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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 141 часть 1
WorldDX 141 15/10/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- http://worlddx.blogspot.com/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 2485 ABC-Katherine Aug.9 1206-1240 44333 Talk,music and news in English.ID at 1230 as ABC News. [ISHIZAKI Kyoshiro, Japan, Japan Premium August 2007] Албания Radio Tirana October 5, 2007 13750 kHz 1300-1328 Signal fair to poor. Deep fades at times. Slight interference from UnID station on 13745 kHz. UnID station on during whole Radio Tirana broadcast. Better reception using 43 foot Eavesdropper antenna running East to West than 134 foot multiband running NW to SE. Programming comment. Announcers need to put some emotion into their speech. Flat, monotone voice makes for uninteresting listening. (KG4LAC, USA - dxldyg 05/10/2007) Алжир 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 21:16-21:30, escuchada el 3 de octubre en arabe, emision de musica folklorica local, pieza recitada con musica instrumental, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 04/10/2007) Ангола 4950, Radio Nacional, 0133-0145 Noted Hilife music here. Two males in Portuguese comments at 0136 and they continued talking. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, October 2, 2007, Clewiston, FL, USA - 02/10/2007) Аргентина 15345.11, R. Nac., 2350-0033, Sept 30/Oct1, OM with hyperactive live futbol coverage, YL with many brief IDs (R.N., "Radio Nacional en Santa Cruz" [location of the game?] and "Futbol Nacional"), ToH 5+1 pips, 0010 changed to relay of LRA-14, distinct IDs for "Radio Nacional de Santa Fe" (both spoken and singing station jingle IDs), pop/rock/folk songs, BoH pips, fair to good (Ron Howard, CAnada - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Афганистан R. Solh, 17700 via Rampisham UK, Oct 1 at 1459 had a break in transmission of a few seconds. This timing is suspicious, just when a transmitter or antenna switch might be made, in the middle of the 12-18 UT broadcast, tho none is scheduled. Afterwards, seemed to be a bit weaker, but there would be no reason to change azimuth (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Боливия 6134.8a, R. Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, 0025-0101*, 1 Oct.t/in to SP & poss. Aymara vcls, canned promo @ 0048:"Santa Cruz..por la radio..en compania (contigo?)..", more SP romantic ballads to fanfare/full AM/SW/FM ID @ 0057:"..6,135..onda corta..Radio Santa Cruz desde Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia"..flute bridge/back to closing annct:"Radio Santa Cruz concluye..." & then another full ID (less the FM freq.) with street address/POB#..completed closing with a neat group vocal station promo song..ment. R. Santa Cruz & how nice it is to listen to the station (or something similar..)signal actually improved from t/in to s/off. (Dan Sheedy, Encinitas, CAanada - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Бразилия 5.990 26/09 10:00 Radio Senado Brasilia, DF P Nx-O Senado Ao Dia 33333 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) 6180 Radio Nacional Amazonia, 21:07-21:15, escuchada el 3 de octubre en portugues, locutor con cuna “..Radio Bras..”, invitado con comentarios, cunas publicitarias, musica con acordeon y locutora con comentarios, se aprecia un nivel de audio muy bajo, SINPO 34232. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 04/10/2007) Венесуэла 1500-1600 RNV CI via Cuba 11680, first half in English?====== no chance til Turkey goes off at 1530...and then there was a very weak signal with indistinct audio. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Checking Tom Sliva`s report of RNV CI via Cuba at yet another unscheduled time, which he heard on Sept 29 but not 30: Monday Oct 1 at 1450, 11680 had a weak signal from VOT with Turkish pop music. *1501 carrier from Cuba overrode it completely at S9+20, so TurQRM not a problem here, scheduled until 1530. At 1502 joined RNV Spanish program already in progress, with program summary, efemerides for Sept 28, so playing back the Friday show. Gave e-mail of internacional @ rnv.gov.ve and website http://www.rnv.gov.ve Or is it .gob. as spelt in Spanish? They`ve got that covered, as if you enter the website with .gob it converts to .gov Listened for a few minutes but no English, nor at 1530 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Габон Rdf TV Gabonaise 4777 at 0505 while tuned away from Peru for a moment. Loud and clear w/interview in French. 4 October. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, USA - dxldyg 04/10/2007) Зимбабве 3396, Zimbabwe Broadcasting Holdings, 0122-0135 noted steady African Hilife music. Didn't hear any comments. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, October 2, 2007, Clewiston, FL, USA - 02/10/2007) And Monday evening after 0200z, Zimbabwe on 3396 was audible with nothing heard on 4828. Zambia on 4965 and Mauritania on 4845 still OK. (Jerry Lenamon, Texas, USA - dxldyg 02/10/2007) Индия 11.585 25/09 19:30 All India New Delhi India A Px-? 32222 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) Индонезия Indonesia, 9680, RRI Jarkarta, 1035-1100, Two males in Indonesian language conversation. At 1044 Qur'an chanting commences. This continues until the hour. Signal was good. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 05/10/2007) Indonesia, 9525, Voice of Indonesia, 1113-1125 Female person reading text in Chinese(?). Sounds like she is reading the text phonitically. Signal was good. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 05/10/2007) Италия Вчера попробовал слушать их в последний раз. 16.05 UTC 9705 и 11885- сигнал полдностью отсутствовал 20.00UTC 6185 и 9565 sinpo 55555/на 11775кГц- сигнал отсутствовал/. Была одна инструментальная музыка до 20.20UTC. Потом запели птички и сигнал пропал. Никаких голосовых объявлений не было. (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 01/10/2007) Прощальная передача пошла в эфир сегодня утром. Иван объявил о прекращении вещания 03.45 6135 кГц Через Интернет эту программу можно послушать по адресу: rtsp:// (Константин Гусев, Москва, Россия - open_dx 01/10/2007) Notturno Italiano heard on the 1st of October in german at 0005 UTC on 6060 kHz RAI International in somali heard on the web at rtsp://live.media.rai.it/broadcast/international.rm at 0530 UTC. (J. M. Aubier, France - dxldyg 01/10/2007) То был не просто блок на румынском, а повтор ОДНОЙ И ТОЙ ЖЕ мартовской программы - каждый день в течение полугода! Теперь что уж говорить об этом... 1 октября передача на литовском в 05.05 ещё была, вместо новостей на румынском в 05.30 передавалась музыка, а передачи в 06.00 уже не было. Прощай, RAI! Не слышно больше твоих неизменных позывных птичкой, которые так привлекали меня ещё в годы моей ранней юности 25 лет назад... Грустно, когда уходит что-то, пусть даже и малозаметное, но привычное, казавшееся незыблемым. Пустеет на душе. (Сергей Никишин, Москва, Россия - open_dx 02/10/2007) Канада 6160, CKZU/CBC Radio One via Vancouver/Richmond, on Oct 1 heard IDs at both 0159 & 0259 that mentioned AM 690 from Vancouver and FM 89.9 from Parry Sound, plus CBC Radio One IDs. Fair to good (Ron Howard, CAnada - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Китай 11.620 26/09 10:20 China Radio Iternational Beijing, China J Px-? 44444 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) Куба 17.555 26/09 17:00 Radio Rebelde La Habana, Cuba S Nx-Noticiero Nacional de Radio 44444 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) Лаос 7145kHz Lao National Radio. July 30 at 1305-1400(S/off). SINPO23332. News(presumed) in French till 1315, then music and talk. English program followed at 1330. [Nagatani Iwao, Japan, Japan Premium August 2007] Ливия 11.835 27/09 18:15 Voice of Africa Tripoli, Lybya HA Nx-? 33333 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) Мадагаскар Madagascar has been drifting some days during past weeks. I've noted it during some UT evenings on various frequencies between 5009 and 5013. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 02/10/2007) Мали 4835.57, RTV Du Mali, 2347-2359 Noted typical desert/nomad type music. After a selection, a male in French language comments, then back to music. He continues this routine until the hour. On the hour went off the air. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, October 1, 2007, Clewiston, FL, USA - 02/10/2007) Марокко 9.575 24/09 23:00 Radio Mediterranee Intenationale Tanger, Marrocos A Nx-? 44444 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) Микронезия 4755.25 PMA Pohnpei hrd 10/5 from 1200 tune to 1415 tune out (entire session recorded). Possibly weak audio but mostly just a carrier hrd until 1222.5 when audio suddenly appeared at S3 with a female praise vocal. Longer than normal gaps between songs. All Christian mx pgming w/ a woman ann (EE) at 1257 with about a 7 sec anmt – could not make it out. Same YL ancr (sounded like a young girl) again at 1330 and 1357. Sporadic QRM from RTTY bursts and Mexican 2xSSB, but not enough to be bothersome. Otherwise clear channel. After 1222.5 signal remained fairly constant at S3 lvl w/ some deep fades (S2 to S8 on the S-meter) – however modulation lvls dipped from time to time. The pgming seemed almost like a test bcst – a station like this would normally have syndicated Christian pgming mixed with non-stop mx for shorter periods. I have a 3 min audio clip (360 KB) from 1356 to 1359 incl the YL ancr at 1357 for Sights & Sounds (and a little of the SSB QRM), if desired. This seemed to be the peak reception period. The PMA web site has an interesting comment on the people of Micronesia – “caught between the computer and the canoe”, an apt description I would imagine. As it’s just after Midnight on Guam, I will wait a few hrs to e-mail a report to Melinda Espinosa on Guam. Recorded a later session from 1421-1451 . Hymns, gospel and praise vocals as before w/ woman ann in EE w/ very short anmt at 1428. Still going but fading fast after 1450. Pgm format seems similar to CRN in PNG (except for the Vatican R. relays…). Nice S3 signal, mostly in the clear – Mexican 2xSSB on channel in ECSS (USB) but switching to LSB solved that problem. Rechecked at 1510 – still audible but S2 w/ incr noise lvl. Earlier this morning (0730 to 0800) hrd some similar mx mixing with R. Educacao Rural on 4.755, but PMA was fading in and out and the Brazilian dominated in this time frame. Tried ECSS (U) w/ 3.8 KHz bandwidth, notching and USB but couldn’t isolate PMA enough to distinguish pgming. Thanks to Mauno for alertly picking this up and the precise freq measurement! (Bruce Churchill, USA - CumbreDX 05/10/2007) Новая Зеландия Caught the last few minutes of RNZI Mailbox, which runs less than 20 minutes now, Mon Oct 1 until 1350 on 6095. Adrian Sainsbury announced a couple of schedule changes, presumably referring to analog tho not specified: 15720 starting an hour earlier at *1950 instead of *2050 (but a few seconds later he said it starts at *2000 now). 9615 extended an hour, past 0700, now 0500-0800, times rounded off. These new changes are reflected in the schedule viewed at 1742 UT Oct 1 at http://www.rnzi.com/pages/listen.php even tho that schedule supposedly went into effect 24 August (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Пакистан 5080.14 R.Pakistan Aug 25 1651-1703 35443 Urdu, Talk and news, ID at 1657 and 1658 and 1700, [Ko.Hashimoto, Japan, Japan Premiun August 2007] Перу R Vision 4790.20 at 0435+ w/preaching, then talk and music combo similar to WHRI. All in Spanish. Finally IDed them at 0532. Began fair, then signal became moderate. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, USA - dxldyg 04/10/2007) Россия Checked this unid again on 2 Oct on 7345. The carrier apparently came on at 1650. At 1655 1000 Hz test tones until 1700. VOR on 7340 had 800 Hz test tones at the same time, but the tones were not in synchro. Today no music heard on 7345 (except that of CNR1 underneath), but I believe the carrier was on at least until 1727 when R Slovakia Int started. As the test tone procedure was similar to VO Russia, I wonder where is used 1000 Hz tones instead of 800 Hz? (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 03/10/2007) Yes, I also heard the same as Jari, although some local noise was causing me a problem. I thought the carrier was on before 1650 as there appeared to be "something" covering the CNR signal - audible below it. The tones were typical "Russian style" on/off and with a high note, as Jari remarks, and I too could only hear continuation of CNR when the tones stopped. So there are apparently TWR (Russian origin) transmissions on 7340, 7345 and 7350 at 1700. (Noel Green, U.K. - dxldyg 03/10/2007) Саудовская Аравия 17560 26/09 16:00 Radio Ryad Ryad, Arabia Saudita A Px-? 33333 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) США 9565 Radio Marti, 21:30-21:40, escuchada el 3 de octubre en espanol, locutor en conexion con corresponsal, ID “Estan en sintonia con Radio Marti”, “Radio Marti titulares”, “Les habla Amado Gil”, SINPO 34333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 04/10/2007) Тайвань Taiwan, 9780, Radio Taiwan International, 1100-1110 With male in Chinese comments and music sounding like Chinese Opera at times. Signal was poor. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 05/10/2007) Танзания 11735 V.of Tanzania-Zanzibar Jul 27 1512-1522 34433 Swahili, News, ID at 1512, [Ko.Hashimoto, Japan, Japan Premium August 2007] Филиппины 11.720 26/09 17:50 Radio Filipinas Manila, Filipinas TAG Nx-Noticias 33333 (Luiz Eduardo Lopes da Silva, Salvador, BRASIL - radioescutas 01/10/2007) Philippines, 9615, Radio Veritas Asia, 1015-1030 Steady CHI(pres) comments from a female until 1026 when brief music is presented. At 1027 a group recites a prayer of somekind. This continues until beyond 1033. Signal was fair. (Charles Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 05/10/2007) Чили 6070 CVC-La Voz July 30 0745-0815 34333 Talk and music in Spanish.ID at 0758 as CVC La Voz. [ISHIZAKI Kyoshiro, Japan, Japan Premiun August 2007] 6028.97v, Radio Santa María (tentative), via Coyhaique, 0135-0240, Oct 6, clearly in Spanish, seemed to be all religious programming, mostly talking and briefly some religious music, weak, best in LSB to get away from splatter from Calgary on 6030.0. Signed off before 0240, but took me a minute or two to realize they had gone off. By sign-off had shifted slightly to 6028.95. Mostly threshold level but occasionally better than that. Website < http://www.radiosantamaria.cl/ >. Very nice to hear this again, as it was back in 1986 that I last hear them. Still needs work for a definite ID, but am fairly sure it's them (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 06/10/2007) Эритрея V. of Meselna Delina, Eritrean clandestine, in Tigrinya, which we found last week scheduled M-F 1800-1830 on new 17690 via WHRA, confirmed Monday Oct 1, loud and clear from 1800, altho the audio was a bit choppy as if on a defective internet feed. Noel Green and Jari Savolainen in Europe confirm it is no longer heard at 1700 on 7335, but instead CRI (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/10/2007) 1st October 1600-1700 UT noted a jammer on 7175. It was a bit like Iranian jammers, but at times the pulse speed went real slow. Underneath was heard Eritrea in presumed Amharic. New jamming method by Ethiopia instead of Arabic music or a defective transmitter on this frequency? (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 02/10/2007) On 2 Oct checked again this 7175 jammer. Yes, it starts at 1600. Eritrea tried to escape jumping at times to 7160 but after a while the jammer found it. Back to 7175, then to 7160 etc. The jammer has at least 3 different sounds at the same time. I guess it's only one transmitter as the tones seemed to jump in one package from 7175 to 7160 and vice versa. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 03/10/2007) ERITREA. 7100, VOBME, Asmara, program 1, *0353-0410, Oct 6, Sign on with IS. Talk in unidentified language at 0359. Weak. (Alexander-PA) ERITREA. 7175, VOBME, Asmara, program 2, *0353-0410, Oct 6, Sign on with IS. Talk in unidentified language at 0359. Motorboat type jammer at approximately 0402. Weak. (Alexander-PA) (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 06/10/2007) Эфиопия 5990,0 kHz - 2013 UTC - 2/10 - ETH - Radio Ethiopia, Gedja Almost continuous indigenous instrumental mx with short Amharic comments between songs // 7110 kHz. Final ID @ 2053. S/off with anthem @ 2100. QRM Radio Senado from about 2030 onwards - 34333 (Mark Vissers, Borsbeek, Belgium - hard-core-dx 03/10/2007) ETHIOPIA. 5970, Radio Fana, Addis Ababa, *0257-0325, Oct 6, IS. Opening announcements at 0302 with IDs & into Horn of Africa type music. Now on 3 frequencies. Good signal but some adjacent channel splatter. // 7210-weak under BBC & // 6109.9-weak under TWR. (Alexander-PA) ETHIOPIA. 5980, Voice of Tigrey Revolution, Mekele, *0356-0420, Oct 6, Sign on with IS. Talk in unidentified language at 0358. Some Horn of Africa music but mostly talk. Fair. // 6185-very weak under Vatican Radio. (Alexander-PA) (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 06/10/2007) Ю. Африка 3320, Radio Sondergrense, 2335-2345 Two males conversing in Afrricaans. The are talking over the telephone, so I suppose this is an interview. Sometimes I am sorry I never learned Africaans when I was over there. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewsiston, FL, USA, October 1, 2007, 02/10/2007) 17590 Amateur R.Mirror Int. Jul 29 0815-0825 25322-35333 English, Amateur Radio news, [Ko.Hashimoto, Japan, Japan Premiun August 2007] Япония Кстати, Р.Япония четко отрабатывает сокращение вещания. С 04.30 до 05.00 11970 кГц на русском из Габона как всегда глухо и с фоном, но сигнал (по несущей) 4/5. В 05.00 передатчик отключился. В 05.00 5975 кГц на англ не сильно и с федингами. Хороший передатчик на 7230 японцы зарубили. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 01/10/2007) Monitored NHK World R. Japan`s new broadcast in English via Sackville 11705, Monday Oct 1: Carrier did not come on until a few sex before 1400 allowing just a bit of the R. Japan IS, which fortunately has not been abolished. 1400 timesignal and immediately into news with vapid, forgettable theme --- no sign-on, opening greeting. Newscaster spoke slowly and distinctly, but still hard to understand him because of heavy accent. Is R. Japan unable to hire native speakers of e.g. English, or is this a deliberate policy to maintain Japanese flavour in their broadcasts?? If so, it is too successful. One of the stories was about a ``seaside bomber in NW Pakistan`` -- oh, that must be ``suicide``! The break in the middle of the news to announce frequencies has been abolished, so we are on our own to find out what they are. I am surprised some consultant did not convince them much earlier that the frequency info totally interrupted the flow of the news. ``A Song for You`` music break after the news is also gone! But they only have 29 minutes now to work with, so less time for fluff. 1410, Pop Spot Japan(?), something about integration, but the YL`s heavy accent prevented me from understanding the title. Interviewed someone about Burma from Sophia University who spoke much better English, altho I think his name was Japanese. The Asian news roundup quoting items from other stations, a useful service, is also abolished, but a sub-segment of the program at 1416 had a report from Radio Australia, interviewing a sorghum (?) sister about catering. At end caught the correct subtitle ``Challenges of Integration``, and into music bit, a song about hummingbirds and rainbows, but it was cut off after a sesquiminute for the program`s closing theme, along with which the hostess gave seasonal greeting for autumn in the NH, spring in the SH. Transmission cut off at 1429* without any formal sign-off. Later I looked for new program info on the NHK website and found that the show I was hearing must have been ``What`s Up Japan``, and the current sub-topic is Challenges of Integration, per: http://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/english/onairradio_e.html [From here below, my interspersed comments are in brackets: Besides the news, there are only three distinctive programs left in English on Radio Japan! Times here carefully changed from JST to UT, by subtracting 9 hours, if you don`t mind! ---] ``What's Up Japan`` M-F 0510, repeated at 0910, 1210, 1320, 1410, 2200, 2400 [since this is a 20-minute show, therefore the 20-minute transmissions at 2200 and 2400 omit the news] This program features current topics in politics, economics, sport and other fields in Japan and across Asia, giving insight into the world of Japan and Asia now. It will also be presented in 16 languages on Radio Japan Focus at various broadcasting times, dependent on the language service. Oct 1 Mon The Challenges of Integration(4)Immigrant Women: Australia Oct 2 Tue The Challenges of Integration(4)Immigrant Women: Sweden Oct 3 Wed The Challenges of Integration(4)Immigrant Women: Canada Oct 4 Thu The Challenges of Integration(4)Immigrant Women: Netherlands Oct 5 Fri The Challenges of Integration(4)Immigrant Women: Japan ``World Interactive`` Sat 0510-0600 UT [sic; surely means 0510-0530 now], repeated: Sat 1010, 1710, Sun 0010, 0310, 1110, 1510, Mon 0110 [NOTE: most of these must be WRONG, at hours when NO ENGLISH is now scheduled: 0110, 0310, 1010, 1110, 1510, 1710!! and 0010 would not fit for a 20-minute broadcast starting at 0000] A mailbag show connecting listeners from around the world to NHK World. Each week we introduce mail from our listeners, as well as have phone interviews with them. We also periodically feature foreign guests to share their experiences living in Japan. The show offers DX information, Haiku lessons, and a Japanese culture segment twice a month -- giving you a look into present day Japan, and Japan of the past. ``Pop Up Japan`` Sat 0530-0550 UT, Repeated: 1030, 1430, 1730, Sun 0030, 0130 [NOTE: all these times must be WRONG, as there are no longer any English broadcasts scheduled in the second half of hours, except the late-starting 1310 until 1340! One would assume this should fill weekend times not occupied by World Interactive? The logical setup would be for W.I. to be on all the `Sat` broadcasts, without extending into Sun & Mon as previously, and PUJ to be on all the `Sun` broadcasts, but who knows?] On Pop Up Japan, Pakkun Makkun will introduce a line-up of specially selected J-Pop tunes, interspersed with their own sharp brand of comedy. The show will also look at some unique elements of Japanese culture such as animation, the Akihabara scene, and the latest Tokyo fashions. You can send requests for your favorite songs via the program website. http://www.nhk.or.jp/popupjapan/ [Try to make sense out of that. Thus the published R. Japan program schedule is FUBAR. We should still be thankful that there is any English (sort of), left on the air at all] (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/10/2007) -- СВ/ДВ 1470 WWNN Pompano Beach FL. Presumed. Money programme. Ads for Florida companies including Raymond James & Associates in St Petersburg. W 0613 30-09 JF (John Faulkner, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, U.K. - skywavesmw 01/10/2007) This morning at 1045 UTC while DXing using My Grundig S350 receiver, I tuned onto 1030 KHZ and picked up a strong, clear, Spanish speaking broadcast station with WBZ out of Boston, Mass. in the background of the frequency. After doing an internet search and checking my limited lists of medium wave stations to no avail, I am hoping that one of you more experienced DXers that frequent this website can help me identify this station so that I can finish entering the information in my log book. ((Richard Brock, Pittsburgh, Pa, USA - LatinMWDX 03/10/2007) 1140 WQBA Miami FL. “Univision Radio … La Voz de Miami”. Mention of at least two FM calls in this ID. F 06:28 03/09 JF I recorded 970 overnight, looking for WSTX since other UK Dxers are beginning to report this rarity. Usually, 970 is not too difficult a channel to access, but tonight it was splattered to pieces. WZAN was dominant but a second English station could be heard with talk around 04:00 and 05:00. Shortly before 06:00 there was quite a pile-up on the channel. At 06:00 a male talker was fighting with WZAN but both were quite weak at this time. Lively Latin music was taking over at 06:03. Conditions are not great but they are improving. Check around local sunrise in the UK. I will probably be on 970 again tomorrow night. (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 03/10/2007) 1470 WHBO Dunedin FL. “… right here from News Channel 8 Sports (?) … weekdays noon to 2 right here on Sporting Radio 14-70 WHBO” then ESPN jingle. Personal first! W 0103 05/09 (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 05/10/2007) -- Тропо 06:19 87.90 F201 Pic du Midi F 18:41 87.60 E235 Orense E (William Kitching, Telford, U.K. - skywaves 02/10/2007) GUADALOUPE 97.0 2349 30/09 RFO, Basse-Terre, mx, OM, nxs, FF 34333 RFP MARTINICA 94.0 2351 30/09 RFO, Trinite, mx caribenha, YL, FF 35233 RFP 94.3 2355 30/09 RFO, Morne Rouge, mx caribenha, FF // 94.0 e 92.0 MHz 25232 RFP 92.0 0035 30/09 RFO, Macouba, mx caribenha, FF // 94.0 e 94.3 MHz 23232 RFP SAINT KITTS & NEVIS 96.7 0007 30/09 ZIZ, Basseterre, OM em conversa telefonica c/ ouvintes, EE 35333 RFP BRASIL 106.9 0020 30/09 Universidade FM, Maringa - PR, OM c/ recitacao de poema 25332 RFP SAINT VINCENT & GRENADINES 103.7 0039 30/09 Hitz FM, Kingstown, mx caribenha, OM, EE 35333 RFP (Rubens Ferraz Pedroso, Bandeirantes, Parana, Brasil - fmtvbr 01/10/2007) 22:50 87.60 5201 RADIO1 Monte Cavo I 22:50 87.90 5045 Napoli I (William Kitching, Telford, U.K. - skywaves 03/10/2007) BIGtropo into france now here in Devon 16:01:33 skyrock on 97.6 think rennes 16:31:26 96.3 audio(French)? 16:34:00 could be le havre in 93.7 classique clear 16:34:38 93.7 Classique le havre clear 16:34:53 95.0 fb cotentin stereo 16:35:08 100.7 fb cotentin also stereo 16:35:36 96.1 bbc solent stereo 16:37:28 106.4 nostalgie caen stereo 16:38:04 nostalgie 106.6 competing with ival fm 16:38:46 107.0 skyrock granville clear 16:39:00 107.1 beur fm news and talk clear caen 16:40:15 106.1 rtl 2 clear 16:40:20 105.9 rtl clear 16:40:52 105.2 wave clear 16:40:58 105.6 info clear 16:41:04 105.1 nrj clear dinan 16:41:18 105.0 french caen? 16:41:52 104.9 rfm clear granville 16:42:24 104.7 two stations europe 1 and island fm 16:42:55 104.1 hitwest dinan 16:43:18 104.0 rfm clear cherbourg 16:42:24 104.7 two stations europe 1 and island fm 16:42:55 104.1 hitwest dinan 16:43:18 104.0 rfm clear cherbourg 16:44:29 103.5 fun radio clear 16:45:02 103.3 europe 1 16:45:09 103.2 french 16:45:29 103.1 france bleu armorique clear 16:46:12 102.2 france bleu haute normandie? clear 16:46:42 101.9 nrj clear 16:47:05 101.4 nrj clear 16:48:14 99.7 weak audio poss r 1 and something else 16:48:26 99.8 french poss rf cotentin 16:48:35 oops fb cotentin 16:50:04 95.1 fb haute normandie weak 16:50:33 94.6 fun radio clear 16:54:15 91.9 fun trying 16:55:14 90.1 could be fuges fm 16:56:18 87.9 has fun radio as well 16:57:44 89.8 musique weak 17:12 106.2 tendance ouest weak to clear all stations in v. (Mark P., Devon, U.K. - skywaves 05/10/2007) 95.1 BBC Radio Norfolk weak/fair 95.3 BBC Essex good 96.3 Essex FM stereo 97.1 SGR FM weak 100.2 Dream 100 stereo 102.6 Essex FM fair 103.5 BBC Essex stereo 103.9 BBC Radio Suffolk weak to fair 106.4 Kiss fair to clear Tacolneston nationals were good and Pure FM weak but clear on 101.1. Not so good this morning here. This tropo seems to have run out of steam but I hope it improves over the weekend as it's been disappointing for me, an all too familiar story for 2007. (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 06/10/2007) Getting lots of local radio DX at the moment here in Burton on Trent including some new ones for me. Tropo seems best to the south & south west U.K. 87.7 Blocked by Radio Ramadan I think its a temporary licence station transmitted from a mosque down in the town here in Burton. Wenvoe very very strong - national radio Tx's can hear it on portable radio. 95.2 BBC Radio Oxford Strong 102.0 The Bear, Lark Stoke New ones for me... 96.1 BBC Radio Solent, Rowridge 103.4 BBC Radio Devon, North Hessary Tor 103.5 BBC Radio Wiltshire, Newton Barrow 104.7 BBC Radio Gloucestershire, Churchdown Hill (Chris Thomas, U.K. - skywaves 06/10/2007) -- Digital Radio -- Неофициальное вещание Афганистан 10/10/2007, 1200-1245 utc, 17700 kHz, Radio Solh, music, talk, fair/good. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) Болгария/Судан Radio Miraya was testing two weeks ago on UT Monday 0300-0600 on 7285, presumably via IRRS Bulgaria for Sudan. Did not see any reports of it one week ago, and the test may have been a one-off, but let`s see if it appear this Monday. (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Вьетнам 7250 Degar Voice Aug 07 *1300-1308 43443 Vietnamese, 1300 sign on with IS, ID, Talk, //Tue 7250kHz, Thu 7260kHz, Sat 7350kHz, [Ko.Hashimoto, Japan, Japan Premium August 2007] Литва/Беларусь 6225 Radio Racja, 17:05-17:20, escuchada el 3 de octubre en bielorruso a locutor con programa musical, locutora con comentarios, cuna de identificacion, SINPO 33343. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 04/10/2007) Россия/? 15260 Andenet Le Democracy, 16:40-16:58, escuchada el 3 de octubre en idioma amarico a locutor con invitado en conversacion, SINPO 34333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 04/10/2007) -- Наблюдения 657 24/09 1700 RUI, Chernovtsy, Romanian 5840 23/09 2102 RUI, Kharkov, English 7410 25/09 0000 TWR, Almaty/Nikalayevk, Bengali 7440 23/09 2300 RUI, Lvov, Ukrainian 9485 24/09 1730 WYFR, Nauen, Farsi 9570 29/09 0045 BBC, Nakhon Sawan, Bengali 11665 28/09 0010 Radio Prague, Ascension, Spanish 12065 25/09 0024 FEBC, Iba, Chinese (Сергей Колесов, Киев, Украина - open_dx 01/10/2007) 1400-1430 NHK new in English to NAm on 11705 1500-1600 RNV CI via Cuba 11680, first half in English? 1700-1730 V. of Delina, Eritrean cland still on 7335? (Europe) 1800-1830 V. of Delina, Eritrean cland via WHRA 17690, or 15705 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 01/10/2007) Наблюдения за выходные, приемник DEGEN 1103, антенна КВ-провод 10 м, СВ-телескопическая 25.09.2007 576 18.41 Radio Christo Botev Bulgarian QRM SWR audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Christo_Botev_SWR_576_25_09_2007.mp3 558 18.43 YLE Radio Finland Finnish audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Finland_558_25_09_2007.mp3 639 18.50 Cesky rozhlas Czech audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Cesky_Rozhlas_639_25_09_2007.mp3 648 18.51 BBC World Service English audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/BBC_648_25_09_2007.mp3 748 19.00 R Bulgaria Albanian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Bulgaria_747_25_09_2007.mp3 765 19.02 Radio Suisse Romande French Option Musique 846 19.19 Radio Radonezh Russian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Radonezh_846_25_09_2007.mp3 26.09.2007 1341 19.14 Magyar Katolicus Radio Hungarian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Magyar_Katolicus_Radio_1341_26_09_2007.mp3 27.09.2007 1008 18.57 GrootNieuwsradio Dutch audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/GrootNieuwsradio_1008_27_09_2007.mp3 1035 19.00 Tartu Family Radio Russian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Tartu_Family_Radio_1035_27_09_2007.mp3 10051 19.14 NEW YORK Volmet English SSB audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/New_York_Volmet_10052_27_09_2007.mp3 918 19.59 Radio Slovenija Slovenian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Slovenija_918_27_09_2007.mp3 1062 20.00 RAI Italian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/RAI_1062_27_09_2007.mp3 28.09.2007 558 19.15 YLE Radio Finland Russian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Finland_558_RUS_28_09_2007.mp3 29.09.2007 6220 16.26 Mistery Radio English audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Mistery_Radio_6220_29_09_2007.mp3 6310 17.48 Pirate ????? music (Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь, 01/10/2007) 1240 Bahamas ZNS 1010 long discussion of weather patterns in the Bahamas and low pressure systems. Good signal parallel with 1540. Similar discussion per exld 30 September [Wilkner-FL] 3172.664 Peru Radio Municipal, Panao 1010 to 1100 happily noted as back on with weak signal 1 Oct [Wilkner-FL] 5039.21 Peru Radio Libertad, Junin 1105 with excellent signal, alas no sign (5014.4v Radio Altura 1015-1041) which was logged recently by Dave Valko 1 Oct [Wilkner-FL] 5967.882, R Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni 1000 to 1023 om in Spanish, narrow filter. (Seemed to drift to 5969.13 on 28 September) 1 Oct [Wilkner-FL] Stubborn cold has cut down on reporting, More later. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 01/10/2007) 4815 RADIO EL BUEN PASTOR. Saraguro, Ecuador. 0050-0102 Sept.28 Con noticias deportivas. Es dificil escuchar programacion local de esta emisora que siempre esta retransmitiendo programas evangelicos o en cadena con Alas de la HCJB. Y mas aun con identificacion. "...en la tierra, en el cielo, en el espacio sideral...se escucha una voz amiga Radio El Buen Pastor, la voz en el hermano..." 4857.5 RADIO LA HORA.Cusco, Peru. 2300-2335 sept. 27 "...fanaticos deportivos bienvenidos Adalid su programa deportivo son las 18 horas en todo el pais..." asi se inicia el programa del amigo Carlos Gamarra Moscoso presentando la informacion del Cienciano de Cusco. Menciona transmision en tres frecuencias. Operando solo en dias laborables de 2300-0030 aprox. 4990.9 RADIO ANCASH. Huaraz, Peru. 2235-2325* sept. 25 Anuncios de Clinica San Cayetano, cerveza Pilsen Callao, celulares Claro. Anuncio en QQ sobre mensajes musicales por celebraciones familiaresa traves de la radio. Tambien con el 5x1 para pautar pagando un anuncio que saldra por AM, FM, OC, TV canal 2 y prensa regional. Con cierre variable pero siempre antes de las 0000 utc 5470.9 RADIO SAN NICOLAS. Rodriguez de Mendoza, Peru. 2329-0030 sept. 25 presentando musica Pop en espanol "...somos Radio San Nicolas, tu mejor compania..." Anuncios de transportes Elada, novedades Carchi. "...amigos del volante tu eres nuestra meta, responde en primera...Radio San Nicolas..." Llegando con una excelente senal, paracen haber mejorado transmisor y modulacion, nunca la habia escuchado mejor. Tambien en horario matinal de aprox.1100-1230 en la noche de 2230-0130v 5952.5 RADIO PIO XII, Siglo XX, Bolivia. 2335-2310 sept.28 programacion en VV. pero con un anuncio especial en SS "...la festividad del Arcangel San Miguel patrono de Bolivia, a traves de la red de comunicaciones Pio XII, la region y el pais todos viviremos la festividad del Arcangel San Miguel, se realizaran este sabado 29. musica, tradiciones, cultura; compromisos para seguir trabajando por Bolivia..." 6535.8 RD. LV DEL RONDERO. Huancabamba, Peru. 0155-0210 Sept. 29 Enviando saludos a oyentes, incluyendo un saludo para el director de la Radio La Voz de los Andes. Presentado el programa: Buenas noches huancabambinos ausentes. ( similar nombre al programa de Radio Quito 4819v) Anuncio de Botica Central y Farmacia Huancabamba. 9599.3 RADIO UNAM. Ciudad de Mejico, Mejico. 1554-1610 Sept.28 con musica clasica, A las 1600 con identificaciones no entendibles. Luego "...el servicio de extension educativa y Radio Unam presentan..." mencionan cursos libres en ciencias sociales, nanotecnolgia y otros. Luego con el tema alcochol y drogas. 9674.7 RADIO DEL PACIFICO. Lima. Peru. 2110-2140 sept. 28 Comunicacion con oyentes a traves de la linea telefonica 3327569, presentando el programa El show de la familia. "...la radio numero 1 en tu corazon, Radio del Pacifico, no hay otra..." Mencionan el sistema cristiano de medios del que hace parte Radio del Pacifico y Pacifico TV. "..la radio numero 1 dedl pueblo peruano es Radio del Pacifico 11955 AWR GHANA. Via Austria. 2101-2129* Sept. Escuchada gracias a la informacion del amigo Ruben G. Margenet. presentando el pgm: Moment of truht. "... you are listening AWR Ghana, the voice of hope..." 15476 LRA36 RADIO NAL. ARCANGEL SAN GABRIEL.1952-2058* Con excelente senal, segun mi logbook no la escuchaba desde 1999 cuando con la ayuda del colega GIB se realizo una transmision especial un dia sabado fuera de su horario habitual. Presentando musica pop en espanol. "...de Esperanza al mundo un contraste entre la oscuridad del cielo y la belleza natural..." cda tiempo con noticias . "...sintonizan LRA 36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel en su frecuencia de 15476 Khz onda corta para el territorio antartico argentino..." (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota DC - COLOMBIA - playdx2003 01/10/2007) 3396 1/10 2341 ZBC, Zimbabwe, songs, fair 4699,4 2/10 0046 Radio San Miguel, Bolivia, songs, poor 4746,88 2/10 0055 Radio Huanta 2000, Peru, talks, poor 4790 1/10 2335 Radio Pakistan, talks and chants, good 4800 2/10 0102 Voice of China, Qinghai, in EE till 0106 then in Chinese, fair 4815 1/10 2331 Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Brazil, talks, fair 4825 1/10 2324 Radio Educadora Braganca, Brazil, sport, fair 4828 1/10 2320 Voice of Zimbabwe, music, fair 4835,576v 1/10 2315 Radio Mali, Bamako, afro music, very good 4915 1/10 2310 Radio Difusora Macapa, (pres.) Brazil, good but at 2314 off air, tx problems? 4925 1/10 2305 RRI Jambi, Indonesia, news, poor 4965 1/10 2301 Voice of Africa, Zambia EE talks & songs, good 5010 2/10 00 0040 AIR Thiruvananthapuram, India, Indian songs, good 5040 2/10 0044 AIR Jeypore, India, songs, fair 6035 1/10 2358 BBS, Bhutan, open carrier and start of BC with music and female id at 0000 good, fading 6155 2/10 0020 Radio Republica, Clandestine to Cuba, economics talks, good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - dxldyg 02/10/2007) 3910,00 2909 1825 WMR,E, pops, ID 24322 3925,00 2909 2205 The Bogusman,E, talks, rock 24232 3945,00 3009 2150 WMR,E, ID, jingle, talking on R. Luxembourg, pops // 6400 sinpo; 23222 34232 5720,00 3009 0740 Orion R, E, polka, country mx, ID 24232 6220,00 2909 1515 Mystery R, disco, jingle 34443 6220,00 2909 1827 R.Marabu,G, ID, promos, pops, Tear for fears 35433 6220,00 3009 0734 Mystery R, disco, jingle 24332 6255,00 2809 2200 KBC,E, jingle, Wolfman Jack dj, rock, promos, ID, Beatles, Roy Orbison 35443 6255,00 2909 2200 KBC,E, jingle, ID, promos K-po, Bruce Springsteen: radio nowhere 35443 6275,00 3009 1625 R.Underground,E, big speach, jingle 24432 6290,00 2909 1845 R.Lowland, E; pops, hotline 0031 624801129 24332 6295,00 2909 1518 unid, polka, till 1520* 24322 6306,00 2909 2014 R.Brandaris,?, pop schlager 23211 6307,00 2909 1650 Magic AM, E,testing, pops, ID, asking for reports, 24332 6309,00 2909 1505 R.Lowland,E, mx, email 24332 6310,00 2809 2033 Condor R, E, dance non stop, ID, email.asking for reports till 2051* 24322 6310,00 2909 1710 unid, Malaysi?, techno disco no Ids 33333 6310,00 2909 2225 R.Condor, E; dance, ID, email 24322 6310,00 3009 1820 R.Tarzan,E,D, country mx, shclager, ID, hotline 0653234140. 24322 6400,00 2909 1825 WMR,E, pops, ID // 3910 34433 6400,00 3009 1844 R.RWE via WMR, E, mx, remembering R. Poland on the 40,s 24222 9290,00 2909 0659 R.Six Int, E, interval,ID, Tony Currie, mx, letter from listeners: Artur Fernandez, my own… 35443 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 03/10/2007) 04780 djibouti - ds 100k 1934 afar rel? 27sep07 04910 air ID -ds jaipur 50k 1725 hindi music & news 4oct07 05240 xizang pbs - ds lhasa 100k 1645 eng 4oct07 09280 family via twn - 250k 1224 mand 30sep07 09475 australia - shepparton 100k 1227 eng dial 30sep07 (Michel Lacroix, France - hard-core-dx 05/10/2007) 3900KHz China PBS HULUN BUIR(pres) Hailar 03/10 09:00 chines mx (instrumental) 22122 (LOB-B). 3925KHz Japao R. NIKKEI 02/10 20:50 JJ mx instrumental(piano solo); mv e fv tkls 23222 (LOB-B). 4950KHz Angola R.NACIONAL ANGOLA Mulenvos 02/10 23:57 PP mx (Julio Iglesias cantando em PP “pelo amor de uma mulher”); mv: tkls abt traficante de cocaina na Guine Bissau; Id. “R. Nacional de Angola” 23322 (LOB-B). 4955KHz Peru R Cultural Amauta(tent) Huanta 02/10 23:54 SS mv tkls intercalado por mx local(flauta e tambor) 23222 (LOB-B) 11600KHz Republica Checa R.PRAGA 01/10 21:03 tcheco mv tkls; audio externo por mv; Id. por mv: “Radio Praga” 34433 (LOB-B). (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 05/10/2007) 5915,0 kHz - 2115 UTC - 4/10 - D - WYFR Family Radio, Wertachtal Arabic px ’Open Forum’ abt The Messiah, “Family Radio“ ID & Oakland, CA address @ 2157, IS & s/off - 34333 6000,0 kHz - 1504 UTC - 4/10 - SNG - R.Singapore, Singapore Chinese talks & mx, commercials, s/off 1600. No clear ID heard. According to WRTH should be relay of Y.E.S. 93.3FM, Capital 95.8 FM or Love 97.2 FM ? - 35333 6030,0 kHz - 1817 UTC - 4/10 - OMA - BBC Worldservice, A'Seela Arabic talks, web address, px ’BBC Extra’, ID’s // 9915, 11680 - 34433 6160,0 kHz - 2224 UTC - 4/10 - CAN - CKZN, St.John's Phone conversation in English, fading in and out, no ID so tentative - 14221 7400,0 kHz - 2024 UTC - 4/10 - USA - WHRA World Harvest Radio, Greenbush ME English px ’Politics & Religion’ with Irvin Baxter, abt living with Big Brother, phone calls, religious commercials, WHRA ID @ 2059, co-ch. QRM R.Bulgaria in Greek - 44444 9745,0 kHz - 1850 UTC - 4/10 - AFS - Trans World Radio, Meyerton Never ending (Hausa?) talk, “Radio ELWA“ ID’s, Nigeria address, E TWR ID at s/off 1915 - 44433 11930,0 kHz - 2104 UTC - 4/10 - USA - Radio Martí, Greenville NC Spanish news abt Cuba, ID’s, px ’Las Noticias Como Son’ - 25333 12130,0 kHz - 1417 UTC - 4/10 - GUM - KSDA AWR, Agat Sinhala talks, religious mx, “Adventist World Radio“ ID’s, address, s/off @ 1430 - 25222 13760,05 kHz - 1300 UTC - 4/10 - KRE - Voice Of Korea, Kujang S/on, IS, ID’s “This is Voice of Korea“, E px, news mainly abt demands for reunification of Koreas, slightly off frequency and fading away, no parallel frequency found - 25222 15235,0 kHz - 1320 UTC - 4/10 - RRW - FEBA Radio, Kigali Arab mx & px ’Matalh O Watanih’ ?, talks, tel., no FEBA ID heard, s/off @ 1230. New transmission to ME - 35433 (Marc Vissers, Borsbeek, Belgium - hard-core-dx 06/10/2007) GABON? 9580 Africa NO 1 , 1800 , ID in french then news , S7 32442 low modulation Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 1/10/07 uniDed cland towds Kurdistan : 4670 jammed on 2th and next days , time 0400+ 4895 R DFi Amazonias? , taks in sp , submarginal Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 2/10/07 ANGOLA?? 4950 RN ANgola? 0414 talks by man over rythmic music , references to comamndante , confidencia Signal S4 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 2/10/07 [KURDISTAN] 6335 0417 with turkic song s9 33443 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 2/10/07 usa 66041 NY radio with weather forecasts S1 243343 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 2/10/07 PERU 4790 Atlantida has been heard on 2,3,4,5 of october with signal S4(max on 2,3,5) S2(3rd) on 0410 BRAZIL 9630 Aparecida 2052 with talks and mentions on Brazil Ave marias on 2101 S35, 33433 on narowband Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 4/10/07 THAILAND 9680 R Thailand 2055 with prg n tai . 44544 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 4/10/07 USA? 11565 Family Radio 2104 stations self presentation , prophecy from Jezekiel S10 45544 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 4/10/07 BRAZIL 9530 poss R transmundial 2113 with signal S1 , having strong QRM even on LSB due to 9535 of signal S10 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 4/10/07 ??? 4925 a submarginal signal on 0408 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 5/10/07 ERITREA 5100 BAna?? 0413 with ethiopian style afro pops. short talks between two songs by YL in tigrinia or other language Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 5/10/07 BANGLADESH 4750 Bangladesh betar 1535 with news on bangladesh in English. AT 1545 in banggla or hindi . Off at 1600 . S6 max ,33232 Liangas Thessaloniki Greece 5/10/07 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - hard-core-dx 06/10/2007) As this was the first mini dxpedition before local dawn brought two flashlights and thermos of French roast coffee. A small table supported the radio. Location was on a boat dock by the river affording some comfort. Mosquitoes were not a problem. Power lines are buried and noise level was quiet as the 2010XA has no noise blanker. The whip antenna was used for all logs. Wished to test the ability of the 2010XA to lock in synchro. ---- 0930 to 1140 GMT ----- River DXPedition 4 October 2007 SFI = 67 A = 16 K = 2 2310 Australia VL8A Alice Springs NT ---2325 Australia VL8T Tennant Creek NT ---2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT--- 0952 to 1135 all three Australians held in well, with [synchro lock] sports report 1130 into Happy Birthday greetings. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 3173[X] Peru Radio Municipal, Panao Nothing noted this morning. Noted on the air on 3 October same time period. rlcw 3204.9 PNG Radio West Sepik 1140 om with news items [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] (Also 3260 and 3315 noted same time) 3329.6 Peru Ondas del Huallaga, Huánuco at 1107 to 1110 with very poor signal in lsb. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 4716.6 Radio Yura, Yura 1000 usual man and woman with ID's, [synchro lock] pleasant audio for Bolivian music. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 4790. Indonesia RRI Fak-Fak 1133 om with call to prayer. Peruvian had faded out. this in lsb no lock. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 4796.4 Radio Mallku, Uyuni 0930 yl, good signal [synchro lock] with good audio. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 4905 China Xizang PBS, Lhasa 1120 too 1124 yl in language // 4920 Xizang PBS. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 5019.9 Soloman Islands, SIBC, Honiara at 0945; 1010 recheck. Fair signal in lsb [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 5039.2 Peru Radio Libertad, 0950 Junin excellent signal with om music [synchro lock] with good audio. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 5040.4t. Burma Radio Myanmar at 1115 in usb, [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 5967.8 R Nacional de Huanuni, Huanuni 0930 weak in lsb with om in Spanish.[Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 6009.5 Colombia LV de tu Conciencia 0947 in lsb. [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] 6010 Mexico Radio Mil 1000 with numerous ID's. Using usb to avoid the Colombian. this // 1000 which was logged [synchro lock] [Wilkner-FL River DXPedition] (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - hard-core-dx 06/10/2007) 6150 BRASIL: R. Record, São Paulo-SP, PP, 06/10 1341. Canção por Elvis Presley, talks sobre o cantor, e várias incursões da locutora mostrando um certo ar de superioridade (do tipo "o dia em que Elvis morreu, eu estava caminhando numa das mais famosas ruas de Buenos Aires, a calle Florida, e aí eu comprei um caro perfume, estava com meu 'maridinho', aliás estou usando esse perfume hoje...."), comunicação muito negativa, caracteristica de uma pessoa que se mostra carente de ser promovida...... lamentavel, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 6170 BRASIL: R. Cultura, São Paulo-SP, PP, 06/10 1328. Mx classica orquestral, talks por OM, (o retorno da R. Cultura às ondas curtas...), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 21630 ASCENSÃO, Ilha de: BBC, via Ascension, Hausa, 06/10 1349. Entrevista de YL com OM, com várias menções à Nigéria, 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 21640 ARABIA SAUDITA: BSKSA, Riyadh, AA, 06/10 1356. OM: talks (assemelha-se a uma pregação de cunho religioso...), 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, São Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 06/10/2007). MICRONESIA (POHNPEI) 4755.25 PMA "The Cross" 1002-1201, M preaching at t/in, but not quite strong enough to copy. Abt on par w/3235 West New Britain at this time. 1019 mx bridge then deep-voiced anncr. 1026 pleasant Pop-like mx, abt 20 sec. of deadair, then more mx. Continued w/mx sounding like live Pop, Rock ,and even Alternative (ala Greenday). 1048 short ID anmnt by young lady "Hi, this is Melinda. You are listening to Radio ?? ?? Aviation, ?? ??". I'm not 100% sure of "Radio" and "Aviation", but that's what it sounded like. Into "good news" of the Gospel pgm w/M preaching from 1049-1150. Went into more mx starting with a Punk song at 1151(!!) followed by a long soft Pop song to 1159. 1159 apparent pgm promo by M over mx. Then back to Pop/Rock mx at 1200. Poor to fair w/a lot of static noise and some quick fading. There was also a longer fade from about 1120-1135, then it picked up again. When it was peaking at around 1110, it was about 50-60% readable. QRMed by R. Educacao Rural at the start, but then in the clear, and some CODAR QRM after 1130 UTC. During the broadcast, there appeared to be numerous drops in the audio/modulation level w/out any change in strength. Maybe the engineer was adjusting the equipment. This is radio country heard #226 (at least) according to the NASWA rules. Have an e-mail report w/MP3 recording out to info@pmapacific.org. (Valko 6 Oct.) JAPAN 3945 R. Nikkei (pres.) 1023 instru. mx sounding //3925 but it shouldn't be apparently. Returned at 1030 and it was gone. (Valko 6 Oct.) MALAYSIA (SARAWAK) 6049.65 R.M., Sibu Not too bad at 1136 w/soft melancholy ballad, but QRM from HCJB 6050. (Valko 6 Oct.) PAPUA NEW GUINEA No sign of 3315 Manus, 3365 Milne Bay, or 3260 Madang today. 3905 New Ireland best. AUSTRALIA 2310 and 2325 peaking at 1055 at abt S-9!!! But 2485 much much weaker. CHINA 4750 Two stns here, 1 obviously Makassar, and the other apparently a Chinese with Chinese Opera-like vcl mx at around 1146. (Valko 6 Oct.) LAOS?? 4677.7 Just a carrier here again at 1144. Will take one heck of an opening to get this one!! (Valko 6 Oct.) MALAYSIA?? 7129.87 Just a carrier here at 1155, but did have some mx just after 1200. (Valko 6 Oct.) (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 06/10/2007) -- Неопознанное Тунис RTV Tunisienne (presumed), 4 Oct. 2007, 0310-0320 UTC, 7275 kHz. Middle eastern music with young woman announcing between musical selections. Signal strength is showing a steady 8.5 on my Icom 718 transceiver. First time logging. In just the last few days, conditions are starting to open up on 40 meters as I have been hearing amateur stations from the western United States. (Joe Miller, Troy, MI, USA - CumbreDX 05/10/2007) -- Гармоники -- Глушение -- Пираты Date 24/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 3.930,0 2035 Radio Victoria 34433 8 Date 25/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 2110 Radio Tijdbreker 43443 9+5dB 1.655,0 2124 unid 43443 9+10d Date 26/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 2020 unid 33433 8 Date 27/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.647,0 2033 unid 32332 7 3.928,0 1920 Radio Whitesnake 34333 8 Date 28/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 3.900,0 2015 Skyline Radio Germany 24322 5 3.927,0 1915 Radio Atlantis International 24322 5 6.255,0 2200 KBC Radio 45444 9 Date 29/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 9.290,0 0700 Radio Six International 45444 9 Date 30/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 2027 unid 23322 5 1.652,0 1900 Radio Barones 43443 9 6.220,0 1858 Mystery Radio 44444 9 6.220,0 1427 Mystery Radio 24433 7 6.220,0 1128 Mystery Radio 24322 5 6.275,0 1120 Radio Underground 24333 5 6.275,0 1430 Radio Underground 24433 7 6.309,0 1217 unid 45444 9+10d 6.400,0 1855 Radio RWE 33433 8 6.400,0 1924 WMR 34433 8 6.400,0 1125 WMR 23322 5 (Achim Brueckner, Detmond, Germany - playdx2003 01/10/2007) -- Связь 28.09.2007 2010 335,00 BER Bern-Belp 400+ SUI 28.09.2007 2006 335,00 BL Budapest-Ferihegy -1020 HNG 28.09.2007 2010 335,00 PAN Pantelleria -1020 I 28.09.2007 1958 335,00 RIM Rimini 1020+ I 29.09.2007 0204 335,50 TWN Twenthe 400+ HOL 29.09.2007 0204 336,00 BTA Bergen/Flesland/Bratta 400+ NOR 29.09.2007 0204 336,00 LT Halmstad -400 S 28.09.2007 2002 337,00 AH Alghero -1020 I 28.09.2007 2036 337,00 KAJ Kajaani -400 FIN 28.09.2007 2007 337,00 LHR Lahr -1020 D 28.09.2007 2010 337,00 MY Mykenaes +400 FRO 29.09.2007 0207 337,00 OZ Soderhamn/Skallen -400 S 29.09.2007 0403 337,00 RMG Romagnano 1020+ I 28.09.2007 1825 337,00 VRN Vranje 1020+ SRB 28.09.2007 1822 338,00 MNW Munchen 1020+ D 28.09.2007 2012 338,00 OA Jonkoping 400+ S 28.09.2007 2039 339,00 EA Stockholm/Arlanda -400 S 29.09.2007 0201 339,00 HOS Hamburg -1020 D 29.09.2007 0409 339,00 NE Nancy/Essey 0 F 30.09.2007 0301 339,00 PRA Pratica del Mare -1020 I 28.09.2007 1645 340,00 BLK Banja Luka -1020 BIH 28.09.2007 1827 340,00 FOG Foggia 1020 I 28.09.2007 1829 340,00 ISA Treviso/Istrana -1020 I 28.09.2007 1827 340,00 KAI Utti-Kaipi -400 FIN 30.09.2007 0303 340,00 W Kuressaare +1020 EST 28.09.2007 1644 340,00 ZIG Leipzig -1020 D 29.09.2007 0210 341,00 LO Billund -400 DNK 28.09.2007 2031 341,00 NKS Karlstad -400 S 28.09.2007 1820 341,00 POR Pori 400+ FIN 28.09.2007 1827 341,50 R Rzeszow/Jasionka -1020 POL 28.09.2007 1823 342,00 LL Fagernes-Leirin -400 NOR 28.09.2007 2038 342,00 OA Algiers/Houari Boumedienne 0 ALG 28.09.2007 2030 343,00 A Budapest-Ferihegy -1020 HNG 28.09.2007 2016 343,00 E Craiova +1020 ROU 28.09.2007 2017 343,00 GRA Grazzianise -1020 I 28.09.2007 2001 343,00 KUS Kaunas/Karmelava -1020 LTU 28.09.2007 1959 343,00 SBN Saarbrucken 1020+ D 28.09.2007 1824 344,00 HEK Helsinki-Vantaa 400+ FIN 29.09.2007 0209 344,00 HN Hohn -1020 D 28.09.2007 1826 345,00 BN Kristiansand/Kjevik/Birkela-400 NOR 28.09.2007 2008 345,00 FW Roma 1020+ I 29.09.2007 0403 345,00 IGL Ingolstadt -1020 D 28.09.2007 1825 345,00 SUS Kauhava-Susi -400 FIN 28.09.2007 2039 345,00 TAZ Tivat -1020 MNE 29.09.2007 0201 345,00 THS Salonika/Makedonia 400+ GRC 28.09.2007 2004 345,00 TZO Trezzo d' Adda -1020 I 28.09.2007 1825 345,50 CF Caslav -1020 CZE 28.09.2007 1828 346,00 GS Gavle-Sandviken -400 S 28.09.2007 1827 346,00 MI Mikkeli -400 FIN 28.09.2007 1823 346,00 WLU Luxembourg 1020+ LUX 28.09.2007 2032 346,00 Y Nyiregyhaza +1020 HNG 28.09.2007 1649 347,00 DBR Berlin-Tempelhof -1020 D 28.09.2007 1827 347,00 MSK Oslo/Gardemoen/Morskogen -400 NOR 29.09.2007 1827 348,00 OD Odessa/Central -1020 UKR 28.09.2007 2012 348,00 SCL St. Christol 0 F 28.09.2007 1648 348,00 SVR Sagvar -1020 HNG 28.09.2007 1825 348,00 TPL Topola 1020+ SRB 28.09.2007 2012 348,00 WA Stockholm-Arlanda -400 S 29.09.2007 0407 348,00 ZZA Zaragoza 1020+ E 28.09.2007 2000 348,50 LG Liege-Bierset -1020 BEL 28.09.2007 1828 349,00 JX Vaxjo-Kronoberg 400+ S 29.09.2007 0204 349,00 KSL Kassel -1020+ D 28.09.2007 2034 349,00 OPE Bucharest/Otopeni -1020 ROU 28.09.2007 1829 349,00 TAR Orland/Tarva -400 NOR 28.09.2007 2035 349,50 SZA Solenzara 0 F (Matthias Zwoch, Germany - ndblist 01/10/2007) 20070928 18:54 340 ZJT 508 Stephenville, NL, CAN 20070928 18:54 341 GF 137 Aylesford , NS, CAN 20070928 18:55 344 YGV 547 Havre St Pierre, QC, CAN 20070928 18:56 338 5Y 48 Trenton, NS, CAN 20070928 18:57 344 LNT 424 Millinocket, ME, USA 20070929 03:26 336 BV 651 Champlain, QC, CAN 20070929 03:27 335 YLD 1569 Chapleau, ON, CAN 20070929 03:29 340 YY 528 Mont Joli, QC, CAN 20070929 03:30 344 ZIY 3350 George Town (Grand Cayman Isl, CYM 20070929 03:31 348 BUP 495 Pittsfield, ME, USA 20070929 03:34 344 ZOW 986 Nepean (Ottawa), ON, CAN 20070929 03:36 345 BGI 3605 Bridgetown / Barbados Island, BRB 20070929 03:39 341 YYU 1523 Kapuskasing, ON, CAN 20070929 03:45 335 ZKF 1376 Kitchener (Wellington), ON, CAN 20070929 04:44 340 BOG 4632 Bogota, CLM 20070929 05:28 338 DE 1626 'Madds' Detroit, MI, USA 20070930 00:14 335 FK 617 Junction (Deer Lake), NL, CAN 20070930 01:02 344 JA 2318 Jacksonville, FL, USA 20070930 01:12 341 GP 3033 Y LAJES, POR 20070930 02:09 338 PST 4188 PORTO SANTO, POR (Vernon Matheson - ndblist 01/10/2007) 28 19:48 335 LR 856 Mosjoen / Laksfors, NOR 28 19:47 335 FV 991 VENEV, RUS 28 20:40 335 DP 1485 Dnipopetrovsk, UKR 28 18:50 335 AC 726 HULTSFRED, SWE 28 19:50 336 RS 835 Roeros, NOR 28 16:00 336 M 96 MIKKELI 'Mike', FIN 28 19:42 336 LT 919 HALMSTAD, SWE 29 19:13 336 BTA 1178 Bratta, NOR 29 19:17 337 VRN 2061 Y VRANJE, SRB 28 16:40 337 OZ 519 Skallen, SWE 28 20:30 337 LHR 1839 LAHR Schwarzwald, DEU 28 16:50 337 KAJ 382 KAJAANI, FIN 28 18:30 338 OA 792 Jonkoping, SWE 28 19:40 338 MNW 1678 MUNCHEN, DEU 29 17:36 338 M 819 Y SHEREMETYEVO, RUS 28 16:26 339 V 369 Kokkola / Kruunupyy, FIN 28 16:22 339 EA 497 Arlanda- Stockholm, SWE 28 15:26 340 W 378 Kuressaare, EST 28 16:51 340 QD 411 BESOVETS, RUS 28 18:31 340 O 460 OULU 'Oscar', FIN 28 18:55 340 KS 588 KUUSAMO 'Kilo-Sierra', FIN 28 15:40 340 KAI 17 Utti / Kaipi, FIN 28 15:30 341 POR 285 Pori, FIN 28 20:25 341 NKS 753 Karlstad, SWE 30 23:00 341 BUZ 3969 Y BUSHEHR, IRN 28 19:53 341.5 R 1232 Rzeszow/Jasionka, POL 28 18:38 342 SUT 790 Hemavan, SWE 28 18:57 342 SL 903 Goteborg / Landwetter, SWE 28 15:25 342 PK 218 PULKOVO, RUS 28 18:35 342 LL 943 Leirin / Fagernes, NOR 28 16:39 343 KUS 674 Kaunas, LTU 28 18:37 344 L 770 KITTILA 'Lima', FIN 28 20:20 344 HN 1247 HOHN, DEU 28 15:30 344 HEK 98 Heka, FIN 28 15:28 345 SUS 328 Susi, FIN 28 20:05 345 STM 881 Strommen / Mo I Rana, NOR 28 19:10 345 BN 1080 Birkeland, NOR 28 19:17 346 WLU 1804 Luxembourg, LUX 28 15:27 346 MI 97 Mikkeli, FIN 28 16:30 346 GS 537 Gavle / Sandviken, SWE 28 20:42 346 BRD 3355 Y BOJNORD, IRN 28 18:47 347 MSK 846 Morskogen, NOR 28 19:15 347 DBR 1241 HELMHOLTZ, DEU 28 16:34 348 WA 508 Arlanda- Stockholm, SWE 28 19:18 348 TPL 1901 TOPOLA, SER 28 19:30 348 SAD 1018 Sandsund, NOR 29 19:07 348 OD 1618 Y ODESA, UKR 28 19:12 349 TAR 953 Tarva, NOR 28 16:45 349 JX 811 Vaxjo, SWE 28 16:41 349 A ? Y , XUE (Kari Syrjanen, Aitomaki, Finland - ndblist 01/10/2007) 03282.0 pirates 0511 USB all qso regulier 1oct07 04970.0 CM30 algerian mil? 0514 ALE USB to XA30 1oct07 08435.0 KMI? dixon 0721 ARQ tfc 1oct07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 01/10/2007) 2007-09-29 14:25 335 WCO 314 Westcott, ENG 2007-09-30 18:50 335 TON 794 Torralba de Aragon, ESP 2007-09-30 07:23 335 MC 418 Montlucon / Domerat, FRA 2007-09-30 18:49 335 L 992 Madrid / Getafe, ESP 2007-09-30 18:52 335.5 TWN 687 Y Twenthe, HOL 2007-09-30 19:07 336 BTA 1298 Bergen / Flesland / Bratta, NOR 2007-09-30 19:09 337 MY 1502 Myggenaes, FRO 2007-09-30 19:08 337 LHR 682 Y Lahr / Schwarzwald, DEU 2007-09-30 07:28 337 EX 233 Exeter, ENG 2007-09-30 19:10 337 AH 1203 Alghero (SS), SAR 2007-09-30 20:25 338 PST 2165 Porto Santo / Ilheu De Baixo, MDR 2007-09-30 19:14 338 OA 1413 Jonkoping , SWE 2007-09-29 17:00 338 GU 218 Brest / Guipavas, FRA 2007-09-30 19:13 338 FNY 494 Robin Hood / Doncaster / Finni, ENG 2007-09-30 20:26 339 OL 658 Shannon, IRL 2007-09-30 19:19 339 LS 1447 Y Forde / Bringeland / Langenese, NOR 2007-09-29 16:45 339 GI 296 Amiens / Glisy, FRA 2007-09-29 16:45 339 BIA 194 Bournemouth, ENG 2007-09-29 16:46 340 LSH 276 Lashenden / Headcorn, ENG 2007-09-30 20:28 340 KAI 2221 Y Utti / Kaipi , FIN 2007-09-30 19:29 340 HEI 1881 Y HEIDRUN, NOR 2007-09-30 11:57 340 HAW 472 Hawarden, WLS 2007-09-30 18:46 341 POR 1998 Pori, FIN 2007-09-30 19:32 341 BZ 619 Biarritz / Bayonne / Anglet, FRA 2007-09-29 16:47 341 AMB 257 Amboise, FRA 2007-09-30 19:37 342 VLD 848 Valladolid, ESP 2007-09-29 16:49 342 VA 166 Vannes / Meucon, FRA 2007-09-30 19:33 342 LL 1493 Leirin / Fagernes , NOR 2007-09-29 16:50 343 TST 260 Redhill RDL 'testing', ENG 2007-09-29 16:51 343 CGO 279 Paris / Charles De Gaulle, FRA 2007-10-01 05:24 344 WCK 1050 Y Wick, SCT 2007-09-30 19:40 344 HEK 2109 Heka For Helsinki / Vantaa, FIN 2007-09-30 07:42 345 LUT 329 London / Luton, ENG 2007-09-29 16:53 345 LN 140 Lannion / Servel, FRA 2007-09-29 16:57 346 WLU 546 Luxembourg, LUX 2007-09-30 20:05 346 OC 382 Cognac / Chateaubernard, FRA 2007-09-29 16:55 346 LHO 135 Le Havre / Octeville, FRA 2007-09-29 17:02 347 MTN 326 Manston, ENG 2007-09-30 15:34 347 CVT 420 Chalons / Vatry, FRA 2007-09-29 22:21 348 ZZA 829 Zaragoza, ESP 2007-09-30 20:09 348 WA 1712 Y Stockholm / Arlanda, SWE 2007-09-30 20:11 348 TPL 1774 Y TOPOLA, SER 2007-09-30 20:01 348 SAD 2278 Leknes / Sandsund, NOR 2007-09-30 20:04 348 CL 562 Cahors / Lalbenque, FRA 2007-09-29 22:22 348 ATF 893 Aberdeen / Dyce, SCT 2007-09-30 07:44 348.5 LG 526 Liege / Bierset, BEL 2007-09-29 22:14 349 TAR 1768 Orland / Tarva, NOR 2007-09-30 08:03 349 RS 110 Rennes / St Jacques, FRA 2007-09-30 07:47 349 OYE 293 Paris / Orly, FRA (Dominique Kremp, Coutances/Normandy/France - ndblist 01/10/2007) 04970.0 XA34 algerian mil 0544 ALE USB to RM30 1oct07 04970.0 RM30 algerian mil 0544 ALE USB to XA34 1oct07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 01/10/2007) 2007-09-28 20:27 335 NAK 696 Y NACKA, SWE 2007-09-28 19:17 335 LR 592 Mosjoen / Laksfors, NOR 2007-09-29 17:23 335 FV 1327 Y VENEV, RUS 2007-09-29 17:26 335 DP 1879 Y Dnipropetrovsk, UKR 2007-09-28 20:36 336 RS 738 Y Roeros, NOR 2007-09-28 20:38 336 M 319 Y MIKKELI 'Mike', FIN 2007-09-28 20:34 336 LT 1099 Y HALMSTAD, SWE 2007-09-28 19:18 337 OZ 560 Y Skallen, SWE 2007-09-28 19:12 337 KAJ 93 KAJAANI, FIN 2007-09-28 19:20 338 OA 961 Jonkoping, SWE 2007-09-28 19:22 339 V 150 Kokkola / Kruunupyy, FIN 2007-09-29 20:12 340 W 713 Y Kuressaare, EST 2007-09-28 19:20 340 O 53 OULU 'Oscar', FIN 2007-09-28 19:26 340 KS 236 KUUSAMO 'Kilo-Sierra', FIN 2007-09-28 19:25 340 KAI 404 Utti / Kaipi, FIN 2007-09-28 19:27 341 POR 387 Pori, FIN 2007-09-28 19:32 342 SUT 507 Y Hemavan, SWE 2007-09-28 19:40 342 LL 914 Leirin / Fagernes, NOR 2007-09-28 19:29 343 KUS 1062 Y Kaunas, LTU 2007-09-29 17:59 344 L 362 KITTILA 'Lima', FIN 2007-09-28 19:30 344 HEK 470 Heka, FIN 2007-09-28 19:43 345 SUS 190 Susi, FIN 2007-09-28 19:46 345 STM 585 Strommen / Mo I Rana, NOR 2007-09-28 19:48 345 FT 1070 Y Fleten, NOR 2007-09-28 19:49 345 BN 1148 Y Birkeland, NOR 2007-09-28 19:45 346 MI 316 Mikkeli, FIN 2007-09-28 19:44 346 GS 624 Gavle / Sandviken, SWE 2007-09-28 19:56 347 MSK 862 Morskogen, NOR 2007-09-28 20:00 348 WA 671 Y Arlanda- Stockholm, SWE 2007-09-28 21:14 348 TPL 2283 Y TOPOLA, SER 2007-09-28 19:58 349 TAR 788 Y Tarva, NOR 2007-09-30 20:38 336 BTA 1131 Y Bratta, NOR 2007-09-30 19:19 339 EA 521 Arlanda- Stockholm, SWE 2007-09-30 20:32 349 JX 868 Y Vaxjo, SWE (Raimo Karjalainen, Laukaa, Finland - ndblist 01/10/2007) 01854.0 OKOEV beacon olesko cze 0412 CW 29sep07 02311.0 arklow r dublin 0721 USB d/x call different ships 30sep07 02899.0 aircanada864 0420 USB c atc shanwick >dogal 29sep07 04031.0 IDR navy roma 0549 USB & ita2 & stanag 29sep07 04970.0 CM30 algerian mil? 0514 ALE USB to XA30 1oct07 04970.0 XA34 algerian mil 0544 ALE USB to RM30 1oct07 04970.0 RM30 algerian mil 0544 ALE USB to XA34 1oct07 06628.0 FPCQ n316tz 737 amt 0506 USB c atc nat sta maria 28sep07 08551.5 CTP oeiras nato 1236 ITA2/75/850 carbs 29sep07 08930.0 CQKS? 431 c-fmwv aca 767 0632 USB c ldoc stockholm 30sep07 09200.0 2011 moroc forces 1849 ALE/USB to 2418 29sep07 09200.0 2011 moroc forces 1857 ALE/USB to 2416 29sep07 09200.0 1011 moroc protection civile 1950 ALE/USB to 1116 29sep07 09200.0 2001 moroc protection civile 2058 ALE/USB to 2201 29sep07 09200.0 100 moroc protection civile 2103 ALE/USB to 1301 29sep07 09200.0 SHEBENIKU alban police 1905 ALE/USB to LESKOVIKU 29sep07 09200.0 LESKOVIKU alban police 1923 ALE/USB to SHEBENIKU 29sep07 (Michel Lacroix, France - udxf 01/10/2007) 28 2052 335.0 BER Bern/Belpe SUI 616 28 2201 335.0 DP Dnepropetrovsk UKR 1504 Y 28 2046 335.0 RIM Rimini-Miramare ITA 677 28 2108 336.0 BTA Bergen/Bratta NOR 1253 30 0218 336.0 RS Roros FRA 1184 Y 28 2040 337.0 AH Alghero ITA 1140 28 2038 337.0 KAJ Kajaani FIN 1760 28 2040 337.0 LHR Lahr DEU 513 28 2103 337.0 MY Myggenaes FRO 1895 30 0224 337.0 OZ Soderhamn SWE 1256 Y 28 2114 337.0 VRN Vranje SRB 1010 Y 28 1236 338.0 MNW Munchen DEU 259 30 0203 338.0 NC Nice FRA 905 Y 28 1809 338.0 OA Jonkoping SWE 867 28 2039 339.0 EA Stockholm-Arlanda SWE 1097 28 2118 339.0 LS Langeneset NOR 1370 30 0208 339.0 PRA Practica di Mare ITA 940 28 2036 339.0 V Kokkola/Kruunupy FIN 1605 28 2120 340.0 BLK Banja Luka BIH 588 29 1838 340.0 FOG Foggia ITA 959 30 0158 340.0 HEI Heidrun NOR 1749 29 1839 340.0 ISA Treviso/Istrana ITA 508 28 2029 340.0 KAI Kaipiainen FIN 1442 28 1244 340.0 ZIG Leipzig DEU 216 29 1845 341.0 IS Ajaccio FRA 1008 Y 28 2129 341.0 LO Billund DNK 722 28 1858 341.0 POR Pori FIN 1350 28 1812 341.5 R Rzeszow-Jasionka POL 544 28 1854 342.0 LL Leirin NOR 1333 28 2207 342.0 OA Alger ALG 1717 28 1816 342.0 SL Goteborg SWE 853 30 0256 343.0 A Budapest-Ferihegy HNG 454 28 1817 343.0 E Craiova ROU 957 28 1848 343.0 GRA Grazzanise ITA 998 28 1855 343.0 KUS Kaunas-Karmelava LTU 857 28 1818 344.0 HEK Heka FIN 1332 28 2138 345.0 BN Birkeland NOR 1002 29 1854 345.0 FW Roma-Fiumicino ITA 921 28 1843 345.0 SUS Susi/Kouhava FIN 1552 28 1849 345.0 TZO Trezzo-Linate ITA 616 Y 28 1242 345.5 CF Easlav CZE 74 28 1840 346.0 GS Gavle/Sandviken SWE 1179 30 0145 346.0 MI Mikkeli FIN 1513 Y 28 2146 346.0 WLU Luxembourg LUX 602 28 1842 347.0 DBR Berlin-Tempelhof DEU 281 28 1835 347.0 MSK Oslo/Morskogen NOR 1174 28 2220 348.0 ATF Aberdeen SCT 1337 Y 28 1821 348.0 SVR Sagvar HNG 448 28 1820 348.0 TPL Topola SRB 798 28 1823 348.0 WA Stockholm-Arlanda SWE 1091 30 0142 348.5 LG Liege-Biersot BEL 638 28 1825 349.0 JX Vaxjo/Kronoberg SWE 774 28 1830 349.0 TAR Orland/Tarva NOR 1560 28 1833 349.5 SZA Solenzara COR 979 (Franti?ek Muller, Praha, Czech Republic - ndblist 01/10/2007) 20070928 19:13 335 NAK S 20070928 19:15 337 KAJ FIN 20070928 19:16 337 OZ S 20070928 19:17 338 OA S 20070928 19:20 339 EA S 20070928 19:25 340 KS FIN 20070829 19:25 340 KAI FIN 20070928 19:27 341 POR FIN 20070928 19:32 342 LL NOR 20070928 19:33 344 HEK FIN 20070928 19:34 345 SUS FIN 20070928 19:36 346 GS S 20070928 19:36 346 MI FIN 20070928 19:37 347 MSK NOR 20070928 19:39 349 TAR NOR 20070928 20:09 349,5 SZA F 20070928 20:14 348 TPL SCG 20070928 20:18 343 KUS FIN 20070928 20:25 341,5 R POL 20070928 20:27 339 V FIN 20070928 21:39 341 NKS S 20070929 17:25 349 JX S 20070930 05:27 335 W BUL 20070930 13:57 340 W FIN 20070930 18:38 336 RS NOR 20070930 18:42 336 LT S 20070930 21:59 348 SAD NOR 20070930 22:07 335 BL HNG (new) 20070930 22:22 348 SW RUS (Christer Wennstrom, P O Box 94, SE-62321 Ljugarn, Sweden - ndblist 01/10/2007) 28 13:45 335 WCO 73 Westcott, ENG 28 13:49 337 EX 117 Exeter, ENG 28 13:54 338 FNY 184 Robin Hood Airport Doncaster, ENG 28 13:55 338 GU 231 GUIPAVAS, FRA 28 13:59 339 BIA 54 BOURNEMOUTH, ENG 28 14:00 339 GI 152 AMIENS-GLISY, FRA 28 14:03 340 LSH 1 59 LASHENDEN, ENG 28 14:04 340 HAW 192 HAWARDEN, ENG 28 14:08 341 AMB 247 Amboise, FRA 28 14:11 342 VA 230 VANNES, FRA 28 14:13 342.5 NWI 152 Norwich, ENG 28 14:14 343 YVL 90 Yeovil (Judwin), ENG 28 14:15 343 TST 34 REDHILL, ENG 28 14:22 345 LUT 76 Luton, ENG 28 14:24 345 LN 189 LANNION, FRA 28 14:30 346 LHO 92 Le Havre, FRA 28 14:33 347 MTN 92 Manston, ENG 28 14:37 346 WLU 307 Luxembourg, LUX 28 14:40 348.5 LG 266 Liуge - Bierset, BEL 28 14:45 349 OYE 200 ORLY, FRA 28 14:46 349 RS 196 Rennes / Saint Jacques, FRA 28 19:34 341 LO 531 Y Billund, DNK 28 20:07 337 MY 823 Y Mykinnes, FRO 28 20:15 337 WTN 224 Y WARTON, ENG 28 20:26 341 POR 1121 Y Pori, FIN 28 20:32 344 HEK 1199 Y Heka, FIN 28 21:02 342 LL 800 Y Leirin / Fagernes, NOR 28 21:04 342 VLD 654 Y VALLADOLID, ESP 29 01:08 337 AH 820 ALGHERO, ITA 29 01:12 335 RIM 768 RIMINI, ITA 29 01:13 335 PAN 1150 Y PANTELLERIA, ITA 29 01:42 343 CGO 184 Charles De Gaulle, FRA 29 01:47 344 ARM 963 Y ARMILLA, ESP 29 01:52 335 L 744 Y GETAFE, ESP 29 02:01 335 TON 614 Y Torralba de Aragon, ESP 29 02:03 336 MTL 853 Y MONTE REAL, POR 29 02:16 348 ZZA 637 ZARAGOZA, ESP 29 02:26 347 MSK 808 Y Morskogen, NOR 29 19:02 348 CL 455 Y CAHORS-LALBENQUE, FRA 29 19:11 348 TPL 1094 TOPOLA, SRB 29 21:11 338 PST 1463 PORTO SANTO, POR 29 22:18 344 WCK 536 Y Wick, SCT 29 22:19 341 EDN 373 Y Edinburgh, SCT 29 22:22 348 ATF 437 Y Aberdeen / Dyce, SCT 30 03:26 349 TAR 971 Y Tarva, NOR 30 17:14 347 CVT 262 Chalons Vatry, FRA 30 17:28 348 FOS 3 36 FAIROAKS, ENG 30 20:36 349.5 LPL 196 LIVERPOOL, ENG 30 21:29 338 OA 763 Y JЖnkЖping, SWE 30 21:53 335 BER 457 Y Bern, SUI 30 22:59 348 SAD 1287 Y Sandsund, NOR 30 23:09 336 BTA 678 Y Bratta, NOR 30 23:32 347.5 TD 2 260 Teeside, ENG (Mike, U.K. - ndblist 01/10/2007) 9/28/2007 12:55 LT .336.000 SWE Halmstad 9/28/2007 13:01 SD .339.000 DNK Sindal 9/28/2007 13:04 OA .338.000 SWE Jonkoping 9/28/2007 13:07 HOS .339.000 DEU Hamburg 9/28/2007 13:09 LO .341.000 DNK Billund 9/28/2007 13:12 SL .342.000 SWE Goteborg/Landvetter 9/28/2007 13:18 BN .345.000 NOR Kristiansand 9/28/2007 13:21 AU .346.000 DNK Stauning 9/28/2007 13:25 JX .349.000 SWE Vaxjo 9/28/2007 13:35 HN .344.000 DEU Hohn 9/28/2007 15:26 GG .342.000 HOL Groningen 9/28/2007 15:48 W .340.000 EST Kuressaare 9/28/2007 15:48 MSK .347.000 NOR Morskogen 9/28/2007 16:40 GS .346.000 SWE Gavle 9/28/2007 17:20 CF .345.500 CZE Caslav 9/28/2007 17:25 MI .346.000 FIN Mikkeli 9/28/2007 17:41 SVR .348.000 HNG Sagvar 9/28/2007 17:42 LS .339.000 NOR Forde 9/28/2007 17:44 EA .339.000 SWE Arlanda 9/28/2007 18:00 NKS .341.000 SWE Karlstad 9/28/2007 18:06 KAI .340.000 FIN Utti 9/28/2007 18:13 LL .342.000 NOR Leirin 9/28/2007 19:24 US .344.000 KAZ Ust-Kamenogorsk 9/28/2007 19:24 HEK .344.000 FIN Helsingki 9/28/2007 19:29 SUS .345.000 FIN Kauhava 9/28/2007 19:31 DBR .347.000 DEU Berlin 9/28/2007 19:33 LG .348.500 BEL Liege/Bierset 9/28/2007 19:36 WA .348.000 SWE Stockholm 9/28/2007 19:38 TPL .348.000 SRB Topola 9/28/2007 19:42 WLU .346.000 LUX Luxembourg 9/28/2007 19:42 SAD .348.000 NOR Leknes 9/28/2007 19:56 TAR .349.000 NOR Orland 9/28/2007 19:59 KSL .349.000 DEU Kassel 9/28/2007 20:03 VG .348.000 FRO Vaga 9/28/2007 20:05 ATF .348.000 SCT Aberdeen 9/28/2007 20:13 LPL .349.500 ENG Liverpool 9/28/2007 20:23 HA .348.000 ISL Vopnafjodur 9/28/2007 21:03 WCK .344.000 SCT Wick 9/28/2007 21:08 KUS .343.000 LTU Kaunas 9/28/2007 21:11 POR .341.000 FIN Pori 9/28/2007 21:27 KAJ .337.000 FIN Kajaani 9/28/2007 22:14 HEI .340.000 XOE Heidrun 9/28/2007 22:19 KS .340.000 FIN Kuusamo 9/28/2007 23:06 R .341.500 POL Rzeszow 9/28/2007 23:25 EDN .341.000 SCT Edinburg 9/28/2007 23:32 IDX .343.000 UNID UNID 9/28/2007 23:41 CGO .343.000 FRA Paris CDG 9/28/2007 23:45 EMD .343.000 DEU Emden 9/28/2007 23:59 A .343.000 HNG Budapest 9/29/2007 00:00 AR .343.000 FRA Aurillac 9/29/2007 00:14 HT .345.000 SWE Hagfors 9/29/2007 00:25 BTA .336.000 NOR Bergen 9/29/2007 00:30 FNY .338.000 ENG Doncaster 9/29/2007 00:45 FOG .340.000 ITA Foggia 9/29/2007 00:53 MY .337.000 FRO Myggenas 9/29/2007 01:28 GP .341.000 AZR Lajes 9/29/2007 01:54 MTN .347.000 ENG Manston 9/29/2007 02:14 AC .335.000 SWE Hultsfred 9/29/2007 02:27 HAW .340.000 WLS Hawarden 9/29/2007 17:02 NAK .335.000 SWE Bromma 9/29/2007 18:09 ISA .340.000 ITA Istrana 9/29/2007 18:14 RMG .337.000 ITA Rimini 9/29/2007 18:19 ZIG .340.000 DEU Leipzig 9/29/2007 18:35 EX .337.000 ENG Exeter 9/29/2007 19:06 OZ .337.000 SWE Soderhamn 9/29/2007 20:18 LHR .337.000 DEU Lahr 9/29/2007 20:22 RIM .335.000 ITA Rimini 9/29/2007 20:24 RS .336.000 NOR Roros 9/29/2007 20:31 PST .338.000 MDR Porto Santo 9/29/2007 20:38 AH .337.000 ITA Alghero 9/29/2007 20:41 V .339.000 FIN Kokkola 9/29/2007 21:06 TZO .345.000 ITA Trezzo sull?Alla 9/29/2007 21:20 MN .345.000 BAL Menorca 9/30/2007 19:53 TWN .335.500 HOL Twenthe 9/30/2007 19:54 VRN .337.000 SRB Vranje 9/30/2007 20:51 STM .345.000 NOR Strommen 9/30/2007 21:12 SBN .343.000 DEU Saarbrucken 9/30/2007 21:43 ADR .340.000 ALG Adrar 9/30/2007 21:45 ALG .341.000 DEU Memmingen 9/30/2007 22:02 MNW .338.000 DEU Munchen (Willi Reppel - ndblist 01/10/2007) 28/9 1101 335 WCO 568 England 28 1106 336 AQ 366 England 28 1107 337 MY 758 Faeroes 28 1108 337 WTN 335 England 28 1109 337 EX 573 England 28 1110 339 OL 301 Ireland 28 1112 338 FNY 456 England 28 1121 339 BIA 622 England 28 1154 340 HAW 367 Wales 28 1156 341 EDN 263 Scotland 28 1158 343 YVL 575 England 28 1203 343 TST unid unid 28 1208 344 WCK 435 Scotland 28 1211 345 LUT 601 England 28 1214 347.5 TD 391 England 28 1223 347 MTN 724 England 28 1227 348 VG 751 Faeroes 28 1228 349.5 LPL 369 England 28 1255 342.5 NWI 634 England ....................................................................................................... 30/9 1843 335 LR 1600 Norway 30 1846 335 NAK 1588 Sweden 30 1847 335 BER 1391 Switzerland 30 1851 336 LT 1261 Sweden 30 1852 336 BTA 917 Norway 30 1854 338 OA 1340 Sweden 30 1858 339 LS 1026 Norway 30 1859 339 EA 1588 Sweden 30 1902 340 LSH e 702 England 30 1903 341 POR 1810 Finland 30 1905 342 LL 1161 Norway 30 1906 342 SL 1226 Sweden 30 1908 342 VLD 1514 Spain 30 1909 343 CGO 965 France 30 1911 344 HEK 2004 Finland 30 1912 345 BN 1003 Norway 30 1914 345 FT 1007 Norway 30 1918 346 GS 1540 Sweden 30 1919 346 LHO 812 France 30 1921 346 WLU 1107 Luxemburg 30 1923 347 MSK 1236 Norway 30 1925 348 ATF 378 England 30 1926 348 WA 1577 Sweden 30 1931 349 JX 1377 Sweden 30 1933 349 OYE 991 France 30 1940 348 ZZA 1594 Spain 30 1948 348 TPL 2348 Serbia 30 1958 344 HN 1093 Germany 30 2001 344 ARM 2043 Spain 30 2006 343 KUS 1987 Lithuania 30 2009 342 VLD 1514 Spain 30 2013 338 PST 2569 Madeira 30 2018 336 MTL 1716 Portugal 30 2011 349 RS 897 France (Finbar O'Connor, Ireland - ndblist 01/10/2007) 28 2324 335 WCO WESTCOTT ENG 28 1703 336 AQ ABERDEEN SCT 28 1959 336 BTA BERGEN NOR 28 2323 337 MY MYGGENES FRO 28 1704 337 WTN WARTON ENG 28 1704 338 FNY DONCASTER ENG 29 0055 338 OA JONKOPING SWE 28 2328 339 BIA BOURNMOUTH ENG 29 0033 339 LS FORDE-BRINGELAND NOR 01 0234 339 EA STOCKHOLM-ARLANDA SWE (new) 29 0002 340 KAI UTTI-KAIPI FIN 28 1706 340 HAW HAWARDEN WLS 29 2256 340 HEI HEIDRUN NOR 28 1707 341 EDN EDINBURGH SCT 28 1707 341 POR PORI FIN 29 0001 341 LO BILLUND DNK 28 2332 342 LL FAGERNES-LEIRIN NOR 28 2357 342 GG EELDE-GRONINGEN HOL (new) 28 2333 343 CGO PARIS-C DeG FRA 28 2350 344 WCK WICK SCT 28 2334 344 HEK HEKA-HELSINKI FIN 28 2338 345 FT FORDE-BRINGELAND NOR 30 0904 345 LUT LONDON-LUTON ENG 28 2335 345 SUS KAUHAVA-SUSI FIN 29 2305 345 BN KRISTIANSAND-KJEVIC NOR 01 0158 346 LHO Le HARVE-OCTEVILLE FRA 01 0218 346 MI MIKKELI FIN 30 0254 346 GS GAVIE-SANDVIKEN SWE 28 1954 346 WLU LUXEMBOURGE LUX 30 0255 347 MSK OSLO-GARDERMOEN NOR 28 1830 347.5 TD TEESSIDE ENG 28 2340 348 VG VAGAR FRO 28 1712 348 ATF ABERDEEN SCT 28 2340 349 TAR ORIAND-TARVA NOR 28 1831 349.5 LPL LIVERPOOL ENG (Tony Moore, Redcar, Cleveland, U.K. - ndblist 01/10/2007) 2007-09-28 20:22 335 NAK 399 NACKA, SWE 2007-09-29 01:22 335 FV 1156 Y VENEV, RUS 2007-09-30 18:07 335 DP 1621 Y Dnipopetrovsk, UKR 2007-09-28 20:22 336 RS 665 Roeros, NOR 2007-09-28 20:19 336 M 173 Y MIKKELI 'Mike', FIN 2007-09-29 01:22 336 LT 818 Y HALMSTAD, SWE 2007-09-28 20:18 336 BTA 1020 Y Bergen / Flesland / Bratta, NOR 2007-09-28 14:26 337 OZ 360 Skallen, SWE 2007-09-28 17:35 337 KAJ 358 KAJAANI, FIN 2007-09-28 17:33 338 OA 685 Jonkoping , SWE 2007-09-30 01:04 338 MNW 1643 Y MUNCHEN, DEU 2007-09-28 18:22 339 V 248 Kokkola / Kruunupyy, FIN 2007-09-30 01:09 339 HOS 1191 Y Hamburg, DEU 2007-09-28 20:16 339 EA 376 Arlanda- Stockholm, SWE 2007-09-30 03:28 340 W 372 Kuressaare, EST 2007-09-28 20:16 340 O 389 Y OULU 'Oscar', FIN 2007-09-29 21:32 340 KS 565 KUUSAMO 'Kilo-Sierra', FIN 2007-09-28 17:38 340 KAI 183 Utti / Kaipi, FIN 2007-09-28 14:27 341 POR 117 Pori, FIN 2007-09-30 00:36 341.5 R 1272 Y Rzeszow / Jasionka, POL 2007-09-28 20:12 342 SUT 635 Y Hemavan, SWE 2007-09-29 04:20 342 PK 389 PULKOVO, RUS 2007-09-28 18:24 342 LL 782 Leirin / Fagernes , NOR 2007-09-28 20:56 343 KUS 727 Kaunas, LTU 2007-09-30 00:45 344 HN 1155 Y HOHN, DEU 2007-09-28 14:29 344 HEK 160 Heka For Helsinki / Vantaa, FIN 2007-09-28 14:50 345 SUS 197 Kauhava / Susi, FIN 2007-09-30 18:58 345 STM 726 Strommen / Mo I Rana, NOR 2007-09-29 00:59 345 CF 1392 Y Caslav, CZE 2007-09-29 21:24 345 BT 858 Y Melbork / Elblag, POL 2007-09-28 20:11 345 BN 942 Kristiansand / Kjevik / Birkel, NOR 2007-09-29 22:11 346 WLU 1728 Y Luxembourg, LUX 2007-09-28 14:51 346 MI 167 Mikkeli / Korpikoski, FIN 2007-09-28 15:35 346 GS 389 Gavle / Sandviken , SWE 2007-09-29 22:17 346 BRD 3523 Y BOJNORD, IRN 2007-09-28 18:35 347 MSK 691 Morskogen, NOR 2007-09-29 03:51 347 DBR 1190 Y HELMHOLTZ, DEU 2007-09-28 14:56 348 WA 387 Arlanda- Stockholm, SWE 2007-09-29 03:48 348 TPL 1942 Y TOPOLA, SRB 2007-09-29 23:21 348 SVR 1673 Y SAGVAR, HNG 2007-09-28 17:54 349 JX 721 Vaxjo / Kronoberg, SWE (Jarno Falt, Tampere, Finland - ndblist 01/10/2007) 29 20:53 335.0 BL 1020 HNG 1211 Budapest/Ferihegy 28 20:35 335.0 BER 400 SUI 586 Bern/Belp 28 10:55 335.0 WCO 400 ENG 318 Westcott 28 18:35 335.0 PAN 1020 SCY 1761 Pantelleria 28 17:22 335.0 MC 0 FRA 576 Montlucon/Domerat 28 18:29 335.0 LR 400 NOR 1666 Mosjoen/Kj?rstad/Laksfors 28 20:34 335.0 RIM 1020 ITA 1060 Rimini/Miramare 28 10:56 335.5 TWN 400 HOL 241 Twenthe 29 20:04 336.0 RS 400 NOR 1318 Roros 30 21:48 336.0 HWB 400 XOE 541 Harald B 28 18:32 336.0 LT 400 SWE 843 Halmstad 28 18:36 336.0 BTA 400 NOR 958 Bergen/Flealalnd/Bratta 28 10:59 336.0 AQ 400 SCT 739 Aberdeen 28 11:23 337.0 EX 400 ENG 490 Exeter 28 21:06 337.0 WTN 400 ENG 503 Warton 28 18:34 337.0 LHR 1020 DEU 461 Lahr 28 11:24 337.0 MY 400 FRO 1360 Myggenaes 28 18:27 337.0 KAJ 400 FIN 1986 Kajaani 28 20:38 337.0 AH 1020 SAR 1255 Alghero 28 18:41 338.0 OA 400 SWE 976 Jonkoping 29 20:08 338.0 PST 1020 MDR 2609 Porto Santo 29 09:55 338.0 GU 0 FRA 657 Brest/Guipavas NEW 28 11:24 338.0 FNY 400 ENG 381 Doncaster/Finningly 28 22:25 339.0 V 400 FIN 1777 Kokkola-Pietarsaari/Kruunupyy 28 20:49 339.0 LS 400 NOR 1112 Forde/Bringeland/Langeneset 30 20:34 339.0 SD 400 DNK 791 Sindal 29 21:04 339.0 PRA 1020 ITA 1283 Pratica di Mare 28 22:25 339.0 EA 400 SWE 1286 Stockholm/Arlanda 28 11:31 339.0 ZL 400 HOL 166 Maastricht/Zuid-Limburg 28 11:31 339.0 BIA 400 ENG 389 Bournemouth 28 11:29 339.0 HOS 1020 DEU 502 Hamburg 29 19:04 339.0 OL 1020 IRL 861 Shannon 28 11:32 339.0 GI 0 FRA 201 Amiens/Glisy 28 11:33 340.0 LSH 400 ENG 209 Lashenden/Headcorn 28 21:04 340.0 KAI 400 FIN 1780 Utti/Kaipi 28 18:47 340.0 ISA 1020 ITA 905 Treviso/St Angelo/Istrana 28 11:34 340.0 HAW 400 ENG 486 Hawarden 29 19:27 340.0 ZIG 1020 DEU 603 Leipzig 28 21:04 340.0 HEI 400 XOE 1555 Heidrun 28 20:47 340.0 PND 1020 ESP 1375 Valencia/Pinedo 29 18:58 340.0 FOG 1020 ITA 1443 Foggia/Gina Lisa 29 22:22 341.0 GP 1020 AZR 2769 Lajes 29 20:35 341.0 NKS 400 SWE 1086 Karlstad 28 11:38 341.0 AMB 0 FRA 490 Amboise 28 11:36 341.0 LO 400 DNK 603 Billund 28 18:52 341.0 POR 400 FIN 1565 Pori 28 11:37 341.0 EDN 400 SCT 674 Edingburgh 28 18:55 342.0 LL 400 NOR 1116 Fagernes/Leirin 28 21:56 342.0 VLD 1020 ESP 1252 Valladolid 29 18:37 342.0 VA 0 FRA 614 Vannes/Meucon NEW 28 22:20 342.0 OA 0 ALG 1636 Algiers/Houari/Boumedienne 28 11:39 342.0 GG 400 HOL 274 Eelde/Groningen 28 11:42 342.5 NWI 400 ENG 205 Norwhich 28 11:46 343.0 YVL 400 ENG 442 Yeovil/Westland 28 11:43 343.0 TST 400 ENG 263 Redhill 28 11:48 343.0 SBN 1020 DEU 356 Saarbrucken/Ensheim 28 11:43 343.0 CGO 400 FRA 292 Paris/Charles de Gaulle 29 19:31 343.0 KUS 1020 LTU 1418 Kaunas/Karmelava 28 11:49 344.0 WCK 400 SCT 882 Wick 29 19:35 344.0 HN 1020 DEU 515 Hohn 29 19:34 344.0 MN 1020 BAL 1297 Minorca 28 17:54 344.0 HEK 400 FIN 1669 Heka for Helsinki/Vantaa 28 20:08 345.0 SUS 400 FIN 1739 Kauhava/Susi 28 11:56 345.0 LN 0 FRA 583 Lannion 28 20:06 345.0 STM 400 NOR 1743 Strommen 28 20:15 345.0 FW 1020 ITA 1254 Roma/Fiumicino 28 11:53 345.0 LUT 400 ENG 270 London/Luton 28 11:51 345.0 EMD 1020 DEU 325 Emden 28 20:09 345.0 FT 400 NOR 1103 Forde/Bringeland/Fleten 28 11:54 345.0 BN 400 NOR 813 Kristiansand/Kjevik/Birkeland 29 19:03 345.0 TZO 1020 ITA 791 Trezzo d'Adda for Milano/Linate 29 19:42 345.5 CF 1020 CZE 854 "Caslav/Chotucise/""Centograf""" 28 11:58 346.0 AU 400 DNK 589 Stauning 28 20:16 346.0 GS 400 SWE 1302 Gavle/Sandviken 28 11:58 346.0 LHO 400 FRA 322 Le Havre/Octeville 28 11:58 346.0 WLU 1020 LUX 277 Luxembourg 28 20:14 347.0 DBR 1020 DEU 674 Berlin/Tempelhof/Helmholz 28 11:59 347.0 MTN 400 ENG 158 Manston 28 11:59 347.0 CVT 0 FRA 309 Chalons/Vatry 28 20:13 347.0 MSK 400 NOR 1104 Oslo/Gardemoen/Morskogen 28 12:00 347.5 TD 400 ENG 475 Teeside 29 19:12 348.0 ZZA 1020 ESP 1152 Zaragosa 28 20:27 348.0 SAD 400 NOR 1912 Leknes/Sandsund 28 12:01 348.0 ATF 400 SCT 723 Aberdeen/Dyce 29 19:46 348.0 TPL 1020 SRB 1517 Topola 28 20:17 348.0 SVR 1020 HNG 1177 Sagvar 28 20:29 348.0 VG 400 FRO 1343 Vagar 28 12:01 348.5 LG 1020 BEL 161 Liege/Bierset 28 12:06 349.0 KSL 1020 DEU 407 Kassel-Calden 28 20:32 349.0 RS 0 FRA 535 Renne/St.-Jacques 28 12:04 349.0 OYE 400 FRA 196 Paris/Orly 28 20:30 349.0 JX 400 SWE 949 Vaxjo/Kronoberg 28 20:30 349.0 TAR 400 NOR 1415 Orland/Tarva 28 20:33 349.5 SZA 0 COR 1151 Solenzara 28 12:05 349.5 LPL 400 ENG 476 Liverpool (Roelof Bakker, Middelburg, Zealand SW Netherlands - ndblist 01/10/2007) 29 2024 335 AC Hultsfred S 155 km 29 2027 336 LT Halmstad S 332 km 29 2028 336 RS Roros NOR 528 km 29 2029 336 BTA Bergen, Flesland, Bratta NOR 681 km 29 2031 335 FV Venev, +1020, 2 x id RUS 1386 km new 29 2034 336 M Mikkeli FIN 648 km 29 2036 335 RIM Rimini, Miramare I 1662 km 29 2039 337 IFN Esfahan, Shahid Beheshti Int'l, -710 IRN 3880 km new 29 2100 337 OZ Soderhamn S 275 km 29 2101 338 OA Jonkoping S 200 km 29 2105 339 LS Forde, Bringeland, Langeneset NOR 686 km 29 2109 343 KUS Kaunas, Karmelava LTU 604 km 29 2112 341 BUZ Bushehr IRN 4195 km 29 2114 340 KAI Utti, Kaipi FIN 613 km 29 2116 341 POR Pori FIN 400 km 29 2119 342 LL Leirin, Fagernes NOR 501 km 29 2120 342 SL Landvetter, Goteborg S 312 km 29 2121 343 E Craiova ROU 1675 km 29 2127 344 HEK Heka for Helsinki, Vantaa FIN 507 km 29 2130 345 BN Kristiansand, Kjevik, Birkeland NOR 515 km 29 2131 345 FT Forde, Bringeland, Fleten NOR 701 km 29 2133 345 SUS Kauhava, Susi FIN 594 km 29 2135 346 BRD Bojnurd, -1000 IRN 3726 km new 29 2138 345 HT Hagfors S 248 km 29 2140 346 GS Gavle, Sandviken S 200 km 29 2141 347 MSK Oslo, Gardermoen, Morskogen NOR 377 km 29 2143 346 MI Mikkeli, Korpikoski FIN 645 km 29 2145 348 TPL Topola SRB 1646 km 29 2151 349 TAR Orland, Tarva NOR 696 km 29 2154 348 ATF Aberdeen, Dyce, SCT G 1146 km 29 2156 348 WA Arlanda, Stockholm S 112 km 29 2203 348 SVR Sagvar HNG 1329 km 29 2237 335 NAK Nacka, Stockholm S 89 km 29 2250 337 KAJ Kajaani, Koutaniemi FIN 829 km 29 2253 339 HOS Hamburg D 711 km 29 2255 337 LHR Lahr, Schwarzwald, +1020 D 1307 km new 29 2257 339 V Kokkola, Krunuupyy FIN 640 km 29 2258 339 EA Arlanda, Stockholm S 120 km 29 2300 338 MNW MЭnchen D 1204 km 29 2302 340 FOG Foggia, Gina Lisa I 1930 km 29 2306 339 SD Sindal DNK 429 km 29 2312 341 NKS Karlstad S 224 km 29 2315 340 ISA Istrana, Treviso, +1020 I 1489 km new 29 2319 341 LO Billund DNK 576 km 29 2328 341.5 R Rzeszow, Jasionka POL 1016 km 29 2332 344 WCK Wick, SCT G 1165 km 29 2336 345.5 CF Caslav, Chotusice, 'Centograf' CZE 991 km 29 2338 344 HN Hohn D 669 km 29 2344 346 WLU Luxembourg LUX 1246 km 29 2348 347 DBR Berlin, Tempelhof, Helmholtz D 739 km 29 2351 349 JX Vaxjo S 238 km 29 2355 349 KSL Kassel, Calden D 944 km 30 0053 335 DP Dnipropetrovsk UKR 1659 km 30 0100 337 VRN Vranje SRB 1834 km 30 0111 343 A Budapest, Ferihegy, +1020 HNG 1266 km new 30 0136 347 SAB Sabiha Gokcen TUR 2166 km 30 0216 337 MY Myggenaes FRO 1397 km 30 0242 340 W Kuressaare, +1020 EST 324 km new 30 0247 348 SAD Leknes, Sandsund NOR 1062 km 30 1546 335 W Varna, +1010 BUL 1879 km new 30 2031 342 SUT Hemavan S 781 km 30 2209 335 LR Mosjoen, Kjaerstad, Laksfors NOR 789 km 30 2215 348 GUN Gunnarna, Storuman S 686 km 30 2236 345 STM Strommen, Mo i Rana NOR 856 km Tobbe Torbjorn in Nykoping, Sweden - ndblist 01/10/2007) 28.09 17:39 335 AC SWE Hultsfred 28.09 18:09 335 BER SUI Bern/Belp 28.09 21:45 335 BL HNG Budapest/Ferihegy 29.09 00:20 335 DP UKR Dnipopetrovsk 28.09 23:50 335 FV RUS Venev 28.09 23:57 335 G BUL Gorna Oryahovitsa 28.09 18:17 335 LR NOR Mosjoen / Laksfors 28.09 17:36 335 MC FRA Montlucon / Domerat 28.09 17:42 335 NAK SWE Stockholm / Bromma / Nacka 28.09 21:47 335 PAN SCY Pantelleria (TP) 28.09 17:34 335 RIM ITA Rimini (RN) 28.09 18:22 335 WCO ENG Westcott 29.09 14:49 335,5 TWN HOL Twenthe 28.09 20:51 336 AQ SCT Aberdeen 28.09 17:58 336 BTA NOR Bergen / Flesland / Bratta 29.09 04:21 336 HWB XOE Harald B Platform 29.09 14:48 336 LT SWE Halmstad 28.09 17:42 336 RS NOR Roros 28.09 18:59 337 AH SAR Alghero (SS) 28.09 19:51 337 EX ENG Exeter 29.09 00:07 337 IFN IRN Esfahan/Shahid Beheshti Intl *IFN 28.09 17:29 337 KAJ FIN Kajaani/Koutaniemi 28.09 17:38 337 LHR DEU Lahr / Schwarzwald 28.09 18:12 337 MY FRO Myggenaes 28.09 17:55 337 OZ SWE Soderhamn / Skallen 28.09 19:15 337 RMG ITA Romagnano Sesia (NO) 29.09 01:15 337 UP RUS Zenzeli 28.09 21:57 337 VRN SRB Vranje 29.09 04:22 337 WTN ENG Warton 28.09 19:14 338 FNY ENG Robin Hood/Doncaster/Finningley 29.09 14:52 338 MNW DEU Munchen 29.09 00:52 338 NC FRA Nice / Cote D'azur 28.09 17:07 338 OA SWE Jonkoping 29.09 00:30 338 PST MDR Porto Santo / Ilheu De Baixo 29.09 03:25 338 VU XUE UNID *VU 30.09 03:21 339 BIA ENG Bournemouth 28.09 17:40 339 EA SWE Stockholm / Arlanda 29.09 14:51 339 HOS DEU Hamburg 28.09 17:55 339 LS NOR Forde / Bringeland / Langeneset 28.09 21:51 339 OL IRL Shannon 28.09 23:48 339 PRA ITA Pomezia / Pratica di Mare (RM) 29.09 14:54 339 SD DNK Sindal 28.09 18:33 339 V FIN Kokkola / Kruunupyy 28.09 17:52 339 ZL HOL Maastricht / Zuid Limburg 28.09 22:09 340 FOG ITA Foggia (FG) 28.09 18:16 340 HEI XOE Heidrun 28.09 19:15 340 ISA ITA Istrana (TV) 28.09 17:21 340 KAI FIN Utti / Kaipi 28.09 19:52 340 KS FIN Kuusamo / Oivanki 28.09 20:04 340 O FIN Oulu / Mustaniemi 28.09 21:48 340 PND ESP Valencia / Pinedo 28.09 18:33 340 QD RUS Petrozavodsk / Besovets 29.09 14:56 340 W EST Kuressaare 29.09 14:57 340 ZIG DEU Leipzig 28.09 23:00 341 ALG DEU Memmingen / Allgau 28.09 18:29 341 AMB FRA Amboise 28.09 23:59 341 BUZ IRN Bushehr 28.09 19:02 341 EDN SCT Edinburgh 28.09 23:46 341 GP AZR Lajes/Vila Da Praia Da Vitoria 29.09 14:55 341 LO DNK Billund 28.09 17:22 341 NKS SWE Karlstad 28.09 17:17 341 POR FIN Pori 28.09 22:56 341,5 R POL Rzeszow / Jasionka 29.09 14:57 342 GG HOL Eelde / Groningen 28.09 17:28 342 LL NOR Leirin / Fagernes 28.09 21:55 342 OA ALG Algiers / Houari Boumedienne 29.09 03:42 342 PK RUS St.Petersburg 29.09 14:58 342 SL SWE Goteborg / Landvetter 28.09 22:36 342 SUT SWE Hemavan 28.09 22:32 342 VLD ESP Valladolid 28.09 18:10 342,5 NWI ENG Norwich 30.09 01:52 343 A HNG Budapest / Ferihegy 28.09 17:56 343 CGO FRA Paris / Charles De Gaulle 28.09 17:50 343 KUS LTU Kaunas / Karmelava 28.09 18:08 343 SBN DEU Saarbrucken / Ensheim 28.09 18:13 343 TST ENG Redhill RDL 'testing' 28.09 17:15 344 HEK FIN Heka For Helsinki / Vantaa 29.09 14:59 344 HN DEU Hohn 28.09 22:17 344 MN BAL Minorca 28.09 18:07 344 WCK SCT Wick 28.09 17:14 345 BN NOR Kristiansand / Kjevik / Birkeland 29.09 14:59 345 EMD DEU Emden 28.09 18:06 345 FT NOR Forde / Bringeland / Fleten 29.09 22:57 345 FW ITA Fiumicino (RM) 30.09 03:33 345 G HNG Szeged 28.09 22:18 345 HL ISL Vestmannaeyjar / Helgafell 28.09 18:14 345 HT SWE Hagfors 29.09 05:51 345 IGL DEU Ingolstadt 28.09 18:34 345 LUT ENG London / Luton 28.09 18:31 345 STM NOR Strommen / Mo I Rana 28.09 17:25 345 SUS FIN Kauhava / Susi 30.09 02:43 345 TAZ MNE Tivat 29.09 23:37 345 THS GRC Salonika / Makedonia 28.09 22:15 345 TZO ITA Trezzo sull'Adda (MI) 29.09 15:00 345,5 CF CZE Caslav / Chotusice / Centograf 28.09 17:17 346 AU DNK Stauning 28.09 17:32 346 GS SWE Gavle / Sandviken 29.09 03:47 346 LHO FRA Le Havre / Octeville 28.09 17:32 346 MI FIN Mikkeli / Korpikoski 28.09 20:44 346 OC FRA Cognac / Chateaubernard 29.09 15:03 346 WLU LUX Luxembourg 29.09 15:02 347 DBR DEU Berlin / Tempelhof / Helmholtz 28.09 17:33 347 MSK NOR Morskogen 28.09 18:23 347 MTN ENG Manston 28.09 18:21 347,5 TD ENG Teeside 29.09 19:44 348 ATF SCT Aberdeen / Dyce 28.09 23:24 348 HA ISL Vopnafjordhur / Hofsa 28.09 18:00 348 SAD NOR Leknes / Sandsund 30.09 02:25 348 SCL FRA Apt / St Christol 28.09 22:14 348 SVR HNG Sagvar 28.09 17:20 348 TPL SRB Topola 28.09 17:41 348 WA SWE Stockholm / Arlanda 30.09 03:32 348 ZK HRV Zadar 30.09 02:42 348 ZZA ESP Zaragoza 29.09 15:05 348,5 LG BEL Liege / Bierset 28.09 18:01 349 DNF XOE Dan Duc DF Platform 28.09 17:19 349 JX SWE Vaxjo / Kronoberg 29.09 15:04 349 KSL DEU Kassel / Calden 30.09 02:42 349 OPE ROU Bucuresti / Otopeni 28.09 17:51 349 OYE FRA Paris / Orly 28.09 17:45 349 TAR NOR Orland / Tarva 30.09 03:07 349,5 LPL ENG Liverpool 28.09 18:03 349,5 SZA COR Solenzara *IFN hrd 337.72/336.3kHz (Hartmut Wolff, Germany - ndblist 01/10/2007) 28 2210 335 BER Bern/Belp,SUI 705 28 2211 335 AC Hultsfred,SWE 759 28 2224 335 RIM Rimini/Miramare,ITA 766 30 2048 335 BL Budapest/Ferihegy,HNG 466 30 2122 335 PAN Pantelleira,ITA 1567 30 2210 335 NAK Stockholm/Nacka,SWE 973 28 2349 335.5 TWN Twenthe,HOL 601 28 2225 336 LT Halmstad,SWE 693 28 2352 336 BTA Bergen/Bratta,NOR 1209 28 2227 337 MY Myggeanes,FRO 1874 28 2229 337 OZ Soderhamn/Skallen,SWE 1176 28 2322 337 KAJ Kajaani,FIN 1674 28 2340 337 AH Alghero,SAR 1234 30 2223 337 RMG Romagnano,ITA 758 28 2233 338 OA Jonkoping,SWE 794 28 2237 338 MNW Munchen,DEU 352 30 0336 338 NC Nice,FRA 1000 28 2326 339 EA Stockholm/Arlanda,SWE 1014 29 0001 339 SD Sindal,DNK 822 30 0338 339 GI Amines/Glisy,FRA 909 30 2008 339 HOS Hamburg,DEU 479 30 2344 339 PRA Pratica di Mare,ITA 1027 28 2235 340 ISA Treviso/Istrana,ITA 600 28 2236 340 BLK Banja Luka,BIH 645 28 2239 340 KAI Utti/Kaipi,FIN 1354 28 2243 340 HEI Heidrun,XOE 1688 29 0040 340 IOA Ioannina,GRC 1302 30 2011 340 FOG Foggia/Gina Lisa,ITA 1033 28 2247 341 NKS Karlstad,SWE 987 28 2247 341 POR Pori,FIN 1265 29 2046 341 LO Billund,DNK 683 28 2244 341.5 R Rzeszow/Jasionka,POL 493 28 2252 342 LL Fagernes/Leirin,NOR 1203 29 0005 342 SL Goteborg/Landvetter,SWE 789 29 2303 342 OA Algiers,ALG 1813 28 2300 343 KUS Kaunas,LTU 765 29 2347 343 SBN Saarbrucken,DEU 602 30 2020 343 GRA Grazzanise,ITA 1078 30 2030 343 A Budapest/Ferihegy,HNG 468 30 2120 343 E Craiova,ROU 969 28 2255 344 HEK Heka,FIN 1242 29 2216 344 MN Minorca,BAL 1481 30 2028 344 HN Hohn,DEU 548 30 2333 344 L Kittila,FIN 1966 28 2337 345 BN Birkeland,NOR 955 29 0010 345 SUS Kauhava/Susi,FIN 1469 29 2234 345 TZO Trezo d?Adda/Milano,ITA 712 30 0326 345 FW Roma/Fiumicino,ITA 1009 30 2107 345 IGL Ingolstadt,DEU 357 28 2257 345.5 CF Caslav,CZE 93 28 2302 346 MI Mikkeli,FIN 1424 28 2303 346 GS Gavle/Sandviken,SWE 1100 29 0013 346 WLU Luxembourg,LUX 664 28 2259 347 DBR Berlin/Helmholtz,DEU 234 28 2305 347 MSK Oslo/Morskogen,NOR 1111 28 2307 348 SVR Sagvar,HNG 484 28 2308 348 TPL Topola,SRB 843 29 0019 348 WA Stockholm/Arlanda,1009 28 2310 348.5 LG Liege/Bierset,BEL 686 28 2313 349 JX Vaxjo,SWE 699 29 2038 349 KSL Kassel-Calden,DEU 409 30 2117 349 TAR Orland/Tarva,NOR 1498 29 0105 349.5 SZA Solenzara,COR 1073 (Zdenek Elias,Jablonec n.N. (JO70OR),N.Bohemia,CZE - ndblist 01/10/2007) 20070930 10:22 335 CC 1032 6.3 25 KANAN - Buchanan Fld Concord, CA, USA *CLOM R19R 20070930 10:32 335 CVP 1045 7.8 150 Capitol - Helena, MT, USA *ex-317 above ground counterpoise 20070930 11:09 337 NA 1038 1038 6.0 25 MAAGG - John Wayne Apt Santa Ana, CA, USA *CLOM R19R 20070930 10:50 338 PBT 1044 1025 7.8 400 Proberta - Red Bluff, CA, USA *built on old AN station site 20070930 10:44 338 RYN 1038 1022 8.6 400 Ryan - Ryan Field Apt, AZ, USA 20070930 10:19 339 MKR 1015 1020 6.0 50 Milk River - Glasgow IAP Wokal Field, MT, USA *cont ident 400ft T ant 20070930 11:52 341 JHN 1000 6.0 25 Bear Creek - Johnson, KS, USA *(#457) 20071001 12:20 341 OIN 1030 1020 7.5 25 Oberlin Municipal Apt, KS, USA 20070930 11:14 341 SG 1043 1038 7.0 25 DOMAN - Santa Fe Muni Apt, NM, USA *CLOM R02 150ft T ant 20071001 12:53 343 YGO 400 10.0 200 Gods Lake Narrows Apt, MB, CAN *(#458) Pvt? 20071001 12:39 344 BKU 1009 1010 6.4 80 Timber - Baker Muni Apt, MT, USA *T ant? 20070930 11:33 344 FCH 2075 8.0 400 Chandler - Fresno, CA, USA *LSB x2 more tweek & peak?? ex-FAT? 20071001 12:44 344 XX 407 10.2 1600 Abbotsford, BC, CAN *R07 20071001 13:24 347 LFA 1045 1028 9.2 25 Merrill, CA, USA *Listed as OR but tx in CA 250ft T ident slowing? 20071001 13:07 348 MNC 1020 5.7 25 Mason County - Shelton, WA, USA *R23 (Don Upland, CA - ndblist 01/10/2007) 29 2016 362 DNQ unid, daid, +1050 XUU 29 2050 515 NV Rostov na Donu RUS 1965 km 29 2200 350 DWN Devnya for Varna BUL 1874 km 29 2201 350 SK Zagreb, Pleso, S Kraljevec HRV 1442 km 29 2241 334 OPA Oslo, Gardermoen, Oppaker NOR 352 km 29 2243 334 GMN Gormanston IRL 1542 km 29 2357 353 KIL Kiel, Holtenau D 646 km 29 2359 363 OEM Kristianstad, Everod S 355 km 30 0000 364 NW Skavsta, Nykoping S 15 km 30 0011 334 MR Maribor SVN 1381 km 30 0014 317.5 TRP Trepani, Birgi I 2341 km 30 0018 318 HIG Bremen D 813 km 30 0021 368 FN Finndal, Skien NOR 433 km 30 0023 370 GAC Gacko BIH 1740 km 30 0024 368 BYC Buckeburg D 876 km 30 0025 368.5 ELU Luxembourg LUX 1224 km 30 0026 369 OO Ornskoldsvik S 527 km 30 0027 369 NL Landvetter, Goteborg S 298 km 30 0029 368 RK Roskilde, Copenhagen DNK 463 km 30 0036 367.5 PNZ Ponza I 2006 km 30 0037 368 BNO Brno, Turany CZE 1070 km 30 0039 369 KA Karup DNK 541 km 30 0040 370 OHT Arlanda, Stockholm S 103 km 30 0046 333.5 VOG Voghera I 1629 km 30 0050 330 HA Kharkiv, Osnova UKR 1586 km 30 0201 350 G Gomel BLR 1112 km 30 0224 350 WA Kuressaare EST 323 km 30 0229 350 B Belgograd RUS 1544 km new 30 1946 445 OK unid XUU new 30 1948 443 AL Almaty KAZ 4367 km 30 2056 334 SRS Sarakhs IRN 4018 km 30 2059 334 VI Verkhnie Vysotske UKR 1161 km 30 2317 317 HAM Hamadan IRN 3519 km new 30 2321 330 OB Bratislava, M R Stefanik south SVK 1185 km 30 2324 355 ARB Ardabil IRN 3190 km 30 2332 371 MGL Ponta Delgada, San Miguel Island AZR 3832 km 30 2336 375 AY Warzaw, Okecie, Piaseczno POL 773 km 30 2340 385 MSD Mashad, +1020 IRN 3963 km new 30 2342 393 RST Rasht IRN 3342 km new 30 2343 390 DN Donetsk UKR 1802 km 30 2345 397 WN Varna BUL 1877 km 30 2347 395 TBS Tabas IRN 4049 km 30 2348 397 UM Tartu, Ulenurme EST 569 km 30 2352 410 K Khrabovo, Kaliningrad KAL 482 km 01 0038 475 ZG Petrovskoye RUS 1656 km 01 0041 477 RP Malacky, Kuchnya SVK 1144 km (Tobbe Torbjorn in Nykoping, Sweden - ndblist 01/10/2007) 29 338.0 PST 0507 MDR 29 336.0 MTL 0507 POR 29 345.0 VTA 0513 ESP 29 340.0 PND 0514 ESP 29 335.0 WCO 0516 ENG 29 335.0 TON 0517 ESP 29 335.0 L 0518 ESP 29 339.0 BIA 0526 ENG 29 344.0 ARM 0529 ESP 29 345.0 BGI 0531 BRB 29 341.0 GP 0540 AZR 29 335.0 MC 0603 FRA 29 338.0 GU 0617 FRA 29 339.0 NE 0619 FRA 29 341.0 AMB 0622 FRA 29 342.0 VA 0624 FRA 29 349.0 RS 1620 FRA 29 348.0 CL 1621 FRA 29 347.0 CVT 1623 FRA 29 346.0 OC 1624 FRA 29 346.0 LHO 1625 FRA 29 343.0 AR 1630 FRA 29 344.0 TR 1642 FRA 29 340.0 HAW 1936 WLS 29 337.0 EX 1937 ENG 29 349.5 SZA 1940 COR 29 348.0 ATF 1942 SCT 30 337.0 MY 0124 FRO 30 337.0 WTN 0127 ENG 30 338.0 FNY 0129 ENG 30 337.0 AH 0135 SAR 30 340.0 SEO 0140 ESP 30 343.0 CGO 0144 FRA 30 345.0 LUT 0155 ENG 30 343.0 TST 0200 ENG 30 344.0 WCK 0202 SCT 30 346.0 WLU 0905 LUX 30 349.0 OYE 1546 FRA 30 345.0 LN 1605 FRA 30 335.0 PAN 2110 SCY 30 335.0 RIM 2111 ITA 30 337.0 LHR 2114 DEU 30 348.5 LG 2115 BEL 30 348.0 TPL 2118 SRB (Vincent Lecler, France - ndblist 01/10/2007) |
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