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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

            Track on Constraint Solving and Programming

                           part of

         the 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing

            Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

                      March 8 - 12, 2009

    SAC 2009: http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2009/

CSP Track: http://www.sci.unich.it/~bista/organizing/constraint-sac2009/


Constraints have emerged as the basis of a representational and
computational paradigm that draws from many disciplines and can be
brought to bear on many problem domains.


The track is concerned with all aspects of computing with constraints
including algorithms, applications, environments, languages, models,
and systems. Contributions are welcome from any discipline concerned
with constraints, including artificial intelligence, combinatorial
algorithms, computational logic, concurrent computation, databases,
discrete mathematics, operations research, programming languages, and
symbolic computation. We also solicit papers from any domain employing
constraints, including computational linguistics, configuration,
decision support, design, diagnosis, graphics, hardware verification,
molecular biology, planning, qualitative reasoning, real-time systems,
resource allocation, robotics, scheduling, software engineering,
temporal reasoning, vision, visualization, and user interfaces. Papers
that bridge disciplines or combine theory and practice or discuss
novel reasoning methods are especially welcome. A special attention is
focused around the use of constraint technologies in the networking,
wireless and internet fields.


We would like to invite authors to submit papers on research on
constraint solving and programming, with particular emphasis on
assessing the current state of the art and identifying future

Submission instructions:
Submissions should be properly anonymized to facilitate blind
reviewing: The author(s) name(s) and address(es) must NOT appear in
the body of the paper, and self-reference should be in the third
person. This is to facilitate blind review. Only the title should be
shown at the first page without the author's information."  The body
of each paper should not exceed 4,000 words. Papers failing to comply
with length limitations risk immediate rejection.  At least three
reviewers will be assigned to each submission to the track. Accepted
papers are published by ACM in both printed form and CD-ROM; they are
also available on the Web through the ACM Digital Library. Once
accepted, papers must fit within five (5) two column pages (please
check the author kit on the main SAC website: the format is usually
the format used in the ACM templates), with the option (at additional
expense) to add three (3) more pages.  A second set of selected
papers, which did not get accepted as full papers, will be accepted as
posters and will be published as extended 2-page abstracts in the
symposium proceedings.

Authors of accepted papers must be prepared to sign a copyright
statement and must pay the registration fee and guarantee that their
paper will be presented at the conference.

*) Submissions will be in electronic format, via the website:
   eCMS site http://sac.cs.iupui.edu/SAC2009/
*) Submissions must follow the template reported here:
*) Paper size: 5 pages. Authors are allowed up to 8 but
   each extra page will be charged 80USD.

We strongly suggest to use for submission the available
camera ready templates, and adhere to the 5 page limitation.

After completing the submission, please send also an email to:

               Eric.Monfroy at inf dot utfsm dot cl

The body of the email should include the title of the paper, the
author(s) name(s) and affiliation(s), and the address (including
e-mail, telephone, and fax) to which correspondence should be sent.
The subject of the email should be "SAC2009 constraint track

Registration is required for paper and poster inclusion in the
Conference Proceedings, and for event attendance.


The schedule of important dates for the track is as follows,
note that the submission deadline is **strict**:

Paper Submission deadline: August 16, 2008
Notification of acceptance October 11, 2008
Camera-ready version deadline October 25, 2008
Track Dates Mars 8-12, 2008


Organising Committee

Stefano Bistarelli
 Dipartimento di Scienze
 Università degli studi "G. D'Annunzio" di Chieti-Pescara, Italy
 Email: bista at sci dot unich dot it
 Web: http://www.sci.unich.it/~bista/
 Istituto di Informatica e Telematica
 C.N.R. Pisa, Italy
 Email: stefano dot bistarelli at iit dot cnr dot it

Eric Monfroy (Primary Contact)
 Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María,
 Valparaíso, Chile
 University of Nantes,France
 Email: Eric.Monfroy at inf dot utfsm dot cl
 Web: http://www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/info/perso/permanents/monfroy/

Barry O'Sullivan
 Cork Constraint Computation Centre
 Department of Computer Science
 University College Cork, Ireland
 Email: b dot osullivan at cs dot ucc dot ie
 Web: http://www.cs.ucc.ie/~osullb/

Programme Committee (tentative)

Roman Bartak, Charles University, Czech Republic
Stefano Bistarelli, Università degli studi "G. D'Annunzio", Pescara,
Italy and IIT-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Lucas Bordeaux, Microsoft Research, U.K.
Sebastian Brand, NICTA, Australia
Carlos Castro, UTFSM Valparaiso, Chile
Martine Ceberio, University of Texas at El Paso
Berthe Y. Choueiry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA
Yves Colombani, Dash Associates Ltd., U.K.
Bart Demoen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, The Netherlands
Filippo Focacci, ILOG, France
Thom Frühwirth, Universität Ulm, Germany
Narendra Jussien, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, France
Tetsuo Ida, University of Tsukuba, Japan
Arnaud Lallouet, University of Orléans, France
Jimmy Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Ian Miguel, St. Andrew's University, Scotland
Eric Monfroy, UTFSM, Chile and LINA, University of Nantes, France
Carlos Alberto Olarte, LIX, École Polytechnique, France
Barry O'Sullivan, University College Cork, Ireland
Frédéric Saubion, LERIA, Université d'Angers, France
Kazunori Ueda, Waseda University, Japan
József Váncza, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary
Roland Yap, National University of Singapore, Republic of Singapore
Peter Zoeteweij, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands

                      FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS

               Geometric Constraints and Reasoning
                       a technical track of
         The International ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
                        March 8-12, 2009
              Waikiki Beach, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Geometric Constraints and Reasoning (GCR) is a technical track of the
International Symposium on Applied Computing (see
http://www.acm.org/conferences/sac/sac2009 ).  For the past twenty
years the ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) has been a primary
forum for applied computer scientists, computer engineers and
application developers to gather, interact, and present their
work. SAC is sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Group on Applied
Computing (SIGAPP),  its proceedings are published by ACM in both
printed form and CD-ROM; they are also available on the web through
ACM's Digital Library. More information about SIGAPP and past SACs can
be found at URL: http://www.acm.org/sigapp .

As a special track of SAC, the GCR is devoted to geometric reasoning
taken in a broad sense. Initially, this track focused on geometric
constraint solving but it appears that geometric computing and
reasoning is closely related to this topic. Our aim is then to widen
the audience and to make GCR a place where the communities of
geometric constraint solving, computer aided deduction in geometry
and related disciplines can meet and have fruitful exchanges.
See http://www.lsi.upc.edu/~robert/gcr2009/gcr2009.html .

SAC 2009 is also an opportunity to attend tracks related to GCR, about
combinatorial optimization, constraint programming (non geometrical
constraints), graph algorithms, numerical methods or interval
analysis, etc.


Specific topics of interest for the GCR track include, but are not
limited to, the following:

  * Resolution of geometric constraints, with computer algebra, numerical
    analysis, interval analysis, logical approaches (e.g. provers), or other
  * Proving geometric theorems with logical approaches, deductive databases,
    Computer Algebra, etc.
  * Decomposition of systems of geometric constraints.
  * Mixing geometric and non geometric constraints (combinatorial or logical),
    white boxes, black boxes, geometric constraints and constraints
  * Detection of dependences between constraints, debugging geometric
  * Constrained curves, surfaces, blends.
  * Exotic (eg non cartesian) formulations of constraints.
  * Comparison of resolution methods or constraints formulations for
    the same problems.
  * Mathematical background: combinatorial rigidity, graph theory,
    matroid theory, computer algebra (polynomial systems, dimension of
  * Applications in Computer Graphics, CAD-CAM, robotics,
    mechanism design, chemistry (eg molecule configurations), photogrammetry,
    virtual reality.
  * Sensitivity to parameters vales and other robustness issues,
  * Geometry of computations: using topological ad geometrical ideas
    in provers.
  * Dynamic geometry, pedagogical purposes, generating explanations,
    examples, counter examples.
  * Computer-human interfaces for geometric constraints.
  * Geometric constraints and data exchange.
  * Topological constraints, eg optimal curves or surfaces with prescribed,
    topology (homology, homotopy, isotopy).
  * Shape optimization.
  * Integration of geometric solvers into modelers, solvers architecture.
  * Geometric constraints and Human Computer interfaces.
  * Persistent naming problem and geometric modeling by constraints.

Authors are invited to contribute original papers in the listed or
other realted topics in the following categories of submissions:

1) Original and unpublished research work.

2) Reports of innovative applications to the arts, sciences,
   engineering, and business areas.

3) Reports of successful technology transfer to new problem domains.

4) Reports of industrial experience and demos of new innovative systems.

All submissions will be peer reviewed. Papers will be selected based on
their originality, timeliness, significance relevance and clarity of


* August 16, 2008:  Paper submissions
* October 11, 2008: Author notification of acceptance/rejection
* October 25, 2008: Camera-ready copy of accepted papers


* Submissions will be in electronic format, via the website
* Submissions must follow the template reported in
* Camera ready manuscripts can have up to 5 pages. Up to three extra
  pages are allowed at a cost of 80USD per extra page.
* Papers submitted to more than one track will be rejected.


* Xiao-Shan Gao: xgao at mmrc dot iss dot ac
dot cn
* Robert Joan-Arinyo: robert at lsi
dot upc dot edu
* Dominique Michelucci: Dominique.Michelucci at u-bourgogne
dot fr


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