Venezuela: Maduro condemns `imperialist war' in Syria
Venezuela: Maduro condemns ‘imperialist war’ in Syria 2018-04-15 06:38 Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro led an anti-imperialist rally in Caracas on Saturday, condemning US-led air strikes against Syria. “Down with US imperialism. Down with imperialist war. Long live the Syrian people,” Maduro told a group of loyal supporters outside the Presidential palace in Miraflores. The Venezuelan government has consistently opposed US foreign policy, which it blames for meddling in Latin American affairs. Early on Saturday morning, the US, UK and France launched air strikes against alleged chemical weapons sites in Damascus and Homs. The air strikes are a response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication». «Оно вам надо?»: Сирийский конфликт интересов 2018-04-15 06:53 Войска коалиции отбомбились по Сирии. За что президент США лишен звания «Почетный казак»? Выбросьте из дома все американские таблетки, отомстите врагу. Дума принимается закон о контрсанкциях Вашингтону. Новое лицо FB. Марк Цукерберг повинился перед Конгрессом США и обещал перестроить свою сеть. Poland: Far-right nationalists hold torchlight procession at holy site 2018-04-15 06:57 Hundreds of far-right nationalists belonging to the All-Polish Youth embarked on a torch-lit 'pilgrimage' at Jasna Gora Monastery, in Czestochowa on Saturday. The All-Polish Youth has come under criticism from left-wing groups for allegedly seeking to exploit the historical connection between religion and nationalism. Peru: Alternative People’s Summit draws to a close 2018-04-15 07:51 The People's Summit — billed as an alternative to the 8th Summit of the Americas — came to an end on Saturday evening in Lima. The 'counter-summit' positions itself as a champion of social movements and participants debated the 'political, social and economic reality' of Latin America. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez was the event's highest profile speaker. USA: Gun rights advocates descend on Tallahasse State Capitol 2018-04-15 07:51 Hundreds of gun rights supporters descended on the State Capitol Building in Tallahasse on Saturday, as part of a national rally aimed at pushing against efforts to pass stricter gun-control laws since the Parkland shooting. «Make no mistake. Our gun rights are under attack. They're under attack today,» said Mike McCalister, a retired Army Colonel. Gun advocates warned that stripping citizens of their right to defend themselves is the first step toward complete governmental control. Florida based pastor Dexter Sanders warned the crowd, «We've seen the evil histories of authoritarian governments in the past. It goes in and the first thing it does is it takes away our guns. Then the next thing it does is it takes away our speech. And the next thing you know, we’re living in oppression. Sounds like communism to me.» «Оно вам надо?»: Трампа лишили звания «почетный казак» 2018-04-15 08:40 Войска коалиции отбомбились по Сирии. За что президент США лишен звания «Почетный казак»? Выбросьте из дома все американские таблетки, отомстите врагу. Дума принимается закон о контрсанкция Вашингтону. Новое лицо FB. Марк Цукерберг повинился перед Конгрессом США и обещал перестроить свою сеть. Вести-Москва. Эфир от 15.04.2018 2018-04-15 08:48 В Подмосковье идет большая вода: когда ждать пика половодья? Под крышей дома: кто захватывает мансарды и чердаки старинных домов в самом центре столицы и почему их жители не могут остановить самовольную перепланировку? Вести-Калуга. События недели. Эфир от 15.04.2018 2018-04-15 10:25 Большая вода не знает преград: где в эти дни небезопасно и какова обстановка с половодьем в области? Это не ремонт, а акт вандализма: застройщик и краеведы заочно объяснились. Какова дальнейшая судьба дома Билибиных в Калуге? Асфальт сошел вместе со снегом: как пережили зиму калужские автомагистрали, и о чём молчат городские власти? Лукашевич обвинил США, Британию и Францию в помощи террористам 2018-04-15 10:31 Ракетные удары США, Великобритании и Франции по военным объектам и гражданской инфраструктуре в Сирии помогают террористам, которые находятся под прямым управлением западных агрессоров. Об этом заявил постоянный представитель России при ОБСЕ Александр Лукашевич. В США ракетный удар по Сирии назвали нарушением международного права 2018-04-15 10:37 Об этом заявили в американской Ассоциации по контролю над вооружениями. По мнению организации, такие действия полностью противоречат Уставу ООН: он запрещает применение силы против территориальной целостности любого государства. На агрессию в отношении Сирии отреагировали и обычные американцы: они устроили акцию протеста прямо у Белого дома. Вести. Эфир от 15.04.2018 (11:00) 2018-04-15 10:47 Совбез ООН отклонил российскую резолюцию по Сирии: США начали угрожать новыми атаками. Дома подтоплены, дороги размыты: пик паводков в России еще не пройден. На Канаду обрушился ледяной дождь, более 600 аварий. Было сложно, но мы справились: сирийские зенитчики рассказали, как сбивали «Томагавки» 2018-04-15 10:55 Сирийские системы ПВО сбили две трети ракет, выпущенных по Сирии. В результате атаки погибших нет, заявили в Дамаске. В то же время США утверждают, что их атака прошла по намеченному сценарию. Корреспондент ВГТРК побывал на авиабазе Думейр, которая подверглась ракетному удару. Депутаты Госдумы и члены Совета Федерации встретятся с Башаром Асадом 2018-04-15 10:57 Делегация депутатов Государственной думы и членов Совета Федераций в воскресенье, как ожидается, встретится с сирийским лидером Башаром Асадом. Переговоры пройдут в Дамаске. Несмотря на удары США, Франции и Великобритании по территории Сирии встречу решили не отменять. Netherlands: 3D-printed 'suicide pod' goes on show at Amsterdam Funeral Fair 2018-04-15 11:12 Sarco short for sarcophagus, presented a suicide pod that enables its users to take their own lives at a push of a button on display at the Amsterdam Funeral Fair in Westerkerk church on Saturday. Visitors flocked to the display to view a prototype of the controversial machine that came complete with a nitrogen capsule for euthanasia and a detachable 3D coffin to serve as an eternal resting place. «To be able to get into the machine you will have to have passed an online test ... to make sure that you are of sound mind,» creator of Sarco Dr. Philip Nitschke said. Visitors could have a test run with the prototype using virtual reality goggles and chair to experience how it would feel to sit inside the pod before pressing the button to release the nitrogen, that would end the individual's life. «I think that it is awesome that you can decide if you really want to die,» a visitor added. Атака на Сирию: доказательств применения химоружия по-прежнему нет 2018-04-15 11:24 Франция, США и Великобритания передали в Совет Безопасности ООН свой проект резолюции по Сирии. Обострение ситуации в Арабской Республике накануне уже обсудили в ООН. Совбез отклонил резолюцию России, в которой осуждались удары США, Великобритании и Франции по Сирии. Какие заявления звучали на встрече? Дональд Трамп предупредил о возможных новых ударов по Сирии 2018-04-15 12:29 Как сказал американский президент, военный ответ последует, если Дамаск вновь применит химическое оружие. Montenegro: Opposition candidate Bojanic casts his vote in pres. elections 2018-04-15 13:11 Main opposition presidential candidate Mladen Bojanic cast his vote in the Montenegrin presidential election in Podgorica on Sunday. «We can stop this autocrat who wants to bring us into dictatorship by a smile and a pen. We'll show that he can't do that anymore because Montenegro wants to be a state of majority Montenegrins, a free and democratic state,» Bojanic said after casting his vote. This is the seventh presidential elections since a multiparty system was implemented in 1991. Since then, the current ruling party, the Democratic Party of Socialists, has been in power. Main ruling party candidate Milo Djukanovic, who has already served as president for two terms is speculated to win a third consecutive term. If no candidate receives a majority of votes, the second round will be held in two weeks. Over 1,300 foreign observers will be monitoring the elections in which 533,000 people have the right to vote. Турция поддержала ракетные удары по Сирии 2018-04-15 13:37 «Мы не можем оставаться терпимыми к тому, что произошло с детьми в результате применения химоружия. Совершивший преступление должен понести наказание». В открытый «Космос» теперь может попасть любой желающий 2018-04-15 14:11 Знаменитый павильон на ВДНХ начал работу после грандиозной реконструкции. В 90-х от этого места осталась только звездная пыль — здание стало отвечать самым земным потребностям и превратилось в рынок для садоводов и огородников. И вот теперь оно вновь вернуло былое величие. Швейцарская лаборатория не подтвердила заявления Лаврова о новом веществе в «деле Скрипаля» 2018-04-15 14:38 Химическая лаборатория в швейцарском городе Шпиц не стала подтверждать слова Сергея Лаврова. По мнению министра иностранных дел России, эксперты лаборатории установили, что Сергей и Юлия Скрипаль были отравлены в Солсбери веществом BZ из арсенала западных стран. «Песня с историей»: Синий иней 2018-04-15 14:39 Сегодня наш главный герой — иностранный шлягер, который в 69-м году стал большим советским хитом. В это же время СССР и США ратифицируют Договор о нераспространении ядерного оружия. А Эдита Пьеха признает: так уж бывает. В первый полет отправляется истребитель МиГ-23. А Владимир Макаров опять по шпалам идет по привычке. Пилотируемые корабли Союз-4 и Союз-5 совершают первую стыковку. А мир вокруг группы «Поющие гитары» становится синим-синим. Асад высоко оценил советское оружие и российские выборы 2018-04-15 15:15 Замсекретаря генсовета «Единой России» Сергей Железняк в воскресенье рассказал об итогах встречи российских парламентариев с президентом Сирии Башаром Асадом. Пикет в поддержку Олега Навального прошел в Петербурге 2018-04-15 15:16 В Петербурге активисты движений «Весна» и «Узники России» 14 апреля провели одиночные пикеты с требованием освободить брата оппозиционера Алексея Навального. Олег Навальный был осужден по так называемому «делу «Ив Роше» и уже четвертый год находится в колонии в Орловской области. UK: We 'sent a signal' the 'world wont tolerate chemical weapons' — Boris Johnson 2018-04-15 15:17 SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary: «Well, most important point is that this has been a successful mission and we worked with our American friends, our French friends to degrade Assad's chemical weapons capability, that was the important point. And I hope that this will be a deterrent to him and, obviously I hope that it will mean no further humanitarian suffering by the Syrian people as a result of the use of chemical weapons. If he should be so cruel and so reckless as to do it again, that is a separate point, that's a separate proposition. And we would have to look together with our colleagues at what the options were then.» SOT, Journalist: «What sort of chemical weapon capability do you think has survived in Syria?» SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary: «It's hard for me to say, obviously about 105 cruise missiles were launched, there were three particular sites that were struck. We hope that that has degraded his capability, but at the very least what it has done is sent a signal that the world won't tolerate the continuos erosion of the taboo against chemical weapons and the psychological boundary that there used to be in people's minds about the use of such weapons needs to be restored. It's been there for a hundred years, there were no battlefield chemical weapons used at all during the Second World War, one of the most brutal conflicts humanity has ever seen, but we're now seeing it creeping up in the early years of the 21st century. Time for the world to say no, and that's what we've done.» SOT, Journalist: «Why was it right not to consult parliament before taking this action, in this case?» SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary: «Obviously, our prime consideration has to be the safety of our serving men and women and of course the effectiveness and speed of the operation and there's plenty of precedent for getting it done in this way, but of course the Prime Minister will be making a statement tomorrow to the House of Commons and I'm sure there will be every opportunity for people to make their views heard.» SOT, Journalist: «Just one more question. To what extent is the Skripal incident, the Salisbury incident, on your mind and sort of formulating the way the British government should respond to this?» SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary: «The Skripal poisoning is totally on my mind, because you see a kind of continuum from Salisbury to Syria in the reckless, contemptuous use of these chemical weapons, endangering public health in Salisbury in Wiltshire and completely indiscriminately killing civilians cowering in buildings in Douma in Eastern Ghouta. So, you see the same pattern of behaviour and that's why It's so important that, together with our American friends, our French friends, we stand up and say no.» SOT, Journalist: «So the message is to Russia as much as it is to the Syrian regime?» SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary: «The message is to anybody who would contemplate using these barbaric weapons that have been banned since 1925.» SOT, Journalist: «Thank you very much, sir.» SOT, Boris Johnson, UK Foreign Secretary: «Thank you.» United Kingdom Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson stated that the US, UK and France «sent a signal that the world won't tolerate the continuos erosion of the taboo against chemical weapons» during an interview in London, Sunday, following US-led airstrikes on Syria. «The Skripal poisoning is totally on my mind, because you see a kind of continuum from Salisbury to Syria in the reckless, contemptuous use of these chemical weapons,» added Johnson before claiming to be «endangering public health in Salisbury in Wiltshire and completely indiscriminately killing civilians cowering in buildings in Douma in Eastern Ghouta.» The US, UK and France la Poland: Locals react to vandalism of Soviet army monument 2018-04-15 15:32 People came to inspect a monument to Soviet soldiers, in Warsaw, on Sunday morning, after it was defaced with red paint the previous day. The monument is dedicated to Soviet Soldiers that died in the battle to liberate the Praga district of Poland from Nazis in the Autumn of 1944. According to reports, the attackers were activists of the 'Confederation of Independent Poland'. Police were present when the monument was splashed with paint, however, they did not intervene. One activist Eugeniusz Szostak said that «We believe that the monuments of the Soviet army, which allegedly liberated Poland, have no reason to exist in the Polish public space.» The monument, unveiled on September 15, 1946, reads, «Eternal glory to the heroes of the Red Army who fell in battles for the liberation of the Polish capital of Warsaw.» In October 2017, the Polish government adopted a law on 'decommunisation', which is intended to regulate the removal and demolition of monuments deemed to «praise the Communist regime.» Венгры выступили против политики Виктора Орбана 2018-04-15 15:37 В Будапеште десятки тысяч демонстрантов выразили протест в связи с недавними результатами парламентских выборов, назвав их нечестными. Участники демонстрации размахивали флагами Венгрии и Европейского союза, требуя защиты европейских ценностей. Научные исследования: наночастицы против пищеварения 2018-04-15 16:07 Новейшие исследования показали, что наночастицы в некоторых упаковочных материалах для пищевых продуктов могут негативно сказываться на пищеварении. Демонстрации протеста против политики Орбана в Венгрии 2018-04-15 16:12 Протестующие критикуют премьера Виктора Орбана. Официальные результаты голосования 8 апреля вновь привели к победе партию «Фидес» действующего премьера. Виктор Орбан в третий раз подряд возглавит правительство. Главным предвыборным козырем Орбана традиционно стало неприятие европейской иммиграционной политики. State of Palestine: Gaza protesters slam US-led airstrikes in Syria 2018-04-15 16:26 Protesters set the US flag on fire as they gathered in al-Jundi al-Majhool Square in Gaza on Sunday in an act of defiance against US-backed airstrikes in Syria and to express their solidarity with the Syrian people. «America does not bomb Syria for the love of the Syrian people; it is offering weapons to Israel to kill the Palestinians,” said Islamic Jihad’s political chief official Khaled al-Batsh. “America is a partner in the killing of the Syrian people, Palestinian people and the tragedies of the whole nation.” Protesters, who were mostly made up of Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Islamic Jihad factions, carried flags, banners and chanted in solidarity with Syrians. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting Syrian civil and military facilities. The airstrikes were in response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.' Стартовал весенний сезон конкурса «Синяя птица. Последний богатырь» 2018-04-15 16:28 На этот раз участники оказались в мире сказок. Что ждет победителя творческого состязания? Вашингтон предупредил Москву о подготовке новых санкций 2018-04-15 16:30 Соединенные штаты готовят новые ограничения против России. На этот раз за поддержку режима Башара Асада. Saudi Arabia: Leaders arrive in Dhahran ahead of Arab League Summit 2018-04-15 16:38 The 29th Arab League Summit kicked off in the city of Dhahran in eastern Saudi Arabia on Saturday. Under the chairmanship of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz this year, leaders and high-ranking representatives from the 22 Arab League member states are due to discuss a wide range of issues. At the top of summit's agenda include the situation in Palestine, recent developments in the Syrian crisis, as well as Iran's involvement in Yemen conflict. UN General Assembly Antonio Guterres, African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini are attending the summit, which begins just a day after the US, France and Britain launched airstrikes in Syria. «Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Валентина Серова 2018-04-15 16:52 В первой половине жизни Валентины Серовой медные трубы не просто пели ей овации, они разрывались, лопались от напряжения. Но прошло несколько десятков лет и все изменилось так сильно, что от рассказов о последних днях популярнейшей актрисы порой становится страшно. Сын отсидел в тюрьме, а когда вышел, начал бить мать. Общаться с дочерью Валентине Серовой запретил суд. Почему так резко и ужасно изменилась ее жизнь? Кто виноват в трагической смерти женщины, которая пленяла умы миллионов? Валентина Серова. Необыкновенные взлеты и головокружительные падения сегодня. Вся правда о браке Валентины Серовой и Константина Симонова. Spain: 25,000 hit Barcelona to demand better pension packets 2018-04-15 16:54 Thousands of protesters took to the streets of Barcelona on Sunday to demand a decent pension for retirees. The demonstrators carried a range of posters and placards criticising the ruling People's Party. Some 25,000 protesters took part in the rally, according to police estimates. Unions launched nationwide protests on February 22 to decry this year's 0.25 percent increase in Spanish pensions, which they consider to be ‘too miserable and insufficient to keep up with inflation.’ Montenegro: Djukanovic casts vote in hope of third decade in power 2018-04-15 17:20 Former president and six-time prime minister of Montenegro Milo Djukanovic cast his vote in the presidential elections, for which he is running, in the capital of Podgorica on Sunday. If he is successful, it would mark his third decade in power since first assuming office as PM in 1991. Several media outlets were present to capture the moment of the vote. Afterwards Djukanovic addressed the press and reaffirmed his conviction that Montenegro is moving towards the path of 'European development.' Djukanovic appeared confident regarding the results of the presidential vote, adding that the competition was scarce. Over 530,000 voters are expected to cast their vote and Djukanovic is speculated to win a second term as president with opposition candidate Mladen Bojani his main challenger. This is the seventh presidential election since a multiparty system was implemented in 1991. Since then, the current ruling party the Democratic Party of Socialists has been in power. If no candidate receives a majority of votes, the second round will be held in two weeks. Over 1,300 foreign observers will be monitoring the elections. Западные страны готовы к новым мерам против Дамаска 2018-04-15 17:34 Президент США уже заявил, что возможны новые удары по Сирии. По словам Дональда Трампа, это произойдет если Дамаск вновь применит химическое оружие. Ермаков: Вашингтон «выпустил пар» ради диалога с Москвой 2018-04-15 17:35 Директор департамента МИД РФ по вопросам нераспространения и контроля над вооружениями Владимир Ермаков не исключает, что после нанесения удара по Сирии США пойдут на активизацию диалога с Россией. Как предположил дипломат, американцы «немножко выпустили пар в Сирии». UK: Antifa converge on far-right German activist's speech in London 2018-04-15 17:35 Dozens of anti-fascist demonstrators gathered in London's Hyde Park on Sunday to oppose a speech given by Annika Franziska, a member of Generation Identity and founder of far-right Youtube Channel 120db. The German anti-immigration activist delivered a speech at Speaker's Corner regarding the increase of sexual violence against women. «The reason we did start or better had to start the movement was because the imported sexual violence against women as result of uncontrolled mass immigration from mostly Muslim countries is swept under the carpet by our officials and the media,» she said to the crowd. At the same time, a group of far-left activists gathered nearby. Both groups were prevented getting close to each other by a heavy police presence. В пасхальное перемирие ВСУ обстреливают кладбища Донбасса 2018-04-15 17:37 Украинские силовики 20 раз нарушили так называемое пасхальное перемирие в Донбассе за последние сутки, заявили в ДНР. В воскресенье под огонь попало кладбище на окраине Горловки, где в это время находились сотни человек — их пришлось срочно эвакуировать. А накануне поминального воскресенья под обстрелом оказалось кладбище в Ясиноватой. Spain: 300,000 rally in Barcelona calling for release of Catalan leaders 2018-04-15 19:02 More than 300,000 people took to the streets of Barcelona on Sunday demanding the release of the 16 Catalan leaders imprisoned on sedition charges following October’s independence referendum. People marched with banners and flags alongside Catalan politicians and demanded the freedom of the so-called political prisoners. The President of the Catalan parliament Roger Torrent called it a 'demonstration of unity' and ‘Junts per Catalunya’ member Marta Pascal said that those in prison should 'be able to return home.' Politicians from all pro-independence parties, including former president Artur Mas, demanded the 'freedom of the political prisoners.' Labour unions and pro-independence parties organised the mass demonstration in order to put pressure on the Spanish administration to release the prisoners. According to local police about 315,000 people partook in the demonstration. Israel: Netanyahu backs Syria strikes as 'important international message' 2018-04-15 19:14 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel fully supports the decision taken by US President Donald Trump, British PM Theresa May and French President Emmanuel Macron to employ airstrikes in Syria as he spoke during a meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday. He went on to say: «The important international message sent through this attack is zero patience for the use of unconventional weapons.» Netanyahu also added: «The side that worries the whole Middle East region is Iran. And President Assad must understand that enabling Iran to establish a military force puts the stability of the region as a whole at risk.» The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting Syrian civil and military facilities. The airstrikes were in response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.' Saudi Arabia: King Salman slams 'dangerous' Iran at Arab League meet 2018-04-15 19:29 Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz opened the 29th Arab League Summit in the city of Dhahran on Sunday, where representatives from 22 countries are meeting to discuss political, economic and social developments in the region. In his opening speech, King Salman criticised Iranian influence on Arab countries, saying that it violates 'the principles of international law and the values of good neighborliness.' He also called on the international community to take 'a firm and a strong position' against Tehran's 'dangerous behavior.' Besides tensions with Iran, issues in Palestine, Syria and Yemen are expected to be in focus of this year's meeting. Как тать в ночи: Запад всегда нападает на спящих 2018-04-15 20:00 В Югославии, Ираке, Ливии, в прошлом году в сирийском Шайрате, да и сейчас ракетные удары всегда наносились в предрассветной темноте. Американцы и их союзники орудуют, как тать в ночи, пока люди в домах еще крепко спят. Советник Трампа готов забомбить любую международную проблему 2018-04-15 20:00 Новый советника Трампа по нацбезопасности Джон Болтон одержим войной. Известный радикал, он готов забомбить любую международную проблему. В разное время Болтон предлагал наносить удары по Кубе, КНДР, Ирану. Американская коалиция атаковала заброшенные ангары 2018-04-15 20:00 Массированный удар в Сирии был нанесен и по населенным пунктам Барз и Джарамани. Натовские стратеги уверены, что именно там находятся цеха по производству химоружия. Но, кроме старых заброшенных ангаров, там ничего не оказалось. За «подвиги» Великобританию прозвали Мелкобританией 2018-04-15 20:00 Решение о ракетной атаке по Сирии Америка, Англия и Франция приняли по результатам просмотра ролика в YouTube. О том, кто сконструировал фейк, со всей категоричностью заявил глава российского МИД Сергей Лавров. France: Dancing ZAD activists defy police in Notre-Dame-des-Landes 2018-04-15 20:29 Hundreds of people came together to support the ZAD ('Zone a Defendre') occupation in Notre-Dame-des-Landes on Sunday. They protested peacefully against the state's eviction orders. Supports of the occupation danced with musical instruments in front of a police barricade. The eco-activists from ZAD initially came together in 2008 to protest against a proposed airport in Nantes. The plan was recently abandoned but around 200 activists remain at the site and refuse to leave it, despite eviction orders and threats from the authorities. Syria: ‘Western failure’ — Damascus residents condemn US-led strikes 2018-04-15 20:49 On Sunday, residents in the Syrian capital of Damascus reacted to the recent US-led airstrikes on the city, saying that the move highlights the ‘failure of the West and the terrorist groups.’ People claimed that the recent shelling just gave them ‘determination’ to fight terrorism, stressing that the strikes cannot affect them and Syria would soon be ‘victorious.’ “It feels like we have something inside us that prohibits us from being afraid,” added another resident, noting that life in Damascus will go on as usual. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting Syrian civil and military facilities. The airstrikes were in response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.' Saudi Arabia: Arab meet dubbed 'Jerusalem Summit' by King Salman 2018-04-15 21:06 Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz announced on Sunday that the 29th Arab League Summit in the city of Dhahran will be redubbed the 'Jerusalem summit' to underline the importance of the Palestinian cause. Before allowing Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to deliver his speech to the summit, the Saudi monarch revealed that Saudi Arabia donated a sum of USD 150 million to the Awqaf and Islamic affairs department in Jerusalem and another USD 50 million to support programmes carried out by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Abbas said the United States' decision to recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel made it a 'party in the conflict.' Under the chairmanship of Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz this year, leaders and high-ranking representatives from the 22 Arab League member states are due to discuss a wide range of issues. UN General Assembly Antonio Guterres, African Union Commission Chairperson Moussa Faki and High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs Federica Mogherini are attending the summit, which begins just a day after the US, France and Britain launched airstrikes in Syria. Russia: Multiple detentions, protester faints during Yadrovo protest 2018-04-15 21:34 Around ten people were detained during the protest against overfilled rubbish landfills in Yadrovo, Volokolamsk Region on Sunday. One of the protesters went faint and fell unconscious in the crowds when the police officers were trying to detain more people. People in Yadrovo demand the closure of the rubbish facility located near a residential area. The Yadrovo landfill site in Volokolamsk released a wave of gas on 21 March, causing symptoms such as headaches, stomach aches and nausea. Volokolamsk residents have been repeatedly calling for the plant’s closure due to the foul odour in the area that has caused allergic reactions and health issues to the locals. On Saturday, Head of the Moscow Region Governor’s Administration Mikhail Kuznetsov apologised for the landfill that has caused ‘so much trouble’ and added ‘we will do everything possible and impossible so that this odour will never be in your life.’ Iran: 'We stand with Syria' — Supreme Leader Khamenei's adviser 2018-04-15 21:57 Ali Akbar Velayati, adviser on international affairs to the Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei, condemned the US-led airstrikes on Syria while speaking in Tehran on Sunday. «Iran stands with Syria and continues the resistance and cooperation and support of official government of Syria,» he said. Velayati went on to say that Syria is 'tolerating an unfair international pressure including Israel's incitement and with the command of the US, and with the support of reactionary forces, which Saudi Arabia is at the top of.' Velayati made his comments after returning from a four-day visit to Syria. The US, UK and France launched air strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The air strikes are in response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication». Полигоны мусорной войны: что делать с подмосковными свалками 2018-04-15 22:00 Гости: Алексей Киселев, руководитель токсической программы Greenpeace России и Валерия Коростелева, организатор экологического движения «РазДельный Сбор». Конспирация прежде всего: подробности междусобойчика непримиримых либералов 2018-04-15 22:00 13 апреля в Вильнюсе завершился некий так называемый «Форум свободной России» — двухдневный междусобойчик непримиримых, называющих себя либералами. Литовская столица принимает эту унылую кампанию уже в пятый раз. Медведев представил доклад о работе правительства за 6 лет 2018-04-15 22:13 Российский парламент заслушал отчет правительства Дмитрия Медведева за последние шесть лет. Си Цзиньпин решил создать сильнейший в мире флот 2018-04-15 22:15 12 апреля лидер Китая Си Цзиньпин принял, находясь на боевом корабле, военно-морской парад, на котором поставил задачу создать сильнейший в мире флот. Парад — часть плановых учений в Южно-Китайском море. США введут новые санкции против России 2018-04-15 22:15 Ограничения коснутся компаний, которые якобы имели дело с оборудованием для хим.атаки в Сирии. Что будет с курсом валют? Неделю назад санкции спровоцировали обвал. Syria: Assad discusses US-led airstrikes with Russian delegation 2018-04-15 22:27 A video emerged on Sunday showing Syrian President Bashar al-Assad meeting with Russian lawmakers to discuss the current situation in the country. The meeting came a day after the US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. As the allies stated, the airstrikes were in response to the suspected April 7 chemical attack in Douma. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication»' The Russian delegation arrived in Syria on April 11. Вести недели. Эфир от 15.04.2018 2018-04-15 22:33 Большая англо-саксонская провокация: отравление в Англии, ракетный удар по Сирии - часть единой конструкции. Iraq: Stars-and-stripes burn as Baghdadis condemn strikes in Syria 2018-04-15 22:34 Protesters burned American flags during a protest in Baghdad on Sunday condemning US-led airstrikes in Syria. Hundreds gathered in Tahrir Square with Syrian and Iraqi flags, to demonstrate their support to the Syrian people. Protesters burned several representations of the US flag and then stomped on them, following a string of heated anti-US protests all across the world. The US, UK and France launched airstrikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting Syrian civil and military facilities. The airstrikes were in response to a claim of a supposed chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them 'staged' and a 'fabrication.' В Москве состоялась торжественная церемония вручения «Золотой маски» 2018-04-15 22:45 Специальную премию жюри получил «Гоголь-центр» под руководством Кирилла Серебренникова. Slovakia: Tens of thousands demand reforms after journalist murder 2018-04-15 23:15 Around 30,000 people gathered in the centre of Bratislava on Sunday to protest against corruption among country's public servants and to demand a fully-fledged police investigation into the murders of journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancee Martina Kusnirova. The political crisis sparked by the killings has already resulted into resignation of Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico and Interior Minister Robert Kalinak. However, the police president Tibor Gaspar, whose resignation people are also demanding, remains in office. He refused to quit even despite the recent scandal around Slovak crime boss Robert Okolicany who managed to flee the country after the Supreme Court sentenced him to life for several crimes including murder. Kuciak and Kusnirova were found shot dead on February 25. Kuciak had been investigating relationships between the Italian mafia and people working in Fico's office. Slovaks are saying the government has failed to tackle corruption previously and now demand a serious reconstruction of the government. Plumes rise as century-old building COLLAPSES in Moscow 2018-04-15 23:26 A building constructed in 1916 collapsed in the centre of Moscow filling the streets below with plumes of dust on Sunday. According to reports, some workers doing restoration noticed a suspicious crack and called the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The building collapsed after EMERCOM arrived. The building was allegedly under observation of the local authorities for its poor condition. Fire and emergency units operated at the site with no casualties reported. France: Parisians protest controversial asylum bill on eve of vote 2018-04-16 01:01 France: Parisians protest controversial asylum bill on eve of vote Parisians took to the streets on Sunday, to protest against the French government's draft asylum and immigration bill, the day before its debate in the National Assembly. Protesters carried banners and sang songs criticising the proposed law, which seeks to differentiate between economic migrants and asylum seekers. French President Emmanuel Macron has come under pressure from all sides of the political spectrum for his stance on immigration. «Let us welcome the migrants with dignity, stop compromising human rights when it is a question of really applying them to people in vulnerable situation,» said Juliette Fauvarque, a member of pressure group and protest organisers BAAM (The Reception and Support Office for Migrants). USA: 'Hands off Syria!' — Anti-war demo decries US-led strikes on Syria 2018-04-16 01:09 Scores of people rallied at New York's Herald Square on Sunday, condemning US-led air strikes in Syria. Protesters carried placards reading «US, hands off Syria» and «Syria strikes illegal and unauthorised» among others. One protester condemned the US-led strikes on Syria, which he called «criminal, «illegal» and «unconstitutional.» Other demonstrators also railed against the US military actions in other countries in the Middle East and Latin America, with one protester saying that «we don't know from one minute to the next what country the US empire is going to invade,» adding that «this is US war on a global scale.» The US, UK and France launched air strikes against multiple government targets in Damascus early on Saturday morning, targeting alleged chemical weapons sites as well as a Syrian military base in Homs. The air strikes are a response to claims of an alleged chemical weapons attack on Douma last week. Syria and Russia have both denied the allegations, calling them «staged» and a «fabrication». Montenegro: Milo Djukanovic wins presidential election 2018-04-16 03:05 Pro-EU politician and leader of Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) Milo Djukanovic declared victory in the country's presidential election in Podgorica, Sunday. This will be his second term in office as president, having also served five times as Montenegro's prime minister. When addressing his supporters, Djukanovic pledged to complete talks for EU membership, saying that «I understand this election result as a confirmation of Montenegro's evolution to achieve European values, European standards and full membership in the European Union.» According to the projected results, Djukanovic was set to win the election with 53 percent of the votes. USA: 'Wage peace' — Hundreds join anti-war demo in Oakland 2018-04-16 04:45 Hundreds of people marched through the streets of Oakland, California, Sunday, to demonstrate against the US military actions across the world. The rally was part of the Spring Actions 2018 action, which takes place across the country to protest war. Following recent US-led air strikes on Syria, some protesters called on Washington to stop its military actions in Syria, with some demonstrators holding placards reading «Stop US bombing in Syria» and «Stop US murder in Syria.» «Вести. Интервью». Юрий Кара 2018-04-16 05:09 1 день в Красноярске провел режиссер, сценарист, актер Юрий Кара. Эксклюзивное интервью. Совет Госдумы рассмотрит проект контрсанкций в отношении США 2018-04-16 06:46 16 апреля Совет Госдумы рассмотрит проект контрсанкций в отношении США и других государств. Он должен утвердить дату первого чтения. |
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