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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX

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Всемирный DX Бюллетень №12


03/14/05  1201-1259 9580  KHz SINPO: 55445 Lang: EE
Nx, war threat between China and Taiwan,  man; tk, CLate Night Live, Allen Nill
(Phillip Adams), prisoner torture, planet  trends, criminal defense
lawyer, physicist discuss; time, ID (T.J. Steenland - CumbreDX 1063)

11840 The Voice; 1706-16+, 15-Mar; M in EE w/pop music;
voice.com spot @1716. SIO=2+52+ 
(Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1065)

11880 Radio Australia; 1721-34+, 15-Mar; EE feature on World
Wars & fruit-picking in Australia, ID @1731 w/english@ra.abc.net spot.
SIO=33-3-/LSB takes out woodpecker QRM. 
(Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1065)

6020  KHz  03/17/05  0859-0928 SINPO: 55444
Lang: Tok  Pisin*
Tk, mx, ID, man; blocked by R. Nederland at 0928.
(T.J.Steenlanad - CumbreDX 1068)

6020  KHz 03/17/05  1150-1156 SINPO: 55444 Lang: EE
Tk,  woman, ID, man (T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX1068)

2310, 1421-, ABC Northern Territory Mar 19 Alice Springs with 
surprisingly good audio with 50s music.  Parallel 2325 was only very poor 
with some sort of choppy QRM.  2485 only a het. 
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

7355, 1524-, KNLS Mar 5 Very strong reception, initially in English 
(just caught the tail end), and then back into Chinese. 
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC)

Андаманские и Никобарские о-ва/Индия
4760, 1449-, AIR Port Blair 
(presumed), Mar 18. Impressive S6 signal with Hindi programming. Best 
I've heard them for a while 
(Walt Salmaniw, Victoria, BC, DXLD 5-048)

A-05 BBC Antigua registrations. DW Antigua ceased service,
c.f. BC-DX #704.
 5975 0400-0500 11SW,12      ATG  250 235   0 ....... G   BBC MER
 5975 0400-0500 10,11NW,11SE ATG  250 290 -10 ....... G   BBC MER
 5975 2100-0400 11,12NE,13NW ATG  250 160   0 ....... G   BBC MER
 6110 0000-0130 11SW,12      ATG  250 235   0 34567   G   BBC MER
 6110 0000-0130 10,11S,11NW  ATG  250 290 -10 34567   G   BBC MER
 6110 0300-0400 10,11S,11NW  ATG  250 290 -10 34567   G   BBC MER
 6110 0300-0400 11SW,12      ATG  250 235   0 34567   G   BBC MER
 6195 1000-1400 11,12NE,13NW ATG  250 160   0 ....... G   BBC MER
 9670 1100-1130 10,11S,11NW  ATG  250 270   0 23456   G   BBC MER
11675 2110-2130 10,11NW,11SE ATG  250 300   0 23456   G   BBC MER
11675 2110-2130 11SW,12      ATG  250 235   0 23456   G   BBC MER
15190 1100-1700 10,11NW,11SE ATG  250 300   0 ....... G   BBC MER
15190 1100-1700 11SW,12      ATG  250 205   0 ....... G   BBC MER
15390 2130-2200 13,15NW      ATG  250 160   0 ....... G   BBC MER
15390 2230-2300 13,15NW      ATG  250 160   0 ....... G   BBC MER
34567 = Tue-Sat UTC.  23456 = Mon-Fri UTC.
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 9)

Public Radio of Armenia, 9965, 1925-1946* March 11, English news,
commentary, local pops, ID as Public Radio of Armenia; did not hear any V. of
Armenia IDs but audio was somewhat muffled 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

11845, 1600-, SW Radio Africa Mar 13 Powerful S9 + 20 
reception with crash start with multiple IDs in English with some 
short/long path echo.  All in English.  With song 'Africaaa,  Africaaa', 
then this is SW Radio Africa, Zimbabwe's independent voice.  Through the 
valley religious program after announcements. 
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX 27, 15)

A-05 RVI-VRT schedule, ceased T-systems Julich
 9590 0655-0800 27S,28SW,37N        SKN  300 180   0 BEL VRT MER
 9925 0455-0530 47S,48SW,52E,53W    MEY  250 355 -12 BEL VRT MER
 9970 0300-2200 27,28,37,38         WAV  250 167   0 BEL VRT VRT
15160 1255-1600 27S,28SW,37N        SKN  250 175   0 Suns only BEL VRT MER
15195 1055-1130 27S,28SW,37N        RMP  500 168   0 BEL VRT MER
15325 1755-1900 47E,48W,52,53W,57NW DHA  250 225 -15 BEL VRT MER
21630 1000-1130 47S,48SW,52E,53W    MEY  250 355 -12 BEL VRT MER

A-05 RVI-RTB, ceased daylight 9970 kHz outlet at Wavre, see VRT above.
17545 1000-1400 47,48,52,53         JUL  100 160   0 D   RTB DTK
17570 1400-1900 47,48,52,53         JUL  100 160   0 D   RTB DTK
17580 0500-1000 47,48,52,53         JUL  100 160   0 D   RTB DTK
21565 1000-1400 47,48,52,53         JUL  100 160   0 D   RTB DTK
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX 705 March 9)

6134.81 KHz, R. Santa Cruz en espanol, 15-03-05, 0126 UTC, partido de futbol,
Id, 22222
(Jose Bueno - NoticiasDX 857)

R. Municipal, 4845.2, 1025-1100+ March 11, Spanish talk, CP music,
1044 ID. Weak, poor with RTTY QRM. 
(Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

R. Santa Cruz, 6134.79, 1020-1100+ March 11, Spanish talk, 1021 & 1046 IDs; CP
music, fair (Brian Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

4900.13, Radio San Miguel, 1000-1040  Noted lengthy Spanish
comments by a man until 1021 when music presented.  Later at 1030 & 1033,
canned ID as, "...Radio San Miguel ... Bolivia."  It seemed like a possibly
religious comments from 1035 were presented.  Signal was good. Notice the
frequency today of 4900.13 KHz.
(Chuck Bolland, March 19, 2005 - CumbreDX 1068)

4765 KHz, R. Integracao en portugues, 14-03-05, 2202 UTC, Cx, Id., 32222

4825 KHz, R. Cancao Nova en portugues, 14-03-05, 2210 UTC, Cx, Id., 32222

4885 KHz, R. Clube do Para en portugues, 14-03-05, 2140 UTC Cx y publicidad,
Id. 43433

4985 KHz, R. Brasil Central en portugues, 14-03-05, 2235 UTC, Cx, Id, 22121

9675 KHz, R. Cancao Nova en portugues, 15-03-05, 0015 UTC, Cx y publicidad, Id,

11785 KHz, R. Guaiba en portugues, 14-03-05, 2340 UTC, Cx, 22111

11815 KHz, R. Brasil Central en portugues, 14-03-05, 2205 UTC, Cx religiosos,
( Jose Bueno - NoticiasDX 857)

04885 clube do para /ds 2k belem 0505 433 port musique vari?e en continu
Mar19 05 (Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 27, 20)

5030 KHz, R. y TV de Burkina Faso en frances, 14-03-05, 2250 UTC, musica y Cx,
Id, 43433
(Jose Bueno - NoticiasDX 857)

5030 burkina faso ds 100k 2049 433 fran infos Mar19 05
(Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21)

5015, BRASIL, R.Aparecida, 0048-0105, Mar.19,
Portuguese/English, Looking for Turken Radio again but
found this one booming in w/ PT and EG music until PT
announcer at 0056. Fanfare/full ID then pips at 0100.
Various announcers between numerous "Aparecida"
jingles thru t/out. Fair/good. // 6135-poor/fair.
(Scott R.Barbour Jr-NH - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21)

5000 KHz, Observatorio Naval Cagigal en espanol, 14-03-05, 2245 UTC, Id, "18:45
hora", 33333
(Jose Bueno - NoticiasDX 857)

04915 ghana bcc ds 50k 0510 232 ang musique rythm?e africaine Mar19 05
(Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 27, 20)

05005  r nacional guin?e equatoriale/ ds 50k 2041 444 esp yl commentaires
sur les automobiles sur fonds musical de vari?t?s Mar19 05
(Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX27, 21)

3815  Kalaalit Nunaata Radioa, Tasiilaq at 2120-2215 UT on Mar
4, there was a signal rising above the local noise. I could not ID the
lang for sure, but it did not sound in Danish then - but did after 2200. I
hoped KNR might carry the DR nx at 2200 but it was not // 243, and 1062
was also different. The 3815 signal must have been at least 4 S points
when at its best, and would have been a useful signal but for the local
racket. I also tried for the Greenland MW station using 650, but there was
no propagation. I am told by a listener to Beacons that stations in
Greenland as well as Newfoundland and Nova Scotia - as well as one in
Quebec - have been logged after around 2130 on freqs between 260 and 400
kHz. So, it could be that conditions are "right" for that area currently.
(Noel R. Green-UK, dswci DXW Mar 9 via BC-DX 705)

4780 Thanks to a tip of Thorsten Hallmann in Austrian news group
A-DX of 1736 UT, RTD Djibouti is back on 4780 kHz TB tonight. Scheduled
0300-2000 [Fris- 2200 only, acc to WRTH 2005, but RTD left the air at 2000
UT today - even now we have Friday tonight ! ]

Signal is  m u c h  disturbed in southern Germany by an UNKNOWN UTE signal
nearby, so no reliable MP3 recording could be made yet. Monitored around
1800-2000 UT.

Bad reception released on both, Kenwood and Sony rxs, even in SYNC mode.
AOR 7030 set used in SYNC lowerband flank mode at around 4779.6 kHz and set
Pass Band Shift to plus 2.1 kHz, in order to listen in an agreeable sound.

50 kW tropical band tx and a MW tx on 1116 kHz is a gift of US propaganda
organization BBG-IBB to Djibouti in return:

"was supposed to have been built by IBB as part of the deal to establish the
1431 Radio Sawa station [US 600 kW super power propaganda station to SDN,
ETH, ERI, audience wb.]" - see Chris Greenway's mail below.

Existing tropical band antenna has been refurbished already. Envisaged final
opening date was May 2004, but postphoned to March 2005 lately.
(Wolfgang Buechel - Hard-Core-DX 27, 20)

4780, 0417-0422, RTD Djibouti Mar 19 Tentative. I didn't learn of
this reactivated outlet until past 0400 tonight, but I presume it was
Djibouti putting in a weak signal anyway, more than one hour past RTD
sunrise. Male announcer in African-sounding language, a brief bit of music,
and that was it. Signal quickly dropped into the noise by 0420. Some swisher
(CODAR) interference. Thanks to Hallmann via Bueschel for tip. (Atkins-WA)
(Guy Atkins - Hard-Core-DX 27, 20)

04910 zambie znbc ds-1 100k 2039 vern? gospel Mar19 05
(Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21)

3306 ZBC no trace of them here at 0315, but 3230 R. SW Africa 
sound clear, no sign of interference noted.  There have no been any 
reports of this
transmission being interfered with yet.   R SW Africa has reported 
recently that
their transmissions in the local evenings are being jammed, possibly 
from ZBC
broadcast transmitters. (Hans Johnson Mar 14 - CumbreDX 1063)

17/03/2005 02:40-03.01 UTC, 6973 kHz,  GALEI ZAHAL,  Tel Aviv-Yavne ISRAEL, Hebrew,
5 kWt, SINPO 34443 в начале наблюдения и 44444 в конце.
(Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев - open_dx 686)

03/15/05   0137-0145  11620  KHz SINPO: 43343  Lang: EE
Tk, mx nx, woman, man; QRM,  possibly WEVN which is supposed to be on 11161 KHz
(T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1064)

4760, 1449-, AIR Port Blair (presumed) Mar 18 Impressive S6 signal 
with Hindi programming.  Best I've heard them for a while. 
(Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

4604.96, RRI Serui, 1237 12 March. Pop mx
w/ rapid fades peaking 10/S9. Best sig on band.
Pontianak also in at a fair level at this time
(Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1063).

3325, RRI Palangkaraya (presumed) 1247 12
March. Continuous pop mx w/rapid fading peaking at S7
(Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1063).

03/14/05  1311-1358  11785  KHz SINPO: 35232 Lang: II
Tk, woman, man; IS (national anthem);  QRM, probably VOA via Thailand.
Alternate frequency to 9525 Khz which had no  audio. (T.J. Steenland - CumbreDX

9525  KHz 03/17/05  1157-1243 SINPO: 55344 Lang: JJ/KK
Tk,  mx, woman, man, ID, woman; IS (Song of the Coconut Islands); Latin mx
(La  Cucaracha), ID, web site in English, man (T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1068)

3970, CLANDESTINE-IRAN, VO People of Kurdistan,
0307-0320, Kurdish, Call to Prayer at t/in, YL w/
fanfare at 0310, alternating talks b/w OM and YL.
Poor/fair. //4860.(Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1063)

9555 KHz, LV Ext. de la R.I. de Iran en espanol, 15-03-05, 0037 UTC, noticias,
Id, 54433
(Jose Bueno - NoticiasDX 857)

03/14/05  0038- 0057  6055 KHz   SINPO: 43343  Lang: EE
Tk, man; ID, Radio Club, mx requests,  Dennel Baker, IS. 
Reception always seems to be poor on this frequency Monday  morning.
(T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1063)

15725, IRRS. The test transmission from IRRS on 15725  was a Radio 
Six International of Scotland programme with tuning music at 0945 (before 
the hour who was announced the test transmission, 1000-1100), 
identification: "Radio Six International", comments and Scottish music. 
Good signal, SINPO 45444. Also hear on 13840 with poor signal, 23222. 
(March 19). (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1068)

6070, CFRX Toronto, Mar 16, 0458-0505, ads, ID: news talk 
1010 CFRB, Toronto. From Canada’s most listened to news talk radio 
station, CFRB, weather, news and sports, poor-fair/QRM. Usually this 
is totally covered (Ron Howard, Monterey, CA, NRD545, with T2FD 
antenna, DXLD 5-048)

A05 CyBC Nicosia only on weekends Fris-Suns, registered with VT
Communications Zyggi tx site near Limassol, since decades on these
freq sttim sptim days callsign site pwr brg lang target
6180 2215 2245 s....fs BBC Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR
7210 2215 2245 s....fs BBC Cyprus 250 314 Greek SE EUR
9760 2215 2245 s....fs BBC Cyprus 300 315 Greek SE EUR
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX Mar 9)

7335, CHINA, CPBS-Xi'an, 2314-2330, Mar.12,
Mandarin/English, Continuous talks b/w OM and YL until
music bridge at 2329 and ID in CH and "China Business
Radio" in EG. Poor under co-channel CHU-Canada.
(Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1063)

4940, 1440-, China Huayi BC Mar 13 I'm confused.  This is a Chinese 
station, with English programming at fair level, with a relatively thick 
Chinese accents.  'Have you ever been to China?, etc'.  ILG lists Voice of 
the Strait(s) from Fuzhou, whereas DBS lists China Huayi Broadcasting 
Corporation in Chengdu.  I'm leaning towards the latter, but which is 
right? Could not find any parallels.  Signal gradually improved towards the 
TOH.  Perusing my 2000 WRTH notes that both of these stations broadcast to 
Taiwan.  Googling I found at www.schoechi.de/az-chn01.html reference to 
shared QSLs, so there must be some link.  Program ended at 1500 and into 
Chinese again. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX 27, 15)

4940, 1442-, Voice of the Strait Mar 18 Very strong reception this 
morning with traditional Chinese vocal by YL.  Confirmed to be this station 
by many sources.  Thanks!  English apparently only on weekends. 
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

4940, 1434-, Voice of the Strait Mar 19 Fairly strong S9 signal, in 
English, but darn if I can understand the male and female announcers due to 
their thick CC accents.  Audio too is a bit muffly.  Music is strong and 
well modulated.  Same theme music as I've heard in other weeks.  Too bad 
for the accent. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

Marfil Estereo, 5910.03, 0200-0400+ March 11, Spanish
announcements, IDs, HJ music/ballads, TCs. Good but some weak co-channel QRM
and occasional RTTY QRM,

R. Lider, 6139.78, 2325-0215+ March 11-12, Spanish talk, IDs, variety of local
ballads, Spanish pops. Good; some weak co-channel QRM after 0000 (Brian
Alexander, Mechanicsburg PA, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

5910.03, 0408-, Merfil Estereo/Voz de tu Conciencia Mar 14 Seems 
they've dropped closer to nominal 5910 with stong S9+ signals with late 
night Spanish balads.  One brief announcement just after TOH, but nothing 
more.  Canned ID at 05:09 for a FM channel.  Multiple announcements 
followed including some with children.  Public service I think.  Nothing 
noted mentioning shortwave.
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

11690, 0515-, Radio Okapi Mar 10 I'm sure this is the station I have 
been monitoring for 30 minutes now.  About an S8 signal, makes following 
difficult.  As usual anything spoken is down in the mud, while the little 
music that is played is much better heard.  No time pips or anything 
special at 0500.  Mostly ongoing talk, seemingly in French, at least after 
the TOH.  Nothing that I hear has resembled an ID, and certainly nothing 
like the 'Okapi' repeated many times as reported by Dave Valko.  Gradually 
losing strength as I continue to monitor.  Frustrating not to get a 
definite ID! Gradually faded away to subaudible levels.  At 05:55 very 
strong open carrier, and immediately into Hello from Tokyo program.  So I 
have no doubt I must have been listening to Okapi.  Worth trying a bit 
earlier tomorrow. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX 27, 15)

11690, 0419-, Radio Okapi Mar 13 Musical 'Okapi' by YL at exactly 
04:19:30.  S9 to S9 + 10 signal.  I'm really having trouble believing this 
is only 10kw.  Another ID at 04:21:45.  'Okapi', not 'Radio Okapi'.  In 
vernacular as I listen.  Mentions of 'democrasiya', 'Congo'.  Best by far 
of the last few days I've listened.  Are we sure this isn't from a 100+kw 
transmitter?  ?Kigala, ?Meyerton, ?Madagascar.  'Okapi' again at 04:26:15. 
Full ID as Radio Okapi at 04:30, and mentioned Hirondelle as well.  Signal 
continues to improve.  Marvellous signal at 04:40 in French. Another full 
excellent ID in French at 04:55.  Further IDs just after the TOH, and 
continued in French programming about 'elections libre'.  Totally about the 
need for free elections in The Democratic Republic of Congo.  Discussion 
between Robert and Walter. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX 27, 15)

11870 University Network, 1717, 15-Mar; Dr. Gene talking
about social intercourse, SIO=242/only in LSB due to roar. //11775
Anguilla, SIO=4+44+ (Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1065)

9600 KHz, R. Habana Cuba en espanol, 15-03-05, 0032 UTC, espacio deportivo, Id,

9820 KHz, R. Habana Cuba en espanol, 15-03-05, 0015 UTC, Cx, Id, 32332

11760 KHz, R. Nacional de Venezuela en espanol, 14-03-05, 2345 UTC, Cx y musica,
Id, 32322

11875 KHz, R. Habana Cuba en espanol, 14-03-05, 2335 UTC, discurso de f. Castro,
Id, 44433

13680 KHz, R. Nacional de Venezuela en espanol, 14-03-05, 2313 UTC, Cx y musica,
Id, 34333
(Jose Bueno - NoticiasDX 857)

11655 Radio Rebelde; 1659-1701+, 15-Mar; "Rebelde de la Habana"
then "Noticiero Nacional de Radio"; M&W in SS. SIO=353+ 
(Harold Frodge-MI - CumbreDX 1065)

6421.16, on Feb 25 at 1640 UT, Voice of Iranian
Revolution in Kurdish, Kurdish mx, several IDs, often mentioning Iran, no
jamming. Drifted a little. Also heard at 1755. 24333.
(Bjarke Vestesen-DEN, SW Bulletin March 6, via Nilsson via dxld via BC-DX 705)

9590, R. Nederland, via Talata-Volondry,
2350 11 March. Indo service w/ elevator mx. Good
signal (Strawman-IA - CumbreDX 1063).

4783, MALI, ORTM, 2220-2235, Mar.7, French, OM over
stringed instruments, vocal music. ID/IS at 2230
followed by presumed newscast. Fair/good. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1063)

12085 voix de la mongolie - 250k 0910 334 mongol vari?t?s occidentalis?es
Mar13 05 (Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 27, 15)

6185 KHz, R. Educacion en espanol, 15-03-05, 0117 UTC, musica Rancheras, Id,
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 857)

6080 Studio 7 (VOA program for Zimbabwe) NF announced this new
frequency as part of their schedule as I was tuned to 4930 at 0331.
Tuned in and found it // to 4930.  Program was in English. 
(Hans Johnson Mar 14 - CumbreDX 1063)

This is from Sao Tome, started 21 February. See also a.o. WRTH March 
update.(Bernd Trutenau - CumbreDX 1063

Новая Зеландия
15530 Mar 14 1059-1110 New Zealand: R. New Zealand International,
Rangitaiki. Sign on with national anthem, at 1100 UTC pacific regional
news followed by dateline pacific at 1110 UTC Sinpo 35444 
(Nino Marabello - Hard-Core-DX 27, 16)

11570 pakistan 250 k 1444 333 urdu commentaires & musique Mar18 05
(Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 27, 20)

Папуа-Новая Гвинея
03/12/05  0930-0954 4890  KHz SINPO: 35343 Lang:=20
EE//Pidgin//Hiri Motu Karai Sce, Tk,  mx, man
(T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1063)

03/14/05  2318-0030 9675  KHz SINPO: 35242 Lang:
EE//Pidgin//Hiri Motu Karai Sce, Tk,  mx, woman, man. Not sure of this since
R.Cancao Nova is on
this frequency. Music did not sound Brazilian, but could not  tell if language
(T.J.Steenland - CumbreDX 1064)

3385, PAPUA, (P)R.Australia relay via R.East New
Britain, 1106-1135, Vernacular, Up-tempo indigenous
music and banter w/ 2 OM between selections. "Radio
Australia" mentioned in passing 3 times at 1110.
Format of brief talks b/w 1-2 minutes of music
continued until 1126 when a ballad was followed by YL
at 1130. Fair at t/in, slipping under static by t/out.
Do PNGs carry RA programming? (Scott R.Barbour Jr-NH - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21)

9719.94, Radio Victoria, 1045-1100  Noted man and woman in religious
comments until music presented at 1048.  At 1051, canned ID, "... onda larga
 ... Peru, Radio Victoria ..." Parallel on 6020.30 KHz.  At 1053, promos for
other programs later in the day.  Judging from the context, they all seemed
to be religious.  Signal on 6020.30 KHz was fair with a Het, while 9719.94
was good this morning.  (Chuck Bolland, March 19. 2005 - CumbreDX 1068)

7201, RUSSIA, R.Rossii via Yakustk, 1122-1132, Mar.13,
OM over music at t/in, "zinger" IDs w/ both "Golos.."
and "Radio Rossii". OM and YL w/ news and soundbites
at 1130. Fair. // 7320-Arman:poor //
7345-Yakustk:fair, 17600-Moscow:good. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1063) 

7260, 0228-, Golos Rossii Mar 10 Strong S9 reception with modern 
western sounding music and into Golos Rossii news at the BOH.  Many 
parallels including 13665 (Petropavlovsk) good, 12010 (Komsomolsk 
Amur)  poor, 7240 (Armavir/Krasnodar) good, 7150 (Simferopol...actually 
Mykolayiv, Ukraine) poor, 7125 (Grigoriopol, Moldova) fair.  7260 listed as 
Moskva.  All sites are from the ILG database. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX
27, 15)

3955, 1409-, Voice of Russia Mar 13 ILG lists Korean, which sounds 
about right, 100 kw from Vladivostok, at fiar level, and sure enough their 
IS was heard at 14:10.  Mostly talk by OM.  I would have guessed a North 
Korean from the tone of his voice!. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX 27,

08.00 10800 кГц - слабый сигнал Р.России (когда-то на этой частоте
слышал наших миротворцев). Откуда РР тут взялось?
Заподозрил гармонику.
8-я гармоника от 1350 - нет подходящего варианта.
10-я гармоника от 1080 - по-моему попал: РР, Ковылкино, Удмуртия
100 кВт. Кто к ним поближе? Наверное сильно плохо работают, если такую
гармонику выдают.
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 685)

04960 voa /via sao tom? 100k 0513 haussa musique africaine Mar19 05
(Michel Lacroix - Hard-Core-DX 27, 20)

Саудовская Аравия
13710, 1506-, Holy Quran Program Mar 19 Fair reception with 
wails and then into a lowly modulated male voice.  Nothing special about 
the program.  Best heard on my 25 meter dipole oriented east-west.  Went 
back into more typical Quran chant at 15:08. 
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

Северные Марианские о-ва
11580, NO.MARIANAS ISLAND, KFBS, 1304-1332, Mar.18,
Mandarin/English, Banter b/w OM and YL w/ musical
bits. Language lesson prg. "English..Let's Go!" at
1319. Back to Mandarin at 1324. ID at 1325, more
banter thru t/out. Fair. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21) 

13610 KHz, R.E. de la R.A. Siria en espanol, 14-03-05, 2320 UTC, la prensa local,
Id, 54333
(Jose Miguel Romero - NoticiasDX 857)

Соломоновы о-ва
5019.91, 1503-, SIBS Mar 18 Been a while since I've heard 
much audio from these folks.  English news from the BBCWS (ID for the world 
service at 15:06:15).  Poor to fair. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX

5020, SOLOMON ISLANDS, (P)SIBC, 1138-1204, Mar.19,
(p)Pidgin-English, Native music w/ announcer b/w
selections. YL at 1149 w/ devotional sounding prg. and
lite musical bits; a few words of EG heard tho not
much to work with. Anthem (NA-?) at 1200 right into OM
and YL in EG, sounding very much like the BBC. Fair at
t/in but way too much Rebelde-5025 slop as the hour
progressed. (Scott R. Barbour Jr-NH - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21)

12133.5U AFN remains on the air, it is the frequency of 7507.5U 
that was dropped.
Have been hearing this for quite a while, the channels out of Key West 
pretty reliable reception here. (Hans Johnson Mar - CumbreDX 1063)

 7490, 05:08-, WJIE Mar 13 Powerful S9+20 with modern Christian pop 
music.  I'm assuming that they are running back at their full 50 kw. 
Nothing noted on 13595. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX 27, 15)

4750, SUDAN, R.Peace, 0333-0347, Mar.8,
Vernacular/English, Native music and talks. Full EG ID
at 0342. Talks over choral music followed by
instrumental version of "O'Come all ye faithful"
Fair/good. (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1063)

7200 R. Sudan mixing with VoA in Farsi at 0320.   Playing local 
that was enjoyable.   Male announcer in between songs in Arabic.  
Pretty good
signal and over VoA at times.  (Hans Johnson Mar 14 - CumbreDX 1063)

7200  Republic of Sudan Radio  0400-0410.  0359 VOA sign off.
0400 Man with possible ID in Arabic (mentioned Sudan).  Talk by man in
Arabic, apparently news, with frequent mention of Sudan.  Good signal
with atmospheric interference and fading (SINPO 33222).  
(Jim Evans, TN, Mar 14 - CumbreDX 1063)

Religious broadcaster Radio Peace 4750 kHz was heard March 18 at 0335 UTC with
programme in local language. Not Arabic or English and referring Darfur. Signal
level S3-4 and reception poor. I want to point out, I didn?t get a proper ID
(Jouko Huuskonen - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21)

5015, TURKMENISTAN, Turkmen R., 2359-0037, Mar.12,
Turkmen. S/on in progress at t/in w/ OM followed by
national anthem. Talk over wind-instruments at 0003.
YL at 0007 until 0017 when joined by OM b/w breif
musical bits (strings and drums). Orchestra-like music
and ballads between talks at 0022 thru t/out. Weak but
clear for the most part. Best listening in LSB. Very
pleased! (Barbour-NH - CumbreDX 1063)

In its latest newsletter, High Adventure Canada announced short-
term plans for a SW station in Uganda. The station is to be developed in
co-operation with Dunamis FM Kampala, which already holds a licence for
short wave. According to High Adventure, at the National Religious
Broadcasters Convention in Anaheim a deal was struck with the HCJB
engineering plant for the speedy delivery of a low power short wave unit.
The station is hoped to be on the air by summer 2005.

It remains to be seen, whether this schedule can be met. High Adventure
has a pentecostal tradition of "proclaiming victory" long before it
(Dr. Hansjoerg Biener-D, wwdxc BC-DX 705 Mar 9)

following schedule for the post-27 March period (in their case, post-28
March as they only transmit Monday-Friday):

0300-0500 on 11665. 0500-0600 on 15325. 1500-1800 on 17660
(Chris Greenway-KEN, dxld Mar 9)

11665 0300-0500 37  RMP  500 125 20 Mon-Fri USA MNO MER
15325 0500-0600 47E WOF  300 126 12 Mon-Fri USA MNO MER
17660 1500-1900 47E WOF  300 140  0 Mon-Fri USA MNO MER
(wb, wwdxc BC-DX 705 Mar 9)

7440, 04:42-, Radio Ukraine International Mar 13 Wonderful S9 + 10 
reception with RUI's mailbag program, with the lovely music of the Orange 
Revolution.  For Ukrainian speakers, these lyrics never fail to bring a 
lump in my throat, and tears to my eyes.  Beautiful music and very frank, 
almost apologetic talk in English about not telling the real story in 
Ukraine before the revolution.  Rarely heard so well on the coast.  Brings 
me back to the days when RUI used far east Russian relays for their service 
to WCNA. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Hard-Core-DX 27, 15)

The country will return to UTC-3 on next March 27.
Now DST with UTC-2 hrs.

6140 R Montecarlo/Oriental. The xter again silent after last reported
activity with bike competition. It is expected to reactivate under same
characteristics on next "Semana de Turismo" ("Tourism Week" ) (also named
"Semana Santa" -"Holy Week"-, or "Semana Criolla" -"Creole Week"-) from
March 20 to March 27. (Horacio A. Nigro-URG, DXplorer Mar 6 via BC-DX 705)

Voz Cristiana noted on new 15585, // 15375 at 0310 UT March 
19 in Spanish (Joe Hanlon, NJ, DXLD 5-048)

9645, 1540-, VOA Mar 19 Strong signals from Iran Wila this 
morning, with English VOA News Now program.  Excellent modulation. Medical 
news about saliva tests.  At  same time DW from Trincomalee was heard at 
excellent levels with DW ID in Hindi on 9585. 
(Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

Voice of Peace and Democracy of Eritrea not heard on either
5500 or 6350 when checking on a Monday. This program had previously 
been heard at *0315 weekdays.  I did hear 6350 with open carrier at 0349 
and both channels on the air with the interval signal of Voice of the 
Tigray Revolution at 0356.  So the transmitters are fine, they just didn't carry
program today at a time it has been previously on.  Needs more work to see if
this is 
now off or if the schedule has been changed. (Hans Johnson Mar 14 - CumbreDX

5500, 1456-, Voice of Peace/Voice of Democratic Eritrea Mar 18 As 
listed in ILG.  A pleasant surprise.  Weak but in the clear with horn of 
Africa music.  Not sure if it's atmospherics, or some noise on 
frequency.  Remove that, and reception would be pleasant.  Something 
indecipherable at 14:59:30 by YL, then a male.  Too weak to be make 
anything out though. (Walter Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - CumbreDX 1068)

Экваториальная Гвинея
March 18th. For the first time in quite a while 
I heard the Bata transmitter on 5005 broadcasting throughout the 
evening, first at 1730. Local music mainly, must have switched off not 
much later than 2200. Greetings 
(Thorsten Hallmann, Munster, Germany, March 19, DXLD 5-048) 

5005, R. Nacional Guinee Equatoriale, DS, 50 kW, 2041, 444 espagnol YL 
commentaires sur les automobiles sur fonds musical de varietes Mar 19 
05 (Michel Lacroix, France, HCDX via DXLD 5-048)
Неофициальное радио

На Лаос
15105 Hmong Lao Radio via WHRI 1320-1358*. Usual talks and
occasional music in Hmong or Lao lang; ended at 1358 with flute theme;
WHRI ID at 1359. Good signal. (John Wilkins 3/19 - CumbreDX 1068)

На Западную Сахару
Polisario Front (станция обычно объявляет себя как Radio Nacional de la
Republica Arabe Saharaui Democratica) принималось 11 марта в 07.35 на
частоте 700 кГц. Сигнал средний, не параллельный КВ 7460 кГц. При проверке в
08.10 станция уже затухла. Вещание ведется нерегулярно. 
(Карлуш Гонсалвеш, Португалия, wwdxc BC-DX March 10-11 - BC-DX N 705, Сигнал

252, RD Algerienne, 7 марта, 23.18, SINPO 24322. Разговор мужским голосом на
французском. ID не было, но французский язык не оставляет сомнений, кто это
вещал. Ирландию, которая тоже работает на 252, слышно не было.
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - Сигнал 144)

243, Danmarks Radio, 7 марта, 22.47, SINPO 35433. Разговор на датском языке
мужским голосом. Давно не слышал Данию так сильно. 
(Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - Сигнал 144)

Here are some observations by Alan Davies.
-Boyolali, C Java:
Radio Bima Sakti moved to 837 kHz, ex-711. I mistakenly conjectured
last year that the station on 837 might be Radio Immanuel, Surakarta.
Radio Karysma moved to FM ex-1080 kHz.
-Delanggu, C Java:
Radio Suara Delanggu Bersinar (Radio Swadesi) moved to 1152 kHz
-Jombang, E Java:
Radio Gita Nada is silent on 666 kHz and was last heard in Dec 2004.
It may have moved to FM (possibly 97.4 MHz).
-Kediri, E Java:
A new station is operating on 1458 kHz. The ID sounds like 'Radio
Sega' (as heard, not confirmed).
-Madiun, E Java:
RKPD Madiun is on 1485 kHz.
-Pekanbaru, Riau:
RRI Pekanbaru is inactive on 1116 and 1188 kHz. 927 kHz continues to
operate a split schedule.
-Surakarta [Solo], C Java:
Radio Immanuel is still on 846 kHz.
Radio Carolina Arjuno moved to 1117v kHz ex-1080 in late Jan or early
Feb 2005. I haven't heard the frequency announced, so it may be a
deliberate move or a happy accident. Either way it leaves RRI
Singaraja in the clear on 1080 kHz and reduces mixing products with
Radio Sangkakala 1062 kHz, which is located just down the road in the
same neighbourhood of Surabaya.
-Tanjung Pinang, Bintan, Riau Is:
RRI Tanjung Pinang was silent on 1341v kHz when checked from
Singapore, 19-21 Feb. During middle of the day, the mediumwave band in
Singapore was dead except for very weak signals across the South China
Sea from Thoi Long, Vietnam, on 711, 783 and 873 kHz.
-Wonogiri, C Java:
Radio Gelora Indah Swara has moved to FM, ex-1098 kHz.
(via Olle Alm, ARC Information Desk 14 March via DXLD 5-048)

900 кГц, 01.58, 27/02, RAI, Notturno Italiano, 44444. В 02.00 новости на
итальянском, а с 02.05 - на английском языке. 
(Сергей Алексейчик, Гродно, Беларусь - open_dx, Сигнал 144)

171 кГц, Радио России, 7 марта, 23.15, SINPO 24432. Видимо, Ояш
(Новосибирская обл.). Песни по заявкам. Не хватило бодрости дождаться
местных передач Радио Томск, которые выходят как раз на этой частоте. К тому
же я не был уверен, насколько рано начнутся эти местные передачи в
праздничный день. (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - Сигнал 144)

549, BSKSA, 7 марта, 22.40, на арабском, SINPO 24432. На арабском,
мужско-женский разговор, // 1440 кГц. В течение этого часа (22.00-23.00) на
частоте нет ни российских, ни украинских станций. А в 23.00 начинает работу
"Промiнь". (Дмитрий Мезин, Казань, Россия - Сигнал 144)


Получил QSL карточку от Bangladesh Betar. Срок ожидания: пять с половиной месяцев
с момента отправки рапорта обычной почтой. Карточка содержит все детали приема
и подтверждающую надпись. Стоит подпись и печать с расшифровкой имени, из которой
следует, что имя директора станции (или международной службы ?) - M.A. Basher
На лицевой стороне  изображение национальных весельных лодок для перевозки грузов.

Кстати по стилю исполнения карточка напоминает карточки из Индии и Непала.
Осенью станцию было неплохо слышно в Москве на 9550.
Приложено расписание вещания. Согласно нему передачи на английском языке идут
в 12.30-13.00; 18.15-19.00 и 17.45-18.15 UTC(Голос ислама). Частота лишь одна
7185. Однако, сроки действия расписания не указаны и насколько оно актуально
сейчас,- неясно.
Кстати, занимается ли кто из участников нашей рассылки написанием рапортов и
получает ли какие-либо подтверждения ? На эту тему практически никто и никогда
не пишет.
(Кузнецов Василий, Москва - open_dx 684)

5860, VO Jinling, CH text QSL "form" card w/ my
name and date of reception penciled in. Front of card
features colorful scenery of the gates to either a
palace or temple. This in 25 days for $1 and an EG
report. (Scott R. Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX 27, 21)
08.25 10713 кГц USB - польский радиотелефон. Дуплексные переговоры
гражданского типа.

08.40 10872 кГц CW - непрерывно повторяющийся сигнал "С" (Ц). В
справочнике Klingenfuss Shortwave Frequence Guide нашел: Beacon "C"
Moscow. Тут же рядом в справочнике нашел:
10871.7 - beacon "D" Odessa;
10872.8 - beacon "P" Kaliningrad;
10872.9 - beacon "S" Arkhangelsk.
Послушал еще и обнаружил второй маяк "D" - должно быть та самая Одесса.
Вспомнил, что маяк "С" регулярно слышен также в любительском диапазоне
40 метров. Послушал вечерком и обнаружил тут ту же "сладкую парочку"
(приблизительно по частоте, насколько мне разрешает моя цифровая
шкала, так как в справочнике их почему-то нет):
7039.0 кГц - "С";
7038.7 кГц - "D".
Кто знает, что это за маяки и для чего они нады?

А еще интересно на днях наблюдал, как на 40-метровом диапазоне хорошо
был слышен радиолюбитель из Монтевидео, Уругвай. Что тут творилось!!!
Европейские и наши СНГовские радиолюбители просто ошалели - все
вместе, толпой перекрикивали друг друга, пока уругваец из этого гамуза
не умудрится выхватить пару букв из чьего-нибудь позывного, чтобы
остальные замолчали. Но и тому мешали говорить. А некоторые кричали не
менее получаса - так и не докричались... Вот где страсти спортивные!
Не то что у вещательных ДХистов - любителей "тихой охоты" за радиостанциями.
(Александр Егоров, Киев, Украина - open_dx 685)

(Cor - Hard-Core-DX 27, 20)

Irving, TX 75015-3154

Receiver: ICF-2010 modified Antenna: AN-1, outdoor, telescopic,  1.5 m, 45
inclination angle,  Tuner: TUN 4

Jose Bueno - Cordoba - Espana
Rx: JRC NRD-535
Ant. Sirio SD1300U

Приёмник: Grundig YB400
Антенна: Наклонный луч, 20 м.

Вячеслав, Кишинев (QTH 4702N, 2850E)

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