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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP:

The following announcement is concerned with a group theory conference
to be held in the university of Tehran,Tehran,Iran. We cordially invite
you to take part in this event. For further information please contact:

On behalf of the organization committee,

Third Conference and Workshop on Group Theory
Tehran, 9-10 March 2011
School of Mathematics Statistics and Computer Science,
College of Science,
University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran

This is the third conference in a series of conferences on group theory initiated since 2009 at Isfahan University. The main purpose of the conference is to provide opportunities for group theorists to present their research works and exchange their ideas with other experts on the subject. It is a pleasure to invite interested mathematicians to participate in this conference and deliver a contributed talk. For further information and registration please visit the conference web site at www.grouptheory.ir/tehran2011
(available July 1st, 2010).

Scientific Committee:
A. Abdollahi (Isfahan, Iran), C. Campbell (St-Andrews, Scotland, UK), R.T. Curtis (Birmingham, UK), V. Dabbaghian Abdoly (Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada), M.R. Darafsheh (Tehran, Iran, Chairman) A. Iranmanesh (Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran), J.D. Key (Clemeson, USA), M. Lewis (Kent, USA), M.R.R. Moghaddam (Mashhad, Iran), J. Moori (Natal, South Africa), P.M. Neumann (Oxford, UK), N. Vavilov (St. Petersburg, Russia), H. Yamaki (Kumamoto, Japan).

So far the following mathematicians have accepted to deliver a talk at the conference:
S. Akbari (Sharif University, Iran), J. Moori (Natal, South Africa), N. Vavilov (St. Petersburg, Russia), V. Dabbaghian Abdoly (Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada), M.R.R. Moghaddam (Mashhad, Iran), A. Abdollahi (Isfahan, Iran), C. Campbell (St-Andrews, Scotland, UK), R.T. Curtis (Birmingham, UK), H. Doosti (Tarbiat Moalem University, Tehran, Iran), N.S. Karamzadeh (Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran), A.R. Ashrafi (Kashan, Iran), Ismaeel Guologlu (Ankara, Turkey), M. Shahriari (Tabriz,Iran), B. Davvaz
(Yazd, Iran).

Organization Committee:
M. Alizadeh, M.R. Darafsheh, A. Mamourian, A. Novzari Dalini, H. Pezeshk, H. Yousefi Azari, and R. Zare Nahandi (Chairman).

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