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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: IAC 2010

International Algebraic Conference dedicated to the 70th birthday
of Anatoly Yakovlev will take place on June 19 - 24, 2010 at
St.Petersburg Department of the V. A. Steklov Institute of
Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Science.
The address: Fontanka, 27.

The Conference will be opened on June 19 at 10.00.
The registration of participants will take place on the 1st floor
of the institute on June 18 from 17.00 to 20.00 and on June 19
from 9.00 to 10.00. The participants who plan to arrive later
may register during the breaks.

The Program includes 18 plenary talks and about 120 section talks
in 4 sections:

* Algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory and Galois theory;
* Algebraic groups, Lie algebras and representation theory;
* Homological algebra. Ring theory;
* Group theory

Plenary speakers: D. Benois, L. Bokut, A. Braverman, A. Campillo,
I. Fesenko, J.-M. Fontaine,, N. Karpenko, V. Kulikov, A. Merkurjev,
L. Narvaez Macarro, A. Parshin , B. Plotkin, V. Popov, C. Ringel,
A. Suslin, A. Zalesski, Yu. Zarhin, E. Zelmanov.

The complete list of talks:


Web site: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/EIMI/2010/iac

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