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Brazil: Sao Paolo rallies for national military intervention

Brazil: Sao Paolo rallies for national military intervention
2018-04-01 05:27
M/S Protesters chanting and carrying Brazilian flags W/S Protesters on balcony with Brazilian flags W/S Protesters chanting W/S Protesters with anarchist flags W/S Protester with banner asking for military intervention M/S Police C/U Protester with Brazilian flag on head M/S Protester chanting Protesters took the streets of Sao Paolo on Saturday demanding the government extend Rio de Janeiro`s military intervention to the whole country. “We want order in our country, we want to take these corrupt politicians out of power, to put order, order and progress. Our country is broken, our country is being dominated by gangs, and by criminal factions. We are Brazilian, we need to defend our Brazil, it is God, homeland and family,” said one protester. “The country is bleeding, we want the armed forces to take urgent account of our country, because with this government we won’t go very far, so we are calling people to go to the streets, to fight for our country, so that this country is neither Venezuela nor Cuba,” said another one. On February 16, President Michel Temer authorized a federal military intervention in Rio de Janeiro that will last until December 31 of this year.

Эстония и Россия: хроники пропагандистской войны
2018-04-01 06:05
Эстония регулярно обвиняет Россию в кибератаках и информационной войне, Россия Эстонию — в притеснении национальных меньшинств и русофобии. Программа «Смотри в оба» собрала самые яркие пропагандистские фейки, которые СМИ рассказывали зрителям и читателям.

Губернатор Кемеровской области подал в отставку
2018-04-01 10:05
Аман Тулеев досрочно покидает свой пост по собственному желанию. Об этом сообщили представители региональной администрации. Заявление с просьбой об отставке глава региона подал на имя президента России.

Рональд Рейган и советские анекдоты
2018-04-01 10:06
Президентами США становились самые разные люди, однако все они любили хорошую шутку. Однако Рональд Рейган выделялся среди всех хозяев Белого дома: он обожал иностранные — советские — анекдоты.

Аман Тулеев досрочно покидает пост губернатора Кемеровской области
2018-04-01 10:06
Аман Тулеев досрочно покидает пост губернатора Кемеровской области по собственному желанию. Об этом сообщает РИА Новости со ссылкой на региональную администрацию. . Губернатор Кемеровской области Аман Тулеев обратился к президенту России Владимиру Путину с заявлением об отставке по собственному желанию», — сообщила пресс-служба областной администрации. Аману Тулееву 73 года, он пришел в политику в конце 1980-х годов. Кемеровскую область возглавил в 1997 году, четыре раза переизбирался главой региона с результатом 93,5-96,69% голосов. Его полномочия на очередном губернаторском сроке истекали в 2020 году.

«Оно вам надо?»: День дурака
2018-04-01 10:09
Страны Запада объявили России дипломатическую войну. Марк Цукерберг даст показания Конгрессу США. Почему Фейсбуку теперь не по пути со свободой слова. После выборов не будет ничего. И это жизнь. Ксения Туркова, в день дурака, о политиках и анекдотах.

Российские дипломаты покинули США
2018-04-01 10:12
Совершивший ранее посадку в нью-йоркском аэропорту имени Джона Кеннеди самолет с объявленными в США персона нон грата российскими дипломатами и членами их семей вылетел из Нью-Йорка и взял курс на Москву.

Путин принял отставку Тулеева
2018-04-01 10:37
Владимир Путин подписал указ о досрочном прекращении полномочий губернатора Кемеровской области Амана Тулеева. Глава государства также назначил врио руководителя региона — им стал вице-губернатор Сергей Цивилев.

Russia: Kemerovo regional governor resigns after deadly fire
2018-04-01 10:54
The long-time governor of Kemerovo Oblast Aman Tuleyev resigned in the wake of the fire which left tens of people dead, saying in an address on Sunday in Kemerovo that «it is impossible to work as governor with such a heavy burden, in terms of moral criteria». Tuleyev — governor of the region since 1997 — has been under severe public pressure after the Winter Cherry mall inferno killed at least 64 people, most of them children. The fire broke out on the top floor of the complex, where the entertainment section was located.

Вести. Эфир от 01.04.2018
2018-04-01 11:00
Губернатор Кемеровской области Аман Тулеев подал в отставку. В аэропорту Внуково приземлился первый самолет с российскими дипломатами. В Алтайском крае может резко осложниться паводковая ситуация, подтоплены 50 населенных пунктов. В России увеличили размер пенсий.

USA: Hundreds commemorate death of Sacramento man killed by police
2018-04-01 11:05
Hundreds participated in a rally at Cesar Chavez Plaza in Sacramento on Saturday, to commemorate 22 year-old Stephon Clark who was shot and killed by Sacramento police on March 18. The rally was held by former NBA star Matt Barnes, who vowed to unite his hometown to fight police brutality and the killing of black men by authorities. Clark's widow and two children were present during the rally. Offices were responding to reports of a man smashing car windows on the evening of March 18, when they shot at Clark 20 times in his grandmother's back garden. Authorities reportedly believed that Clark was armed but found he was actually just holding a mobile phone.

В Сахалинской области открылся новый фельдшерско-акушерский пункт
2018-04-01 11:14
В одном из сел Томаринского района Сахалина открылся новый фельдшерско-акушерский пункт. Он оснащен в соответствии со всеми требованиями времени. Комфортные условия созданы как для пациентов, так и для самих сотрудников.

Российские дипломаты прилетели из Вашингтона в Москву
2018-04-01 11:28
В воскресенье в аэропорту Внуково-2 приземлился первый самолет российскими дипломатами, высланными из США.

Российские военные завершили операцию по выводу боевиков из Восточной Гуты
2018-04-01 11:33
Более 41 тысячи боевиков террористических группировок и членов их семей вышли из четырех населенных пунктов Восточной Гуты. В ходе этой операции из плена освобождены 34 заложника, сообщил начальник центра по примирению враждующих сторон в Сирии генерал-майор Юрий Евтушенко.

USA: Sheriff’s car knocks down woman at vigil for police shooting victim
2018-04-01 12:16
A woman was knocked over by a police vehicle in Sacramento on Saturday, at a candlelight vigil for 22 year-old Stephon Clark who was shot and killed by local police officers on March 18. The sheriff's car careered into a demonstrator as it attempted to navigate through the crowd. The injured woman has since been treated in hospital. The rally was organised by former NBA star Matt Barnes, who vowed to unite his hometown to fight police brutality and the killing of black men by authorities. Clark's widow and two children were present during the rally. Offices were responding to reports of a man smashing car windows on the evening of March 18, when they shot at Clark 20 times in his grandmother's back garden. Authorities reportedly believed that Clark was armed but found he was actually just holding a mobile phone.

Губернатор Кемеровской области ушел в отставку
2018-04-01 12:32
Президент России Владимир Путин принял досрочную отставку губернатора Кемеровской области Амана Тулеева. Об этом сообщает пресс-служба Кремля. Путин назначил временно исполняющим обязанности главы региона вице-губернатора Сергея Цивилева.

«Никто не будет спрятан»: Цивилев накажет виновников кемеровской трагедии
2018-04-01 12:46
Сделать все, чтобы добиться строжайшего наказания для виновных в пожаре в торговом центре «Зимняя вишня» обещает назначенный временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Кемеровской области Сергей Цивилев. Пожар произошел 25 марта. По последним данным, погибли 64 человека, в том числе 41 ребенок.

Syria: Textile production returns to war-torn Aleppo
2018-04-01 12:47
Aleppo’s industrial quarter — famed for its textile-making — is returning to normality after years of strife in Syria’s civil war, footage filmed on Saturday reveals. On a visit to the shop floor this Saturday, factory owners and workers alike are confident once more in the city’s future in textiles. “When we entered [the factory] and saw what we saw we were really sorrowful,” said one textile entrepreneur Abdulateef Hamida. Since government forces recaptured the city from rebels in December 2016, “things are going very well,” according to Hamida. Aleppo has historically been the nation’s industrial city, although much of its industrial base was destroyed, damaged or looted in the conflict. The textile sector, which at one time represented 60% of Aleppo’s industry, suffered greatly. The regime of Bashar-al Assad has been offering support to returning industrialists, in an effort to give Syria’s war-ravaged economy a much-needed boost. The hum of looms warping and wefting breathes new optimism into a post-conflict Aleppo and Syria.

«Академия дураков» Славы Полунина: театру «Лицедеи» — 50
2018-04-01 13:04
В этом году исполняется 50 лет театру «Лицедеи» и 50 лет творческой деятельности его основателя Славы Полунина. Театр начал свою работу осенью 1968 года, но как подлинный «дурак», Полунин решил считать днем рождения «Лицедеев» День дурака — 1 апреля.

Аман Тулеев подал в отставку
2018-04-01 13:05
Тулеев записал видеообращение для жителей своего региона.

Что изменится в жизни москвичей с 1 апреля
2018-04-01 13:18
С 1 апреля увеличиваются социальные пенсии, в стране начинается весенний призыв, приставы и суды переходят на электронный документооборот.

Syria: 40,000 militants escorted from E. Ghouta — Russian Reconciliation Centre
2018-04-01 14:26
Head of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation of Opposing Sides in the Syrian Arab Republic Yuri Evtushenko said over 40,000 militants of the illegal Faylaq al-Rahman armed group and their family members have been escorted from four residential areas of Eastern Ghouta, in an interview from Khmeimim airbase in Latakia on Sunday. “41,126 militants and their family members have been escorted from the residential areas of Arbil, Jobar, Ein Tarma and Zamalka,” Yevtushenko stated, also confirming that all of them have been deployed in the residential area of Qalaat al-Madiq, in the de-escalation zone of Idlib. Evtushenko pointed out that 153,140 civilians in total have been evacuated from Eastern Ghouta since the beginning of the humanitarian pause.

Vatican: Pope Francis calls for Middle East peace in Easter address
2018-04-01 14:50
Pope Francis called for people and reconciliation in Syria and the Middle East at large during the Easter Sunday mass at St. Peter's Square in the Vatican on Sunday. Footage shows Pope Francis and other Catholic officials before the massive crowd as they conducted the Easter Sunday mass. Pope Francis then boarded the Pope-mobile to get closer to the audience. Upon returning to the Basilica, Pope Francis addressed the crowd, declaring «We beseech fruits of reconciliation for the Holy Land, which in these days has also been wounded by open conflicts that do not spare the defenseless. For Yemen, and for the entire Middle East, we pray that dialogue and mutual respect may prevail over division and violence.» Pope Francis also implored «fruits of dialogue for the Korean Peninsula», expressing hope that «discussions under way may advance harmony and peace within the region.»

Russia: Expelled Russian diplomats return home from US
2018-04-01 14:54
Sixty expelled Russian diplomats from three missions of Russia in the United States — the embassy in Washington, the Consulate General in New York and the permanent mission to the UN — landed at Moscow airport on Sunday. Around 170 people, including diplomats and their family members, were asked to leave the US as part of an international response to Russia’s alleged use of a nerve agent on Sergei and Yulia Skripal on March 4. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced tit-for-tat diplomatic expulsions and ordered the closure of the US Consulate General in Saint Petersburg.

India: At least 10 dead after vehicle crashes into hotel, causing total collapse
2018-04-01 15:14
At least 10 people were killed with more left injured after a hotel collapsed in the central Indian city of Indore on Saturday. Footage shows dozens of locals, emergency workers, and excavators as they attempt to dig through the rubble and remove people still trapped underneath. According to reports, the four-story hotel collapsed after a vehicle crashed into it.

Syria: Militants bussed out of Eastern Ghouta
2018-04-01 15:56
Fighters from the Failak ar-Rahman militant group were taken out of Eastern Ghouta on Sunday. Units of the Syrian Arab Army and Russian military police oversaw the operation. The majority of the militants and their families were taken to Idlib province in accordance with an agreement with the Russian Center for Conciliation of the Parties and the Government of the Republic. Some groups have refused to negotiate, instead continuing their resistance. The Failak ar-Rahman militant group were in control of Arbin, Ein Tarma and Zamalka suburbs of Damascus

Юрий Скворцов: создание рабочих мест позволит решить часть проблем Кузбасса
2018-04-01 16:01
Владимир Путин назначил временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Кемеровской области Сергея Цивилева. О задачах, которые предстоит Цивилеву решить, рассказал депутат Кемеровского городского совета народных депутатов, директор Областной специализированной детско-юношеской спортивной школы олимпийского резерва по шахматам Юрий Скворцов.

Цивилев хочет построить на месте «Зимней вишни» детский технопарк
2018-04-01 16:28
Врио кемеровского губернатора Сергей Цивилев хочет создать на месте «Зимней вишни» детский технопарк с мемориалом Кемерово. На совещании в администрации региона он предложил мэру города Илье Середюку вынести на обсуждение горожан вопрос о создании на месте ТЦ детского технопарка с мемориалом.

Russia: The guilty will be 'severely punished' — New Kemerovo Governor
2018-04-01 16:31
«I receive the region at a very difficult time,» the acting governor of Kemerovo Region Sergei Tsivilev addressed the Kemerovo people on Sunday, right after the announcement of the former Kemerovo Governor Aman Tuelyev's resignation. «I will do my best to make sure the guilty of this terrible tragedy be severely punished,» Tsivilev said, Tuelyev — Governor of the region since 1997 — was under severe public pressure after the Winter Cherry mall inferno killed at least 64 people, most of them children. At least 64 people, including many children, were killed in the fire which engulfed the shopping mall in Kemerovo on Sunday. According to the Russian Investigative Committee, the fire escape routes were blocked inside the mall. An investigation into the tragedy is underway.

Александр Слабей: результаты работы Тулеева станут ясны со временем
2018-04-01 16:50
Владимир Путин назначил временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Кемеровской области Сергея Цивилева. О задачах, которые предстоит Цивилеву решить, рассказал председатель общественного совета при департаменте молодежной политики и спорта Кемеровской области Александр Слабей.

Радомир Ибрагимов: назначение Цивилева только улучшит ситуацию в Кузбассе
2018-04-01 16:50
Владимир Путин назначил временно исполняющим обязанности губернатора Кемеровской области Сергея Цивилева. О задачах, которые предстоит Цивилеву решить, рассказал председатель координационного Совета по национальным общественным объединениям Кемеровской области Радомир Ибрагимов.

Albania: Demonstrators clash with police over new road toll
2018-04-01 16:53
Albanian police said 14 of its officers were injured in violent clashes with demonstrators at the Kalimash tunnel toll entrance close to the northern Albanian town of Kukes on Sunday. There were also injuries reported among the protesters. A significant police presence failed to deter the crowd from destroying payment machines and offices. The new toll ranges from €2.50 ($3.08) for a motorcycle to €22.50 ($27.72) for heavy goods vehicles. Residents from Kukes, Hasi and Tropoja will be the most affected by this toll, which runs along one of the key routes linking Albania and Kosovo, both ethnic-Albanian majority populations.

Germany: Pro-Catalan independence protesters call for Puigdemont's release
2018-04-01 18:23
Pro-Catalan independence activists gathered at Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on Sunday, to demand the release of Carles Puigdemont. The protesters gathered at the Brandenburg Gate at 12:00 local time (10:00 GMT), before marching along the streets of Berlin's city center. Banners against the Spanish Government and calling for democracy could be seen among the protesters, as well as chants supporting the Catalan political prisoners and Carles Puigdemont. Carles Puigdemont, the former leader of Catalonia wanted in Spain over rebellion charges, was arrested on Sunday, March 25, in Germany on an international arrest warrant issued by the Spanish government. Puigdemont was arrested by a German highway police patrol after crossing the border with Denmark and is currently in custody in the JVA Neumunster prison, where a decision will be made about his extradition. The protesters were specifically demanding that there be «No extradition of Carles Puigdemont to the Spanish state by the German authorities.»

Spain: Basques celebrate Easter Sunday with pro-indendence rally
2018-04-01 18:37
Hundreds of Basque nationalists took to the streets of Pamplona on Sunday, to celebrate the Basque holiday 'Fatherland Day' (Aberri Eguna) and mark the Catholic Easter Sunday. Supporters of Basque independence marched down the streets with banners, flags and traditional Basque music, while shouting slogans for the Basque independence. For Txutxi Ariznabarreta, spokesperson of the 'Independentistak' group, the Basques shouldn't «get on their knees» and beg the Spanish state for independence, but «open a sovereign process also in the Basque Country, build our democratic and social state and proclaim the Basque republic.» 'Fatherland Day' (Aberri Eguna) is a holiday that coincides with Catholic Easter Sunday and has its roots in the Basque nationalist movement.

Philippines: Marawi residents return to war-torn city for first time since military op.
2018-04-01 19:11
Hundreds of displaced residents of Marawi City were allowed to visit their devastated hometown inside the ground zero on Sunday, following a five- month long military operation to fight militants in the region. For the first time since the five-month-long military operation in Marawi City finished in October, displaced residents had the chance to catch a glimpse of what was left of their homes, under the management of the Task Force Bangon Marawi (TFBM). The house of 55-year-old Samsia Decampong Alamada was burned to ashes. All her belongings were gone. Having six children to feed, Samsia asked for help from Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, sitting next to her husband’s grave. «He needs to help us return to our homes, this is our territory, we've lost everything,» she said, crying in front of the camera. TFBM divided the ground zero area into nine sectors and issued a three-day visit for the displaced residents in each sector, before the rehabilitation starts on May.

Russia: 'Everyday we live as if in a gas chamber' — residents on Yadrovo landfill
2018-04-01 19:47
Thousands of citizens of the Russian city of Volokolamsk gathered for a massive the rally on Sunday, demanding the closure of the Yadrovo landfill and the declaration of a state of emergency. Protesters called on authorities to resign and declare a state of emergency. Speaking from a stage, Piotr Lazarev the mayor of Volokolamsk said that «the city smells like sewage» and said that this «has to be stopped.» «Everyday we live as if in a gas chamber. We wake up and do not know what to breath,» said a worried resident. According to another resident, schools have to warn parents daily and inform them whether it’s safe enough to bring their children to school, «children have headaches, suffer from vomiting, sickness.» The protest started at 12:00 local time (09:00 GMT), however according to one of the activists, the leading backer of the rally had been detained several hours before. The Yadrovo landfill site in Volokolamsk released a wave of gas on 21 March, causing locals symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches and nausea.

India: Huge anti-India protests erupt in Kashmir amid deadly clashes
2018-04-01 20:21
Thousands of protesters hit the streets to demand an end to India's rule over Kashmir in the Indian-controlled Kashmiri district of Shopian on Sunday, amid fierce clashes between pro-independence militants and Indian government forces. Massive anti-India protests erupted in southern part of Kashmiri, as Indian army troops launched military operations in three southern villages. Officials in India claimed that at least three Indian army soldiers, four civilians and 13 alleged militants were killed during the protests, along with dozens injured. The conflict in Kashmir began shortly after the Partition of India in 1947 and continues to this day.

Потемкинские ракеты: что стоит за угрозами Путина Западу
2018-04-01 22:00
В своем предвыборном Послании Федеральному Собранию Владимир Путин представил ряд новых разработок российского ВПК, которые, по его словам, заставят Запад сесть за стол переговоров.

Вечер с Владимиром Соловьевым. Эфир от 01.04.2018
2018-04-01 22:00
Чтобы мы ни делали, все время возвращаемся к страшной трагедии в Кемерово. На этом фоне сложилась тяжелая международная ситуация. Россия объявила о высылке дипломатов из 24 стран. Очевидно, что это частично зеркальный ответ. На Западе это вызвало очередную волну русофобской истерии. Последние новости со всего мира звучат как сводка с полей холодной войны.

Высланные из США российские дипломаты вернулись в Москву
2018-04-01 22:15
Их высылку в Вашингтоне объяснили солидарностью с Великобританией по «делу Скрипаля».

Футбол в Мариуполе: Порошенко смотрит, фанаты дерутся
2018-04-01 22:18
В украинском Мариуполе на матче местного футбольного клуба с киевским «Динамо» фанаты устроили драку. После того, как полиция задержала нескольких болельщиков, на их защиту бросились ультрас обеих команд.

Можно ли олигархов заставить работать на страну
2018-04-01 22:20
Насколько рыночная экономика подходит для России. Почему остается невостребован советский опыт. Возможно ли повторить успехи ВПК в гражданской сфере.

Британские власти осуществили план нацистского преступника
2018-04-01 22:31
Porton Down — место дзловещее. Здесь был разработан смертоносный газ CS, тот самый, что американцы закачивали в подземные убежища партизан в ходе Вьетнамской войны. Британский подарок миру.

Тулеев поклонился жителям Кузбасса, Цивилев пообещал развивать регион
2018-04-01 22:32
1 апреля глава государства принял прошение Амана Тулеева об отставке с поста губернатора Кемеровской области. В этом же указе временно исполняющим губернатора назначен замглавы региона Сергей Цивилев. Тулеев и Цивилев выступили с телеобращениями.

Голос поколений: ушел из жизни Олег Анофриев
2018-04-01 22:33
28 марта на 87-м году из жизни ушел Олег Анофриев — всенародно любимый актер, певец, композитор-песенник. Это его голос отправлял поколения детей в кроватку. Его голос будил романтику путешествий.

State of Palestine: At least 7 more wounded as Gaza rally enters third day
2018-04-01 22:43
At least seven people were injured as Israeli forces launched teargas against Palestinian protesters in the city of Jabalia in the northern Gaza Strip, Sunday, as the protests go into their third day. Several dozen protesters suffered from suffocation due to inhaling teargas. The injured were taken to receive medical treatment at a nearby hospital. Clashes have been ongoing since Friday, which marked the annual ‘March of Return’ to commemorate 'Land Day.' Sixteen protesters have already been confirmed dead, and more than a thousand have been injured since Friday. The annual rally takes place with the participation of Hamas top leaders to demand what Palestinian protesters say is their right to return to the homes of their families in what is now called Israel.

С 1 апреля: как шутят политики
2018-04-01 22:51
Самые большие любители анекдотов — Путин и Берлускони. «Голос Америки» 1 апреля рассказывает, как шутят лидеры разных стран — бывшие и нынешние.

Israel: Israelis against occupation protest Palestinian Gaza rally deaths
2018-04-01 23:35
SOT, Dov Khenin, Member of Knesset from the 'Joint List': «Well the situation is extremely dangerous and extremely worrying. The fact that people demonstrating in a march towards the fence were actually killed by soldiers is alarming therefore we demand an inquiry to all the activities of the army and all the things that happened in Gaza. Besides that we demand that changing the policy, we cannot continue to ignore the situation in Gaza we have to have a completely different political attitude reaching a settlement with the Palestinians that should be based on the existence of an independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.» Journalist: «Who is to blame in the death of the protesters and why?» «The people who shoot and the people that gave them orders to shoot and the people that pay for the bullet, the White House.» Hundreds of Israeli protesters gathered outside the headquarters of Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud party in Tel Aviv on Sunday, to protest Israeli violence against Palestinian protesters after 16 protesters were killed and over 1,400 injured. Protesters with placards and banners against the Israeli occupation of the state of Palestine called out the army’s unwarranted use of live fire and violence during the ‘March of Return’ in Gaza that resulted in the death of 16 Palestinians. For Dov Khenin, member of the 'Knesset’ in the Israeli Parliament, the situation is “extremely dangerous and extremely worrying”. According to Khenin, Israel should seek a “settlement” with Palestinians and the creation of an “independent Palestinian state alongside Israel.” Reya Moss, protester, the ones to blame for those deaths are «the people who shoot and the people that gave them orders to shoot and the people that pay for the bullet, the White House.» Sixteen protesters have already been confirmed dead and clashes have been ongoing since Friday, which marked the annual 'March of Return' to commemorate 'Land Day.'

Syria: Drone captures cleared E. Ghouta highway after seven-year-blockade
2018-04-02 00:33
Drone footage showed the key motorway connecting the Syrian capital of Damascus and Eastern Ghouta after it was cleared of militants by Syrian government forces after a seven-year-long blockade on Sunday. Syrian military command announced that the government forces had liberated the militant-held settlements in the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta. Settlements in the area can be seen strewn with debris, with the buildings partly damaged, after the siege.

Venezuela: 'Judas' Trump burns in Caracas as part of Easter tradition
2018-04-02 02:41
Residents in the El Valle area of Caracas set alight to an effigy of US President Donald Trump as part of an Easter Sunday tradition which usually sees Judas go up in flames. Around 92 percent of Venezuelans are at least nominally Catholic. Every year they hang dolls stuffed with hay and old clothes on Good Friday, and then burn them on Easter Sunday — representing the burning of anything bad and the triumph of good over evil. Gabriel Brito, one of the protesters and a member of the Socialist Party, said that event was organised to show 'permanent resistance' through 'peace.' The Catholic tradition of burning Judas is common worldwide, including in Mexico, Brazil and Spain.

Turkey: Erdogan dubs Israel 'terror state' following deadly Gaza rally
2018-04-02 03:03
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called Israel 'a terror state' in Adana on Sunday, adding that the Israeli government's tactics are 'cowardly' and 'timid.' «Israeli Army and Israel are courageous against to oppressed but they are not courageous against the strong,» added the Turkish President. He also branded the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu 'weird' and 'weak.' The comments came after at least 17 Palestinians were killed when the Israeli military opened fire on Land Day protesters on the border between Gaza and Israel on Friday. The annual Land Day rally takes place to demand what Palestinian protesters say is their right to return Israeli-occupied territory.

North Korea: Kim Jong-un attends Pyongyang’s first K-Pop gig in 13 years
2018-04-02 06:12
North Korean Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un attended a concert in Pyongyang on Sunday, marking the first time South Korean pop stars had performed in the capital for over a decade. South Korean Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Do Jong-hwan accompanied the North Korean leader and his wife Ri Sol-ju in the galleries with the audience greeting the officials before the two-hour-long gig started. Kim's attendance is seen as yet another sign of a thawing in relations between the two countries as a historic summit regarding nuclear weapons is set to take place in the coming weeks.

В Америке хакеры украли данные владельцев 5 млн банковских карт
2018-04-02 06:21
Хакерам удалось похитить данные владельцев более 5 миллионов дебетовых и кредитных карт, которыми пользовались покупатели, приобретая товары в американских сетевых универмагах Lord & Taylor, Saks Fifth Avenue и Saks Off 5th.

Haiti: Chickens and cows slaughtered at annual Voodoo festival *EXPLICIT*
2018-04-02 06:50
Hundreds of voodoo followers gathered in the Haitian village of Souvenance on Sunday to take part in an annual ritual, maintaining a tradition that is said to have lasted for just over two centuries. Footage shows voodoo followers — dressed in all-white — slaying cows and chickens before smearing the blood over their clothes. The followers are also seen taking part in trance-inducing dance and percussion-playing, as well as taking a dip in a sacred pool. Voodoo gained recognition as an official religion in Haiti in the 1960s after being brought to the country by slaves from Africa. A large number of Voodoo festivities coincide with Catholic events on the island, since celebrating them at the same time was the only way worshippers could keep the traditions alive under their slave masters.

USA: New Yorkers commemorate Kemerovo blaze victims in Brooklyn
2018-04-02 07:00
People visited a memorial to pay tribute to those who perished in the Kemerovo Mall blaze in New York City on Sunday. Mourners brought flowers, toys and balloons to a small shrine in Asser Levy Park. «It's very important for me to be here, to support my country from afar, because it's very sad when people die, especially when children suffer,» said Yuri, one of the mourners. At least 64 people, many of whom were children, died in the fire which engulfed a shopping mall in the Russian city of Kemerovo last Sunday. According to the Russian Investigative Committee, the fire escape routes were blocked inside the mall. An investigation into the tragedy is underway.

USA: Trump takes aim at DACA, Mexico and immigration on Easter Sunday
2018-04-02 07:15
SOT, Donald Trump, US President: *TRANSCRIPT TO FOLLOW* US President Donald Trump told the media that Mexico has to pull its weight when it comes to tackling illegal immigration as he was on his way to a church service in Palm Beach with his wife Melania on Easter Sunday. «If they're not going to help us at the border, it's a very sad thing between our two countries,» Trump told reporters. «They flow right through Mexico. They send them into the United States. It can't happen that way anymore.» It follows a series of tweets in which the President condemned the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programme and Mexico's supposed inaction on immigration.

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