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Электронный DX Бюллетень WorldDX
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Всемирный DX Бюллетень №6 24.01.05 ---------------------------------- Здравствуйте! Вот и вышел 6 номер Всемирного DX Бюллетеня. Время везде UTC.Чтобы получить зимнее московское время нужно прибавить 3 часа, а летнее - 4 часа. Сегодня в номере: интересные сообщения в разделах Австралия,Зимбабве. ---------------------------------- Короткие Волны Австралия 2310. ABC Northern Territory Service. Alice Springs. 1010-1155. "Grandstand" sports show in English with ID and live broadcast of Australian Tennis Open final match between Marat Safin and Lleyton Hewitt and live coverage of cricket match between Australia and Pakistan. // 2325 Tennant Creek. First South Pacific 120 meter band station heard with positive ID at my QTH. (Steve Bass, 1/30 - Cumbre DX 1010). 29/01, 1035 UTC, 15415 кГц, Radio Australia, английский язык, 43443. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Алжир 7460, R. Nacional Rep. Arabe Saharaui Dem., 2342-0001*, Obvious political feature by M w/ments of Polasario, politica, independencia, Kofi Anan, Europa, presidente, etc. 2347 outro by M over beginning of "Here Comes the Rain Again" by the Eurythmics w/ments of "...amigos oyentes...servicio informativo muchas gracias por la...R. Nacional Saharaui". Then 2348 canned ID by M sounding like "R. Nac. de Saharaui, la voz del pueblo casas". Into easy SP Pops. 2357 canned ID by M (same as at 2348) over beginning of "Loverboy" by Billy Ocean as "R. Nac. Saharaui una emisoras ?? servicios". One more song, then live M w/short closing anmnts over mx w/ment of amigos oyentes and ID as R. Nac. 0000-0001 instru. band anthem, and off. Good signal of course. (29 Jan.) (Dave Valko - Cumbre DX 1010) 7460, R. Nac. Saharagui P.F., 2301 27 January; pgm of ballads w/frequent R. Nac. Saharagui IDs; good signal (Strawman-IA - Cumbre DX 1011). Ангола Angola, 4950, Radio Nacional, 0215-0232 Noted a man in Portuguese comments with TC's and ID. At 0230 Portuguese Pop music presented. Signal at 0230 was "armchair", or really good here in Clewiston, Florida. (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 2005 - HCDX 26, 3) Антильские о-ва 21:03 17810 35233 R. Netherlands NETHERLAND ANTILLES Male / female giving world news in Dutch (Alvin Mirabal - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) Аргентина 11710 Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior, Buenos Aires, 0030+, January 15, Portuguese. Greetings for all participants in the DX Camp Ilha Comprida 2005.-, 44444 (Arnaldo Slaen - CumbreDX 1008) Армения 27/01, 1639 UTC, 17580 кГц, Voice of America, суахили, через Ботсвану, 35333.(Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Аргентина 15345.0, 2108-, Radio Nacional de Argentina Jan 30 . Spanish (domestic) (Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 31) 6214.08v R. Baluarte (T) been flirting with this one for a number of evenings. Best reception was last night, 2320 with woman hosting music program. Quite a number of songs in a row. All in Spanish. The transmitter drifts slightly up and down and is also having distortion problems at times. One second it is fine and the next it is FMing. 2337 I got a phone call and couldn't recheck until 0015, when there was not trace of them. Bummer, as it was pretty good when I got the call and I finally could have caught the sign off. Slaen reports that they are 0000* with 500 watts only. (Johnson Feb 2 - Cumbre DX 1013) Бангладеш Per Ashik Eqbal Tokon in Bangladesh, the domestic service on 4880 has not been heard in a long time even though they continue to announce the channel. Ashik add that the transmissions on 9550 are irregular. (via Johnson Jan 27 - CumbreDX 1007) 7185 Bangladesh Betar 1806, religious themes abt Islam told by YL.At end she requested... with listeners. "This is Dhaka calling Europe" with freqs. Newsdesk. BY same YL at lower audio with news at 1815, S9 43443 25.1.2005 (LIangas Greece - HCDX 25, 29) 7185, Bangladesh Betar, Yesterdays fine reception was no fluke. On again today w/massive signal. IS barely audible at 1227 t/in, but came up to 100% at 1229:10. Unfortunately ID anmnts at 1230 nearly inaudible. 1259 closing anmnts w/addr and saying "...Do write a ?? letter to us to win a prize. Our address is Director, External Services, Bangladesh Betar, P.O. Box 2204, Dhaka 1000, Bangladesh...". (30 Jan.) (Dave Valko - CumbreDX 1010) 7185 R. Bangladesh 1231-1247, EG nx and commentary and into vocal mx. Big signal here, new xmtr? Thanks to Valko tip. (Yamron - PA 1/30 - CumbreDX 1011) 7185 Bangladesh Betar Thanks Dave Valko's tip. 1230 with interval signal, tremendous signal, well above co-channel China. Woman announcer (sounded liked Sabrina) announcing that they are looking for letters with suggestions on how to improve their programming, giving a PO Box and a fax number (but no email, worth noting). She then gave a program review, news, commentary, and a magazine show. Also worth noting that she only announced 7185, no mention of 9550. Best I have heard them in a long, long time. Modulation is good and the signal is fine. Still on as I type this up. (Johnson Jan 31 - Cumbre DX 1011) Беларусь 5970 Radio Belarus on Jan 25 at 0220 UT about arts exibition, in English. Gave sch 0229 as 1900-2200 on 1170 7105 7280 kHz and 0100-0300 on 5970 7010 kHz in Bielorussian Russian German and English with English Mon Tue Thu Fri 2130-2200 and Sun 2300-2330 repeated Mon Tue Wed Fri Sat 0400-0430 and Sun 0430-0500 (doesn't match completely). Then why was I listening to English at 0220? Bad modulation. And on which freqs are they at 2300-2330 and 0400-0500? Not very logical. Gave address as Chirvonaya Street No 4, Minsk 220807, Rep of Bielorussia. (Finn Krone-DEN, BC-DX 700 Jan 24) 3346, Белорусское радио (1-я программа), 2 февраля, 20.10-20.40, русский, 35432, DSB. Согласно базе ILGRadio, мощность передатчика всего 2.5 кВт. Идентификация в 20.35: "Беларусское радио, першая национальная программа". (Владимир Дорошенко - open_dx 651) Боливия 09:35 3310 14422 R. Mosoj Chaski BOLIVIA Man talking via telephone with female, in Spanish and Quechua. (Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX) Болгария Only one txion for Voice Africa in English to WeAf/NIG from Jan 7 1600-1800 on 13820 SOF 100 kW / 215 deg. Also registered for A-05!!! 1800-2000 on 11560 SOF 100 kW / 215 deg >>>>> CANCELLED (R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via BC-DX 700 Jan 25) Ботствана 4930 VOA will start using this frequency from Feb 1st as follows: 0300-0630 VOA English, 1600-1700 VOA English, 1700-1800 VOA Studio 7, 1800-2200 VOA English. This per VOA. (via Johnson Jan 31 - Cumbre DX 1011) 4930, 1615-1622, VOA on their new 60mb frequency. Interview with a NASA official discussing the upcoming space shuttle flight, and the issues with the heat shield tiles and integrity of the insulation on the booster fuel tanks; questions from phone callers in Kuwait and elsewhere. VOA ID at 1630 and into news. Good signal at one hour past local sunrise. A short MP3 with VOA ID can be heard here: http://www.guyatkins.com/files/voa_botswana_4930.mp3 (Guy Atkins - Feb 1 - Cumbre DX 1013) Бразилия 9505, Radio Record, Sao Paulo, 0934, comentario por locutor, musica brasilena. Senal muy debil. 14222.(Manuel Mendez - CDX 1007) 9515, Radio Novas de Paz, Curitiba, 0931, comentario religioso, locutor, senal debil. 24222. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 9615, Radio Cultura, Sao Paulo, 0930, Musica brasilena y comentarios. 23222.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 9645, Radio Bandeirantes, 0926, Noticias de Brasil. En paralelo con 11925. 23222.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 9630, Radio Aparecida, 0928, programa religioso "Camino de vida". Id. "Radio Aparecida, programa de evangelizacion". 34333. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 9665, Radio Marumbuy, Florianopolis, 0929, Locutor, noticias, el tiempo, Id. "Noticias do Brasil e do mundo en Radio Murumbuy". 24222. (Manuel Mendez - CDX 1007) 9675, Radio Cancao Nova, 0924, Comentario religioso, locutor, 45444.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 11735, Radio Transmundial, 0917, Musica, Id. "Esta e a Transmundial". 45444.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 11780, Radio Nacional da Amazonia, 0915, locutor, noticias de Brasil, noticia de Porto Alegre, temperaturas en las ciudades de Brasil. 34333.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 11785, Radio Guaiba, Porto Alegre, 0912, comentarios por locutor, 24222.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 11805, Radio Globo, 0908, locutor, comentarios, "sete horas e oito minutos". 23222.(Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 11815, Radio Brasil Central, 0903, locutor, noticias, Id. " Sete horas e sete minutos, Radio Brasil Central, o mundo na sua casa". 45444. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, 0904, locutor y locutora, noticias de Sao Paulo y Rio de Janeiro. 22222. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 17815, Radio Cultura,0905, Sao Paulo, comentarios y musica. En paralelo con 9615. 24322. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 6908A Radio Rio Mar // 9695 at 1028, both at the same level. Still nothing heard here on 6160. Thanks Mr. Malm for the correct ID here. (Johnson Jan 27 - CumbreDx 1007) 2380 Radio Educadora, Limeira, 2259+, January 15, Portuguese. ID as: "Voce....a Educadora...", local music, 25432 (Arnaldo Slaen - CumbreDX 1008) 3325 Radio Nossa Voz!!!!, Sao Paulo, 1000+, January 15, Portuguese, Complete ID as: "Radio Nossa Voz, AM 660 Khz, a frequencia que a gente ouvie". Ann.: "a musica sertaneja y grandes sucessos ...ligue con 301617... ate nove horas....", 45544 (in paralell with 660 Khz, chekeed with 35543) (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) 09:10 2460 24323 R. Alvorada BRAZIL Song by Brazilian singer Roberto Carlo. In Portuguese (Alvin Mirabal - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 09:25 3235 24222 R. Guaraja Paulista BRAZIL Contemporary music in Portuguese (Alvin Mirabal - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 10:05 4845 32232 R. Cultural Ondas Tropicais BRAZIL Excited fast talking male announcer in Portuguese (Alvin Mirabal - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 10:07 4865 44233 R. Alvorada BRAZIL Popular music in Portuguese (Alvin Mirabal - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 11815.0, 2107-, Radio Brasil Central Jan 30 . Portuguese (futebol)(Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 31) Буркина Фасо 5030 Radio Bourkina, Ouagadogou, 2115+, January 15, Vernacular & French, talk by male, 24442 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) 27/01, 0000 UTC, 5030 кГц, Radio Burkina, французский язык, 35453, музыка и комментарии (ОМ).(Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Великобритания 24.01.2005 15:30 USB 5990 kHz BBC (on rus.) SINPO 32542(1) Strong QRM from 5990 rHz RTL LUXEMBOURG Junglinster, French (Digital) (Вячеслав Олейник - open_dx 641) Wales Radio International Jan 29 What a mess on this frequency, as it's dominated by the BBCWS from Ascension, but another English station, presumed Wales R Int'l via Rampisham, UK is also almost as strong. No winners here. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) Габон 18:02 15475 35444 Afrique Numero Un GABON Two males speaking about indigenous military conflicts in Africa in French. (Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 4777 Radio Gabon, at *0532-0550 on Jan 20, open with a woman talking in French, segment of highlife vocals, more talk by the woman followed by a man hosting a highlife vocals program. Fair. Again, at *0539-0620 on Jan 23, opening late with a woman talking in French followed by highlife mx program. ID at top of the hour followed by nx program. Fair but beginning to fade out during the news. 4890, Radio France International, at 0428-0450 on Jan 21, French pop vocal followed by a man with ID. A man and woman gave the nx from 0430. Good signal. (Rich D'Angelo-PA-USA, DXplorer Jan 23) 15475 Africa #1 at 1659 UT in French. Not usually reported on this freq. Poor signal, QRM. (Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc BC-DX Jan 23) Гавайи 10320 AFRS-Pearl Harbor. Very good and clear signal in English from 0635 - 0700. Гайана 3291,2 Voice of Guyana, Sparendaam, 0325+, January 15, English. Very clear talk by male about local politic, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) Гватемала 5954.9 R. Cultural (P) reactivated, at least for the moment. 1043 with easy music and some short inspirational talks in Spanish. Didn't hear an ID, but did give a time check for 6 AM in Guatemala at 1100. Note that 3300 is not on, see COLOMBIA above as well. (Johnson Feb 2 - Cumbre DX 1013) Германия 6305 12:40 R.Robbie D 4 (14.01.2005) 6262 13:21 R.Continental D 3 (16.01.2005) 6267 18:00 WNKR E 3 6285 12:55 Telstar Radio D E 4 6295 13:47 R.Spaceman D G 5 6298 12:26 R.Mazda D 4 6298 11:52 R.Blackbird D 3 6300 11:30 R.Shadow D 3 6304 11:09 Westcoast R. D 3 6305 11:08 R.Scotland D E 4 6305 11:27 R.Shaduwman D 4 6310 14:01 R.Golfbreker D 3 6293 15:22 Sallendse Boer D 4 6296 15:24 R.Centraal D 3 (Kay - Hard-Core-DX vol. 25, issue 29) 3955 HCJB-Juelich, weak at 1600 sign on, German programme, good signal by 1615. 6075 DWR-Sines. Very good in German from 1900 UTC. 9470 Hrvatska Radio-Juelich. 0500 good with news in Croatian, then signal dropped away to weak, but soon came back to very good at 0700 with English news. 9610 IBRA-Juelich. 1900 on air in Hausa with id, poor to close at 2015. Much side splatter,Main offender CRI in German 9615. (Ron - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Греция 27/01, 1507 UTC, 7430 кГц, Voice of Greece на русском, очень сильные помехи на частоте. 42532. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Гуам 29/01, 1001 UTC, 11900 кГц, KSDA Guam - AWR, английский язык, 35433. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Доминиканская Республика 16:55 6025 35444 R. Amanecer DOMINICAN REP. News from local churches, soft and slow religious singing and music. Bad signal modulation. (Alvan Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Египет 9990, EGYPT, R.Cairo, 2200-2216, Jan.24, English, Mailbag prg w/ lengthy discourse on "Cairo's rich Islamic heritage", ballad, TC/ID at 2215 into news re Pres. Mubarak. Poor/fair w/ 9985-WWCR slop. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 7260, 0218-, Radio Cairo Jan 29 Not a good choice of frequencies as Cairo in English is co-channel with presumed Moscow Golos Rossii with EZL music. Both are not particularly strong. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) 9990.10 Radio Cairo; 2134-2143+, 30-Jan; 2M in EE w/News Analy- sis. Couple of RC IDs thrown in. SIO=43-3-/USB helps w/(p)WWCR @9985 (Frodge-MI - Cumbre DX 1011) Замбия 4500 ZBC, Lusaka, 0204+, January 15, Vernacular, news by male & female with 35343 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) 4910, 1558-1605, ZNBC Radio 1. Best reception so far this winter of Zambia on longpath. Nice fish eagle IS at 1558, drums at 1600, and announcer with 'ZNBC' and mentions of Zambia in unid. language. Into a tribal chant or similar by male, followed by a choral hymn, and into possible news items 1605. Fair to good signal at tune-in, and still fair at 1635 recheck-- 1 hour past local SR and 1/4 hour past Lusaka SS. Best on Southwest Beverage. (Guy Atkins - Feb 1 - Cumbre DX 1013) Зимбабве 3306 ZBC, Gweru, 2220+, January 14, vernacular, local music, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) Израиль 6973 Galei Tzahal, Tel Aviv, 2140+, January 15, Hebrew, pops and announcement by female, 33432 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) Вот уже больше недели, как услышал Радио РЕКА на рус. языке с 2100 до 2200 на 7520 кГц. До 2100 есть еще передачи на других языках (англ,...?).(Александр Егоров - open_dx 643) 29/01, 1524 UTC, 9985 кГц, Kol Israel, фарси. 35343. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) 27/01, 2153 UTC, 6973 кГц, Galei Zahal, иврит; музыка, новости, ID. 45444.(Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Ирак 'Radio Raj' found on 6315.2 kHz here on Jan 26 from 1650 UT. Did not close at 1700v as noticed here previously but continued to past 1740 when weakened and faded out. Only one annt observed all this time, at 1721-1722 when male mentioned 'Raj' more time talking over mx which makes proper ID difficult. Peaked ard 1700. Other times non-stop songs. (Finn Krone-DEN, DXplorer Jan 26) Location, target, language has been traced already ? (wb) Cland: Radio Roj? on 6315 with Kurdish songs at 1617 UT on Jan 23, S3. (Zacharias Liangas-GRC) Yep, I guess they've moved here (ex6310). Noted first on 19 Jan on almost even 6315.0, today 26 Jan about 6315.2 kHz. At times they play real "heavy rock" tunes (maybe Turkish) and then again to patriotic ballads. (Jari Savolainen-FIN, CumbreDX Jan 26) Иордания 6105 Radio Jordan. On Jan 18 at 2040-2106 UT. SINPO 33332. Arabian songs and telephone interview in Arabic. Time pips for 2100, followed by news. (Iwao Nagatani-JPN, JPNpremium, Jan 21, WWDXC 699) [Tanzania also noted on 6105, wb.] Иран 6120, IRAN, VOIRI, 0137-0152, Jan.25, English, "Voice of Justice" prg. re US and UK troops in Iran per New Yorker article and "US war mongering". Poor/fair w/ muddy audio. Is this what SW was like during the Cold War? (Barbour-NH - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) Индия 17:16 13770 35334 All India Radio INDIA via Bangalore Nice romantic and slow Indian music, man / woman talking apparently in Hindi, off air @ 17:30 (Alvin Mirabal - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 9445, INDIA, AIR Delhi, 2141-2205, Jan.25, English, Prime Ministers Republic Day eve speech re infrastructure in "making India a developed nation by 2020". Several GOS-AIR IDs, news re religous ceremony stampede and reconstruction of tsunami regions. Fair. (Barbour-NH - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 11585, INDIA, AIR-Rainbow FM relay, 1134-1204, 1212-1240, Jan.25, English/Hindi, Continuos format of U.S. pop music and ballads w/ Avril Lavigne and Joe Cocker. YL b/w selections. Abruptly off at 1204, returning at 1212 mid-song w/ announcer apologizing for break in transmission and "Rainbow FM" ID. More pops w/ Hillary Duff and Sheryl Crow. Unique, "jingle" AIR ID at 1230 set to the Doobie Bros. tune "Listen to the Music" then into Hindi programming. Poor/ fair, improving thru-out. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 9705 AIR-Panaji. GOS signal on after int sig 2245, good level at that time. Unfortunately gone totally by 2320. 11715 AIR-Panaji. GOS signal comes on air 2045 in English, very good and readable to past 2131 (Ron - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 4860 AIR Delhi 1430-1441. YL with ID "Yeh All India Radio..." and into talk in listed Urdu, possibly news; M took over at 1440. Fair signal but beginning to fade. Was // to 6045, which was QRM'ed by presumed XEXQ in Spanish. (John Wilkins 1/30 - Cumbre DX 1010) 11585 Rainbow Radio FM via AIR, 1212-1230, excellent here with EG pop tunes, "John Denver" tune 1212, EG/Hindi by male announcer, jingles and "FM Rainbow" ID, into magazine show with YL host 1230 in Hindi. (Yamron - PA 1/30 - Cumbre DX 1011) 4760, AIR Port Blair (presumed), 1348 29 January; typical Hindi vocals; weak signal but pleased as infrequent visitor here (Strawman-IA - Cumbre DX 1011). Индонезия 4604.96, INDONESIA-PAPUA, (p)RRI Serui, 1116-1132, Jan.29, Indonesian, Continuos Indo ballads until announcer at 1128 thru t/out. Very weak under QRN. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 4789.07, RRI Fak Fak, 1352 29 January; S8 pop mx; same strength as Port Moresby; Song of Coconut Island @ 1353 and audio out @ 1356:45 (Strawman-IA - Cumbre DX 1011). 4749.96, RRI Makassar, 1358 27 January; pop mx thru 1400 TOH; S9 signal (Strawman-IA - Cumbre DX 1011) 4871, RRI wamena, 1053-1120 Music noted until 1158 when woman gives ID. On the hour news. At the end of the news, a man in Indonesian comments. Signal started out as good here in Clewiston, Florida, but degraded to poor level by 1120. (Chuck Bolland, February 2, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 26, 3) 4925, RRI Jambi, 28 января, 23.15-23.40, индонезийский (?), 35332. До 23.30 шла музыкальная программа, в 23.30 прозвучали позывные станции и идентификация: "Radio Republik Indonesia", далее пошли новости. (Владимир Дорошенко - open_dx 651) Иран 4860 Voice of Iranian Kurdistan, 0306+, January 15, Vernacular, long talk by female in kurdish, 25332 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) Италия 27/01, 0030 UTC, 6060 кГц, RAI - Notturo Italiano, итальянский язык. Музыкальная программа. 34443. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Канада Канадское радио подтвердило, что завтра 28 января оно проведет последнюю регулярную передачу на украинском языке. В последующем предполагаются только две передачи в неделю по сб и вс, но еще неизвестно, как они будут распространяться: то ли по эфиру, то ли по Интернету. Еще не известно также, будут ли эти передачи транслироваться через Украинское радио (3 пр.), как это было до сих пор.(Александр Егоров - open_dx 644) 6030 CFVP Calgary 1458-1502. Health program (read: infomercial) in progress; 1500 disclaimer that "...views expressed in this program are not those of AM 1060 CKMX" and into program on men's health; don't know if different program or continuation of the same one. Fair signal, slightly stronger than co-channel CH station. (John Wilkins 1/30 - Cumbre DX 1010) Кашмир 6100 R. Sedaye Kashmir via Delhi 1441-1455+. Nice sub-cont. music; chat between M&W. VG signal, best on LSB to avoid Kanggye on 6100.3. VG sub-cont. signals this morning. (John Wilkins 1/30 - Cumbre DX 1010) Кипр 9750, BBC, 1415 Albanian service w/ Big Ben chimes; S7 signal (Strawman - Cumbre DX 1011). Китай 9635, CHINA, CNR, 2217-2230, Jan. 24, Mandarin, Looking for "Voice of Hope" but found CNR booming in with music, talks and "China Business Radio" ID at 2230. There was a weak "Asian" station noted underneath, presumably VOH. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 17595 CPBS-Shijiazhuang, 0335-on, Loud and clear signal in Chinese. Good clear ID at 0400. 17540 CRI-Kashi, good in English, News and report programme in English. (Ron - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 26/01, 2331 UTC, 639 кГц, CNR 1, китайский язык, диалог OM & YL, mx. 25432.(Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) 26/01, 2335 UTC, 3950 кГц, Tibet Peoples BS, китайский язык, 35433 (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Колумбия 6923.5U, R. Caracol, 1105-1226, LA Pop mx, 1110 M anncr briefly unreadable except of ment of Bogota. 1114 W w/short anmnt as "6:14 minutos en La Voz de Bogota, buena ?? ". Back to mx. 1121-1127 Long editorial-like feature by M w/ment of presidente, radio, Bogota, Colombia, and possibly La Paz several times. Canned anmnts over mx at 1127 w/more ments of Bogota and Colombia. Unfortunately het QRM from 6925 and general fade got really bad after 1120. Also some heavy quick QSB. A lot of cut-outs. Went off the air in mid-pgm at 1131. Wonder if that had anything to do with the cutouts. Was back on at 1200 check, but weaker. And still barely audible at 1226. (30 Jan.) (Dave Valko - Cumbre DX 1010) 3300 HJMK Em Ideal spot on 3300 // 2200 now, both mornings and evenings. Not be be confused with R. Cultural, GUATEMALA. (Johnson Feb 1 - Cumbre DX 1013) Корея 7100 V of Korea 1844 in french , talks about illnesses , ill peole and hospitals , reports. S8 , 34333 25.1.2005 (LIangas Greece - Hard-Core-DX 25, 29) Киргизия 4010 Kyrgyz Radio, Bishkek, 0310+, January 15, Vernacular, local music, tlk by female in vernacular, 24332 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) Куба 6060, CUBA, RHC, 0325, Jan.25, Spanish, Looking for R.Tupi/Universio-Brasil and found RHC instead w/ "live" speech (Fidel?), martial-like music, IS and ID at 0330 into news. Good. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Лаос 6130, LAOS, LNR, 1149-1203, Jan.29, Laotian, Ballads w/ YL b/w selections over co-channel Tibet, familiar seven gongs/fanfare at 1200 when Laos now dominated the frequency. Poor/fair. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Мавритания 26/01, 2347 UTC, 4845 кГц, Radio Mauritania, арабский язык, 35443. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Мадагаскар 5010 Radio Nationale Malagasy, Antannanarivo, 0318+, January 15, Vernacular, tlk by male, 35343 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) Малайзия 7295, MALAYSIA, (p)Radio 4/R.Malaysia, 1203-1225 Jan.29, English, Familiar sounding format of pop/rock music w/ hyper OM b/w selections w/ phone number. Poor/choppy, no discernible ID noted but did hear Van Halen's "Panama", a personal favorite! (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Малайзия/Мексика Around 40 freq managers of 18 SW broadcasters have converged in Kuala Lumpur since Monday for an Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) conference on reducing interference to SW sces. The first two days of the 2005 Coordination Conference of the ABU Shortwave Coordination Group, ABU-HFC, saw significant success achieved towards this end. The conference hopes to address freq channel requirements for more than 6,700 daily SW broadcasts by using coordination methods and complex software tools. The recent tsunami calamity has underscored the critical importance of shortwave radio in bringing disaster warnings and new of relief efforts to the affected population, and the need to keep it free from interference. The ABU-HFC Steering Committee also met on Monday and made some crucial decisions on the functions of the group. (ABU; via RNW MN NL, via Mike Terry-UK, BrDXC Jan 27) Мали 5995 RTV Malienne 2318 with great music, equal level to // 4786.9 (Johnson Jan 29 - Cumbre DX 1011) Марокко 17:54 15345 25423 RTV Marocaine MOROCCO Male speaking with a fast talking male via the telephone with people shouting in background in Arabic.(Alvin Mirabal - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 17:43 14240 45444 VOA MOROCCO World affairs discussion on collusion against poverty between male and female in English. (Alvan Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Мексика 6184.94, 0505-, Radio Educacion Jan 30 Not a whole lot to hear tonight with pretty poor reception conditions. S7 signals with a male speaking in Spanish. Not terribly exciting programming. A presumed logging. Some traditional Mexican vocals at 05:08. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) Молдова 7180 V of Russia Relay, 0230-0315, Lang: EE. mx, tk, . Man and woman announcers. SINPO: 54333. Found this station while trying to get Bhopal. (Steenland - Cumbre DX 1011) Монголия 12085, Voice of Mongolia, 0959, Musica de sintonia y comienzo de la emision en ingles. Locutora, Id. "The Voice of Mongolia". "You are listening to the Voice of Mongolia in English". 34333. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) 27/01, 0016 UTC, 4895 кГц, Mongolian Radio, монгольский язык, 35543. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Неопознанное 09:39 3810 55555 UNID Time Standard station, in Spanish 09:40 3925 55355 UNID Instrumental electric guitar music 09:45 4835 55355 UNID Female crying and talking about her sins and sufferings 10:13 4902 44244 UNID Female speaking about a special diet to control diabetes in Spanish 10:23 6010 44333 UNID Two males speaking about the tree of life in Spanish 09:39 3810 55555 UNID Time Standard station, in Spanish 09:40 3925 55355 UNID Instrumental electric guitar music 09:45 4835 55355 UNID Female crying and talking about her sins and sufferings while male (in background with a reverberating voice) talks to her about Jesus in Spanish, (very eerie transmission) 10:13 4902 44244 UNID Female speaking about a special diet to control diabetes in Spanish 10:23 6010 44333 UNID Two males speaking about the tree of life in Spanish 18:09 15535 35523 UNID A male interviewing another about political conflicts in old Portuguese African colonies like Angola and Mozambique in Portuguese (Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 27/01, 0026 UTC, 6055 кГц, неидентифицированная станция на каком-то азиатском языке; разговор 2-х мужчин в студии. 44544. ILG молчит. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) 27/01, 2227 UTC, 9685 кГц, UNID, разговор OM & YL. Слабый сигнал, слушал до 2228 UTC, затем началось вещание IRIB и накрыло эту станцию. 25332. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Unid, 5035, 0355-0405 Noted a weak signal here of persons in comments and discussions. Signal is threshold and very difficult to make out the language. I was tempted to report this as the Central African Republic, but it could be someone else too. Anyway, signal doesn't seem to want to get any better, so thought I'd send it in as an unident. (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 26, 3) Нигерия Kaduna 4770 has been again heard after some while in this freq . Signal level S9 34323 on 2125 with songs 26.1.5 (Zacharias Liangas - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 29) 28/01, 2220 UTC, 4770 кГц, Radio Kaduna, музыкальная программа с комментариями на английском и каком-то местном наречии. Вещало до 2300 UTC. SINPO в начале прослушивания - 35343, в конце - 25332. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Новая Зеландия 9870, Radio New Zealand International, 1 февраля, 13.50-14.05, английский, 35433 (после 13.59 33432). В 13.55 идентификация "This is Radio New Zealand International". До 14.00 музыкальная программа, в 14.00 сигналы точного времени и идентификация: "Radio New Zealand Music". В 13.59 включился шведский передатчик (9865, Радио Швеция на русском в 14.00-14.30), создав тем самым ощутимую помеху. Расстояние до передатчика примерно 16800 км ! (Владимир Дорошенко - open_dx 651) Папуа - Новая Гвинея 3355, PAPUA, R.Simbu, 1142-1200*, Jan.28, English/Vernacular, Pop-like music and ballads w/ OM b/w selections. S/off announcements at 1158, NA at 1200. Poor/noisy. Thanks Dave Valko tip. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Noted the regional stations on both 3204.9 and 3385 in //with 4890 NBC with English news at 1100. (Johnson Feb 2 - Cumbre DX 1013) 3385, PAPUA-NEW BRITAIN, R.East New Britain, 1209-1228, Jan.28, English, "RENB FM" ID announcement w/ POB 393, Rabual address at t/in, light pop music w/ OM b/w selections thru t/out. Fair. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Перу 09:12 3173 24323 R. Municipal PERU Peruvian folkloric music in local language and in Spanish 09:50 4748 45344 R. Huanta PERU Beautiful folkloric Peruvian music with ?Quena? flute in local and Spanish languages 09:55 4790 33343 R. Atlantida PERU Religious singing in Spanish 10:30 6021 21212 R. Victoria PERU Female preaching in Spanish 10:45 6188 23232 R. Oriente PERU Local folkloric music with a male announcer calling: ?Atencion, atencion? repeatedly (Alvin Mirabal - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 5939.28, Radio Melodia, 1046-1053 Noted the usual format of news and comments in Spanish. And as usual, the signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, February 2, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 26, 3) 4965, PERU, R.Santa Monica, 1021-1034, Jan.23, Spanish, SP music w/ OM b/ selections and "canned" YL over music on occasion. ID in passing at 1032. Fair/fluttery signal. (Barbour-NH - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) 6020.26, 0526-, Radio Victoria Jan 30 Very consistently amongst the strongest Latin American stations heard here. About an S5, but sounding much stronger, with punchy audio. Spanish language sermon. Very nice on my new Icom 756 ProII (an amazingly good NR circuitry). No ID at half past the hour. Sounds very much like a TV feed. Feed cut out about a minute later with soft music and apparent IDs (audio was a little muffled), then into EZL Spanish Christian music. ID for the program Voz de la Liberacion (excuse my Spanish!) at 05:39. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) 5030 R. Los Andes heard during the 1000 hour with ID's by a man and a woman. Bad buzzing on channel, perhaps DGS's Costa Rica transmitter just running open carrier? (Johnson Jan 29 - Cumbre DX 1011) 5544.63 R. San Andres (T) Tuned in at 2341 to hear a guy say "onda media" and right into a song. 2346 a few UTC-5 time checks by the same male announcer. Some flute and drum stuff before 0000 when the signal faded. Weak, but I would never have heard anything here from inside the house. Needs more work, but I was very happy to get anything here. Thanks to LA-DX and Bjorn Malm for steering me in the right direction as to what is here. (Johnson Jan 30 - Cumbre DX 1011) 5939.27 R. Melodia 0906 with canned ID mentioning both SW and FM, seemed like he gave powers and everything. Then followed up with program called "Melodia Noticias." Some splatter from WWCR on 5935. (Johnson Feb 1) 6115.23 Union Radio 0916 with campo music, still has the same canned ID as before, man in excited tone, "Union, la Radio." (Johnson Feb 2 - Cumbre DX 1013) Пират 1723 Tuna radio FYROM S9 at 2146 27.1.2005 (LIangas - Hard-Core-DX 25, 29) 4609 Voice of Komala, 0356+, January 15. Vernacular. Talk by male with very-very strong jamming. I couldnt hear this station from DX Camps in Argentina from many years ago. 21441 (Arnaldo Slaen - Cumbre DX 1008) Разное 6305 12:40 R.Robbie D 4 (14.01.2005) 6262 13:21 R.Continental D 3 (16.01.2005) 6267 18:00 WNKR E 3 6285 12:55 Telstar Radio D E 4 6295 13:47 R.Spaceman D G 5 6298 12:26 R.Mazda D 4 6298 11:52 R.Blackbird D 3 6300 11:30 R.Shadow D 3 6304 11:09 Westcoast R. D 3 6305 11:08 R.Scotland D E 4 6305 11:27 R.Shaduwman D 4 6310 14:01 R.Golfbreker D 3 4845 20:05 ORTM Nouakchott Vn 4 (19.01.2005) 4905 17:15 PBS Xizang Vn 3 5500 17:06 Vo Tigre Revolution Vn 3 (20.01.2005) 6210 16:09 R.Fana Vn 3 6350 17:06 Vo Tigre Revolution Vn 2 6940 16:09 R.Fana Vn 3 9559 16:37 R.Ethopia E 3 9590 20:01 RTVC Bangui F 2 9704 15:40 R.Ethopia Vn 3 1584 21:36 R.Monte Carlo F 3 (21.01.2005) 1584 21:50 Studio X I 3 11585 10:56 AIR Vn 3 13635 12:00 Voice International E 3 13685 12:00 Voice International E 3 1636 18:03 Zender Bizon D 4 (22.01.2005) 1645 17:58 R.Barones D G 4 6260 13:00 ROZ E 3 6276 16:31 Swinging R.England E 3 6293 15:22 Sallendse Boer D 4 6296 15:24 R.Centraal D 3 6300 15:00 R.Boemerang E 4 7120 13:12 CWR/R.Strike E G I 3 1620 17:05 R.Verona (NL) D G 4 (23.01.2005) 1645 16:45 R.Utopia D 4 6185 00:02 R.Nac.da Amazonia P 4 6210 11:21 R.Borderhunter E 4 6260 12:42 R.Bermudadreieck G 2 6265 10:53 R.Likedeeler G 2 6275 09:16 R.Centraal D G 3 6275 15:35 R.Diamond G 3 6289 14:22 R.Back Arrow D E 4 6300 11:22 R.Shadow D 4 6300 14:10 R.Scirocco D 4 6305 11:26 R.Boemerang D 5 6305 12:50 R.Bermudadreieck G 3 6306 11:03 R.Continental E 3 9820 17:00 Vo Oromo Liberation Vn 3 (26.01.2005) 17870 15:00 R.Rhino Africa E 4 7590(U) 18:52 AFN Keflavik E 4 (27.01.2005) E English G German F French I Italian P Portugese D Dutch Vn Local Language (Kay - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 29) 22.01.2005 14:50 3545 kHz VOR SINPO 24442 (кто-то ретранслирует???) 22.01.2005 15:10 4010 kHz R.Bishkek 1 SINPO 24432 22.01.2005 15:55 4910 kHz AIR New Delhi SINPO 23431 22.01.2005 16.00 5060 kHz ??? R.Tashkent SINPO 33432 22.01.2005 16.11 5500 kHz SINPO 22431 (неужели это VO Tigray Revolution ) 22.01.2005 18:20 3345 kHz R. Belorusia USB SIO 333 Про VOR на 3545 подумалось, что это приемник врет. Проверил и на AR 8000, и на нем она тоже шла (Вячеслав Олейник - open_dx 641) Here?s a quick list of the stations heard January 29 in the 60 meter band 1645-1715 UTC, that?s evening in Finland. No positive ID?s, just checking stations from WRTH and Passport. -5080,3 kHz R Pakistan, Islamabad S8/3. S8 being signal strength and 3 overall merit of SINPO code. -5060 Xinjiang People?s BC Stn, Urumqi S8/3-4 -5050 Voice of Strait, Fuzhou. Really no ID. -5040 AIR Jeypore S8-9/3-4. Earlier in the afternoon hours R Myanmar is often heard. -5030 CBS Beijing S5/2-3 -5015 Turkmen Radio, Asgabat with distorted audio. S9/4 -5010 AIR Thiru..... S8-9/3-4.? -4975 Voice of Russia via Tajikistan // 4965 and 4940 closing down at 17 UTC. Fair reception. -4965 Christian Voice, Lusaka with poor reception. -4950 AIR Srinagar S5/2 -4930 Turkmen Radio S8/3-4 -4920 Xizang PBS, Lhasa // 4905. QRM by AIR Chennai -4910 AIR Jaipur S7/3-4 -4880 AIR Lucknow S7/3 -4860 AIR Delhi S9/4 -4840 AIR Mumbai S9 +5/4 -4820 Xizang PBS, Lhasa S9/4 -4810 Voice of Armenia S7/3-4 -4800 Central People?s BS, Geermu QRM by AIR Hyderabad -4795 Ulan-Ude R S6-7/2 -4790 AIR Chennai S8/3-4 -4775 AIR Imphal S8/3 -4760 Two AIR stations as usual: Leh and Port Blair. (Jouko Huuskonen - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) Россия 26.01.05 перед 0100 на 216 кГц Красноярское радио 33453. Если включаю режим СИНХРОДЕТЕКТОРа LSB, то вообще 35454. (Александр Егоров - open_dx 643) Вчера (29 января 2005 года) с 18.33 до 18.52 UTC принимал радиостанцию "Радонеж" на частоте 7465 кГц. Ведущий отвечал на вопросы слушателей (звонки в студию), давал подробные комментарии и всё такое.. До 18.52 UTC SINPO было 33543 - мешали приёму несильный гул (~200 Гц) на 7465 кГц и китайская глушилка "пекинская опера" на 7455 кГц. Но 18.52 UTC хорошему приёму пришёл конец - SINPO стало 13531. (Иван Зеленый - open_dx 647) Румыния 26/01, 2313 UTC, 855 кГц, Radio Romania Act., румынский язык, 35322. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Северные Марианские о-ва 21570 RFA-Tinian, Excellent signal at sign on 0600 in Tibetan, finished at 0700. QSL card with "2005 Year of Rooster", and my 5700th shortwave QSL. (no wonder stations get hard to find). (Ron - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Сан-Томе 4940.0, 2118-, Voice Of America Relay Jan 30 . English to Africa (Patrice Privat - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 31) Свазиланд 4760, 1609-1615, TWR, Mpangela Ranch. Presumed, with male in unid. African language (listed as Tshwa in WRTH). The pace and tone of the talk sounded like a sermon; hymn or religious song at 1615. Best on SW antenna during near-grayline condition. Fair-good level, and strengthening slowly. Slight co-channel interference from presumed AIR Port Blair. (Guy Atkins - Feb 1 - Cumbre DX 1013) Сингапур 6150, Radio Singapore, 1545, Musica, comentarios por locutor, Id. por locutora: "You are listening to Radio Singapore International. Cierre de la transmision a las 1600. (Manuel Mendez - CumbreDX 1007) Сомали Radio Shabele, 6960.1 kHz, kommt in den letzten Tagen ziemlich regelmaessig gegen 1720 UT mit brauchbarem Signal. Heute mit einem langen Beitrag ueber die Wahlen in Palaestina, und endlich hoerte ich auch einmal eine ID. (Patrick Robic-AUT, A-DX Jan 9, WWDXC 699) Судан 7200 R Sudan 1825 , talks by OM ID At 1827 by YL Idaatu Jamahiriya ke sudan follwed by music and a medical program on 1833 Many IDs on between. S9 , 43443 25.1.2005 (LIangas Greece - Hard-Core-DX 25,29) 4750, Radio Peace, 0408-0415 Noted a program of African type music and comments. At 0415 canned ID in English by a man, "...4750, Thank you for listening to Radio .... This is Radio Peace." Off the air at 0415 UTC. Signal was fair but there's a lot of stuff on this freq. (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 26, 3) Суринам 4990, Radio Apintie, 0332-0340 At present condx are very good on the 4 meg band. Noted Radio Apintie with music. At 0334 noted a canned ID by a young girl as, "...Radio Apintie...". After music continues. Signal was fair here in Clewiston, Florida. (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 26, 3) Таджикистан 4635, 0202-, Radio Dushanbe Jan 29 Weak but readable level with a YL speaking. Sunrise now in Dushanbe. Again nothing discernable but nice to monitor nonetheless. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) Таиланд 6765U Bangkok Meterolog.Radio 1900 ,IS and YL with wx in tai . Fiar sinal at S2 25.1.2005 At 1634 on 27.1 with S4 on 1636 asgain with IS and YL with wx in tai,32432 , QRMed by FDM?? (LIangas Greece - Hard-Core-DX 25, 29) 7115, THAILAND, R.Thailand, 1143-1149, Jan.29, Vernacular, Ballad and talks, IS at 1145 into different language. Poor. Improved at 1200 re-check w/ IS booming in. (Barbour-NH - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) 6765.1U Bangkok Meteo Radio 1248-1305. Weather forecasts and condx in EG, Thai, and possibly a third language, sounded like maybe Japanese; segments lasted anywhere from 1 to 4 minutes, with the usual IS between segments. Generally fair. (John Wilkins 1/27 - Cumbre DX 1010) 26/01, 1918 UTC, 9840 кГц, Radio Thailand, на английском, OM & YL, mx. 25422. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Тунис B-04 RTT Sfax Tunisia 7190 0400-0700 37 SFA 500 265 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT 7190 1700-2400 37 SFA 500 265 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT 7225 1600-2400 27,28W SFA 500 340 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT [some spur on 7260 too, wb.] 7275 0400-0700 27,28W SFA 500 340 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT 9720 0200-0500 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT 9720 1600-2100 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT 11730 1400-1700 27,28W SFA 500 340 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT 11950 1400-1700 37 SFA 500 265 0 146 D TUN RTT ONT 12005 0200-0500 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT 12005 1600-2100 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT 15450 1200-1600 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT 17735 1200-1600 38,39 SFA 500 100 0 151 D TUN RTT ONT (BC-DX 700) Узбекистан 9345 RNW-Tashkent, Sign on 1400 in English, SINPO 55555 says it all. (Ron - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 30) Узбекистан/Австралия 9855, Voice International, 1420 30 January; S9 Hindi service via Tashkent w/ pop ballads (Strawman-IA - Cumbre DX 1011). Уганда 4976, Radio Uganda, 0323-0330 "...you are tuned to Radio Uganda". This ID followed by English comments by a man until about 0328 when music present. Signal is good, but there's a couple of Hets nearby that spoils the listening. At 0330 canned Promo and ID for Radio Uganda. (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 26, 3) 5026, Radio Uganda, 0340-0345 This is a difficult catch. Noted a man in comments during period. A 0344 drum music presented briefly. Signal was very weak, while I needed to notch out Radio Rebelde's carrier and still there was more interference and splatter. (Chuck Bolland, February 3, 2005 - Hard-Core-DX 26, 3) Франция/Ливия Some observation in 1600-1800 UT block. 1600-1630 Central Nx Bulletin by "Radio [not Voice!] Jamahiriya Great" reported on 675 711 1251 1449 15220 17840 kHz. 1630 on 675 1449 progr "Istiklal Sudan" (pres), test tones on 711 1251 15220 17840; (more exactly whizz tone). 1645 (Fris & Sats 1655) 15220 17840 close down. 1648 (Fris & Sats 1655) whizz sound on 711 1251 15220 15615 15660 kHz. 15220 seems likely direct from Libya. 1655 on 1251. On Sats usually carrying a speech of Pres. Muammar Ghaddafi. 1700-1715 "Radio Jamahiriya Great" prayer progr, 711 1251 11860 15220 15615 15660 kHz. 1715-1800 Opens "Voice of Africa" progr, bells, pips, ID like "Saout Afrikiy min jamahiriya" on 711 1251 11860 only. 1715-1730 "Radio Jamahiriya Great" on 675 1449 kHz. At 1825 "Voice of Africa" progr already on 711 1251 9485 11715 11860 15615 kHz. At same time "Radio Jamahiriya Great" on 675 972 1125 1449 kHz. Signals between 1000-1600 UT were too weak. But on SWs are two different programs, not only "Voice of Africa". For example at 1405 UT noted three different programs on 675, 1251/1449, and 21675 kHz. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, wwdxc BC-DX 699 Jan 14) Winter B-04 schedule for LJB Voice of Africa: 1000-1100 21695 1100-1230 17695, 21485, 21675, 21695 1230-1400 21675, 21695 1400-1500 21675 1600-1700 15220, 17840 1700-1800 11860, 15220, 15615, 15660 1800-1900 9485, 11635, 11715, 11860 1900-2030 11635, 11715 2030-2130 11635 (R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via wwdxc 699 BC-DX Oct/Nov) Good reception here in BUL for Radio Centreafrique in French: 1700-2257 on 9590 ISS 500 kW / 156 deg,1900-2000 blocked by VOA in Turkish (R BUL Observer, Ivo Ivanov and Angel Datzinov, via BC-DX 699 Jan 25) Французская Гайана 18:20 17630 55455 R. France Intl FRENCH GUIANA Very interesting interview of female with a male about his experiences being captive by the Colombian ELN insurgents allegedly backed up by the Venezuela government, in Spanish. Abruptly shut of @ 18:28 Чад 6165 Rdf TV Tchadienne at 0517 UT in French. Excellent signal. Clear. Positive ID at 0519 UT. "Radiodiffusion Television Tchadienne, N'Djamena". // 4904 not heard. (Liz Cameron-MI-USA, wwdxc BC-DX 699 Jan 22) Эквадор 09:31 3279 55354 Voz Del Napo ECUADOR Man sending his salutations to different family names in local and Spanish language (Manuel Mendez - Cumbre DX Экваториальная Гвинея 15190 R Africa No. 2, Malabo, at 1430-1600 on Jan 20, U.S. English religious programmes of talks, prayers and hymns. Reactivated after being off the air since Sep 2000 according to Domestic Broadcasting Survey monitoring . 34333 QRM from weak co-channel UNID. On Jan 21 the station first signed on at *1445 UT with ID: "You are listening to Radio Africa Number Two". A.P.O. Box 588 in Mozambique and the e-mail address <info @ panambc.com> were mentioned by a woman and repeated by a man. After some African mx, religious talking began at 1455 and heard with 35333. It was not broadcasting 0620-1440 that day. (Anker Petersen-DEN, DXplorer Jan 21, BC-DX 700) Some Christian programmers I know put out programs via the Pan American brokered facility here. The latest schedule provided to them by Pan Am is as follows: 7190 Radio Africa 1645- 2300 daily 15190 Radio East Africa 0600-1615 Sat/Sun 15190 Radio Africa #2 0700-1200 Mon-Fri This does not correspond with what we have been hearing, i.e.,15190 at 1645 instead of 7190, but I thought it was worth passing along. (via Johnson Jan 31 - Cumbre DX 1011) Эритрея 7180 R ASmara 1745-+ with horn songs , YL in lang then played something as hymn Supposed to transmit in arabic after 1800 but carrier was vacant! S8 , 34443 25.1.2005 (LIangas Greece - HCDX vol.25 issue 29) 7100 V of Broad Masses hrd 1/24 from 1459 tune in to 1555 tune out. Moderate to severe QRM from 7105 co-ch until 1530 then only from what sounds like ARRL CW practice net on 7100 (on every day w/ 5 wpm continuous xmsn). Signal was fairly constant S3 until starting to fade after 1545. Horn mx 1459 fol by man ann and more Horn mx to 1500 then man ann to 1507. An A Capella group w/ ethnic mx 1524-28, man ann 1530-35, more Horn mx to 1542 then at 1543.5 to 1542 a man talking w/ ocnl woman annmt. Ended w/ more Horn mx to 1555 tune out. This is a tough one on West Coast w/ BBC and RTI QRM from 7105. (Bruce W. Churchill-CA-USA, DXplorer Jan 24) 7100, 1607-, Voice of the Broad Masses of Eritrea Jan 30 Quite decent signals with Horn of Africa music and male speaker in presumed Tigre. Best on USB to avoid slow CW on LSB. Frequency may be a bit unstable. Seems to have started just above 7100 and later just a few Hz below. Difficult to say with all the hash. 7180 (weaker) does not seem to be in parallel even though listed as same station, but in Afar rather than Tigre (or is that Tigrinya?). Similar programming style, though. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) Эфиопия/Германия 9820, 1642-, Voice of Ethiopian Medhin (via Juelich) Jan 30 Very unusual music with a female vocalist. Jazzy, but with a Horn of Africa bent, in presumed Amharic. Very good reception this morning. About time that the sun cooperates! Program cut at 16:59 (carrier was briefly off). At 17:00 IS and ID for Voice of Oromo Liberation by a male interspersed with very nice Horn of Africa music. Followed by a woman who was a bit harder for me to follow. Presumed Oromo. (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) Югославия 27/01, 1600 UTC, 6100 кГц, Radio Yugoslavia на русском, 33443. (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Южная Африка Clandestine SW R.-Africa 4880 kHz QSL letter (v/s:Keith Farquharson), schedule, letter in 136d for English report with 1$. Report sent to P.O.Box 243, Borehamwood, Herts, WD6 4WA, United Kingdom. (Kenji Hashimoto-JPN, JPNpremium Jan 21, WWDXC 700) Via Sentech Meyerton site, (WB.) 7390, 0257-, Channel Africa Jan 29 ID's in English as 'You are tuned to the English service of Channel Africa', with their lovely IS. S9 signal. Cochannel weakly heard, and apparently VOR in SS, as their IS was heard at 02:59 as well (from Samara). (Salmaniw, Victoria, BC - Cumbre DX 1011) 27/01, 1703 UTC, 7265 кГц, FEBA через ЮАР, отчетливо слышны позывные, несмотря на очень мощный сигнал CRI на русском. 32542 (Дмитрий Пузанов - open_dx 651) Япония 3373.5U NHK2 Osaka 1202-1258*. Two or more men in long JP talk; YL after 1230 with 28-minute monologue. Off at 1258 with no apparent s/off anmt or fanfare. No //'s noted - the other common regional NHK SW outlets relay Program 1. (John Wilkins 1/27 - Cumbre DX 1010) ---------------------------------------- СВ/ДВ Гвинея 1585.9 Guinee at excellent levels all evenings and mornings as well. (Stig Hartvig Nielsen-DEN, touring in SoWePOR, dswci DXW NL; Jan 5-9, WWDXC 699) Исландия Исландию на 189 сегодня было слышно слабее, чем вчера с сильными помехами от маяка на 190 кГц (поз. ND из-под Самары).(Александр Егоров - open_dx 643) Польша 1395 Feb 2 1445- POL: Twoje Radio 6 Plus, Radzyn Podlaski. IDing as: "Twoje Radio 6 Plus, 1395 kHz". Thanks for the tip, Patric Robic! (Mauno Ritola, FIN - HCDX 26, 3) Разное 153 kHz R.Romania 1, Brasov-Bod, on romanian. SIO 454 162 kHz France Inter, Allouis, on french. SIO 232, TUR TRT-4, Agrн SIO 121 171 kHz Chechnia svob, Tbilisskoye on russian. SIO 343, KAL Radio Rossii, Bolshakovo on rus. SIO 232. 177 kHz DLR Berlin, Oranienburg, on german. SIO 232 180 kHz TRT Ankara 2, Ankara-Polatli, on turkish. SIO 343 183 kHz Europe 1, Felsberg, on french. SIO 333 198 kHz RUS Radio Mayak on russian. SIO 332 207 kHz Ukrainske Radio 1, Kyiv, on ukrainian, SIO 455 (все равно отлично) 225 kHz Polskie Radio 1, Warszawa, on polish., SIO 344 (заметное ухудшение) 234 kHz RTL LUXEMBOURG, Junglinster, on french. SIO 242 243 kHz Danmarks Radio 1, Kalundborg, on danish. SIO 343 (стало некмного хуже но стабильно) 261 kHz Radio Rossii, Taldom, on russian. SIO 343 270 kHz Cesky rozhlas 1, Topolna, on czech. SIO 353 (хуже) 279 kHz Belaruskaje Radio 1, Sasnovy, on belarus. SIO 444 (без изменений хорошо) (Вячеслав Олейник - open_dx 641) 1548 kHz Grigoriopol: TWR 1915-1945 Mo-Fr Kalderash в соответствии с расписанием станции (откуда взялся Vlax в WRTH2005?) см. <http://www.twr.org> 2000-2100 CRI Romanian 2100-2230 VoR Serbian Все передачи принимаются в Киеве на 54433 с помехами от Radio Sawa. (Сергей Колесов - open_dx 647) Вот результаты прослушивания 1548 kHz, полученные по мере возможности 28.01.2005 1709-1730 VOR Serbian 1700-1757 VOR Serbian 1800-1830 TWR Bulgarian 1830-1845 TWR Greek 1845-1915 TWR Romanian 1915-1945 TWR Цыганский 1945-2000 TWR Serbian 2000-2100 CRI Romanian 2100-2300 VOR Serbian 30.01.2005 15.35-16.00 Содружество 16.00-.... VOR (Вячеслав Олейник, Кишинев - open_dx 647) Россия 1395 Feb 2 1300- RUS: R Rossii Orenburg, Buguruslan. Starting local programme with the ID: "V efire Radio Rossii Orenburg". (Mauno Ritola, FIN - HCDX 26, 3) Россия/Франция На 162 кГц сегодня уже была слышна Франция, задавливающая своим сигналом Уфу (Александр Егоров - open_dx 643) США 1700.0 KVNS, TX, USA 06 :59 29/01 333 ID 1640.0 WTNI, MS, USA 07 :30 30/01 233 ID < 16-40 WTNI > (Vincent Lecler - Hard-Core-DX vol.25 issue 31) ---------------------------------------- Интернет http://www.geocities.com/zliangas - Домашняя страничка Zacharias Liangas, Греция http://www.dx-antwerp.com/sinpo.html - DX-Antwerp ---------------------------------------- FM Ирландия TIME FREQ PI PS COUNTRY 19:00 93.50 2204 RTE_RNAG Eire 19:01 94.00 2204 RTE_RNAG Eire 19:03 89.10 2201 _RTE__1_ Eire 19:04 89.60 2201 _RTE__1_ Eire 19:05 98.70 2203 RTELYRIC Eire 19:06 91.30 2202 RTE_2FM_ Eire 19:07 99.20 Eire 19:08 87.80 Eire 19:09 91.80 2202 RTE_2FM_ Eire 19:10 100.90 2205 TODAY_FM Eire 19:11 101.40 2205 TODAY_FM Eire 19:12 90.70 Eire QRM from a Midlands Pirate on 99.2 prevented RDS from RTE Lyric despite it well above the Pirate. 87.80MHz. From Clermont Carn was good levels but not good enough for RDS. (William F. Kitching - skywaves 1398) Украина Здравствуйте! "Маяк" прослушивался на УКВ, но ииногда и слабо (во время Ес-прохождений). УР-3 на 72,98 МГц никогда не было. Сейчас картина УКВ в Черкассах такова: 68,1 УР-1, пгт Буки, слабо 68,15 Модное радио 68.,15 68,84 УР-2, Кировоград, слабо 70,64 (частота исправлена) УР-2, Черкасссы 71 УР-1, Черниговская область, слабо 71,5-72 УР-1 Днепропетровская область, Кривой Рог 72,хх УР-1, Черкассы 90 1+1, звук 91 УТ-1, звук 101 Радио Рось, Черкассы (ретрансляция также на УР-1 во время местных вставок 101,6 Народное радио 102,9 Наше радио 103,7 Русское радио 104,1 Хит ФМ 105 Кис ФМ 106,1 Люкс 107,2 Шарманка 107,5 Радио Шансон+Радио 107,5 (Илья Клепко - open_dx) ------------------------------- TV Украина 3-й телеканал - УТ-1//16, 30, 59, S22, S43 6-й телеканал - Викка //17 12-й телеканал - 1+1 22-й телеканал - ТЕТ 29-й телеканал - Интер//40 33-й телеканал - ICTV 39-й телеканал -5 канал 41-й телеканал - ТРК Украина 43-й телеканал - ОГТРК Рось+ВСУТР 49-й телеканал - М1 51-й телеканал - СТБ 57-й телеканал - Новый канал (Илья Клепко - open_dx) ---------------------------------------- World Utility News 5843 kHz (LSB), 29-01-2005, 1115UTC, al maestre le robaron el celular, de bolas si lo dejaba por todas partes,los cabos primeros no aguantan presion, el teniente de la fragata es una maldad, ese mama guevo tiene tiempo que no esta en la isla. ?Que pasaria con estos soldados si algun superior por casualidad esta escuchando estas comunicaciones? 8478 USB senal de tonos 9053 USB senal de tonos (Jose Elias Diaz Gomez - Noticias DX 812) 9362.0 FUG: FN LA REGINE 1700 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker, weak poor copy "FAA de RFFMEA" "fm naviter~batiments" "SGs RYs" (25/Jan)(DW) 9996.0 RWM: TS MOSCOW 1646 CW Time signals (25/Jan)(DW) Logs for 26-27/Jan: nil Logs for 28/Jan: 4507.0 BB1: ISRAELI AF PALMACHIM 2351 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (28/Jan)(DW) 4507.0 AA1: ISRAELI AF BEN GURION 2329 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (28/Jan)(DW) 14506.7 ---: EGYPTIAN DIPLO? ?LOC 1504 arq 100/E/170 in irs mode,then iss/ATU80 "yks yks" and signoff 1505z. Weak (28/Jan)(DW) 14585.7 RFPTA: FF NDJAMENA? 1511 ARQ/E3 200/E/400 8rc. Betas thru 1620z (28/Jan)(DW) 14670.0 CHU: TS OTTAWA 1622 CW on usb - time sigs, voice announcement, dat. Weak, distorted, qrm (28/Jan)(DW) 14670.7 ---: FF UNID 1626 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas. Poor sync thru 1737z (28/Jan)(DW) 18879.0 MTS: RAF MOUNT PLEASANT 1021 PICCOLO Mk6 dual 6-tone chan VFT on usb. (28/Jan)(DW) 18879.5 MTS: RAF MOUNT PLEASANT 1021 PICCOLO Mk6 6-tone engineer channel in VFT, on standby. 1234 "GXQ de MTS zub 1234z lololo k", 1234 "ur 5ers as well m8 k" 1235 "will check with syscon to see if they want ext k" (28/Jan)(DW) 18879.9 MTS: RAF MOUNT PLEASANT 1021 PICCOLO Mk6 6-tone encrypted chan in vft (28/Jan)(DW) (Day Watson - Wun vol.9 issue 56) HAM BEACONS : utc kHz. c/sign rst dist/km. 08:12 5,195.- DRA 5 346 988 SL Beacons : " C " Moscow : 8,495 @08:13 + 10,872 @08:14 + 13,528 @08:17 + 16,332 @08:18 (the strongest signals) + 20,049 @08:19 + 7,039 @14:33 + 5,154 @17:46 " D " Odessa : none " F " Vladivostok : 8,495 @ 14:35 " K " Petropavlovsk Kamcatskij : none " L " Tirana : 4,424.5 @ 08:09 + 3,204 abt (instead of 3,202.8) @17:45 ===> chirpy " M " Magadan : none " P " Kaliningrad : none " R " Ustinov : none " S " Arkhangelsk : 10,872 @08:14 + 13,528 @08:17 + 16,332 @08:18 + 8,495 @14:35 " V " Tashkent : none Maritime - NAVTEX on 518.- kHz. at Z hrs. : Jan. 28 22:50 R IAR - ROMA R., I Jan. 28 23:40 W FRL - CROSS LA GARDE R., F Jan. 29 02:50 R IAR - ROMA R., I Jan. 29 03:40 W FRL - CROSS LA GARDE R., F Jan. 29 07:20 U IQX - TRIESTE R., I (Walter Cappoza - Wun vol.9 issue 56) 7811.0 no call AFN Key West FL USA 03:12 J3E Feeder of AFRTS Program 7753.0 WNU Slidell radio USA 03:18 GW-Pactor 100/200 working ships on 7718 khz 5224.0 RCV Navy Sevastopol UKR 04:48 A1A Russian QTC to RBE 86 5000.0 YVTO TS Caracas VEN 05:09 H3E Spanish identification and time announcements 7735.0 BRAVO 3 unid oilrig at the Libyan coast 05:51 J3E/U calling and working BRAVO 9 in Arabic and English 7922.0 LAPL unid CIS military 06:07 A1A duplex QSA check to IQHQ 7969.0 XIKR unid RUS military 06:14 A1A 5L QTC after 942 272 2094 942 = PPPPP 10001.7 no call unid station 10:06 Sitor-A/100/170 continuous call string WUDZVTWUDZVT 11453.0 IMB 3 Rome meteo I 12:12 ITA2/50/850 rev 1,5 stopbit AAXX synops CZE AUT FNL ROU 11443.5 no call unid North Korean diplo 12:26 DPRK-ARQ/600/600 ACF=316 no decode 11438.5 no call unid North Korean diplo 12:39 DPRK-ARQ/600/600 ACF=316 no decode (Peter Poelstra - Wun vol.9 issue 56) Logs for 29/Jan: 4504.0 WQW: UNID 0405 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RWG (29/Jan)(DW) 4504.0 Y6F: UNID 0429 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng RWG. Also 0435, 0445. 0446 clng JGW (29/Jan)(DW) 4505.0 YA50: ALGERIAN DGSN ?LOC 0022 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Responding to YA40 (29/Jan)(DW) 4505.0 YA40: ALGERIAN DGSN ?LOC 0022 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng YA50 (29/Jan)(DW) 4507.0 AA1: ISRAELI AF BEN GURION 0129 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding, also 0229, 0329 (29/Jan)(DW) 4507.0 AAA: ISRAELI AF? ?LOC 0104 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding. Also 0209 (29/Jan)(DW) 4530.0 S4S000OGBMRM1: UNID 2050 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng V1S000OEKCOPER (29/Jan)(DW) 4530.0 V1S000OEKCOPER:UNID 2359 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng S4S000OGBMRM1 (29/Jan)(DW) 15920.0 CFH: CFH HALIFAX 1558 RTTY 75/N/850 Marker "NAWS de CFH zkr f1 2822 3394 4167 6454 8303 12380 16576 22182 ar" (29/Jan)(DW) 16240.0 2001: UNID 1613 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2202, followed by short w/b rasping bursts (29/Jan)(DW) 16240.0 2201: UNID 1620 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 2203 (29/Jan)(DW) 16240.0 2406: UNID 1738 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Clng 1304. 1744 clng 2514. 1746 clng 1301. 1754 clng 2512. 1801 clng 1103. 1807 clng 1306 (29/Jan)(DW) 16240.0 240: UNID 1745 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Also 1748 (29/Jan)(DW) 16240.0 2205: UNID 1746 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (29/Jan)(DW) 16240.0 2405: UNID 1748 MIL.STD 188-141A ALE on usb. Sounding (29/Jan)(DW) 16331.9 S: CISN BEACON ARKHANGELSK 1352 CW Single letter [S] HF beacon (29/Jan)(DW) 16332.0 C: CISN BEACON MOSCOW 1354 CW Single letter [C] HF beacon (29/Jan)(DW) 16351.7 ---: FF PARIS? 1728 ARQ/E3 192/E/400 8rc. Betas thru 1854 (29/Jan)(DW) (Day Watson - Wun vol.9 issue 56) ((ALL FREQS ARE KHZ & TIMES UTC)) 08047.0 HQ703N (probably Nat'l Guard readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0435 USB/ALE TO H090IN (Nat'l Guard, hawaii). 02/02 RP3 08047.0 HQ703N (probably Nat'l Guard readiness Center, Arlington VA): 0430 USB/ALE TO G090UN (Nat'l Guard, Guam). 02/02 RP3 14761.5 WAROPS (1/228th Avn Regt("Winged Warriors") Operations-Soto Cano AB, Honduras): 1414 USB/ALE sounding. 02/02 RP3 05066.5 USAIS1012 (US Army Intelligence & Security Command (INSCOM), Ft Belvoir VA): 1535 USB/ALE TO USAMD1010 (US Army Space & Missile Defense Command (SMDC), Arlington VA). 02/02 RP3 08056.0 CLS (probable 160th SOAR, Sabre AAF, Ft Campbell KY): 1534 USB/ALE TO CLH (probable 3/160th SOAR, Hunter AAF, Savannah GA). 02/02 RP3 17458.5 A090ZN (Nat'l Guard, Arizona): 1655 USB/ALE TO A092ZNEMERGEN (Arizona Nat'l Guard Emergency Unit). Also noted on 14653.0. 02/02 RP3 06911.5 KYAASF (Army Aviation Support Facility, Frankfort KY): 2024 USB/ALE sounding. 02/02 RP3 08171.5 R23566 (probable UH-60, 86th Med Coy, VTNG Colchester/Burlington VT): 2023 USB/ALE TO 86OPS (86th Med Coy, VTNG Colchester/Burlington VT). Also noted on 06911.5; 09295.0. 02/02 RP3 (RON - WUN 10, 4) ---------------------------------------- QSL Свазиленд SWAZILAND, 3240, TWR, f/d QSL folder of drawing depicting TWR-Manzini complex, schedules, religous materials and photo of transmitter site in 58 days for 2 IRC's. V/S, Mrs. L.Stavropoulis. I assume this is the "special" QSL they were offering for their Nov.2004 30th Anniversary tho the QSL printing date is 1992. (Barbour-NH - HCDX vol.25 issue 30) ---------------------------------------- Техника Scott R Barbour Jr-Intervale,NH-USA R75, 200' Beverage antennas Alvin Mirabal Puerto Rico Icom IC-R71A Chain link fence as an antenna Jouko Huuskonen Turku FINLAND Rx:AOR 7030+ Ant: 95 m lw to E. Walter Cappoza Rx Kenwood R-600 - SeaTTY 1.2 - Mscan Meteo Pro - Ant. Dipole 28 MHz. 2.65+2.65 mts.+ 13 mts. wire. Peter Poelstra The Netherlands NRD 545 / Code 300-32 / 2 * 10 meter longwire + MLB Day Watson QTH: Clevedon, UK. Rx: NRD545, NRD535, RX320D Dec: Code300-32, PC-ALE, PC-HFDL, RadioRaft, MscanMeteoPro WUN: Digital Review Editor Владимир Дорошенко г. Днепродзержинск, Днепропетровская обл., Украина Приемник - Ишим-003 Антенна - длинный провод, 15 м Дмитрий Пузанов Костанай, Казахстан Приемник: ИШИМ - 003 Антенна: "длинный провод" - 30 метров. ---------------------------------------- 73 всем
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