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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: XXI Escola de Algebra

Dear all:
The XXI Escola de Algebra, the 21th edition of the biannual
Brazilian meeting of algebraists, will take place in the
University of Brasilia, Brasilia, from July 25 to 31, 2010.
There is already a page set up on the web with information about
the event; please see
The page is still evolving, so please bookmark it and check it
every other week from now on.
On that page you will find a preliminary list of speakers, the
timetable, the organizing committee, information on past editions
of the Escola de Algebra and on other meetings, the list of
mini-courses, and a link for local information. There are other
several links I would like to call your attention to:

1) There are links to two Hotels, please make your booking as soon as
possible. To do this enter the link of the page www.algebra.unb.br
click hotels, choose one of the hotels then write e-mail message
asking for reservation mentioning Escola de Agebra. If you do not do
it soon, the rooms might not be available anymore for the reduced
price indicated on the page, since there are many conferences in
Brasilia in this period.

2) There is a link for you to register. If you plan to attend the
meeting, please register as soon as possible. Also, you need to
be registered to be considered for financial help. (As in the
first announcement, let me emphasize that it is far from certain
that we will be able to help everyone attending the meeting.)

3) Besides minicourses, plenary talks, and talks and
communications at sessions, there will be poster presentations.
If you intent to give a talk or poster, you should include an
abstract in the registration form or send to algebra@unb.br
until June 28, 2010 (please put the word "abstract" in subject line in
this case)

4) On 28/07/2010 all participants in the School of Algebra are invited
for a boat trip on Lake Paranoa'. The tour will begin at 15:00 and end
at 18:00. The cost of the trip will be R$ 75,00 per person, including
food and drink that will be served during the tour. The boat has a
capacity of 120 passengers, so anyone interested in participating
should send an e-mail to dimasjog@gmail.com The e-mail should
contain only the completed form below:

I am confirming my presence on the boat trip on the date 28/07/2010
starting at 15:00 and end at 18:00.


The trip must be paid for on July 25 or 26. For more information about
the boat (Happy Day), see www.laketour.com.br.

5) It will be a conference dinner on Thursday, 29/07/2010, details
will be given later.

6. Observac,a~o para participantes residentes no Brasil:
As inscric,o~es podera~o serem pagas com reduc,a~o ate' a data 18/06/2010.
Valor da inscric,a~o reduzida: R$200 para professores e R$120 para alunos.
Este pagamento devera' ser realizado via transfere^ncia banca'ria para
Banco do Brasil, Ag. 3603-X, conta 39006-2. Caso voce^ na~o possua
conta no Banco do Brasil, ao fazer a transfere^ncia banca'ria voce^
precisara' informar o CNPJ e nome de Pessoa Juridica
CNPJ 02209232/0001-80, Pessoa juridica: Fundac,a~o de Estudos em
Cie^ncias Matema'ticas-FEMAT.
Caso voce^ na~o possua conta banca'ria, voce^ deve realizar deposito
banca'rio para o banco do Brasil, Ag. 3603-X, conta 39006-2, em
seguida escanear o comprovante de deposito e enviar para o e-mail
para algebra@unb.br, escrevendo como ti'tulo do assunto "Pagamento
de Inscric,a~o".

Best regards, Pavel Zalesski.

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