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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Meeting on the Kirillov orbit method

Dear all,

This is to announce a one-day meeting on "The Kirillov Orbit Method" which will take place at Queen Mary, University of London on Friday 11 June 2010. It is one of South England Profinite Group meetings (seehttp://personal.rhul.ac.uk/urah/146/mathematics/joint_research_group.html).

Brief Description. The Kirillov orbit method plays an important role in the quest to understand representations of various types of groups, in particular, nilpotent groups and p-adic Lie groups. The talks will survey several aspects of the orbit method as well as its recent applications.


Nikolay Nikolov (Imperial)

Alexander Stasinski (Southampton)

Christopher Voll (Southampton)

The talks are expected to take place between 12am and 4.45pm. Further details are available athttp://www.maths.qmul.ac.uk/~evseev/orbitmethod.html.

For planning purposes, I would appreciate it if you could send me a short email if you intend to come. Limited financial support may be available to reimburse travel expenses of UK-based students and other young mathematicians.

Looking forward to seeing you,
Anton Evseev

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