизни актер не проронил ни слова? Об этом — в программе «Раскрывая тайны звезд». Власти Москвы запретили сторонникам Навального проводить акцию «Путин нам не царь» 2018-04-29 14:34 Об этом Навальный сообщил в своем телеграм-канале. Он также прикрепил копию документа из мэрии за подписью первого заместителя главы департамента региональной безопасности Василия Олейника. В документе говорится, что «в связи с непринятием предложения об изменении места проведения публичных мероприятий» «организатор не вправе проводить публичные мероприятия». «Штат Македония»: как Балканы становятся политическим полигоном для Запада 2018-04-29 14:48 Как Госдеп США и известный американский финансист Джордж Сорос контролируют политическую ситуацию в Македонии, и не повторит ли балканская страна судьбу Украины? Документальный фильм Ольги Курлаевой «Штат Македония»« обсудил Андрей Медведев с гостями в студии. США считают иранскую сделку недостаточной для урегулирования разногласий 2018-04-29 14:55 Действующего ядерного соглашения по Ирану недостаточно для урегулирования разногласий. Такое заявление сделал новый госсекретарь США Майк Помпео в ходе своего первого зарубежного визита в Саудовскую Аравию. Помпео прибыл в столицу Саудовской Аравии Эр-Рияд, где запланированы его переговоры с главой МИД Аделем аль-Джубейром, наследным принцем Мухаммедом бин Салманом и королем Салманом аль-Саудом. Лидеры России и Южной Кореи обсудили переговоры с КНДР 2018-04-29 14:56 Президенты России и Южной Кореи Владимир Путин и Мун Чжэ Ин по телефону обсудили переговоры с КНДР, которые они оценили как позитивные. В частности, лидеры двух стран приветствовали ожидающуюся денуклеаризацию Корейского полуострова, о которой заявлено в Пханмунчжомской декларации. Пашинян заверил Калашникова, что не готовит заговор против России 2018-04-29 14:57 Лидер оппозиционеров Армении Никол Пашинян отметил, что в процессах, происходящих в Армении, «нет геополитического заговора против России, не будет геополитических реверсов, и армяно-российским отношениям ничего не угрожает». Почему у армян получилось: хроника протестов в Ереване 2018-04-29 15:18 Почему диалог народа и власти в Армении не похож на диалог народа и власти в России? Авторская колонка Ксении Турковой для проекта Александра Герасимова «Оно вам надо?» «Специальный репортаж»: Братья 2018-04-29 15:26 Их опасаются, обвиняют в мировых заговорах и управлении экономикой и политикой всей планеты — масоны во все века принадлежали к самому закрытому и таинственному обществу. Их ритуалы нельзя увидеть, если ты не посвящен. Их замыслы не до конца понятны. Кто такие — современные масоны, где их встретить в обычной жизни и для кого их открытый аккаунт в Instagram? Saudi Arabia: 'Iran world's greatest terror sponsor' — Sec of State Pompeo 2018-04-29 15:26 Newly-appointed US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo highlighted the need for unity in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and singled out Iran as the region's chief antagonist during a press conference with Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir in Riyadh on Sunday. Pompeo pointed the finger at Tehran, adding that Saudi security was a 'priority' for the United States «Iran destabilises this entire region. It supports proxy militias and terrorist groups,» he said. «It supports the murderous Assad regime as well. Unlike the prior administration, we will not neglect the vast scope of Iran's terrorism. It is indeed the greatest sponsor of terrorism in the world.» He also assured that the US 'will continue to assist Saudi Arabia with its defence needs and support its right to defend its own borders.' Встреча Дональда Трампа с Ким Чен Ыном состоится в ближайшие недели 2018-04-29 15:47 Об этом заявил сам президент США. По его словам, исход саммита непредсказуем. Russia: Mother confesses to strangling her two children to death 2018-04-29 16:04 Journalist *UPSOUND* (Russian): «Can you tell us something about what has happened?» Journalist *UPSOUND* (Russian): «Do you regret it?» Elena Karimova, Defendant *UPSOUND* (Russian): «Yes.» Journalist *UPSOUND* (Russian): «The situation is serious. Please explain how you decided to do it? Tell us a bit about how everything happened.» Elena Karimova, Defendant *UPSOUND* (Russian): «I won't explain it to you. I will say everything in court.» A woman, identified as Elena Karimova, confessed to strangling her two young children to death, at a hearing in the Moscow District Court of Nizhny Novgorod on Saturday. According to the regional Investigative Committee, the woman allegedly strangled her four-year old daughter and two-year old son in the back seat of a rented car on April 25. On the same day, the defendant allegedly attempted to get rid of the dead bodies. She reportedly bought a lighter fluid at a gas station, drove to the forest and set the bodies on fire. Fearing that she could have been seen by hunters, she allegedly knocked down the flames with water, put the bodies back into the vehicle and returned to Nizhny Novgorod. The next day, she reportedly took the bodies to the Semenovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod Region, where she once again set them alight in an abandoned building and then fled the scene. The defendant reportedly said that she had committed the crime because she could not financially support her children. She is believed to be divorced and unemployed. The woman spent more than 40,000 rubles (€530/$643) a month to rent a car and, shortly before allegedly killing her children, she booked a tour abroad, according to investigators. A criminal case has been opened to investigate the violent killing of two young children. Karimova has been detained as a suspect for a period of two months. Prior to the hearing, Karimova said that she regrets the crime; however, she did not provide further details, saying, «I will say everything in court.» Игорь Ротенберг вдвое снизил свою долю в Тульском патронном заводе 2018-04-29 16:24 Миллиардер владел почти половиной акций завода. Теперь ему принадлежит лишь 20%. Предполагается, что таким образом предприятие выйдет из-под санкций США. Italy: Protesters remove 'tourist checkpoints' in Venice ahead of long weekend 2018-04-29 16:27 Dozens of protesters attempted to remove checkpoints installed by authorities to curb the number of tourists in Venice ahead of the long weekend, during a demonstration on Sunday. One protester said, «It's not the mayor who owns the city. It's not the police and not the tourists either. It's the people living in Venice.» He went on to say that «Venice is dying» and that «the mayor wants this city to become a city with no inhabitants, with no people.» Demonstrators were seen taking some of the gates apart and carrying them away, despite Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro claiming that the action was to make the city more «livable» for the 60,000 residents of the historic city centre. On Saturday, checkpoints separating tourists from local residents were placed in Venice due to the high amount of visitors expected this weekend. Checkpoints — active until May 1 — were installed in high-transit areas such as the Constitution Bridge and the Santa Lucia train station. Only residents and those possessing a Carta Venezia for frequent visitors will be allowed along the main routes to reach the city's main tourist hotspots, while everyone else will have to take less direct routes. Russia: 'Stalin’s Front Mammoth' recreated for Victory Day parade 2018-04-29 17:15 A recreation of the famous five-turreted T-35 tanks, made by workers at the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company in Verkhnyaya Pyshma, was on display in the Russian town on Sunday. Mechanics and engineers from the company recreated the design of the famous tank using plans from the 1930s. A team of 20 specialists has been working on the 40-ton vehicle for a year. According to the company's press centre, restorers based the recreation on the original drawings and photographs of the tank, as today there is only one T-35 left, located in the Moscow Museum of armored vehicles. The recreated T-35 tank went on a trial excursion and will participate in the Victory Day parade on May 9. Later it will join the exposition of the Museum of Armored Vehicles in Verkhnyaya Pyshma. Head of Motor and Tractor Department of Ural Company Farid Hafizov said: «The machine is complicated. The most difficult one of all the exhibits we've ever made. The length of the machine is more than 10 meters, it has 5 towers.» Developed before WWII, only 59 units were made but it proved mechanically unreliable and in the battle of Kursk more T-35s were lost to malfunction than enemy fire. The T-35 tank is a legendary vehicle. It was called «Stalin's Front Mammoth» and «Land battleship». The words «For courage» are depicted on the medal. In the early 30s of the last century, it was considered the most powerful in the world. However, the first battles of the Great Patriotic war demonstrated that the T-35 had become hopelessly obsolete. It was too slow while the armor was too thin. The majority of T-35 tanks were reportedly lost due to technical faults but not in battles. «Специальный репортаж»: Дело было в Ганновере 2018-04-29 17:20 Весь деловой мир в одном немецком городе. В Ганновере прошла одна из крупнейших промышленных выставок в мире. Участники со всех концов света привезли десятки тысяч новейших разработок. Традиционно один из самых заметных стендов представила и Москва. Специальный корреспондент Марина Кварацхелия протестировала новинки и проследила за заключением многомиллионных контрактов. Italy: Neo-fascists pay their respects at Mussolini's tomb 2018-04-29 17:26 Hundreds of neo-fascists travelled to former Italian fascist leader Benito Mussolini's tomb in the Italian town of Predappio on Sunday, to mark the 73rd anniversary of Mussolini’s death. One of Mussolini’s grand-daughters, Edda Negri Mussolini, addressed the crowd. Mussolini ruled Italy from 1930 to 1943. He was an ally of Nazi Germany during the World War II. His legacy continues to influence a number of groups in Italy. Every year, neo-fascist and far-right groups hold ceremonies and parades to pay their respects. Israel: Netanyahu greets Pompeo in Tel Aviv 2018-04-29 17:34 US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at military headquarters in Tel Aviv on Sunday. The Iranian nuclear programme is reportedly on the agenda of the talks between the two diplomats. US President Donald Trump has set a May 12 deadline to decide whether to pull out of the nuclear deal with Iran. Pompeo is visiting Israel as part of his first trip to the Middle East since assuming office on Thursday. He is expected to visit Jordan later in the day. В Лондоне поставят пьесу об убийстве Александра Литвиненко 2018-04-29 17:39 Постановка будет основана на книге «Очень дорогой яд». Ее написал бывший корреспондент газеты «Guardian» в Москве Люк Хардинг. Armenia: Thousands attend opposition rally in Yerevan 2018-04-29 17:51 Thousands of people took to the streets of Yerevan on Sunday to participate in a fresh wave of anti-government protests, despite the ruling Republican Party's (RPA's) decision not to nominate a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Armenians have been on the streets since April 13, ever since the ruling RPA nominated former President Serzh Sargsyan for the prime minister's post. On April 23, Sargsyan stepped down after a few days in his new post, stating that «the street movement was against» him. Israel: Man stabbed near Hadar Mall, terorrism ruled out — authorities 2018-04-29 18:00 A 30-year old man was seriously injured in a stabbing near Hadar Mall in Jerusalem, Sunday. According to the reports, the victim was brought to the Shaare Tzedek Medical Center and currently is in a moderate condition. The attacker was neutralised by an off-duty police officer. Police have said that the attack was a criminal incident and excluded the possiblity of terrorism. Japan: Gigantic penis brings supposed fertility to Konsei Festival 2018-04-29 18:19 Dozens of people celebrated the Konsei Festival in the Osawa hot springs in Hanamaki on Sunday, also known as the 'penis festival' where visitors come to worship a gigantic wooden phallus. Local men carried the big wooden deity, also referred to as the “Konsei-sama”, to the rhythm of traditional music. Six women dressed in traditional costumes walked into the springs with the phallus, as a ritual to bring them fertility and safe births. Participants took turns to ride the Konsei-sama in the water. “I am getting married tomorrow, so I came here to participate and make a wish to have many children”, said one of the participants. “I want to have one more baby, so I join the festival”, added another one. The wooden phallus was finally placed on an altar, where visitors could honour it. Russia: Icebreakers festival kicks off in St. Petersburg 2018-04-29 18:47 Locals and visitors alike had a chance to visit the icebreakers docked at the Lieutenant Schmidt Embankment and the English Embankment, as the fifth 'Icebreakers Festival' kicked off in Saint Petersburg on Sunday. The icebreakers 'Krasin', 'Ivan Krusenstern', 'St.Petersburg', 'Nevskaya Zastava', 'Novorossiysk' and 'Mudyug' will be available for visitors on the Neva River for the duration of the two-day festival. Israel: 'Iran must be stopped' — Netanyahu in joint presser with Pompeo 2018-04-29 20:00 «Recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is recognising reality,» stated the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, speaking at the joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, Sunday. He underlined that the US «remains committed to achieving the lasting, comprehensive peace that offers a brighter future for Israel and Palestinians». Speaking of Iran, Pompeo pointed out that if the deal could not be fixed, Trump «is going to withdraw from the deal. He's pretty straightforward.» «The United States is with Israel in the fight and we strongly support Israel's sovereign right to defend itself,» added the US Secretary of State. Netanyahu praised the US administration for its position on Iran, for support and «the common effort which encompasses many other countries». «Iran must be stopped. Its quest for nuclear bombs must be stopped. Its aggression must be stopped and we're committed to stopping it together,» noted Netanyahu. Bosnia and Herzegovina: 100th anniversary of Gavrilo Princip’s death celebrated in hometown 2018-04-29 20:11 Hundreds of people celebrated the 100th anniversary of Gavrilo Princip's death in his Bosnian hometown of Bosansko Grahovo on Sunday. Princip, a Yugoslav nationalist living in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. Europe was plunged into four years of war soon after. The commemoration was attended by guests from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and other countries. Attendees visited Princip’s birthplace, laid flowers at the grave of his parents and held a gathering in the town’s main square. «Small places give birth to great people. Today, we are in the centre of Grahovo, in the epicentre of the world, in honour of the man whose victim caused the earth to start spinning more quickly,» said Mayor of Bosansko Grahovo, Dusko Radun. Armenia: Opposition protests continue in Yerevan 2018-04-29 21:10 Thousands of people took to the streets of Yerevan on Sunday to participate in a fresh wave of anti-government protests, despite the ruling Republican Party's (RPA's) decision not to nominate a candidate for the post of Prime Minister. Protesters blocked the roadways of the Armenian capital’s main streets and marched towards Republic Square, where opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan is expected to address his supporters in the evening. Protesters blocked the main streets in the centre of Yerevan and demonstrators sat on pedestrian crossings. Armenians have been on the streets since April 13, after the ruling RPA nominated former President Serzh Sargsyan for the prime minister's post. On April 23, Sargsyan stepped down after a few days in his new post, stating that «the street movement was against» him. Germany: Locals participate in motorcyle pilgrimage 2018-04-29 21:51 Dozens of motorcyclists flocked to the local monastery in the village of Klausen in Western Germany, Sunday to receive a blessing before the motorcycle season kicked off. The members of the local club took part in the blessing session and later went on a charity bike race through the near-by villages, called 'Tour of Hope'. On Saturday, residents of Klausen brought dozens of house animals such as horses, sheep, dogs, and others for a blessing. The tradition for blessing motorcyclists and domestic animals is called Moseleifel, it has been taking place in the village for the last few years. Armenia: 'We intend to develop relations in all directions' — Pashinyan after meeting with Russian State Duma 2018-04-29 21:59 «There won’t be any reverses and we intend to develop relations in all directions, including security and protection of the Armenian people’s interests,» said the Armenian opposition leader Nikol Pashinyan after a meeting with the Russian State Duma delegation, in Yerevan on Sunday. Commenting on his meeting with the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) parliamentary faction leader, Pashinyan noted that the RPA parliamentary faction would not prevent the elections of a Prime Minister nominated by the people, in case other factions remained faithful to their original position. Armenians have been on the streets since April 13, after the ruling RPA nominated former President Serzh Sargsyan for the prime minister's post. On April 23, Sargsyan stepped down after a few days in his new post, stating that «the street movement was against» him. Germany: 10,000 kippahs handed out in Berlin to protest recent anti-Semitic attack 2018-04-29 22:37 A group of activists travelled around Berlin's parks on Sunday afternoon, to hand kippahs out to members of the public. They organised the action in order to express their opposition to antisemitism and, in particular, to protest a recent attack on a kippah-wearing Israeli national, in a street in Berlin's Prenzlauer Berg neighbourhood. One of the activists explained the importance of making the Jewish skullcap visible on the streets of the German capital. «We would hand out kippahs to people to say that this city should not be a place where someone would be beaten up for wearing a kippa, or any other religious symbol,» he said. A Jewish tourist, from Vienna, chose to wear the kippa after being handed one by the activists. He said that he believed antisemitism may be on the rise again, «In the past few years, there's been more antisemitism and you have to be really careful because we've already seen where that leads, seventy years ago. And you have to remain vigilant. And that's the start of it where we have to strongly combat this.» Serbia: Rakija-lovers compete in annual drinking competition 2018-04-29 23:19 Rakija enthusiasts from all across Europe participated in the 15th annual Rakijada drinking competition, held in the village of Pranjani on Sunday, trying out different types of the alcoholic beverage and watching various competitions take place. Participants in the competitions were seen singing and drinking huge amounts of rakija before walking on a wooden beam and trying to balance on one foot. The winners were awarded with a small barrel of the potent spirit. Rakija is a brandy made of plumbs, pears, apples, grapes and other fruits that grow in the Balkans region. It is considered to be Serbia's national drink. Syria: SAA makes gains against IS in southern Damascus — Syrian state media 2018-04-30 00:43 According to Syrian State media, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) forces gained the majority of the industrial zone of the al-Qadam neighborhood on Sunday, aiming to consolidate its positions in the southern Damascus district and remove the last enclave in the Syrian capital of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL). Syrian state media reported that the SAA took control of large swaths of the neighbouring districts Assali and Joura on Sunday. Fighting continued in al-Hajar al-Aswad and the Palestinian refugee camp of Yarmouk. According to Syrian state media, the majority of the southern Damascus area is now under the control of the Syrian government. Italy: Far-right supporters commemorate death of Sergio Ramelli 2018-04-30 01:11 Some 1,500 far-right supporters gathered in Viale Argonne in Milan on Sunday, in commemoration of the 43rd anniversary of the death of far-right activist Sergio Ramelli in April 29, 1975. Far-right supporters marched with red roses and gathered in the church of San Nereo to commemorate the death of the far-right university student Sergio Ramelli. Sergio Ramelli was a 19-year-old militant from the Youth Front, the youth branch of the right-wing Italian Social Movement party; he was killed on April 29, 1975, in Milan in a political assassination at the hand of militants belonging to the left-wing Workers Vanguard. Syria: Explosions reported at Syrian military bases in Hama and Aleppo 2018-04-30 01:57 Footage allegedly shows a large explosion at a Syrian military base in the province of Hama, following reports of missile attacks at multiple locations in the country on Sunday. Syrian state news agency reported massive explosions in the provinces of Hama and Aleppo at 10:30 local time (7:30 GMT). Some reports in the Israeli media have suggested that the Israeli military may be behind the airstrikes. According to Syrian media reports, the strikes targeted Iranian facilities. Syria: Footage captures large explosions at Syrian military base in Hama 2018-04-30 02:59 Footage shows several explosions at a Syrian military base in the province of Hama, following reports of missile attacks at multiple locations in the country on Sunday. Syrian state news agency reported massive explosions in the provinces of Hama and Aleppo at 10:30 local time (7:30 GMT). Some reports in the Israeli media have suggested that the Israeli military may be behind the airstrikes. According to Syrian media reports, the strikes targeted Iranian facilities. Mexico: Caravan asylum-seekers climb Mexico-US border fence 2018-04-30 03:01 A caravan of hundreds of Central-America asylum-seekers rallied at the US-Mexico border in Tijuana, across from San Diego, on Sunday, in an effort to pressure the US government to accept their asylum claims. Hundreds climbed the barbed wire fence separating them from a new life on American soil to protest US immigration policy, after travelling north for over a month from Central America. Scores of activists from organisations like People without Borders (Pueblos Sin Fronteras) gathered at the border to support the newcomers and provide them with tents and shelter. Several caravans have ventured toward the US border in the past several years, but this caravan has attracted additional attention due to US President Donald Trump’s tightened immigration policy and tweets on the matter. Donald Trump pressured Mexico to withhold the caravan from reaching the border and then took to Twitter to say: «I have instructed the Secretary of Homeland Security not to let these large Caravans of people into our Country. It is a disgrace. We are the only Country in the World so naive! WALL.» Mandatory Credit: Twitter via Alexandra Mendoza (@alemend) |
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