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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 140 часть 1
WorldDX 140 07/10/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- http://worlddx.blogspot.com/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия 2310 ABC Northern Territory, 12:05-12:10, escuchada el 20 de septiembre en ingles, locutora en programa musical, emision de musica pop instrumental, SINPO 24332. 2325 ABC Northern Territory, 12:10-12:15, escuchada el 20 de septiembre en ingles, emision en paralelo por 2310, SINPO 34443. 2485 ABC Northern Territory, 12:15-12:20, escuchada el 20 de septiembre en ingles con programa musical, musica pop, SINPO 35443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/09/2007) Australia, 2310,ABC Alice Springs, 0946-0953 With pop music and English comments between tunes. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Septembere 28, 2007) Austrialia, 2325, ABC, North Tennant Service, 0952-1000 Noted comments from a female. Also music noted. This signal was poor and difficult to copy. (Chuck Bolland, September 28, 2007) Australia, 2485, ABC, Katherine, 0956-1005 This is the weaker of the three low frequency outlets, but can hear music with a female commenting between the tunes. Threshold signal. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/09/2007) 9710KHz Australia R.Australia Shepparton 25/09 09:55 EE/pidjin fv tkls c/ mv em locucao externa “medical report...” 22222 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 28/09/2007) 2310, VL8A-Alice Springs, 1035-1050, Sept 28, talk, pop music. // 2325, 2485 - all very weak. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/09/2007) 2325 VL 8T tenant Greek , once again and on 2030 . tals in English , music on 2031 , 24132 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 29/09/2007) 6230U VMW Wiluna, W.A. 1230-1254 Sep 24. Wx for W. Australia coastal waters - winds, seas, pressure, etc., for places like Bunbury, Jurien Bay, Eucla, Rottness Island, and Israelite Bay; off at 1254 with "end of transmission from VMW..." Decent signal. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) Австрия 03/09/2007, 2145 - 2200 utc, 5945 kHz, Radio Austria International, Classical Music, talk, fair. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) Алжир 6300 RADS Republic Arabic Saharaui Radio, 2140-2145, September 22, Arabic, local songs and short announcements by male & female, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 24/09/2007) Антарктида Antarctica on 15476khz starting on 1900utc with time signal ,and nice spanish music and info ,on 1912 id (Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 26/09/2007) 15476 ANTARCTICA. LRA 36 RN Arcangel, 2001, 9/25/07. Tune in to YL doing nx or announcements. Faded out for a few minutes but resurfaced @ 2015 with Spanish pop ballads. S1 peaks at 2028 tune out (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) Аргентина 11710 22/09 0240 RAE, Gal. Pacheco, emissao em ingles, programa DX, com informacoes de que Kouji Hashimoto captou, no Japao, emissoras regionais da India, 45444 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) A las 1220 UTC llega la RAE en espanol, por 11710 con senal 5,9 +10 dB. SINPO 44444. Noticias leidas por un locutor y una locutora. (Vincent Mali, Valencia, Spain - NoticiasDX 27/09/2007) 13363,5 (LSB mode) LS4 Radio Continental via LTA (//590 Khz), 1125+, September 23, Spanish, Programme: "Por la gente", 444444 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) Бангладеш 4750 Bangladesh betar 1525 with a prog in Hindi but OM mentioned Mena and bangla . headline news in Eng after ID ? this is Bangladesh betar ? , mentioning on elections , analytical on 1532 , and university quality. A commentary on 1540 (a delegation about destabilizing the country ). Resume of weekly news and mention on Ramadan . About education institution. 34333 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 29/09/2007) Боливия 5952.45, Radio Pio XII, 0205-0215 Heard this earlier in the evening too, but at this time (0205) male in Spanish comments over pop music. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/09/2007) 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski,(PRES) 0935-0945 At tune-in, noted local music. This was followed with a female in vernacular(?) comments. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/09/2007) 4699.40, Radio San Miguel, 1003-1015 Male and female in Spanish comments. Possibly presenting the news. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/09/2007) 4795KHz Bolivia R Mallku(tent) Uyuni 24/09 22:50 SS fv e mv tkls “integracion con el govierno..” 23422 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 28/09/2007) Бразилия 5970 22/09 2153 Radio Itatiaia, Belo Horizonte (MG), programa "A Turma do Bate Bola", com informacoes do Ipatinga na Serie B do campeonato brasileiro, 45232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) 9550 22/09 2129 Super Rede Boa Vontade de Radio, Porto Alegre (RS), Sara Jane apresenta programa da Religiao de Deus; escuta com o objetivo de mostrar que a frequencia esta ativa, 42332 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) Radio Clube do Para, Belem, 4885 kHz, 08:00-08:15 UTC, identificacao ZYG 362...RBA Rede Brasil Amazonia, locutor Amauri Silveira, programa Acorda Para, "fique na nossa fique na Clube", SINPO 54444 (Antonio Schuler, Recife, Brasil - CumbreDX 25/09/2007) BRAZIL 4894.89 R. Novo Tempo (pres.) 2300 Fanfare for "Voz do Brasil" pgm, then said pgm hosted by M and W w/occas. breaks w/canned anmnt and pgm IDs. R. Bras. jingle at 2324. After Voz do Brazil ID at 2358, hrd complete canned ID by M giving only one freq. but the key word sounded like only one syllable. Peaked around 2320. CODAR QRM of course. (Valko 28 Sept.) BRAZIL 9685.31 R. Gazeta (pres.) Definite canned excited PT tlk by M at 2322, then immediately into ZY Pops. Weak. Really drifted up since the last time hrd. (Valko 28 Sept.) BRAZIL 3365.09 R. Cultura Araraquara (pres.) Definite here w/PT tlk by M at 2327. PT ballad noted at 2335. Didn't stick around for ID. (Valko 28 Sept.) BRAZIL 6104.96 R. Filadelfia (pres.) Usual long-winded impassioned PT preaching by M. Very nice signal w/6100 slop. Hrd the next morning around 0945 as well w/more preaching. (Valko 28 and 29 Sept.) BRAZIL 5969.93 R. Itatiaia (pres.) Nice strength but really low modulation. M tlk in PT at 2342. Is a regular, but nearly imposs. due to low mod. (Valko 28 Sept.) (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 29/09/2007) 4805, Radiodifusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 2154-2204, 29-09, locutor, portugués, transmisión partido de fútbol. 24322. (Méndez) 4935, Radio Capixaba, Vitoria, 0430-0436, 30-09, portugués, locutor, comentario religioso. 24322. (Méndez) 9630, Radio Aparecida, Aparecida, 2151-2154, 29-09, portugués, comentario religioso. 24322. (Méndez) 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 2021-2025, 29-09, locutor, portugués, comentarios de fútbol. Señal muy débil. 13221. (Méndez) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, 2025-2037, 20-09, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 34333. (Méndez) 11784.7, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 2143-2151, 29-09, locutor, portugués, comentarios de fútbol, equipo "Gremio". 24322. (Méndez) 11804.8, Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro, 2002-2012, 29-09, portugués, locutor, identificación: "Radio Globo, Rio de Janeiro", comentarios de fútbol, equipo "Botafogo". 24322. (Méndez) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, Goiania, 0850-0908, 30-09, programa de canciones brasileñas. Identificación por locutor: "Onda media, 1270 kHz, 50 Kw, onda tropical, 60 metros, 4985 kHz., 6 Kw., onda curta, 25 metros, 11815 kHz., 7,5 Kw, Radio Brasil Central, Goinia, Goias". Excelente señal. 45444. (Méndez) 11829.9, Radio Anhanguera, Goiania, 1926-1937, 29-09, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 23222. (Méndez) 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre,2045-2110, 29-09, locutor, portugués, comentarios de fútbol "Gremio de Porto Alegre". Interferencia de Arabia, con programa en árabe en la misma frecuencia. 23322. (Méndez) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 1940-1950, 29-09, fútbol: "Campeonato brasileiro", identificación: "Radio Bandeirantes, transmitimos en onda media, 840 kHz., ondas curtas, 49 metros, 6090 kHz., 31 metros, 9645 kHz, 25 metros, 11925 kHz. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) Буркина Фасо 5030.01, Radio Burkina, *0559-0610, Sept 29, Sign on with National Anthem. Opening French announcements at 0601. French talk with brief music breaks. Afro-pop music. Good. Costa Rica 5030 not on the air. Also heard 18 hours later at 2400 signing off with National Anthem. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Гватемала 4052.5, Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, 0437-0558*, 30-09, canciones y comentarios religiosos en español. A laas 0500 programa en inglés "Spirutal Songs", identificación en inglés a las 0556 "Radio Verdad, Chiquimula, Guatemala, Central América". Himno y cierre a las 0558. 25322. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) R. Verdad, 4052.5, Sept 30 at 0555 already playing national anthem, horrible version by shrill off-key children`s choir, many stanzas, off at 0559* without further announcement. This is a beautiful piece of music I hate to hear ruined. Seek out a professional version of it with a great tenor or professional choir. One can Google up many versions of it; Here`s a midi with the lyrix displayed: http://mi-guatemala.tripod.com/Himno.html In fact, I love many Latin American national anthems, notably Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Venezuela, tho seldom get to hear any of them any more on SW; except Mexico, every midnight local on every MW & SW station (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Германия Deutsche Welle is running an English broadcast toward the southeast from Portugal on 17610, Sept 27 thru 29 at 1715-1745. Please monitor and determine whether it is regular DW programming or something else; why at this odd time? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) Гондурас 3339.98, HRMI-Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0555-0625, Sept 28, Spanish religious music. "Radio MI" ID at 0603. Spanish religious talk with English translations at 0620. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/09/2007) 3339.96 R. Misiones Internacional 0918-0925 Lively SP rel. Pop-like mx, 0922 canned full ID anmnt by M, followed by another simple "Radio M.I." ID, then what sounded like live evangelizing by M over mx. Fairly strong but low modulation lvl. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 29/09/2007) 3339.98 HRMI 1145-1155 Sep 28. Presumed with religious-sounding vocals, YL ancr. Heard the following 2 mornings as well with similar format; did not catch an ID due to high QRN levels. Signal fair strength at best. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) 3340, La Voz de Misiones Internacionales, Comayaguela, 0422-0437, 30-09, comentarios y canciones religiosas en español. Señal muy débil. 14321. (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) Джибути 4780, Radiodiffusion Television de Djibouti, Djibouti, 2154-2200, September 22, Vernacular, local songs, short announcement by male, (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 24/09/2007) 04780 djibouti ds 100k 1934 afar om ramadan? 27sep07 (Michel Lacroix, France - hard-core-dx 28/09/2007) Израиль Сегодня ночью в 20.55UTC услышал на частоте 11590 кГц очень мощный сигнал радиостанции на русском языке. Кто это может быть? Склоняюсь к мысли, что это Израиль. Передача окончилась в 21.00 UTC (Валерий Шептухин, Липецк, Россия - open_dx 26/09/2007) Зимой они планируют так использовать эту частоту: 11590 1300 2100 6-10,27,28 ISR 100 330 0 218 1234567 281007 300308 D HEBR ISR KOL ISR 13015 OLD-B0 (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 26/09/2007) Индия Эта странная частота использовалась Индией с незапамятных времен. Сейчас она официально присутствует даже в списке НФСС, передатчик в Бангалоре: 10330 0015 0430 41N BGL 500 335 10 216 1234567 281007 300308 D 8962 VBS IND AIR AIR 4891 10330 0845 1200 41N BGL 500 335 10 216 1234567 281007 300308 D 8962 VBS IND AIR AIR 4892 10330 1230 1730 41N BGL 500 335 10 216 1234567 281007 300308 D 8962 VBS IND AIR AIR 4893 Смысл использования такой частоты непонятен ввиду явной внедиапазонности и индивидуальности. Одно ясно, что никаких помех от вещалок им здесь не должно быть. (Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 24/09/2007) Now that AIR Vividh Bharati is announcing to drop 10330 in favor of 9870, returning to Bangalore 500Kw, guess a big clash is on the way. Austria on 9870 has had impressive arriving here in Tiquicia on that segment after 0100, and if VB returns to the usual azimuth they used on 10330 with that power from B'Lore for the 0025 - 0435, it's just a matter of days to see. (Raul Saavedra, Costa Rica - dxldyg 26/09/2007) Not much was making it on 16m, Sept 24 at 1308; checking for Solh via UK on 17700, I instead hear something in Chinese on 17705. Per EiBi this is AIR: 17705 1145-1315 IND All India Radio M FE b It`s 500 kW, 58 degrees from Bangalore. No jamming audible tho the signal was weak (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) 5040 AIR Jeypore Tone at 0023, tone off, then IS at 0024. 4860 IS also. 0026 Vande Mataram, then M anncr. The best strength of all the Indians, but extremely low modulation. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 29/09/2007) 5010, AIR, Thiruvananthapuram, 1710-1717, 29-09, música hindú, locutora, hindú, comentarios. 34333. (Méndez) 5015, AIR, Delhi, Kingsway, 1823-1834, 29-09, música hindú. 34333. (Méndez) (Manuel Mendez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) 11620 INDIA. AIR, 1613, 9/30/07. Song of india IS at tune in. YL in @ 1615 into Russian service to EEu. Few songs between comments. Gradually weakened to inaudi- bility by 1640 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) Индонезия 4790.05 RRI Fak-Fak(p) 1122-1230+ Sep 26. Koran recitations, still going past 1230 per re-checks. Ditto for subsequent mornings. Hardly anything resembling Ramadan programming heard from other RRI stations. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) Иордания 11690, Radio Jordan, 1540-1629*, Sept 29, wide variety of lite instrumental music, pop music, & techno-pop dance music. English news at 1600. Weather. Brief religious talk about asking for forgiveness from Allah. Fair to good but must use ECSS-USB to avoid rtty station on low side. (Brian Alexabder, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Yet another problem at VOI, 9525. Sept 28 at 1315 during Korean hour, bits of audio cut on and off at the rate of about 132 per minute. Monitored this for two or three minutes and then moved on to Radio Australia with no such problem. 1351 recheck, VOI was OK in Korean (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Иран 6205, VOIRI, 2025-2030*, Sept 23, Just caught the end of the English broadcast with IDs, address, phone number & into lite instrumental music to 2030 sign off. Good. (Brian Alexabder, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/09/2007) 3985, VOIRI, Kalamabad, 2257-2355+, Sept 29, Tune-in to lite instrumental music. Talk in unidentified language at 2300. Koran at 2302. Talk. Local music. Reception varied from poor to good depending upon the amount of HAM QRM (Brian Alexabder, PA, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Испания 8535, REE, 0445-0457*, Sept 28, Thanks to Dan Ferguson tip. Apparent punchup error. Spanish talk. IDs. Strong. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/09/2007) Италия Rai, about to be snuffed out, conveniently heard here on 17780 to NAm, Sept 27 at 1358 with chirping IS, 1400 beautiful opening theme and into Italian program (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) Rai, about to be snuffed out, conveniently heard here on 17780 to NAm, Sept 26 at 1358 with chirping IS, 1400 beautiful opening theme and into Italian program (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) Китай 6060, Sichuan PBS-2 via Chengdu, 1056-1135, Sept 24, Chinese programming, traditional Chinese music, pop songs, ToH 5+1 pips, into their distinctive canned program ID, which consists of a musical fanfare, followed by OM & YL with ID in Chinese (giving frequencies for both 954 kHz. AM and 5900 kHz. short-wave [old ID and is out of date]) and ending with ID in English: "This is the Voice of Golden Bridge", known as their "Life, Travel and City Service" program. This ID is the only English heard. Fair reception, // 7225 (weak). No sign of R. Nac. de Venezuela via Cuba, which usually dominates after their sign-on at about 1100 (schedule change?). Good to hear Sichuan free from QRM (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 24/09/2007) 7280, Voice of Strait (presumed), 0933-1001, Sept 28, in Chinese, program of just one type of indigenous chanting/singing, // with 6115 till about 0957, after that each had different programming. Believe them to be Channel 2 - Lifestyle (7280) and Channel 3 - Fujianese (6115). The chanting/singing and being in parallel are consistent with what I monitored in Shanghai earlier this year. It should be noted that from 1100-1300 UT, 7280 is covered by a strong CNR-1, which jams SoH, making reception of VoS very unlikely during that time period (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 28/09/2007) 7270, Nei Menngu PBS, 1049-1102, Sept 25, Vernacular. OM and YL w/ talk and musical bits. 5 pips at ToH followed by presumed ID and news. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) 6030 Voice of China (p), Shijiazhuang, 1110+, September 23, Vernacular, talk by male, local music (instrumental), 23432 //7305 Khz with 22432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) 6200 Xinjiang PBS, Lhasa, 1100+, September 23, Vernacular, news by male & female, 24332//7385 Khz with 23222 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007)) Колумбия 6035 La Voz del Guaviare(p) 1125-1135 Sep 30. Llanera mx, alternating with M ancr; UTC-5 time checks. Poor with 6030/6040 slop and approaching fadeout (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) 5910, Marfil Estereo, Lomalinda, 2207-2237, 29-09, canciones latinoamericanas, locutor, identificación: "Son las cinco de la tarde con diez minutos, están escuchando Ondas de Paz", "Marfil Estereo, en el corazón del Meta". 34333. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) 6009.5, La Voz de tu Conciencia, Lomalinda, 0715-0729, 30-09, locutor, español, comentario religioso. Señal muy débil. Mejor en LSB. 13321. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) 6035, La Voz del Guaviare, San José del Guaviare, 2213-2224, 29-09, locutor, locutora, comentarios, español, música. Señal débil. 23322 variando a 13321. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) Marfil Estéreo, 5910 (just a smidgen on the low side), Sept 28 at 0525 with ID and timecheck for 12:31, then kid singing off-key, with harp accompaniment. After 0530 marred by splatter from WBOH 5920 as it went from music to preaching. If M.E. can`t even get timechex right to less than 6 minutes, how can we take their religion seriously? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Конго 11890 Radio Okapi, 16:17-16:22, escuchada el 30 de septiembre en Lingala, locutor en conversación con invitado, referencias al Congo, SINPO 44333. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) Корея 6398,8 PBS, Kanggye, 1105+, September 23, Korean, music (local songs), announcement by female, 24332 //6250 Khz with 23432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) Куба Caught part of RHC`s Spanish DX program Sunday Sept 23 at 1343 on 11760, et al. – they were reading Ivan Lopez Alegria`s report on the Mexican DX Encuentro, about their visit to XERTA, but strangely both Malena and Manolo pronounced it like a word, ``Xerta`` = certa. I rather doubt the station itself ever does this, but then I`ve hardly ever heard a clear ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) Латвия 9290 R. SWH "Latvia Today" Signal already on at 1856. Pgm start at 1859 w/complete ID anmnt by M w/pgm rundown, Radio SWH e-mail, and mailing address. W w/intro for "Latvia Today". Brief overview of Latvian history, description of the people, traits, art, etc. Break for Latvian Pop mx only once. Usual canned promo/ID by M at 1916, 1936, and 1950. 1956 M w/complete ID anmnt again, then closing by same W anncr, and Pop song to 2001 end. Signal off at 2102:03. Strong and best hrd yet w/100% copy!! (Dave Valko, USA, 23 Sept - hard-core-dx 24/09/2007) 9290, Latvia Today, Ulbroka, 1905-2001*, Sept 23, Fair to good signal. Surprised they were coming in this well. IDs. Program about the local history of Latvia. Program about Latvian art & the artists in Latvia. ID & Radio SWH address at 1956 (Brian Alexabder, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/09/2007) Мавритания 4845 Radio Mauritania, Nouackchott, 2125-2132, September 22, Arabic, male with Holy Koran, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 24/09/2007) 4845 22/09 0251 Radio Mauritania, Nouakchott, entrevista por telefone, em arabe, emissao estendida no Ramada, 453433 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) Mauritania is a regular on 4845, especially during Ramadan, as Sept 25 at 0605 with Qur`an. But this time with a weaker sidekick doing same thing but not, of course, //, on 4835.6. That would be ORTM Bamako on its never precise frequency. Since I seldom hear it, suspect it is irregular but more likely to be active now (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) Мадейра RDPI, 15560, best signal direct from Europe on 19m, Sunday Sept 30 at 1354 with Abraço da Madeira show, interrupted briefly for QSY announcement upcoming at hour top, 12020 to 11905; phone call from Canada, 1400 news break. This is for the diaspora from Madeira, which seems to be more than you would expect from such a small island, scheduled 1211-1400 on Sundays (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Мали 4835 22/09 2116 RTV du Mali, Bamako, musicas tipicas e locucao em frances, 25232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) Mauritania is a regular on 4845, especially during Ramadan, as Sept 25 at 0605 with Qur`an. But this time with a weaker sidekick doing same thing but not, of course, //, on 4835.6. That would be ORTM Bamako on its never precise frequency. Since I seldom hear it, suspect it is irregular but more likely to be active now (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) Мексика At least on Sundays we can hear classical music rather than news/talk during the 1300 UT hour from XEYU: Sept 23 at 1335 on 9599+, Mendelssohn`s ``Midsummer Night`s Dream`` incidental music, imperfect for the first day of autumn. F-G reception, little QRM. Also Tue Sept 25 at 1303 with headlines quoted from and attributed to major DF newspapers, interrupted by drumming, then into Noticias del Dia for 25 September, from Radio Unam. Does this mean they are no longer recording it the night before as exposed in some Mexican publication? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) Caught part of RHC`s Spanish DX program Sunday Sept 23 at 1343 on 11760, et al. – they were reading Ivan Lopez Alegria`s report on the Mexican DX Encuentro, about their visit to XERTA, but strangely both Malena and Manolo pronounced it like a word, ``Xerta`` = certa. I rather doubt the station itself ever does this, but then I`ve hardly ever heard a clear ID (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) 9599.4, R.UNAM, 2315-0006, Sept 29. Strong, clear signal w/ classical instrumental music. No ID/announcements. Het from 9600-RHC carrier at 2345 then splatter at *0000. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) 6185, Radio Educación, México DF, 0750-0815, 30-09, música clásica, identificación: "Radio Educación, 1060 AM, México Distrito Federal". 34333. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) Монголия 7260 Sep 19 2300- MNG: Mongolian R 2nd prgr, Ulaanbaatar. As reported already by Nagoya DXers, the 2nd prgr signs on nowadays at 2300. 1st prgr s/on heard as normally at 2200 on 4895, 4830 and LW 164, 209 and 227 kHz. (Mauno Ritola, Finland - dxldyg 27/09/2007) Мьянма The Defense Forces Broadcasting Unit scheduled on 5770 kHz has not been heard these days. (I dont remember when they were last reported) The other channels from Myanmar viz. 5040 5986 7185 & 9730 are monitored as usual. Monitoring was done for the last two weeks while I was at Bhubaneswar in Orissa, Eastern Part of India. (closer to Myanmar than my regular place viz Hyderabad) (Jose Jacob, Hyderabad, India - dxldyg 29/09/2007) Нигерия 4770 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2135-2140, September 22, Vernacular, talk or news by male, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - NoticiasDX 24/09/2007) 9690 V Nigeria 0818 with talks by OM in Hausa , bag pipes , a mention of Al Jazeera , news on Zimbabwe , theme on Somalia , 0829 with ID , R Nigeria Lagos, democratiya , 0900 with ID (missed) then OM into possible news : abt America 20.8.2007 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 29/09/2007) 4770, awfully muffled and distorted talk, 0552 Sept 30; could not be sure of the language. Are they trying to outdo VON? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) 9690 Voice of Nigeria, 11:25-11:30, escuchada el 29 de septiembre en inglés a locutora con comentarios en programa musical, música con ritmos africanos, SINPO 33332. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) Новая Зеландия RNZI 9615 is normally one of the best signals here around 0600, but not a trace of it Sept 26. Either the transmitter was off or there was a drastic change in propagation. Recheck at 1330, it was in as normal on 6095 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) 3935.07khz R.Reading Service,Levin NZL 27/9 1758utc Verry weak talks in E. (female) News (Maurits Van Driessche, Belgium - hard-core-dx 28/09/2007) ОАЭ 6145, Gospel for Asia, (pres) 0125-0130 Noted a woman in Language comments, possibly Hindi. Just heard comments briefly. At about 0129 flute type interval signal until 0130 then off air. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 28/09/2007) Палау 9965 T8BZ gospel R 1400 with religious songs . at 1405+ with talks in CC .Strong QRM by a buzz on 9970 Belgium .fair on LSB 29.8.2007 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 29/09/2007) Папуа Новая Гвинея 3235 R.West New Britain, 12:20-12:22, escuchada el 20 en piding, locutor con comentarios, de septiembre con emision musical, musica instrumental de guitarra electrica, SINPO 24232. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/09/2007) 3275 R.Southern Highlands, 12:23-12:30, escuchada el 20 de septiembre con emision musical, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24322 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 24/09/2007) Перу 3172. 68, Radio Munipal, (pres), 1018-1035 Noted a male in steady Spanish comments during the period. Signal was threshold. At 1034, music presented (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 28/09/2007) 4747KHz Peru R Huanta 2000(pres) Huanta 23/09 23:15 SS mv: advs curso de marketing empresarial 23322 (LOB-B) 4775KHz Peru R Tarma(tent.) Tarma 24/09 23:10 SS mv tkls “en el futebol super 40...” 22222 (LOB-B). (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 28/09/2007) 4826.49, Radio Sicuani, 1033-1045 Noted a male in Spanish comments until about 1039, then a female joins him with comments. Signal was fair until 1041 when it began to fade. (Chuck Bolland, Clewsiton, FL, USA, 29/09/2007) 4790.2, Radio Visión, Chiclayo, 0728-0740, 30-09, locutor, comentarios religiosos, español. 24322. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) 9720, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0740-0752, 30-09, locutor, comentarios religioso en español "La Voz de la Liberación". 23222. (Méndez) (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) Россия 9480 22/09 2135 Voz da Russia, Moscou, em portugues, programa "Fatos Curiosos", 42332 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) 9690 kHz, 0610 - 0635 utc, 06/10/2007, Radio Tatarstan, national music, talk, in tatar, good. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) 7200, Radio Respubliki Sakha (have also seen spelling as "Respublika") (tentative) via Yakutsk, 0845-0910, Sept 27, indigenous chanting/singing, language clearly not Russian, but assume Yakutian/Sakha (almost sound like a mix of Arabic and Russian?), fair to poor, with no warble. Parallel with 6150 (weak) and 7345 (poor-fair), ToH relay of R. Rossii programming in Russian, 5+1 pips, chimes, R. Rossii and "programa Radio Rossii" IDs, after ToH also in // with 5920, 5940 and 7320. Needs more work to actually get their ID (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 27/09/2007) 5014.4v R. Altura 1015-1041 Beautiful Huayno mx and M anncr pgm host w/many comunicados and TCs, and ments of Santa Ana, Pampa, ?? Castro, Peru, Selva, etc. More comunicados at 1024 w/ID as "...los estudios de R. Altura...". Another ID at 1040. Very nice signal. M anncr voice audio a bit distorted. Freq drifting down almost 100 hz in 15 minutes from 5014.45 at 1015 t/in to 5014.36 at 1030. Started fading by 1035, and barely a carrier by 1100. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) 7200 Radio Rossii, Yakutsk, 1035+, September 23, Russian, Talk by female, at 1040 talk by male, 23432 // 7345 Khz with 22222 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) 13665 Radio Rossii, 10:50-11:05, escuchada el 30 de septiembre en ruso, cuña de ID, programa musical “Música na Radio Rossii”, tonos horarios, boletín de noticias, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 30/09/2007) Руанда 6020 20/09 0441 Radio Victoria, Lima, pastor em legitimo `portunhol', anunciando horarios de cultos, 43343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) США 7320 Family Radio, 18:35-18:40, escuchada el 25 de septiembre en aleman, locutor con comentarios, ID, musica, SINPO 45444 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/09/2007) Судан 4750 R Peace 1630 with talks in a African language . 1635 with children singing under a drum play . This is radiopeace broadcasting on 4750 on the SW bands 1649 with children again singing . CNR underneath. (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 29/09/2007) Таиланд 9835, Radio Thailand, 1230-1259, Sept 28, English news, commentary. IDs. weak. Poor signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 28/09/2007) Танзания 11735 TANZANIA. R. Tanzania, Zanzibar, 1806, 9/30/07. ME sounding chanting vocals at tune in. S1 signal at peaks. Into extended presumed Swahili commentary by OM. Signal to S2 peaks by 1821 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) Турция 5975 22/09 0301 Voice of Turkey, Ankara-Emirler, emissao em ingles, 25232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) Украина Just to be sure, checked RUI again UT Sept 25 at 0227 and yes, it is still on 7440, not audible on 5820 --- or 5830, the European frequency, which per WWORD quoted in DXLD 7-111 is indeed from a separate satellite feed without the English hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) Эквадор 3279.6, La Voz del Napo, Tena, 0452-0535, 30-09, locutor, español, comentario religioso "El día de la Iglesia". Mala modulación. 25322. (Manuel Méndez, Lugo, Spain - domesticas y tropicales 30/09/2007) Ю. Африка 3320 21/09 0251 Radio Sonder Grense, Meyerton, locutora em africaner, anuncios comerciais com mencao a site, 45232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 25/09/2007) 7380KHz Africa do Sul BBC Meyerton 24/09 18:57 EE mv tkls; 19:00 s/off 24322 (Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec, Embu, Brasil - radioescutas 28/09/2007) Япония 04/10/2007, 1145 - 1200 utc, 11710 kHz, NHK World, in russian, talk, good. (Ivan Lebedevsky, Pushkin, Russia) R. Nikkei, 6055, Mon Sept 24 at 1300 with apparent English lessons, mostly in Japanese discussing English expressions. May be the same program I heard previously with bits of English mixed in (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) R. Nikkei, 6055, Mon Sept 24 at 1300 with apparent English lessons, mostly in Japanese discussing English expressions. May be the same program I heard previously with bits of English mixed in (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) 3925, R. Nikkei (program 1), 0830-0900, Sept 29, "Let's Read the Nikkei Weekly" with Jeffrey Swiggum, in English and Japanese, talk about Japanese support for the war in Afghanistan, segment "key words and phrases", gives vocabulary. This half hour program is sponsored by Society for Testing English Proficiency. // 6055 & 9595, all fair to good. (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 29/09/2007) 3945, R. Nikkei (program 2), 0830-0900*, Sept 29, EZL songs, fair. Parallel to 6115 (strong). After sign-off noted Voice of Strait (presumed) on 6115 with Chinese programming // 7280. (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 29/09/2007) RADIO JAPAN (LAST TX IN ITALIAN) DATE: 30-09-2007 TIME: 05.30 - 05.45 UTC FREQUENCY: 11970 KHz SIGNAL: GOOD WITH QSB LANGUAGE: ITALIAN PROGRAM: NEWS & FAREWELL TX: via GABON (Francesco Cecconi, Italy - playdx2003 30/09/2007) NHK Warido via Sackville 11705, is normally QRM-free, but Sept 28 at 1332 I could hear something under it, maybe in Portuguese as I thought I heard Brasil mentioned a couple times. But then checking EiBi, the only possibility is: 11705 1330-1530 Sa G BBC SWA EAf /AFS 11705 1530-1630 Sa G BBC SWA EAf /SEY BBC in Swahili via South Africa, on Saturdays only, which would explain why I haven`t noticed it on other days. From Oct NHK will switch to English at 1400-1430 so that could also be a QRM problem on Saturdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) NHK Warido, R. Japan, final one-hour broadcast to NAm at 0500 on 6110 via Canada, Sept 30: tune-in at 0545 during World Interactive. Quite a lot of QRM from off-frequency CVC Chile, and seemingly a third station, probably Colombia Marfil/Conciencia leapfrog, one of them producing a low het and the other a slightly higher one. Of course, Sackville itself could be off-frequency as verified on various other transmissions, but did not try to measure it. The QRM with music was especially annoying as beating against NHK it made the music off-pitch. Unfortunately, NHK is sticking with this unfortunate situation in the new schedule reduced to 0500-0530 only, still on 6110 via Canada! Don`t they get any reception reports complaining of the QRM?? We have been wondering if World Interactive will survive the October 1 cuts, as no English transmission will be longer than 30 minutes and some will be only 20 minutes. Apparently it will, because the YL & YL hosts were chatting, asking for e-mail input, and next week`s program would include the regular World of Haiku feature (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) -- СВ/ДВ Польша Yet one more community radio station went on the air: Twoje Radio Stalowa Wola on 1332kHz (0.5kW). (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania - mwdx 29/09/2007) Россия I've been in Moscow since Monday (24 Sep) and have been surprised to find some of the main local AM transmitters on a reduced schedule, not on the air during the evening. This applies to Radio Yunost on 153 and Mayak on 198 and 549. All three have been heard in the early morning (as early as 0230 GMT) and during the day, but are off the air during the evenings and late at night. However, Radio Rossii 261 does appears to be on 24/7. Does anyone know if this is a permanent schedule change, or for some other reason? (Chris Greenway, U.K. - dxldyg 26/09/2007) Radio Yunost and Mayak on LW/MW across all Russia (maybe except only some txs) are on the air till 1800 local time. > Does anyone know if this is a permanent schedule change, >From the spring. In Russia the difference between "permanent" and "temporary" is quite vague.. > or for some other reason? Money, money.. Maybe Oct 1 or Nov 1 all will be on the air again. Who knows. (Victor Rutkovsky, Ekaterinburg, Russia - dxldyg 26/09/2007) - 873 1320 Самарское радио, слабо 792 1335 Радио России, Абакан 810 1335 поп музыка, слабо, видимо, Авторадио, Красноярск 729 1340 Радио Звезда, Самара 1161 1405 Садои Душанбе на рус/тадж, "102,2 ФМ", сильно ул. Чапаева, 31, тел. 95-152-45-13 radio102.2@mail.ru 576 1422 Канал Ёшлар на узб, сильно, Ташкент 1341 1500 Казахское радио на казах, как обычно, под мощной несущей, Алма-Ата (Виктор Рутковский, Екатеринбург, Россия - open_dx 25/09/2007) 1590 XEVOZ R Trafico, Mexico DF. Many IDs throughout the night amid the sound of car horns. W 0202 26/09 JF 1600 WWRL New York NY. ID at toh “AM Sixteen Hundred WWRL New York” F 0600 26/09 JF I concentrated on 1590 and 1600 overnight. 1590 was free from DRM for a change. 1590 was dominated by XEVOZ and another Latin station from 02:00 when I started recording, until sunrise, at which point I switched to 1600 to hear an English talker, which turned out to be WWRL, plus a rock station and a Latin. I have a few unidentified recordings from 1590 and one on 1420 from a few nights ago. Times and dates are stated in the file name. http://www.skywaves.info/mw/1420-2332-16-09-07.mp3 There is an ID at 10 seconds. http://www.skywaves.info/mw/1590-0203-26-09-07.mp3 ID at 9 seconds. Sounded like R Tajo (taho). Sounds far too quick to be R Trafico. http://www.skywaves.info/mw/1590-0531-26-09-07.mp3 "K" call at 13 seconds between rock songs. http://www.skywaves.info/mw/1590-0539-26-09-07.mp3 This ID at 11 seconds sounds like 15-20 WAVR. I presume this must be WAKR but I am not certain. My recording is definitely on 1590. (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 26/09/2007) - 590khz VOCM CAN 28/9 2240utc Full id and popmx. 43333 670khz R.Rebelde,Arroyo Arenas CUB 29/9 0406utc Cuba mx. //5025khz 43222 710khz R.Rebelde,Various CUB 29/9 0417utc I.D and Carib. mx. 43222 790khz WAXY,Miami Springs,FI USA 29/9 0434utc Male and female talks sports 43222 (Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 29/09/2007) Repport from: Bogdan Alexandru Chiochiu in Pierrefonds / Montreal's West Island, QC Equipment: Sanyo MCD-S830 w/ it's internal ferrite bar antenna 530 TURKS & CAICOS RVC, South Caicos SEP 16 0153 - w/ promo for NYC area churches. Strong. I don't recall if Cuba was underneath, as I didn't tape this listening session. (Chiochiu-QC) 600 CUBA CMKV, Radio Rebelde, Urbano Norris SEP 16 0418 - talk about Cuban reggaetСn followed by a Cuban reggetСn track, inside the "Solo MЗsica" pgm. Very strong, over/under WICC Bridgeport co-channel QRM. (Chiochiu-QC) 670 CUBA CMBA, Radio Rebelde, Arroyo Arrenas SEP 16 0427 - briefly atop for about 1 or 2 minutes w/ "Solo MЗsica" px over the AWFUL (!) WFAN IBOC hash. Unfortunatly, nulling out WFAN-660 also nulls out Cuba-670, so what's the point in DX'ing anymore in a abnd such badly organised with the IBOC bandwith restricted to as much as 10 kHz inside of 5 kHz (which was rejected by the Ibiquity's headquarters due to a money-loose issue). (Chiochiu-QC) 750 VENEZUELA YVKS, Radio Caracas Radio, Caracas, DF SEP 17 0052 - spots for the "fЗtbol" (soccer) coverage of the station followed by complete station ID. Fair reception. The only South American noted that week-end, as HJAJ-760 and YVNM-780 (the 2 other most regularly noted ones) were both severely hammered off by the AWFUL (!) WABC IBOC hash. (Chiochiu-QC) 760 COLOMBIA HJAJ, RCN Cadena BasМca, Barranquilla SEP 17 0254 - Pres. w/ bits of guitar-dominated Spanish music (perphaps bolero) barely that I could barely distinguish through the awful WABC-770 hash. RCN carry since a couple of months (around 1 year) the "Domingo Bolero" px on Sunday evenings, so it might have been them. (Chiochiu-QC) 770 CUBA Radio Rebelde SEP 17 0018 - Spanish discussion beneath WABC // 600 and 5025. Seems like the sidebands support a noise harder to stand out than the right-on-channel QRM of the WABC "pest". (Chiochiu-QC) 780 VENEZUELA YVNM, Radio Coro, Coro, FalcСn SEP 17 0417 - Tentative - trompet dominated Latin music completly jammed by the WABC-770 hash. While I can null out CFDR and WBBM which are perpendicular to Venezuela, I cannot do the same for the WABC pest. It's a shame the Ibiquity's owners, concerned by their OWN money, didn't wnat to know about compressing the bandwith out to 5 kHz instead of 10 kHz on each side of the channel (in this case, WABC-770). With this stupid money issue in my head, I'm more frustrated than rewarded by trying to reactivate again. DXing for me was never much of a domestic (aka North American) nature. For me, it was the magic of pulling out 1 day out of 2 goodies such as Radio Coro 780 and picking up TAs such as Spain-585 that did it for me !!!! Now it's gone... (Chiochiu-QC) 1180 CUBA CMBA, Radio Rebelde (La Sensacional 96.7 / MЗsica Viva), Villa Maria SEP 16 0352 - ReggaetСn as well as Dance-oriented Spanish CHR mx slightly under rather strong remnants of residual WHAM Rochester. Thansfully, WLIB-1190 not on IBOC yet, or it would have killed that ! (Chiochiu-QC) Well that's it !!! I was very busy with pedagogical-related and academical-concerned work, looking for a sensitive and passionated girl (as well as for Aventure FM airchecks) and other such things, but I did manage to send my last logs... All in all, if DX'ing is dead, it may not be that bad (personally speaking)... Before I discovered DXing and learned Spanish at school, I was hooked on a tape recorded in 1988 by someone in Paris who runned away from the communism. The station was called Aventure FM and was runned during 2 years by the French Army, along with Bayard Presse, Scouts de France and La Guilde EuropИenne du Raid. I discovered many airchecks of 80s French radio, but noone of them captured my heart as much as Aventure did, for several reasons: the endlessly harmonic and atmospheric jingle package of the station ("Иcoute sur Иcoute sur Aventure FM" / "listen after listen over Adventure FM" is the best melodic liner to ever came up from a radio station WORLDWIDE !!!!), the highly eclectic, yet cohesive musical mix, the revolutionary discussions carried over it's airwaves during a musical break (anthropology, acomoclitism, how to washing your military clothes to the rhythm of the music and how to feel identify yourself to the kaki clothes when you fight against your ennemy, as only the soldiers are wearing them - how to feel the love you have for your military clothes while washing them...-> all this was hugely astonishing when I relistened to the tape back in 1998 a few months after I came to Canada (with a one-night stay in Paris prior to the 2nd and last Air France flight), as I came to forget it (I listened to it a couple of times during my childhood, but it was HERE in Montreal, that I came to really understand and appreciate it to it's real value). Unfortunatly, I became quite hyperactive after the first ROR and DPT shouts and, without paying much attention, I came to accidently delet ALL OF IT !!!!! So my project is to actually investigate over all of the French messageboard in order to come up with airchecks or jingles of AVENTURE FM... To get further, I'd also like to make it relive again, maybe as a webradio... Other than French stuff (especially Aventure FM), I'm still into WORLD MUSIC, underground Dace Music and even Viking/Black Metal. I switched to a new college (where the persons are more open-minded, both musically, emotionally and intellectually) in order to study languages (as I'm almost fluent in both English and Spanish like most of you already know). Here I'm DOING a show at the college station... Right now, I'm into a project of travelling the World among the French-speaking countries of Europe, Africa, North America (Quebec) and the West Indies (there is a lil' amount of French content to be respected)... Between the songs, I usually throw in 1 or 2 philosophical comment about the lyrics of the song previously played or just regarding the artist itself and I must say I LOVE IT, since I'm very expressive and I LOVE RADIO... As far as DXing is concerned, you never know how this awful IBOC issue might end; if it ends I expect to come-back, but, otherwise, what's the point of DXing, since what fascinated me was to push the boundaries and to get in touch with distant cultures ? Well, when you are fascinated by being able to pick up 1 time out of 2 signals such as Radio Coro 780 or simply of picking up something entertaining on mediumwave and this fascination is destroyed by money-making jamming, well, you aren't hooked on mediumwave anymore. What are you thinking about my point of view ? Theoretically speaking, as must of you saw, I'm on-an-off, but when I'm into DXing, I'm really into it. As to end this discussion, there still is SHORTWAVE RADIO and even DRM (wherever it will became affordable), since it appears that DRM is way much less disturbed by adjacent channel QRM than IBOC is... Even there, the demise of domestic shortwave broadcasters is incredible !!!!! There are no more YVs on SW, only a handful of HJs (although those handful of HJs are interesting catches DX-wise - I was really hooked by the warm growl that accompanied the LA VOZ DE TU CONCIENCIA reception on SW-6010 !!!) and almost-only the state-owned Africans (the private-owned ones are restricted to FM for political reasons) along with the demise of major international services toward North America, but there are plenty of intriguing weak SW signals in India, China, Gabon (Africa NumИro Un - an interesting challenge, although EXTREMELY regular it is fairly challenging to listen to with the multipath distortion that come with)... As I wrote this, some of the interest did pick up again. Well, concerning SHORTWAVE, our 20-meters long-wire was harmed by an early-spring winter storm, but we may put it back in a week or so, when I have a school break for 1 week at my brand new college (college, not high school) !!! That being said, the AVENTURE musical programming consisted of 35% alternative rock (metal / punk / indie rock), 35% Dance Music (British Acid House, Chicago's House, Detroit's Techno, Electronica, Francodance) and 30% variated stuff (zouk, raО, French variety, WORLD, Afropop, Reggae, etc.), so enjoying world music is trying to understand a tiny part of the Aventure FM's musical concept. Part of the devise of that station was also to bypass the boundaries, to look further that most people are looking, a commun value to both the army and the adventure and appreciating other cultures is an efficient way of looking further than most people are looking -> an efficient way of devoting to the life as a whole... As I said, depening on my academical schedule, I may devote some time to SHORTWAVE DXing or I may not. However, I think I can start calling myself an "inactive mediumwave DXer". What are you thinking about my decision ? May the good DX be with all of you ! (Bogdan Chiochiu in Pierrefonds/Montreal, QC, Canada - mwdx 30/09/2007) -- Тропо Тропо 22 сентября. ~70.2 ГТРК Ульяновск. Возможно, Вешкайма, но там частота 70,4. На 70,67 сильные помехи от ГТРК Пенза. ~70.16. ОРР FM. Не пойму, какое ещё ОРР, если у них сеть закрыли? Новости в начале и в середине часа, до 11.00 МСК в основном танцевальная музыка, а после v программа "Эффект присутствия". ~107 МГц. Радио 7. Подозрения падают на Кузнецк, но там должна быть Веста. ~69.65 МГц. Народное Радио. Рязань? (Сергей Колесов, Киев, Украина - open_dx 24/09/2007) 25 September 07 06:48 87.80 5214 Modica Monserrato I 04:33 87.60 A000 Pescara I 26 September 07 15:03 87.60 545F Monte Faito I 27 September 07 04:27 87.60 E275 Ourense-Seminario E 02:17 87.60 A000 Pescara I 28 September 07 12:17 87.60 A000 Pescara I 29 September 07 02:11 87.60 A000 Pescara I 01:38 87.60 E2CA Leon E (William Kitching, Telford, U.K. - skywaves 29/09/2007) 88.80 12:05 2007-09-30 D WDR 5 Langenberg/Hordtberg Music //Web stream 502Km 101.30 12:10 2007-09-30 D WDR 4 Langenberg/Hordtberg Music //Web stream 502Km 106.70 12:20 2007-09-30 D WDR EinsLive Langenberg/Hordtberg Talks //Web stream 502Km (Mike Fallon, Sussex, U.K. - FM 30/09/2007) -- Digital Radio 9410, is it DRM or jamming? Some kind of noise, not very strong, at 1327 Sept 26. RNW and DRM DX schedules show nothing on 9410, but HFCC has something new from Kvitsoy, Norway at 0930-1600, 65 kW, 190 degrees since Sept 1. What programming, if really on the air? (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 26/09/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание Алжир 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 18:12-18:25, escuchada el 25 de septiembre en arabe con emision de musica folklorica local, acompanada de ese sonido caracteristico que hacen las mujeres con la boca, la musica tiene un ritmo cansino y repetitivo, musica con instrumentos de cuerda, locutor con identificacion en arabe, comentarios, SINPO 45433 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/09/2007) Афганистан 17700 Radio Solh, 12:30-12:35, escuchada el 24 de septiembre en afgano, locutor con comentarios y emision de musica folklorica local, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 25/09/2007) Бирма RFA`s expanded Burmese service since Sept 27, mixed with VOA Burmese expanded since Sept 26: 2300-2400 VOA on 7430 Sri Lanka, 6185 Thailand, 11980 Tinang 0030-0230 RFA on 13820 Sri Lanka, 13865 Tinian, 17835 Saipan 1130-1230 VOA on 11965 & 15540 Tinang, 17775 Sri Lanka 1230-1330 RFA on 9320 Sri Lanka, 13645 Tinian 1330-1430 RFA on 9320 & 11540 Tinian, also 1330-1400 9455 Sri Lanka 1430-1530 VOA on 9325 Sri Lanka, 11910 Tinang, 12120 Tinian; also 1575 Thailand until 1500 weekdays, 1530 Sat & Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 30/09/2007) Зимбабве Mr Ilpo Parviainen in Finland told me he's been hearing Voice of Zimbabwe since 25 September with talk programs until around 1735 UT on 4828. After 1735 again non-stop music (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 27/09/2007) Лаос Expecting Hmong World Christian Radio via WHRI, 11785, as has been happening the last few Sundays, and Saturdays, after Hmong Lao Radio ends at 1400, but Sept 23 at 1435 check, this frequency was in WHRI gospel-rock fill music in English, so either HWCR was only a semihour, or it`s off the 1400 timeslot. It`s still missing from the WHR online program schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) Мадагаскар/Зимбабве 9765, Radio Voice of the People, 0425-0458*, Sept 23, Tune-in to vernacular talk. English IDs. Brief breaks of Afro-pop music. English at 0440 with program about human rights in Zimbabwe. Closing ID announcements with schedule, address, and web site address a 0457. Good. Strong, but slight QRM from weak music loop jammer. (Brian Alexabder, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/09/2007) Польша/Белврусь RADIO RACJA DATE: 24-09-2007 TIME: 17.00 UTC FREQUENCY: 6225 KHz SIGNAL: SUFF WITH QRN LANGUAGE: BELARUSSIAN PROGRAM: MUSIC, ID. NEWS (F. Cecconi, Italy - playdx2003 25/09/2007) Эфиопия Voice of Tigray Revolution, Mekele, Ethiopia was noted 27 Sep 2007 at 1700 UT on 5980 (ex-5970). Parallel was on 6185. (Jari Savolainen, Kuusankoski, Finland - dxldyg 28/09/2007) V of rev Tigre 5970/5980 /6185! were all in parallel . 1652 with hilife songs. 5980 stopped on 1556.recording here is on 5970 for 1 min till its sign off then on 5980 18.9.2007 (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 29/09/2007) -- Наблюдения ICOM R-75 160 ft long wire @ min height 30ft, max height of 50ft RF Filter Audio DSP Audio Filter Passive Pre-Selector SWAZILAND 3240 TRANS WORLD RADIO MPANGELA RANCH 0321 In Shona. OM choir w/ african flavored gospel, using that "call-response" technique. Into two OMs talking: radio skit? Into large all YL choir. fair (Prez 9/23) ZIMBABWE 3396 R ZIMBABWE GWERU 0335 In Vern. Bantering OM DJ w/ stn id w/ ref to "Zimabwe". Non stop afro pop jams: vox (call response) over guitars, organ, and percussion. poor - fair (Prez 9/23) MAURITANIA 4845 R MAURITANIE NOUAKCHOTT 0245 In AR. OM DJ taking calls (All OMs) . Many refs to "Ramadan". One OM was talking over kids talking in the background. @ 0300 YL and OM w/ stn id over trad mx. OM w/ prayer. SINPO "55555" (Prez 9/23) ZAMBIA 4965 V INTERNATIONAL LUSAKA RELAY 0309 In EG. Western holy man teaching the gospel w/ lots of quotes from the Bible. Forceful sermon, but not fire and brimstone. Muffled audio - poor (Prez 9/23) CLANDESTINE 7100 VO BROAD MASSES ERITREA ASMARA 0355 In Tigrina. That Horn of Africa sound: massed OM choir over guitars laying down that unique rhythm. @ 0358 YL w/ stn id and into nx by OM reader. Ref to "Ramadan". Back to that HOA mx. Weak, but clear (Prez 9/23) SEYCHELLES 9630 BBC SEYCHELLES RELAY 1745 In vern (Swahili?) @ 17:45 OM w/ stn id and "afro" BBC IS. YL and OM nx reader team. Ref to "Zimbabwe", "Afghanistan" and "Indonesia". Extended field report re: unid topic. Muffled audio. fair (Prez 9/23) ZANZIBAR 11735 R ZANZIBAR 1705 In EG. This station used a "loaner" BBC broadcast. @ 1705 "africanized" BBC IS. YL and OM nx readers covering world biz nx, w/ coverage of the "Euro" and oil production. Nx (and field report by locals) re: village poverty in unid country. Muffled audio fair (Prez 9/23) NIGERIA 15120 VON IKORODU 1728 In EG. YL and OM talking politics w/ ref to "Constitution". Native mx inteludes. @ 1730 YL w/ stn id and UTC time. YL w/ nx re: "African Festival". in unid nation. Nx of tech Congress scheduled for Sept 23 in Lagos re: biz (telecom, internet, and computing). SINPO "54444" (Prez 9/23) (Prez, USA - CumbreDX 24/09/2007) 1690 22/9 04.15 WPTX - Lexington Park EE talk OM suff. 3320 22/9 03.50 R. Sonder Grense - Meyerton Afrikaans MX buono 3935 22/9 22.50 Sallendse Boer R. - EE ID e MX suff. 4910 22/9 16.20 A.I.R. - Jaipur Hindy nenia locale suff. 4925 22/9 23.00 R.R.I. - Jambi Bahasa NX suff. 5995 22/9 23.05 R. Mali - Bamako Vern. talk OM buono 6225 22/9 15.55 R. Racja - Warszawa Bielorusso MX buono 6286 23/9 08.45 R. Mazda - EE ID e MX buono 6297 23/9 09.30 R. Dr. Tim - EE ID e MX buono 6310 22/9 16.00 R. Alex - ??? Dutch ID e MX buono 7245 22/9 15.40 R. Mauritanie - Nouakchott Arabo MX buono (Roberto Pavanello, Verceli, Italy - playdx2003 24/09/2007) 4775 13/9 0423 TWR. Swaziland. GG, 0430 EE 45444 6155 16/9 0425 OE1 . Moosbrunn. GG classic mx 34322 7475 18/9 2359 ERA5. Athens. GR ID, nx 34422 9410 15/9 0600 BBC World Service. Skelton EE World News 24232 9490 16/9 0010 R.Sweden Intl. Sackville .SV 43422 9575 15/9 0612 R.Medi 1. Nador. AA mx 34443 11865 13/9 2000 DW Radio. Rampisham. EE nx, px "Newslink" 34443 13640 16/9 2200 BBC World Service. EE px "World News" 45444 15630 10/9 1900 ERA5. Athens. GR ID, nx, mx 24442 15660 12/9 1737 Voice of Africa. Issoudun . FF nx 44444 17570 16/9 1455 RAI. Prato Smeraldo. IT calcio 23222 17870 16/9 2148 NHK. Tokyo. JA, mx 44444 (Claudio Dario Perdomo, Argentina - bclnews 24/09/2007) 6220,00 2009 2040 LHH,E, pops, ID. Qth Merlin, rock 34232 6310,00 2109 2050 Cupid R, E, ballad, Id, jingle email, me live on the MSN with the operator… 24322 6255,00 2109 2200 KBC,E, jingle, ID, promos K-po, Wolfman Jack, Susan Q, Marvin Gaye, Resue me 35443 9290,00 2209 0658 R.Six Int, E, live from a ship off the coast in Essex, Id, email, letters, Summer holidays 35443 9290,00 2209 0800 R.City, E, Ids, Sweet Caroline, rock and roll, Charriot with Petula Clark 35443 6400,00 2209 1740 WMR,E, ballad, Id, rock. QTH Coleraine // 3910 24332 3910,00 2209 1740 WMR,E, ballad, Id, rock. QTH Coleraine// 6400 first time listening on 76 m in the morning! 24222 6306,00 2209 1910 R.Brandaris Int, D,E, pop schlager, ID, thanking for reports, email, hotline 24232 6255,00 2209 2200 KBC, E, jingles ID, promos, Scatman, dj Tom, The Tremeloes, Donovan… 35443 3955,00 2209 2202 R.Sensation, E, music, Ids, 24211 3925,00 2209 2207 The Bogusman,E, long speach, rock 24222 3910,00 2309 0558 WMR,E, ballad, ID, rock // 6400 24432 6400,00 2309 0558 WMR,E, ballad, ID, rock // 3910 24422 5720,00 2309 0708 Orion R, E, G, Suzy Quatro, Ids, email, Mungo Jerry, dedication 24342 6310,00 2309 1635 R.Alice, E, schlager, ID, testing audio, email, asking for reports radioalice@hotmail.com 24432 3945,00 2309 1815 WMR, E, pops, jingle, rock, ID QTH Coleraine // 6400 35443 24222 1640,00 2309 1820 unid, D, schlager, 24432 1678,00 2309 1822 unid, Gr, talks Dobron, traditional music 25442 1648,00 2309 1824 unid, Gr, folk mx, talks 24422 1670,00 2309 2135 unid, Gr, song Kaimos, more music 25542 (Silveri Gomez, Fraga, Catalunya, Spain - playdx2003 25/09/2007) 29 Sep 2007 15235 kHz Channel Africa 1657 French switching to English @1700 Good 5015 kHz AIR India signing off @1830 with news read by female speaker 4940 kHz VOA Sao Tome e Principe TX 2055 s/off @2100 4780 kHz Djibouti very good 2100 to 2200 s/off RX Sony ICF-5900W and whip antenna 30 Sep 2007 4880 kHz SW Radio Africa "Zimbabwe's independent voice" SINPO 43444 also on 11810 (very good) and 12035 (QRM) 4828 kHz non-stop local music from 1748 for at least 1h. No ID given 3396 kHz nothing heard 11735 kHz Excellent reception. Native language. "Tanzania" and "Zanzibar" mentioned several times. Audio clips on www.televideo.ws/audio.html (Giovanni Carboni, Italy - CumbreDX 30/09/2007) here are a few tips from Skovlunde from the past days. RX: AOR AR7030PLUS, ANT: 28 metres longwire in 9 metres altitude. N4790.03 2300-2337 PAK 21-09 R Pakistan, Islamabad relaying Rawalpindi III with special Ramadan programme before local sunrise, Call to Prayer, Qur'an recitations, talk in urdu, weak modulation 35242 AP-DNK N9870 1640-1741* IND 26-09 AIR, Bangalore Hindi ann, film songs in Vividh Barathi this first day on their new frequency ex 10330. 53543 Strong QRM from VOIRI in Turkish also on 9870. AP-DNK N15140 1205-1233 CLA Sa 22-09 R Mustaqbal, via Meyerton, South Africa Rep. Somali ann, song from Horn of Africa, talk, closed with ID 35434 AP-DNK N15160 1130-1159 CLA Sa 22-09 R Mustaqbal, via Dhabbaya, UAE Somali ann after test tones and song from Horn of Africa, talk with frequent 2-note gong, music from Horn of Africa, noise on the frequency 23333 splashed from VOIRI in Arabic on 15150 AP-DNK 15560 *1100-1150 CLN 20-09 R Free Asia, via Iranawila English ID, Laotian news, interview and local song, not jammed 24333 . No signal on 9355 as scheduled. AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 27/09/2007) 17/9 22ut00 - 11670 kHz RN DE VENEZUELA - Habana (Cuba) Spagnolo, le riforme di Chavez. Segnale buono-molto buono Non so se e sempre inattiva sa/do. 18/9 02ut20 - 6165 kHz R. NEDERLAND - Sines (Portogallo) Spagnolo, dibattito su Chavez. Segnale molto buono 22/9 21ut17 - 6310 kHz R. CONDOR Inglese, mx techno e ids OM. Segnale insufficiente-buono 25/9 05ut19 - 3279.9 kHz R. MARIA - Tena (Ecuador) Spagnolo, Santo Rosario. Segnale sufficiente-insufficiente 26/9 05ut43 - 4915 kHz R. DIFUSORA DE MACAPA (Brasile) Portoghese, mx romantica ed id 06ut01! Segnale buono-sufficiente 20ut15 - 9520 kHz WYFR FAMILY R. - Nauen (Germania) Spagnolo, storia biblica. Segnale buono-molto buono 21ut00 - 1440 kHz CHINA R. INT. - Marnach (Lussemburgo) Inglese, nxs OM. Segnale molto buono 21ut00 - 7430 kHz WYFR FAMILY R. - Maiac (Moldavia) Inglese, ids OM e "Open Forum". Segnale buono-molto buono 28/9 03ut40 - 4799.8 kHz prob. R. BUENAS NUEVAS Huehuetenango (Guatemala) SS, riflessioni bibliche, mx country, avisos e s/off 04.28. Segnale buono-sufficiente EiBi/Aoki dicono che chiude alle 02.30v ma evidentemente hanno avuto bisogno di trasmettere per altre due ore. D'altra parte intorno a questa frequenza di latino-americano (e religioso) c'e solo questa stazione. (Luca Botto Fiora, Genova, Italy - playdx2003 28/09/2007) 5952,5 29/9 0014 Radio Pio Doce, Bolivia, mx & talks, fair 6009,5 29/9 0011 La Voz de tu Conciencia, Colombia, talks, fair 6010 29/9 0017 Radio Bahrain, nice western pop songs no stop, fading, sometimes very good 6035 29/9 0007 BBS Bhutan, monks corus, good, sometimes QRM Voz del Guaviare 6134,8 29/8 0021 Radio Santa Cruz, Bolivia, romantic songs, commercials, good (Giampiero Bernardini, Milano, Italy - playdx2003 29/09/2007) Here are some of my loggings from the past couple of days. All from Skovlunde on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 metres of longwire: N3945 0115-0140 IRN 29-09 VOIRI Zahedan Farsi special Ramadan programme with Quran recitations 55454 - not // 3985 AP-DNK 4746.87 2340-2350 PRU 28-09 R Huanta 2000, Huanta (p) Quechoa talk 25222 AP-DNK 4699.39 2325-0025 BOL 28/29-09 R San Miguel, Riberalta (p) Spanish talk 15222 AP-DNK 4790.03 2346-2348* PAK 28-09 R Pakistan, Rewat, Islamabad Urdu ann, Azad Kashmir song, slight hum 44333 Special Ramadan programme AP-DNK 4895 2315-2330 MNG 28-09 Mongoliin R, Murun Mongolian talk, orchestra music 35333 heard // weaker 4830 (23332 QRM Zimbabwe 4828), but not heard on 7260. AP-DNK 4940 *0000-0015 IND 29-09 AIR Guwahati, Assam Assamese/Hindi AIR IS, Assamese ann, national song, Hindi ann "Akashvani", Indian string music 45333 AP-DNK 5010 0033-0045 IND 29-09 AIR Thiruvananthapuram Hindi ann after Indian flute music, 0035:45 Delhi relay of news in English starting in mid-sentence, heard // 4920 and 4940, 0040 Hindi ID: "Akashvani Thiruvananthapuram", Indian song heard as "Yinge Semule Sambe", flute 45444 AP-DNK 6035 *0000-0100 BTN 29-09 BBS, Sangaygang Dzongkha ann, Horn music, Buddhist Monks intoning, instrumental music and songs 35333 AP-DNK 6060 0055-0103 I 29-09 RAI, Prado Smeraldo Italian talk and song, news 32442 - drowned by Cuba AP-DNK 7280 1915-1925 VTN We 27-09 Voice of Vietnam, Son Bay English talk, song, mailbag which again mentioned my report from 31-07! 32442 best heard in USB due to REE QRM 7275 AP-DNK 9490 2330-0030 CLA 28/29-09 Democratic Voice of Burma, via Wertachtal, Germany Burmese ann after opening tune, news, 0015 Kachim (as listed) ann, news, musical interlude, comments, closed with a western pop song 35232 AP-DNK 11945 1345-1355 SNG 28-09 BBC, via Kranji Burmese interview by a woman of two men in studio about the situation in Myanmar and the death of a Japanese Cameraman, a statement in English was translated 45434, heard // 7135 which was disturbed by noise (jamming ?) (32332) AP-DNK 13675 1245-1255 fade out MRA 28-09 R Free Asia, via Tinian Burmese phone interview, noise on frequency (jamming ?) 13321 not audible here on // 9320 and 9455 AP-DNK 15480 *1430-1510 CLA 28-09 Democratic Voice of Burma, via Gavar, Armenia Burmese ann after a song about Myanmar, news 55454, but not heard on // 17625 AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 29/09/2007) 6089.90khz R. Nigeria,Koduna NIG 28/9 2226utc Talks like a priest ,then songs from childeren in Hausa 43333 6035khz Bhutan bc ,Thimpu BTN 29/9 0001utc Time signal with wings ,and female talks ,priest meditetion extr. strong signal and good audio 45444 Tropical 3279.86khz LVd Napo r.Maria,Tena EQA 29/9 0322utc Male talks ,and typ. mx. 32222 4052.50khz R.Verdad,Chiquimula GTM 29/9 0337utc Choir songs and id 33322 4799.77khz R.Buenas Nuevas,San Seb. GTM 29/9 About the Nacional 33222 (Maurits, Belgium - hard-core-dx 29/09/2007) CUBA 5025 R Rebelde 0404 with talks and songs S7 for 24th Sept . USA 5070 WWCR 0405 with spiritual songs S9 Liangas 24-9-2007 SAO TOME 4930 VOA 0406 songs S3 Liangas 24-9-2007 BRAZIL 4915 Tent. Macapa ? 0406 songs S6 for 4th , S5 for 25th at 0410 BRAZIL 4885 RC Para 0406 songs S 7 for 4th , S 5 for 25th MAURITANIE 4845 R M 0408 talks both 24and 25th 4780 Djibuti 0408 with quranic versus S1 Liangas 27-9-2007 ... 4790 UNID with Relig talks in SP 0405? Probably Radio Vision Chiclayo..... 4799.2 R Buenas Nuevas Guat with music 0406 ,'muchas gracias',0414 with phone ins, signal S0 Sudan 7200 Omdurman 1700 man with ID 'idaatu jamahiriay ke sudan ' then into nes in arabic , S9 43432 , with low modulation ??? 9290 AIR???? 1614 talks in hindi " menjani ... dat' then wioth talks , S6, 35332 with low modualtion and sporadic signal cuts . ON 1700 found a jammer that in 1 minute got off . Liangas 29-9-2007 pirate 6220 MYSTERY ??? with rock songs on 1839 . S20 ,43443 from 6225 (racya?) pirate 6290 on 1841with pop sngs , off at 1900 , S3 cland 4670 UNIDed with talks in UNID (this way i heard on 24 and 26th). On 24th with mentions on Cuba. nothing on 25th . ON 26th on 0407 with spanish talks and arab music (??!) 22242 and on 27th on 0358 with S5 and military music (anthem?) passong 0400 , with ID " radio de la ..... Kurdistan' and then folk turkic songs Lianas 24,26th Sept Greece (Zacharias Liangas, Greece - playdx2003 29/09/2007) 515 BRASIL: CPN, Campinas-SP, 25/09 2340. CW marker: CPN, CPN, CPN, ... 25542 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 1440 BRASIL: R. Belos Vales, Ibirama-SC, PP, 26/09 0100. Transmissao de um jogo de futsal, com narracao, comentarios, reportagem de campo, id da emissora: 'Radio Belos Vales', 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 5935 ESTADOS UNIDOS: World University Network, Nashville, EE, 23/09 0105. YL: pregacao religiosa ao estilo do Dr. Gene Scott, 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 6015 CHINA: PBS Xinjiang, Urumqi, kazakh, 26/09 0006. Canticos por OM, OM: talks, outro cantico, 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 6110 CHINA: Xizang PBS, Lhasa, Tib, 25/09 2359. Cantos tipicos, OM: talks, YL: talks, time pips, mx instrumental, boletim de nx (?), 35443 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 6255 LITUANIA: The Mighty KBC (segunda transmissao da noite, dirigida aos Estados Unidos), via Sitkunai, EE, 23/09 0112. Mx pop dos anos 70 e 80, OM: 'The Mighty KBC', 25222 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 9735 TAIWAN: R. Taiwan Int., Tanshui, JJ, 29/09 1102. YL: talks, 'China, Thailand...', 25442 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 9840 VIETNAM: Voice of Vietnam, Hanoi, JJ, 29/09 1110. Cancao tipica, OM: talks, 25432 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 9870 CHILE: R. Internacional da China, via Santiago, PP, 29/09 1120. Px em PP para o Brasil, YL: talks sobre dublagem de filmes, TV chinesa, id, 'Personagem Cultural', 45554 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 13615 ESTADOS UNIDOS: WEWN, Vandiver, SS, 29/09 1140. YL: cancao religiosa, YL: talks, temas religiosos, 35533 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 17645 TURQUIA: Voice of Turkey, Emirler, Tur, 29/09 1145. OM: talks, cancoes em turco, mx instrumental, time pips, TC, boletim de nx (?), 35543 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 17700 REINO UNIDO: R. Sohl, via Rampisham, Pashto ?, 29/09 1442. Sequencia ininterrupta de cancoes tipicas, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 21630 ASCENSAO, Ilha de: BBC, via Ascension, Hausa, 29/09 1409. OM: talks, entrevista (idioma muito dificil de ser compreendido), 45544 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 21640 ARABIA SAUDITA: BSKSA, Riyadh, AA, 29/09 1402. OM: talks com outro OM (phone-in), 'Arabia' (?), 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 21660 CHIPRE: BBC, via Limassol, EE, 29/09 1426. OM: talks, comentarios, entrevista, 'BBC', tx de jogo de futebol (locutor muito entusiasmado, pouco diferenciando dos narradores brasileiros), QRM 21655 RDP, 24432 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 21695 FRANCA: Voice of Africa, via Issoudun, EE, 29/09 1419. OM: talks, varias referencias a Africa, vida politica africana, 35433 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil). 21830 PORTUGAL: RDP, Lisboa, PP, 29/09 29/09 1414. Mx instrumental, OM: locucao, aspectos de Portugal, 25322 (Rudolf Grimm, Sao Bernardo-SP, Brasil - radioescutas 30/09/2007). 702 28/9 16.50 R. Cina Int. - Monaco IT Special su Pavarotti buono 882 29/9 17.00 R. Crne Gore - Podgorica Serbo buono 1521 28/9 21.55 R. Castellon - SS ID e pubblicita locale buono 3925 29/9 22.20 The Bogusman - EE ID e MX buono 4746.9 29/9 23.10 R. Huanta 2000 - SS avisos buono 4775 29/9 03.45 TWR - Manzini Lomwe predica buono 4780 28/9 18.55 R. Gibuti - Arabo MX buono 4790 28/9 19.05 R.R.I. - Fak Fak Bahasa Korano // 4925 KHz suff. 4805 28/9 19.10 Unid con MX orientale suff. 4915 29/9 22.45 R. Difusora - Macapa PP Predica buono 4955 29/9 23.15 R. Cultura Amauta - Huanta SS MX suff. 4965 29/9 22.50 CVC Africa - Lusaka EE predica suff. 5010 29/9 16.10 A.I.R- Thiruvanathapuram Hindy nenia suff. 9475 29/9 16.20 R. Australia - Melbourne EE talk OM buono 11815 29/9 22.35 R. Brasil Central - Goiania PP sport ottimo (sembrava di essere tornati nel Parking dell'Hotel Florenca - Foz do Iguacu ) (Roberto Pavanello, Vercelli, Italy - playdx2003 30/09/2007) -- Неопознанное French on 6105, Sept 25 at 0615 with African news, new jingle and soon IDed as BBC Afrique. Had not noticed this one before, perhaps because it`s only a semihour daily at 0600, via Ascension at 27 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) My unident on 5011.19 KHz is starting to fade in at 0038 UTC. At this time all I hear is a carrier. Don't know if it will improve enough later for details? Maybe if you happen to be listening, you can catch an ID or some other detail? (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 28/09/2007) 5011.5V Studio M anncr in Swahili-sounding lang. taking phone callers at 2328. Did hear several ments of Africa. Anncr answered the phone "Hello, hello...". Also phone tones, ringing, and busy signal SFXs. Finally into Hi-life Afro mx at 2341. 2344 tlk by studio M anncr w/ment of "program", more Hi-life mx 2346. Went over ToH w/mx. 0002 Dance song sampling Abbas "Gimme Gimme Gimme". 0004 M anncr returned. Faded by 0055, but was able to recognize a live version of "You've Got a Friend" at 0059. Still going at 0158 when the MD ran out. Drifting down continuously. Madagascar on all night?? Have they been off freq lately?? Haven't hrd any sign of it since. (Dave Valko - hard-core-dx 29/09/2007) -- Гармоники Таджикистан 11755 Noted English nx of VoRussia via Dushanbe TJK towards SoAsia at 1400 UT, seldom noted but OVERMODULATED sound today, Sept 28. 1200-1530 UT. (Wolfgang Bueschel, Germany - harmonics 28/09/2007) -- Глушение Китай Firedrake, against Sound of Hope, Sept 24 at 1308 check was audible on 10300 and on 18180 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 27/09/2007) -- Пираты *EURO-PIRATE. (Ireland). 6295, Reflections Europe, 2130-2306 Sept 23, Presumed with English religious sermons. Religious music. Abrupt sign off. Weak to fair reception. Stronger than usual but still could not catch an ID. (Brian Alexander, PA) **EURO-PIRATE. (Scotland). 6400.07, Weekend Music Radio, 2118-2135, Sept 23, pop music, IDs. Weather. Weak but readable. (Brian Alexander, PA) **NORTH AMERICA. (Pirate). 6875.1, The Crystal Ship, 1445-1455, Sept 22, rock music, ID. Weak. Poor in noise. (Brian Alexander, PA) **NORTH AMERICA. (Pirate). 6925, Northwoods Radio, 1625-1643+, Sept 22, suppressed carrier USB. Rock music. Call of loon & ID at 1643, followed by CW & SSTV. Gave yahoo address. Weak. Poor in noise (Brian Alexander, PA) **NORTH AMERICA. (Pirate). 6925 USB, Ground Zero Radio? 2108-2125, Sept 22, Tentative with air raid sirens, civil defense (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 24/09/2007) Date 17/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 1905 Radio Tijdbreker 42432 9 6.400,0 1800 unid 43443 9 Date 18/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 2045 Radio Tijdbreker 43433 9 Date 19/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 3.932,0 2003 unid 24322 5 Date 21/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.636,0 2235 Radio Tijdbreker 34433 8 6.255,0 2200 KBC Radio 34433 8 Date 22/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.622,0 2139 Zender Stroper 43443 9 1.640,0 2337 Radio Utopia 34433 8 1.646,0 2329 Radio Nordzee 43433 9 3.910,0 2133 WMR 33433 8 3.925,0 2136 Bogusman 34433 8 3.935,0 2148 Radio Sensation 32332 5 6.255,0 2200 KBC Radio 34423 8 6.275,0 1306 Laser Hot Hits (tent) 23322 5 6.400,0 2130 WMR 33433 8 9.290,0 0800 Radio City 45444 9+10d 9.290,0 0744 Radio Six International 45444 9+10d Date 23/09 FrequencyTime Utc/Gmt Station SINPO SWERT QTH: Remark 1.640,0 1756 Zender Weduwe 54444 9+10d 3.945,0 1900 WMR 23333 6 5.720,0 0745 Orion Radio 34444 8 6.045,0 1200 Radio Gloria International 45444 9+10d 6.216,0 0825 King Shortwave 24433 7 6.286,0 0831 UNID (Tukan Radio ?) 23322 5 6.400,0 0630 WMR 23333 6 6.400,0 1000 WMR 23322 5 6.400,0 1750 WMR 33433 8 (Achim Brueckner, Germany - playdx2003 24/09/2007) -- Связь 04092,0 1ed: unid mil 2110 usb mil tracking net ee, players 1ed, 2rc, 3js (neptune warrior ?) "your track 2183 correlates with .. " 23Sep07 (wp3) (W. Palmberger, Germany - udxf 24/09/2007) Following on 12782 kHz USB 0000z 23 Sept RTTY 850/50 NNNNTHB KUATTCORATKRYC VJULL JSLL ZIF ZIFR FM SKLDM KUANTAN TO KD PENDEKAR BTLTERBUKAN SIC SVC. ZUI QIC LINE 185/127 ASAP RPT. ZUI QIC LINE 125/127 ASAP NOW. BT (Mike Simpson, Penrith, Australia - udxf 24/09/2007) The frequency 12781.5 used to be an RMN CW outlet. Presumably you measured the frequency in SSB mode ? :o(( It should be 9MB5-RMN Penang, West Malaysia. They have similar (probably parallel) broadcasts from Johore Bahru. (Jim, U.K. - udxf 24/09/2007) 8843.0Khz usb SanFran radio wrk an A/C for a radio check 03:31:07UTC (2007-09-23) (Vambo in Colorado, USA on IRCGlobal#monitor) 8777.0Khz usb unIDed shrimpers talking slack-jaw jibberjabber about today-s catch of shrimp 03:37:26UTC (2007-09-23) (Vambo in Colorado, USA on IRCGlobal#monitor) 4557.72Khz cw D SLHFB Russian Navy, Sevastopol, Ukraine. ~5 WPM, ended at 0402z. good signal. 04:08:48UTC (2007-09-23) (Jon-FL in Florida, USA on StarChat#monitor) 3699.51Khz cw P SLHFB Russian Navy, Kaliningrad. ~5 WPM. fair signal. 04:16:55UTC (2007-09-23) (Jon-FL in Florida, USA on StarChat#monitor) 3291.0Khz cw P SLHFB Russian Navy, Kaliningrad. ~5 WPM. weak, heavy QRM. 04:28:06UTC (2007-09-23) (Jon-FL in Florida, USA on StarChat#monitor) 5153.72Khz cw D SLHFB Russian Navy, Sevastopol, Ukraine. ~5 WPM. weak signal. 04:35:15UTC (2007-09-23) (Jon-FL in Florida, USA on StarChat#monitor) 13029.0Khz lsb V.26: in progress 06:18:24UTC (2007-09-23) (Sferix in Taipei Taiwan on StarChatNSA) 16666.0Khz lsb V.26: in progress 06:18:31UTC (2007-09-23) (Sferix in Taipei Taiwan on StarChatNSA) (#monitor via udxf 24/09/2007) 305.7 DA ISL Dalatangi Island ,1991 2205 18/9 372 YCO CAN Kugluktuk/Coppermine NU, 5901 0408 19/9 214 YIO CAN Pond Inlet NU, 4497 0409 19/9 372 OZN GRL Ikerassassuaq/Prins Christian Sund , 3415 0300 20/9 372 YCO CAN Kugluktuk/Coppermine NU, 5901 0305 20/9 214 YIO CAN Pond Inlet NU, 4497 0310 20/9 305 LT CAN Alert Bay NU, 3950 0321 20/9 305 YQ CAN Churchill/Eastern Creek MB, 5967 0310 20/9 350 RB CAN Resolute Bay NU, 4856 0325 20/9 372 OZN GRL Ikerassassuaq/Prins Christian Sund , 3415 0143 21/9 281 CA CAN Cartwright NL, 4454 0144 21/9 280 QX CAN Gander/International NL,4585 0230 21/9 214 YIO CAN Pond Inlet NU, 4497 0235 21/9 350 DF CAN Deer Lake NL, 4742 0328 21/9 356 AY CAN St Anthony NL, 4529 0332 21/9 (Christoph Mayen, Neustrelitz, Germany - ndblist 24/09/2007) 24/9 0249 525 PL St PETERSBURG RUS (new to log) 24/9 0254 517 ARD ARAD ROU 24/9 0305 495 PA PENCEVO SRB 24/9 0307 490 DVI DONAUESCHINGEN DEU 24/9 0308 488 ILM ILLESHEIM DEU 24/9 0310 474 RZ RZESZOW-JASIONKA POL 24/9 0314 468 FTZ FRITZLAR DEU 24/9 0318 452 ANS ANSBACH DEU 24/9 0321 448 HLV HOLESOV CZE 24/9 0324 440 PIA PLACENZA ITA 24/9 0327 432 G AMRI EST 24/9 0331 424 PIS ZAGREB HRV 24/9 0332 422 UR HRADEC KRALOVE CZE 24/9 0335 418 L TALLINN ULMISTE EST 24/9 0350 386 LK TALLINN ULMISTE EST 20/09/07 0108 512 NA NARIMANOVKA KAZ (new) 2549 miles 23/9 2325 501 VVV De GI4DPE 8sec gap (????) (Tony Moore, Redcar, Cleveland, U.K. - ndblist 24/09/2007) 02965.0 HSD bangkok volmet 1944 USB 20sep07 01797.0 SDJ stockholm 1947 USB swe 20sep07 03128.0 pirates 1950 USB pol d/x 20sep07 04444.0 pirates? 1952 USB ? d/x 20sep07 03275.0 navy russe? 1954 USB rus d/x 20sep07 03593.3 DQZ28 gcg neustadt 1957 ARQ 20sep07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 24/09/2007) 6532.0 RCH812 2007z HFDL burst 20:07:26 UTC Flight ID = RCH812 LAT 44 42 32 N LON 24 53 7 E 09/21 (PP) 6959.0 E03 2000z Lincolnshire Poacher E3 w / "12611" message usb 09/21 (PP) 6532.0 HS-TNA 2108 HFDL burst 2.HS-TNA SA2 S91ATG09250EH200911VSH (Flight THA925) A346 c/n 677 icao 8851C1 LAT 48 21 32 N LON 11 45 58 E 09/21 (PP) (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 24/09/2007) 9025.0 MEF 1135 Unid USAF Base ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 5708.0 200203 1012 USAF C-17 Globemaster 00-0203 clg [AMD]CCCCD83142363380NNNN ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 5115.0 RAM 0725 Canadian Forces Ramstein ? clg DEV ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 5056.0 KOS 0525 Polish Military calling DUD026 and OST123 ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 24/09/2007) 7900 23/09 1809 160 (this is), UNID, ALE/usb, wkg 162 7900 23/09 1812 160 (this was), UNID, ALE/usb, wkg 162 11498 20/09 2059 GWPWF33, Fortaleza, ALE/usb, clg GWPWBL 11498 22/09 2031 GWPWF33, Fortaleza, ALE/usb, clg GWPWIN (Sergey M. Kolesov, Kiev, Ukraine - udxf 24/09/2007) 238 KT NZL 1246 very poor 260 NF NFK 1247 very poor/poor 270 FA SMO 1249 very poor 276 TVL AUS 1250 very poor +1028 only 307 NA FJI 1252 very poor +1022 311 CH AUS 1253 very poor -407 316 MAJ MHL 1254 very poor/poor 332 POA HWA 1254 poor/weak 349 TP TUA 1256 very poor/poor 352 RG CKS 1257 very poor 353 LLD HWA 1258 weak/medium 353 LRE AUS 1330 very poor -1021 359 NDJ MHL 1300 poor 360 OX VOI 1301 poor under U6,BC 366 PNI FSM 1301 weak +1010 366 SF NZL 1331 very poor +1042 373 PQ JPN 1303 very poor 375 TKK FSM 1305 very poor/poor 390 HK JPN 1335 very poor +1020 DAID 400 MDY MDW 1313 very poor/poor 403 TUT SMA 1313 poor/weak 412 SON VUT 1314 poor 429 BTS ALS 1307 weak 530 ADK ALS 1307 medium/loud 1737 KUT PNG 1337 poor/weak (Steve Ratzlaff - ndblist 24/09/2007) The static was much less last night for a while and it seemed to be time for some listening. OZN-372, Prins Christiand Sund, GRL, 3012 km has been present at the end of the evening for a week and a half now. With its much shorter cycle time it far easier to spot. AL-434, Almaty, KAZ, 5379 km, was heard for the first time this season. Date UTC kHz Call Hz Lower/upper ID Cntry km Station 23-09-2007 21:12 372.0 OZN 400 371.594 / 372.405 GRL 3012 Prins Christian Sund 23-09-2007 19:50 400.0 KO 400 399.597 / 400.411 FIN 1764 Utti 23-09-2007 19:44 400.0 MO 0 399.973 / 0 offset FRA 586 Macon 23-09-2007 19:48 400.0 EN 400 399.597 / 400.410 SWE 1128 Orebro 23-09-2007 20:02 400.5 COD 1020 399.480 / 401.520 ITA 824 Codogno 23-09-2007 19:56 401.0 JP 400 400.602 / 401.403 FIN 1990 Joensuu 23-09-2007 19:58 401.0 BBA 0 400.600 / 401.402 SCT 967 Benbecula 23-09-2007 20:14 402.0 TH 400 401.612 / 402.412 SWE 1128 Torsby 23-09-2007 20:11 402.0 LX 400 401.584 / 402.383 SWE 1196 Eskilstuna/Kjula 23-09-2007 20:24 404.0 LRD 1020 402.982 / 405.029 ESP 1129 Lerida 23-09-2007 20:27 404.0 BMR 1020 403.024 / 404.971 ROU 1485 Baia Mare 23-09-2007 19:36 443.0 AL 1020 ----------- / 444.033 KAZ 5379 Almaty 23-09-2007 20:32 494.0 NK 1020 492.977 / 495.022 POL 1046 Oksywie (Roelof Bakker, Middelburg, Zealand SW Netherlands - ndblist 24/09/2007) [20:29:16][FRQ 10242.0][TO ][X51][TIS][OPB][AL0] BER 30 SN 03 "X51" : Unk. A/C with "OPB" : US Army OPBat Svc Ctr, Nassau Bahamas [09/23/2007] [spc] [16:07:20][FRQ 10242.0][TO ][LNT][TIS][J09][AL0] BER 29 SN 00 "LNT" : US Coast Guard:CAMSLANT Chesapeake, VA in ALE w/"J09" : USCG HH-60 Aircraft, Tail #6009 [09/24/2007] [spc] (Steve C, Xenia, Ohio, USA - udxf 24/09/2007) Date GMT KCs ID Location 09-21-07 04:45 344 GNC Seminole, TX USA (Only one logging, shut down early due to noise). 09-22-07 05:57 529 LYQ * Morrison, TN USA 09-22-07 06:03 525 ICW Nenana, AK Alaska (Shut down early tue to noise). 09-23-07 04:21 351 AE Albuquerque, NM USA 09-23-07 04:38 198 DIW Dixon, NC USA 09-23-07 05:21 205 XZ Wawa, ON Canada 09-23-07 05:40 216 CLB Wilmington, NC USA 09-24-07 05:05 245 AVQ Tucson, AZ USA 09-24-07 05:11 245 YZE Gore Bay, ON Canada 09-24-07 05:21 248 QL Lethbridge, AB Canada 09-24-07 05:23 248 ZZP Dead Tree, BC Canada 09-24-07 05:30 250 2J Grand Forks, BC Canada 09-24-07 05:34 251 PWD Plentywood, MT USA 09-24-07 05:40 254 ZYC Calgary, AB Canada 09-24-07 05:42 256 TQK Scott City, KS USA 09-24-07 05:44 257 HCY Cowley, WY USA 09-24-07 05:52 257 LW Kelowna, BC Canada 09-24-07 05:52 257 XE Saskatoon, SK Canada 09-24-07 05:56 260 EU Eugene, OR USA 09-24-07 05:57 260 OUN Norman, OK USA 09-24-07 06:33 272 YLB Lac La Biche, AB Canada (KO6BB, Merced, Central California, USA - ndblist 24/09/2007) 03227.4 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 2050 ALE/USB Sounds 3226 and 3227.4 from Penhale/St Eval site. Spurious hit recorded on 3233 kHz [BER 0 SN 00] at same time. Same sequence (with spurious hit) at 2120. (23Sep07) (MPJ) 05470 WA11: Unid 1926 ALE/USB Calls RM10. who responds. Later calls WA10. (23Sep07) (MPJ) 06817 290: Unid 1739 ALE/USB Calls 219 215 [BER 16 SN 4]. Poor. (23Sep07) (MPJ) 06840 311: Unid Arabian Net 1753 ALE/USB Calls 311311. (23Sep07) (MPJ) 06865 XSS: UK DHFCS NCS 2150 ALE/USB Sounds. (23Sep07) (MPJ) 06921.5 AAA: Unid 2137 ALE/USB Sounds. (23Sep07) (MPJ) 10175 : Unid. Prob FAPSI 1407 RTTY/50/500 ... 1408 K. CFM NIL AS. SK and gone. (24Sep07) (MPJ) (Jim, U.K. - udxf 24/09/2007) 7700.0 OMEGA70RS1702P 1929 Uzbek Military ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 7692.0 C9I 1919 Moroccan Gendarmerie ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 5056.0 KOS021 1915 Polish Mil (Kosovo ?) calling DED025 ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 9025.0 280057 1911 C-17 Globemaster 98-0057 ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 5056.0 TAN028 1850 Polish Mil calling EBO030 ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 7692.0 I5X 1845 Moroccan Gendarmerie ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 12587.5 TUMOR02RS1006 1659 Uzbek Military clg RADAR90RS1006 ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) 9025.0 JDG 1905 USAF Diego Garcia ALE/USB 09/24 (PP) (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 24/09/2007) 13-9-2007 398 1805 LRN FRA Lorquin 13-9-2007 413 2112 BOA ITA Bologna (BO) 14-9-2007 376 2009 HP DNK Esbjerg 15-9-2007 324 0302 UWP CAN Argentia 15-9-2007 412 0414 GRN ESP Gerona 17-9-2007 417 2330 R SWE Gavle / Sandviken 18-9-2007 492 0437 E8 CAN Natuashish / Davis Inlet 18-9-2007 406 0445 TW FRA Toulouse / Blagnac 18-9-2007 392 0458 KF ISL Keflavik 18-9-2007 397 0302 PO FRA Pau / Pyrenees 18-9-2007 376 0406 BJA POR Beja 20-9-2007 332 0453 YFM CAN La Grande 4 20-9-2007 349 0500 RS FRA Rennes / St Jacques 20-9-2007 350 0505 DF CAN Deer Lake 20-9-2007 330 0323 HA UKR Kharkiv / Osmova 20-9-2007 372 0337 YCO CAN 'Coppermine' Kugluktuk 20-9-2007 352 0445 NT ENG Newcastle 20-9-2007 385 0514 NA GRL Narsarsuaq 21-9-2007 359 0445 RWY IOM Isle Of Man / Ronaldsway 21-9-2007 363 0451 PI FRA Poitiers / Biard 22-9-2007 416 0222 BCS SWE Baccus 22-9-2007 306 0252 PAR ITA Parma (PR) 23-9-2007 377 0148 PA FIN Rovaniemi / Niskapera 23-9-2007 380 0154 FLR NOR Trondheim / Vaernes / Flornes 23-9-2007 407 2030 KA SWE Karlskoga (Frank Thijs, Hoeven, Holland - ndblist 25/09/2007) 22 23:44 335 RIM 336.028 1174 Rimini/Miramare, ITA 22 23:39 340 FOG 341.020 1557 Foggia (fg), ITA 22 23:30 343 SBN 341.978 504 Saarbrucken, DEU / 344.022 22 22:50 345 LN 345.001 369 Lannion, FRA 22 23:05 354 GYR 352.981 1293 Gyor, HNG / 355.021 23 23:47 380 CNL 381.016 1938 Kenitra, MRC 23 23:58 381 LCZ 379.967 1477 Murcia/San Javier, ESP 23 22:18 389 ZRZ 390.025 1030 Zaragoza, ESP 23 22:09 389 CP 390.018 1565 Caparica, POR 23 02:21 389 BX 390.069 2917 La Palma, CNR 23 22:05 391 OKR 389.978 1240 Bratislava/M.r Stefanik, SVK 23 22:33 391 DDP 392.028 6819 San Juan/Dorado/Luiz Munoz, PTR 23 22:25 391 BV 391.006 190 Beauvaise/Tille, FRA 23 22:13 392 RW 390.979 885 Tegel West, DEU 23 22:23 392 KF 390.986 1991 Keflavik, ISL 23 22:36 394 MEL 392.972 1236 Metlika, SVN 23 22:49 395 BR 393.978 1419 Budapest/Ferihegy, HNG 23 22:58 396 SCV 394.960 1889 Y Suceava, ROU / 397.043 23 23:01 396 RON 394.971 1100 Ronchi, ITA 23 23:25 397 CV 398.018 1626 Dubrovnik, HRV 23 23:15 397 CHE 395.947 1597 Cherchell, ALG 23 23:29 398 OK 399.031 711 Connaught, IRL (Peter Conway, Hastings, U.K. - ndblist 25/09/2007) 19 298.5 #492 2033 DEU 19 313.5 #366 2035 ESP 19 307.5 #440 2037 ENG 19 309.5 #449 2038 WLS 19 310.5 #500 2040 NOR 19 312.5 #425 2041 HOL 19 314.0 #507 2048 NOR 19 444.0 NRD 2053 XUE 19 517.0 ARD 2056 ROU 20 303.0 #824 0310 USA new one 20 312.0 #935 0514 CAN new one 20 290.0 #799 0538 USA 20 378.0 HO 0549 CAN (Vincent Lecler, France - dxuti 25/09/2007) 9232.0 PIRUET23 1156 European Mil Net calling TAJGA69, ALE/USB 09/23 9232.0 PIRUET23 1014 European Mil Net calling DUBOWO59, ALE/USB 09/23 (Patrice Privat, France - udxf 25/09/2007) 05056.0 KOS021 pol mil (base au kosovo? ) 0521 USB/ALE & USB pol to DUD026 & DUD025 25sep07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/09/2007) 07880 DDK3: Deutscher Wetterdienst Hamburg GER 1410 UTC Fax 120/850/576 Meteo charts 22sep06 (CWS) 04212 IDR2: Italian Navy ITA 1725 UTC RTTY 75/800 22sep06 (CWS) "idr2 /igj42 /igj43 /idr8 /idr3 /igj41 /" 04322 MGJ: Royal Navy Faslane UK 2000 UTC RTTY 75/850 22sep06 (CWS) "02b 02k 03f 04b 04h 06g 08a 12b 12e 16a n mgj" 04331 4XZ: Israeli Navy Haifa ISR 2034 UTC CW poor signal 22sep06 (CWS) 04557,7 D: Russian Mil ch marker D RUS 2040 UTC CW 4 WpM 22sep06 (CWS) 04583 DDK2: Deutscher Wetterdienst Hamburg GER 0025 UTC RTTY 50/400 ry marker and QRG info 23sep06 (CWS) "cq cq cq de ddk2 ddh7 ddk9" 04277 Unid: Unid station 0030 UTC STANAG4285 23sep06 (CWS) 04610 GYA: Royal Navy Northwood UK 0100 UTC Fax 120/850/576 Tx schedule table 23sep06 (CWS) 04660 Unid: Spanish fishermen ESP 0245 UTC J3E/USB 23sep06 (CWS) 05097 CFH: Meteo Halifax CAN 0300 UTC RTTY 75/850 23sep06 (CWS) "naws de cfh zkr f1 2822 3287 4170 6236 8303 12377 16576 22182 ar" 04732 BZL26: Unid station 1050 UTC RTTY 75/850 23sep06 (CWS) 05450 RAF VOLMET: UK 2230 UTC J3E/USB RS=55 23sep06 (CWS) 00518 R: Rome Radio (METAREA III) ITA 2300 UTC NAVTEX coastal warnings 23sep06 (CWS) 00518 T: Oostende Radio (METAREA I) BEL 2312 UTC NAVTEX coastal warnings 23sep06 (CWS) 05505 Shannon VOLMET: IRL 0825 UTC J3E/USB RS=55 24sep06 (CWS) 05598 NAT-A: ICAO MWARA North Atlantic 0829 UTC J3E/USB severe QRM 24sep06 (CWS) 06358,5 PBB: Dutch Navy Den Helder NED 0958 UTC RTTY 75/850 24sep06 (CWS) "02a 04b 06a 08a 08b 12a 16a pbb" 06362 MGJ: Royal Navy Faslane UK 1010 UTC RTTY 75/850 24sep06 (CWS) "02h 03c 03f 04b 06a 06g 08a 12b 16a 22c mgj" 07634 Unid: 1125 UTC CW 18 WpM 5-letter groups cyphered message 24sep06 (CWS) "bfxrt wxmns cwmqk adpsq fjzdb ffxmv lzazb ctdug dwarb iceog suvxk aqsct yraks ffaxf telax axlew ygyhh cfyla zoykv ipfug aatyg xnpqz isgig pqvob ipnhs bt e nr 2 s 24 13:27:16 1984 bt pfgn" 07646 DDK2: Deutscher Wetterdienst Hamburg GER 1150 UTC RTTY 50/450 24sep06 (CWS) 07957,5 Unid: Poss.France Military 1405 UTC ARQ-E 184,5/400 24sep06 (CWS) 08160 Unid: Spanish fishermen ESP 1428 UTC J3E/USB 24sep06 (CWS) 08423 SVO: Olympia Radio GRE 1425 UTC CW 24sep06 (CWS) 08439 PBB: Dutch Navy Den Helder NED 1431 UTC RTTY 75/850 24sep06 (CWS) "02a 04boo 06a 08a 08boo 12a 16a pbb" 08551,5 CTP: Portuguese Navy Lisbon POR 1437 UTC RTTY 75/850 24sep06 (CWS) "naws naws de ctp ctp ctp qsx 4 mhz qsx 4 mhz qsx 4 mhz ar" 08734 Olympia Radio: Mobile Maritime Service Ch.806 GRE 1446 UTC J3E/UTC RS=56 24sep06 (CWS) 08957 Shannon VOLMET: IRL 1452 UTC J3E/USB RS=53 24sep06 (CWS) (EB2CWS, Spain - udxf 25/09/2007) 23 sep. 2007 23:20 KRU 388 (400) Kokkola FIN 601km. 23:22 COR 388 (400) Corner for Bromma SWE 725km. 23:25 ERK 383 (400) Erken SWE 667km. 23:25 ESP 381 (400) Helsinki/Espoo FIN 315km. 23:26 PHS 380 (400) Pyhasalmi FIN 474km. 23:26 TOL 380 (400) Ivalo/Tolo FIN 1010 km (NEW) 23:27 PA 377 (400) Rovaniemi FIN 803km. 23:30 JR 370 (400) Varkaus/Joroinen FIN 315km. 23:32 VS 365 (400) Tempere FIN 425km. 23:35 PSJ 352 (400) Seinajoki FIN 521km. 23:36 OV 351 (400) Visby SWE 717km. 23:37 LAA 350 (400) Oulu/Laanila FIN 656km. 23:38 SUS 345 (400) Kauhava/Susi FIN 560km. 23:40 KAI 340 (400) Utti/Kaipi FIN 229km. 23:42 KAJ 337 (400) Kajaani FIN 542km. 23:43 KO 490 (1080)Koshany UKR 959km. (NEW) 23:45 SYR 417 (400) Syros GRC 2483km. (NEW) 23:47 BCS 417 (400) Baccus SWE 784km. 23:48 TOR 418 (400) Rovaniemi FIN 816km. 24 sep. 2007 22:16 POR 341 (400) Pori FIN 516km. 22:18 HEK 344 (400) Heka for Helsinki FIN 280km. 22:20 PEO 398 (400) Stoskholm SWE 757 km. 22:30 HY 419 (400) Vassa FIN 591km. (Vladimir Nikitin, St. Petersburg, Russia - ndblist 25/09/2007) 25 12:38 530 ADK AK ALS -1030 Loud 25 12:39 529 SQM AK ALS -1035 25 12:51 316 MAJ MHL +1045 25 13:00 332 POA HI HWA -1020 25 13:01 353 LLD HI HWA -400 25 13:05 390 HBT AK ALS +1035 25 13:05 385 EHM AK ALS -1035 25 13:07 379 SF CA USA +1025 25 13:08 404 MOG CA USA +1020 25 13:09 400 ENS MEX -995,+932 25 13:12 385 BF CA USA -1055 25 13:16 347 LFA CA USA +1030 25 13:16 344 FCH CA USA +1024 25 13:17 338 PBT CA USA +1027 25 13:17 335 CC CA USA +1030 25 13:26 385 MR CA USA +1014 25 13:27 374 LV CA USA +1043 (Mark Mccarthy - ndblist 25/09/2007) 214 XA JPN 1309 very poor/poor 260 NF NFK 1311 poor/weak 270 FA SMO 1335 faint/very poor 276 TVL AUS 1314 very poor +1028 280 IPA PAQ 1249 poor 307 NA FJI 1316 very poor +1024 316 MAJ MHL 1252 very poor 332 POA HWA 1252 medium 352 RG CKS 1254 poor 353 LLD HWA 1255 loud 353 LRE AUS 1322 faint/very poor -1023 359 NDJ MHL 1323 very poor 360 OX VOI 1257 poor 366 PNI FSM 1324 very poor 373 HHI HWA 1326 faint/very poor 373 PQ JPN 1325 poor 375 OJ INS 1327 poor +1023 note change from +1012 a week ago 375 TKK FSM 1328 very poor -1027 390 HK JPN 1331 very poor/poor 400 MDY MDW 1303 poor 403 TUT SMA 1304 poor/weak 412 SON VUT 1304 poor/weak 530 ADK ALS 1306 medium (BTS poor same time) 1737 KUT PNG 1245 poor (Steve Ratzlaff - ndblist 25/09/2007) 06501... unid bip / seconde 0940 ? 22sep07 06712.0 CO0037 n48127 / SU0259 /CO0017 n26123 egpf-kewr -pos sud isl /VIR8 klax-egll -pos :nw irl 0942 HFDL via reykjavick 22sep07 05630.0 pirates 0952 USB esp d/x 22sep07 08421.5 LZW4 varna bul 0954 FEC infos sports? 22sep07 (Michel Lacroix, France - dxuti 25/09/2007) 8484.5 1800 HEB Berne Radio with traffic list Mode Pactor 2 100Bd/170hz (Ronny Peeters, Belgium - udxf 25/09/2007) 05146.0 4XZ?: ISR Navy 1805 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem nothing heard on other Frequ?s (24/SEP/07) (KK) 03815.0 4XZ?: ISR Navy 1903 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem also on 4241, 5512, 6618 (24/SEP/07) (KK) 03880.0 ILU022: POL Mil 1906 USB/ALE clg MAG21 (24/SEP/07) (KK) 05425.0 KBT: GEO Mil 1922 USB/ALE clg BR1 (24/SEP/07) (KK) 05351.0 KBT: GEO Mil 1924 USB/ALE clg BRN (24/SEP/07) (KK) 04856.5 GRFTOC: unid Tact.Op Center 1931 USB/ALE snd (24/SEP/07) (KK) 04681.0 A12: unid 1939 USB/ALE snd (24/SEP/07) (KK) 04520.0 4XZ?: ISR Navy 1941 USB/Ser.Tone Hybrid Modem (24/SEP/07) (KK) 10404.0 TUBRUK: PAK Ny?`1954 USB/ALE clg MSAAD: PNS M "SAAD" (24/SEP/07) (KK) 10427.0 EAX0: spanish Pirate? 2000 PSK-31 wkg unid germ. Station (24/SEP/07) (KK) * 12725.0 GWPWF33: Braz.Ny Fortaleza 2022 USB/ALE clg GWPWIN: F-44 "INDEPENDENCIA" Fragatas (Classe NITEROI) (24/SEP/07) (KK) 13101.0 GWPWF33: Braz.Ny Fortaleza 2022 USB/ALE clg GWPWIN: F-44 "INDEPENDENCIA" Fragatas (Classe NITEROI) (24/SEP/07) (KK) 14780.0 GWPWF33: Braz.Ny Fortaleza 2022 USB/ALE clg GWPWIN: F-44 "INDEPENDENCIA" Fragatas (Classe NITEROI) (24/SEP/07) (KK) 15932.0 GWPWF33: Braz.Ny Fortaleza 2023 USB/ALE clg GWPWIN: F-44 "INDEPENDENCIA" Fragatas (Classe NITEROI) (24/SEP/07) (KK) 04480.0 AHYX: unid prb TRK 1350 Rtty 50Bd/300Hz/ITA-2 norm+inv. clg ABJJL (25/SEP/07) (KK) (Kristian, Germany - udxf 25/09/2007) 07-09-25 23.13 322 KOR Helsinki / Malmi / Korso FIN 07-09-25 23.43 326 SUI Tampere / Pirkkala / Suinu FIN 07-09-24 23.23 329 NMS Namsos NOR 07-09-25 22.41 337 KAJ Kajaani / Koutaniemi FIN 07-09-26 00.01 342 LL Leirin / Fagernes NOR 07-09-26 00.07 345 SUS Kauhava / Susi FIN 07-09-25 00.33 346 GS Gavle / Sandviken SWE 07-09-26 00.10 351 OV Visby SWE 07-09-25 22.03 350 LAA Oulu / Laanila FIN 07-09-26 00.12 352 PSJ Seinajoki FIN 07-09-26 00.13 361 LIE Turku / Lieto FIN 07-09-25 22.03 365 VS Tempere / Pirkkala / Vesilahti FIN 07-09-24 23.03 366 UTH Orland / Uthaug NOR 07-09-25 00.09 370 OHT Stockholm / Arlanda SWE 07-09-26 00.17 373 KEM Kemi-Tornio / Hirmula FIN 07-09-26 00.19 380 FLR Trondheim / Vaernes / Flornes NOR 07-09-24 23.48 404 JAN Halli / Janne FIN 07-09-26 00.32 416 TOR Rovaniemi / Toramo FIN 07-09-26 00.34 419 HY Vaasa / Langskog FIN (Christian Arvidsson - ndblist 25/09/2007) 2007-09-23 04:01 402 FNR 400 400 3951 Y Finner Army Camp, Ireland 2007-09-25 00:52 283.5 NA 0 0 4690 Punta Lantailla, CanaryIslands (Spain) 2007-09-25 01:26 338 PST 1015 4190 PORTO SANTO, Portugal 2007-09-25 01:26 327 POR 1024 4340 Porto, Portugal 2007-09-26 00:29 376 BJA 400 4559 Beja, Portugal 2007-09-26 00:31 382 LAR 1018 4429 Arruda, Portugal 2007-09-26 00:36 380 CAC 1024 4602 Y Caceres, Spain 2007-09-26 00:58 372 OZN 400 2101 Prins Christian Sund /Kitaa, Greenland (Vernon Matheson, Canada - ndblist 26/09/2007) 2007-09-22 05:32 518 $04P 1243 Y Thunder Bay, ON, CAN 2007-09-23 03:16 518 $12D 1240 Y Prince Rupert, BC, CAN 2007-09-23 09:10 518 $11K 4924 Y Kushiro, JPN 2007-09-24 03:16 518 $04A 2101 Y Miami, FL, USA 2007-09-24 05:34 518 $04G 1458 New Orleans, LA, USA 2007-09-24 09:22 518 $11I 5464 Y Yokohama, JPN 2007-09-24 13:03 518 $11V 6270 Y Guam, GUM 2007-09-25 03:18 518 $04R 3067 Y San Juan (Isabella), PTR (Mark M, Northern UT (NUT) - ndblist 26/09/2007) |
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