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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - 2nd CFP, ATMCS III, Paris France July 7-11, 2008


Algebraic Topological Methods in Computer Science
Paris, France 7-11 July 2008

(poster available for download here)

(New) deadline for abstract submissions: 22 May 2008
Notification of acceptance: 5 June 2008
Deadline for registration: 15 June 2008
Conference: 7-11 July 2008
contact information: atmcs08 at lix dot polytechnique dot fr

Recent research has shown that techniques from algebraic topology
adapt strikingly well in studying computational systems and other
subjects within Computer Science. This third ATMCS conference hopes
to bring together researchers employing geometric/topological methods
in both abstract and concrete areas of computer science. The week-long
conference will feature some invited talks, several accepted talks, a
poster session, and countless opportunities for informal
collaboration; we plan to publish our proceedings in a refereed
journal, pending approval. All authors submitting an abstract by the
deadline will have an opportunity, at the least, to present a
(refereed) poster at the poster session.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, concurrency theory,
distributed computing and complexity, rewriting systems, image
analysis, and sensor networks.

A current (and incomplete) list of plenary speakers includes:

John Baez, University of California Riverside, U.S.A.
Gunnar Carlsson, Stanford University, U.S.A.
Herbert Edelsbrunner, Duke University, U.S.A.
Robin Forman, Rice University, U.S.A.
Philippe Gaucher, University of Paris 7 and CNRS, France
Marco Grandis, University of Genova, Italy
Emmanuel Haucourt, CEA and Ecole Polytechnique, France
Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, U.S.A.
Rick Jardine, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Louis Kauffman, University of Illinois at Chicago, U.S.A.
Sanjeevi Krishnan, CEA and Ecole Polytechnique, France
Claudia Landi, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Francois Metayer, University of Paris 7 and CNRS, France
Konstantin Mischaikow, Rutgers University, U.S.A.
Francis Sergeraert, University of Grenoble 1, France
Krzysztof Worytkiewicz, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland

Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts summarizing current
work that explores connections between algebraic topology and computer
science. All abstracts should be written in English and should not
exceed 1 single-spaced page. Although abstracts preferrably should be
submitted at http://atlas-conferences.com/cgi-bin/abstract/submit/caxd-01,
abstracts also can be emailed to atmcs08 at lix dot polytechnique dot fr or mailed
to the following postal address:

Sanjeevi Krishnan
CEA Saclay
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France

In all cases, submission materials must arrive by May 22, 2008.

Gunnar Carlsson, Stanford University, U.S.A.
Pierre Louis Curien, CNRS and University of Paris 7, France
Massimo Ferri, Bologna University, Italy
Eric Goubault, CEA and Ecole Polytechnique, France
Maurice Herlihy, Brown University, Providence, U.S.A.
Yves Lafont, Universite de la Mediterrannee, France
Pedro Real, University of Sevilla, Spain

The Organizing Committee of ATMCS III

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