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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Geometric presentations of finite and infinite groups

Workshop on = Geometric presentations of finite and infinite groups = July 17-23, 2011 University of Birmingham First announcement The School of Mathematics of the University of Birmingham will host a workshop on geometric presentations of finite and infinite groups. The goal of this workshop is to bring together internationally leading experts in finite generation, finite presentation and higher finiteness properties of groups, in combinatorial and geometric group theory, and in geometry related to the fi...

2010-06-22 13:02:25 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: CICM 2010

We are pleased to announce CICM 2010 which will take place at Conservatoire National des Arts et Me'tiers in Paris, France from July 5 to July 10, 2010. This continues the CICM series begun with the successful CICM 2008 in in Birmingham, England and CICM 2009 in Grand Bend, Ontario, Canada. Please visit http://cicm2010.cnam.fr/ Conferences on Intelligent Computer Mathematics gather several conferences: - 10th International Conference onArticficial Intelligence and Symbolic Computation (AISC 2010) - 17th Sy...

2010-06-22 02:38:27 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation 2010

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION PASCO 2010 International Workshop on Parallel Symbolic Computation 2010 Grenoble University, INRIA and CNRS Grenoble, France, July 21-23, 2010 http://pasco2010.imag.fr/ The "2010 International Workshop on Parallel and Symbolic Computation" (PASCO) is the 4th meeting in a series of workshops dedicated to the promotion and advancement of parallel algorithms and software in all areas of symbolic mathematical computation. Following previous editions, PASCO 2010 will have presentations of...

2010-06-22 02:37:59 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Fourth de Brun Workshop on Group Actions

Dear friends and colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the "Fourth de Brun Workshop on Group Actions, which will take place in Galway between 6-12 December 2010. There will be three minicourses, given by Jeff Brock (Brown: Asymptotics of Weil-Petersson geodesics on Teichmueller space and the geometry of hyperbolic 3-manifolds Hamish Short (Marseille: Limit groups Juan Souto (Michigan: Mapping class groups We are also planning to have a number of contributed talks; details to follow in due cou...

2010-06-22 02:23:59 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Groups, Actions, Computations (GAC2010)

This is to announce a combined workshop and conference Groups, Actions, Computations (GAC2010, at the Harish-Chandra Research Institute in Allahabad, India. from September 1st to September 12th, 2010, taking place under the auspices of the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences of the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research. We will address recent developments in finite group theory, with a definite emphasis on computational aspects: next to general techniques for matrix and permutation groups, we wi...

2010-06-22 02:19:13 + Комментировать