Молодые женщины
Вот попалась мне превосходная статья: Foster D., Klinger-Vartabedian L., Wispe
L. Male Longevity and Age Differences Between Spouses. Journal of Gerontology,
1984, V. 39, No. 1, PP. 117-120. (Продолжительность жизни мужчин и возрастные
различия между супругами). Привожу резюме: Analysis of mortality estimates and
adjusted census data showed that men aged 70 to 79 married to younger women tended
to live longer than men married to older women. The standard mortality ratio
for 50-year-old husbands with younger wives was 90, whereas it was 112 for husbands
with older wives. For 70-year-old men the comparable values were 80 and 133.
Thus the mortality risk associated with marriage to a younger woman was clearly
less than that associated with marriage to an older woman. Two possible explanations
were advanced for this relationship: (a) premarital selection factors may be
related to longevity, and (b) psychological, physiological, or social factors
associated with longevity may be enhanced by marriage to a younger woman. Понимаю,
что чтение этого английского текста ни для кого не составит затруднений, поэтому
по-русски в двух словах: мужчины в возрасте от 70 до 79 лет, имеющие молодых
жён, жили гораздо дольше, чем их одногодки со старыми жёнами.