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Brazil: Supporters rally as Lula refuses to surrender to police

Brazil: Supporters rally as Lula refuses to surrender to police
2018-04-07 07:26
Demonstrators rallied in support of former Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva outside of the Metalworkers' Union HQ in the Sao Bernardo do Campo area of Sao Paulo on Friday, following the former leader's refusal to surrender to the federal police. Protesters carried banners reading 'Never arrest Lula' as they chanted and listened to speakers such as President of Brazil's National Worker's Party Gleisi Hoffmann, who thanked the supporters on Lula's behalf. «This union has already faced very great struggles and it is in this union that President Lula chose to stay today, together with the people, along with militancy, along with the social movements, together with the trade union movement», she said. Lula refused leave the ABC Steelworkers Union building in Sao Bernardo do Campo despite the Supreme Court's earlier ruling that the 72-year-old must turn himself into the authorities. Police have said they do not want to arrest him at the union hall, which is heaving with demonstrators. The former president was sentenced to a 12-year jail term for corruption and money laundering in a corruption case known as Operation Car Wash. He was convicted of receiving bribes.

Greece: Orthodox Christians celebrate Good Friday with Epitaph procession in Tolo
2018-04-07 07:34
Orthodox Christians in the Greek village of Tolo celebrated Good Friday with a traditional procession of the Epitaph. The Epitaph was carried through the streets of Tolo, and then above the waters on the beach. Orthodox Christians celebrate good Friday on a different date due to their use of the Julian calendar, rather than the Gregorian calendar used by other Christian denominations.

Chile: Demonstrators in Santiago show support for former Brazilian pres. Lula
2018-04-07 08:26
Chileans and Brazilians living in Chile congregated in Santiago on Friday in support of former Brazilian President Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva. Footage shows the protesters as they waved flags and chanted on the streets. One demonstrator, Gregorio Mondaca, said «If Lula is free, he will be the president, if they kill Lula, he will be a martyr, but Lula is already a hero for all of us, Viva Lula.» The Supreme Court of Brazil confirmed that 72-year-old Lula will serve a prison sentence directly after the rejection of his first appeal by a vote of 6:5 and he has been ordered to hand himself into the authorities. Lula was sentenced to a 12-year jail term for corruption and money laundering in a case known as Operation Car Wash. He was convicted of receiving bribes. He now needs to overturn the ruling before Brazilian presidential candidates are officially announced in August as a conviction would sink his election ambitions, but he will remain in jail until such a ruling is confirmed.

Syria: We are here 'for the Turks' — SDF soldiers at US base in Manbij
2018-04-07 09:55
Journalist (Arabic): «In your opinion, do you think that the US is going to help Turkey or Erdogan in attacking Afrin, or shall it stand against Turkey if it made an aggression against Manbij?» 'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): «I expect they will not change their minds, they are 100 percent determined. They established the bases, it is not a joke, not a fluctuation of the mind. They are steadfast, and they are enhancing their forces more and more. There are heavy weapons and there are weapons that can encounter all the available weapons.» Journalist (Arabic): «so, in case of a Turkish attack over Manbij, would the American forces or the International Coalition join your forces in combating the Turkey and Euphrates Shield?» 'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): «Yes of course, for sure.» Two Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) soldiers positioned in a new American base in Manbij confirmed they are working in coordination with Washington against Turkish operations in the area. «The Coalition is here for the Turks», one soldier, known as 'the Sheikh of the Mountain', said. Footage reportedly shows an American base, marked by their flags, camouflage netting and armored vehicles. According to several reports published this week, the United States troops are building new positions near the front line. The one in Manbij is one of the closest to the Syrian-Turkish border. The second SDF soldier commented on the militants being evacuated from Eastern Ghouta, stating «they are withdrawing all the forces from all over Syria to mobilise them on the Sajoor front, we don’t know if this is to invade Manbij.» Over the last two weeks, US President Donald Trump announced that the US would leave Syria by the end of the year, asking strategic partners to fill the gap. He also said that the decision could be reversed, if Saudi Arabia decides to provide financial support for the coalition’s military operations.

Макгрегор вышел на свободу под залог в $50 тыс
2018-04-07 10:16
Ирландский боец смешанного стиля Конор Макгрегор освобожден из-под стражи под залог в 50 тысяч долларов. Ранее он был задержан за нападение на автобус с участниками турнира Абсолютного бойцовского чемпионата (UFC) 223.

Санкционный эффект
2018-04-07 10:28
Как влияет на инвестиционную привлекательность России опубликованный Минфином США список олигархов и высокопоставленных чиновников?

Новые возможности для врачей и пациенток: в перинатальном центре Сахалина — большие перемены
2018-04-07 10:31
Медицинское оборудование «с иголочки», палаты со всеми удобствами, комфортные условия для работы врачей. В перинатальном центре Сахалина — большие перемены. Часть подразделений разместилась на новых площадях, открылось новое родильное отделение. Когда ждут маленьких пациентов?

Пентагон: ИГИЛ в Сирии почти уничтожен
2018-04-07 10:33
Представитель пресс-службы Пентагона майор Адриан Ранкин-Гэлловэй в интервью телеканалу Alhurra заявил, что «коалиция США и союзников» практически завершила уничтожение ИГИЛ в Сирии

«Агитпроп»: Поединок литературных цитат
2018-04-07 10:37
Британия обвиняет Россию в отравлении в Солсбери, а Украина удерживает в плену наших моряков. По мнению журналиста Константина Семина, обе истории — это провокация. Для чего, какую опасность несет и кто за всем этим стоит?

Российские наемники для Асада
2018-04-07 10:42
Агентство «Рейтер»: Россия негласно отправляет наемников для помощи режиму Асада.

Что такое промежуточные выборы?
2018-04-07 10:51
Выборы, проходящие между выборами президента США, называются промежуточными.

Роскомнадзор против Telegram: уйдет ли компания Дурова из России?
2018-04-07 11:26
Иск об ограничении доступа к мессенджеру подал Роскомнадзор. Основание серьезное: заявление Федеральной службы безопасности. Но заблокируют ли Telegram на деле?

«Индустрия кино»: Продолжаем обсуждать фильм «Тренер»
2018-04-07 11:29
В новом выпуске программы — продолжение разговора про один из самых ожидаемых фильмов весны «Тренер». В студии у Ивана Кудрявцева — Ольга Зуева, которая играет одну из главных ролей в режиссерском дебюте Данилы Козловского. Также в программе — кассовые итоги первого квартала 2018 года и интервью со Стивеном Содербергом про его новое кино «Не в себе».

Japan: Japan showcases first elite marines unit since WWII
2018-04-07 11:31
Japan's Self Defense Forces (JSDF)'s new elite unit, called The Amphibious Rapid Deployment Brigade, demonstrated its capability with a public exercise at Camp Ainoura in Sasebo on Wednesday. Around 1,500 members of the unit participated in the exercise, descending from helicopters and exchanging fire with a mock enemy, backed by a dozen of armoured vehicles. It is the first time since the Second World War that Japan has introduced a marines unit in its army, in a bid to ward off potential invaders on Japanese islands along the edge of the East China Sea, according to reports.

Syria: They are here 'for the Turks' — SDF soldiers at US 'base' in Manbij
2018-04-07 11:35
Journalist (Arabic): «In your opinion, do you think that the US is going to help Turkey or Erdogan in attacking Afrin, or shall it stand against Turkey if it made an aggression against Manbij?» 'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): «I expect they will not change their minds, they are 100 percent determined. They established the bases, it is not a joke, not a fluctuation of the mind. They are steadfast, and they are enhancing their forces more and more. There are heavy weapons and there are weapons that can encounter all the available weapons.» Journalist (Arabic): «so, in case of a Turkish attack over Manbij, would the American forces or the International Coalition join your forces in combating the Turkey and Euphrates Shield?» 'Sheikh of the Mountain', SDF Fighter (Arabic): «Yes of course, for sure.» Two Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) soldiers positioned in a new American base in Manbij confirmed they are working in coordination with Washington against Turkish operations in the area. «The Coalition is here for the Turks», one soldier, known as 'the Sheikh of the Mountain', said. Footage reportedly shows an American base, marked by their flags, camouflage netting and armored vehicles. According to several reports published this week, the United States troops are building new positions near the front line. The one in Manbij is one of the closest to the Syrian-Turkish border. The second SDF soldier commented on the militants being evacuated from Eastern Ghouta, stating «they are withdrawing all the forces from all over Syria to mobilise them on the Sajoor front, we don't know if this is to invade Manbij.» Over the last two weeks, US President Donald Trump announced that the US would leave Syria by the end of the year, asking strategic partners to fill the gap. He also said that the decision could be reversed, if Saudi Arabia decides to provide financial support for the coalition's military operations. «I cannot discuss specific movements and locations of forces within Syria. What I can tell you is, throughout CENTCOM, commanders are delegated the authority and the responsibility to position the number of people and resources needed to accomplish the mission and to protect themselves. Occasional modifications to force size would therefore be normal,» Eric Pahon, Pentagon spokesman, told Ruptly, answering an email about US activities near Manbij.

Евгений Спицын. «История СССР. № 124. Советский Союз на Дальневосточных рубежах в 1945-1953 гг.»
2018-04-07 12:00
Сто двадцать четвертая лекция из цикла Евгения Спицына «История России», посвященная внешней политике СССР на Дальнем Востоке в 1945-1953 гг.. Уважаемые друзья! На сайте издательства «Концептуал» можно приобрести пятитомник «История России» Е.Ю. Спицына без торговой наценки: https://konzeptual.ru/spicyn-eju-istorija-rossii-komplekt-iz-5-tomov?utm_source=dentv_youtube #ДеньТВ #Спицын #историяРоссии #СССР #Сталин #Мао #Китай #Гоминьдан #КНР #Корея #КимИрСен #КПК #ЧанКайши #ООН #Япония

В Москве и Петербурге открылся первый фестиваль Юна Фоссе
2018-04-07 12:02
Спектакли по пьесам одного из самых популярных писателей Северной Европы на разных площадках представляют ведущие российские режиссеры. Первым событием смотра стала онлайн-встреча с автором.

Дон Жуан двадцать первого века в Театре Маяковского
2018-04-07 12:03
Театр Маяковского готовится к встрече с Дон Жуаном. Пьеса Мольера оказалась актуальной и сегодня. Жанр спектакля определили как «селебрити-драма». Главного героя сделали певцом — блогером. И - предложили зрителям окунуться в богемную жизнь знаменитости.

Сегодня Сергей Мазаев — гость нашей студии
2018-04-07 12:07
Бессменный лидер группы «Моральный кодекс» — Сергей Мазаев известен не только как автор и исполнитель песен, которые стали хитами, но и как музыкант, постоянно ищущий новые форматы. Один из них — проект QUEENtet.

Американка будет 3 дня спать на улице, чтобы увидеть свадьбу Гарри и Меган
2018-04-07 12:11
Что может заставить взрослую женщину пересечь океан и три ночи спать на улице в розовой палатке принцессы, в которой помещается только половина тела? На такое способна разве что американка Донна Вернер – ярая поклонница британской королевской семьи. Уже в мае она планирует установить круглосуточное дежурство у Виндзорского замка, чтобы воочию увидеть принца Гарри и его невесту Меган Маркл в день их свадьбы.

Вести-Рязань. Эфир от 07.04.2018 (11.20)
2018-04-07 12:20
Торговля санкционными продуктами перекочевала с рязанских улиц в интернет. В пасхальную ночь в городе продлят работу общественного транспорта.

Brazil: Lula's refusal for arrest sparks protests in Curitiba
2018-04-07 12:25
After former Brazilian President Luis Inacio Lula da Silva refused to give himself in to the police, protests both against and in his favour erupted in Curitiba on Friday, where he was supposed to be jailed. In the city centre pro-Lula supporters and member of Lula's party, the Worker's Party (PT), staged a rally against the incarceration and in his favour, whilst opponents of Lula gathered in front of Curitiba's police HQ, where Lula was supposed to be detained. Lula defied Judge Sergio Moro’s order to report to prison on Friday afternoon in Curitiba, setting up a showdown with authorities and triggering demonstrations around the country both for and against him. Instead, Lula remained in his hometown of Sao Bernardo do Campo, in the Sao Paulo metropolitan area, allegedly in the headquarters of the steelworkers’ union. Lula was sentenced to a 12-year jail term for corruption and money laundering in a case known as Operation Car Wash. He was convicted of receiving bribes. He now needs to overturn the ruling before Brazilian presidential candidates are officially announced in August as a conviction would sink his election ambitions, but he will remain in jail until such a ruling is confirmed.

Белый дом: Трамп добивается того, чтобы Россия «изменила поведение»
2018-04-07 12:45
МИД России в связи с санкциями выступил с заявлением, в котором пригрозил Соединенным Штатам «жестким ответом», и добавил, что «никакие меры давления не свернут Россию с избранного курса». Санкции, по мнению российского внешнеполитического ведомства, вредят самой Америке и являются симптомом «деградации демократии». Попавшие под санкции российские деятели также подвергли решение администрации Трампа критике. При этом, например, глава «Газпрома» Алексей Миллер счел включение в санкционные списки доказательством «правильности своих действий». Олег Дерипаска, ряд компаний которого внесен в санкционный список, назвал решение американских властей «плачевным» и при этом «необоснованным, смешным и абсурдным». Он заявил, что после Пасхи посоветуется с адвокатами и даст новые комментарии. США в пятницу ввели новые санкции в отношении 24 граждан России и 14 компаний. Среди тех, кто попал под ограничения, – крупные предприниматели Олег Дерипаска, Виктор Вексельберг, Сулейман Керимов, Игорь Ротенберг и Кирилл Шамалов, глава ВТБ Андрей Костин, глава «Газпрома» Алексей Миллер, секретарь Совета безопасности Николай Патрушев, глава Росгвардии Виктор Золотов, глава МВД России Владимир Колокольцев, глава Роскомнадзора Александр Жаров.

Суд приговорил водителя упавшего в море автобуса к 4,5 годам колонии
2018-04-07 12:52
Об этом сообщили в Следственном комитете России.

«Архимед» показал уникальные российские инновации
2018-04-07 12:55
Новые разработки российских ученых и молодых энтузиастов уже воплощены в жизнь и приносят пользу. В Москве проходит Международный салон изобретений и инновационных технологий «Архимед».

Бойца Макгрегора отпустили под залог в $50 тыс
2018-04-07 12:56
Его арестовали после нападения на автобус с участниками UFC.

Виктории Скрипаль не дали визу, опасаясь, что она «пешка Кремля»
2018-04-07 13:00
Великобритания отказала в визе племяннице Сергея Скрипаля Виктории, предполагая, что Кремль использует ее как «пешку» в деле об отравлении бывшего агента ГРУ и его дочери Юлии в Солсбери. Об этом сообщает Русская служба Би-би-си со ссылкой на документ британского посольства в Москве, оказавшийся в распоряжении редакции. Виктория Скрипаль указала в визовой анкете, что целью для ее приезда в Британию является посещение родственников – однако в посольстве не располагают данными, что Сергей или Юлия Скрипаль приглашали ее в гости. Кроме того, племянница Скрипаля не смогла доказать, что у нее есть достаточно средств на проживание в Британии. В неофициальном комментарии для Би-би-си источник в британском правительстве сказал: «Если она попала под влияние Кремля или Кремль ее к чему-то принуждает, она тоже стала жертвой». Виктория Скрипаль сказала Би-би-си, что ожидала отказа в визе, но попробует подать документы еще раз. Ранее племянница Скрипаля сообщила, что говорила по телефону с Юлией Скрипаль. Та сказала ей, что идет на поправку, но отказала родственнице во встрече. Российское телевидение опубликовало аудиозапись разговора, но неясно, является ли она подлинной.

«Раскрывая тайны звезд»: Валентина Талызина
2018-04-07 13:00
Про нее недаром говорят: актриса с сибирским характером. Девочка из зерносовхоза Борисовский Омской области, которая добилась всего сама: выросла в большую актрису, лицо и голос которой знает каждый, на чьи спектакли в театре имени Моссовета не достать билет, которую любят и ждут с концертами даже в далекой Вене.

Вести. Эфир от 07.04.2018 (11:00)
2018-04-07 13:05
И Благовещение, и Страстная суббота. Божественная литургия в храме Христа Спасителя. По всей стране освящают куличи. Сестра Юлии Скрипаль объяснила, почему ей не дали британскую визу. В России может появиться обязательное страхование пассажиров такси. Африка раскололась: вблизи кенийской столицы Найроби появился гигантский разлом.

Литературный спор представителей МИД России и Великобритании в ООН
2018-04-07 13:08
Споря о деле Сергея Скрипаля в ООН, представитель России Василий Небензя и Карен Пирс обменялись своими познаниями в мировой литературе

Театр Моссовета отмечает 95-летие
2018-04-07 13:12
Театру Моссовета — 95. Дом для нескольких поколений легендарных актеров и образец того, как в искусстве одновременно уживаются традиции и новаторство. А в 20-е годы у молодой труппы даже не было постоянной сцены. Что такое дух Моссовета? И что значит для театра фраза «Путь из вчера в завтра».

Куличи, перезвон и мыльные пузыри: пасхальные выходные в Москве
2018-04-07 13:16
Стать гостем пасхального бала, приготовить главное украшение праздничного стола под руководством известных шеф-поваров или оказаться на старинной русской ярмарке. От центра до районных парков, на почти 40 городских площадках — развлечения и угощения на любой вкус.

Иван Грозный как память о будущем (Л. Ивашов, М. Шевченко, В. Манягин)
2018-04-07 13:21
Заседание Изборского клуба в г. Александрове с участием Александра Проханова, Леонида Ивашова, Максима Шевченко, Вячеслава Манягина и других экспертов. В чем уникальность российской цивилизации. Как опыт преобразования государства и общества в эпоху Ивана IV Грозного может быть востребован сегодня. Почему должна восторжествовать идея всеобщего служения. Поддержать канал ДеньТВ http://goo.gl/XWqdne #ДеньТВ #ИванГрозный #опричнина #Ивашов #Проханов #Изборскийклуб #историяРоссии #МаксимШевченко #Русь #Русскоецарство #служение #Орда #Византия #будущее #памятник

Germany: Puigdemont speaks from Berlin following bail
2018-04-07 13:30
Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont held a press conference in Berlin on Saturday, a day after his release from custody in Neumuenster. The German state court in Schleswig-Holstein has ruled that Puigdemont could be released on bail pending a decision on possible extradition to Spain, adding that the charges of rebellion do not apply, as the comparable German charge of treason specifies «violence». Carles Puigdemont has been detained in Germany on a European arrest warrant since March 25.

Iran: Iranian FM welcomes Venezuelan counterpart ahead of meeting
2018-04-07 13:36
Mohammad Javad Zarif, the Iranian Foreign Minister, met on Saturday in Tehran with Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza. Arreaza traveled to Iran to hold talks with Iranian officials on bilateral, regional and international issues. The two countries have close relationship on oil and trade. Iran recently announced its plan to create a cryptocurrency. Venezuela recently launched its own, the Petro, in an attempt to help the country to circumvent sanctions and inflation.

Президенты перед судом
2018-04-07 13:41
Бывший президент Южной Кореи получил 24 года. Решается судьба бывших лидеров ЮАР, Бразилии, Франции. Их всех обвиняют в коррупции. Привлечь даже президента к ответственности можно.

В управлении МВД по Калужской области новый начальник
2018-04-07 14:05
Президент России Владимир Путин подписал указ о назначении на должность главы калужской региональной полиции полковника Александра Дедова. До своего назначения он занимал пост заместителя начальника УМВД России по Орловской области. Александр Дедов родился в 1971 году в Орловской области. Имеет два высших образования. В органах внутренних дел служит с 1993 года. Неоднократно бывал в командировках на Кавказе. Имеет ведомственные и государственные награды, в том числе именное оружие.

Sky News: Сергей Скрипаль «пришел в себя и может говорить»
2018-04-07 15:04
Посол России в Великобритании Александр Яковенко направил в британское министерство иностранных дел просьбу об организации его встречи с главой МИД Великобритании Борисом Джонсоном. Как заявили в российском посольстве, посол хочет обсудить с Джонсоном расследование отравления Сергея Скрипаля и его дочери Юлии в Солсбери, а также «весь комплекс двусторонних отношений». В МИД Британии подтвердили получение запроса и обещали ответить на него в установленном порядке. Больница в Солсбери, в которой лечится Скрипаль после отравления 4 марта, в пятницу сообщила об улучшении его состояния. По данным Sky News, бывший двойной агент уже пришел в себя и может говорить. Телеканал не исключает, что вскоре он сможет дать показания по своему делу. Ранее пришла в себя и его дочь Юлия.

Germany: Ex-Catalan President Puigdemont hopes to return to Belgium
2018-04-07 15:17
SOT,Journalist (English): «Meet politicians?» SOT, Carles Puigdemont, former Catalan president (English): «It's not now in my plans anything else but to restore normality and to continue to address to my people, Catalan people, German people, to continue to defend our collective rights and my personal rights.» Former Catalan President Carles Puigdemont said he will remain in Germany for the time being but hopes to return to Belgium at the end of the German legal proceedings, speaking at a conference in Berlin on Saturday, a day after his release from custody in Neumuenster. «I wish to remain... Well, my duty is to remain here in Germany till the end of the judicial process here. I want to be at disposal to the German authorities,» said Puigdemont. «When they ask me, is independence the only option, I answered: no. Independence is our proposal, especially after several attempts, but a thunderous one, especially after the sentence of 2010. It is our proposal, but we would like to hear the Spanish proposal,» he added. The German state court in Schleswig-Holstein has ruled that Puigdemont could be released on bail pending a decision on possible extradition to Spain, adding that the charges of rebellion do not apply, as the comparable German charge of treason specifies «violence.» Carles Puigdemont was detained in Germany on a European arrest warrant since March 25.

Скрипаль заговорил
2018-04-07 15:23
Бывший полковник ГРУ Сергей Скрипаль, пострадавший от предполагаемого отравления нервно-паралитическим веществом в английском городе Солсбери, находится в сознании и может говорить.

Mexico: President Nieto hits back at Trump's rhetoric over Mexican border wall
2018-04-07 15:39
Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto delivered a direct address to US President Donald Trump on Thursday an official video from his office in Mexico City, responding to the US President's recent rhetoric towards Mexico. In the video, published on the same day Trump decided to deploy the National Guard at the Mexican border, Nieto directly addressed his American counterpart. Quoting former US President John F. Kennedy, he said that «We will have no fear to negotiate, but we will never negotiate out of fear.» He concluded his message saying that «nothing, nor anyone is above the dignity of Mexico.» Nieto's comments come after Trump signed off a proclamation which will see the National Guard deployed at the Mexico's border with the States as he ramps up his rhetoric on immigration and transnational crime syndicates. In his 2016 presidential campaign, Trump also swore to build a wall on the border and force Mexico to fund it.

Эксперты прокомментировали попытку продажи ребенка в Москве
2018-04-07 16:05
Представители родительских комитетов находят поступок матери непростительным.

USA: NATO must 'follow closely' the modernisation of Russia's nuclear weapons
2018-04-07 17:07
«In NATO, we are now increasing our focus on nuclear issues. We see proliferation and we see also the modernisation of Russian forces, nuclear forces,» NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg said on Friday, during his visit to the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) in Omaha, Nebraska. Stoltenberg said that since Russia are modernising their nuclear capabilities, NATO must «continue to have credible and strong deterrents» as well as «follow closely» Russia's activity. Stoltenberg began a two-day visit to the US on Thursday, where he kicked off with a speech at the Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Mandatory credit: NATO Channel

«Фанимани»: О беспилотниках и аресте имущества чиновников
2018-04-07 17:13
Как можно легально нажиться на арестованном имуществе олигархов и чиновников? Почему государство требует от людей вернуть банковские кредиты, которых они не брали? Когда беспилотники начнут разбиваться о стены домов не только в Бурятии, но и в столице России? Об этом и многом другом — в новом выпуске программы «Фанимани»

State of Palestine: Journalist killed in border clashes laid to rest in Gaza
2018-04-07 17:29
A funeral was held for slain Palestinian journalist Yaser Murtaja in Gaza on Saturday. Murtaja died after being hit by Israeli gunfire while covering the March of Return protest at the border with Israel on Friday, health officials say. He was one of several journalists said to have been hit during the demonstrations. Murtaja’s body was carried to the Omari mosque, where thousands had gathered to mourn the 31-year old’s passing. Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh praised the journalist as a «martyr» who conveyed, «truth to all the world with camera, article, pen and courage.» A photographer at Ain Media agency, Murtaja was shot in the stomach, despite wearing a bulletproof vest with the words ‘Press.' He later died of his wounds in hospital. According to the Palestinian Syndicate of Journalists, a further seven journalists were injured during Friday’s protests. In a statement, the Israeli military said that it «does not intend to shoot at journalists» and has since opened an investigation into the incident. The six-week long ‘March of Return’ is a campaign by Palestinians who are calling for the return of land which is now claimed by Israel.

El Mundo: Пучдемон рассматривал возможность уехать в Россию
2018-04-07 17:33
Бывший лидер Каталонии Карлес Пучдемон, экстрадиции которого добивается Испания, рассматривал возможность отправиться в Россию, чтобы укрыться от преследования. Это утверждает испанская газета El Mundo со ссылкой на собственные источники. Как пишет газета, Пучдемон в конце марта, находясь в Хельсинки, узнал о том, что в Испании выдан европейский ордер на его арест. Он рассматривал возможность выехать в Россию, которая граничит с Финляндией, однако предпочел попытку вернуться в Бельгию, где он с конца прошлого года живет в эмиграции, по суше на автомобиле. Пучдемон через Швецию и Данию доехал до Германии, где был задержан. Суд в Германии отказался экстрадировать Пучдемона по статье о «мятеже», однако ему по-прежнему грозит выдача в Испанию по статье о растрате госсредств. Пучдемон освобожден под залог, он не должен покидать пределы Германии.

Germany: Van ploughs into crowd in Muenster, killing and wounding several people
2018-04-07 18:39

Germany: Massive police presence in Muenster after vehicle driven into crowd
2018-04-07 19:03
Several people were killed and at least 30 were injured in Muenster on Saturday, after a van drove into a crowd in the city’s old town. According to the local police force, the driver then committed suicide. Rescue helicopters, ambulances and police vehicles are at the scene. Police have since cordoned off the area and have told people to stay away on Twitter. An investigation into the incident has been opened.

East Jerusalem: Orthodox faithful attend holy fire ceremony at Church of Holy Sepulcher
2018-04-07 19:29
Thousands of followers of the Orthodox Church waited patiently at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem's Old City for the holy fire to descend on the church on Saturday. The Greek Orthodox patriarch emerged carrying the fire in the early afternoon from the enclosed aedicule that houses the tomb where Jesus Christ was buried after his crucifixion. Believers waiting outside cheered and yelled in celebration and many rushed to light bundles of candles they were carrying. While Catholic and Protestant churches marked Easter last Sunday, the Orthodox churches follow the Eastern calendar and therefore celebrate it this coming Sunday.

Turkey: Tanker slams into waterfront mansion on the Bosphorus
2018-04-07 19:57
A tanker crashed into an 18th century waterfront mansion on Istanbul's Bosphorus, Saturday, reportedly after its steering equipment locked and it veered off course. Shipping along the waterway was postponed in the wake of the incident. The 'Vitaspirit' tanker was towed away from the site of the crash. No casualties have been reported but the Hekimbasi Salih Efendi Mansion sustained severe damage.

Germany: ‘People were running away screaming’ — Locals recount Muenster van ramming incident
2018-04-07 20:55
SOT, Journalist (German) *TRANSLATION TO FOLLOW* Police in Muenster confirmed on Saturday that six people were severely injured, after a van drove into a crowd in the city’s old town, repotedly killing several people. Police say the driver of the van subsequently took his own life. German media, citing the Interior Ministry, report that four people were killed in total including the driver. Rescue helicopters, ambulances and police vehicles are at the scene. Police have since cordoned off the area and have told people to stay away, on Twitter. An investigation into the incident has been opened.

UK: EDL protesters face off with anti-racism activists in Walsall
2018-04-07 21:26
A demonstration by the far-right English Defence League (EDL) in Walsall was opposed by an anti-racism protest, Saturday. The EDL supporters took to the streets to protest against what they said in a statement was ongoing «terrorists plotting» and «drug trafficking.» They were carrying Saint George's Cross flags and chanting «We're the famous EDL.» At the same time, a group of counter-protesters gathered nearby. They brought along anti-racism placards such as «No to Islamophobia and anti-Semitism» and «Stand united, don't let the racists divide us.» One person was allegedly arrested on suspicion of a racially aggravated public order offence.

Germany: AfD commemorate stabbing victim Mia V. in Kandel
2018-04-07 22:25
More than 3,000 supporters of Alternative for Germany (AfD) held a rally in Kandel on Saturday commemorating Mia V., who was stabbed to death allegedly by her ex-boyfriend, an asylum seeker, in late December. The protest passed off peacefully, although police were deployed to prevent Antifa counter-demonstrators from interrupting the rally. One protester, Heinz, said Mia V.'s death was symptomatic of a wider problem with Germany's migration policy. «The 'open borders' is not good for anyone, not for the refugees, so-called 'refugees', not for anyone in Germany.» The small Rhineland-Palatinate town has been divided by rival protests ever since the murder of 15-year-old Mia V.. The principal suspect is her ex-boyfriend, an Afghani named Abdul D.

UK: Pro-Palestine protesters honour victims of ‘March of Return’ violence
2018-04-07 23:01
Pro-Palestinian protesters gathered in central London on Saturday in response to the violent scenes on the Israel-Gaza border during the ongoing ‘March of Return' protests. Protesters criticise what they see as the British government’s silence over the deaths in Gaza. At least 700 Palestinians have been injured and 31 killed, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, amid violence that has seen the Israeli armed forces use live fire. The six-week long ‘March of Return’ is a demand from Palestinians for land which is now claimed by Israel.

Russia: 'I wrote a letter to Theresa May' — Viktoria Skripal after being denied UK visa
2018-04-07 23:42

USA: Lakota choppers head to US-Mexico border after Trump's troop deployment order
2018-04-08 00:02
Lakota helicopters were seen lifting off at the Armed Forces Reserve Centre in Austin on Friday, after Arizona and Texas announced that 400 National Guard members would be sent to the US-Mexico border by next week. Two Lakota choppers are reportedly heading to the border area as part of the deployment. In response to US President Donald Trump's call for troops, Arizona said it would send 150 troops, while Texas will deploy 250. A total of 4,000 National Guard are to be deployed to the border. On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Trump's plan to send troops to the US-Mexico border, a bill which he later signed off. «The mobilisation of the National Guard will be an important part of the strategy to confront the growing threat of illegal immigration, drugs and violent gang members coming across our southern border,» Sanders said.

Germany: Muenster Mayor ‘mourns’ van attack tragedy
2018-04-08 00:03
SOT, journalist (German): «How many people were injured? How many people died and how many were injured?» SOT, Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «The latest numbers are three people dead, several heavily and lightly injured.» SOT, journalist (German): «The city center has been cordoned-off. Why this measure?» SOT, Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «It's an ordinary procedure after such incidents that such a large area is being cordoned off. My colleagues are examining now the vehicle and the items found inside it to find out the reason of the incident.» SOT, journalist (German): «I've seen SEK units [Special Deployment Commando] at the scene. Why?» SOT, Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «I don't have such info.» SOT, journalist (German): «Okay, they were standing behind the church and waiting for their operation. That's why I asked… There are rumors that someone was arrested.» SOT, Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «I cannot provide any info on any arrests at the moment.» SOT, journalist (German): «[It is said] that a flat was searched [by police].» SOT, Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «I cannot provide any info on any flat searches at the moment.» Mayor of Muenster Wilhelm Lewe spoke of his city's sadness after a van ploughed into people sitting outside restaurants in a popular town square on Saturday. Two people were killed and a further 20 injured in the incident. «Muenster mourns the death of people from this afternoon and we feel connected to the relatives in pain. So, we wish the injured people quick and complete recovery,» Lewe told reporters. Muenster police spokesperson Andreas Bode confirmed that the driver of the vehicle, male, killed himself at the scene. He refused to comment on whether the police had many arrests or conducted flat searches following the incident. Authorities have there is no indication it was an Islamist attack. An investigation has been opened.

Калужский музей изобразительных искусств представил «Курсистку» Николая Ярошенко
2018-04-08 01:15
«100 шедевров в 100-летие музея». В Калужском музее изобразительных искусств продолжается масштабный экспозиционный проект, задачи которого познакомить калужан с уникальными экспонатами из собрания музея.

В Калуге вновь пройдут «Ягужинские чтения»
2018-04-08 01:24
Научно-практическая конференция «Ягужинские чтения» состоится в Калуге. Об этом рассказали на пресс-конференции организаторы мероприятия - представители правительства и прокуратуры Калужской области.

Spain: Pro-Catalan independence protesters rally for political prisoners
2018-04-08 01:32
Pro-Catalan independence activists gathered in Madrid on Saturday to demand the release of jailed Catalan leaders. Protesters chanted as they carried banners depicting the faces of imprisoned politicians from the Sol Square to the Ministry of Justice. They also held banners reading «liberty of Catalonia can be good for everyone» and «release of political prisoners» Former leader Carles Puigdemont called for the release of Catalonia's pro-independence leaders on Saturday, after his release from prison in the German town of Neumuenster. He was let free on the condition of a €75,000 (£66,000; $92,000) bail.

Brazil: 'There are millions of Lulas out there' — Lula to supporters at Metalworkers Union
2018-04-08 03:07
Former Brazilian President Luis Inacio da Silva spoke to his supporters at the Metalworkers' Union headquarters in Sao Bernardo on Saturday, a day after he was meant to surrender himself to prison on Judge Sergio Moro's order. Speaking to the crowd, Lula addressed what he described as attacks from the newspapers, radio, and television in Brazil, claiming, «they don't realise the more they attack, the bigger my relation with the Brazilian people becomes.» «It is pointless to try to stop me walking around this country, because there are millions of Lulas out there» he added. Lula agreed to turn himself in, but was prevented from doing so by his supporters who reportedly blocked his car from leaving the building. He was sentenced to a 12-year jail term for corruption and money laundering in a case known as Operation Car Wash. He was convicted of receiving bribes. He now needs to overturn the ruling before Brazilian presidential candidates are officially announced in August as a conviction would sink his election ambitions, but he will remain in jail until such a ruling is confirmed.

USA: Fire breaks out at Trump Tower, one injured
2018-04-08 03:25
A fire broke out on the 50th floor of Trump Tower in central Manhattan, New York City, on Saturday, leaving one injured. Smoke billowed out from Trump Tower as crowds of people watched the incident unfold from across the street, with police and firefighters blocking off the area. US President Donald Trump President Trump commented on the fire on twitter: “Fire at Trump Tower is out. Very confined (well built building). Firemen (and women) did a great job. THANK YOU!“ The cause of the fire started remains unknown. Mandatory credit: Andrew Spender

Brazil: Supporters gather at airport to await Lula's arrival
2018-04-08 03:45
Supporters of former Brazilian President Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva gathered at the Congonhas airport in Sao Paolo on Saturday as they awaited his arrival. The supporters were met by a counter-demonstrator, who they managed to shout down and force away until police intervened. Lula is now expected to be transferred to the southern city of Curitiba, where he will be held in a prison cell. The Supreme Court of Brazil confirmed that 72-year-old Lula will serve a prison sentence directly after the rejection of his first appeal by a vote of 6:5 and he has been ordered to hand himself into the authorities. Lula was sentenced to a 12-year jail term for corruption and money laundering in a case known as Operation Car Wash. He was convicted of receiving bribes.

Germany: Muenster Mayor 'mourns' van attack tragedy
2018-04-08 04:12
Journalist (German): «How many people were injured? How many people died and how many were injured?» Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «The latest numbers are three people dead, several heavily and lightly injured.» Journalist (German): «The city center has been cordoned-off. Why this measure?» Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «It's an ordinary procedure after such incidents that such a large area is being cordoned off. My colleagues are examining now the vehicle and the items found inside it to find out the reason of the incident.» Journalist (German): «I've seen SEK units [Special Deployment Commando] at the scene. Why?» Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «I don't have such info.» Journalist (German): «Okay, they were standing behind the church and waiting for their operation. That's why I asked… There are rumors that someone was arrested.» Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «I cannot provide any info on any arrests at the moment.» Journalist (German): «[It is said] that a flat was searched [by police].» Andreas Bode, spokesman for Muenster police (German): «I cannot provide any info on any flat searches at the moment.» Mayor of Muenster Wilhelm Lewe spoke of his city's sadness after a van ploughed into people sitting outside restaurants in a popular town square on Saturday. Two people were killed and a further 20 injured in the incident. «Muenster mourns the death of people from this afternoon and we feel connected to the relatives in pain. So, we wish the injured people quick and complete recovery,» Lewe told reporters. Muenster police spokesperson Andreas Bode confirmed that the driver of the vehicle, male, killed himself at the scene. He refused to comment on whether the police had many arrests or conducted flat searches following the incident. Authorities have there is no indication it was an Islamist attack. An investigation has been opened.

Russia: Patriarch Kirill leads Easter service at Cathedral of Christ the Saviour
2018-04-08 04:44
Head of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill addressed the nation and led the Easter service at the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour in Moscow on Saturday. Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev also attended the service. Patriarch Kirill spoke on the significance of Easter, calling it «the greatest event in human history» because on Easter Sunday, «the Lord overcame evil.» «As we know, evil exists in the world, but it is not capable of dominating the whole human race. By the power of God's grace people are able to resist evil», he continued. While Catholic and Protestant churches marked Easter last Sunday, Orthodox churches follow the Julian calendar and therefore are celebrating it this coming Sunday.

Canada: Toronto Maple Leafs head coach comments on Humboldt Broncos bus crash
2018-04-08 05:57
Head coach of the Toronto Maple Leafs Mike Babcock spoke to the media in Toronto on Saturday, and commented on Friday's fatal bus crash which involved a Canadian junior hockey team and killed 15 people. Babcock, who grew up in the area where the bus crash occurred, appeared emotionally shaken by the tragedy, stating: «I can't even imagine being the parent, or the wife, or the kids at home going through something like this.» «You can't make up for loss; you just can't, it's got to the rip the heart out of your chest. We pray for those families and think about them and I don't know what else to say», he continued. A total of 15 people were killed and 14 were left injured after a truck collided with a bus carrying the junior hockey team in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan on Friday.

USA: Fire at Trump Tower leaves one dead as area remains cordoned off
2018-04-08 06:25
One person has died after a fire broke out on the 50th floor of Trump Tower in Manhattan on Saturday. Ambulances and fire trucks lined the streets outside Trump Tower as emergency workers battled the blaze and helped to evacuate the injured. According to reports, a 67-year-old man, who was a resident on the 50th floor, succumbed to his injuries and was pronounced dead at the hospital. Four firefighters incurred non-life-threatening injuries.

Чем выборы в Венгрии похожи на российские
2018-04-08 06:54
Виктор Орбан — премьер Венгрии с 2010 г. Его партия — евроскептики, консерваторы и националисты, и он спорный политик в глазах ЕС. В стране не проводились дебаты, правящая партия не опубликовала программу. Орбан рассказывает об угрозах извне, а его противники обвиняют его в тесных связях с Москвой

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