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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Summer School in Algorithmic Mathematics (S2AM)

It is our pleasure to announce the first "Summer School in Algorithmic Mathematics (S2AM" August, 16-20, 2010, Berlin, Germany. Lecture series: * Deformation Theory (Jan Christophersen, Oslo) * Computational Group Cohomology (Graham Ellis, Galway) * Modular Forms and Galois Representations (Gerhard Frey, Essen) S2AM is targeted at PhD Students and Postdocs. Conducted within the framework of the DFG Priority Programme "Algorithmic and Experimental methods in Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory, the school ...

2010-04-30 01:55:26 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Meeting on the Kirillov orbit method

Dear all, This is to announce a one-day meeting on "The Kirillov Orbit Method" which will take place at Queen Mary, University of London on Friday 11 June 2010. It is one of South England Profinite Group meetings (seehttp://personal.rhul.ac.uk/urah/146/mathematics/joint_research_group.html. Brief Description. The Kirillov orbit method plays an important role in the quest to understand representations of various types of groups, in particular, nilpotent groups and p-adic Lie groups. The talks will survey se...

2010-04-30 01:55:15 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: 28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science

28th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science STACS 2011 - CALL FOR PAPERS March 10-12, 2011, Dortmund, Germany http://stacs2011.de/ SCOPE Authors are invited to submit papers presenting original and unpublished research on theoretical aspects of computer science. Typical areas include (but are not limited to: * Algorithms and data structures, including: parallel and distributed algorithms, computational geometry, cryptography, algorithmic learning theory; * Automata and formal la...

2010-04-30 01:13:18 + Комментировать

Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Second Announcement BLAST 2010

Second Announcement BLAST 2010 * The third meeting of the BLAST (Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebra, Set Theory, and Topology) conferences will be held in Boulder, Colorado from June 2, 2010 to June 6, 2010. There will be invited talks by Mohamed Bekkali, Ken Kunen, Ralph McKenzie, David Milovich, Grigor Sargsyan, Juris Steprans, and Friedrich Wehrung. There will also be tutorials by Andreas Blass, Gary Gruenhage, Matatyahu Rubin, and Ross Willard. The purpose of this email is to inform you briefly about ...

2010-04-30 01:12:29 + Комментировать