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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX 139 часть 1
WorldDX 139 24/09/2007 -- WorldDX выходит с декабря 2004 года. Редактор: Иван Лебедевский, Пушкин, Россия. Время везде UTC; Mосковское время = UTC +4 часа - летом, а зимой - +3 часа. Частоты указаны в кГц для ДВ, СВ, КВ и в МГц для ФМ и ТВ Редактор оставляет за собой право не включать в бюллетень информацию, не отвечающую его тематике. -- Архивы старых номеров бюллетеня можно найти: http://worlddx.narod.ru/ http://worlddx.by.ru/ http://subscribe.ru/catalog/radio.worlddx/ -- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/worlddx/ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmdx_Russia/ -- http://worlddx.blogspot.com/ -- Выходит: не регулярно. Адрес для писем: worlddx@yandex.ru -- Короткие Волны Австралия This morning I took another listen to Radio Australia on 49 meters. With the solar flux index in the mid 60's range and therefore less D layer absorption Radio Australia was readable on 6020 kc right up to sign off at 1400 UTC. SIO was 454. At 1400 UTC Radio Australia was still audible on 5995 kc with an SIO of 444. Fadeout occurred at 1425 UTC. (Thomas F. Giella, KN4LF, Lakeland, FL, USA - dxldyg 18/09/2007) 13775, CVC-Darwin, 1401-1432, Sept 18, Mandarin/English.Music and talk at t/in. "Lets talk in English" language lesson prg. re "personality" at 1410. Poor/fair w/ 13780-DW splash. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 19/09/2007) 2310 ABC Northern Territory, 12:05-12:10, escuchada el 20 de septiembre en inglés, locutora en programa musical, emisión de música pop instrumental, SINPO 24332. 2325 ABC Northern Territory, 12:10-12:15, escuchada el 20 de septiembre en inglés, emisión en paralelo por 2310, SINPO 34443. 2485 ABC Northern Territory, 12:15-12:20, escuchada el 20 de septiembre en inglés con programa musical, música pop, SINPO 35443. (Jose Miguel Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) Австрия 5945 Radio Austria Int., 20:55-21:00, escuchada el 19 de septiembre en espanol, sintonia, ID “Noticiero de Austria”, locutor con boletin de noticias, pronostico del tiempo, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 20/09/2007) Албания R. Tirana coming in well on 13750, Sept 18 at 1301, but in Albanian instead of English! 1315 abruptly switched to English with ID, 1317 music. Drita Cico explains: ``Glenn, this was because of blocked radio/relay on Dajt mountain. Sorry`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) Алжир 6300 Radio Nacional Saharaui, 17:31-17:40, escuchada el 17 de septiembre en arabe con emision de musica folklorica local, SINPO 32332 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - bclnews 18/09/2007) Антарктида 15.476 kHz, LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel, 19-09-07, 1932-1943 UTC. Locutora con comentarios de arte y musica de Gloria Stefan, en espanol. SINPO 33222. (Javier Robledillo Jaen, Elche (Alicante), Espana - bclnews 20/09/2007) Аргентина 15345.18, RAE, 2341-2355:35*, Sept 21, LA ballads, tango music, IS, with "RAE, Argentina" ID, fair (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 22/09/2007) Афганистан More evidence that R. Solh, 17700 via UK, is playing exactly the same program every day: Some days before, we had noticed the CD skipping during music at 1346 UT, and exactly the same thing happened on Sept 19 and Sept 20. Altho we still haven`t found a new time for the old ``Solh theme``, we enjoy especially the call-and-response tune at 1416 and the one which follows at 1421, Sept 19 and presumably every day. Reception has equinoxially improved lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) Африка\США V. of Biafra International via WHRI, 15665, Friday Sept 21 at 2041 tune in with speaker denouncing atrocities of Gowan, etc. Signal VG fading deeply during which the long-path echo could be heard. 2053 played `God Bless Africa`, 2055 sign-off ID still imagining it is on ``15.67 MHz``, some hilife music and 2159 WHRI closing. Meanwhile, I was also hearing NIGERIA, q.v. It seems VOBI has some vague plan to increase from weekly to daily broadcasts, so should check this on non-Fridays too (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) Болгария R. Bulgaria, 15700, Sept 20 at 1325 was accompanied by ratchy spurs at roughly 15685 and 15715 during talk modulation peaks; and 15700 itself had a ringing sound in the background. Recheck at 1344 during music, no spurs heard, perhaps modulated just enough less to avoid them (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) Боливия 5952 12/09 0013 Radio Emisora Pio XII, Llallagua-Siglo XX, musicas de flautas, 45343 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 17/09/2007) 6134.74, Radio Santa Cruz, 1005-1020 Male and female presenting a language lesson. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/09/2007) 5952.46, Radio Pio Doce, Siglo Veinte, 0220-0234*, Sept 20, Spanish talk. Sign off with River Kwai march at 0232 along with closing announcements. Usually signs off with the River Kwai march. Difficult reception with strong splatter from 5950-Okeechobee, Florida. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) 3310 Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba, 0035-0040, September 14, Aymara, religious talk by female in aymara, 24322 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/09/2007) 4699,40 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0020-0025, September 14, Spanish, long talk by male, 23322 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/09/2007) 5952.44, Emisoras Pio XII, 1042-1055 Setting here for a couple of minutes with no signal except the carrier heard. At 1044 audio fades in with a male in Spanish comments. Unfortunately, the audio continues to fade in and out. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/09/2007) 4699.3 Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 2334 - 2337, Sep 15, Spanish, Musical Program "La Factoria del Ritmo", ID "Exitos de Radio San Miguel estan contigo", 24332, (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) **BOLIVIA. 4699.41, Radio San Miguel, Riberalta, 0910-0930, Sept 22, local Bolivian music. Spanish announcements. Poor. Weak. (Alexander-PA) **BOLIVIA. 4716.67, Radio Yura, Yura, 1005-1020, Sept 22, Spanish talk, rustic Bolivian music. Rapid-fire announcements. Poor. Weak. (Alexander-PA) **BOLIVIA. 6079.99, Radio San Gabriel, La Paz, 1040-1100, Sept 22, Presumed with non-stop nice local flute music, rustic vocals. Fair level but overall poor signal due to DRM QRM on low side. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/09/2007) 4699.4 BOLIVIA. R. San Miguel, Riberalta, 1049, 9/23/07. Threshold audio popping above noise with hints of music. Faded quickly (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007) Бразилия 6170 12/09 0007 Radio Cultura FM, Sao Paulo (SP), musicas classicas; boa sintonia, 45343 (45232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 17/09/2007) 4805 Radio Difusora do Amazonas, Manaus, 0028-0033, September 14, Portuguese, many identifications by male & female: "Difusora....a mais........." (all canned), local Adv., 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 21/09/2007) 4845.1 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicaes (p), Manaus, 2325 - 2331, Sep 15, Portuguese, Comments and Musical Program, 24332 (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) Буркина Фасо 5030 Rdiff. du Burkina, Ouagadougou, 2304 - 2307, Sep 15, Comments by man announcer and Musical Program, 34433 (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) Венесуэла 17750 Radio Nacional de Venezuela via RHC, 1510+, September 16, Spanish, “Alo Presidente” conduced by Hugo Chavez President, tranmission in live from Anaco District, 35433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) Габон Afropop music distraxion, 17660, good signal on peaks but somewhat distorted with some deep fades, Sept 14 at 1358. During a brief pause I could hear something else underneath. Could Sawt al-Amal be back? Nothing else listed but NHK Yamata at 305 degrees. No sign of ANU 17630 or 19160 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 17/09/2007) Гвинея 7125 Radio TV Guinneane, Conakry, 2210+, September 15, French, talk by male, 23422 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) Германия/Россия 6115, Radio Free Europe, 2345-0010 Prior to the hour, noted pop music. On the hour, female in Russian language comments and news. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 21/09/2007) Гондурас 3339.96, HRMI, Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0650-0900+, Sept 22, Reactivated. Had been off the air the past several weeks, but now back on the air. Spanish religious talk with English translations heard past 0715. Later heard with a variety of Spanish pops/ballads. local music. IDs as "Radio MI" and "Radio Misiones Internacionales". Still here at 1100 check. Fair signal. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/09/2007) During 90m bandscan Sept 22 around 0545, besides REE Costa Rica on 3350 there was a much weaker Spanish signal on 3340, presumably HRMI active once again (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) 3340, HRMI, 1019-1037, Sept 22, Spanish.Ballads w/ ID annmt at 1034. Weak but clear. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA = hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) Джибути 4780 Radio Djibouti, Doraleh, 2017 - 2022, Sep 15, Vernacular, dialogue between two man announcer's, Djibouti mentioned several times, 34343, (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) 4780, Radiodiffusion Television de Djibouti, Djibouti, 2154-2200, September 22, Vernacular, local songs, short announcement by male, (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 23/09/2007) Доминиканская Республика 6025.05, Radio Amanecer Internacional, 2155-2220, Sept 16, gospel music. Spanish talk. IDs at 2205. Several "La Voz de Esperanza" announcements. Fair level but some weak adjacent channel splatter. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/09/2007) 6025, R. Amanecer Internacional, Santo Domingo, 0838-0908, Sept 21, on 24 hrs? Sounded like sermon in Spanish, religious music/singing, 0903 musical fanfare, "Radio Amanecer Internacional". Mostly fair, briefly good, slight QRM after strong RA sign-on at 0900 on 6020 (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 21/09/2007) Египет 12050, Radio Cairo, 0040-0055, Sept 22, strong signal strength but very distorted, unusable audio with Arabic talk, Mid-east music. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 22/09/2007) R. Cairo, English to Europe, 9990, Sept 21 at 2155, woman speaking but only bits of what she was saying could be heard at modulation peaks, and then extremely distorted; music mixed in came thru with fewer dropouts, but overall, a total loss, as it has been for sesquidecades, perhaps Egypt`s greatest embarrassment (well, after civil rights violations). Moot from *2159 WWCR 9985 opening with steel drums (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) Зимбабве 3396, presumed ZBC, 0217-0235, Sept 17, Vernacular. Easy listening music in language, OM b/w selections. Poor. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 19/09/2007) 4828, ZBC, Gweru, 0130-0150, Sept 21, non-stop Afro-pop music, ballads. Fair. 3396 not heard tonight. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) 3396 ZBC, Gweru, 2054 - 2059, Sep 15, Vernacular, Comments by man announcer and Music, 34333 (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) Израиль ISRAEL 9345 Kol Israel, 17:45-18:00, captada el 18 de septiembre en idioma judeo-espanol, Ladino. Sintonia, locutora con presentacion, boletin de noticias, se aprecia de forma esporadica una senal rtty, parte meteorologico, segmento musical, poemas cantados en ladino, emision en paralelo por 11590 y 15760, a las 17:55 cesa emision en 15760, se mantiene en 9345 y 11590, SINPO 44444. ISRAEL 9345 Kol Israel, 18:15-18:30, captada el 18 de septiembre en idioma espanol, tonos horarios, sintonia , locutor Leo Sitgman con presentacion, locutora con boletin de noticias, noticias nacionales e internacionales, pronostico del tiempo, se despide hasta manana a las 20:15, hora local, 18:15 UTC, emision en paralelo por 11590 y 13675, SINPO 44444. * El servicio en rumano fue de 17:30 a 17:45, por las frecuencias de 9345, 11590 y 15760, el servicio en frances fue de 18:00 a 18:15 por las frecuencias 9345, 11590 y 13675. El servicio en ingles comienza a las 18:30 por 9345, 11590 y 13675. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 18/09/2007) 6970 Galei Tzahal (p), Lod, Tel Aviv, 2048 - 2054, Sep 15, Hebrew, man and female announcer, Comments, Music interpreted by Luciano Pavarotti, 22222 (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) Индия 9445 All India Radio, 19:24-19:30, escuchada el 19 de septiembre via Bangalore en ingles con musica tocada con Sitar, instrumento de cuerda, locutor con identificacion, locutora con boletin de noticias, SINPO 45444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 20/09/2007) 11840, AIR via Delhi, broadcasting to NE Asia, 1312-1315*, Sept 22, (scheduled 1145-1315), heard in Chinese with Indian music, jammed by CNR-1, both simultaneously off at the same time (Ron Howard, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg 23/09/2007) 5010 INDIA. AIR, Thiruvananthapuram (presumed), 1238, 9/23/07. Threshold audio w/ OM in extended tlk (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007) Индонезия 11785 Voz de Indonesia, 17:00-17:07, captada el 16 de septiembre en espanol, comienza emision con identificacion en ingles, sintonia, locutor anuncia emitir por 9525 y 15150, FM 69 Mhz, locutor con boletin de noticias, se trata de las mismas emitidas el 15 de septiembre, empieza con informe sobre los suicidios en Indonesia, anuncia comienzo del Ramadan el jueves, SINPO 44444. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/09/2007) 11785 Voz de Indonesia, 17:00-17:25, escuchada el 17 de septiembre en espanol, identificacion en ingles, sintonia, hoy no anuncia ninguna frecuencia de emision, boletin de noticias con referencias al terremoto sufrido en dias pasados, enumera danos sufridos por la poblacion y el coste economico en infraestructuras, Rusia instalara una planta de electricidad, programa “Conociendo Indonesia”, “Musica de Indonesia”, SINPO 34433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - bclnews 18/09/2007) Indonesia, 9525, Voice of Indonesia, 1000-1015 "This is the Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta" ID in English by a female. Shortly after, a male in Indonesian comments which was probably news. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 19/09/2007) Indonesia, 9680, RRI Jakarta, 1003-1015 At tune in, noted a male in Indonesian Language talking with a second male with mentions of "Jakarta". Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 19/09/2007) Indonesia, 4604.92, RRI Serui, 1015-1030 With music and some comments from a male. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/09/2007) Indonesia, 4750, RRI Makassar, 1020-1100 Haven't heard this station on the air for the last couple of days whether due to condx or just off, it's back with format of chatter among individuals. Sounded like a live program with Islamic music included. Later at 1052, noted a female in comments. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/09/2007) Indonesia, 4845.20, RRI Ambon, 1025-1035 Tuned in to steady pop music as heard on RRI outlets. No break in the music on the half hour. Lot's of QRM here from a utility station. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/09/2007) Indonesia, 4790, RRI Fak Fak, 1054-1100 Noted a male in Indonesian comments. This still mixing with station from Peru. Fak Fak is poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/09/2007) Indonesia, 4869.92, RRI Wamena, 1057-1105 At tune in heard a male in Indonesian comments. At 1101 brief moment of music then male continues to comments. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/09/2007) 3345v RRI Ternate noted off the air again +/- 1300 UTC. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 20/09/2007) 3987.05 RRI Manokwari 1318-1400+ Sep 21. Vocal mx to 1328, then several reps of a 5-note local IS on a dulcimer-like instrument; 4 time pips to 1330 then YL with "Radio Republik Indonesia..." and into a 10-minute talk/news program; back to vocal music at 1340; SCI and Jak news at 1400 ToH. Good signal, equal to that of powerhouse Radio Nikkei on 3925, and holding up past 1400 when most other RRI stations had almost faded out. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 22/09/2007) 11784.82 kHz 1702 - 1800 UTC Voice of Indonesia - Spanish w/ strong accent - Very good reception. Followed by German at 1800 and French at 1900 (Giovanni Carboni, Pisa, Italy - CumbreDX 22/09/2007) 4750, RRI Makassar, 1025-1035 With male in Indonesian comments between musical selections. signal is good this morning. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/09/2007) 3976 RRI Pontianak, 1019 - 1021, Sep 16, Vernacular, comments by female announcer, 24442, (Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina) 4605 RRI Serui, 0936 - 0945, Sep 16, Indonesian, comments by female announcer and then local music, 24222, (Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina) (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) 4750, presumed RRI Makassar, with muezzin at the rather late hour of 1338 UT Sept 21; not much else was left on 60m, not even Cuba 5025. High local noise level. 4790, presumed RRI Fak2, Qur`an at 1304 Sept 22; unlike the morning before, this signal outshone 4750 which also had Qur`an but not //. 4605 weak with talk, and nothing audible on 4870 or 4920 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) 4605.04, presumed RRI Serui, 1041-1100, Sept 22, Vernacular. Light vocal/instrumental music in language, audible under QRN floor. Gradually fading-out by ToH. Poor. 3976-RRI Pontianak also heard in this time frame w/ same signal strength/quality. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) 9680, RRI Jakarta, 0900-0934, Sept 23 (Sun), singing KGRE jingle, ID in Basha Indonesian (BI) for KGRE & the Indonesia Australia Language Foundation, into English with KGRE program #5701 presented by Kevin and Maggie, talking about SMP students and the KGRE's Joeys Club, song "Blue Sky Mine", segment "Quick Fix" about using in & on for dates, mentions KGRE has new recording studios, mostly good. Suddenly off in mid-sentence about 0909, open carrier on & off, back on at 0912:40 without the KGRE program. Pop music, YL in BI, mentions K.G.R.E. (explaining why they went off the air?), more pop songs, on-air phone conversation. At 1000 noted RRI ID and into the usual Ramadan/Islam program in BI. A big thanks to Dan Sheedy for the tip! For the past two years during Ramadan I didn't hear KGRE during their usual 1000-1020 time slot (Sun. & Wed.), so assumed they were completely preempted, but maybe if I had tuned in an hour earlier I could have heard them. They have an extensive website: < http://www.kangguru.org/index.htm > (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 23/09/2007) 3976 RRI-Pontianak, 1022+, September 16, Indonesian, talk by female, 24332 4604,8 RRI-Serui, 0932+, September 16, Indonesian, news by female, local songs, 25342 4749,8 RRI-Makassar (p), 0945+, September 16, Indonesian, talk by male, local music, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) Иран 6205.91, VOIRI, 0027-0125, Sept 20, Sign on with lite instrumental music. Opening announcements & Iranian National Anthem at 0030. Koran at 0031. Talk in unidentified language at 0033. Variety of Mid-east music, lite instrumental music. Koran at various times throughout broadcast. Abrupt sign off. Good. Strong. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) VOIRI 15085 at 1842 in French. Fair but heard most days. //13755 poor. 20 Sept. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) Ирландия RTE Ireland via Woooferton, UK (??) logged 15 September on 17860 from 1300 onward with the All-Ireland Football finals. Signal fair on peaks, with long, deep fades. None of the other four frequencies heard, not even the other 16 meter frequency. (J. D. Stephens, Hampton Cove, AL, USA - CumbreDX 18/09/2007) 6295 Reflections Europe, 18:25-18:40, escuchada el 23 de septiembre en inglés a locutor con comentarios y música religiosa, SINPO 33443 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - dxldyg 23/09/2007) Канада CKZU, 6160, Vancouver coming in well at 34443, Sept 22 at 1259 with ID as ``CBC Radio One in British Columbia``, plug local ``North by Northwest`` show following news, 1300 World Report (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) Киргизия 4010 Kyrgysz Radio, Bishkek, 2250+, September 15, Vernacular, local music, very low signal!!! (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) Китай 5240 12/09 0001 PBS Xizang, Lhasa, locutora em tibetano, 45232 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 17/09/2007) 11630 CNR 1, Lingshi, 20:07-20:10, captada el 16 de septiembre en chino con emision de musica oriental, SINPO 34443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/09/2007) 7270 Nei Menggu PBS 1247-1315+ Sep 17. Man speaking in presumed Mongolian, followed by traditional Chinese mx, then more talk to ToH. At 1300, a drama or "Mongolian Opera" was presented, consisting of a low-pitched rustic stringed instrument alternating with impassioned soliloquies by a man. Tuned out at 1315. Good signal, with presumed Wai FM underneath. Also heard on // 9750, which was good but underneath NHK, which was better. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 18/09/2007) 5030, CNR-1 jammer, 1125-1155+, Sept 21, Chinese talk. Local music. Very weak. Much better on the following parallel frequencies: 6110, 7280, 9680, 9780, 11665, 11710, 11785, 11825, 11990, 12110, & 12040. Some frequencies with echo effect. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) 15150, Firedrake, 0006-0011, Sept 22, heard under fair VOA (Thailand) in Chinese and singing VOA jingle, weak, with unidentified station under both of them (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 22/09/2007) 4905, Xizang PBS, Lhasa, 1220-1238, Sept 21, music program (indigenous traditional music, pop songs, etc). Clearly parallel with 4920 (weak) and 6200 (fair) (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 22/09/2007) 6150, 1050-1100 Noted Firedarke Jamming here until 1100 when it went off. Didn't hang around to see if they came back later. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 22/09/2007) 11840, CNR-1, 1312-1315*, Sept 22, Chinese programming, used to jam AIR via Delhi, also in Chinese, both simultaneously off at the same time (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg 23/09/2007) 5039.86, Fujian People's Broadcasting, 1015-1030 Signal is just poor enough to make copying details really difficult. Noted male and female announcers in Chinese comments. At 1029 music heard. Interference includes a het from a station on 5040.31 KHz which is probably Myanmar China's signal was poor. (Chucl Bolland. Clewiston, FL, USA - 23/09/2007) Колумбия 5910 COLOMBIA. Marfil Estereo, 1130, 9/23/07. SP ballads. Feded away but back by 1136. Slop from pre- sumed DW relay, Bonaire, 5905 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007). Корея 3959.73 KCBS Kanggye 1241-1308 Sep 18. Assorted vocal and instrumental mx with no anmts until 1300; then OM & YL with possible news in Korean. Fair signal with Ham QRM and // to 4450.00 (G) and 2850.03 (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 18/09/2007) 2850 KCBS (p), Pyongyang, 0926 - 0930, Sep 16, Korean, Musical Program, 34333 (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) Куба 15190 09/09 1509 Radio Havana, Havana, emissao em esperanto, comentarios sobre o cultivo de cafe e cacau; emissao nao listada no EiBi; 45444 (Celio Romais, Porto Alegre, Brasil - radioescutas 17/09/2007) 6060 Radio Habana Cuba, 03:25-03:30, escuchada el 17 de septiembre en espanol, locutora en reportaje con fragmentos de una entrevista, en paralelo por 5965, cuna de ID, programa “De Cuba, un Disco”, SINPO 34333 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - bclnews 18/09/2007) Кувейт R Kuwait 11990 at 1832 in English. Moderate. Also mentioned in DXLD 7-110, dated 9 Sept. 20 Sept. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) Лаос The TDP schedule website now shows Moj Them Radio (0100-0130 on 15260) on Mon/Wed/Fri instead of Tue/Thu. (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, dxldyg 19/09/2007) Либерия 5470 Radio Veritas, Monrovia, 2030+, September 15, English, music & ann. by male (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) Ливия 11835 Voice of Africa, 20:12-20:16, captada el 16 de septiembre en arabe, locutora con comentarios, locutor presentando espacio con musica de fondo, identificacion, sonido de campanas y tonos horarios, SINPO 44554. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/09/2007) Мавритания 4845 Radio Mauritania, Nouackchott, 2125-2132, September 22, Arabic, male with Holy Koran, 24432 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 23/09/2007) Малайзия 6049.64, Suara Islam/Voice of Islam via RTM, 1614-1624 & 1647-1700*, Sept 15, in vernacular, Islamic music, reciting from the Qur'an, ID "Radio Suara Islam, Kuala Lumpur", choral anthem at sign-off. Fair to poor by sign-off (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 17/09/2007) 7295, Traxx FM via RTM, 1555-1613, Sept 15, DJ with pop songs in English, ID "Traxx FM", ToH two pips, "The 12 AM news update from the RTM News Center", items about Indonesian earthquakes, the giant new Airbus jet landed Saturday for the first time at Hamburg Airport in Germany, etc., sports news, back to pop songs. Best reception was the 5 minute gap when the strong firedrake/music jamming on 7300 was off (1600* - *1605) (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 17/09/2007) 7270 Wai FM(p) 1310-1340+ Sep 18. Vocal mx to 1315, then phone chat(s) by man, followed by more mx. Mixing with Nei Menggu and was hard at times to tell the stns apart, since Nei Menggu was also alternating mx and talk by M ancr (i.e. did not have the "Mongolian Opera" as they did yesterday at this time). Did catch Wai's distinctive 2 time pips at 1300 ToH. Both stations fair with neither dominating. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 18/09/2007) 5964.93 Klasik Nasional FM 1249-1318 Sep 19. Back on the air after being silent since around Sep 6. Heard with vocal mx and YL ancr to ToH, then usual 2 pips and presumed news to 1310; back to mx after the news; noted one "Klasik Nasional" ID without the "FM". Seemed // to 7270 (Wai) during the news but could not tell for sure, since 7270 was a mix of 2 or 3 not-very-strong stations. Klasik noted again today, Sep 20, with similar programming and fair signal. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 20/09/2007) 5965v - Klasik Nasional FM - off again after coming back on for just 2 days. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 22/09/2007) 6049.62, RT Malaysia, 1012-1020 At tune in, noted a male in comments until 1013 when music presented. The WRTH says this is Wai FM relay, if I am reading it correctly? Signal was threshold. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 22/09/2007) 7295, RT Malaysia, 1100-1115 Noted a male in English Language news. The WRTH says this is Traxx FM transmitting 24 hours, General Service in English. Signal was just a bit under fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA - 22/09/2007) 5964.95, Klasik Nasional FM via RTM, 1111-1140, Sept 22, Islamic sunset call to prayer, reciting from the Qu'ran, ballads and pop songs, in vernacular, weak. This has been operating on a somewhat erratic schedule recently, as also noted by Dan Sheedy and John Wilkins (Ron Howard, CA, Etón E1) 6049.64, Asyik FM via RTM, 1043-1116, Sept 22, in vernacular, indigenous chanting/singing, pop songs, many singing "Asyik FM" jingles, 1111-1114 Islamic sunset call to prayer (Kuala Lumpur sunset at 1109), fair, with moderate het from 6050.0 (perhaps from RTM Sarawak Sibu, but I have never been able to hear any audio from them) (Ron Howard, CA, Etón E1) 7295, Traxx FM via RTM, 1100 Sept 22, briefly noted with the news in English from the "RTM news center", weak. (Ron Howard, CA, Etón E1, dxldyg 22/09/2007) Мексика 9599.22, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 0715-0800, Sept 16, Good signal & in the clear with classical music. ID at 0755. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/09/2007) XEYU, Radio UNAM: Besides the weak carrier I found at 1340 Sept 13, also heard much better at 1341 Sept 14 on 9599.2, Spanish discussion of state, federal and city politix. S9 +18 or SINPO 34443. Still needs more modulation but readable. Then at 0552 Sept 15 on 9599.2, good modulation in classical music, and signal stronger than JOZ3 on 9595 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 17/09/2007) 9599.29, Radio UNAM, Mexico City, 0150-0200, Sept 21, Spanish talk. ID at 0152. A regular lately, but once again fighting it out with Cuba on 9600. Fair to good signal strength but must use ECSS- LSB to avoid Cuba on 9600. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) 9599.32 Radio UNAM 1535-1604 Sep 20. Program "America del Norte Hoy" - EG/FR program about native peoples in Canada, with each sentence translated into SP; mentions of "Nunavut," "Northwest Territories," etc.; ended at 1557 with time check for "10:57," followed by YL with ID: "Uds. escuchando XEUN 860 kHz amplitud modulada y XEYU...."; signal dropped for last part of ID, but they apparently include SW in their ID's now; into Classical mx program at 1600. Generally fair signal but fady. (J. M. Wilkins, Wheat Ridge, CO, USA - CumbreDX 22/09/2007) 9599.24, XEYU, Radio UNAM (presumed), 0012-0047, Sept 22, LA ballads, long segment of EZL piano music, poor-fair, best in LSB, QRM from strong Cuba on 9600.0. From 0328-0341 re-checked and was fair to good with Cuba absent, but tuned back again at 0355 to hear Glenn's program in Spanish, on 9600.0, with Radio Nederland ID (Ron Howard, Canada - dxldyg 22/09/2007) Мьянма 5985.80, Myanma Radio, Yangon (presumed), 1337-1412, Sept 22, heard in the usual vernacular and indigenous music/singing, poor-fair. Checked to hear if they had any special coverage of the Buddhist monks protesting in Yangon, but guess they did not want to publicize what was happening there (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg 23/09/2007) Нигер 9705, LV du Sahel, Niamey, 2110-2200*, Sept 16, variety of French & US pop music, ballads. Some local tribal music. French talk. Koran at 2153-2158. Sign off with choral National Anthem at 2159. Test tone at 2200 & off. Fair signal strength level but overall poor signal due to adjacent channel splatter from both sides (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/09/2007) Нигерия 9690, Voice of Nigeria, *0759-0815, Sept 16, Sign on with their usual theme music. ID announcements & talk in vernacular at 0800. Some local tribal music. Fair to good (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 17/09/2007) **NIGERIA. 6089.84, Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2135-2201, Sept 21, Poor under DRM noise with vernacular talk. Covered by Anguilla-6090 at 2201 sign on. (Alexander-PA) **NIGERIA. 7275, Radio Nigeria, Abuja, 0550-0620, Sept 22, English religious talk. ID & news at 0600. Weak but in the clear. (Alexander-PA) (Brian Alexander,PA, USA - dxldyg 22/09/2007) 4770 Radio Nigeria, Kaduna, 2135-2140, September 22, Vernacular, talk or news by male, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - dxldyg 23/09/2007) VON, 15120, very strong signal, even much stronger here than VOBI via WHRI 15665, as if in a radio war, Sept 21 at 2045 woman talking in English, but awful muffled modulation, so on that basis alone the choice between them was easy. Off at 2056* (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) Пакистан 11580 after 0100z, listed in Urdu to SE Asia with call to prayer and other programs. With the equinox approaching, the grayline is good for North America to Asia. (Jerry Lenamon, Texas, USA - CumbreDX 17/09/2007) Папуа Новая Гвинея 3235 Radio West New Britain, Kimbe, 1013 - 1015, Sep 16, Vernacular, Music and comments by female announcer, 24442 3905 Radio New Ireland, Kavieng, 1005 - 1008, Sep 16, Vernacular and English, Comments or News by man announcer, ID in vernacular, 34333 (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) 3235 Radio West New Britain, Kimbe, 1014+, September 16,Vernacular, talk by male, 24332 3260 Radio Madang (t), 1005+, September 16, Vernacular, local music 3315 Radio Manus, Lorengau, Admiralty Islands, 1010+, September 16, Vernacular, talk by male, local music, 22432 3905 Radio New Ireland, Kavieng, 0907+, September 16, Vernacular, talk by male, local music, 24332 At 1000 reported with 34433!!!! (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) 3235 R.West New Britain, 12:20-12:22, escuchada el 20 en piding, locutor con comentarios, de septiembre con emisión musical, música instrumental de guitarra eléctrica, SINPO 24232. 3275 R.Southern Highlands, 12:23-12:30, escuchada el 20 de septiembre con emisión musical, locutor con comentarios, SINPO 24322. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) Перу 5939.25, Radio Melodia, 1037-1045 Noted a male in steady Spanish comments. Details difficult to pickout since signal is very poor. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, 20/09/2007) 4746.87, Radio Huanta 2000, Huanta, 0950-1010, Sept 22, Peruvian music. ID, Talk in local language. Weak. (Alexander-PA) (Brian Alexander,PA, USA - dxldyg 22/09/2007) 4746.88 PERU. R. Huanta 2000 (presumed), 1050, 9/23/07. OM & YL tlk at threshold level. High-pitched female voice definitely cut through noise better than OM (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007). Россия RUSSIA, 5920, R.Rossi-Petropavlovsk Kamchatsky, 1012-1033, Sept 18, Russian. OM and YL w/ talk., presumed news headlines at 1030. More talk w/ ID in passing at 1032. Fair over co-channel WBOH which took over the frequency at BoH. // 5940 Arman-fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 19/09/2007) RUSSIA, 9785, RS Tikhiy Ocean, 0843-0900*, Sept 18, Russian. YL and OM w/ talk and a few musical selections. ID's at 0848, 0850 and s/off. Poor/fair. (Scott Barbour Jr, Intervale, NH, USA - dxldyg 19/09/2007) 9765 Radio Tikhy Okean, Vladivostok, 0830-0845, September 22, Russian, Interval signal, very clear identification by male, announcement by female, bulletin news read by female, short report, local song, 34433 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - hard-core-dx 22/09/2007) Руанда/Судан 5985, Sudan Radio Service, Kigali, 0300-0329, Sept 21, Abrupt sign on with IDs. English news at 0302. Program about development of schools in Sudan. Some Afro-pop music. Fair level but mixing with a weaker co-channel WYFR. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) Сингапур 6080, RSI, 1322-1332, Sept 22, strong reception, program of "Retro-African" music, ID "Radio Singapore International, a view from Singapore", BoH news, item about the Buddhist monks protesting in Yangon, etc. (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg 23/09/2007) 6120 SINGAPORE. R. Singapore Inatl, 1215, 9/23/07. Indo service listed w/ OM & YL alternating in presumed nx. S1 on peaks but clear (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007). Сирия 12085 SYRIA. R. Damascus, 2020, 9/18/07. Typical Arabic vocals with percussive instrument accompaniment. Better audio modulation than usual but still way short. S2-3 carrier (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007) Словакия 11620 Radio Eslovaquia Int., 20:00-20:05, captada el 16 de septiembre en espanol, locutora con boletin de noticias y lectura de cartas, emision en paralelo por 11650 y 6055, esta frecuencia no esta listada, pero parece que se trata de algun producto extrano de mi receptor, la senal es pobre y con ruido, sin embargo en sus frecuencias originales la senal es tremenda. SINPO 33232. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/09/2007) 11650 Radio Slovaquia Int, 20:06-20:15, escuchada el 19 de septiembre en espanol, segmento de musica pop local, locutor con reportaje, entrevista, SINPO 55544. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 20/09/2007) Соломоновы о-ва 5019,9 SIBC, Honiara, 0912+, September 16, Vernacular, local music, announcement by male, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) Судан Radio Miraya will be testing on Monday Sept. 17, 2007 from 0300-06000 UTC on 7285 kHz to Sudan, in Arabic & English. Please send reception reports to bevoip (at) yahoo (dot) com. Please indicate QTH. (Ron Norton and Jane - CumbreDX 17/09/2007) 11945, Southern Sudan Interactive Radio Instruction, 0630-0700*, Sept 21, Very tentative with English talk. A lot of door bell type sound affects. Very weak. Just to weak to catch an ID. Listed for M/W/F only. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) Таджикистан 4635 Tajik Radio, Yangi Yul, 2304+, September 15, Vernacular, local music (instrumental), announcement by male, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen, Argentina - radioescutas 23/09/2007) Таиланд 7260, Radio Thailand, *1100-1110, Sept 20, Thanks to Rich D’Angelo tip. Sign on with gongs, English ID & into Vietnamese at 1101. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) Тайвань 7445, Radio Taiwan International, Paochung, 1125-1200, Sept 20, English programming with radio-drama. ID at 1147. Closing announcements at 1157 with ID & schedule. Fair signal strength but poor, muffled audio. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) Турция VOT, 15450, Live from Turkey, Thu Sept 20 at 1250-1320, was propagating much better as we get into equinox. The two hosts were gabbing as usual, without any phone calls. They mentioned not having heard from former regulars Christopher Lewis and David Crystal, and also that they were getting so many calls that the phone lines were jammed and could not put them on the air. I assume they were joking. Someone allegedly called but did not want to reveal name or location; maybe on next week (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) Уганда 4975.97. Radio Uganda, 0255-0325, Sept 21, tune-in to English religious messages. Local African music at 0300. Some US pop music. Quite surprised when they played "YMCA" by The Village People! I haven’t heard that song in a long time. Promos for upcoming programs. Fair to good. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) 4976 UGANDA. R. Uganda, 332, 9/22/07. Pop mx at best level in a long time. Frequent announcements. Overall fair-poor due to t-storm static (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007) Чад 6165 tentative continuing beyond 2300. Had sign off with chorale anthem at 2230 a few days ago. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 18/09/2007) 6165, RNT, N’Djamena, 2215-2231*, Sept 20, French talk, local tribal music. Sign off with National Anthem at 2230. Fair to poor. Co-channel QRM from a weak Croatia. (Brian Alexander, PA, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) Чили 6110, La Voz Crista, 1000-1030 With male in Portugues language comments between instrumental martial type music and fanfare. At 1025 music type changes to popular. ID as, " ...CVC transmite ..." at 1130. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, Clewiston, FL, USA, September 18, 2007) Эквадор 3279.9 La Voz del Napon, Tena, Napo, 1001 - 1003, Sep 16, Quechoa, Music and comments by man announcer, 24332 (Nicolas Eramo, Chascomus, Argentina - playdx2003 22/09/2007) Just happened to be tuning past 11960 at 1314 UT Sept 21, and heard yet another HCJB automated ID in Spanish STILL announcing both its frequencies incorrectly. After a brief quotation from Plato (no Christian, he), claimed to be on 11760 and 9745, and I had also just tuned by its weaker // which is really 11690. Quite aside from its theology, HCJB`s credibility as a SW broadcaster has reached rock-bottom (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - hard-core-dx 23/09/2007) 4909.2 ECUADOR. R. Chaskis del Norte (presumed) , 1055, 9/23/07. Andean vocal w/flute at only S1 level. Long-winded OM in possible nx or announce- ments @ 1101 (Jerry Strawman, Des Moines, IA, USA - CumbreDX 23/09/2007) Эритрея VO Meselna Delina (MF 1700-1730) moved to 7335 (ex11765) acc. to the TDP schedule website. (Bernd Trutenau, Lithuania, dxldyg 19/09/2007) Ю. Африка 3320, Radio Sondergrense, 0102-0120 With a female in Africaans Language comments until 0110 when a male continues with comments. Signal was fair (Chuck Bolland, Clwiston, FL, USA - 20/09/2007) Япония R. Nikkei, 6055, JOZ2, plays some classical and other good music, and is well worth listening to, despite being in Japanese --- except Wed Sept 19 at 1315, there was a discussion with a segment every so often in English! Perhaps it was just being translated into Japanese, but each segment was fairly long and not faded under as for voice-over. 1329 sign-off announcement with frequencies, callsigns, powers, 1330* Also listened Thu Sept 20 to some classical music but it was interrupted at 1244 for Japanese announcements and ID. The radio was already tuned to 6055, since we had been enjoying the music on La Banera de Ulises from Spain until 0555 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) -- СВ/ДВ 1499.9L 17/09 0450- R. Santa Rosa, Lima (PRU) 2/3 Mx religiosa e Santo Rosario in S (file in cartella della benedizione finale e inizio canto) 1500U 17/09 0450- WTWP Washington DC (USA) 3 Nx e commenti, vari ID in E 1480 17/09 0450- WMDD Fajardo PR (PTR) 2 Parlato e interviste in diretta in S 1700 16/09 0500- WEUP Huntsville AL (USA)1/2 Px mx gospel, parlato in E 1640 16/09 0430- WTNI Biloxi MS (USA) 2 Nx, mx e vari ID "ESPN Radio" 1580U 16/09 0450- non id 1/2 Px con vivace musica e parlato in S 1570 16/09 0447- non id 2/3 Px mx, annunci in S, frammento di marcia militare; probabile messicana XERF 1560 16/09 0430- WQEW New York NY (USA) 3/4 Px mx, slogan e iD "Radio Disney" 1520 16/09 0445- WWKB Buffalo NY (USA) 4/5 Mx, comunicati e annunci, slogan e vari ID "WWKB Buffalo AM 15-20" 1200 16/09 0430- CFGO Ottawa ON (CAN) 4/5 Sport, slogan, annunci, vari ID "Fox Radio" 1510 15/09 0440- WWZN Boston (USA) 4 Slogan, interviste, sport in diretta, ID "Boston's Sports ... the Zone WWZN" (Saverio De Cian, Sedico (Belluno), Italy - bclnews 18/09/2007) 740 KVOX ND Fargo 09/18 0800 Now with Fox Sports ex country music. Lots of ads for Fargo Moorhead. Dual ID for 740 KVOX and 1280 KVXR. Very strong here all day but gone at night NEW! (SA-MB) 1600 KRKE NM Alburquerque 09/16 0755 Good signals with oldies. Realoldies 1600.com ID. NEW! (SA-MB) 1690 CHTO ON Toronto 09/15 2345 Poor signals u/WVON with Greek music. NEW! (SA-MB) (Shawn Axelrod, VE4DX1SMA - mwdx 19/09/2007) 14.09.2007 765 20.00 Radio Rosii Russian Karelia 783 20.15 Radio of Syrian Arab Republic Arabic 801 20.16 Bayerischer Rundfunk German 729 20.20 Radio NET Greek 531 20.25 Romania Actualitata Romanian 810 20.30 Radio Skopje Macedonian 837 20.34 France Info French 918 20.39 Radio Slovenija Slovenian 981 20.46 ERA SPORT Greek 1017 20.48 TRT-1 Turkish 1062 20.51 DR Radio Danish 15.09.2007 9560 14.48 Radio Ethiopia Arabic audio clip (national music): http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Ethiopia_9560_15_09_2007.mp3 15660 15.23 Tensae Ehtiopia Vo.Unity Amharic audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Tensae_Ethiopia_V_o_Unit_15660_15_09_2007.mp3 16.09.2007 15110 6.45 Radio Kuwait English 15120 7.00 Voice of Nigeria French audio clip (ID station):http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Voice_of_Nigeria_15120_16_09_2007.mp3 11635 16.05 RTE English special programm (final cup footbol) audio clip:http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/RFA_AIR_9505_16_09_2007.mp3 9505 16.30 Radio Free Asia Mandarin Palau (Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь, 20/09/2007) 700 WLW Cincinnati OH. Fair signal but well splattered by 702. Two “700 WLW” Ids heard in speech. F 0347 14/09 JF 790 WAXY South Miami FL. “All Sports, All Day, Every Day, The Ticket” IDs and sports W 0527 17/09 JF 870 WWL New Orleans LA. “The Big 870” talk and podcast promo. F 0529 17/09 JF 1020 KDKA Pittsburgh PA. KDKA ID after promos. F 0531 17/09 JF 1380 CKLC Kingston ON. Crooning nostalgia and “13-80 CKLC” vocal drop-in between tracks. No ID at toh. Mixing another oldies station. F 0502 14/09 JF 1390 WEGP Presque Isle ME. Promo for “Concerts On The Radio” on “The Talk of the County – 13-90 WEGP” F 0400 19/09 JF 1420 WHK Cleveland OH. Several WHK Ids heard F 0533 16/09 JF 1490 WBAE Portland ME. “14 Hundred and 14-90 The Bay” ID with nostalgia W 2341 16/09 JF Seemingly very good conditions over the last few days but not the best of luck getting IDs. Like Steve, I notice lots of splatter from Europeans all over the band.. (John Faulkner, U.K. - skywavesmw 19/09/2007) -- Тропо 105.60 03:00 2007-09-16 SUI DRS3 Santis Voice ID followed by News 43B3 __DRS3___ 787Km 101.50 03:06 2007-09-16 SUI DRS1 Santis Music // Web stream 43B1 _DRS_1__ 787Km 95.40 03:09 2007-09-16 SUI DRS2 Santis Classical music //Web stream 787Km 99.90 03:10 2007-09-16 SUI RSR La Premiere Santis YL talking //Web stream 787Km 90.60 03:16 2007-09-16 D SWR3 Saarburg Music // Web stream 489Km 106.90 03:27 2007-09-16 D B5 Aktuell Grunten Talks //Web stream 830Km 106.20 03:30 2007-09-16 SUI RSI1 Rigi/Kulm Voice ID "Radio Svizzera Rete Uno" 43E1 RETE_UNO 745Km 105.80 03:36 2007-09-16 SUI DRS3 Beatenberg/Niederhorn Voice ID //Web stream 729Km 105.30 03:39 2007-09-16 SUI DRS3 Chasseral Music //105.8 656Km 107.80 03:49 2007-09-16 SUI RSI1 Santis Music //106.2 787Km 106.30 04:30 2007-09-16 D Deutschlandfunk Hornisgrinde Music/Talks D210 __DLF___ 639Km 105.70 04:34 2007-09-16 D B5 Aktuell Wendelstein Talks // 106.9 939Km 104.40 04:40 2007-09-16 D B5 Aktuell Hoher Bogen Talks // 106.9 934Km 103.80 05:53 2007-09-16 SUI DRS 3 Rigi/Kulm Talks 43B3 _DRS_3__ 745Km 103.00 05:56 2007-09-16 SUI DRS 1 Chasseral Music // 101.5 656Km 101.70 06:00 2007-09-16 CZE CRo2-Praha Plzen/Krasov News/Voice ID // Web stream 933Km 104.10 06:10 2007-09-16 CZE Radio Frekvence 1 Plzen/Krasov Music // Web stream 933Km 105.90 06:30 2007-09-16 D Hit Radio FFH Gro?er Feldberg Music/Voice ID 601Km 105.10 06:40 2007-09-16 D Deutschlandfunk Blauen Talks // Web stream 653Km 104.00 06:45 2007-09-16 D SWR4 Baden-Wurttemberg Feldberg Music/Voice ID DB04 SWR4_FR_ 668Km 98.60 06:54 2007-09-16 D WDR5 Olsberg Talks // Web stream 600Km 98.50 06:59 2007-09-16 D Bayern 3 Wendelstein Music // Web stream 939Km 98.40 07:00 2007-09-16 D SWR3 Hornisgrinde News // Web stream 639Km 96.70 07:05 2007-09-16 D hr2 Gro?er Feldberg Music // Web stream 601Km 96.20 07:09 2007-09-16 D SWR2 Hornisgrinde Talks // Web stream 639Km (Mike Fallon, Saltdean, East Sussex, U.K. - FM 17/09/2007) 21th of July 2007 a 68.17 MHz ukrainian "Radio Renesans" ID. What is the site of this transmitter? 19th of July 2007 a 66.75 MHz "Love Radio" ID from Russia or Ukraine. What is the site of this transmitter? (Reijo Alapiha, Joensuu, Finland - FM 17/09/2007) Here is the log for 15-16th September: 87.6 HR 3 Biedenkopf 87.6 Classic 21 Leglise 87.9 Contact FM Montreuil 87.9 MDR Figaro Inselsberg 89.0 RTL Brocken 89.3 HR 3 Gro?er Feldberg 90.6 WDR 5 Teutoburger Wald 91.0 HR 1 Biedenkopf 91.5 MDR Jump Brocken 91.6 Bayern 2 Cham/Hoher Bogen (tentative) 1033km! 94.4 HR 1 Gro?er Feldberg 97.4 DLR Kultur Brocken 98.7 AFN The Eagle Gro?er Feldberg 99.1 Classic 21 Anderlues 99.6 HR 2 Biedenkopf 100.5 WDR 4 Teutoburger Wald 100.7 Soziokulturelles Radio Dudelange 101.1 Pure FM Wavre 102.5 HR 4 Gro?er Feldberg 104.3 HR 4 Biedenkopf 105.6 unid German language - either SWR 4 Donnersberg or DSR 3 Santis (Switzerland) 107.9 Bayern 4 Klassik Kreuzberg (Rhon) Most of the stations heard were weak to fair, best signals from 87.6 HR 3, 91.5 MDR Jump, 100.5 WDR 4 & 101.4 Radio SAW. However, the tropo was good long-range stuff, with distances of up to 1033km (a record for this location). The station on 105.6 may have been Switzerland as the German newsreader had an odd accent that was different to the German I usually get (SWR 4) on that channel. Conditions to Switzerland were apparently very good. Unfortunately it faded away before I could get an ID. The long range tropo had gone by yesterday lunch time. Interesting though that the nearer regular continentals like Lille, Boulogne, Wavre, Tournai were only up a little. If anything French tropo was best to the south as Caen was very good on the car radio in places. Lille was coming in quite well yesterday evening but it's all back to normal today. Let's hope there's more of this before the end of the year! (Nick Gilly, Whitchurch, Hampshire, U.K. - skywaves 18/09/2007) 16 September 2007: TIME FREQ PI TRANSMITTER ITU 04:32 87.60 F211 Lens F 14:26 87.70 F218 Clermont-Ferrand F 17 September 07: TIME FREQ PI TRANSMITTER ITU 17:10 87.60 545F Monte Faito I 17:21 87.60 545F Monte Faito I 20 September 07: TIME FREQ PI TRANSMITTER ITU 13:27 87.60 E235 Orense E (William Kitching, Telford, U.K. - skywaves 20/09/2007) Тропо прохождение. 12 Сентября 2007 г. 88.5 "Ретро FM",г.Одесса 9:44 UTC 89.1 "Love Radio",программа "Кадриль" 9:50 UTC 89.7 "Южная Столица",г.Одесса 9:31 UTC 99.1 "Ретро FM",г Мелитополь 10:00 UTC (Андрей Бурлака, Симферополь, Украина - open_dx 21/09/2007) Meteor Scatter Logs for 22 September 2007 TIME FREQ PI TRANSMITTER ITU 03:21 87.60 A000 Pescara I 09:23 87.60 545F Monte Faito I (William Kitching, Telford, U.K. - skywaves 23/09/2007) 66.44 BLR BR Radyjo Ekspres Smyatanichy (ho) 66.50 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Bilopillya/ORTPTs (su) 66.95 RUS Radio Rossii Kashin (tv) 67.13 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Kharkiv/ORTPTs 67.37 BLR Belaruskaje Radyjo 1 Brahin (ho) 68.75 UKR UR 1 - Persha programa Trostyanets' (su) (Janpeter Dijk, Holland - skywaves 23/09/2007) -- Digital Radio Австралия The 10 kW DRM from Brandon, 5990-5995-6000, was enough to QRM RHC on 6000, Sept 20 at 1247 (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 20/09/2007) - Опубликовал сегодня на http://www.travelradio.lv видеофрагменты, записанные летом - SVT HD video1 (1.03 MB) video2 (875.6kB) LNK 10.07.2007 video3 (728.7 kB) SVT2 test table 16:9 video4 (868.3 kB) SVT2 ABC фрагмент передачи об Эрмитаже 10.06.2007 video5 (5.11 MB) TV Finland низкий уровень сигнала 08.07.2007 video6 (1.01 MB) TV Finland 09.06.2007 video7 (1.13 MB) и последние логфайлы программ Эстонии и Литвы, принятые на прошлой неделе. Для декодирования программ HDTV необходим по возможности более мощный компьютер, если вычислительных ресурсов не хватает, то в процессе декодирования и воспроизведения неизбежны искажения принимаемого сигнала с возможным последующим зависанием программы для приема цифрового телевидения или всего компьютера. Демонстрируется на видеофрагментах 1 и 2. Утверждение справедливо и для приема сигнала в формате H.264, который используется в Эстонии и Литве. На видеофрагменте 3 заметны характерные искажения при приеме телеканала LNK в Вильнюсе со стабильно приемлемым уровнем сигнала на внешнюю антенну. Для приема использовался переносной компьютер с тактовой частотой процессора 1.6GHz и оперативной памятью 1GB. Этой конфигурации недостаточно даже для для комфортного просмотра H.264. Рекомендую увеличить оперативную память как минимум в два раза, а также использовать двухядерный процессор. Программа - AltDVB. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 17/09/2007) Фр. Гвиана As TDF continues its DRM tests on 17870-17875-17880 via Guiana French, M-F nominally from 1300, but sometimes not on until 1400, if at all, I wonder whether the RFI English broadcast at 1400 is ever put on this transmitter? Or the one at 1600? I have never seen this reported by the few who do have DRM receivers. If they did that, it might prompt North Americans to make a bit more effort to decode it. But that would of course entail RFI actually admitting that more in NAm understand English than French. They have at least availablized the 1400 broadcast via the WRN NAm service, which is entirely in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, USA - dxldyg 17/09/2007) Для просмотра файлов, записанных в формате .ts при приеме цифрового ТВ программой AltDVB рекомендую программу VLC media player. Для приведения исходного файла в формат, который понимают и обрабатывают видеоконвертеры, такие, например, как Total Video Converter или My Video Converter и последующего монтажа видеофрагментов программой VirtualDub я воспользовался функцией VLC плейера Transcode/Save to file (доступна по ветке меню File-Wizard, причем Encapsulation format для раскодирования файла, записанного при приеме HDTV или H.264 следует выбрать MP4, иначе версии видеоконвертеров, доступные пользователям сегодня, могут отказаться от кодирования, не поняв формата исходного файла. Остальное - дело техники в поисках компромисса между объемом и качеством файла. (Владимир Казгунов, Лиепая, Латвия - open_dx 23/09/2007) -- Неофициальное вещание Зимбабве 11810 SW Radio Africa, 18:40-18:45, escuchada el 18 de septiembre en ingles, invitado con comentarios, SINPO 33433. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - playdx2003 20/09/2007) Ирак/Молдавия 11530 Dengue Mezopotamia, 19:55-20:00, captada el 16 de septiembre en idioma kurdo con la emision del Himno Nacional del final de emision, sintonia, segmento de musica, terminan con un pequeno fragmento musical interpretado por flauta, SINPO 34443. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/09/2007) Иран/Украина Ya son varios dias que no se escucha a Radio Zamaneh en 6245, via Ucrania. Hoy e podido comprobar en su pagina web http://www.radiozamaneh.com/ que si estaban emitiendo a la hora indicada, e podido reconocer a la voz de la locutora y su musica caracteristica, sin embargo nada en Onda Corta, tampoco e encontrado frecuencia de reemplazo. ?Servicio cancelado?, empieza a cobrar fuerza la hipotesis. (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - hard-core-dx 17/09/2007) Канада/Нидерланды 4762.5, Radio Nederland, 2340, 9/10/07. Programming in Dutch; half-harmonic of 9525, which was coming in much stronger (Ralph Brandi, Middletown, New Jersey, Elad FDM77, Drake R8, Eton E1, 300' mini-Beverage antenna, NASWA Flashsheet via DXLD 19/09/2007) Корея 9485, Shiokaze/Sea Breeze via Taiwan, 1306-1311 & 1316-1320, Sept 22 (Sat.), in English. IDs "This is Shiokaze Sea Breeze from Tokyo, Japan", details and stories about abductees (believe this may be the identical program that was on last Sat.), fair to good till 1318, due to absence of the usual splatter from 9480, which did not start till suddenly on at 1318 (Ron Howard, CA, dxldyg 23/09/2007) Куба R Republica 6135 at 2257 in Spanish. Strong signal, not jammed. 20 Sept. (Liz Cameron, Detroit, USA - dxldyg 21/09/2007) Литва/Беларусь 6225 Radio Racja, 17:25-17:29, escuchada el 17 de septiembre en bielorruso, emision de musica rock, SINPO 23322 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - bclnews 18/09/2007) Россия/Эфиопия 15260 Ethiopian Orthodox Church, 16:30-16:45, captada el 17 de septiembre en amarico, se aprecie una especie de canticos religiosos, algo parecido a la musica Gospel, locutor con comentarios, posiblemente algun tipo de rezo, muy repetitivo y rapido, locutora con comentarios, SINPO 34333 (J. M. Romero, Burjasot, Spain - bclnews 18/09/2007) -- Наблюдения 17860 15.00 RTE Radio coverage for All-Ireland finals 6045 12.55 European Music Radio 6252 16.40 Number Station E11 "Oblique" (F. Cecconi, Italy - playdx2003 17/09/2007) SWAZILAND 3200 TRANS WORLD RADIO MPANGELA RANCH 0305 In Ndbele. Trad gospel done by large mixed choir w/ YL soloists. OM preacher w/ spirited sermon. poor - fair (Prez 9/13) MALI 4835 ORT DU MALI BAMAKO 2333 In Vern. Bantering DJ stepping on trad mx: call response w/ lead singer vocals shouted over an ocean of drums. Inactive per WRTH. poor -fair (Prez 9/16) UGANDA 4976 R UGANDA KAMPALA 0323 In EG/Swahili. OM DJ. Trad african mx: call response over percussion. QRN: poor (Prez 9/16) MOROCCO 7135 RTV MAROCAINE BRIECH 2215 In AR. OM in extended interview w/ OM political analyst: refs to "Iraq" "Iran". good copy (Prez 9/15) SUDAN 7200 R SUDAN OMDURMAN 0330 In AR. OM w/ stn id @ 0330 . YL and OM DJ trading lines over Horn of Africa mx: two flutes over percussion. Into serious chat w/ OM caller, who referred to "Iraq". fair - good (Prez 9/16) MADAGASCAR 7395 FAMILY RADIO (WYFR) TALATA RELAY 1945 In EG. OM w/ slow english reading on the Bible. Into childrens choir over piano w/ trad gospel mx. Back to the holy man tlking about "Salvation". fair - good (Prez 9/9) ETHIOPIA 9704 R ETHIOPIA GEDJA 0346 In Vern. YL and 2 OMs in dialog/interview: very friendly chatty tone, laughter. Celebrities? fair (Prez 9/16) EGYPT 12050 RADIO CAIRO 1611 In AR. MTV youth format. Caught the tail end of a radio drama: YL and OM in heavy dialog. Into promo: YL and OM w/ ref to "Ramadan". YL w/ cmntry. Many pop style promos w/ refs to "Ramadan". SINPO "55555" (Prez 9/15) (Prez, USA - CumbreDX 17/09/2007) River DXPedition 17 September from 1050 to 1140 GMT Solar Flux 67 Receiver Sony 2010XA with whip antenna. Usually dx in ssb but wanted to try synchro lock on 2010XA. Previously assumed that the synchro lock would be inferior to dxing in ssb. Easy frequency switches with the Sony pre sets/memories. Mosquitoes were in evidence. Looking for a location not as close to flora. Mosquitoes keep DXpeditions very brief; large enough to carry off small children. :-) ====== 2485 Australia, VL8K Katherine NT, 1100 to 1130 very strong, good lock, could copy each word much stronger that 2310 and 2325. All three locked in. [Wilkner-River dxpedition] 3329.6 PERU Ondas del Huallaga Huanuco, good lock with OA music fading out by 1110. [Wilkner-River dxpedition] 3905 PNG Radio New Ireland Kavieng excellent lock,1100 to 1130, island music, yl at 1135. Very good signal. [Wilkner-River dxpedition] PNG 3204.9; 3315 and 3260 all locked in well at 1115 check, did not recheck these. :-( 4750.00 Indonesia RRI Makassar 1100 to 1130 good lock,strong signal. [Wilkner-River dxpedition] 4886.6 Peru, Radio Virgen del Carmen 1100 to 1105 with om and music fading out. Poor lock in Synchro. [Wilkner-River dxpedition] 4895 UNID good lock in unid language 1100 to 1115. Held in well but not identifiable here [Wilkner-River dxpedition] 4950 Peru. Madre de Dios Carrier but no audio, checked till 1140. [Wilkner-River dxpedition] 5019.9 Solomon Islands, SIBC, Honiara at 1100 to 1130, surprisingly good with island music. Adjacent 5025 Radio Rebelde interference seemingly not problem with lock in lower synchro. [Wilkner-River dxpedition] 1000 No sign of Radio Mil from Mexico. (Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, USA - CumbreDX 17/09/2007) 6290,00 1309 1625 R.Mazda, schlager, non stop 23332 6255,00 1409 2230 KBC,E, jingles, Ids, Romeo and Juliette, rock and roll classic, Wolfman Jack, 35443 3927,00 1409 2235 R.Quintus,D,E; ID, email, hotline 0031 641176982, rock and roll, the Carpenters 24222 9290,00 1509 0700 R.Six Int, E, Id, welcome, email, QTH Glasgow, pops, jingle, rock 35443 6400,00 1509 1820 WMR,E,ID from Scotland, rock, // 3910 35443 3910,00 1509 1820 WMR,E,ID from Scotland, rock, 34333 6220,00 1509 1855 LHH,E, pops, ID 24322 6306,00 1509 2033 R.Brandaris Int, D,E; schlager, popcorn, ID, hotline 0031 620965772 34222 1545,00 1509 2157 R.Armada?,D, schlager 24422 6255,00 1509 2200 KBC,E, jingles, Ids,, rock and roll classic, Wolfman Jack,Robin Gibbs 35443 6290,00 1609 0540 R.Mazda,E,D,G, schlager, Ids, QTH Nijverdal, hotline 0031622957457 24332 6400,00 1609 2110 WMR,E, rock, ID, reports, AC/DC // 3945 24422 3945,00 1609 2110 WMR,E, rock, ID, reports, AC/DC 24222 (Silveri Gomez, FRAGA, CATALUNYA, Spain - playdx2003 19/09/2007) 20 September 2007 3345 kHz 2030 UTC Channel Africa in english, good reception 3255 kHz 2100 UTC BBC South African Relay English ID and news good reception 4780 kHz 2130 - 2200 UTC Unknown language. Strong. S/off @2200 with unknown anthem (?). Does not look as Djibouti, somebody could help me by listening to the audio clip (see below) (Giovanni Carboni, Pisa, Italy - CumbreDX 21/09/2007) Here is what I heard recently on my AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 m longwire here in Skovlunde, Denmark. N3985 2320-0125 IRN 19/20-09 VOIRI, Kamalabad Farsi Extraordinary Ramadan programme of prayers, talk about Iran and Islam, Qur'an recitations 54554 with some hum AP-DNK N4790.04 2328-2337* PAK 18+19-09 R Pakistan, Islamabad relaying Rawalipindi III Urdu/Arabic Extraordinary Ramadan programmes with muslim chanting, closed with Azad Kashmir song 45333 on 18-09, 32332 on 19-09 with some transmitter hum AP-DNK 4940 0005-0020 IND 20-09 AIR Guwahati Vernacular ann, Indian songs 32343 Utility QRM AP-DNK 6035 *0000-0010 BTN Bhutan Broadc. Sce, Sangaygang Dzongkha ann, Horn fanfares 34333 QRM Colombia 6035 AP-DNK N6045 1200-1300 D European Music R, via Juelich Su 16-09 English, oldies, many ID's and address, next broadcast maybe in DEC 55555 AP-DNK 6060 0040-0115 I 20-09 RAI, Prato Smeraldo "Notturno Italiano" in Italian with nice Italian songs e.g. "Quore di Mama mia", news in English 0103, French 0106 and German 0109 54554 Maybe it closes down 30-09 ??? AP-DNK N15160 1150-1159* CLA We 19-06 R Mustaqbal, via Dhabbaya, UAE Somali talk and 2-note gong, songs from Horn of Africa, closed with spelling of SAIT (?) 35232 AP-DNK N15215 0610-0612* CLA We 19-06 R Mustaqbal, via Rampisham, UK Somali closing ann and ID after song from Horn of Africa 35343 AP-DNK 15355 1715-1730 GAB Sa 15-09 R Japan, via Moyabi English "World Interactive" with DX-tips from Toshi Ohtake 33333 AP-DNK 15560 *1100-1150 CLN 20-09 R Free Asia, Iranawila Lao news and talks read by man and woman, interlude music, English ID at start 24333 AP-DNK N17590 0620-0647 CLA Mo 17-09 R Mustaqbal, via Dhabbaya, UAE Somali ann, song from Horn of Africa, talk and drums, children song, closing ann with ID 35333 ex 15455 AP-DNK (Anker Petersen, Denmark - playdx2003 21/09/2007) 25.09.2007 576 18.41 Radio Christo Botev Bulgarian QRM SWR audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Christo_Botev_SWR_576_25_09_2007.mp3 558 18.43 YLE Radio Finland Finnish audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Finland_558_25_09_2007.mp3 639 18.50 Cesky rozhlas Czech audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Cesky_Rozhlas_639_25_09_2007.mp3 648 18.51 BBC World Service English audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/BBC_648_25_09_2007.mp3 748 19.00 R Bulgaria Albanian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Bulgaria_747_25_09_2007.mp3 765 19.02 Radio Suisse Romande French Option Musique 846 19.19 Radio Radonezh Russian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Radonezh_846_25_09_2007.mp3 26.09.2007 1341 19.14 Magyar Katolicus Radio Hungarian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Magyar_Katolicus_Radio_1341_26_09_2007.mp3 27.09.2007 1008 18.57 GrootNieuwsradio Dutch audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/GrootNieuwsradio_1008_27_09_2007.mp3 1035 19.00 Tartu Family Radio Russian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Tartu_Family_Radio_1035_27_09_2007.mp3 10051 19.14 NEW YORK Volmet English SSB audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/New_York_Volmet_10052_27_09_2007.mp3 918 19.59 Radio Slovenija Slovenian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Slovenija_918_27_09_2007.mp3 1062 20.00 RAI Italian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/RAI_1062_27_09_2007.mp3 28.09.2007 558 19.15 YLE Radio Finland Russian audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Radio_Finland_558_RUS_28_09_2007.mp3 29.09.2007 6220 16.26 Mistery Radio English audio clip: http://vizin3.narod.ru/SOUND/Mistery_Radio_6220_29_09_2007.mp3 6310 17.48 Pirate ????? music (Александр Мядель, Минск, Беларусь, 01/10/2007) 3.2/3.3 1900 PapuaNiu Guinea. Many pre-opening tests audible. Some of music linked no id's, fairly standard procedure. No Africans on my set though. 4930 1750 Botswana, VoA in English, then Ndebele at 1800 to Zimbabwe, returned to EE at 1830, all good, but had gone by 1850 17/9. Only taken 3 weeks to get sufficient to make a report. 6050 1900 Germany-WER, Polish R, Ex at sign on in Russian, web data, talk and some music. Off 1930, 09/9. 6060 1800 Germany-JUL, Bible Voice EE id (and again 1815) then very good in Russian. 1828 web site for programmer www.oldpaths. 07/9 6110 1930 Germany-WER, Polish R poor at sign on in German 10/9, off 2000. Co-channel CRI in Russian. 7340 1900 Russia-MSK, Family Radio good in Spanish, good ID's and mailing details. Off 2000 07/9 9495 1900 Germany-WER, Family R ex at sign on in Arabic, plenty of ID's and Open Forum details. Off 1959 18/9. 9665 2000 Germany-NAU, Bible Voice, sometimes odd word understood in Arabic prog but totally blocked by REE from Madrid in English. Thursdays. 20/9. 11710 0550 Albania-CER, CRI with EE programme, good copy on economic news, then 0600 full newscast and China Drive. 18/9. 11730 1900 Germany-JUL, AWR s/on in Arabic, 1930 Tachelhit, 2000 French, off 2030. Good with EE id at each point, some web data and id's during prog. 20/9 13780 1900 Germany-WER, Family Radio, good at sign on in Arabic, usual ids throughout to 2000 close. 19/9. 15535 2330 Russia-VLD, Radio Free Asia s/on with EE id, then Vietnamese programme. Mostly talk but some Vietnamese songs. Still a good signal at 0030 close. Jammer (like a siren) only weak and no problems in copy. 20/9. (Ron Killick, Christchurch, New Zealand - hard-core-dx 22/09/2007) PERU 4857.47 R. La Hora (pres.) 2326 Presumed nx pgm w/M anncr, 2327 into ad block including one mentioning Cusco. Back to M anncr at 2329. Another ad at 2333, back to tlk. Mx pgm at 0001. Ad block 0009-0011. Went off in mid-anmnt at 0021:55. Really noisy conditions this evening and too much noise to ID. (Valko 20-21 Sept.) PERU 4746.87 R. Huanta Dos Mil (pres.) 1025 Nice camposina mx, 1028 ad w/dialog between M and W in Indian lang including phone numbers at end. More ads, poss. ment of Huanta. Live studio W anncr at 1033 also in Indian lang. Mic audio was a bit too bassy. Good signal this morning but faded quickly. (Valko 22 Sept.) CHINA 5050 V.O. the Strait 1045 end of mx, then long discussion between M and W in Asian lang. (not CH), then Pop ballad at 1057. M and W returned 1059. Whistling mx bridge. 1100 ToH instru. mx signature which I believe I've hrd in the past, then nice ID by different M, and tlk by M and W for a minute (nx headlines??). 1101 fanfare mx and tlk by W, pres. nx. Fair signal. Other 60mb Chinese coming in. 4920 was best. (Valko 22 Sept.) Just when conditions started to peak this morning right at 1100, I got some horrible static local QRM nearly wiping out the Tropical bands. I heard this in the recent past and thought it was just a one-time thing, but maybe it isn't. MALAYSIA 7295 Traxx FM 1113 Nice signal w/M tlking in EG about Islam. Into Pop mx a few minutes later. Good signal this morning and near 100% readability. (Valko 22 Sept.) MALAYSIA 5964.94 Klasic Nasional, Kajang Sounded like the Koran at 1120 (the Sun was setting at Kajang right at this time), M anncr briefly, then mx after 1122. Couldn't get any other details as the signal was weak and was suffering from the lcl static QRM and adjacent channel slop QRM. Didn't think to check for //7270. I'm sure 7270 would have been coming in as 7295 was good. (Valko 22 Sept.) NEW ZEALAND 3935.07 Radio Reading Svc No sign of this today. Technical problems?? (Valko 22 Sept.) (Dave Valko, USA - hard-core-dx 22/09/2007) ??? LIBYA?? 9590 Lahir Africa 1952 with talks by OM on AR . talks on Tanzania . An IS reel after 1997with ID as LAhir Africa hen 200 with hilife songs Liangas 29.8.7 Fourka Greece Also with audio .. AUSTRALIA 2325 VL 8T tenant Creek , once again and on 2030 . tals in English , music on 2031 , 24132 Also 2485 with same signal level Liangas 29.8.7 Fourka Greece AUSTRALIA 9475 possibly R Australia at 1539 with temperatures . man in eng, Aty 1541 with a `country' song and man talking over it . 1544 with old pop (Sinatra type ) . On TOH with unclear ID and YL into news. 33433 . At 1428 /19/8 as 224x2 QRM 9480 Abhazia. ID at 1500 Liangas 18/9/7 Fourka Greece BANGLADESH 4750 Bangladesh betar 1525 with a prog in Hindi but OM mentioned Mena and bangla . headline news in Eng after ID " this is Bangladesh betar " , mentioning on elections , analytical on 1532 , and university quality. A commentary on 1540 (a delegation about destabilizing the country ). Resume of weekly news and mention on Ramadan . About education institution. 34333 Liangas 23 August 2007 Fourka Greece CHINA 4820 Lhasa 2012 with Arabic songs. An ALFA noticed on 2014 but immediately followed with Arab songs .music style changed on 2020 with Turkic (Tajik or Uzbek? discos ) Liangas 18/9/7 Fourka Greece CLAND 6225 Radio Racya 1532 with news in Russian with ID , 1539 about production business econimics . ID at 1545 . song at 1528 . ID by YL then ith a theme on culture and with many mentions on BLR `Hvalev' > Mini news near TOH 1600 . "Wo sluhaci radio racya "Liangas 20.8.2007 Fourka Greece CUBA 11760 R Cuba with French program , though carrier seems S2 , audio is low . at 1950 and not audible due to very strong .11755 (Farda? )Ame condition on 2000 but clear on 2100 with highlights on 2113 . ANtioanl news and sports 2104 . Cuba brazil , panamierican , United force ... 35434 for 2000 slot Liangas 20.8.2007 Fourka Greece Liberia [from Meyerton? ]13760 Star radio NF 0702 with political news . about Dr Bandi (Ghandi?) Liberian telecoms , authority, , ID on 0716 , immigration and criminal practices , 45534 Also CTN same freq on 0730 with `weekly preview' , starting with a tribal song , theme on malaria , and CCT Liangas 19 August 2007 Fourka Greece MSIA 5965 Klassik National FM 1635, 70's Malay songs then 1636 with 50's song (P ramlee) Short talks by man , then wsith a traditional on 1639 . 22432 using narrowband .Nice to listen again to them. Liangas 18/9/7 Fourka Greece MSIA 7295 TRaxx 1509 with 241x2 > music at 1558 and clock . Itme in KL , followed by news read by YL . QRM 7300 by VOR (for 1600 ) , 1610+ with pp songs including Duran Duran Liangas 19 August 2007 Fourka Greece New Zealand 7145 RNZI ? 1610 YL with talks in Eng , then a ballad song , Co Ch a russian lag station (VoR?) 1618 with political news 224x2 Liangas 18/9/7 Fourka Greece SINGAPORE 6150 R Singapore 1500 news , ref on Malysia and possibly interview about an exercise . About IS chi then a report . continue with regional news . 21542 QRM by Austria 6155 and another carrier on 6150 Liangas 23 August 2007 Fourka Greece SUDAN 4750 R Peace 1630 with talks in a African language . 1635 with children singing under a drum play . `This is radio peace broadcasting on 4750 on the SW bands' 1649 with children again singing . CNR underneath Liangas 23 August 2007 Fourka Greece THAILAND 7155 Vo Thailand , people with very good English . R Thailand on 1955 and with many adverts . 32442 in AM narrow filer , from very strong stations in both sidebands Liangas 20.8.2007 Fourka Greece TUNIS 7190 Tunisia 0658 with arab songs , man with ID `idaatu watania ke tuinisia ` followed with two more ID s . News heads after the clock . soprt of adverts with mini music jingles and short talks on 0704 . Tune in back 0714 but station signed off Sinal 35544 Liangas |
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