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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP: The Third International Congress on Mathematical Software

The Second Call for Papers of
The Third International Congress on Mathematical Software

[ ICMS'2010 --- developers meeting ]

(March 26, 2010)

Dates: September 13 to 17 (Monday to Friday), 2010
Place: Department of Mathematics, Kobe University, Kobe, Japan
Webpage: http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/icms2010/


This congress is the third in the series, where the first meeting was held in
Beijing in 2002 and the previous one in Castro Urdiales, SPAIN in 2006; see
http://www.icms2006.unican.es/ . The first two meetings were satellite events
to ICM (International Congress of Mathematicians). We will have a presentation
booth at ICM 2010 in India.

We will welcome developers of mathematical software systems as well as
researchers in algorithms and mathematicians who are interested in the
development of mathematical software and systems. This is an almost unique
chance to meet people in different disciplines in mathematics and computer
science and exchange ideas on developments on mathematical software and
systems. While the main audience of this meeting is assumed to be developers of
mathematical software and software systems, we welcome the participation of
mathematicians and scientists who are interested in using mathematical software
for their research.

The proceedings of the congress is planned and all accepted papers and short
communications will be published as Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
(The proceedings of ICMS 2006 was published as LNCS Volume 4151.)


Mathematics has a wide variety of branches. Despite this, we in the
International Congress on Mathematical Software believe that mathematics is
fundamentally just one thing. Algebra, geometry and analysis are examples of
separate specialities within mathematics, and of course we consider each of
them valuable and hence study them. But we take the view that any branch of
mathematics can borrow freely from these specialities. It is often worthwhile
delving into them for ideas that might lead to fundamental new discoveries.
The same can be said of mathematical software systems: the study of
mathematical software is a coherent whole. We believe that the appearance of
mathematical software is a fundamentally new event in mathematics of increasing
importance. Mathematical software systems are used to construct examples, to
prove theorems, and to find new mathematical phenomena. Conversely, mathematical
research often motivates developments of new algorithms and new systems. Beyond
mathematics, mathematical software systems are becoming indispensable tools in
many branches of science and technology. The development of mathematical
software systems relies on the cooperation of mathematicians, algorithm
designers, programmers, and the feedback from users. The main audience of this
congress is the community of mathematical software developers and programming
mathematicians, but we also intend to provide an opportunity to discuss these
topics with mathematicians and users from application areas. Topics include but
are not limited to:

1. Design and implementation of mathematical software

2. Software engineering problems for mathematical software.

3. Mathematics and media including user interfaces and integration of documents and software systems.

4. Mathematics related to mathematical software (experiments, algorithms).

5. Scientific and high performance computing.

6. Applications of mathematical software.


* Thomas Hales, University of Pittsburgh, USA
* Masakazu Kojima, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
* Kurt Mehlhorn, Max Planck Institute for Informatics, Saarbruecken, Germany
* William Stein, University of Washington, USA


This congress is comprised of some sessions devoted to different Mathematical
Software issues as well as a general track. As a rule, the general track will
consist of all accepted papers/presentations which do not belong to any of the
sessions listed below. So far, the following sessions have been confirmed:
Title: Computational group theory
Organizer: Bettina Eick, Steve Linton
Title: Computational Topology
Organizer: Afra Zomordian
Title: Computation of special functions
Organizer: TBA
Title: Computer algebra and reliable computing
Organizer: Joris van der Hoeven
Title: Computer tools for mathematical editing and scientific visualization
Organizer: Andres Iglesias, Setsuo Takato
Title: Exact numeric computation for algebraic and geometric computation
Organizer: Chee Yap, Michael Sagraloff, Monique Teillaud
Title: Formal proof
Organizer: John Harrison, Freek Wiedijk
Title: Geometry and visualization
Organizer: TBA
Title: Groebner bases and applications
Organizer: Anne Fruehbis-Krueger, Hidefumi Ohsugi
Title: Number theoretical software
Organizer: Shigenori Uchiyama, Ken Nakamula, Michael Pohst
Title: Software for optimization and polyhedral computation
Organizer: Achill Schuermann, Komei Fukuda, Michael Joswig
Title: General Mathematical Software
Organizer: PC cochairs


* March 15, 2010: Submission of papers/short communications begins
* May 10, 2010: Submission due of papers/short communications
* June 11, 2010: Notification of acceptance
* June 25, 2010: Submission due of camera-ready papers and short communications
* July 15, 2010: Early registration due


Nobuki Takayama (Kobe), general chair
Komei Fukuda (ETH), program committee cochair
Joris Van der Hoeven (Paris 11), program committee cochair
Michael Joswig (TU Darmstadt), program committee cochair
Masayuki Noro (Kobe), local organization chair


* Komei Fukuda, http://www.ifor.math.ethz.ch/~fukuda/
* Tatsuyoshi Hamada, http://holst.sm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/~hamada/
* John Harrison, http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~jrh13/
* Joris van der Hoeven, http://www.texmacs.org/joris/main/joris.html
* Andres Iglesias, http://personales.unican.es/iglesias/
* Michael Joswig, http://www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/~joswig/
* Paul Libbrecht, http://www.activemath.org/~paul/
* Hidefumi Ohsugi, http://www.rkmath.rikkyo.ac.jp/~ohsugi/
* Michael Pohst, http://www.math.tu-berlin.de/~pohst/
* Shigenori Uchiyama
* Freek Wiedijk, http://www.cs.ru.nl/~freek/
* Chee Yap, http://www.cs.nyu.edu/yap/
* Afra Zomordian, http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~afra/


* Henk Barendregt, http://www.cs.ru.nl/~henk/
* Arjeh Cohen, http://www.win.tue.nl/~amc/
* Dan Grayson, http://www.math.uiuc.edu/~dan/
* Gert-Martin Greuel, http://www.mathematik.uni-kl.de/~greuel/en/
* Jean Lasserre, http://homepages.laas.fr/~lasserre/
* Bernard Mourrain, http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Bernard.Mourrain/
* Ken Nakamula, http://tnt.math.metro-u.ac.jp/~nakamula/
* Bernd Sturmfels, http://math.berkeley.edu/~bernd/
* Jan Verschelde, http://www.math.uic.edu/~jan/
* Dongming Wang, http://www-salsa.lip6.fr/~wang/


We will accept original research papers (max 12 pages) or short communications
(max 3 pages). Short communications are expected to be research announcements
or extended abstracts of original research. All submitted documents will be
reviewed, and those accepted will be published as Springer Lecture Notes in
Computer Science; see the LNCS Home Page www.springer.com/lncs .

This congress is comprised of some sessions devoted to different Mathematical
Software issues as well as a general track. When submitting a paper, please
check if it fits into the aims and scope of any session (see above for the
current list of sessions).

Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register
before July 15, 2010 (the early registration due) and present the paper.
Please note that all accepted papers need to be sent to the publisher immediately
after the early registration due. When submitting your paper, it is mandatory
to indicate a list with at most three sessions which are most appropriate
for your submission.

For submission, please prepare a PDF file using Latex2e and
LYNCS style (llncs.cls) available at
ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e/llncs2e.zip .
A sample latex source (typeinst.tex) is available at
ftp://ftp.springer.de/pub/tex/latex/llncs/latex2e/instruct/authors/typeinst.zip .
Once a paper is accepted, the author must submit the latex source(s).
We do not accept any other format.

For further information, please see the instructions in the webpage
http://www.math.kobe-u.ac.jp/icms2010/ .

For any general questions regarding this congress, please contact:
(For questions on a particular session, please contact session organizers.)

General Chair
Prof. Nobuki Takayama
Department of Mathematics
Kobe University
Rokko, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
E-mail: takayama AT math.kobe-u.ac.jp
Phone: +81-78-803-5604

PC Cochair
Prof. Komei Fukuda
Institute for Operations Research
ETH Zentrum, CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland
E-mail:fukuda AT ifor.math.ethz.ch
Phone: +41-44-632-4023

Local Organization Chair
Prof. Masayuki Noro
Department of Mathematics
Kobe University
Rokko, Kobe 657-8501, Japan
E-mail: noro AT math.kobe-u.ac.jp
Phone: +81-78-803-5624

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