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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: Second Announcement BLAST 2010

Second Announcement BLAST 2010 *

The third meeting of the BLAST (Boolean Algebras, Lattices, Algebra,
Set Theory, and Topology) conferences will be held in Boulder,
Colorado from June 2, 2010 to June 6, 2010. There will be invited talks
by Mohamed Bekkali, Ken Kunen, Ralph McKenzie, David Milovich, Grigor
Sargsyan, Juris Steprans, and Friedrich Wehrung. There will also be
tutorials by Andreas Blass, Gary Gruenhage, Matatyahu Rubin, and Ross Willard.

The purpose of this email is to inform you briefly about registration,
abstract submission, the conference proceedings, accommodation, and
support. More detailed information can be found at



Registration fee: $90 (on or before May 10, 2010),
$110 (after May 10, 2010).
Banquet fee: $30 (per person).

To register, please follow the link to RegOnline on the conference
web page at


If you have any problems with registering via RegOnline, please contact
us at


Participants who wish to give a talk, must submit a title and abstract for
the talk by May 31, 2010 via Atlas at


Abstracts submitted after May 24, 2010, will not appear in the booklet
of abstracts. Abstracts may be viewed at


A special issue of the journal Order will be devoted to publishing a
proceedings of this conference. The usual journal reviewing process will be
used, and the usual high standards of Order will be applied to submissions.
The submission deadline for the proceedings is tentatively set at
September 1, 2010. (This date will be finalized by the time of the


Special conference rates have been arranged for the participants of
BLAST 2010 in two hotels:

Best Western Boulder Inn (800-233-8469 or 303-449-3800)
Boulder Outlook Hotel (800-542-0304 or 303-443-3322)

The room blocks/rates are available until May 1, 2010, or when sold
out. Please identify yourself with BLAST 2010 when you make a reservation.
Reservations must be guaranteed by a valid individual credit card.

Residence Halls:
Room and board packages have been arranged for the participants of
BLAST 2010 in the Residence Halls of the University of Colorado.
The reservation deadline for the residence halls is May 21, 2010.

Please visit the conference web page at


for information on room rates and for the on-campus lodging reservation form
for the residence halls.

There is a limited amount of financial support, which will be directed
toward graduate students and recent Ph.D.'s. To apply for support, send
an email of request to blast@colorado.edu. Your request should mention
your status (graduate student or year of Ph.D.), affiliation (if any),
point of origin of your trip to Boulder. Please indicate whether you plan
to give a talk. If you are a graduate student, arrange for a brief
email of endorsement from your faculty advisor to be sent to

If you have any questions, please contact us at


Best regards,
the organizing committee:
Bart Kastermans, Keith Kearnes, Don Monk, and Agnes Szendrei.

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