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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX часть 1 a
WorldDX 142 24/10/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- http://worlddx.blogspot.com/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 2485 ABC-Northern Territrories Service 1045 Poor signal sith SINPO 15222 . Just the night before, had heard this stronger than I've ever heard them, with signal equalling typical Radio Australia 31 meter bx . Listed via Katherine. 2310 ABC Northern Territories (via "Alice") 0900 fair to poor with current events pgm . (Rick Barton, AZ, USA - CumbreDX 10/10/2007) 4910, VL8T-Tennant Creek, 0933-0941, Oct 12, on late (scheduled for 0830*), ABC news ("just in", former Vice President Al Gore named for Nobel Peace Prize), weather, folk songs and ballads, fair, 4835 not running late (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/10/2007) 4910, ABC, VL8T-Tennant Creek, 1110-1130+, Oct 12, On the air at this odd time with English announcements, pop music. News at 1130. Fair to good. Very weak on // 2310, 2485. Still here at 1220 check. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Oct 12 at 1215 found a signal in English on 4910 where normally there is none: must be VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, once again having failed to shift to 120m at scheduled 0830. Aussie dialog, 1218 music, 1230 news; still audible at recheck 1319, and weaker at 1325 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Албания 7465, R.Tirana, 2104-2119, Oct 1, Albanian. Music at t/in. OM and YL w/ talk re Polonia. Weak but clear. // 9390-good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) R. Tirana, 13750, Oct 9 *1257 OC, 1302 schedule announcement in English still incorrect, says 0145 on 6115, 7425, 0230 on 6115, 7625, the latter a persistent typo; while the 0145 broadcast shifted to clearer 6120 April 23 (but the 6 MHz frequencies may be off for antenna maintenance shortly if not already). Program summary for Tue, originally Mon or Sun? includes press review, Albania in a Week, Sports Roundup; 1303 into news. Settled into listen to the broadcast with F-G reception, but at 1305 blown away by spurs from 13680 CUBA [q.v.] (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) R. Tirana, 13750, Oct 12 at 1302 check was again in Albanian instead of English. Switched to English sometime between 1314 and 1315 for tail end of press review about nuclear power, electricity shortage (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Ангилла DGS on 6090 much later than scheduled 1000*, heard at 1219 Oct 9, weakening, and not audible at 1235 recheck. By 1253, PMS was VG on daytime frequency 11775. I suspect wide variation in switchover times, nominally 1000 & 2200, is due to a human being having to be present to accomplish that, and I am sure the engineer has better things to do than be tied to the station twice a day, every day at the same times (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) Антарктида 15476 R. Nac. Arcangel San Gabriel 2039-2103* Pleasant lively LA mx, canned W anncr, then long tlk by live W anncr in SP w/ment of Antartida and possibly "la paz". 2045 SP LA Pop/Rock mx. 2056 W returned briefly, then another song in SP sounding familiar. 2100 M annncr w/canned presumed closing ID anmnt over mx. 2101 fanfare mx briefly. Deadair, then signal off at exactly 2103:30. Dropped down a bit towards ToH which made it more difficult. Very quick QSB, almost choppy. If it would've stayed steady at a strength equal to its peaks, it would've been much easier. Best signal hrd is a very long time. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 09/10/2007) LRA36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, 15476, was coming in well Oct 11. It would have been much more listenable here if it were not for my local crackling line noise problem which was close to the S-9 peaks of RNASG, but I kept with it from tune-in at 1943 until off at 2102. It was mostly music, with pauses for announcements, all in Spanish, many of them pre-produced promos, altho it was hard to follow much of what was being said. First, I compared the signal to Buenos Aires but 15345 was dominated by Morocco in Arabic, and a very weak carrier could just be detected on the low side of it. Had there been no QRM, I would not be surprised if LRA36 was stronger than LRA## (didn`t the 15345 transmitter once have its own specific call?) 1943, singing was in progress; 1945 YL announcement; 1947 songs; 2000 disco-beat music ran past hourtop; 2001 YL talked over music briefly (which annoys me), no ID heard, then brought the same music up again, until it ended shortly later. ``De Esperanza al Mundo`` mentioned this and a few more times, presumably the program title. 2002 promos; 2005 giving numbers (phone?), 2005:30 mentioned LRA36 with address, said that ``hasta las 18, seguiremos informando`` but program continued to be mostly music, not informative --- in fact, there was precious little in the way of Antarctic culture ;-\. More music and announcements; 2028 YL said it was musica folclorica, again talking over the music. If you really appreciate the music you will not talk over it nor applaud a live performance until the music stops completely! 2029 mentioned ``De Esperanza al Mundo`` again, more music. 2059 announcement by OM, did not sound like a formal sign-off, but stopped at 2101 and carrier off at 2102* (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Аргентина 15345.3, presumed RAE, 2122-2135, Oct 1, German/Spanish. OM and Yl w/ talk b/w musical bits. OM w/ SP talk at BoH; back to GM at 2135. Fair, no discenrible ID noted. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 6214.5, presumed R.Baluarte, 2303-2316, Oct 9, Spanish. Anncr b/w ballads. Presumed "zinger" ID at 2305. Poor w/ mild USB QRM. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Беларусь 7105 Radio Belarus, 19:58-20:02, escuchada el 5 de octubre en ingles, locutor con presentacion e identificacion, ``This is Radio Belaus'', locutor con noticias, SINPO 55444. 11930 Belaruskoje Radyjo 1, 06:35-06:45, escuchada el 6 de octubre en bielorruso en programa musical, temas pop melodicos, curioso la emision de un tango cantado en bielorruso, locutor con comentarios, ``...Belarus..'', SINPO 34333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 08/10/2007) Болгария No awful spurs from Russia Oct 12 on the 15 MHz band, but instead I found R. Bulgaria 15700 transmitter at 1327 producing over-modulation spike spurs out to 15680-15720 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Боливия 6134.8, Radio Santa Cruz, 1005-1015 Spanish comments by a male with music presented every minute or so. A female also noted commenting. Sounds like this is a language lesson. Signal was good. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/10/2007) Bolivia 4716. Radio Yura, Yura was not noted 0l00 and then again1000 to 1100. 12Oct. Silent as I type at 2325[Wilkner-FL] Bolivia 4732. Radio Universitaria, Cobija, Pando seems back on the air at 2300 GMT with excellent signal, minus the rtty so far. Thanks"heads up" by Ron Howard!!! Bolivia 4875.9 R. Estambul seems to be silent for the last week. [Wilkner-FL (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 13/10/2007) 4732.06, Radio Universitaria, Cobiji, 0040-0120, Oct 13, Spanish pop music. Some Bolivian style pop music. Talk. ID. Poor to fair in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Бразилия 4935, presumed R.Capixaba, 0214-0232, Oct 6, Portuguese. OM w/ continuous, "wailing" religous talk through BoH. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 11815 BRAZIL. R. Brazil Central, 2245, 9/30/07. Typical nx/ tlk programming including numerous ads. Fair to good signal. (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) 3325 25/09 2331 Radio Mundial AM, Sao Paulo (SP), programa Empreendedores do Bem, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil) 9505 29/09 1457 Radio Record, Sao Paulo (SP), encerramento do programa Estacao Record, 45232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil) 15325 30/09 1819 Radio Gazeta, Sao Paulo (SP), sambas, 25232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil) 11805 30/09 1734 Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), comentario sobre o Botafogo, 25332 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) Буркина Фасо 5030 25/09 2357 Radio Burkina, Uagadugu, locutora em frances, jazz, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) Ватикан 7360 Radio Vaticano, 17:18-17:22, escuchada el 8 de octubre en idioma no identificado, probablemente ruso o ucraniano, aunque intuyo que se trate del final del servicio en rumano y principio del bulgaro, servicio no listado, ?nuevo o cambio de hora?, sintonia, ID, noticias del Vaticano, SINPO 43433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 08/10/2007) Габон 4777, Radio Gabon, *0543-0600, Oct 6, Sign on with short fanfare & opening French announcements with IDs. Possible news headlines. Afro-pop music at 0545. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 15475 30/09 1814 Radio Afrique Numero Un, Moyabi, locucao em frances, 25232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) Гондурас 3339.96, HRMI-Radio MI, 0935-0950, Oct 6, Variety of Spanish pop music, ballads, & Spanish religious music. "Radio MI" ID at 0937 & 0948. fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) Джибути 4780, RTD, 2153-2202*, Oct 1, Vernacular/Arabic. Local music w/ YL b/w selections. S/off annmts at 2159, NA at s/off. Fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 4780 R.D., 2117-2202*, 06 Oct, Nonstop tlk by M possibly in Afar. It didn't quite sound like AR. Finally some lively Horn of Africa mx at 2127-2133+. Sev. men in conversation at 2144. Live outdoor remote at 2148, more mx at 2157. 2159 W anncr, instru. mx w/M voice-over, same W again ending w/ID sounding like Radio "Jah-Bee-Tee". Short instru. NA 2201-2202, and carrier off at exactly 2202:29. Good signal hrd while on a micro-DXpedition using a BOG aimed at Europe. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) 4780, Radio Djibouti, 2105-2200*, Oct 7, Vernacular talk, phone talk, Horn of Africa music. Sign off with National Anthem. Very weak at tune-in but slowly improved to a fair level by sign off. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/10/2007) Замбия 4965 ZAMBIA. Christian Voice, 0405, 10/07/07. Decent S6 signal was Christian pop/rock mx (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) 4965 The Voice (p); 0225-0232+, 8-Oct; M&W in EE w/rlgs drama--the W sounds like Rev. Barbi! SIO=3+32+, rapid pulse QRM, not the windshield wiper synchronization signal. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 11/10/2007) Зимбабве 4828 08/10 0037 Radio Zimbabue, mx tipica, 23322 (Samuel Cassio Martins, Sao Carlos, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) Индия 17/10/2007, 1615 - 1715 utc, 11620 kHz, local news, music, comments, newspapers reviiew, good signal. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Puhkin, Russia) 9820 INDIA. AIR via Panaji, Goa, 1304, 10/07/07. First time heard in a long while. Orchestral mx at tune-in followed by extended comment, possibly nx or other announcements. Listed Sinhalese service to Sri Lanka was fair. Back to vocals by 1315. Signal not moving S meter at 1326 but clearly audible. (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) 4800 08/10 0053 All India Radio, Hyderabad, mx tipica, 25322 4810 08/10 0108 All India Radio, Bophal, noticias em vernacular, trecho musical, 25322 4910 08/10 0117 All India Radio, Jaipur, talks, 23322 (Samuel Cassio Martins, Sao Carlos, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) AIR IS, Oct 7 at 1319 on 9425, 1320 into singing group, G but some flutter, and not // weaker VBS on 9870. Aoki says 9425 is the AIR National Channel opening in Hindi from Bangalore, 500 kW, 18 degrees; while 9870 is only 250 kW at 174 degrees. ?? Now why would they be aiming a domestic service southward from S India? Previously on 10330 from Bangalore, it was 500 kW at 335 degrees, also favoring us. AIR Vividh Bharati Service, 9870, is supposed to re-open at 1245, but Oct 9 at tune in 1242 it was already going with harp-like instrumental music, 1245 brief announcement and vocal music. What is the point of a semi-sesquihour break at 1200 in the nominal schedule, anyway? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) AIR Vividh Bharati service, 9870, at 1248 Oct 11, quite a contrast between its lively music and the solemn organ music from WEWN on 9885. Be happy! Azimuth for this is 320 degrees from Banglalore, says Jose Jacob, which puts it right across western Europe, and Costa Rica (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Индонезия 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1045-1055 As I tuned by, caught praying by male in Islamic style. This was followed a few mintues later with a male in comments. Signal was fair. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/10/2007) INDONESIA - 3266.42 RRI Gorontalo 1300-1355 Oct 8. Odd wailing, sounding like a small kids' chorus led by a grown-up man; the wailing was totally atonal and non-musical and weird; on the 10-point Strangeness Scale this one rates 9.6. This continued uninterrupted until 1341 when a YL spoke briefly in Bahasa Indonesia, followed by a man doing a solo chant. This indigenous programming ended at 1351, followed by some "normal" Indo music. Nice peak at 1330 but had deteriorated considerably by 1355. INDONESIA - 4920 RRI Biak 1224-1400+ Oct 9. Vocal music to 1230, then a long Koranic program of uninterrupted recitations to ToH; Jakarta relay followed to 1320, then vocal music to 1400. Nice S-9 peak around 1330 UTC. No sign of Tibet or anything underneath. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 09/10/2007) 4790, RRI Fak Fak, 0947-1000 Noted a male and female in Indonesian comments for a few minutes, then pop music presented. The Peruvian is down so far this morning. Fak Fak is at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 10/10/2007) 3987.05 RRI Manokwari 1327-1400 Oct 11. Older EG C&W to 1329, then IS on dulcimer-like instrument; pips to 1330:05, then YL says "Radio Republik Indonesia Manokwari...berita...," and into apparent local news, which ended at 1337 with the same song that is played at the end of Jakarta relays; EG and Indo vocal music followed, hosted by the same YL; Jak news at 1400. Good signal with slight ham QRM. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 11/10/2007) 9680, Kang Guru Radio English (KGRE) heard during this Ramadan on Sunday only, from about 0900-0920. Hope this weekend they return to their post-Ramadan schedule of 1000-1020, on both Sun. and Wed. (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/10/2007) 9524.96, Voice of Indonesia, 1133-1150, Oct 13, Chinese programming. English ID announcement at 1136 with address & e-mail address then back to Chinese talk. Local music. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Иран *IRAN. 3985, VOIRI, Kamalabad, 0115-0135, Oct 12, talk in unidentified language. Local music. Koran. National Anthem at 0130 followed by Koran, talk & off at 0135. Poor to fair with occasional HAM QRM. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) **IRAN. 7375.91, VOIRI, Kamalabad, 0258-0325, Oct 12, Koran, local music. Talk in unidentified language. Fair to good but must use ECSS-USB to avoid Costa Rica's University Network on 7375.08. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Канада 4877.49, Radio Canada International, Sackville, 0205-0220, Oct 12, Surprisingly good signal in Spanish. Sub-harmonic of 9754.98. ? x 9754.98. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Карибы Finally, BBCWS made the change of frequency to 5975 Montsinery at 2300 but seemed to be beaming at low power. Can't blame propagation from Southern hemisphere; altho on different bands RAE 15345 was coming clearly, as well Radio Nacional da Amazonia 11785, at that same time. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 09/10/2007) However, 11675 Greenville relay of BBCWS in English was on when rechecked at 2142 Oct 9 (it had not come up by 2105). Why do they have such a problem starting this on time? It`s supposed to be the same transmitter used on 11720 for Hausa until 2100 weekdays, so a quick change to BBC at 2100 on 11675 is apparently not possible. Perhaps on Sat & Sun there is no such problem and BBC comes up on time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) Glenn, I noticed that BBCWS on 13640 via WHRI was missing at 2100 UT on both Monday and Tuesday, October 8-9. On a hunch I tuned down to 31 meters and found them with a solid signal on 9525. The BBC website now shows this change. Guess 22 meters wasn't holding up, so they made the winter switch a few weeks early. They were still on 13640 last week. 11675 via Greenville still there, although not on until after 2130 today. Seems this happens frequently; wonder if they are a transmitter short and have to wait until VOA Creole is finished on 11895 at 2130, then tuning that unit down to 11675? (Stephen Luce, Houston, Texas, Oct 9, dxldyg 10/10/2007) Китай 6090, presumed CPBS-Geermu, 1118-1132, Oct 5, Mandarin. OM and YL w/ talk b/w ballads. Poor w/ 6095-RNZI splatter. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 6110, CNR-1, 1222-1238, Oct 7, Chinese programming, fair signal with strong echo (operating more than one jamming transmitter and out of sync, causing echo), // 5030. Jamming weaker VOA in Chinese, with some English (recording of Condoleezza Rice). VOA scheduled for 1100-1500. Tibet/PBS Xizang is also scheduled here during this same time slot, but suggest it is unlikely to hear them through VOA and two CNR-1 transmitters. Have recently observed Tibet/PBS Xizang on 4905 // 4920 // 6200, around 1200-1230 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 4905 25/09 2312 China National Radio 8, Lhasa, locutor e locutora em tibetano, 35232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil) 4920 25/09 2314 China National Radio 8, Lhasa, locutor em tibetano, 35232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) 9575 // 11965, Firedrake, both against VOA, 1011-1020, Oct 11, both fair (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/10/2007) 9750, PBS Nei Menggu (presumed), 1309-1326, Oct 13, assume with Mongolian programming, distinctive indigenous singing (no music), phone conversations, exceptionally good reception. The usual problem here with strong QRM from NHK was no problem at all today, as NHK was very weak (noted // 11815). PBS heard // 7270. Am grateful to Mark Schiefelbein for the timely tip! (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Коста-Рика Oct 11 at 1930 I found a defective signal in Spanish on about 17595. The carrier level would drop every few seconds, but not disappear completely. During the drops the program modulation would be replaced by noise. I figured this frequency had to be either Spain or WEWN, so checked the REE CR relay on 17850, and found it was // to 17595. BUT --- there should be a satellite delay, as 17595 is supposed to be direct from Spain. These were exactly synchronized, so 17593.5, as I then measured it more precisely, must be a spur from 17850, and only coincidentally near another REE frequency from the home site Noblejas. Aha, there should be another one an equal distance, 256.5 kHz, above 17850. That would be 18106.5 --- Yes! there it was, the same kind of signal with power cutting up and down. So this explains the distorted signal Raul Saavedra has been hearing nearby in Costa Rica on 18105, but he must be getting it by groundwave. My previous guess was that this could be LV del Guaviare, Colombia on 3 x 6035, since he has also heard that on 12070 = 2 x 6035, but he also reported later that 18105 is something different. When you have two matching spurs at a certain distance from the fundamental, it is time to check at double the separations for more of them: 17337.0 --- yes, much weaker but I could match the carrier level jumps with 17593.5; Also 18363.0 but just barely detectable, probably because the prevailing MUF was not propagating that 1-MHz-higher frequency quite as well. HFCC schedules do not show the day-of-week variations in REE timings: 17850 CRI 15-23, 17595 NOB 10-22 So we go to EiBi who has it all detailed: 17850 CR M-F 18-20, Sat 16-23, Sun 15-23 17595 E M-F 10-15, Sat 12-21, Sun 12-20 So on weekdays the spurs would end at 2000, and 17593.5 spur would QRM REE itself 17595 from Spain at: M-F 18-20, Sat 16-21, Sun 15-20 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Куба RHC missing from 15190 at 1339 check Sunday Oct 7 during DX program; I wonder if that`s the transmitter now on 13760. By 1400, 11875 was on, much stronger with Cuban NA and opening AlС, Presidente service (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) Лаос 6130 LAOS. Lao National Radio, 1158, 10/07/07. Finally some propagational hope. First log of season. Still using same sequence of programming leading up to 1200. Orchestral prelude at tune-in. Gongs heard at 1200 followed by another orchestral theme. Lao announcements reached fair level on peaks by 1215 tune-out. (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) Латвия Вчера (6 октября) на частоте 9290 кГц в 0806 из улброки принял ретрансляцию China Radio International на английском. В 0807 переключились на начало передачи Latvia today. Интересно, ведь China Radio International ретранслируется не из Латвии, а из Литвы. (Юрий Дымбовский, Рига, Латвия - open_dx 07/10/2007) Ливия 21695, Voice of Africa, 1450-1545+, Oct 7, Tune-in to English programming with talk about local culture, history. IDs. News at 1531. Readings from The Green Book. // 17870 - both frequencies with fair reception. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/10/2007) Мавритания R. Mauritanie 4845 (T) 0300-0330 M. anncr in Arabic (earlier probable French) ME type music. Tried to get real good copy on ID for two nights through a LOT of QRN, some maybe from my own antenna in wind storm. But pretty sure on this one. Heard also 10/7 With announcer talking to what sounded like phone-ins in Arabic foll by some m.e. music and into prayer chanting at 0300 (Rick Barton, AZ, USA - CumbreDX 10/10/2007) Малайзия 6049.6, Radio TV Malaysia, 1020-1030 Audio part of the signal just starting to fade in, but carrier has been audible since before the hour. Noted typical music with a male announcer commenting between tunes. Signal was poor. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/10/2007) 5964.93 Klasik Nasional 1324-1400 Oct 10. Vocal mx, "Klasik Nasional" ID's, YL ancr in Bahasa Malaysia, occasional ads or anmts; a variety of lite vocal mx was played to 1359, when CRI came on 5965, ruining reception of KN, although I did manage to hear the usual 2 pips at ToH followed by presumed news. Good clear reception up to 1359. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 11/10/2007) 6049.64, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam via RTM, 1405-1605, Oct 7, in vernacular, reciting from the Qur'an, many IDs: "Radio Suara Islam, Kuala Lumpur", "Suara Islam FM", also one tentative ID as: "Suara Islam FM number 102.5 MHz.", 1430 one pip, into 10 minutes of news, ballads and Islamic music, fair to good (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Мали 4835 25/09 2351 RTV du Mali, Bamako, locutor em frances, 35232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) 5995 25/09 2341 RTV du Mali, Bamako, musica tipica, 45232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) Мексика 9599.24, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 2120-2135, Oct 7, classical music. ID at 2132 followed by Spanish talk. Fair level but must use ECSS-LSB to avoid China Radio International on 9600. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/10/2007) I keep checking 6045 at various times hoping for a reappearance of XEXQ, R. Universidad de San LuМs PotosМ, which has not been heard for a few months now. Oct 9 at 1234 there was a bit of classical music which got my hopes up, but soon followed by announcement in Chinese, which would be Voice of Russia via Vladivostok. XEYU, 9599.2+ good here around 2200 Oct 8 with classical music (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) 9599.32 Eadio Unam (p); 2258-2312+, 9-Oct; Mix of tunes & political discussions & speech excerpts in SS mentioning Zapatistas & repeated phrase, Politicos atentos libertad--courteous politician freedom? SIO=333, MUCH cleaner in LSB. (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 11/10/2007) 9599.24, XEYU, Radio UNAM (presumed), 0917-0940, Oct 9, classical music, fair-good, no QRM (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Микронезия 4755.25 PMA "The Cross" Noted on Oct.5. from 1257 to past 1336 with a program of up-beat Hymn Music to Black Soul Hymn Music, ranging from different artists. Noted a ID at 1259 & 1332 ( the later being the best indication that is this station on the air). The ID at 1332 started as: "Hi, this is Melinda. You are listening to The Cross, Cross Radio...."Signal varied but was QRM free at this location. As others have noted, the audio varied from good to poor. Have sent a e-mail report along with a sample of a recording at my location (Edward Kusalik-Alberta, CANADA - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) 4755 low level with American style of religious EE programming, (without the fire and brimstone), 0907 through to 0925 when ann in local language, unable to obtain a clear ID, after 0925 signal was barealy audible. Presumed this to be Pacific missionary station. 6 Oct. Johno Wright in Sydney Australia. ICOM R75 using a directional EWE pointing almost directly at the station. (dxer, Australia - hard-core-dx 07/10/2007) 4755.25 PMA "The Cross" Already in and audible at 0715 w/preaching by M. ZY QRM of course. Recorded later but conditions weren't very good and the signal was rather poor. (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) 4749.96 RRI Makassar 1337-1404* Oct 7. While monitoring a weak PMA noted a good-sized het on the low side so tuned down to listen to Makassar's good signal. Koran to 1350, then instrumental and vocal music. Went off at 1404 after a short anmt and ID by YL. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 07/10/2007) Монако 9800, TWR, 0709-0717, Oct 1, English. OM w/ religous talk. Contact info at 0714 into Through the Bible prg. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) Монголия 22/10/2007, 1030 - 1100, 12085 kHz, Voice of Mongolia, in mongolian, talk, poor/fair (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) 7260, Mongolian Radio-HS 2, *2300-2317, Oct 10, Vernacular. S/on w/ IS, ID into choral-like music (NA?). YL at 2304 w/ talks b/w brief musical bits thru t/out. Fair at best until 7261U ham chatter at 2314. S/on matches audio clip at intervalsignals.net. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Мьянма 12 Oct at 1335 noted a strong carrier with not too strong audio on 5770. Usual Myanmar Defense Forces BC Unit, Taunggyi type of programming. Signed off at 1531 after a brief announcement by male voice. As no id was regognized (anyone ever had a reliable id from this one?) consider this one as tentative. They've been unheard here for weeks, maybe for months. (J. Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Нигерия 6089.84, presumed VON-Kaduna, 2145-2159, Oct 6, Vernacular. OM w/ talks b/w excerpts from recorded speech. Wiped out by 6090-DGS at 2159. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 15120, VON, 2027-2041, Oct 1, English. 60 Minutes prg w/ commentaries re Nigeria's image abroad and Nigeria at 47. TC/ID at 2031. Fair/good. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) Новая Зеландия Once again, RNZI analog 9615 missing when checked at 0551 UT Oct 9, tho DRM was buzzing away on 9885-9890-9895, so not a propagation problem. However, at 0557 recheck, 9615 was on and inbooming as usual. According to http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php 9615 is supposed to open at 0459, but I am wondering if this recently updated sked is out of date, and 13730 has been extended an hour. Need to look for that next time 9615 be missing (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) 3935.06 ZLXA. Not a trace heard this morning from 1200-1400 on Oct. 11. (J. M. Wilkins, CO, USA - CumbreDX 11/10/2007) Пакистан Today, 10 Oct between 1330 and 1400 the 9380 R Pakistan splatters and hash were in minimum. So not much to complain except of course the modulation quality, but that wasn't the subject. (J. Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 10/10/2007) This is very intriguing - and as I wrote to the list, I can't hear any "hash" either at my location in NW England. The signal is not a "clean" one, but strength here is similar to how 9380 is being heard in Lahore. The last two days I've been monitoring 9 MHZ and - except for some local noise - didn't notice any disturbance to stations using 9345 RNW via TAC, 9355 something weak in Chinese, 9360 VoR via Dushanbe, something weak on 9385 and BBC via Dushanbe on 9395. And nothing on empty channels either. Maybe the PAK 9380 signal is stronger in Finland and Bulgaria than it is here at my location (and in Lahore), and hence the unwanted hash becomes audible as a result? (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 11/10/2007) Перу 5039.10, Radio Libertad, 1030-1045 Noted music at tune-in. During the break, a male comments briefly then back to music. Music difinetly Peruvian type. Signal was poor. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/10/2007) Россия Голос России, слышно на частоте 7023-7030? 17:30 UTC (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 09/10/2007) Ratchety very dirty spur around 15495-15515, peaking at 15505, Oct 9 at 1324. Soon found the modulation peaks matched VOR on 15605. This is the Hindi service via Moscow site. I could also hear traces of the spur down to 15430, but not on the high side of 15605. By 1345 recheck the spur center had shifted down to 15495. This is the same transmitter with English at 14-15, but by then it was weaker and did not hear the spurs (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) AE> В Киеве было слышно весь вечер очень громко, но сильные искажения, AE> похоже на что-то среднее между ЧМ и SSB. Язык передач французский. У меня с 19:32 UTC на английском (урок русского языка). SINPO 55544, хоть и искажения. Пробовал на AM, SSB, NFM. В последнем режиме наилучше. Приемник AR8000, аентенна диполь. А вообще принмал на все приемники, даже на мыльницу Tecsun R818. Есть получасовая запись (7 Mб). (В. Олейник, Кишинев, Молдавия - open_dx 10/10/2007) С 1700 до 1800 ГР на польском. Частота 7044. Передатчики: 9615 кГц Самара 5910 кГц С-П 1143 кГц Калининград Все передатчики работают вроде нормально. Как ни крутил-вертел - гармоника или комбинашка не получается. Ближе всего 1143+5910=7053. Но все передатчики в разных местах, поэтому комбинашек между ними быть не может. В 1800 передатчик отключился. Очень странно. Французских передач нет, которые были вчера. Может это какой-то радиолюбитель балуется? Кстати, на 1242 кГц после захода солнца, пока не слышно Францию, слышал Японию на Деген с преселектором и ферритовую антенну. Но с забором слышно все-таки лучше. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 10/10/2007) While the day before, the 15510 area was blotched by a spur from VOR on 15605, as I reported, rechecked Oct 10 at 1356, there was another signal from VOR, which also had a buzz on its carrier, not // 15605. Closed with web address, 1359 VOR IS, simultaneous but not synchronized with 15550 and 15605, 1400 ID in Turkish and then just buzz until off at 1401* This is listed in HFCC as Samara, 140 degrees, which doesn`t seem right for Turkey: 15510 1200 1600 40-42,49,54,58 SAM 250 140 1234567 250307 281007 D RUS VOR GFC EiBi however says 15510 at 12-14 is for Afghanistan in its languages, but I`m sure I heard `Burasi Moskva(sp?)`. Axually, this must have been the *start of the Turkish broadcast which per EiBi is supposed to be on other frequencies: 1400 1500 RUS Voice of Russia TU ME 7325a 11985m 1170a 13855m Apparently the spur the day before completely obscured this other VOR transmission. While the dirty spur from VOR was around 15510 on Oct 10, things were different Oct 11: centered on 15640, where the YFR relay is supposed to be, and maybe was anyway, buried under the QRM. At 1306 found this very distorted signal splattering with spikes, worst between 15615 and 15660, ruining Greece on 15630 during talk in unID language, but into non-Christian music at 1311 so decided it was not YFR. Then checking the lower edge of the blob, the modulation obviously matched VOR Hindi service on 15605. But the 15605 transmitter was responsible. The scheduled // of 15550 was absent, so I think that was the transmitter to blame, badly mistuned around 15640. Confirming that it was separate from 15605, that frequency went into English at 1400 while 15640 blob did not. This mess was also monitored by Olle Alm in Sweden and Wolfgang Buschel in Germany --- all of us off the back if really aimed at India, but very strong here. Wolfgang also notified the Russian transmitter operators about the problem, so we`ll see if it`s fixed by the next day. There have also been similar problems in the 7.0 MHz area in the European evenings, perhaps from the same faulty unit (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) 7300, VOR via Khabarovsk, *0955-1005, Oct 11, on with series of tones (on and off for about 8 seconds), ToH IS, into Chinese programming, fair, in the clear, with Firedrake off the air during their usual gap from 1000* - *1004:30. Firedrake also heard here at 0913 & 0938 with fair signal (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Неоднократно наблюдал резкую смену слышимости в разные дни в тоже самое время и на тойже самой частоте. Допустим, на 7125 кГц вчера был S=5, а сегодня S=2. Такое наблюдение я сделал и на другой частоте (13855 или 13870) Голоса России. Кто нибудь замечал похожее? Недавно, где то в интернете наткнулся на текст старого выпуска Клуба DX, где слушатель описал похожую ситуацию. Клуб DX этому нашёл объяснение: на передатчике заземление шалит. :-D Ещё одна странность замечена на частоте 12055 кГц: допустим, позавчера в 1700 UTC станция присутсвовала на частоте, вчера в 1700 UTC отсутствовала, сегодня в 1700 UTC присутствовала. (ice - open_dx 12/10/2007) Похоже, все дело в прохождении (9-10 числа), 11 октября все уже было в норме. Частота, по-видимому, все же немного "высоковата" для Петербурга как места излучения. Кстати, как, на ваш взгляд, смотрелась бы 7165 вместо 12055 в 1700-1900? Вроде бы помех в этот промежуток времени там "выше крышы"... (Михаил Тимофеев, Санкт-Петербург, Россия - open_dx 12/10/2007) > Я такой эффект наблюдал не только в случае с ГР, но и с другими > станциями тоже. Василий Кузнецов, Москва. Разумеется, можно списать на прохождение, однако в 0400 UTC на 7220 кГц Радио Свобода всегда слышно гарантированно отлично. 1900 UTC (или 1800 UTC?) 7170 CRI - всегда отлично. Так, что уверен, прохождением замеченное не объясняется. (Дмитрий Зубко, open_dx 13/10/2007) 13745 was still a mystery here, Oct 12 at 1255 tune-in, man speaking slowly, deliberately with great expression, apparently reading poetry or a classic story. Went right thru hourtop with no break. Finally at 1311 music, 1317 started another program with theme, woman announcer; 1319 brief Russian actuality with voice-over translation in still uncertain language. I don`t hear anything to indicate this is Christian, nor recognizable jingles from major broadcasters. Since this was Friday, I was alert for TWR as still on the schedules from Rwanda in Afar at 1300-1315 only, and previously heard, but no sign of it now. Then checking Aoki as of Oct 11, the answer: 13745 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1200-1400 1234567 Pashto/Dari 250 105 Krasnodar This was probably an S07 change, as it is still missing from other listings; ADDX dated 2 Sept shows this transmission in Dari, not Pashto, on 12015 and 15510 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Checking the 15.6-MHz area again Oct 12 for VOR spurs of the last few days: none heard, but 15550, believed to be the problem transmitter the day before, was still missing from Hindi service, just 15605 at 1325. VOR in Russian at 1325 on 15540, weaker than // 15660 tho both are listed as Moskva site, 250 kW. 15540 is 190 degrees and 15660 is 100 degrees, the latter, closer to off-the-back for us. However, my spearch was not in vain: see BULGARIA. Wolfgang Buschel is hearing Russian spurs further afield from the 15660 transmitter, where I did not check today, wandering in the 15.0+ and 16.2+ MHz areas (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Не знаю Ваш QTH, Дмитрий, и как сегодня там было слыщно Свободу, но у нас она появилась неплохо в 0300 на 6105 кГц, но через некоторое время я уже ее не слышал и признаков и на этой частоте, и на 7220. Появилось оно на 6105 только ближе к 0500. В основном на 6 и 7 МГц было пусто. Зато на 5930 очень стабильно и громко слышно было Р.России из Мурманска, которое в обычные дни очень слабо проходит здесь. Вот Вам и выбрыки прохождения. Осенью такое бывает очень часто. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 13/10/2007) Tonight 7310, which is supposed to be operated from 1800 with one of the problematic Lesnoy transmitters, has no obvious issues; good modulation (away from the VOR studio audio which is of course not a transmitter issue) and no obvious splatter or spurs. 7195 with VOR in French is slightly distorted and had before 1800 some scratchy spikes on the low side, audible within at least 50 kHz. However, these spikes were not related to the program audio, so could have another origin as well (Cerrik on 7155 appears to be another possible culprit). 9795, which was perfectly in synch with 7195, thus apparently co-located, did not show any problems. After 1800 it became impossible to check out 7195 further because the band became too congested. This 7195 and the presumably co-located 9795 could be further Lesnoy outlets, unless they are operated from Taldom or Kurovskaya (if the latter site is still on air at all) instead. VOR German via Samara (until 1800 on 12010) had no buzz or other transmission-related audio issues tonight. Btw, the mentioned German 1800-1900 on 7320 is not VOR but Universelles Leben / Radio Santec, apparently nowhere listed and probably a rather new transmission, presumably booked directly via Radioagenstvo-M and not as slot on VOR's German service as they do since the mid-nineties or so. Decent audio, unlike the muffled VOR stuff. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Unfortunately I was distracted and did not note in detail what happened around 1900. No closing announcement caught for the 7320 transmission, so I have to add now that it needs another check if German 1800-1900 on 7320 (perhaps on Saturdays only?) is really Radio Santec. There appeared to be an overlap of two independent carriers at 1900, so 7320 until 1900 seems to originate from another site than Samara (maybe even outside the CIS, but it was apparently no Media&Broadcast or VTC or TDF or Digita). At 1900 Family Radio in German via Samara on 7320 started, and this transmission is indeed plagued by loud hum, sounding as if 100 Hz is a prominent but not the only component. 100 Hz hum now also on 7310 (presumed Lesnoy) with VOR in English. I'm quite sure that it was clean while VOR German was on air before 1900, so it must be the audio input but not the transmitter itself if it's still the same unit. What I heard in passing of the change-over on 7320 points at the audio input as possible source of the bad hum as well, but this needs more monitoring to be sure. (Kai Ludwig, Germany - dxldyg 13/10/2007) Россия/Эфиопия 15260 Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 16:54-17:00, escuchada el 8 de octubre en amarico, locutor y locutora con despedida del programa, anuncian pagina web, cuna de ID, segmento musical, SINPO 43433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 08/10/2007) Румыния 11730 Radio Romania Intl. English to W. Europe, often not heard here, fair to poor opening at 1759 but sinking to barely abv noise floor after 1805. (Rick Barton, AZ, USA - CumbreDX 10/10/2007) Судан Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction, 15650 via South Africa, Tue Oct 9 at 1414 spelling English words, including malaria, with mbira(?) music bed, tone cues for learners to speak, ``very good`` encouragement even tho they couldn`t possibly hear the students respond. Then practiced counting numbers from one to ten on fingers. Very elementary. Wrapping up at 1426, said the show named ``The Terbia[? sounded like] Market`` airs in the morning on M/W/F, repeated afternoons Tue/Thu/Sat. Credits to several agencies in the hierarchy, concluding with EDC and USAID. 1428 cute jingle with girl choir in English extolling Southern Sudan; 1429:30 to OC and off at 1430* This transmission via Meyerton is in fact scheduled Tue/Thu/Sat 1400-1430 with 250 kW at 5 degrees, brokered by VT/Merlin. Good reception too in Northern Oklahoma (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) 15650, Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction, via Meyerton, 1402-1429*, Oct 13, Thanks to Glenn Hauser tip in DXLD. Tune-in to English language lesson. Lesson on reading & writing numbers. Good signal. Scheduled for Tues, Thur, Sat only. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) США 7811, AFRTS, KeyWest, Florida,0900-0915 Noted a sports news (Overnite America) on football. Signal was fair but not too much strength on the "S" meter for a signal from KeyWest. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/10/2007) 10320, AFRTS, Hawaii, 0900-0915 Noted a sports news program talking football. Signal was good. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/10/2007) Таджикистан 4635 25/09 2326 Radio Tajikistan, Dushanbe, locutor em vernacular, 25232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 08/10/2007) Тайвань 9780, Radio Taiwan International, 1050-1100 Noticed a male and female in Chinese language comments. Time ticks on the hour, followed by ID and music. Signal was fair. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 08/10/2007) RTI, 15600 via WYFR, Mon Oct 8 at 2220-2231 in Generation Y program, YL discussing quite unabashedly, masturbation among teenagers in Taiwan. I wonder if they were embarrassed about this in Oakland? But then the non-Christians in Taiwan must be embarrassed by a lot of what WYFR preaches (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) Танзания 11735, Radio Tanzania-Zanzibar, 1800-1810, Oct 6, English news. IDs as "Spice FM". Back to Swahili & local music at 1810. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 11735 Voice of Tanzania-Zanzibar Lively AFR music at 1745 with ID by female anncr at TOH. (Rick Barton, AZ, USA - CumbreDX 10/10/2007) Тибет 6110, presumed Xizang PBS-Lhasa, 1141-1200, Oct 5, Vernacular. Various announcer over and b/w musical bits. Fair/poor. Listed as // 4905 but programming was different that on 6110. Other //'s inaudible. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) Украина 11 октября передачи ВСРУ/RUI на Сев. Америку со Львова на 7440 кГц 2300-0400 прекращаются. Причина традиционная - нехватка финансов. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 10/10/2007) Филиппины 9615, Radio Veritas Asia, Palauig, 1135-1155*, Oct 12, religious talk in unidentified language with English translations. Lite instrumental music. English ID at 1155 sign off. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) 11730, Radio Veritas Asia, Palauig, *1157-1210, Oct 12, Sign on with instrumental music, English ID & into unidentified language at 1158. Lite music. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Чад 6165, RNT, 2204-2231*, Oct 1, French. OM w/ talk b/w what sounded like excerpts from a recorded speech. Music at 2225, s/off annmt at 2229 into NA at s/off. Fair w/ co-channel Croatia "disappearing" at 2211. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 6165, RNT, 2210-2230*, Oct 7, Mixing with Croatia. Both in at fair levels with Croatia in English at 2215-2218*. Croatia abruptly off at 2218 leaving Chad in the clear with French talk, Afro-pop music, & sign off with National Anthem. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 08/10/2007) Эквадор 4909.19, Radio Chaskis, Otavalo, 1004-1015, Oct 6, Spanish announcements. Lively Ecuadorian music. ID at 1007. Poor to fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 07/10/2007) 15295 HCJB (to Brazil) 1645-1705 Very strong signal with lively Brazilian and other LA music pgms - announcers in Portuguese. (Rick Barton, AZ, USA - CumbreDX 10/10/2007) 4814.99, Radio El Buen Pastor, Saraguro, 0135-0200, Oct 12, Tentative with Spanish religious talk. Spanish religious music. Poor with strong CODAR QRM & weak co-channel QRM possibly from Brazil's Radio Difusora. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) Япония Not only does the 6110 relay of NHK Warido Radio Japan via Sackville at 0500-0530 suffer heavy QRM from the off-frequency Latin Americans, but the 6120 broadcast, which has contracted to 1200-1230, does as well, as noted Oct 9 at 1220 during discussion of genetic modification. At first I thought the QRM with low het might be in Spanish but after NHK closed at 1229 it was obviously R. Singapore International, Indonesian service as scheduled, with M&W dialog, laughing. Which one is off-frequency, or both? I rarely tried to listen to R. Japan before Oct, when the 6120 relay was at 1000-1200, but the same collision must have existed then with Singapore using 6120 at 0900-1400. Now NHK/Sackville also uses it at 1000-1030 in Spanish, but not in between. R. Japan, English at 1410, fair on 13630, running a few words or a semi-second behind Sackville 11705. 13630 is Rampisham at 62 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) 9535 Radio Japan NHK (direct) 1600-1700 Monitored bx with solid signal to 1700 to hear tx abruptly shut down. This would have been the start of the EG part of the bx, so this would be in keeping with new skeds dropping the EG to North America. tx is listed as for North and Central Am. Only the Japanese language part of old sked remains. (10/8, Rick Barton, AZ, USA - CumbreDX 10/10/2007) -- СВ/ДВ 774 NHK2 TS JJ anns 1134 JOQR ids "Tokyo Radio" 1242 JOLF ids "Nippon Hoso", "All Night Nippon dot com" 1287 JOHR JJ talk 1413 JOIF ids "KBC" mit zum Teil sehr guten Signalen. (Christoph Mayer, Germany - A-DX 15/10/2007 Excellent MW DX conditions here, with the best catch over the weekend from Moldova on 1548 kHz, Voice of Russia with ID in English, audio uploaded to dxclipjoint.com. 567 IRELAND RTE 1, Tullamore (53DG17'N 07DG22'W) OCT 8 0400 - Good; fanfare, woman with UTC+1 time check and news in English. [Conti-NH] 603 FRANCE France Info, Lyon-Tramoyes (45DG53'N 04DG57'E) OCT 8 0013 - Good; orchestra instrumental parallel 945 kHz. [Conti-NH] 756 GERMANY Deutschlandfunk, Braunschweig & Ravensburg OCT 7 0020 - Excellent; classical music parallel a weak 6190 kHz. [Conti-NH] 765 SWITZERLAND RSR Option Musique, Sottens (46DG39'N 06DG44'E) OCT 7 0025 - French vocal over an unID station. [Conti-NH] 774 SPAIN RNE1 synchros OCT 7 0027 - Good with synchro echo; talk and music parallel 585, 603 etc. [Conti-NH] 819 EGYPT ERTU Batra (31DG09'N 31DG27'E) OCT 7 0030 - Good; discussion parallel 12050 kHz. [Conti-NH] 864 FRANCE France Bleu, Villebon-sur-Yvette (48DG41'N 02DG14'E) OCT 8 0249 - Good; woman with France Bleu ID, Otis Redding "Dock of the Bay." [Conti-NH] 882 UNITED KINGDOM BBC R.Wales, Washford (51DG10'N 03DG21'W) OCT 7 0035 - Good; BBC program parallel 198 kHz. [Conti-NH] 954 unID OCT 8 0256 - African music, over/under Spain. News top of the hour, 0307 African music. Kenya or Qatar? [Conti-NH] 1062 DENMARK Danmarks Radio, Kalundborg (55DG40'N 11DG04'E) OCT 8 0337 - Excellent; pre-sign-on open carrier. 0340 interval signal commenced, 0345 weather. [Conti-NH] 1062 ITALY Rai Radiouno synchros OCT 8 0350 - Pre-0400 sign-on test tones under Denmark. [Conti-NH] 1179 SWEDEN R.Sweden, Solvesborg (55DG59'N 14DG40'E) OCT 7 0435 - Good to excellent; religious vocals, hosted by a man in distinctive Swedish. 0445 solemn flute music hosted by a woman in Swedish. 0500 signature three-note top of the hour marker; signal fading. Sunrise 0515. [Conti-NH] 1269 GERMANY Deutschlandfunk, Neumunster (54DG03'N 09DG51'E) OCT 7 0431 - Fair; organ music parallel a strong 756 kHz. [Conti-NH] 1377 FRANCE France Info, Lille (50DG31'N 02DG59'E) OCT 7 0318 - Excellent; news/talk in French. [Conti-NH] 1422 GERMANY Deutschlandfunk, Heusweiler (49DG21'N 06DG55'E) OCT 7 0424 - Good; classical music parallel 756 kHz. [Conti-NH] 1458 UNITED KINGDOM Sunrise Radio, Brookmans Park (51DG44'N 00DG11'W) OCT 7 0237 - Fair, at times good; Bollywood-style male/female vocals, Sunrise jingles. [Conti-NH] 1458 UNITED KINGDOM Capital Gold, Ashton Moss (53DG30'N 02DG06'W) OCT 7 0240 - Presumed with pop vocals, male host in English; mostly under Sunrise Radio. The other co-channel UK stations are listed as BBC5 at this time. [Conti-NH] 1503 IRAN IRIB Sarasary, Bushehr (28DG58'N 50DG51'E) OCT 7 0215 - Excellent; Koranic recitations. [Conti-NH] 1512 BELGIUM R.Vlaanderen International, Wolvertem (50DG59'N 04DG18'E) OCT 8 0408 - Good to excellent; man and woman in Flemish. [Conti-NH] 1521 SAUDI ARABIA BSKSA Duba (27DG20'N 35DG45'E) OCT 7 0216 - Solid s9+10; Koranic recitations. [Conti-NH] 1530 VATICAN R.Vaticana, Vatican City (42DG03'N 12DG19'E) OCT 7 0419 - In WCKY null; interval signal and choral vocal. [Conti-NH] 1548 MOLDOVA Voice of Russia, Grigoriopol (47DG14'N 29DG24'E) OCT 7 0335 - Fading up to good levels at times; classical music hosted by a woman in English. 0357 ID, "Voice of Russia World Service." Sunrise 0409. mp3 uploaded to dxclipjoint.com/loco_the_dx_cat. [Conti-NH] 1557 FRANCE France Info, Fontbonne (43DG46'N 07DG25'E) OCT 7 0220 - Good; orchestra instrumental parallel 1377 kHz. [Conti-NH] (Bruce Conti, Nashua, NH, USA - mwdx 09/10/2007) 600 CBNA St Anthony NL. // 750, etc. Strongest NA on the band at this time. G 0120 08/10 JF 1420 CKDY Digby NS. AVR Ids and country type music. W 0530 08/10 JF 1420 WHK Cleveland OH. ``This is the Mike Gallagher Show ... WHK Cleveland .... Newstalk 14-20 WHK ... (slogan or some sort)'' after ad break, briefly over CKDY. F 0559 08/10 JF Firstly, a correction. My last few loggings have the wrong date on them. I have been stating month /09 instead of /10. Conditions overnight were not great. CBNA was powering through at the bottom of the band and much stronger than any other North American. 1060 and 1420 were my chosen channels: 1060 was recorded for the first half of the morning as it had a couple of Latins, one playing classical music. Neither were IDd. 1420 had CKDY and WHK as usual. (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 08/10/2007) After several tries and several tentatives through the past 25 or so years, I finally got a def log on my most wanted Alaskan. 680 AK, Barrow KBRW, fairly decent at times with powerhouse KNBR in a very tight phase from 0615 to 0720 UTC 10/10. Often would fade up over KNBR with back to back ol rock, a bit of Bluegrass, and even some Roger Williams tossed in. No ID I could catch at 0700, just more non stop oldies, But at 0716, there was a pause of dead air followed by a female ID as "KBRW 680 Barrow and ????? (numbers and letters) 88.1 Deadhorse (Some lp relay I guess). Then into a lengthy weather forecast, for the North Arctic coastal areas. Then 0724, back into non stop oldies. This was one of my toughest logs ever, with KNBR so darn strong up here. As I mentioned, I have logged KBRW several times in the past tentatively, but never enough for a report that could be verified. Yipee!!! Now to get that QSL....This made my day, heck it made my year, maybe even the decade!!! (Patrick Martin, Oregon, USA - hard-core-dx 10/10/2007) Yesterday between 2200 and 2230 I heard the following, 891 Antalya (slight confusion over similar music from co-channel Algeria!), 954 Trabzon (weak), 1017 Mudanya (the weakest of all with huge co-channel from Rheinsender Wolfsheim but still audible at times) and 1062 Diyarbakir (at times very strong with slight co-channel from RAI). (Dan Goldfarb, Brentwood, England - dxldyg 10/10/2007) 1470 XEAI R Formula, Mexico City. First noted weak at 01:30. F 0130 09/10 JF 1580 CKDO Oshawa ON. ``Oshawa's Oldies CKDO'' sung jingle. Roy Orbison's ``Pretty Woman''. W 0622 09/10 JF Recorded 1470 most of the morning, then had a tune around the band around 06:30. Retuning to 1290 for the sunrise period. Tuning around 06:30 found a fairly lively band with good signals from 1520 WWKB and presuemd 1540 CHIN (E Euro language). 1440 and 1590 had weak audible signals despite DRM QRM. Had I been able to stay awake I think a few more reasonable loggings would have been forthcoming. 1290 had a talk/phone in programme but was too weak to hear clearly. 1290 is usually a difficult channel. We are now in a longer run of quiet conditions but the band does not reflect that. (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 09/10/2007) 11/10 603 RNE 5 various, talk OM, 1849 UTC, 222 1080 VOIRI Abadan, talk, music, 2048 UTC, 333 1071 Radio Idaat Alkhbar (News Radio) Cairo, 2100 UTC, 333 1593 VoA Kuwait, talk OM, 1835 UTC, 121 1593 Radio Cluj, talk and Folkmusic, 1843 UTC, 433 1593 Radio Tirgu Mures, German program (Neumarktner Radio), Music "meilenweit muss ich gehen", 1845 UTC, 222 12/10 1400 CBG Gander NL, ID: CBC Radio....., 0200 UTC, 211 (Friedhelm, Lunen, Germany - emwg 12/10/2007) По сообщению Влада из Хабаровска Радио Восток России с 1 октября переехало с 711 на 765 кГц Сегодня вечером после 1800 местного работали тюменские 891 Маяк и 1602 Юность. Все остальные Маяки и Юности, как обычно, молчат. 1323 Китай на русском до 1400 utc было слышно 2 передатчика, после 1400 только |1 1 - более мощный с юга 2 - слабый с востока слабое эхо и очень небольшая разница 1143 1500- Овози тоджик?, новости на русском, хорошо, Душанбе (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 13/10/2007) -- Digital -- Тропо Not as good as last night for tropo as culture isn't there on 94.00 so I think I had the best of it last night but no irish as I did look ..it was all contenental regards the german on 88.00 was a surprise as it was the only freq that had german on it normally would expect something on 95.1 or 95.5 but these were the usual french and bbc bristol also notice that for me the wind direction was coming off the contenent.... (Mark P, Devon , U.K. - skywaves 07/10/2007) After posting last night had france bleu on 103.2 F505 but no rds but think france bleu berry 94.4 had inter,chartres was on 88.5 culture with rds competing with bbc r2 with rds and inter was in on 94.4. also 94.9 was in stereo for inter,90.8 also had musique as well this morining inter on 99.4 classic on 100.6/7/8 and 9 with 101.3 stereo and 101.9 trying alencon in stereo on 88 and 91 with rouen just showing on 92 and 96.5 (Mark P, Devon , U.K. - skywaves 07/10/2007) 104.2 France bleu clear 104.1 bbc berks clear 104.0 rfm clear 103.8 bbc solent clear 101.6 rtl stereo 100.2 tendance stereo 106.0 original clear 105.7 france info clear 101.1 Nrj stereo 100.9 classic fm stereo (Mark P, Devon, U.K. - skywaves 07/10/2007) Станции, принятые на окраине Ижевска в начале октября Sangean 909 и Degen 1103 66,32 Радио России / ГТРК Татарстан, Барда 66,47 Радио России / ГТРК Башкортостан, Нефтекамск 66,47 Маяк FM, Киров 66,65 Радио России / Пермское радио, Кунгур 66,68 Юлдаш, Уфа 66,80 Орфей, Пермь 67,01 Маяк, Набережные Челны 67,10 Радио России / Пермское радио, Барда 67,43 Орфей, Кунгур 67,58 Маяк, Пермь 67,79 Радио Кунел, Набережные Челны **68,06 Радио России / ГТРК Удмуртия, Ижевск 68,36~ Радио России, Фаленки 68,42 Юлдаш, Нефтекамск 68,63 Радио России, Лениногорск 69,05 Маяк, Барда 69,14 Маяк, стерео пилот-тон, Уфа 69,32 Радио России / ГТРК Татарстан, Набережные Челны **69,62 Маяк, Ижевск 69,92 Юность, Барда 69,95 Юность, Киров 70,04 Взрослое радио, Пермь 70,61 Юлдаш, Белебей 70,73 Маяк, Нижнекамск 70,94 Радио России / ГТРК Удмуртия, Балезино 71,12 Маяк, Бураево 71,42 Радио России / Пермское радио, Чайковский 71,72 Русское радио, Балезино 71,84~ Радио России / ГТРК Удмуртия, Кизнер 71,84 Авторадио, Киров 72,02 Радио России / Пермское радио, Очёр 72,20 Радио России, Белебей 72,26 Взрослое радио, Чернушка 72,29 Радио России / ГТРК Татарстан, Нижнекамск 72,50 Маяк, Балезино 72,80 Взрослое радио, Очёр 73,01 Орфей, Чусовой 73,19 Русское радио, Киров 73,97 Радио Мария, Киров 88,0 Болид FM, Пермь 88,8 Татарское радио, Заинск 89,4 Европа+, Пермь 90,7 Авторадио, Пермь 91,1 Эхо Москвы, Уфа 91,2 Эхо Москвы, Пермь 91,4 Хит FM, Альметьевск 91,5 DFM, Уфа 91,75 Первый канал, Сарапул 91,75 Россия / Россия-Удмуртия, Балезино/Воткинск 95,0 Ретро FM, Альметьевск 95,5 Радио 7, Альметьевск 96,1 Авторадио, Альметьевск 98,6 Моя Удмуртия / Радио Киясово, Киясово 98,8 Моя Удмуртия / Увинское радио, Ува 98,9 Вулкан FM, Сарапул 99,0 Моя Удмуртия, Каракулино 99,1 Моя Удмуртия / Воткинское радио, Воткинск 99,2 Love Радио, Альметьевск 99,3 Моя Удмуртия, Вавож 99,4 Ретро FM, Пермь 99,4 Моя Удмуртия / Сарапульское радио, Сарапул 99,5 Моя Удмуртия / Радио Якшур-Бодьи, Якшур-Бодья 99,6 Моя Удмуртия, Малая Пурга 99,7 Моя Удмуртия, Селты 100,0 Наше радио, Пермь **100,1 Моя Удмуртия, Ижевск 100,3 Русское радио, Сарапул **100,5 Русское радио, Ижевск 100,7 Авторадио, Можга 100,7 Хит FM, Пермь 100,8 Русское радио, Глазов 100,8 Юлдаш, Бураево RDS 101,0 Русское радио, Бугульма 101,1 Спутник FM, Нефтекамск 101,2 Маяк FM, Уфа 101,2 Моя Удмуртия / Радио Яр, Яр 101,4 Юлдаш, Аскино 101,5 Ностальжи, Пермь 101,5 Авторадио, Набережные Челны 101,5 Моя Удмуртия, Юкаменское 101,6 Моя Удмуртия, Дебёсы 101,6 DFM, Сарапул 101,7 DFM, Нефтекамск **101,8 Ретро FM, Ижевск 101,9 Европа+, Набережные Челны 102,1 Моя Удмуртия, Шаркан/Можга 102,3 Русское радио, Нефтекамск **102,4 NRJ, Ижевск 102,7 Моя Удмуртия / Игринское радио, Игра 102,7 Взрослое радио, Пермь 102,8 Радио Дикси, Чайковский **103,0 Европа+, Ижевск 103,1 Новый Век, Актаныш 103,2 Юмор FM, Набережные Челны 103,2 Максимум, Пермь 103,3 Юлдаш, Бакалы 103,4 Авторадио, Вятские Поляны 103,4 Авторадио, Киров 103,6 Русское радио, Набережные Челны 103,6 Моя Удмуртия / Увинское радио, Сюмси 103,7 Радио России, Бакалы **103,8 Наше радио, Ижевск 104,0 Авторадио, Сарапул 104,1 Альфа, Пермь 104,2 Моя Удмуртия / Балезинское радио, Балезино 104,3 Юлдаш, Янаул **104,5 Адам Ижевск 104,7 Юлдаш, Нефтекамск 104,8 Моя Удмуртия, Кез 104,8 NRJ, Набережные Челны 104,9 Релакс FM, Киров 105,0 Хит FM, Уфа 105,1 Шансон, Нижнекамск **105,3 Эхо Москвы, Ижевск 105,5 Регион FM, Чайковский **105,7 DFM, Ижевск 105,8 Шансон, Нефтекамск **106,1 Авторадио, Ижевск 106,2 Русское радио, Пермь 106,3 Европа+, Октябрьский 106,5 Европа+, Нефтекамск RDS 106,6 Радио Агрыз, Агрыз 106,8 Спутник FM, Бакалы RDS **107,0 Максимум, Ижевск 107,1 Ретро FM, Нефтекамск 107,3 Авторадио, Воткинск 107,3 Новый Век, Мензелинск 107,5 DFM, Нижнекамск 107,5 Хит FM, Янаул 107,5 Максимум, Уфа 107,5 Новый Век, Бавлы 107,7 Спутник FM, Бураево RDS 107,9 Новый Век, Терси (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 07/10/2007) SAINT KITTS & NEVIS 96.7 0103 09/10 ZIZ, Basseterre, YL/OM, nxs, EE 33333 RFP 96.9 0114 09/10 ZIZ, Basseterre, OM/??, talks, EE // 96.7 MHz 24232 RFP GUADALOUPE 97.0 0105 09/10 RFO, Basse-Terre, YL/OM, anuncios, FF 34333 RFP 102.6 0108 09/10 NRJ Antilles, Basse-Terre, OM/YL, talks, FF 25232 RFP MARTINICA 94.0 0106 09/10 RFO, Trinite, OM, nxs, FF 25232 RFP BRASIL 97.7 0118 09/10 Tupa FM, Tupa - SP, YL, mx 33333 RFP 92.9 0127 09/10 Tropical FM, Telemaco Borba - PR, px "Noite Tropical", advs: "Casas Bahia" 35233 RFP SAINT VINCENT & THE GRENADINES 99.9 0146 09/10 WE FM, Kingstown, OM/OM, talks, EE 33333 RFP 107.5 0148 09/10 NBC, Kingstown, OM/OM, talks, EE 25232 RFP (RFP, Brasil - fmdx_Italy 11/10/2007) WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald starting to come in here, weak and unstable. LUX 88.9 & 100.7 have been back in too, the latter in stereo at about 9.05 pm BST (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 12/10/2007) Nice opening this afternoon. Unfortunately I didn't have time to listen for long. Was good to hear SUI again. 106.30 16:25 2007-10-11 D Deutschlandfunk (DLF) Hornisgrinde Talks D210 __DLF___ 639Km 104.00 16:29 2007-10-11 D SWR4 Baden-Wurttemberg Feldberg (Schwarzwald) Music DB04 SWR4_FR_ 668Km 107.80 16:34 2007-10-11 SUI RSI1 Santis Talks 43E1' RETE_UNO 787Km 87.60 19:17 2007-10-11 BEL RTBF Classic 21 Leglise-Vlessart Music 6354 CLASS.21 415Km 100.70 19:28 2007-10-11 LUX Soziokulturelles Radio Dudelange/Ginsterberg Music 7212 RADIO___ 461Km 88.90 19:30 2007-10-11 LUX RTL Radio Letzebuerg Dudelange/Ginsterberg News 7210 461Km 94.30 19:34 2007-10-11 F Radio Orient Paris/Tour Eiffel (75) Arab music F22B ORIENT 272Km 103.90 19:42 2007-10-11 F RFM Paris/Tour Eiffel (75) Music F212 __RFM___ 272Km (Mike, Saltdean, Sussex, U.K. - FM 12/10/2007) As well as Lille, Pure FM 101.1 has been in at often fair/clear levels tonight, also France Culture from Neufchatel-en-Bray is coming in well on 96.0 at the moment. France Musique also in tonight on 95.6 from Caen despite beaming due east. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 13/10/2007) Brocken is now in on 91.5 (MDR Jump) and 101.4 (Radio SAW). France & Belgium enhanced too including strong signals from Lille plus LUX in on 88.9 & 100.7 (weak but clear). (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 13/10/2007) A few other mostly weak Germans around this morning: 87.6 HR 3 Biedenkopf 89.0 RTL Brocken 91.1 NDR 1 Niedersachsen Steinkimmen 100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 13/10/2007) Some more German tropo coming in here this morning. Radio SAW 101.4 recording at http://www.ukdx.org.uk/fm/FMLogs/Recordings/12Oct_RadioSAW_101_4.mp3 101.40 09:45 2007-10-13 D Radio SAW Brocken Talks/Voice ID 746Km 91.50 09:54 2007-10-13 D MDR Jump Brocken Music//Web stream 746Km 97.40 09:55 2007-10-13 D Deutschlandradio Kultur Brocken Talks//Web stream D220 746Km (Mike, Saltdean, Sussex, U.K. - FM 13/10/2007) I visited the famous Middleton Top in Derbyshire and struck it lucky today (13/10/07) all of these logs were on whip aerials, no beams etc 87.5 Uk's Finest, Berkshire, RDS on peaks, deep fades 87.5 Links FM, London still announcing 87.6 87.7 Arrow Classic Rock, Lelystad 87.7 RTL, St Omer 87.8 FIP, Lille 87.9 Contact FM, France 87.9 Omroep Zeeland Goes 88.0 Shine FM, London 88.7 France Musique Lille 88.8 BBC R2, Crystal Palace 88.9 RTL Marnach, LUX 89.6 Deep FM, Birmingham 90.8 Unid Pirate London 91.0 BBC R3, Crystal Palace 91.4 BBC R3, ?? 92.0 Hot 92, West Midlands 93.8 Smooth FM, West Midlands 94.9 BBC London, Crystal Palace, v good, sports reports no sign of lincoln 95.1 BBC R Nottingham, Newark 95.2 BBC R Oxford, Hannington 95.3 BBC R Essex, South Benfleet,//765mw yl under Local R Derby! 95.8 Capital R, Croydon, Full RDS 96.7 KLFM, Gt Massingham 97.3 LBC, Croydon 98.8 BBC R1, Wrotham 100.0 Kiss FM, Croydon //106.4 102.0 Touch FM, Lark Stoke 102.6 Fox FM, Oxford 102.6 Essex FM (personal first iirc) 103.0 The Eye, Melton Mowbray 103.1 Invicta FM, Nice pks no sign of Beacon! 103.3 Horizon 103, Bow Brickhill, very enhanced 103.5 BBC Essex, Gt Braxted, very enhanced 104.7 BBC R Gloucester, Churchdown Hill 106.2 Heart FM, Croydon 106.5, Original 106.5, Bristol (no probs from Saga 106.6!) 106.8 Jack FM, Oxford, test transmissions 107.1 Rugby FM, Rugby 107.2 Wyre FM, Kidderminster 107.3 Unique FM, Nottingham 107.4 Connect FM, Kettering 107.5 Sting FM, Birmingham TV E7 German Dialect, Pres Luxembourg- i thought they were qrt? E9 ARD-1, Langenburg, Church service (Tim Bucknall, U.K. - skywaves 13/10/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание Алжир 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 17:00-17:10, escuchada el 8 de octubre en hasania, comienza la emision con el himno nacional, locutor con identificacion, canto del Coran, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 08/10/2007) 6300 Radio Nacional Arabe Sahuari Democratica; 2327-2331+, 5-Oct; M cmtry in SS to ID @2329 Radio...Sahuari Nacional; vocal in LL he continued in SS. SIO=352+ (H. Frodge, MI, USA - CumbreDX 11/10/2007) Афганистан 17700, Radio Solh, 1255-1315 Noted steady local music with a few comments from males every so often. Signal is good with no fading. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 13/10/2007) -- Наблюдения 13580,0 1920 TCH R PRAGA-Litomysl Prg Contacto 05/10 Esp 45444 7480,0 1942 CLN VOA-Irana Wila Special English 05/10 Ing 45444 6055,0 2005 SLK SLOVAK R-Rimavska Sobota Mx 05/10 Esp 45444 6165,0 0333 POR RNW-Sines Radioenlace 06/10 Esp 35333 5965,0 0352 CUB RHC-La Julia Mx 06/10 Esp 35433 (Tomas Mendez, playdx2003 07/10/2007) 6005,0 kHz - 1827 UTC - 5/10 - SEY - BBC Worldservice, Mahe BBC ID's, Somali px, world politics, sudden s/off @ 1830 // 9630 - 34333 6855,0 kHz - 0530 UTC - 5/10 - USA - WYFR Family Radio, Okeechobee FL E px 'Family Bible Study', ID, e-mail, address - 35333 7355,0 kHz - 0554 UTC - 5/10 - USA - WHRI, Furman SC Religious topics on 'The Harvest Show' in E, WHRI ID & s/off, change to 7365 kHz - 35333 9345,0 kHz - 1839 UTC - 5/10 - ISR - Kol Israel, Yavne E world news, ID, abt performance on children's author Janusz Korczak, wx, REKA ID, address. Over in Yiddish @ 1845 - 35333 9475,0 kHz - 1757 UTC - 5/10 - AUS - Radio Australia, Shepparton ID's, news, E px 'Pacific Review' - 32332 9750,0 kHz - 1715 UTC - 5/10 - MLA - Voice Of Malaysia, Kajang Malay px, mx, abt tsunami, Kualu Lumpur, Malaysia, world news @ 1730, ``Suara Malaysia`` ID, fading heavily - 25322 11905,0 kHz - 1444 UTC - 5/10 - CLN - Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, Ekala South Asian songs, reception spoiled by VOA on same channel from 1500 onwards, E & Hi ID & s/off after s/off VOA @ 1530 - 24322 12160,0 kHz - 1406 UTC - 5/10 - USA - WWCR, Nashville TN Soporific slow E talk by Tony Alamo, Christian Ministries Worldwide, address PO Box 6467, Texarkana TX, WWCR ID - 35333 15090,0 kHz - 1358 UTC - 5/10 - KWT - Radio Free Afghanistan, Umm Al-Rimam Topic abt Pakistan, Musharraf, Benazir Bhutto, Dari news, ID ``Injah Radio Azadi`` - 25433 15245,1 kHz - 1347 UTC - 5/10 - KRE - Voice Of Korea, Kujang ID ``This is Voice of Korea``, patriottic song, propagandistic talks in E, bad audio, off frequency // 13760 - 24222 15680,0 kHz - 1309 UTC - 5/10 - CLN - Radio Free Afghanistan, Iranawila Pushto? talks abt Afghanistan, many ``Radio Azadi`` ID's, mx, s/off @ 1330 - 34433 15690,0 kHz - 1236 UTC - 5/10 - CLN - Radio Farda, Iranawila Farsi news, ID, jammer on background - 34433 15760,0 kHz - 0943 UTC - 5/10 - ISR - Kol Israel, Yavne Heated conversation in Hebrew with listeners over the phone, mx, ID - 45444 (Marc Vissels, Borsbeek, Belgium - hard-core-dx 07/10/2007) 14.10. 5765 USB 14:37 AFRTS Guam, englisch, Musik von Elton John, O=4 5770 Myanmar Defense BC 14:40 UTC, indisch asiatische Gesange, starker Trager, jedoch schlechte Modulation 7795+- UNID Faxstation 14:48 ich werde die Station die nachsten Tage noch beobachten 12759 USB 14:50 AFRTS Diego Garcia nicht// 5765 engl. Wissenschaftsmagazin,O=2..3 4805,26 15:07 UNID asiat. Gesange,O=2..3 1413 15:22 CRI englisch/russ. Sprachkurs, russ,ID, URL Ansage,IS O=4 3935,04 15:42 ZLXA, Softpopmusik, O=2, spater 16:00 ID"Radio Newsealand" mit O=2..3 3250,04 15:46 Nordkorea, sehr schlechte Modulation//3320 O=3 3266,42 15:56 RRI Gorontalo, indones. Musik und Absage, kein IS, Sendeschluss 15:57 1467 16:15 TWR Bishkek, russ. Predigt, ERF IS,O=3..4 3959,73 16:32 Nordkorea, endlose korean. Musik ,O=3 1413 20:06 JOIF Fukuoka, japan., O=2..3, starkes Fading, Interferenzen durch CHN 1134//1377//4800 CNR1 20:12 chines. Gesange,O=3 40 20:33 JJY T,O=2 sehr deutlich in CW 15.10. 9595,04 JOZ3 12:18 Radio Nikkei, japan. Dialoge,dunnes Signal,O=2 7230 12:30 Nordkorea, IS und Ansage in Landessprache, UNID Standort, O=2 6003,02 UNID, Gesprach in Dialogform, schlechte Modulation, Ubersplattern des DRM Signales von 5990,O=2 2586 USB 13:43 Lyngby Radio, nautische Warnnachrichten in EE und danisch,O=5 4755,25 13:48 PMA Mikronesien, erste Trageranteile auszumachen,O=0 14:37 bereits minutenweise Musikpassagen aufnehmbar, jedoch sehr schlechte Modulation, 15:30 war der Trager ausreichend stark, jedoch war kaum etwas vom Programm verstandlich 5024+- 15:00 UNID Faxstation, O=3 1413 15:29 JOIF Fukuoka, japan., Werbung und Ansagen, kaum Fading, O=3 1242 15:35 JOLF Tokyo, japan, starke Interferenzen durch Frankreich,O=2 3325 16:01 RRI Palang Karaya, Sprache klang sehr stark nach indonesisch, O=2..3, Nachrichten (Thomas, DO3TL - A-DX 15/10/2007) 900 3/10 20.15 R. Popular - Bilbao SS intervista suff. (con Degen nella posizione giusta completamento annullata Rai Milano, QRM di Cadena COPE ) 990 2/10 21.55 R. Bilbao - SS ID e pubblicita locale buono 1026 1/10 20.57 R. Jaen - SS NX locali buono 1026 2/10 18.05 Kol Israel - Jerusalem Arabo MX suff. 1044 3/10 21.55 R. Valladolid - SS ID e pubblicita locale suff. 1224 1/10 17.35 COPE - Lleida Catalano NX locali buono 1323 6/10 22.10 Capital Gold - Brighton EE MX // 1548 KHz buono 1470 6/10 23.45 R. Vibracion - Carupano SS MX suff. 1485 6/10 15.55 Punto R. - Barcelona SS ID e pubblicita suff 1640 6/10 04.40 WTNI - Biloxi EE talk OM suff. 1680 6/10 04.50 WLAA - Winter Garden SS MX buono 3340 6/10 03.30 Voz de Misiones - Comayaguela SS predica suf 4775 6/10 16.15 A.I.R. - Imphal Hindy nenia suff. 4785 6/10 22.40 R. Caiari - Porto Velho PP talk OM suff. 4799.8 6/10 03.35 R. Buenas Nuevas - S. Sebastian SS MX buono 4880 1/10 18.55 Short Wave R. Africa - Meyerton Shona MX buono 4895 6/10 03.40 R. Novo Tempo - Campo Grande PP predica suff 4925 1/10 19.05 R.R.I. - Jambi Bahasa Korano suff. 6009.6 6/10 03.45 Voz de tu Conciencia - Bogota SS predica suff. 6010 6/10 22.50 R. Bahrein - Manana EE no stop pop MX buono 6035 7/10 00.00 Bhutan BS - Thimpu Dzongkha nenia buono 6260 7/10 08.40 CWR - EE ID e MX buono 6310 6/10 15.30 Condor R. - EE ID e MX buono 6335 6/10 04.00 Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan - Salah al Din Curdo talk YL buono 6375 7/10 09.00 Free R. Holland - ?? EE ID e MX buono 6430 7/10 09.15 Free R. Victoria - EE ID e MX buono 6540 7/10 09.05 R. Brigitte Int. - EE MX suff. 9504.9 6/10 21.45 R. Record - Sao Paulo PP calcio buono 9530 6/10 21.50 R. Transmundial - Santa Maria PP predica suf 9615 6/10 21.55 R. Cultura - Sao Paulo PP ID suff. 9630 6/10 22.00 R. Aparecida - PP predica buono 9675 6/10 22.05 R. Cancao Nova - Cachoeira Paulista PP intervista suff. 15476 3/10 19.15 R. Nac. Arcangel S. Gabriel - Base Esperanza SS MX suff. 15480 6/10 15.00 Democratic Voice of Burma - Oslo Birmano talk buono (Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italy - playdx2003 07/10/2007) 5765khz A.F.R.T.S. ,Barrigada GUM 9/10 1641utc Pop mx. and id in E. 33333 11784.90khz V.of Indonesia ,Jakarta INS 9/10 1707utc Info about INS + id in Sp. good 34444 5939.30khz radio Melodia,Arequipa Peru 9/10 2253utc Typ. mx. from Peru and info poor but fair 22222 6134,74khz radio Santa Cruz,Santa Cruz BOL. 10/10 0027utc About the Moral in Bolivia in Sp. + ID fair best ecss 33232 4955khz radio Cultural Amauta,Huanta PRU 9/10 2315utc Info about Peru poor 22222 4857.44khz radio Hora,Cusco PRU 9/10 2329utc Sp. talks (male) poor 22222 4780khz radio Cultural Coatan ,San S. GTM 9/10 Sp. speech fair 23332 4716.66khz radio Yura,Yura BOL 9/10 2359utc Info and id in Sp. 23332 4699.36khz radio San Miguel,Riberalta BOL 10/10 0016utc News local Sp. poor 22222 (Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 10/10/2007) 3935KHz Nova Zelandia R. Reading Service(pres) Levin 5/10 08:04 EE fv tkls 22222 (LOB-B). 4734KHz Bolivia R. Universitaria Cobija 10/10 23:36 SS mv: studio and external speaking (maybe abt political celebration) ``...el presidente de la republica Ivo Moralez Alva.., R. Universitaria en esta transmision...'' 23232 (LOB-B). 4955KHz Peru R Cultural Amauta Huanta 5/10 00:08 SS fv: ID ``desde la cidad de Huanta, transmite la radio Cultural Amauta'' 33233 (LOB-B). 9525KHz Indonesia Voice of Indonesia Jakarta-Cimanggis 8/10 09:23 malaysian fv tkls ; mx (by female singer) 44344 (LOB-B). (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - hard-core-dx 12/10/2007) Вот что удалось поймать этим днём: Станция - частота (кГц) - время - язык - SINPO RTBF - 9970 - 0640 - французский - 45533 Radio Pakistan - 15100 - 0740 - английский - 34522 Radio Vilnius - 9710 - 0830 - английский - 44433 до 0855, с 0855 - 42432 (помехи от Голоса Турции) RDP International - 12020 - 0900 - португальский - 45544 Голос Греции - 11645 - 0930 - русский - 23542 Голос Монголии - 12085 - 1000 - английский - 25542 (Андрей Мамаев, Киров, Россия - open_dx 12/10/2007) 3345.0 2125-2200* AFS Fr 05-10 Channel Africa, Meyerton English ann, lovely African and Latin pop music at excellent strength, closed with national hymn by choir 45344 AP-DNK 3951.04v 0325-0340 CLA 07-10 R Voice of Kurdistan, No. Iraq Kurdish talk mentioning Iran and Iraq, jammed; jumped to 3923.04 and later to 3905.04 and then 3930.04, all followed by the Iranian jammers a few seconds later 43433 AP-DNK 4699.38 0045-0055 BOL 04-10 R San Miguel, Riberalta (p) Spanish talk 25232 AP-DNK 4716.67 0050-0100 BOL 04-10 R Yura, Yura Spanish lively talk, Andean music 24232 utility QRM AP-DNK 4790.12 0305-0325 PRU 05-10 R Vision, Chiclayo (p) Spanish talk by two men all the time 25232 AP-DNK N4855.59H 0050-0115 GRC 07-10 3rd Harmonic of UNID Greek Pirate on 1618.32 kHz Greek ann, Greek folksongs 24212 I was looking for R La Hora, Peru! AP-DNK 6035 0035-0100 BTN 04-10 Bhutan Broadcasting Sce., Sangaygang Dzongkha talk, monks intoning, noise on frequency 34333 QRM Colombia AP-DNK 6045 1245-1300* D Su 07-10 R Gloria International, via Juelich German ann, songs, ID 55555 AP-DNK 6150 2335-2345 SNG 05-10 Mediacorp R, Singapore English Singapore Stock Exchange news, best in LSB due to co-channel QRM and QRM 6155 33433 AP-DNK 6165 2215-2230* TCD 05-10 Rdif. Nationale Tchadienne, N'Djamena French news, reports, 2225 Afropop, ID, closing ann, ID again and a March as National Anthem 44444 AP-DNK 6165.0 2230-2300* VTN 05-10 Dai Tieng Noi Vietnam, Xuan Mai H'Mong talk mentioning Viet Nam twice, 2240 native songs, closing ann mentioning Viet Nam, audible when Tchad signs off, QRM weaker Bolivia 33333 AP-DNK 6165.04 2230-2340 BOL 05-10 R Logos, Santa Cruz (p) All talking in Spanish by various persons until a song began at 2333, best after Chad and Vietnam signed off: 24232 adjacent QRM from 6165 and 6175 AP-DNK 6170 1050-1325 FIN Sa 06-10 Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat Finnish and English talks by DJ's Miki and TrickyTrev, pop songs 35343 AP-DNK 9290 0855-0905 LVA Sa 06-10 Latvia Today, via Ulbroka English talk about orchestras in Latvia, Latvian pop song, much local noise on 31 mb 45443 AP-DNK 11720 1205-1215 FIN Sa 06-10 Scandinavian Weekend R, Virrat Finnish and English 101 JukeBox Classics with TrickyTrev, incl. oldie "Tutti-Frutti" 35343 At 1325 it had moved to 11690 and was covered by R Jordan while 11720 was clear! AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, denmark - playdx2003 12/10/2007) 30/9 05ut03 - 4777 kHz (R7) RTG - Libreville (Gabon) FF, discorso politico. Segnale buono-sufficiente Emittente molto irregolare. 3/10 08ut56 - 702 kHz (R7) R. CHINE INT. - Roumoules (Francia) FF, corso di cinese. Segnale ottimo Il sistema di gestione della messa in onda e difettoso, con numerosi buchi e distorsioni. 09ut02 - 1467 kHz (R7) ZONE 80 e spenta. Ieri era accesa. 09ut12 - 17570-15270 kHz (DE1103) CHINA R. INT. - txs? Servizio in inglese. Segnale sufficiente-molto buono Su EiBi/Aoki scaricate il 21/8 sono assenti. 09ut20 - 17780 kHz (DE1103) CNR 1 -> VOA Mandarino Segnale buono-sufficiente Forte QRM BSKSA FF 17785 kHz. Anche su 17855 e 15250 kHz. La contraddizione e che su 15250 alla stessa ora c'e CRI in mandarino, quindi la Cina disturba se stessa! 09ut30 - 15190 kHz (DE1103) R. AFRICA spenta. Anche il 4/10. 09ut33 - 15295 kHz (DE1103) SUARA MALAYSIA spenta. Anche il 4/10. 09ut40 - 15525 kHz (DE1103) CNR 1 -> RTI Mandarino Segnale sufficiente-molto buono Stessa situazione dei 15250 kHz, con CRI in mandarino. 04/10 09ut18 - 12085 kHz (DE1103) VO MONGOLIA - Khonkhor Mongolo, nxs OM. Segnale insufficiente-buono 09ut20 - 11960 kHz (DE1103) RDT MALIENNE - Bamako Musica locale. Segnale insufficiente-buono QRMs +/- 5 kHz. 06/10 05ut20 - 6009.4v kHz (R7) LV DE TU CONCIENCIA - Lomalinda (Colombia) Musica locale. Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente PBT LSB+Filtro 1.8 kHz per evitare R. Belarus 1 su 6010 kHz 07/10 05ut30 - 6210 kHz (DE1103) Musica greca. Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente 05ut35 - 6400 kHz (DE1103) WEEKEND MUSIC R. WMR EE, mx rock e tk OM. Segnale sufficiente-buono 06ut45 - 6290.8 kHz (S500) R. LOWLAND E-mail e oldies NL. Segnale insufficiente-buono 06ut48 - 6289.8 kHz (R7) Musica olandese non stop. Segnale insufficiente-buono Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. OPINIONE PERSONALE (repetita juvant?) Saro probabilmente troppo ingenuo, pero proprio non riesco a capire - con 200 kHz liberi - la ragione per cui una stazione pirata decide di trasmettere deliberatamente - a me sembra cosi - a +/- 100-1000 kHz da un altra emittente, provocando battimento (fischio). Ci saranno questioni di campanilismo, oppure il semplice tentativo di applicare la legge del piu forte. 07ut11 - 6310 kHz (R7) R. CONDOR Musica dance e ids OM. Segnale sufficiente-buono 07ut13 - 5720 kHz (R7) ORION R. Ids OM e mx rock anni 70. Segnale sufficiente-molto buono 07ut15 - 6215.9 kHz (R7) * Solo musica e f/out. Segnale insufficiente Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. 07ut41 - 6325 kHz (R7) Musica dance e annunci OM. Segnale buono-molto buono Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. Verso le 07ut57 una portante muta ha iniziato a passarle sopra come alla ricerca di una frequenza...giusta (OPINIONE PERSONALE?) e poi - guarda caso - ha iniziato a modulare su 6324.7, ovvero a -300 Hz!!! 08ut04 - 6220 kHz (S500) MYSTERY R. Musica pop anni 80. Segnale sufficiente-buono 08ut13 - 6286 kHz (S500) Musica heavy metal e annunci OM. Segnale insufficiente-buono Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. QRM UTE digitale intermittente o difettoso, roba da rompere uno S-meter!!! 09ut13 - 6309.4 kHz (S500) * Musica rock e annunci OM. Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. 09ut17 - 6300 kHz (S500) R. BOOMERANG Musica dance, oldies. Segnale buono-molto buono Alle 09ut58 su 6299.1 kHz. 09ut19 - 6374.3 kHz (S500) Musica anni 70-80, annunci OM. Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. Segnale insufficiente-sufficiente 09ut24 - 6290 kHz (S500) Musica olandese e tk OM. Segnale sufficiente-buono Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. 09ut33 - 6302.4 kHz (S500) Brevi emissioni con mx rock e annunci OM. Segnale insufficiente-buono Identificata grazie a Dr. Tim's Pirtaten News. (Luca B. Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 12/10/2007) 17660,0 1424 ARS BSKSA-Riyadh Px correo, sin rastro de QRM Afropop 12/10 Fra 45444 7405,0 0554 USA R MARTi-Greenville Dep Juego de Beisbol 13/10 Esp 35333 11685,0 0559 IRN LVRII-Kalamabad Si+Id+Himno 13/10 Tur 35333 11800,0 0600 BUL R BULGARIA-Plovdiv Id+Nx+Com mejor por 15800 13/10 Esp 35433 6045,0 0605 CAN KBS-Sackville Nx 13/10 Esp 35333 17680,0 0610 CHN CRI-Kashi 2022 Nx 13/10 Esp 35333 15530,0 0625 IRN LVRII-Kalamabad Nx-Final emision 13/10 Esp 45444 17855,0 1142 CHN CNR-Jamming QRM a RFA tipico con CNR 13/10 Chi 44444 (Tomas Mendez - playdx2003 13/10/2007) 3365 BRASIL: R. Cultura, Araraquara-SP, PP, 07/10 0120. Mx brasileira, id `Cultura', 35553 3965 FRANCA: R. Taiwan Int., via Issoudun, SS, 06/10 2042. OM: aula de taiwanes (?) com traducao de palavras em espanhol, id, sign-off, 35443 6200 REP. CHECA: R. Praga, Litomysl, SS, 07/10 0200. Interval signal, id `Radio Praga', boletim de nx, 25442 9350 TAJIKISTAO: R. Free Asia, via Dushanbe, Uighur ?, 13/10 0130. OM: talks, mx instrumental, OM: cancao, YL: talks, acentuado jamming, 22432 9385 MARIANAS DO NORTE, Ilhas: R. Free Asia, via Tinian, Korean, 06/10 2140. OM/YL: talks, mx instrumental, talks sobre `Sri Lanka, Islam, Russia, Hungary, Bulgaria, ...' (sem jamming), 45544 9445 INDIA: All India Radio, via Bangalore, EE, 06/10 1823. Mx instrumental em estilo indiano, OM: talks, 25542 9600 CHINA: CRI, Beijing, EE, 06/10 1818. OM/YL: talks sobre politica internacional, mx instrumental, `China, ..', 25542 9610 AFRICA DO SUL: AWR, via Meyerton, EE, 06/10 1813. Mensagem crista, leitura da Biblia, `God, Jesus, ...', 25432 9620 AFRICA DO SUL: TWR, via Meyerton, EE/FF, 06/10 1808. Mensagem crista em FF com trad. Simultanea para EE (o mesmo px ouvido em Ibiuna em 19/08 em horario semelhante), 25442 9630 SEYCHELLES: BBC, via Mahe, Somali, 06/10 1802. OM: nx bulletin, talks 2 OMs, 25432 9970 BELGICA: RTBF International, Wavre, FF, 06/10 1828. Tx esportiva em FF, narracao de jogo de futebol no estilo conhecido de locutor, e comentarios de estudio, 35543 11690 EQUADOR: HCJB, Quito, SS, 12/10 1310. Cancao crista por OM, px `Cruzada con Luis Palau', id, frequencias (11690, 9745), 35543 11720 FILIPINAS: R. Pilipinas, Tinang, Filipino, 06/10 1902. OM/YL: talks, mx de banda marcial, id `Radio Pipilinas', 35543 11755 FRANCA: R. Taiwan Int., via Issoudun, FF, 06/10 1918. OM/YL: talks, mx instrumental, referencias a Taiwan, 35543 11935 MARIANAS DO NORTE, Ilhas: R. Free Asia, via Tinian, Ch, 12/10 2130. OM/YL: talks, mx instrumental chinesa, entrevista, sem jamming, 35543 15090 KUWAIT: R. Free Afghanistan, via Kuwait, Dari, 12/10, 1226. OM: talks,entrevista, 25542 15145 MARROCOS: RFE/RL, via Briech, Uzbek, 12/10 1445. OM: talks, entrevista, OM phone-in, mx instrumental, 25542 15160 ROMENIA: R. Romania International, via Galbeni, AA, 12/10 1358. IS, inicio de tx, mx classica, id `R. Romania', talks sobre Albania, Kosovo, 35543 15240 CANADA: R. Sweden, via Sackville, EE, 12/10 1330. Inicio de tx, nx e talks, `Sweden, Europe, 25542 15255 MARROCOS: RFE/RL, via Briech, Turkmen, 12/10 1500. Inicio de tx, mx instrumental, boletim de nx (?), OM/YL: comunicacao de estudio, 25532 15260 IRAN: Voice of Islamic Rep. of Iran, Kamalabad, Hebraico (?), 12/10 1221. OM: talks, mx instrumental (eletronica), `political, Ahmed, ...', 35543 15375 EMIRADOS ARABES UNIDOS: R. Free Asia, via Dhabbaya, Tibetano, 12/10 1215. YL: talks, mx instrumental, sem jamming, 25432 15460 ALEMANHA: RFE/RL, via Biblis, Turkmen, 12/10 1515. OM/YL: talks, reportagem externa, 25532 15775 MARROCOS: Voice of America, via Briech, Ndebele, 07/10 1745. OM: talks (idioma muito dificil de se compreender!), referencias a Mocambique, Zambia, entrevista, 1800 id em EE, sign-off, 25542 17650 SRI LANKA: Deutsche Welle, via Trincomale, GG, 07/10 1715. Id 'Deutsche Welle, die Woche', nx sobre politica alema, TC na Alemanha, 35543 17680 PORTUGAL: RDP, Lisboa, PP, 07/10 1705. Entrevista sobre movimento sindical, noticias e mx, TC, relay da tx da Antena Um, situacao das estradas portuguesas (QRM CVC 17680), 23542 17700 REINO UNIDO: R. Sohl, via Rampisham, Pashto ?, 12/10 1231. OM: talks, cancao por OM, 35433 21680 ASCENSAO, Ilhas de: WYFR, via Ascension, EE, 07/10 1731. Px cristao, mensagem e talks do Mr. Harold Camping, 45544 21780 RUANDA: Deutsche Welle, via Kigali, FF, 12/10 1235. OM/YL: talks sobre temas da Africa, id, mx, vinhetas da DW, 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo, BRASIL - radioescutas 13/10/2007) 4779KHz Djibuti R. Djibouti Djibouti 13/10 05:28 FF local mx; mv tkls 23222 (LOB-B). 4929KHz Botswana Voice of America Selebi-Phikwe 13/10 05:06 EE fv: tkls abt Irak; outside speaking by mv 33233 (LOB-B). 4960KHz India AIR Kolkata(tent) Ranchi 13/10 05:12 hindi local mx ; fv tkls 23222 (LOB-B). 5910KHz Colombia R. Marfil Estereo(tent) Lomalinda 13/10 05:53 SS bolero's style mx by male singer ``...o que hay contigo?...'' 23222 (LOB-B). 9615KHz New Zealand R. New Zealand Int. Rangitaiki 13/10 05:39 EE mv and fv tkls: interview ``..another kind of view about relations..'' 44344 (LOB-B). (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - CumbreDX 13/10/2007) -- Гармоники Россия Peaks 15610/15640 kHz. A very bad distortion broadcast signal of Voice of Russia Urdu service noted Oct 11; around 1145-1200 UT Warm Up procedure with 800 Hertz test tone into Urdu language broadcast \\ 15405 and 15550 kHz. (W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 11/10/2007) Two spurious 7080 and 6968 at 1900-2000 UT, Oct 11. Program Voice of Russia in English. 7080 much stronger at S=9+20 dB level. Nearest regular VoRUS tx in En is 7310 Moscow site. Distortion only on the lower side. No spurious on the upper side like 7425 or 7540 kHz. Also heavy BUZZ again on 7320 kHz German via Samara Russia, 19-20 UT. (W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 11/10/2007) Another spurious noted tonight 1700-1730 UT on 7050 HAM RADIO band, (and 7485) kHz. Oct 12. Seemingly Voice of Russia's Moscow Lesnoy site produces a spurious mixture programme of both Finnish of 7340 and French of 7195 kHz (145 kHz away). On 7050 kHz both langs noted, but Finnish stronger than French. Puzzle - Another poor spur heard also on 7080 tonight, need more observation. (W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 12/10/2007) Intermodulations. Another spurious noted tonight 1730-1800 UT on 7080 HAM RADIO band, Oct 12. Seemingly Voice of Russia's Moscow Lesnoy site produces a spurious mixture programme of both Bulgarian of 7310 and French of 7195 kHz (115 kHz away). On 7080 kHz both langs noted, but Bulgarian stronger than French. So, feeder or antenna intermodulation signals occur in Lesnoy of three 250 kW units: 7195 French 7310 Bulgarian 7340 Finnish/Norwegian (W. Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 12/10/2007) 15550 seemingly from Lesnoy Moscow causes again some distortion on the 19 mb on range 15510 to 15677 kHz, minor distortion on the lower side, but much stronger on upper side with two S=9+30 dB heavily distorted peaks on 15620 and 15630 kHz, latter covered Voice of Greece co-channel totally. Checked again at 1400-1430 UT slot, Oct 13. UNID 15795 Another UNID Buzz - but not usual DRM like - noted on 15795 kHz at 1430 UT, Oct 13. Covers 15775 to 15817 kHz, powerful signal on 15789 to 15806 kHz of S=9+10 dB level. Is that GUF DRM ? JAMMING 15645 Bubble Jamming noted since past week daily. Noted this Near East jamming already from 1436 UT onwards today Oct 13. UNID program target. IRN, IRQ, Kurdistan target?? Program lasts 1500-1600 UT. Glenn told the dx-press about an UNID bubble jamming some days ago. Remembers me on coming B07 Kol Persian on 15640 kHz. But that guess is WRONG. Most interesting, 4-four different bubble sounds noted on 15645 kHz, covering 15639.5 to 15650.5 range. My Eton E1 showed me a bouquett of ?carrier? tones on 15641.75 15642.20 15645.8 15647 15649 kHz. S=7 signal 4 Jammer type, very professionell - bassy Diesel engine, - whistle oscillating, - high pitch bubbler, - acustical feedback[in German: Rueckkopplung] pitch. And in 1545 to 1600 UT slot, I noted an UNID programm underneath. Like Near East language. but not VoA Persian 11520, 11780, neither IBB Farda 15410, 17510. Program ends exact at 16.00 UT, and the jammer bubbler signing-off at 16.01:03 UT. IBB RMS in Yerevan shows 545, 15:24:34, 75.00, 15644.00 546, 15:24:35, 75.00, 15645.00 547, 15:24:35, 53.00, 15646.00 Kuwait RMS monitoring shows high signal level. 545, 15:02:57, 82.00, 15644.00 546, 15:02:57, 122.00, 15645.00 547, 15:02:57, 112.00, 15646.00 Still a PUZZLE, new Near East clandestine station program? (W. Bueschel, Germany - dxldyg 13/10/2007) VOR is still way out of whack, putting out big dirty spurs over portions of the 15 MHz band, interfering with many other stations and even itself! Sat Oct 13 at 1340, found Greece`s English hour on 15630, Hellenes Around the World, unlistenable due to the QRM. VOR in Hindi on 15605 also had the QRM, which peaked roughly 15615-15630, but the spikes were also audible above that and below including 15550, which is the nominal frequency of the offending transmitter, ironically, with the same programming as 15605. On 15550 itself, no carrier audible, just the spur`s extremely distorted modulation. Also QRMed VOA in Russian on 15565, and even the much stronger RDPI on 15560. At 1359 the VOR transmitters went into IS, but not synchronized with 15605. That frequency had switched program feeds and at 1400 played NA as opening to English service, while the spurs continued, now having switched to Urdu which to the Oklahoman is indistinguishable from Hindi. At 1401 NA could also be heard weakly on 15660, the // during this hour for English, but these were not exactly synchronized, 15660 running a few words ahead of 15605 once they started talking. Meanwhile I looked for the further spurs Wolfgang BЭschel reported the day before in the 16.2+ MHz area. There was a continuous buzzing motorboating sound at 16220-16250 or so, peaking at 16235, but nothing resembling program modulation, so I could not correlate this with any of the VOR 15 MHz channels. Nor was there a matching sound in the 15.0-15.1 MHz range. Quit listening for a while, but quick recheck at 1446 found the 15 MHz spurs gone with 15605 in the clear; there was a weak non-distorted signal on 15550, language unknown. Apparently in the meantime the malfunxioning transmitter was taken off the air, or possibly knocked back into whack. Per Aoki, it is scheduled from 3718E, 5545N for a07: 15550 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1200-1300 1234567 Urdu 500 140 Moskva RUS VOR 15550 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1300-1400 1234567 Hindi 500 140 Moskva RUS VOR 15550 VOICE OF RUSSIA 1400-1500 1234567 Urdu 500 140 Moskva RUS VOR This situation, with daily variations has been going on for most of a week, and the Russian transmission authorities have been notified of it. Why in the world don`t they close down the bad transmitter until and unless they can repair it? Keeping it on the air certainly does VOR no good as no one would deliberately listen to it, the programming is duplicated on other frequencies, and while on the air it interferes with numerous other stations, even other VOR transmissions! (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) -- Глушение Китай A quick check Oct 7 at 1325-1330 found Firedrake audible and in // on 10300, 7445, 6030; not audible on 18180, 13970, 9200; and on 7300 there was something in Chinese without FD (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) Firedrake Oct 12 at 2010, 2014 on 13625, 11740, 11700, none very strong, but atop whatever it`s jamming, which according to EiBi is in all three cases R. Free Asia in Chinese via Tinian (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 13/10/2007) -- Неопознанное UNIDENTIFIED. 13745, still trying to figure out what the station here is at 1300 next to Tirana 13750, as HFCC still shows TWR Kigali at 1300-1315 on 13745 as funxional only on Fri & Sat, but Tue Oct 9 at 1256 there was talk, tentatively in a Persian-like language mixed with drumming; 1300 singing with reverb, but from 1305 blown away by 13680 spurs from CUBA [q.v.] (Glenn Hauser, OK) UNIDENTIFIED. 15645 with multiple jamming, Oct 8 at 1503. There was some weak talk I could not make out, as an oscillating jammer, rapid high-pitched tone shifts back and forth, was dominating. At 1526 I could hear a second, slower jamming, with lower pitched whoops varying pitch gradually. This continued past 1530 when there may have been a third very low-pitch roar to interfere. Did not recheck until 1635 when everything was gone. There is NOTHING scheduled on this frequency at any time, per current Aoki, EiBi, HFCC listings, and WRTH May update. Searching the DXLD archive, however, we find that exactly a year ago, Deewa Radio, IBB`s Pashto service for Pakistan border areas, was making its first appearance, altho at an earlier hour, on this frequency via Briech, Morocco. It was later changed, in February? And still is not on the Deewa schedule. So what could be the service which is now attracting so much (non-Chinese, non-Cuban type) jamming on this new frequency? Reception was relatively good for a change on this band, e.g. with Israel inbooming on 15760, Greece on 15630, Saudi Arabia on 15435. Checking out 15645 again Oct 9 after hearing jamming on it Oct 8: nothing at all audible until 1459 a very weak carrier, and at 1501 oscillating jamming had started, but all weaker than the day before. I heard nothing at all on 15640, so this may well be Israel`s Persian service at 1500-1630 shifted up 5 kHz. Meanwhile, Israel 15760 aimed this way was quite strong. The jamming seemed to be centered right on 15645. Wolfgang BЭschel suggests this is Iranian jamming. Strangely, we never hear anything like it on Radio Farda frequencies (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 09/10/2007) 13745, checked again Wed Oct 10 at 1325, M talking continuously with occasional brief music bits; could not make out much, but heard Azerbaijan mentioned, and later Pakistan. Also thought I heard an occasional Russian word, such as `druzhya`. At 1346 there seemed to be an ID, Radio A---? but could not make it out. Then a musical interlude until a W began speaking at 1350; From 1352 eclipsed by the big OC from CRI-via-Habana on 13740 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 12/10/2007) -- Пираты Date 01/10 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 3.927,0 1828 Radio Kentucky 45444 9 Date 02/10 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 2150 Radio Tijdbreker 33433 8 1.638,0 1930 Zender Spanningzoeker 44433 8 Date 04/10 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 2210 Radio Tijdbreker 23322 6 Date 05/10 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.632,0 2252 Zender Tubantia 24333 7 1.640,0 2306 Zender Mustang 43443 9 1.640,0 2203 unid 43443 9 1.645,0 2224 Zender Spanningzoeker 33333 9 1.651,0 2108 Radio Barones 45444 9+10d 1.654,0 2222 unid 43443 9 1.680,0 2256 unid 24333 7 6.255,0 2200 KBC Radio 34433 8 Date 06/10 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.386,0 2154 KBC Radio 35433 8 1.618,0 2234 Radio Armada 43443 8 1.619,0 2130 unid 33433 8 Postbus 65 Ruurlo 1.622,0 2052 unid 42432 9 1.630,0 2223 Touring Club 34433 8 1.632,0 2208 Zender Klaas Snoek 23322 5 1.636,0 2036 unid 44444 9 1.645,0 2258 unid 32332 8 1.645,0 2059 Radio Barones 43443 9+5dB 1.654,0 2209 Zender Alpenjager 23322 5 1.659,0 2305 unid 43433 9 1.660,0 2035 Radio Titanic 33433 8 3.910,0 2205 WMR 23322 5 6.270,0 1406 Zender Zeelandia 24433 6 6.275,0 0857 Laser Hot Hits (tent) 23322 5 6.275,0 1520 Laser Hot Hits 23333 6 6.285,0 1343 Radio Boomerang 45444 9 6.285,0 1344 MRF Radio 24333 6 6.285,0 1353 Radio Titanic 24333 6 6.295,0 1434 Radio Boomerang 45444 9 6.296,0 1512 Radio Robbie 24333 6 6.296,0 1449 Radio Scotland 35444 8 6.296,0 1500 Radio Titanic 24322 5 6.296,0 1454 MRF Radio 24433 6 6.309,0 1420 Radio Valencia 24433 8 6.310,0 1530 Radio Condor 23322 5 9.290,0 0903 Radio Joystick 55444 9+20d 11.720,0 1014 SWR 23322 5 Date 07/10 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.645,0 1935 Radio Barones 44444 9+10d 3.910,0 0547 WMR 34333 8 3.945,0 1930 WMR 33433 8 3.945,0 1758 WMR 23322 5 5.720,0 0740 Orion Radio 34444 8 6.045,0 1200 MV Baltic Radio 45444 9 6.200,0 0829 unid 23322 5 6.220,0 1800 Mystery Radio 44444 9 6.220,0 1430 Mystery Radio 23433 7 6.220,0 0803 Mystery Radio 24433 6 6.260,0 1004 Radio Likedeeler 23333 5 6.275,0 0813 Radio Underground 23322 5 6.275,0 1439 Radio Underground 23322 5 6.281,0 0907 unid 23322 5 6.290,0 1020 Radio Mazda 33443 8 6.290,0 0940 unid 22322 7 6.299,0 0928 Radio Scotland 34444 8 6.300,0 0938 Radio Boomerang 35444 8 6.300,0 1056 Zender Sallandse Boer 24333 7 6.300,0 1013 Radio Zoulou Kilo 23322 5 6.300,0 1024 Radio Kentucky 24333 6 6.301,0 1047 Zender Zeelandia 24333 6 6.307,0 1204 Radio Brandaris 24333 6 6.309,0 0855 Radio Likedeeler 24433 6 6.316,0 1152 Radio Lowland 24333 6 6.325,0 0743 unid 24333 5 6.373,4 0913 Westcoast Radio 23333 6 6.400,0 0553 WMR 23322 5 6.400,0 1951 WMR 23322 5 6.524,0 1101 Radio Ramona 23322 5 (Achim Brueckner, Germany - playdx2003 08/10/2007) 6400,00 0610 1710 WMR,E, talks, ID, rock 24332 6310,00 0610 1720 R.Valencia?. Talks mx 32332 5720,00 0710 0655 Orion R,E,D, Apache,ID, Crunchy Pianola suite, hello, Philippe(RWI) visiting the station 25442 6310,00 0710 0705 R.Condor,E; DJ talks dance ID 24322 6290,00 0710 0706 R.Lowland?,D,E,schlager, ID, rock 23322 6400,00 0710 0724 WMR,E, ID, R Caroline promos jingles 24332 6220,00 0710 0835 Mystery R, disco dance 24332 6300,00 0710 0959 R.Scotland Int, E, talks, rock, jingle ID 24422 6300,00 0710 1002 R.Boomerang,D,E, good morning ID, rock 24422 6045,00 0710 1200 MV Baltic R, G,E, ID, Roland am microphone, rock, website 35443 702,00 0610 1710 CRI via Monaco, F, infos 34333 (Silveri Gomez, playdx2003 11/10/2007) -- Связь 06 20:10 505.02 DI2BE 0 0 1 477 Munsterdorf, DEU (Mike, U.K. - ndblist 07/10/2007) 20-18... 05598.0 DHBR ax-icm 747 icl 2102 USB c atc nat gander 6oct07 08285.0 pirates? 2109 USB esp d/x 6oct07 04721.0 E30557 78-0557? usaf 2111 ALE USB to JDG 6oct07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 07/10/2007) 06 20:10 505.02 DI2BE 0 0 2 477 Munsterdorf, DEU 06 21:08 501.65 GW4HXO0 0 212 Y DYFED, WLS 06 21:27 501.32 GI4DPE0 0 1 400 Y City of Derry, NIR (Mike, U.K. - ndblist 07/10/2007) 05 22:52 460 GB 461.038 3341 Y Volchanka, RUS 05 22:06 468 VTN 468.975 1716 Kraljevo/Vitanovac, SRB 05 22:04 468 FTZ 469.037 610 Fritzlar, DEU 05 22:10 473 FHA 471.958 743 Frederikshavn, DEU / 474.041 05 22:15 474 RZ 472.986 1523 Rzeszow, POL 05 22:25 477 RP 475.931 1221 Malaky, SVK / 478.071 05 22:37 478 MF 479.029 2611 Y Larionovo, RUS 05 22:30 480 VIB 478.982 1284 Viterbo, ITA 05 21:51 525 WRW 526.009 1146 Wroclaw/Strachowice, POL 05 21:54 525 CH 525.922 1971 Chernyakhov, UKR (Peter Conway, Hastings, U.K. - ndblist 07/10/2007) 05 1535 518 HQ UNID 05 1537 518 TM Tomakivka UKR 05 1537 520 OO Shaykovka RUS 05 1542 525 CH Cherniakhiv UKR 05 1541 525 PL Sankt-Peterburg RUS 06 1752 355 WA UNID 06 1650 425 PI Pii UKR 06 1740 520 YuR Shaykovka RUS 06 1614 672 RS Rashivka UKR 06 1557 985 FK Gagarin RUS (Bo Nensen, Ornskoldsvik, Sweden - ndblist 07/10/2007) 2007-10-07 02:41 276 YHR 4073 Chevery, QC, CAN 2007-10-07 02:46 340 YY 4731 Mont Joli, QC, CAN 2007-10-07 02:59 349 JX 1393 Vaxjo / Kronoberg, SWE 2007-10-07 03:02 350 LAA 2361 Oulu / Laanila, FIN 2007-10-07 03:02 350 DF 3981 Deer Lake, NL, CAN 2007-10-06 21:05 386 LK 2045 Tallin / эlemiste, EST 2007-10-07 03:29 501.65 GW4HXO ? Y DYFED, WLS 2007-10-06 20:28 503.02 DI2BE ? Y MЭnsterdorf, DEU (D. Kremp, Coutances/Normandy/France - ndblist 07/10/2007) 05 22:40 305.7 DA 900 2054 Y Dalatangi, ISL 06 17:56 315 LV 1244 LVIV, UKR 05 19:14 323 AT 2211 Y AKTYUBINSK LOM, KAZ 05 19:08 324 RF 1932 LADOZHSKAYA, RUS 06 19:03 360 KI 1184 ZHULYANY, UKR 05 20:12 362 JAN 400 ID+5s 1916 Y Jan Mayen, JMY 05 19:06 365 HC 2436 Y MAKHACHKALA, RUS 05 19:03 383.5 ARF 2249 Y TOPEL, TUR 05 20:16 435 ER 1822 Y YEGORLYKSKAYA, RUS 05 19:01 435 BI 1887 BISERT, RSE 05 15:55 436 DD 15 Y , XUE 05 16:06 442 UR 1861 Y URALSK, KAZ 05 15:53 443 AN 1896 ANAPA, RUS 05 19:11 443 AL 3815 Y ALMATY, KAZ 05 19:52 482 KL 1020 Y , XUE 05 19:43 490 WAK 1020 1020 8 2043 VAKAREL, BUL 05 19:39 495 ZK 1005 15 1580 Y Engels, RUS 06 17:36 507 ND 1892 BOLSHEVIK, RUS 06 15:45 520 RS , XUE 06 16:16 528 UH 1880 Y TIKHORETSK, RUS 06 16:29 591 RN 1392 PENZA, RUS 06 16:27 595 G 1020 843 Y Moscow / Vnukovo, RUS (Kari Syrjanen, Aitomaki, Finland - ndblist 07/10/2007) 05777.0 pecheurs 0725 USB fra d/x entre 2 chalutiers...peu de produit... 7oct07 03456.7 pecheurs 0732 USB fra d/x 7oct07 04380.0 unid mil? 0733 USB slave unid / om / chiffres messages brefs ..2...4... 7oct07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 07/10/2007) 06555.0 pecheurs 0736 USB por d/x / pos carte? 7oct07 06675.0 pirates 0738 USB grec d/x 7oct07 06712.0 cotam1047 faf 0738 & 0743 USB fra d/x vols lfmi 7oct07 06754.0 trenton volmet 0748 USB wx 7oct07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 07/10/2007) 379 2011 UTC REK NDB Reksten - Norway, ID (DE1DXX) 381 2012 UTC AB NDB Akraberg - Faroer Islands, ID (DE1DXX) 382 2013 UTC FW NDB Frankfurt/Main - Germany, ID (DE1DXX) 383 2015 UTC SHD NDB Scotstownhead - UK, ID (DE1DXX) 389 2022 UTC CP NDB Caparica - Portugal, ID (DE1DXX) 392 2029 UTC GDY NDB Mariehamn/Godby - Finland, ID (DE1DXX) 392,5 2031UTC TOP NDB Turin - Italy, ID (DE1DXX) 393 2035 UTC TAT NDB Tautra - Norway, ID (DE1DXX) 395 2038 UTC OA NDB Assendelft - Netherlands, ID (DE1DXX) (DE1DXX - udxf 07/10/2007) 2007-10-07 05:10 505.18 DI2AM 1090 Rostock, DEU (D. Kremp, Coutances/Normandy/France - ndblist 07/10/2007) 06 21:52 488 ILM 1080 1020 495 ILLESHEIM, DEU 06 21:57 485 IA 1030 1035 1033 INDJIJA, SRB 07 03:58 474 RZ 1020 998 Rzeszow, POL 07 04:03 468 FTZ 1040 1035 431 FRITZLAR, DEU 07 04:11 452 ANS 1045 1020 509 ANSBACH, DEU 07 04:27 350 LAA 400 1344 Laanila, FIN (Mike, U.K. - ndblist 07/10/2007) 09200.0 1001: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2213 ALE/USB clg 1106 (2007-10-05) (sw) 05823.0 2514: Mrc-Moi/Direction de la Protection Civile 2224 ALE/USB clg 2001 (2007-10-05) (sw) 08020.0 58: Ita-Af 1309 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2007-10-06) (sw) 11235.0 58: Ita-Af 1310 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2007-10-06) (sw) 03932.0 58: Ita-Af 1327 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2007-10-06) (sw) 03932.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB 1327 ALE/USB clg 58 (2007-10-06) (sw) 05712.0 58: Ita-Af 1341 ALE/USB clg CHARLY46 HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB (2007-10-06) (sw) 08020.0 CHARLY46: Ita-Af HQ 46 Aerial Brigade IAF, San Guisto AFB 1342 ALE/USB clg 58 (2007-10-06) (sw) 08038.0 BP26: Ger-Bundespolizei-boot 26 "Eschwege" 1207 ALE/USB clg LEZSEE BP-LEZ See Cuxhaven, Ger (2007-10-06) (sw) 08038.0 LEZSEE: Ger- BP-LEZ See Cuxhaven, Ger 1134 ALE/USB clg BP26 Ger-Bundespolizei-boot 26 "Eschwege" (2007-10-06) (sw) 08072.0 1000: Unid 1414 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-10-06) (sw) 06905.0 BP26: Ger-Bundespolizei-boot 26 "Eschwege" 1207 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-10-06) (sw) 06905.0 LEZSEE: Ger- BP-LEZ See Cuxhaven, Ger 1434 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-10-06) (sw) 04537.5 LEZSEE: Ger- BP-LEZ See Cuxhaven, Ger 1436 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-10-06) (sw) 02219.0 LEZSEE: Ger- BP-LEZ See Cuxhaven, Ger 1439 ALE/USB sndg. (2007-10-06) (sw) (Sam, U.K. - udxf 07/10/2007) 07000.0 ham paulo 0935 LSB ita d/x 7oct07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 07/10/2007) 06 321.0 STM 1842 ENG 06 375.0 NDG 2225 DEU 06 320.0 BBS 2228 ALG 06 282.0 NSR 2230 MRC 06 274.0 SAL 2231 CPV 06 283.5 NA 2231 CNR 06 298.5 #358 2236 ESP 07 285.0 #350 0922 ESP 07 289.0 #351 0923 ESP 07 291.0 #439 0926 ENG 07 293.0 #353 0928 ESP 07 295.0 #352 0929 ESP 07 299.0 #330 0931 FRA 07 306.0 #441 0933 ENG 07 307.0 #464 0934 FRA 07 307.5 #440 0935 ENG 07 308.5 #332 0936 FRA 07 309.0 #333 0936 FRA 07 309.5 #449 0937 WLS 07 310.0 #336 0938 FRA 07 312.0 #420 0939 BEL 07 290.5 #447 0949 ENG 07 315.0 HOL 1001 FRA 07 301.0 RTN 1002 FRA 07 302.0 ROM 1003 FRA 07 306.5 AVD 1005 FRA 07 309.0 DO 1008 FRA 07 318.0 BE 1013 FRA 07 320.0 LSU 1014 FRA 07 320.0 TY 1015 FRA 07 321.0 TL 1016 FRA 07 322.0 RL 1017 FRA (Vincent Lecler, France - ndblist 07/10/2007) 12736.0 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 0915 ALE/USB Sounding. (07Oct07) (AA) 12431.0 GWPWF33: Brazil Navy 1011 ALE/USB calls ?? (empty "TO:" field) (07Oct07) (AA) 12477.0 6501: unid 1112 ALE/USB sounding (06oct07) (AA) 12965.0 USO5: Ismail Radio 0800 CW calling 4ki, announcing frequencies, then RTTY 50 bd 200 Hz (06oct07) (AA) 12589.0 NMO: US coast guard Hawaii 0600 channel free marker with aurora sounds (07oct07) (AA) NMO is a regular guest from 5 to 7 am, but no sign of KEM, KEJ, NMC, KPH or KFS on 12 MHz (Alex, Austria - udxf 07/10/2007) 30.09.2007 02:35 350 B RUS Belgorod 21.09.2007 23:23 350 UK RUS Yukhnov 03.10.2007 13:30 357 SKZ DEU Leipzig / Halle 20.09.2007 04:14 378 HO CAN Hopedale 20.09.2007 02:14 382 SF GRL Sondrostrom / Kangerlussuaq 20.09.2007 02:17 382 SU ISL Stykkisholmur 21.09.2007 22:45 390 DN UKR Donetsk (Hartmut Wolf, Germany - ndblist 07/10/2007) Pacifics in general doing poorly this morning compared to other times in the past month. Both medium wave PNG beacons doing very well today, especially GA, which is usually weaker than KUT. 214 XA JPN 1342 weak 260 NF NFK 1315 very poor 270 FA SMO 1316 poor 282.5 RT AUI 1317 very poor 307 NA FJI 1318 very poor +1024, usually drifts around but has been on this offset for a week 316 MAJ MHL 1319 poor/weak 332 POA HWA 1320 poor/weak 352 RG CKS 1321 very poor 359 NDJ MHL 1323 very poor/poor 366 PNI FSM 1351 poor 375 OJ INS 1336 very poor +1016 375 TKK FSM 1354 very poor 400 MDY MDW 1331 poor -404 403 TUT SMA 1333 very poor 412 SON VUT 1357 very poor/poor 530 ADK ALS 1334 medium 1725 GA PNG 1405 medium 1737 KUT PNG 1404 weak (Steve Ratzlaff, Oregon, USA - ndblist 07/10/2007) 5547 bobby 42 on with SF Radio "with flight of six F-16's". got assigned 11282 secondary when all others were getting 8843. 0740 pdt (Tony Dinkel, - udxf 07/10/2007) 08414.5 ORIENTAL GARNET DSFE5 kor cargo - 40.52n 14.48w >w portugal 1008 DSC c lyngby 7oct07 08414.5 POINTE DU CROISIC FHHG fr oil 1030 DSC c lyngby 7oct07 08414.5 CMA CGM BERLIOZ FSZO fr cont 1034 DSC c lyngby 7oct07 08414.5 MAERSK QATAR dnk blk 1043 c alexandrie 7oct07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 07/10/2007) 20070930 0201 268 FNO Haugesund / Karmoy / Foyno NOR 20070930 0208 275 VG Haugesund / Karmoy / Vaga NOR 20070930 0218 286 KTC Katowice/Pyrzowice POL 20070930 0222 315 STK Stadskanaal HOL 20070930 0224 315 PAH Parchim D 20070930 0232 318 HIG Bremen D 20070930 0237 319 VAR Stavanger/Sola/Varhaug NOR 20070930 0241 321 SP Vojens / Skrydstrup DNK 20071001 2129 322 KOR Helsinki / Malmi / Korso FIN 20071001 2132 323 GT Hamburg / North D 20071001 2137 326 RSH Dublin / Rush IRL 20071001 2147 327 LNZ Linz / Horsching AUT 20071001 2142 328 CL Carlisle ENG 20071001 2139 329 IB Tallin EST 20071001 2154 330 SO Eelde / Groningen HOL 20071001 2155 332 LL Lille / Lesquin F 20071006 2257 290 TR Tirana / Rinas ALB 20071006 2313 300 SC Linkoping / Malmen And Saab SWE 20071006 2326 310 KUR Kuopio / Kurki FIN 20071006 2342 324 ON Norrkoping / Saab SWE 20071006 2345 359 LK Lidkoping / Ekgarden SWE 20071006 2352 361 LIE Turku / Lieto FIN 20071006 2345 363 OEM Kristianstad / Everod SWE 20071006 2335 372 ODR Kristiansand / Kjevik / Odderoy NOR 20071006 2327 379 REK Reksten NOR 20071006 2324 386 LK Tallin / Ulemiste EST 20071006 2322 392 GDY Mariehamn / Godby FIN 20071006 2319 396 HYV Hyvinkaa FIN 20071006 2318 397 OL Szczecin / Golienow POL 20071006 2314 413,5 DLS Berlin / Tempelhof / Lubars G 20071006 2319 416 POZ Belgrade / Pozarevac SRB (Joachim Rabe, Germany - ndblist 07/10/2007) |
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