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Мэй: я отдала приказ вооруженным силам приступить к операции в Сирии

Мэй: я отдала приказ вооруженным силам приступить к операции в Сирии
2018-04-14 05:38
Премьер-министр Великобритании Тереза Мэй сообщила, что отдала приказ вооруженным силам страны присоединиться к ударам Соединенных Штатов по САР.

Антонов: действия США, Британии и Франции в Сирии не останутся без последствий
2018-04-14 07:29
Посол РФ в США Анатолий Антонов прокомментировал операцию в Сирии, отметив, что действия США, Великобритании и Франции не останутся без последствий. Вся ответственность за авиаудары лежит на этих трех странах.

Syria: US, UK and France launch airstrikes on Damascus
2018-04-14 07:46
The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites. The strikes are a response to a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication'.

Syria: US-led 'precision' strikes target Damascus
2018-04-14 07:56
The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites. The strikes are a response to a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication'.

Syria: Defiant Damascus residents rail against US-led air strikes
2018-04-14 08:07

Syria: Damascus residents gather at Umayyad Square to decry US-led airstrikes
2018-04-14 09:37
Protesters carrying Russian, Iranian, Syrian and Hezbullah flags rallied against US-led airstrikes at Umayyad Square in Damascus on Saturday. The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

Syria: British Tornados fighter jets prepare for bombing raid on Homs, Syria
2018-04-14 09:42
British Royal Air Force Tornado GR4 fighter jets were captured at the United Kingdom's Norfolk military Air Base, Friday overnight, ahead of a bombing raid on a Syrian military base in Homs. Four British RAF Tornado jets were used in the mission to bomb Homs using Storm Shadow missiles, as the US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.' Mandatory Credit: «© UK Crown copyright 2018», and news usage only

Syria: Syrian Presidency releases footage of Bashar al-Assad following airstrikes
2018-04-14 10:01
The Syrian Presidency released footage on Twitter showing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad walking in an administrative building in Damascus, Saturday, following US-led airstrikes against his country. The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.' Mandatory Credit: Syrian Presidency

США и их союзники выпустили более 100 ракет по девяти целям в Сирии
2018-04-14 10:18
Значительная часть из более чем 100 выпущенных по Сирии ракет была сбита сирийской ПВО на подлете к целям.

МИД РФ: удар по Сирии произошел тогда, когда у страны появился шанс на мирное будущее
2018-04-14 10:19
Официальный представитель МИД РФ Мария Захарова заявила, что удар по Сирии произошел именно тогда, когда у страны появился шанс на мирное будущее. При этом, как подчеркнула Захарова, Соединенные Штаты Америки должны осознавать всю ответственность за совершенные действия.

Макрон: удары по Сирии — не разовая акция
2018-04-14 10:21
Франция поддержала решение США ударить по Сирии. В Париже не захотели ждать доклада Организации по запрещению химического оружия. Как Франция аргументировала свое решение принять участие в военной операции против Сирии?

Гутерреш: всем странам следует проявить сдержанность после ударов Запада по Сирии
2018-04-14 10:21
Всем странам следует проявить сдержанность и избегать роста напряжения после ударов Запада по территории Сирии. Об этом заявил Генеральный секретарь ООН Антониу Гутерреш. Он напомнил, что ответственность за поддержание мира лежит на Совете Безопасности ООН.

Syria: US-UK-France launched 110 missiles at Syria — Syrian General
2018-04-14 10:22
The General Command of Army and Armed Forces of Syria issued a statement from Damascus, Saturday, following US-led airstrikes against Syria. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces stated that 110 missiles were launched at Syria by the United States, United Kingdom and France. According to local authorities, missiles also struck a research centre in Barzeh, which included an educational centre and scientific laboratories. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces added that such attacks will not deter the Syrian Armed Forces from continuing to crush the remaining armed militants along the Syrian territory. The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

«Ночной аттракцион с ракетами в Сирии» привлек массовую аудиторию
2018-04-14 10:24
Жители Дамаска отнеслись к бомбежкам города, как к «дурному аттракциону», сообщает народный корреспондент «ЭкоГрада» из Сирии. Многие с крыш домов могли наблюдать, как сбивают американские, французские и английские ракеты. Других сирена застала во время возвращения из мест увеселения. Источник в правительстве Сирии утверждает, что ПВО сбили около трети выпущенных ракет. Минобороны: В отражении ракетного удара были задействованы сирийские средства ПВО С-125, С-200, «Бук» и «Квадрат». Данные комплексы ПВО были произведены более 30 лет назад в Советском СоюзеСША и союзники выпустили более сотни крылатых ракет и ракет класса «воздух-земля», сообщает министерство обороны РФ. Напомним, в субботу, в 4 утра США, Франция и Великобритания нанесли удары по Сирии. «По военным и гражданским объектам Сирийской Арабской Республики воздушными и морскими носителями США, Великобритании, Франции и было выпущено более 100 крылатых ракет и ракет класса «воздух-земля», — говорится в заявлении российского военного ведомства. О начале военной операции в САР объявил американский президент Дональд Трамп. Поводом стали сообщения о применении химоружия в Восточной Гуте на прошлой неделе.

Французские бомбардировщики перед ударами по Сирии
2018-04-14 10:26
Правительство Франции распространило видео ВВС страны перед ударами по химическим объектам режима Асада (AFP).

Мэй: нет практической альтернативы использованию силы
2018-04-14 10:32
Тереза Мэй возложила ответственность на Россию за то, что западной коалиции пришлось применить силу в Сирии.

Удары по Сирии: противники и сторонники
2018-04-14 10:34
Нанесение ударов по Сирии осудили, в частности, Белоруссия, Иран, Боливия, Куба. Турция, напротив, поддержала действия США и их партнеров. Канада, Япония и Чехия также приветствовали атаку. Министр обороны Австралии Марис Пейн заявила, что удар был тщательно подготовлен.

Эксперт: Блокировка Telegram — политическая цель Путина
2018-04-14 10:44
Профессор Университета Джорджа Вашингтона Роберт Орттунг считает, что блокировка мессенджера Telegram в России носит политический характер.

В Казахстане начали переводить книги с языка оригинала вместо русского
2018-04-14 10:50
В Казахстане впервые перевели учебные пособия и мировую классику с языка оригинала на казахский. До этого вся имевшаяся литература переводилась лишь с русского языка. По словам ученых, при таком переводе иногда даже искажался смысл.

Для большинства американцев удары по Сирии были неожиданностью
2018-04-14 10:54
Удары по Сирии стали неожиданностью для большинства жителей США. Какова реакция политиков и простых американцев?

Дамаск: погибших в результате ракетного удара по Сирии нет
2018-04-14 11:05
Погибших в результате удара по Сирии нет, сообщили власти страны. По заявлению командования армии Арабской Республики, ущерб от нанесенных по сирийской территории ударов «ограничивается только материальными потерями». Издание САНА пишет о трех пострадавших мирных жителях. Всего атака продолжалась 50 минут.

Воздушный купол Сирии: какими силами страна может отразить атаку с воздуха
2018-04-14 11:14
В ночь на 14 апреля 4 утра по московскому времени коалиция США, Великобритании и Франции нанесла серию ракетных ударов по Сирии. Как сообщает Минобороны РФ, ПВО Сирии сбили значительную часть ракет. Какими средствами располагает армия страны для отражения атаки с воздуха?

Жители Дамаска собираются на митинг в поддержку президента и армии
2018-04-14 11:22
На площади Умавиин в центре города собираются на митинг жители Дамаска, выкрикивая лозунги в поддержку президента страны Башара Асада и вооруженных сил.

Путин назвал удар по Сирии актом агрессии
2018-04-14 11:31
Президент России Владимир Путин назвал удар западной коалиции по Сирии актом агрессии против суверенного государства, говорится в заявлении, распространенном пресс-службой Кремля.

Syria: 'Long Live Assad' — Protesters in Damascus condemn US-led strikes
2018-04-14 11:42
Hundreds of demonstrators staged a rally at Umayyad square in Damascus, Saturday, decrying the airstrike conducted by the US and its allies last night. One of the protesters said that the country was not afraid of the strike from an «ignorant lie of [the US President Donald] Trump». «We will defend it with our knowledge, education and strong Army. Syria may be sick but it will not die,» he said. Another respondent said that Syrians «condemn and denounce this assault on our country.» He added that in his opinion «Trump and his agents are losers.» The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

Провокация в Думе: свидетели рассказали, как снимали скандальное видео
2018-04-14 11:53
К провокации с химическим оружием в пригороде Дамаска причастна Великобритания, об этом заявили на брифинге Минобороны. Ведомство привело свидетельства реальных участников скандального видео от «Белых касок».

Юлия Жигулина похвалила Кострому за успехи в социальном предпринимательстве
2018-04-14 11:58
«ЭкоГрад» на полях Слета социальных предпринимателей «Региональная идентичность: поиск, развитие, успех» побеседовал с исполнительным директором российского Фонда региональных социальных программ «Наше будущее» Юлией Жигулиной. Названы следующие города, для проведения слетов. Напомним, 13 апреля 2018 года в Костроме состоялся Слет социальных предпринимателей «Региональная идентичность: поиск, развитие, успех» — это, по мнению организаторов, уникальная площадка для обмена опытом и лучшими практиками по развитию социального предпринимательства в России. На площадке Слета собрались представители органов власти и органов местного самоуправления Костромской, Ярославской и Ивановской областей, представители социально ориентированных некоммерческих организаций и институтов развития малого и среднего бизнеса, эксперты, ремесленники, промысловики. На мероприятии своим опытом с участниками поделились и представили успешные кейсы ведущие эксперты в области социального предпринимательства. Также они рассказали о том, как достичь успеха в социальном бизнесе и какие есть меры поддержки в таком виде бизнеса. В день проведения Слета была организована выставка-ярмарка товаров и услуг социальных предпринимателей региона.

Peru: Summit of the Americas kicks off inaugural day in Lima
2018-04-14 12:12
Government leaders of North, Central, and South America convened in Lima on Friday, for the eighth Summit of the Americas. The Summit kicked off amid political turmoil caused by a multitude of corruption scandal allegations with President of Peru Martin Vizcarra saying in his opening speech «We are clear that corruption is one of the greatest obstacles to the development and effective enjoyment of human rights.» The Summit also addressed the ongoing crisis in Syria with Luis Almagro, Secretary-General of Organisation of American States (OAS) saying, «An extreme example of the most despised disregard for human rights that dictatorships are capable of is the Syrian government's chemical weapons attack against its own population in the face of these crimes of humility. We cannot remain silent. We must take action.»

Путин: ракетный удар США и союзников — акт агрессии против Сирии
2018-04-14 12:31
Владимир Путин назвал нанесенный США, Великобританией и Францией удар по объектам в Сирии «актом агрессии против суверенного государства» и обвинил Вашингтон в «потакании террористам». По мнению президента России, США «еще больше усугубляют гуманитарную катастрофу в Сирии», а от их действий страдают мирные граждане. Путин заявил, что Россия созывает экстренное заседание Совета безопасности ООН. Темой обсуждения, по словам главы российского государства, станут «агрессивные действия США и их союзников». В ночь на субботу корабли и военные самолеты США совместно с военно-воздушными силами Великобритании и Франции нанесли ракетный удар по объектам в Сирии. По заявлениям американской стороны, целью атаки стали предприятия и склады, связанные с разработкой и изготовлением химического оружия.

Mediterranean Sea: France launches missiles as Rafale fighter jets prepare to bomb Damascus
2018-04-14 12:41
French Dassault Rafale fighter jets were captured preparing to launch airstrikes against Syria at a French aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean Sea, Friday night, ahead of a bombing raid against Damascus. Footage also captured missiles being fired from the French Naval cruiser in the early hours of Saturday. The US, UK and France have launched strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.' Mandatory Credit: Etat-major des armées — Restrictions: Must be removed from all platforms in 30 days on 14 May, 2018

Захарова: Запад обосновал удар по Сирии данными из соцсетей
2018-04-14 12:51
Удар США по Сирии — грубое и наглое нарушение международного права, заявила официальный представитель МИД РФ Мария Захарова в экстренном выпуске программы «60 минут».

Появились первые кадры с разбомбленного аэродрома Меззе
2018-04-14 12:52
Появились первые кадры с разбомбленного аэродрома Меззе. Как можно увидеть на видеозаписи, по аэродрому передвигается комплекс ПВО С-200. Не исключено, что зенитчики занимают позиции для отражения новой возможной атаки западных сил.

Syria: Mezzeh airbase damaged in US-led airstrikes
2018-04-14 13:07
Footage from Saturday, shows Syria's Mezzeh military airbase in Damascus, damaged after US-led airstrikes were launched against the country. The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces stated that 110 missiles were launched at Syria by the United States, United Kingdom and France. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces added that such attacks will not deter the Syrian Armed Forces from continuing to crush the remaining armed militants along the Syrian territory. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

Франция заявила о легитимности ракетного удара по Сирии
2018-04-14 13:14
Франция опубликовала доклад, в котором, как утверждает Пятая республика, содержатся доказательства применения химического оружия в Сирии. При этом на специальном брифинге министр иностранных дел Франции и министр обороны заявили, что акция, проведенная в Сирии, была полностью легитимной.

Под антироссийский удар США попали их союзники
2018-04-14 13:16
Россия держит оборону от США на экономическом фронте, после того как проявились следствия принятых новых санкций. Курс доллара рос. Однако позже наступила коррекция. Как это удалось? И что ждать дальше? Об этом «Вестям в субботу» рассказал министр финансов Антон Силуанов.

Иван Коновалов: политической целью атаки на Сирию была Россия
2018-04-14 15:09
О целях, которые США и их союзники преследовали в ракетной атаке на Сирию, и реакции мирового сообщества в интервью «России 24» рассказал директор Центра стратегической конъюнктуры Иван Коновалов.

Syria: Mezzeh airbase hit by US-led airstrikes in Damascus *STILLS*
2018-04-14 15:25
The Russian Ministry of Defence released still images on Saturday, reportedly showing damage to Syria's Mezzeh military airbase in Damascus, which was targetted by US-led airstrikes launched against the country. The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces stated that 110 missiles were launched at Syria by the United States, United Kingdom and France. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces added that such attacks will not deter the Syrian Armed Forces from continuing to crush the remaining armed militants along the Syrian territory. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

Россия, Китай и Иран осудили ракетный удар по Сирии
2018-04-14 15:29
Россия представит в Совете Безопасности ООН не просто «словесные и политические аргументы», а доказательства незаконности удара США и их союзников по Сирии. Об этом рассказала журналистам официальный представитель российского МИДа Мария Захарова. Агрессию против Сирии осуждают в Пекине, Тегеране и, конечно, в самом Дамаске.

Italy: 'Italy won’t target Syria' — PM Gentiloni on US-led airstrikes on Syria
2018-04-14 15:44
«Our traditional support [of the US] does not in any way mean that we would start operations from Italian bases directly targeting Syria,» Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said in an address from Palazzo Chigi in Rome on Saturday. Gentiloni's remarks came after the USA, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple Syrian government targets early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

Встреча Путина и Собянина состоялась в Кремле
2018-04-14 16:03
Президент РФ и мэр столицы обсудили развитие мегаполиса.

Евгений Спицын. «История СССР. № 125. Новый виток борьбы за власть и «Крымская эпопея» Н.С.Хрущева»
2018-04-14 16:11
Сто двадцать пятая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная новому витку борьбы за власть и «Крымской эпопее» Н.С.Хрущева в 1953-1955 гг. Уважаемые друзья! На сайте издательства «Концептуал» можно приобрести пятитомник «История России» Е.Ю. Спицына без торговой наценки: https://konzeptual.ru/spicyn-eju-istorija-rossii-komplekt-iz-5-tomov?utm_source=dentv_youtube #ДеньТВ #Спицын #историяРоссии #СССР #Хрущев #Маленков #Крым #аграрныйвопрос #сельскоехозяйство #КПСС #Советминистров #целина #передачаКрыма #ЮрийЖуков #УССР

Syria: US-led airstrike destroys research centre in Barzeh — authorities *EXCLUSIVE*
2018-04-14 16:13
Footage from Saturday reportedly shows the destruction and damage caused to the northern Damascus district of Barzeh, which was targeted by US-led airstrikes. According to local authorities, missiles struck a research centre in Barzeh, which included an educational centre and scientific laboratories The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces stated that 110 missiles were launched at Syria by the three permanent members of the UN Security Council. The General Command of Army and Armed Forces added that such attacks will not deter the Syrian Armed Forces from continuing to crush the remaining armed militants along the Syrian territory. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

Азербайджанские журналисты сорвали пресс-конференцию международных наблюдателей
2018-04-14 16:18
Журналисты не захотели слушать доклад о нарушениях в xоде президентских выборов. Представителям миссии наблюдателей пришлось покинуть зал.

«Дороги к свободе»: Новая армия, новый шеврон
2018-04-14 16:25
Как меняется образ и символика украинской армии? Собеседник Виталия Портникова — историк Василий Павлов.

Зюганов назвал атаку на Сирию бандитским налетом
2018-04-14 16:50
14 апреля в 4 утра по московскому времени коалиция США, Великобритании и Франции нанесла серию ракетных ударов по Сирии. О начале операции объявил президент США Дональд Трамп. Вслед за ним участие подтвердили Лондон и Париж. Ракетную атаку на Сирию прокомментировал в эфире «России 24» лидер КПРФ Геннадий Зюганов.

USA: ‘Precise, overwhelming, effective’ — Pentagon on US-led Syria airstrikes
2018-04-14 16:51
Pentagon spokesperson Dana White and Joint Staff Director Lt. General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. briefed reporters in Arlington, VA on Saturday, following US-led airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus.

Яковенко напомнил, что Россия ждет итогов расследования ОЗХО
2018-04-14 16:53
Посол России в Великобритании также осудил атаку по Сирии. Александр Яковенко напомнил американцам, как они наносили удары в Югославии, Ливии и Ираке без всяких доказательств, и в очередной раз отметил, что Россия ждет итогов расследования ОЗХО.

Путин не стал «заниматься лирикой» с Собяниным
2018-04-14 16:57
Президент России Владимир Путин на встрече с мэром Москвы Сергеем Собяниным отметил хорошее финансовое состояние столицы. Это, в частности, самый низкий показатель безработицы в стране, рост валового регионального продукта и инвестиции в основной капитал выше средних по стране. По мнению президента, это — одна из заслуг столичных властей.

UK: 'Russia to convene UNSC meeting over Syria aggression' — Yakovenko
2018-04-14 16:58
«Russia will convene an emergency meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the aggressive actions by the US and its allies,» said the Russian Ambassador to the UK Alexander Yakovenko in London on Saturday. He outlined that the US-led airstrike on Syria «was committed without a mandate from the UN Security Council and in violation of the UN charter and the norms and the principles of international law.» The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs.

Справка: самые масштабные случаи применения силы США и НАТО
2018-04-14 17:06
Удар по Сирии — далеко не первое применение силы США и НАТО против других стран. Самые масштабные случаи за последние десятилетия — в справке «России 24».

Take a look at this WWII Tiger tank, under decade-long restoration
2018-04-14 17:11
The restoration work on one of the biggest Second World War-era German tanks, the Tiger II, was shown to the media in a fortress museum Full-Reuenthal on Saturday. The restoration process has taken ten years, and is still not completed. The museum keeps the 'King Tiger' tank on permanent loan from the Swiss army. Restoration worker Bernd Kubiak stated that the restoration was originally planned to be completed in five years. However, due to the sheer scale of the project, the restoration workers quickly realised it would take much longer. «We quickly deviated from that course and then said that it would take 10 years. But these ten years have lapsed and, as you can see, there is still a lot of work to do,» Kubiak explained.

Лавров: удар по Сирии обосновали смешным видео и секретами
2018-04-14 17:25
Глава МИД РФ Сергей Лавров назвал действия США и их союзников в Сирии неприемлемыми и неправомерными. Об этом он заявил в субботу на 26-й Ассамблее Совета по внешней и оборонной политике (СВОП).

«Фанимани»: Чем грозит очередной обвал рубля
2018-04-14 17:40
Чем грозит россиянам очередной обвал рубля? Как граждане готовы помочь резко обедневшим миллиардерам? Каким будет ответ России на американские санкции? И как можно заработать миллионы на веселых картинках в интернете? Самые интересные события недели из мира денег и экономики — в программе «Фанимани».

В Солсбери использовалось вещество BZ, бывшее на вооружении США и Великобритании
2018-04-14 18:00
В Солсбери могло быть использовано отравляющее вещество BZ, которое было на вооружении США и Британии, заявил министр иностранных дел Сергей Лавров в ходе своего выступления на ассамблее Совета по внешней и оборонной политике (СВОП).

Жители Дамаска вышли на митинг, чтобы поддержать президента и армию
2018-04-14 18:02
Удар по Сирии не вызвал страха у жителей Дамаска. В центре города жители вышли на митинг в поддержку армии и президента, а на разрушенной окраине люди продолжают разбирать завалы, чтобы восстановить свои дома. Об этом рассказал депутат Госдумы Дмитрий Белик — он сейчас находится в составе делегации российских парламентариев в Сирии.

США били по сирийским войскам, но целью назвали разгром ИГ
2018-04-14 18:03
Удары США и их союзников по Сирии — оправданный и пропорциональный ответ правительству Арабской Республики на «продолжение использования химического оружия против собственного народа». Об этом заявила на брифинге для журналистов в Пентагоне официальный представитель ведомства Дана Уайт.

USA: 'Mission accomplished, we hit the heart' — Pentagon on airstrikes
2018-04-14 18:32
SOT, Lt. General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. Joint Staff Director: «I'm saying that there is a residual element of the Syrian programme that is out there. I believe that we took the heart of it out with the attacks that we accomplished last night. I'm not gonna said that they are going to be unable to continue to conduct a chemical attack in the future, I suspect, however, that they'll think long and hard about it after the activity of last night.» *MULTIPLE SHOTS AT SOURCE* Pentagon spokesperson Dana White and Lt. General Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. briefed reporters in Arlington, VA on Saturday following US-led airstrikes against multiple government targets in Syria. *SCRIPT TO FOLLOW*

Japan: Thousands demand PM Abe's resignation amid corruption scandal
2018-04-14 18:42
Thousands attended a protest in front the National Diet Building in Tokyo on Saturday to demand the resignation of the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe over an ongoing corruption scandal. Protesters carried signs reading 'Abe is over', pushed fences over, marched and danced. The Japanese finance ministry admitted that it had tampered with documents in the high-profile cronyism scandal. However, former Finance Ministry official Nobuhisa Sagawa stated under oath that Abe and his wife were not involved in the falsification of the documents during a sworn testimony on Tuesday. Abe's wife Akie stands accused of pushing for the heavily-discounted sale of public land to a right-wing primary school. When the scandal first emerged last year, it caused a slump the ruling party's ratings.

International Waters: US cruiser launches missiles against Damascus
2018-04-14 18:53
A USS Monterey guided-missile cruiser from the US Navy reportedly launched a Tomahawk projectile against government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning from international waters in the Arabian Sea. USS Monterey is deployed in the US 5th Fleet area of operations in support of ‘maritime security’ aiming to reassure allies and partners. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.'

UN: US and allies 'ignored calls for sanity' — Russia's rep. Nebenzya
2018-04-14 19:02
Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya said Washington, London and Paris 'chose to ignore calls for sanity' during a meeting United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting in New York on Friday. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held an emergency meeting in New York City on Saturday, April 14, at Russia's request after the airstrikes launched by the US, UK and France struck targets n Syria. *FULL SCRIPT TO FOLLOW*

Russia: Western countries’ actions in Syria unacceptable and unlawful — Lavrov
2018-04-14 19:23
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called US-led airstrikes in Syria 'absolutely unacceptable' and 'unlawful' while speaking at the External Defence Policy Council meeting in Moscow on Saturday. According to Lavrov, the US and French Presidents as well as the British Prime Minister have been saying recently that they have «irrefutable facts that chemical weapons were used in Douma by Bashar al-Assad.» He mentioned that Russia «heard the same things just over a year ago» when it was reported by the White Helmets that sarin has been used in Khan Shaykhun in Idlib province, and how Russia's «western partners immediately jumped at it and began to present very doubtful videos, same as in case of Douma, as irrefutable facts.» According to Russian top diplomat, US-led coalition «justifies the airstrike» by providing a video which is «funny enough for professionals.» The US, UK and France have launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are a response to the claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication.»

Russia: Hundreds demand closure of Yadrovo waste landfill
2018-04-14 20:07
Up to 500 people gathered in Volokolamsk on Saturday to protest against overfilled rubbish landfills and demand the closure of the Yadrovo facility located near a residential area. Protesters with masks and banners protested the foul odour coming from the dump. One of the activists said that it is necessary to protest since one person can’t close the landfill. Ex-presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak expressed her shock about the ‘way the authorities treat people’ and added that ‘we should solve this issue despite our political preferences.’ Head of the Moscow Region Governor’s Administration Mikhail Kuznetsov apologised for the landfill that has caused ‘so much trouble’ and added ‘we will do everything possible and impossible so that this odour will never be in your life.’ The Yadrovo landfill site in Volokolamsk released a wave of gas on 21 March, causing locals symptoms such as headache, stomach ache and nausea. Volokolamsk residents have been repeatedly calling for the plant’s closure due to the foul odour in the area that has caused allergic reactions and health issues to the locals.

Germany: Airstrikes against Syria is warning to Assad regime — FM Maas
2018-04-14 20:29
German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas gave a statement to the press, in Berlin, on Saturday afternoon, to comment of the recent US-led airstrikes in Syria. Maas stated that the airstrikes by the USA, UK and France should act as a deterrent. He said that the action “warns the Assad regime against further violations, and — with that — would hinder a repetition of this suffering caused by chemical weapons.” However, he also stressed the importance of finding a political solution to the ongoing conflict in Syria. “Long-term peace can only be brought by a political solution. Because of this, the political process needs a renewed impetus in order to put an end to the conflict in Syria,” he said. Maas also mentioned that Russia needs to play a key role in ongoing negotiations, saying, «We will also use our bilateral contacts and channels with Moscow, so as to bring Russia to a constructive position. Whether we like it or not, without Russia, the political process will not be successful.» The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs.

UN: US 'locked-and-loaded' after Trump draws red line on Syria — Haley
2018-04-14 20:45

South Africa: Thousands mourn Winnie Mandela at public funeral
2018-04-14 20:52
Tens of thousands of South Africans filled the Orlando Stadium in the Johannesburg township of Soweto on Saturday for the funeral service of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, an anti-apartheid activist and ex-wife of former South African president Nelson Mandela. President Cyril Ramaphosa, dignitaries from around the continent and many of South Africa's most famous political and cultural figures participated in the ceremony. Madikizela-Mandela's coffin, draped in the South African flag, was transported from her home to the stadium in the same hearse that had carried the remains of Mandela. Mandela died in the early hours of April 3 at the Milpark Hospital in Johannesburg after a long illness at the age of 81.

Belgium: NATO 'fully' supports US-led airstrikes against Damascus
2018-04-14 21:04
Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg said that the organisation fully backed the US-led airstrikes launched by the US, UK and France against alleged chemical sites in Damascus on Saturday, during a press conference in Brussels on Saturday. “All NATO allies expressed their full support for the last night's actions, which were intended to degrade the Syrian regime's chemical weapons capability and to deter further chemical weapons attacks against the people of Syria,» Stoltenberg said. NATO Secretary-General stated that “NATO fully supports the efforts led by the United Nations to achieve a lasting political solution to the conflict in Syria,” and called on “all supporters of the Syrian regime, notably Russia, to exercise responsibility to ensure that the Syrian regime participates constructively in the UN-led Geneva process.” “We were briefed by the three allies, they have provided a lot of information, we have no reason to doubt the assessments and the findings of our allies,” Stoltenberg added.

Russia: 'It is impossible to be silent' — Patriarch Kirill on airstrikes in Syria
2018-04-14 21:14
«It is impossible to be silent when such things as Syria are happening,» said Patriarch Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, on Saturday following the airstrikes launched on Syria by the US, UK and France. Patriarch Kirill held a conversation with his Orthodox counterparts from the Middle East where they discussed the current situation in Syria. He said: «It is obvious that people are suffering, and the Church's message to the world is always connected with the peace and justice.» The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs.

Russia: 'Simply unacceptable' — US Ambassador explains airstrikes on Syria
2018-04-14 21:25
«I wanted to be sure that you heard directly why the United States and others have resolved to take the actions that we have in Syria,» said the US Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman regarding US-led airstrikes in a statement released by the US Embassy in Moscow on Saturday. He went on to say the 'chemical weapons attack by the Syrian regime against innocent civilians' in the city of Douma on April 7 was 'horrifying and required an immediate response from the international community.' Huntsman mentioned that the United States has called on all members of the international community to «hold the perpetrators of these horrific attacks accountable,» and added «our allies agreed on the necessity for a strong, joint response.» The US Ambassador reaffirmed that the United States 'communicated with the Russian Federation to reduce the danger of any Russian or civilian casualties' before they took action. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are in response to the claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication.»

UN: Charters not for ‘protecting criminals’ — France's Delattre on Assad
2018-04-14 21:36

Germany: ‘Trump out of Syria’ — Protest against US strikes held in Berlin
2018-04-14 21:47
Supporters of the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad gathered in front of the US Embassy in central Berlin on Saturday to protest against the US-led airstrikes on multiple government targets in Damascus. People united under motto: 'Hands off Syria,' holding Syrian and Russian flags and banners reading: 'Erdogan and Trump out of Syria.' The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are in response to the claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication.»

France: Thousands gather to ‘stop Macron’ in Marseilles after Syria strikes
2018-04-14 22:03
Thousands of people from unions and political parties gathered in Marseilles on Saturday to protest against French President Emmanuel Macron following airstrikes on Syria among other issues such as labour reforms. Among the frontrunners of the protest was Jean-Luc Melenchon, leader of the leftist party France Insoumise. Melenchon was there in support of the protest against the President and to gain steam for a planned grand protest that will be held in Paris on May 5. He also commented on the Syria strikes led by the US, UK and France, saying: «The President of the Republic says he has proofs that Assad's government used chemicals weapons then he has to show proof. I remember of the weapons we were supposed to find in Iraq. Nobody found them.»

Russia: Swiss experts say Skripal toxin was 'in service' in US, UK — Lavrov
2018-04-14 22:12
A 'BZ nerve agent' that was developed for the US and UK armed forces was found in the Skripal poisoning samples, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced at the XXVI Assembly of the Foreign and Defence Policy Council in Moscow on Saturday. The FM explained that experts from the Swiss Centre for Radiological and Chemical-Bacteriological Analysis presented the latest results of the Skripal case. “Summarising the results of the expertise conducted, a toxic chemical substance BZ and its precursor were found in the samples, that are related to chemical weapons of the second category in accordance with the Convention on the chemical weapons prohibition,” said Lavrov. He continued saying: “The given formula was in operational service of the US army, the UK and other NATO countries, there were no developments and accumulations of this substance in the Soviet Union or Russia.”

Germany: Anti-EU rightist rally met by counter-protest in Dortmund
2018-04-14 22:30
Some 600 right-wing protesters held an anti-Europe rally titled ‘Wake up Europe!’ in Dortmund on Saturday and were met with an antifa counter-protest. Right-wing protesters marched with flags and banners reading ‘Europe, Wake Up’ while they stomped on European Union flags. Hundreds of antifa counter-protesters gathered to protest against the right-wing rally, chanting at the anti-European supporters. Police were deployed and blocked the counter-protest from reaching the rally.

UN: Syria strikes 'message' for terrorists to continue — Bashar Jaafari
2018-04-14 22:44
The US-led airstrikes against Syria were 'another message to the terrorists groups that they can continue to use chemical weapons,' declared Damascus' envoy to the UN Bashar Jaafari in New York City on Saturday. Jaafari said that the three states, the UK, USA were 'not interested in a transparent and independent investigation' of the OPCW team, who had arrived in Damascus on Saturday in order to investigate chemical attack in Douma in response to the invitation of the Syrian government. The Syrian Ambassador blamed Washington, London and Paris in attempt to put pressure on experts from the Organisation of Prohibition of Chemical Weapon and to undermine their work before results come out 'in order to conceal their lies and fabrications.' He also rhetorically asked why the Western powers, who claimed they targeted chemical weapons production facilities in Saturday attack, did not share their evidence and information on their location with the OPCW. Jaafari also called the strikes an attack not only on Syria but on the United Nations charter and on the Security Council, and demanded the international community to 'strongly condemn that aggression', noting it would not lead to 'anything but more tensions in the region and the whole world' and posed a threat to international security and peace. The Security Council meeting on Syria, called by Russia following airstrikes launched by the United States, Great Britain and France on Syrian civil and military facilities.

UN: Security Council rejects Russian resolution against Syria strikes
2018-04-14 22:48
The United Nations Security Council voted against a Russian resolution to condemn the US-led airstrikes on Syria by 8:3 at meeting in New York City on Saturday. Russia called for an emergency meeting to file a resolution condemning the actions of three permanent UN members, the United States, Britain and France, against alleged chemical targets in Damascus on Saturday morning. The UNSC rejected the motion with three votes in favour, eight against and four abstentions.

Armenia: Opponents of fmr pres Sargsyan seize state radio station
2018-04-14 22:59
Protesters against the candidacy of former Armenian president Serzh Sargsyan as prime minister of Armenia rushed into Public Radio of Armenia offices and took control, in Yerevan on Saturday. Reportedly, the protest was organised by the opposition representative Nikol Pashinyan, head of the parliamentary faction Elk. He broke into the building with other demonstrators with the guards unable not stop them. Pashinyan demanded to let him go live. He explained his actions with a will to fight the «information blockade.» Earlier in the week, board members of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) have unilaterally approved the candidacy of Sargsyan for the post of prime minister. Parliament is to vote on the candidacy on April 17.

Germany: 15,000 protest skyrocketing property costs in Berlin
2018-04-14 23:06
According to police 15,000 people protested the rising cost of housing in Berlin on Saturday, amid concerns over gentrification. Berliners called on the city government to address skyrocketing housing costs since, according to a recent report, Berlin has had the biggest price hikes in the world. Berlin property prices increased more than in any other major city in 2017 as a study from property consultancy Knight Frank recently reported. The 'Global Residential Cities Index' found average property prices in the German capital increased by 20.5 percent, two percentage points more than Izmir, Turkey, which ranked second. In the German capital, rentals increased by three percent between 2012 and 2017 (TAG Immobilien AG). Three other German cities ranked in the top 10: Hamburg had the seventh highest housing price increase at 14.1 percent, followed by Munich in eighth (13.8 percent) and Frankfurt in 10th (13.4 percent).

USA: Scores march against Syria strikes in front of White House
2018-04-14 23:12
Hundreds of protesters gathered in front of the White House in Washington DC on Saturday to protest against the US-led airstrikes in Syria. Many of the protesters were holding banners and flags against the war on Syria while others used words of civil right activist Martin Luther King Jr., a week after the fiftieth anniversary of his death. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are in response to the claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication.»

Germany: Anti-migrant rally in Cottbus demands closed borders
2018-04-14 23:15
Hundreds of right-wing supporters gathered in front of the Stadthalle (City Hall) in Cottbus on Saturday, to protest against refugees in Germany and to demand that the state closes its borders. Far-right groups and supporters of the Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the West (PEGIDA) movement gathered in front of the venue with banners and flags to protest against 'violent refugees.'

UN: 'Imperialists!' — Bolivian Ambassodr Soliz slams US-led strikes in Syria
2018-04-14 23:34
The Bolivian Ambassador to the UN Sacha Sergio Llorenty Soliz criticised the US-led airstrike in Syria during a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) meeting in New York on Saturday. Soliz called the perpetrators of the attack 'imperialists' saying the «the interest of those that use unilaterally the power, and violate the United Nations Charter, is not to advance democracy, not to advance liberty, not to fight against the use of chemical weapons, their objective is expand their power and expand their domination.» The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) held an emergency meeting in New York City on Saturday, April 14, at Russia's request after the airstrikes launched by the US, UK and France struck targets in Syria.

Greece: Hundreds attend funeral procession for fallen Greek pilot
2018-04-14 23:43
Hundreds attended the military funeral of the fallen Greek pilot Yiorgos Baltadoros in Karditsa on Saturday, who lost his life after his plane crashed on Thursday over the Aegean Sea. A military funeral was held to honour the fallen pilot with hundreds of relatives, friends and colleagues attending followed by a funeral procession with a marching band which led him at his final resting place. Numerous politicians attended the pilot’s funeral including Greek Minister of Defence Panos Kammenos. The 34-year-old pilot from the Greek Air Forces was killed after his plane fell in the sea near the island of Skyros while he was attempting landing on Thursday, April 12.

State of Palestine: Scores hit Ramallah streets to decry US-led airstrikes in Syria
2018-04-15 01:09
Scores of people hit the streets of the Palestinian city of Ramallah, in the central West Bank on Saturday, to protest against the US-led airstrikes on multiple government targets in Damascus. Demonstrators held banners and chanted slogans, condemning the US intervention in the region and expressing solidarity with the Syrian government. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are in response to the claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication».

Turkey: Erdogan says Syria strikes 'appropriate'
2018-04-15 02:01
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan welcomed the US-led airstrikes on multiple government targets in Damascus, calling the operation «appropriate.» He made the statement when speaking at a meeting of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AK) in Istanbul on Saturday. Erdogan said that «it was unthinkable for such an attack, which the regime has committed numerous times before, to go unanswered.» He went on to say that «there is no way we can approve of the situation encountered by children as a result of the use of chemicals weapons. Whoever the perpetrators they should pay a price.» The Turkish president also said he had a «sleepless night» as he monitored the developments. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The airstrikes are in response to the claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication».

Peru: Pence calls on Latin America to back US-led strikes in Syria
2018-04-15 02:11
United States Vice-President Mike Pence urged Latin American nations to publicly back air strikes against alleged chemical weapons facilities in Syria, during a speech to the Summit of the Americas in Lima on Saturday. «I call upon every nation in this hemisphere of freedom to support this military action taken by the United States and its allies and to support it publicly,» Pence told delegates. So far, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos have been the only figures to voice their support for US-led air strikes. Bolivia and Cuba strongly condemned the intervention in Syria as evidence of US imperialism, while Brazil, Argentina and summit hosts Peru have made pleas for caution. The US, UK and France launched air strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The air strikes are a response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication».

Peru: Trudeau backs Syrian air strikes
2018-04-15 02:39
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau gave his support for US-led air strikes against alleged chemical weapons facilities in Syria, during a speech to the Summit of the Americas in Lima on Saturday. «Canada stands with our friends in this necessary response and we condemn in the strongest possible terms the use of chemical weapons,» Trudeau told delegates. The US, UK and France launched air strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The air strikes are a response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication».

Greece: Athenians burn US flag outside US embassy against Syria strikes
2018-04-15 02:43
Hundreds of protesters burned the USA flag in front of the US embassy in Athens on Saturday, to condemn the US-led airstrikes on Syria. The protest was reportedly organised by the Greek Communist Party. Demonstrators rallied at Syntagma Square in central Athens before marching to the US embassy, where they were seen writing «Americans, murderers of peoples» on the pavement in red paint. Police vehicles barricaded access to the embassy. A heavy police presence was deployed to the site. Journalist and political editor Nikos Boyiopoulos said, «They are murderers, and the pretexts they are using are also baseless. We already know that for 15 years they've been searching for Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction that never were there. We know that they are searching for Gaddafi's weapons of mass destruction that never existed.» The US, UK and France launched air strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The air strikes are a response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication».

Argentina: Buenos Aires Syrian community protest outside US embassy
2018-04-15 03:04
The Syrian community in Buenos Aires gathered outside the US Embassy on Saturday to protest US-led air strikes against alleged chemical weapons facilities in Syria. Protesters waved Syrian flags and railed against foreign intervention in the Middle East. A heavy police presence prevented the march from reaching the embassy building. Yaoudat Brahim, a Syrian resident in Argentina, was critical of the latest military action. «Leave us in peace. Syria wants to live in peace, Syria wants to live quietly,» he said. The US, UK and France launched air strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The air strikes are a response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication».

France: Water cannons, tear gas deployed as clashes continue over ZAD occupation
2018-04-15 03:35
Police fired water cannons and tear gas against protesters who took to the streets of Nantes, Saturday, to show support for 'Zone a Defendre' (ZAD), a militant occupation 20 kilometres (12 miles) northwest of Notre-Dame-des-Landes. As the protest escalated, demonstrators hurled rocks and bottles at police forces, who responded with water cannons and tear gas. At least one journalist was reportedly injured by a grenade launched by police forces. The eco-activists from ZAD initially came together in 2008 to protest against a proposed airport in Nantes. The plan was recently abandoned but around 200 activists remain at the site and refuse to leave it, despite eviction orders and threats from the authorities.

USA: ‘Defend Syria, defeat US imperialism’ — NYC anti-war rally
2018-04-15 03:44
Anti-war protesters called on the world to 'defend Syria and defeat US imperialism' at a rally in Union Square, New York City, on Saturday, after coalition forces launched air strikes against alleged chemical weapons facilities in Syria. In an interview, anti-war protester Eva Sahanna said foreign intervention in the Middle East was an 'outrage'. «The United States has no right to send these air strikes over to Syria and its allies have no right to do so either,» she added. The US, UK and France launched air strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The air strikes are a response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication».

Peru: Corruption tops agenda at 8th Summit of the Americas
2018-04-15 04:52
Leaders from North, Central and South America met in Lima on Saturday for the second day of the Summit of the Americas. The main theme of the triennial conference is «Democratic Governance against Corruption». The two-day summit brought together heads of state from over 30 countries. Notable absentees included US President Donald Trump and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

USA: Pro-gun supporters rally against 'Red Flag' law in Maryland
2018-04-15 05:00
Scores of gun rights supporters rallied in the Maryland capital of Annapolis on Saturday, as part of a national rally aimed at pushing against efforts to pass stricter gun-control laws. Protesters gathered outside the city's State House, calling on Governor of Maryland Larry Hogan to veto the 'red flag' bill, which if passed would allow law enforcement to confiscate guns from individuals who pose a risk to themselves or others. The bill has recently passed the General Assembly. Demonstrators argued that restrictions on gun ownership or use may eventually lead to a ban on gun ownership, which is guaranteed under the US Second Amendment.

Spain: Radical left commemorates Second Spanish Republic
2018-04-15 05:58
The Spanish United Left commemorated the 87th anniversary of the Second Spanish Republic’s proclamation on 14 April 1939 in Madrid on Saturday. Republican protesters burnt images of King Felipe VI and other symbols of Francisco Franco’s military dictatorship, which brought the republic to a violent end at the conclusion of the Spanish Civil War. The far-left in Spain are among the most prominent advocates for the establishment of a Third Spanish Republic.

Hungary: Thousands flock to Budapest streets in anti-Orban demo
2018-04-15 06:07
Tens of thousands of people rallied in Budapest, Saturday, against the re-elected government of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Protesters took to the streets of the Hungarian capital against what they claimed to be an unfair electoral system, which enabled Orban to achieve a landslide victory in the country's general election. The demonstration, one of the largest that Hungary has seen in recent years, came after Orban's conservative-nationalist party Fidesz secured the largest share of votes in the general election, paving the way for Orban's third term in office. The organisers of the demonstration called for a recount of all ballots, a new election law and a better cooperation among parties opposed to the Fidesz government.

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