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Система компьютерной алгебры GAP - new conferences in computer science

Second Call for papers: Towards Digital Mathematics Library (DML 2008)
July 27th, 2008, Birmingham, UK c/o MKM 2008

Workshop webpage:

Deadlines: May 31st: abstract submissions
          Jun  1st: paper submissions
          Jun 20th: paper acceptance/rejection decision
          Jun 27th: versions for the proceedings due
          Jul 27th: workshop date, proceedings on site

Submissions will be refereed on the basis of technical quality, novelty,
potential impact for building DML, and clarity. Papers must conform to the
Springer LNCS style, preferably using LaTeX2e and the Springer llncs class files.

Submission categories:
Full paper: 4-12 LNCS pages
Short paper/poster/work in progress report: 1-4 LNCS pages

Mathematicians dream of a digital archive containing all peer-reviewed
mathematical literature ever published, properly linked and
validated/verified. It is estimated that the entire corpus of mathematical
knowledge published over the centuries does not exceed 100,000,000
pages, an amount easily manageable by current information technologies.

The workshop's objectives are to formulate the strategy and goals of
a global mathematical digital library and to summarize the current
successes and failures of ongoing technologies and related projects,
asking such questions as:
# What technologies, standards, algorithms and formats should be used
 and what metadata should be shared?
# What business models are suitable for publishers of mathematical
 literature, authors and funders of their projects and institutions?
# Is there a model of sustainable, interoperable, and extensible
 mathematical library that mathematicians can use in their everyday work?
# What is the best practice for
   * retrodigitized mathematics (from images via OCR to MathML and/or TeX);
   * retro-born-digital mathematics (from existing electronic copy in
     DVI, PS or PDF to MathML and/or TeX);
   * born-digital mathematics (how to make needed metadata and file formats
     available as a side effect of publishing workflow [CEDRAM model])?

will be published by Masaryk University and will be available on site,
with best papers chosen for postconference proceedings published
by renowned publisher or for journal.

Thierry Bouche (Universite de Grenoble I, CNRS, Institut Fourier
& Cellule Mathdoc): CEDRICS: when CEDRAM meets Tralics

(include, but are not limited to)
 o search, indexing and retrieval of mathematical documents
 o ranking of mathematical papers, similarity of mathematical documents
 o math OCR with MathML/TeX output
 o document conversions from/to MathML, OpenMath, LaTeX,
   PostScript and [tagged] PDF
 o conversions between various mathematical formalisms
 o mathematical document compression
 o processing of scanned images
 o algorithms for crosslinking of bibliographical items,
   intext citations search
 o mathematical document classification, MSC 2010
 o mathematical text mining
 o mathematical documents metadata exchange via OAI-PMH and/or OAI-ORE
 o long term archiving, data migration
 o reports and experience from math digitization projects
 o math publishing with long term archival goal
 o software engineering aspects of creating, handling MathML,
   OMDoc, OpenMath documents, and displaying them in web browsers

Programme Committee:
(other members approval pending)
 Jose Borbinha (Technical University of Lisbon, IST, PT)
 Thierry Bouche (University Grenoble, Cellule Mathdoc, FR)
 David Carlisle (Numerical Algorithms Group, NAG, UK)
 Thomas Fischer (Goettingen University, Digitization Center, DE)
 Vaclav Hlavac (Czech Technical University, Faculty of Engineering, Prague, CZ)
 Janka Chlebikova (Comenius University, MFF, Bratislava, SK)
 Enrique Macias-Virgos (University of Santiago de Compostella, ES)
 Jiri Rakosnik (Academy of Sciences, Mathematical Institute, Prague, CZ)
 Eugenio Rocha (University of Aveiro, Dept. of Mathematics, PT)
 David Ruddy (Cornell University, Library, US)
 Petr Sojka (Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno, CZ) [chair]
 Masakazu Suzuki (Kyushu University, Faculty of Mathematics, JP)
 Bernd Wegner (Zentralblatt MATH, Berlin, DE)

Organizing Committee:
 Adam Rambousek, Michal Ruzicka, Petr Sojka, Volker Sorge

Registration, Travel, Accomodation: see MKM web pages

mail to dml2008 at easychair dot org

CFP distribution:
Please, distribute at your place. Apologies for multiple postings!

                        Call for papers

The workshop

   Combining Systems for Efficient and Scalable Reasoning
                       (CoSyScaRe 08)

will be held as part of the 4th Int. Joint Conference on Automated
Reasoning (IJCAR'08) in Sydney, Australia.

Workshop website:     http://www.dfki.de/cosyscare/
Workshop dates:       10/11 August 2008
Submission deadline:  31 May 2008

Large-scale reasoning can be a daunting task, so in the past this    
problem has been broken down into smaller parts to be attacked
independently. This has allowed us to build powerful theorem
provers, model generators, constraint and SAT solvers, computer
algebra systems etc. In recent years, there has been a surge of
interest in the question of how to combine reasoning systems so
that the whole is more than the sum of the parts (see e.g. Alan
Bundy's keynote talk "Cooperating Reasoning Processes: More than
just the Sum of their Parts", IJCAR 2007).

This workshop aims to bring together researchers interested in
all aspects of the combination of such systems.

On the one hand we are interested in system architectures and
implementations that maintain overall proof progress, support the
selection of suitable provers, keep the databases of individual
provers in a consistent state and allow for an incremental or
evolutionary development of complex proofs.

On the other hand, we are interested in the practical integration
of existing reasoning methods that lead to systems that are more
powerful than the sum of their parts or that are applicable to
problems outside the scope of traditional automated reasoning
approaches, like conjecture refutation, theorem discovery,
problem reformulation, etc. 

We therefore encourage the submission of papers describing the
successful application of integrated heterogeneous reasoning
systems to various intelligent tasks as well as the tools and
formalisms for heterogeneous evolutionary proof support.


Papers should address issues related to combining and integrating
reasoning systems, including but not limited to the following

   o Models and approaches to combine reasoning systems and their limitations
   o Types of communication and interaction between reasoning systems
   o Models and methodologies for collaborative reasoning
   o Heterogeneous logics and their proof support

*Database and the Evolution of Proofs*
   o Common repository for reasoning systems
   o Exchange of (strategic) knowledge between reasoning systems
   o Document management and evolutionary proof development
   o Change management and reuse of (heterogeneous) proof work

*Interaction between Systems*
   o Heuristics and criteria to distribute proof work to individual systems
   o Translation of problems between systems for better proof support
   o Lemma speculation to adapt problems to the scope of efficient
     reasoning systems
   o Ontologies and classification of reasoning processes

*Applications of Combined Reasoning Systems*
   o Standard problems such as theorem proving, model
     generation, machine learning, etc.
   o Pre-processing of AI problems
   o Flexible solving of ill-formed problems
   o Intelligent tasks which cannot be automated by stand-alone systems

*Novel Approaches to Combining Reasoning Systems*
   o Multi-agent systems approaches
   o Approaches based on cognitive science models of human reasoning
   o Approaches based on philosophical case studies
   o Parallel processing of reasoning problems
   o Combinations involving inductive, deductive and abductive reasoning methods


Simon Colton (Imperial College London)
Dieter Hutter (DFKI Bremen)
Christoph Lueth (DFKI Bremen)
Alison Pease (University of Edinburgh)
Volker Sorge (University of Birmingham)


Submissions are divided into three categories:
- Research papers (up to 15 pages) describing original and novel research
- Papers describing Work in progress  (up to 6 pages)
- Position papers (up to 3 pages) describing the background and actual
 research of the author(s).

Submission is via EasyChair (thanks to Andrei Voronkov).


The final versions of the accepted papers will be published in
the workshop proceedings and distributed at the workshop. These
informal proceedings will also be made accessible on the web.

We plan either a Journal special issue or a book compilation
based on extended versions of selected contributions to the

*Important dates*

  * Submission deadline        :  May 31, 2008
  * Notification of acceptance :  June 20, 2008
  * Final versions due         :  July 6, 2008
  * Workshop                   :  August 10-11, 2008

For further information see http://www.dfki.de/cosyscare/
or contact us by e-mail to cosyscare at dfki dot de


                              SAC 2008

                      15th Annual Workshop on
                   Selected Areas in Cryptography
                        August 14 & 15, 2008
      Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick, Canada


Call for Papers

The workshop on Selected Areas in Cryptography (SAC) is an annual
conference dedicated to specific themes in the area of cryptographic
system design and analysis. Authors are encouraged to submit original
papers related to the themes for the SAC 2008 workshop:

1. Design and analysis of symmetric key primitives and cryptosystems,

2. Efficient implementations of symmetric and public key algorithms.

3. Mathematical and algorithmic aspects of applied cryptology.

The conference has also a fourth theme, that changes from year to 
In 2008 the fourth theme will be:

4. Elliptic and Hyperelliptic Curve Cryptography,
  including theory and applications of pairings.

Submissions must not substantially duplicate work that any of the
authors has  published elsewhere or has submitted in parallel to any
other journal and conference or workshop that has proceedings. 
submissions may not appear in any other conference or workshop that 
has proceedings.

Submission Format:

   * The submission must be anonymous, with no author names,
     affiliations, acknowledgments, or obvious references.

   * The length of the submission should be at most 12 pages excluding
     bibliography and appendices. It should be in single column format,
     use at least 11-point fonts, and have reasonable margins.
     The total length should not exceed 20 pages.

   * The submission must be written in english, should begin with a
     title, a short abstract, and a list of keywords. The introduction
     should summarize the contributions of the paper at a level
     appropriate for a non-specialist reader. Committee members are not
     required to read appendices; the paper should be intelligible
     without them.

   * We recommend that the paper be typeset using LaTeX and the LNCS
     style available at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs. Submissions
     should preferably be in PDF format (i.e., a .pdf file), although
     PostScript (i.e., a .ps file) will be allowed.  US letter paper
     size is preferred over A4.  If at all possible, the paper should
     use Type 1 fonts (rather than Type 3 fonts).

   * Papers must be submitted electronically by May 21, 2008,  23:59 EST.
     The submission website is reachable through the conference 
website at http://www.mta.ca/sac2008/

Conference Proceedings

The proceedings will be published in Springer-Verlag's Lecture  Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS) Series. As in previous years, the workshop
record will be available to participants during the workshop.
Instructions about the preparation of a final proceedings version will
be sent to the authors of accepted papers.  Authors of an accepted paper
must guarantee that at least one of the authors will attend the workshop
and present their paper, and that the final paper will be typeset in LaTeX.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline:        May 18, 2008, 23:59 EDT (HAE, UTC-4)
                                 (the same as May 19, 2008 03:59 UTC)
Notification of Acceptance:       June 30, 2008
Pre-Proceedings Papers Deadline:  July 28, 2008
Workshop Event:                   August 14 & 15, 2008
Proceedings Version Deadline:     September 15, 2008

Contact Information

This year's workshop is co-chaired by Roberto Avanzi of the Ruhr
Universitaet Bochum, Germany, and Liam Keliher and  Francesco Sica,
Mount Allison University, Canada. Questions regarding the workshop
should be sent directly to one of the co-chairs.

Travel Support

A limited number of stipends are available to those unable to obtain
funding to attend the workshop. Students whose papers are accepted and
who will present the paper themselves are encouraged to apply if such
assistance is needed.  Requests for stipends should be addressed to 
workshop co-chairs.

Previous SAC Workshops

Information  about previous  SAC  Workshops can be found at

                   CALL FOR PAPERS :  UML&FM’2008


              Workshop held in conjunction with ICFEM 2008
                  The 10th International Conference on
                     Formal Engineering Methods
                          October 27, 2008
                       Kitakyushu-City, Japan

                    Submission deadline: July 01, 2008

Many interest groups from a research perspective are in favour of the
creation of this workshop.

For more than a decade now, the two communities of UML and formal methods
have been working together to produce a simultaneously practical (via UML)
and rigorous (via formal methods) approach to software engineering.

UML is the de facto standard for modelling various aspects of software
systems in both industry and academia, despite the inconvenience that its
current specification is complex and its syntax imprecise.

The fact that the UML semantics is too informal have led many researchers
to formalize it with all kinds of existing formal languages, like OCL, Z,
B, CSP, VDM, Petri Nets, UPPAAL, HOL, Coq, PVS etc.

This first workshop will be open to various subjects as the main objective
is to encourage new initiatives of building bridges between informal,
semi-formal and formal notations.


This workshop seeks contributions from researchers and practitioners
interested in all aspects of integrating UML and formal methods. To this
end, we solicit papers (no more than 6 pages long) related to, but not
limited to, the following principal topics:

        Consistent specifications, model transformations (QVT technologies,
        transformation repositories). Transformations to make models more
        analyzable so as to make them executable.

        Automation of traceability through transformations

        Refinement techniques: developing detailed design from a UML
        abstract specification

        Refinement of OCL specification as well

        Formal reasoning on models for code generation

        Technologies for compositional verification of models

        Specification of a formal semantics for the UML.
        Giving an abstract syntax to UML diagrams

        Formal validation and verification of software

        Co-modeling methods formal/informal mapping techniques

        End-to-end methodologies or software process
        engineering,correct-by-construction design providing and
        supporting tools for safety-critical embedded systems design

Workshop Format
This full-day workshop will consist of an introduction of the topic by the
workshop organizers, presentations of accepted papers, and in depth
discussion of previously identified subjects emerging from the
submissions. A summary of the discussions will be made available.

Submission and Publication
To contribute, please send a position paper or a technical paper

to agusti[dot]canals[at]c-s[dot]fr with “ICFEM08 UML&FM Workshop” in the

Papers should not exceed 8 pages. Submitted manuscripts should be in
English and formatted in the style of the ISSE Format. Preferably,
submissions should be in PDF format.
Please, follow the guidelines at the "For authors and editors" heading in
the ISSE website

All selected papers will be published in the ISSE NASA journal
(Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering).

Slides will be made available through the workshop website.

Submission deadline:             July 01, 2008
All Notification of acceptance:  July 15, 2008
Final copy for proceedings:      July 25th, 2008
Workshop date :                  October 27, 2008


Organizational sponsors :

OMG        (http://www.omg.org/)
ARTIST   (http://www.artist-embedded.org/artist/)

Organizers and Programme Steering committee:

Jean-Michel Bruel (Liuppa, France)
Agusti Canals (CS, France)--- General Chair
Sébastien Gérard (CEA-LIST, France)
Isabelle Perseil (TELECOM ParisTech, France)

IEEE CS Coordinator:

Mike Hinchey (NASA GSFC and Loyola College in Maryland, USA)

Program Committee:

Nazareno Aguirre (Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto, Argentina)
Pascal André (LINA, University of Nantes, France)
Yamine Ait Ameur (LISI / ENSMA, France)
Luciano Baresi (Politecnico di Milano, Italia)
Jean-Paul Bodeveix (IRIT, France)
Agusti Canals (CS, France)  -- General Chair
Mamoun Filali (IRIT, France)
Madeleine Faugère (THALES, France)
Robert France (Colorado State University, USA)
Sébastien Gérard (CEA-LIST, France)
Martin Gogolla (University of Bremen, Germany)
Susanne Graf (CNRS-Verimag, France)
Irfan Hamid (TELECOM ParisTech, France)
Alan Hartman (IBM Haifa Research Laboratory, Israel)
Wooter Joosen (Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium)
Kevin Lano (King's College London, United Kingdom)
Tom Maibaum (King's College London, United Kingdom)
Stephen J.Mellor (Accelerated Technologies, Tucson AZ, USA)
Dominique Mery (LORIA, France)
Alexandre Mota (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Kazuhiro Ogata (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan)
Richard Paige (University of York, United Kingdom)
Dorina Petriu (Carlton University, USA)
Pierre-Yves Schobbens (University of Namur, Belgium)
Douglas C. Schmidt (Vanderbild University, USA)
Françoise Simonot Lion (LORIA, France)
Oleg Sokolsky (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Jing Sun (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Jun Suzuki (University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA)
Martin Törngren (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Laurence Tratt (Bornmouth University, United Kingdom)
Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya (Osaka University, Japan)
Naoyasu Ubayashi (Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan)
Tullio Vardanega (University of Padua, Italia)
François Vernadat (CNRS-LAAS, France)
Eugenio Villar (Universidad de Cantabria, Spain)
André Windisch (EADS Military Aircraft, Germany)
John Whittle (George Mason University, USA)

                               CALL FOR PAPERS

             24th International Conference on Logic Programming
                    Udine, Italy, December 9th-13th, 2008


Since  the  first  conference  held  in  Marseilles  in 1982, ICLP has been the
premier  international conference for presenting research in logic programming.
Contributions (papers, position papers, and posters) are sought in all areas of
logic programming including but not restricted to:

* Theory: Semantic Foundations, Formalisms, Nonmonotonic Reasoning,
  Knowledge Representation.
* Implementation: Compilation, Memory Management, Virtual Machines, Parallelism.
*  Environments:  Program  Analysis,  Program  Transformation,  Validation  and
  Verification, Debugging, Profiling, Integration.
* Language  Issues:  Extensions, Integration with Other Paradigms, Concurrency,
  Modularity,  Objects,  Coordination,  Mobility,  Higher Order, Types, Modes,
  Programming Techniques.
* Related Paradigms:  Abductive Logic Programming, Inductive Logic Programming,
  Constraint Logic Programming, Answer-Set Programming.
* Applications:   Databases,    Data   Integration  and   Federation,  Software
  Engineering,  Natural  Language  Processing,  Web  and Semantic Web, Agents,
  Artificial Intelligence, Bioinformatics

The three broad categories for submissions are:
  (1) Technical papers,  providing  novel research  contributions,  innovative
      perspectives  on the field,  and/or novel integrations  across different
  (2) Application  papers,  describing  innovative uses  of  logic programming
      technology in real-world application domains;
  (3) Posters, ideal for presenting and discussing current work, not yet ready
      for publication, for PhD thesis summaries and research project overviews.

A  separate  session  dedicated  to  the celebration of the 20th anniversary of
stable model semantics will also be part of the program.

Accepted  papers and posters will be allocated time for presentation during the
conference.  At  least  one  author  of each accepted submission is expected to
register and participate in the event.

In  addition  to papers and posters, the technical program will include invited
talks,  advanced  tutorials,  specialized  sessions,  workshops, and a Doctoral
Student  Consortium.  Details,  as  they  become  available  will be posted at:


Papers and posters must describe original, previously unpublished research, and
must  not  be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. Emphasis will
be  placed  on  the  novelty  and innovative nature of the results (even if not
completely polished and refined).
All  submissions  will  be peer-reviewed by an international panel. Submissions
MUST contain substantial original, unpublished material.
All  submissions  must  be written in English. Technical papers and application
papers must not exceed 15 pages in the Springer LNCS format

                  (see http://www.springeronline.com/lncs/ )

The limit for posters is 5 pages in the same format.

The  primary  means  of  submission  will  be electronic, through the Easychair
submission system. The submission page is available at


The  proceedings  of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
LNCS  series.  All  accepted  papers  and  posters  will  be  included  in  the

The  ICLP'08  program will include several workshops. They are perhaps the best
place  for  the  presentation  of  preliminary  work, novel ideas, and new open
problems  to  a more focused and specialized audience. Workshops also provide a
venue  for  presenting  specialised  topics  and  opportunities  for  intensive
discussions   and   project   collaboration  in  any  areas  related  to  logic
programming, including cross-disciplinary areas.

The  Doctoral  Consortium  (DC)  on  Logic  Programming  is  the  4th  Doctoral
consortium  to  provide  doctoral  students with the opportunity to present and
discuss  their  research directions, and to obtain feedback from both peers and
word-renown  experts  in the field. The DC will also offer invited speakers and
panel discussions. Accepted participants will receive partial financial support
to  attend  the  event and the main conference. The best paper and presentation
from  the DC will be given the opportunity to present in special session of the
main ICLP conference.

The year 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of the publication that introduced the
stable  model semantics for logic programs with negation. The paper titled "The
stable  semantics for logic programs" by Michael Gelfond and Vladimir Lifschitz
was  presented  at  ICLP-1988.  It  was  a  momentous event that gave rise to a
vibrant  subfield of logic programming known now as the answer-set programming.
Its  distinguishing  aspects  are  close connections to the fields of knowledge
representation,   satisfiability   and  constraint  satisfaction,  ever  faster
computational tools, and a growing list of successful applications.

To  celebrate  the  stable-model  semantics, there will be a special session at
ICLP  2008  dedicated to answer-set programming. The session will feature talks
by  Michael  Gelfond  and  Vladimir  Lifschitz.  as  well  as  by  other  major
contributions   to   the   field,   presenting  personal  perspectives  on  the
stable-model  semantics,  its  impact  and  its  future.  There will be a panel
discussion,  and  regular  accepted  ICLP  papers  falling  into the answer-set
programming area will complete the program.

The conference will be held in the city of Udine, the capital of the historical
region  of  Friuli, Italy. Located between the Adriatic sea and the Alps, close
to  Venice,  Austria  and Slovenia, Udine is a city of Roman origins, funded by
Emperor  Otto  in  983.  Rich of historical sites, Udine is also famous for its
commercial  and  shopping  opportunities  and its outstanding wine and culinary

The conference is sponsored by the Association for Logic Programming (ALP). The
ALP  has  funds  to  assist  financially disadvantaged participants. The ALP is
planning  to sponsor two awards for ICLP 2008: for the best technical paper and
for the best student paper.

---------------                 Papers          Posters
Abstract submission deadline    June 2nd        n/a
Submission deadline             June 9th        August 15th
Notification of authors         August 1st      September 1st
Camera-ready copy due           September 15th  September 15th
20 Years of Stable Models       TBA
Doctoral Consortium             TBA
Workshop Proposals              June 2nd
Early-bird Registration         TBA
Conference                      December 9-13, 2008

General Chair:
  Agostino Dovier (University of Udine)

Program Co-Chairs:
  Maria Garcia de la Banda (Monash University)
  Enrico Pontelli (New Mexico State University)

Workshop Chair:
  Tran Cao Son (New Mexico State University)

Doctoral Student Consortium:
  David Warren (SUNY Stony Brook)
  Tom Schrijvers (K.U.Leuven)

Publicity Co-Chairs:
  Marcello Balduccini  (Kodak Research Labs)
  Alessandro Dal Palu' (University of Parma)

Programming Competition Chair:
  Bart Demoen (K.U.Leuven)

20 Years of Stable Models:
  Mirek Truszczynski (University of Kentucky)
  Andrea Formisano (University of Perugia)

Program Committee:
  Salvador Abreu           Sergio Antoy
  Pedro Barahona           Chitta Baral
  Gerhard Brewka           Manuel Carro
  Michael Codish           Alessandro Dal Palu'
  Bart Demoen              Agostino Dovier
  John Gallagher           Michael Gelfond
  Carmen Gervet            Gopal Gupta
  Manuel Hermenegildo      Andy King
  Michael Maher            Juan Moreno Navarro
  Alberto Pettorossi       Brigitte Pientka
  Gianfranco Rossi         Fariba Sadri
  Vitor Santos Costa       Tran Cao Son
  Paolo Torroni            Frank Valencia
  Mark Wallace

Web Master:
  Raffaele Cipriano

Local Arrangements Committee:
  Alberto Casagrande
  Elisabetta De Maria
  Luca Di Gaspero
  Carla Piazza

For further information: http://iclp08.dimi.uniud.it

                    Solicitation for Application Papers

             24th International Conference on Logic Programming
                   Udine, Italy, December 9th-13th, 2008


Within  the  scope  of  the  general  call  for  papers  for  the upcoming 24th
International  Conference  on  Logic  Programming,  we  would  like to draw the
attention  of  researchers  and  practitioners  on  the  opportunity  to submit
manuscripts to the Application Track of the conference.

Application  papers,  are  expected  to  describing  complex  and/or real-world
applications  that  rely in an essential manner on the use of logic programming
technology.  Description  of  innovative  applications  as  well as engineering
solutions leveraging logic programming technology are solicited.

Papers  must describe original, previously unpublished results, and must not be
simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere.

Submissions  MUST  contain  substantial  original,  unpublished  material.  All
submissions must be written in English. Application papers should be structured
to emphasize:

      * the application domain, in terms understandable by a layman
      * the specific problem addressed within the application domain,
        stressing importance and complexity
      * a clear discussion of the unique need for logic programming technology
        to address the problem
      * a clear description of the application developed and its evaluation.

Application papers must not exceed 15 pages in the Springer LNCS format

                  (see http://www.springeronline.com/lncs/ )

The  primary  means  of  submission  will  be electronic, through the Easychair
submission system. The submission page is available at:


All  submissions  will  be peer-reviewed by an international panel. Application
papers will be reviewed separately from regular technical papers.
Accepted  papers will be allocated time for presentation during the conference.
At  least  one  author  of each accepted submission is expected to register and
participate in the event.

The  proceedings  of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
LNCS  series.  All  accepted   papers  and  posters  will  be  included  in the

Abstract submission deadline    June 2nd
Submission deadline             June 9th
Notification of authors         August 1st
Camera-ready copy due           September 15th
Early-bird Registration         TBA
Conference                      December 9-13, 2008

For further information: http://iclp08.dimi.uniud.it

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