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Куркума и прополис против рака

Folk Remedy, Food Spice May Fight Cancer
FRIDAY, June 10 (HealthDay News) -- Cancer researchers have been given a million-dollar
grant to investigate the therapeutic value of the folk medicine propolis and
the food spice turmeric.

The U.S. National Cancer Institute grant is earmarked for the study of the two
alternative remedies, each of which has shown promise in reducing risks for breast,
prostate and colorectal malignancies, and in enhancing cancer treatment.

Propolis and turmeric are rich in plant polyphenolic compounds that exhibit potent
antitumor activities, the researchers said.

"A very interesting property of these compounds is that they have been shown
to cause cell death in tumor cells but not in normal cells," study lead investigator
Costas Koumenis, assistant professor of radiation oncology at Wake Forest University
Baptist Medical Center, in Winston-Salem, N.C., said in a prepared statement.

Propolis is a resinous substance collected by bees from the bark and leaves of
trees and plants. Since ancient times, propolis extracts have been used as antibacterial
and anti-inflammatory treatments. The major active ingredient in propolis is
caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE). Recent research has found CAPE protecting
mice against radiation-induced inflammation and skin damage, and also protecting
rats against certain forms of heart muscle damage after they were given chemotherapy

Turmeric, a spice found in curries, contains the compound curcumin. Previous
studies found an association between diets rich in curcumin and greatly reduced
rates of colon cancer, the researchers said.

"Based on these interesting properties of CAPE and curcumin and their good safety
profile, our lab has carried out studies in cell cultures and experimental animal
tumor, showing that the compounds can make tumor cells more susceptible to chemotherapy
and radiation, while having little effect or even reducing some of the toxic
effects of radiation on normal cells," Koumenis said.

For the next four years, he and his team will study if CAPE and curcumin enhance
radiation therapy in deadly brain tumors called gliomas and other tumors in animals.
They'll also attempt to learn how the two compounds make tumor cells more sensitive
to radiation, while protecting normal cells.

"The differential effects of this class of compounds on normal and tumor cells
are well-documented, but still remains a mystery," Koumenis said. "Discovering
how they are able to do this may open the way to design drugs with similar properties
but are even more potent."

Ответить   "Tatiana" Wed, 6 Jul 2005 23:26:18 +0300 (#397120)



Уважаемая Татьяна,
было бы очень любезно с Вашей стороны, если бы Вы, кроме оригинала статьи
на английском языке, давали бы еще хотя бы краткую аннотацию(резюме) к
этому сообщению на русском языке, так как моя рассылка все же русскоязычная.
А сообщение действительно интересное.
С уважением, Борис Кауров.
Original Message From: "Tatiana" <na***@f*****.com>
To: "science.health.ageing.antiageing (675083)" <borisk***@m*****.ru>
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 12:26 AM




for breast,

exhibit potent





leaves of













in animals.





Ответить   Thu, 7 Jul 2005 04:32:45 +0400 (#397173)